THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , OCTOBER 19 , 1906 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Kntcrcd as second-class matter at 1'nlls City , Nebraska , post oftlcc , Janu ary 12 , 1W4. under the Act of Congress of Mnreh 3 , Published every Friday at Kails CUy , Nebraska , by The Trilitinc Plihllihinil Compivny E. F. Sliivrls , M nAjcr ( One year . . 51.00 Six months .60 Three months .35 TELEPHONE 226. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL Aft\ENDMENT The lollowlnii proposed nmcnilmcnl I" Ihc constitution of the Mote of NcbrnMsn , os hcrclnnflcr ? , ct lorlh In lull , is sut > . inlllctl to Ihc elector * of Ihc Mnlcof Nc. brn > hu , to tic voted upon nl the iicncrnl election to lie liclil 1 uc.stlnv , November 0 , iD. . . 10011. 1U If USMCTMI IU Till I.I I ISI.TfMI 01' Till SIATKOI' NrilNASK \ ! rctlon I. nt lluui'iienl I'li-otlon fur Matenml 1.1'Klnl.iihi' olllivrit to ! lioM mi tin- TiiPMtaj , NiictfiTilliiif tlir llrxl i" NotfinlKT , I'HXi. the following | iro\iiloii IM- l > rn | > oocl Mini Miliinlttfil to tlic rlvi'tnrN uf llu aiiH'iKliiicnl to Ihc cniiklllulloii. Sectlnn Z TIIIT Hli.ill lie . Stale Kalluay C < imiiilm < l < ittc < MiMMIiiir < if three inenilicrv.luliii h.OI IKI llr ilelcclil .it tlio uciieral Hi-ellon In I1 On.IIOMI ti'itn of nlliee , exceut those chosen .it HID Hint < lection iimler llil provision. Miall IK * MIX > pttrx , nnillnw eontiieiioation hli.lll l > o rtxeil livlhe I.euisl.ituro. Ol the three ooiiiiiil nUiner < t llmt rlectnl. the one ri'tvixhitf till" hlifli'1" ! itmill tr of Mttcs. Khali luilil III * ollloe for nix jeni * . the next liiKlirst four ynnrx , ami ( lie IOHOHI l o je.irH. Tin-pouriH aiiililiitli'.ic > f Mirliconiiiil MuiiNlir\ll iiicliiiln the ri'unlatloii of r.itfN , oer\lce ami ueneral control of fotmmm carriers astheleulN- laturo in.iv | iro\litt > by ln\\ . lint In tlionbseiicn of uprcllli ; li'uihlallnii. the enmmlNMloii uliall exercise the giouois anil iieiforni the ilntleH enniiierati'il In ililt provision. ectliin 3 , That .it salit election In tlic 1'ilc , on the b.lllol of c.icli elector \otlnir tlieie- at. them xhall If printed 01 written thuumlH ! "Tor CoiiHtltiitlon Aineinliiieiitltli leference to Stale Kalluav CoiiunlKslon" Ami "AualiiNl Constitutional Ainenilinent. U'illi Ucfereiicu to Stain Halluav Coninilstlon. " Anil If , ani.tjor Itvofnlloles cast at unlit election , Hli.ill l > o foi Miich .inienilineiit , the hamn Khali lioileenieil to iM.uliiiHnl. 1. A. C.illiiha.Kccivt.iry of Ntateof IheNlaln ot Nulir.islia , ilo hcrrhy ceillfy that the fnre- uolitB proposed mm'iulment to the Constitution of the Stale of Nctir.iskn ha true anil correct Copy of the orlulnnl eniolteil ami enuriHs tilll. as paiNeil In the T\\eiitvnliUli session of the Iculslatmu of tin- Slain of NYtiraxk.t , as lilll on Illc In this office , anil that s.ilil proposed aiiieinlinent Is Milmiltlcd to the iiiullfleitoteiH of the state of Xotir.iNk.i for their adoption 01 irjectlon at the ueneral election to be held on Tuesday the Mh ilay of NouMiilier , A. 1) . l"0n. In IvMlmonylicicof , I havxheiumilo set my hand .mil affixed the meat seal of llui stale of NelirasUa. Done at Lincoln this ilili day of Jiil\ln the > of our One Thoiiiaiul Nine Hnndrril and Six. of tlio Independent * . ' of ( InI'nllri stales the One Hundred and Tlilrtj-tteooml and of IhU state the rortleth. A. rAI.UKHA. IsHAi.l Secretary of State. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Slate , For United States Senator : NOHKIS BKOWN , of Buffalo. For Governor : GitOKGK L. Siuu.noN. of Cass. For Lieutenant Governor : M. R. Hoi'Kwni.i. , of Burt. For Railroad Commissioners : H. J. WINNHTT , of Lancaster , RoiWK'r COWKI.I. , of Douglas , A. J. WII.MAMS , of Pierce. For Secretary of State : GUOKGK JUNKIN , of Gosper. For Auditor : En. M. SKAKI.H ) JK. , of Keith. For Supt. Public Instruction : JASIMCK L. M'BKIKN , of Fillmore. For Treasurer : LA\VSON G. BUIAK , of BOONK. For Attorney General : WM. T. THOMPSON , of Merrick For Land Commissioner : HKNKY M. EATON , of Dodge. Congressional , For Congressman , 1st District : EKNIJST M. POU.AKD of Cass Judicial For District Judge JOHN B. RAPER Senator * ! W. H. WILSON County. For County Attorney : JOHN WII.TSK For Representatives : CASS JONIJS J. F. SHUUKRT AUWKT STAI.DKK For Supervisors District No. 1 LKWIS SUKSS District No. 3 C. W. ATWOOD District No. 5 CiiAKUis F. XOKU.KK District No. 7 C. B. SNYIHJK It is considered very doubtfu whether Billy Thompson wil get enough votes in the next leg islature to entitle him a place with the also rans. - . One of the most effectual ways of increasing your world ly storesis to open an ac count with this Bank. Worldly Suppