The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 26, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. Ill FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , OCTOBER 26 , 1906. Whole No. 146
Death Record.
Simon M. Saylor was born in
Sommerset county , Pennsylvania ,
on the 21st of November , 1841.
At the age of ten years he lost
his mother by death. When 19
years of age he went to Carroll
county. 111. , where in the follow
ing year he was united in mar
riage to Lydia Myers. It was
there that he and his wife spent
eight years of their married life ,
and where were born their four
children. In 1870 , with his fam
ily , he moved to Nebraska , set
tling on a farm two miles west of
Falls City , where he spent the
following twenty-nine years of
his life , and where he became
one of the prosperous farmers of
Richardson county. In 1899 he
rented his farm and moved to
this city , having purchased the
home in which he spent his last
gdays , dying October 18 1906.
When about 25 years old Simon
Saylor was converted and united
with the Brethren church. He
was always known as an active
worker in the church and as a
liberal giver towards promoting
the Lord's cause. He gave liber
ally , both in time and money in
building the church houses at
Silver Creek and in Falls City ,
being a member of the building
committee at both places.
His life has been , if not with
out mistakes , at least above reproach
preach , for he has lived consist
ent with the profession he made ,
and his Christian character ,
moral and business standing has
been unquestioned.
Mr. Saylor has always been
known as a man of deep , positive
convictions , yet withal .a charity
Towards all men which made his
relations with them pleasant.
His was a social nature as well as
religious and very , very many
will cherish his memory with
fond recollections , as a brother
and friend.
The deceased leaves a devoted
wife , one son , three daughters , a
sister , three brothers , a son-in-
law and five grand children , be
sides many relatives and friends ,
to look forward to the glad time
when there will be a reuniting in
the land of eternal day.
For some months Mr. Saylor
has expressed a desire to go and
be with the Lord. His anxiety
was greatly increased after the
deat'h of his little grandchild ,
Charlotte Mathers. He repeat
edly asked his family not to pray
for his recovery but that the
Lord might take him. This de
sire became such a passion in his
last days that he pleaded release
from the ties of this life that he
might find companionship in the
little life which but two short
weeks before had preceded him
to the happiness of the other
It was his positive conviction
that he should know her , as well
as the faces of his parents , broth
ers and sisters who had gone on
before. His request was that
his family should not mourn his
departure , but that when God
received his spirit , they should
say "Praise the Lord. "
There is great satisfaction to
his family and friends in the fact
that despite the malady which
ended his life on earth , Mr. Say
lor was kept free from pain.
There was much discomfort to
him because his breathing was
greatly hindered , but when his
last moments came , he lay on his
side with one hand under his
head , the other across his breast
a position he so often assumed
when going to sleep and peace
fully breathed away his life , as a
little child quietly goes to sleep
nestled in its mother's arms.
The funeral service was con
ducted from the 'residence Satui-
dav , October -20. by Rev. R. R ,
Teeter of the Brethren church.
Mrs. Loree Passes Away.
Clias. Loree received the sad
news , Saturday morning that
his mother had died early that
morning at the family home in
Lincoln. Mrs. Loree was well
known to a large number of
Falls City people having lived
here for ten years , the Loree
family being one of the pioneer
families of Nebraska , coming to
this state in the sixties.
Elizabeth Loree was born at
Miamisburg , Ohio , December
It ) , 1827 Here she lived during
her early life and until her mar
riage to John Loree on the 20th
clay of October , 18-18. To this
union were born live children :
Marie F. . residing at Lincoln ,
Charles , District Clerk of this
county , Warren , of El Monte ,
California , Ida , deceased , hav
ing died in 1807 and Harry of
In April of 1800 the family
moved to this state settling near
Falls City where they resided
until April 1870 , when they
moved to Lincoln. There tthey
have resided ever since the time
of their removal from here.
And to the family home the
death angel brought the sum
mons , October 20th , for that
other life from whence the wife
and mother watches o'er loved
ones on earth. Mrs. Loree was
proceeded to that distant land
five years ago by her husband.
Interment was at Falls City
on Monday , October 22. 1900.
The large coucourseof friends
otter sincere condolences to the
sorrowing children.
Tradegy In Hiawatha.
Wo I'd was received here Satur >
dar that Mrs. Agnes Berkley
aged 38 years of Hamlin , Kansas
had'shot herself in a hotel at Hia
watha. Mrs. Berkley if the wife
of Grant Berkley , a prominent
merchant of Ilamlin and enjoyed
a happy home and a large num
ber of friends. However she has
not had good health for some
time and but recently returned
from a sanitarium at Kansas
City. Mrs. Berkley left her home
at Ilamlin Wednesday to go to
Hiawatha for medical treatment ,
but instead of leaving the train
at that place , went on to Sever-
ence , a small station further on.
She returned from that station
the next night , to Hiawatha ,
where she took a room at the
Simmons Hotel , paying for it in
advance , and saying that she was
going to Falls City , Nebraska ,
on Friday. Her husband and
other relatives missed her and
failing to find any trace of her
Mr , Berkley went to Kansas City
to see if she had returned to the
sanitarium for treatment.
Mrs. Berkley was not seen
after she had gone to her room
at the Simmons hotel and they
supposed that she had come on to
this city until her room was
found locked on Saturday after
noon. The door being broken
open , her body was found on the
bed. One bullet hole in her
temple and a revolver clutched
tightly in her right hand told
the tradgedy that had been en
acted. Her poor health preyed
on her mind until death assumed
the only place ot release from
her sufferings.
Besides her husband the de
ceased leaves two children nearly
grown , and her parents , Mahlon
Beachey and wife , living near
this city , and a host of friends
who mourn her early demise.
Adjudged Insame.
Neva Ray , a daughter of ex-
sheriff Ray , was taken to the in i-
sane home on Saturday afternoon
] by Sheriff Fenton. Her reason
has been failing for some time
. , : :
. ! t Will address the people of I'alls City and vicinity upon - [ <
on the issues of the day , at the Court Mouse , in this '
city , Saturday Evening1 , October 27 , at 7:30 : p. in.
Turn out and Iwar a clean-cut , republican talk from
Roosevelt standpoint. It will be an evening- well
. . . .
; : ' * * * * .j : "H'.X'
The following clipping taken
from the Tuesday edition of the
Nebraska City paper will be of
interest to Falls City people.
One of the principals , Fred S.
Cleveland who formerly lived
in this city was one of the most
popular young1 men in this city.
The Tribune with a host of
ither friends , wishes the young
: ouple the best of this world's
lappiness and success.
At 1:30 : o'clock today Mr. F.
Cleveland and Miss Malvina
Sichl , both of this city , were
united in marriage at the
piscopal rectory in Auburn ,
Seb. , by Rev. B. C. Chandler ,
ector ot St. Mary's church of
his city. The young people
, vho are well known and highly
popular in their local circle had
planned a surprise for their
riends and carried it to a
lappy success by the wedding
.vliich occurred as abovestated.
Outside of the officiating clergy
man the only attendants of the
wedding from this city were the
nether and sister of the groom.
The wedding party had made
all their arrangemen ts quietly
and this morning , accompanied
by Rev. Chandler left lor Au
burn on the 10:44 : Missouri
Pacific , the ceremony taking
iilace shortly after the arrival
of the party at Auburn.
It is thought the young people
were actuated by a desire to
surprise their many friends and
add a little romance to their
, vedding , as no objections to
their marriage had been ad
vanced by their respective
The bride is the second daugh
ter of our esteemed townsman ,
Jacob Sichl , and was born and
grew to charming womanhood
! in this city. She is a graduate
of the local high school and has
by many accomplishments and
a genial good nature drawn to
herself a large circle of warm
friends who wish her every hap
piness. The groom is the only
son of Mr. F. W. Cleveland ,
who removed with his family to
this city from Falls City during
the past spring and established
the mercantile firm of F. W.
Cleveland & Son , in which the
groom of today is a partner.
He is a young man of sterling
qualities with bright prospects
for his future success in life.
The many friends he has gained
since his residence here will
oil'er sincere congratulations.
The bride and groom will make
a wedding tour south , leaving
Auburn tonight for Kansas
Counterfeit Gold Piece.
A counterfeit twenty dollar
gold piece was turned in to
Louie Wirth the first of this
1' '
week , and it was such a near approach
preach to the real article that
I the genuineness of it was not
questioned until Mr. Wirth
went to deposit it at the bank.
Then the sound test revealed
ithat in this case all was not
gold that glittered. The coin
was on display at the store of
the above mentioned firm dur
ing the first of the week.
Man Killed.
Saturday morning , Dr. Geo.
W. Rencker was called to Dawson -
son by the news that a man had
been killed presumably by a pass
ing train. Dr. Rencker went up
to Dawson on the noon train and
these are the facts as far as he
could ascertain.
Section foreman , F. L. Meyers ,
of Dawson , started to work at
his customary hour , and when
about a half a mile northwest of
that place he discovered the body
of a man along the right-of-way.
He at once reported to our coroner
ner who arrived on the scene by
the earliest possible train , a trifle
after 12 o'clock noon. A jury
was empannellcd and returned
their ycrdict , after which Dr.
Renekcr , removed the remains to
the undertakers rooms at Dawson.
There were no means of identi-
ying ( he dead man as there were
o letters or papers on the body.
L white silk handkerchief wrap-
ied around the left ankle bore
he initial F. The man was
ibout fifty years of age , was
mooth shaven , had blue eyes ,
itfas 5 feet 5 inches in height and
, vould weigh about ISO pounds ,
le wore a pair of blue overhalls.
IV.G. 33 or 32 , lace tan boots sixc
; , black shirt with white stripes ,
lite and white check jumper and
Prince Henry felt hat sixe 7 ,
From all indications the un-
: nown man was killed early Fri-
ay evening by a train coming
his way and a distance of f > 5
'eet marks the trail of his body.
Both of the lower limbs were
ractured midway between the
vtiees and the ankles.
A gash was cut across the fore-
; iead , the scalp torn back and the
kull fractured.
The unfortunate victim did
lot appear to belong to the class
jf regular hobos as his clothes
vere of good appearance as was
also his general bearing.
Following is the verdict of the
coroner's jury.
Till' STA'i'K NlUWASKA , )
Richardson County , pss <
At an inquisition hotden at D.i\vson
Neb. , in Richardson County , on the
20tli day of October A. D. 1906 before
nc , Gco. W. Keneker , coroner of sail' '
county , upon the hotly of iinknowi
man lying1 dead , by the jurors whose
names are hereto subscribed , the said
jurors upon their oath do say the de
ceased came tot t his death by falling
from a train on tin : I ) . & M. R K on
or about October 10th , 1006 and far as
this jury can determine it was acci
THOS. F. MuKi'iiv
In Testimony whereof the said
jurors have hereunto set their hands
the day and year aforesaid.
[ Attest ]
DK. GKO. W. HKNKICKK , Coroner.
Great Loss Adverted.
Fire was started in some un
known manner in Mr. Shouse's
cornfield the first ol the week ,
and but for the prompt atten
tion and aid of Benj. Morgan
and several others , the entire
crop of that field would have
been destroyed. This would
have been a great loss , as when
a lire once gains a good head
way in a field of dry corn it
takes no time at all to destroy
the crop.
, _ A
& > * i
Society News.
On Tuesday evening the M. 15.
Kensington gave a Harvest Home
party at the home of W. A.
Grcenwald and wife. About
seventy-live guests enjoyed one
of the most delightful evenings
of the season. The rooms were
profusely decorated with the
beautiful autumn leaves and ber
ries strewn about in many artis
tic ways , proving once more that
nature's beauty reigns. The
dining room was decorated very
effectively and sweet cider was
served in a real hand-carved
pumpkin shell , under a large
arch of frost bitten vines and
The fortune tellers offered
great amusement , giving each a
word of hope and good fortune.
The apple contest was another
one of the novel features.
Dainty refreshments were
served , the harvest scheme being
arried out. Great credit is due
he hostess and committee for
his very charming evening of
genuine pleasure.
The Presbyterian Kensington
vill meet next Thursday after-
eon , November 1st , with Mrs.
Benj. Potcet. A cordial invita-
ion is extended to all ) and a very
leasant time is anticipated.
The members of the Relief
orps gave a supper at the G. A.
R. hall on Monday evening of
his week. After the supper , in
, vhich the old soldiers took a
land , they took up the remainder
f the evening in practice workas
hey are making preparation for
he annual visit of the instructor.
The ladies of the Christian
hurch gava a very successful
en cent tea at the home of Mrs.
chmuckcr last evening.
Mrs. Will Crook and
rook entertained at the home of
he former on Thursday after-
loon , in honor of Mrs. and Miss
UcFarland , of Texas. The after-
10011 was pleasantly spent at
brty-two and the social event
horoughly enjoyed by the many
guests , Refreshments added to
he many other pleasures.
The Royal Neighbors will give
: in open meeting to the members
f Modern Woodmen society on
Tuesday evening Noyember 6.
lusic , recitals and refreshments
ill be among the evening's
The Shakespeare club met with
Mrs. V. G. Lyford on Tuesday
afternoon with the hostess as
eader. In spite of the inclement
weather there was a good attend-
in cc and the usual interesting
lesson was recited.
Miss Floy Grinstead entertained
at six o'clock dinner Wednesday
evening at the home of her sister ,
Mrs. John Gilligan. Covers were
laid for eight. The guests of
honor were Mrs. McFarlan and
Miss Tenny McFarlan of Dallas ,
The Sorosis club held its regu
lar meeting on Wednesday after
noon with Mrs. Charley Wilson.
An interesting and instructive
programme was given.
The remain of Mrs. Coon , who
died at Hastings on Tuesday was
brought to this city Thursday by
her son , George , for burial. Mrs.
Coon was the mother of thirteen
children and had arrived at the
age of seventy-six years , when
the message came for her to go.
The funeral services were con
ducted Thursday morning from
the residence of her son George ,
who lives between this place and
Salem. Interment was in the
Steele Cemetery. A daughter ,
Mrs , Ida Freel of Onaga , Kansas
arriyed in time for the funeral
Wedding Bells.
Quite a romantic marriage cer
emony was performed last Satur
day evening at Concordia , Kans. .
the principals in which are well
known to many Falls Citv people.
Tom Spcncc , the groom , has
gained an enviable place in mus
ical circles , being gifted with
exceptional talent along that line.
His rendition is perfect , while as
a composer lie lias attained most
flattering success. For several
seasons he has been connected as
as pianist with the Locke Dra
matic company , being still with
them this year ,
ISthcl Mitchell , the bride , made
Falls City her home for several
years , and during her short stay
in this city she acquired a large
circle of friends on account of
her lovable disposition and her . .
quiet , unassuming ways. Later
liss Mitchell was employed as
elcphonc operator at Auburn.
ml this season is touring in
'A Kansas Sunflower" with the
Immediately after the last act
f "A Kansas Sunflower , " at
loncordia , Kansas , last Saturday
veiling , October 20th , the cur-
ain was raised , ( the audience
irst being invited to remain to , .
vitness the ceremony ) , Mendel- -J ! |
lions wedding march was played
nd the bride and groom entered , t.
ttended by Mr. and Mrs. Will M
< ockc. They took their posi- * '
ions near the center of the stage
ind Rev. J. A. Sutton , pastor of
he Baptist church , stepped be-
bre them and performed the cer-
mony. The event was indeed
cry graceful a n d charming
The theatre was- filled to its
itmost 'capacity and the audience .
coined deeply impressed by the '
beautiful ceremony. Congratu-
ations were showered upon the , \
lappy couple from all sides , and
he entire company repaired to
olson's Cafe where a splendid
janquet was spread by the
A number of nice presents were
eceived , and the entire affair
, vas a most happy and enjoyable
> ne.
Marriages performed on the
tage , in the presence of the au-
lience , is an old and well known
ustom among stage folks.
The Tribune extends congrat-
Engine Derailed.
The south bound freight train
on the M. P. was late getting
nto this place Tuesday after ,
noon owing to the engine being-
derailed near Stella. The cause
assigned for the accident was
the spreading of the rails ,
which threw the engine off the
track but luckily the derailing
did not extend to the rest of
the train. The engine was soon
righted and no other damage re
sulted , except the delaying of
travel for a brief time.
Works a Graft.
Residents in and near Rule
are mourning the loss of some
of their cash which they paid tea
a supposed life insurance agent
who worked a good sounding :
graft. The grafter gave his-
name as II. C. Smith of Kansas
City. He secured a number of
policy holders by representing
to them that he would give them
a large per cent of his own
profit , and having secured a
note from them in payment of
premium , he waited until he
had a sufficient number , when
after selling them at the bank , ,
he went to parts unknown.
Upon investigation it was
learned that Smith had not been
in the employ of the Kansas
City Life Insurance Co. , which
he purported to be representing ,
since July 1st.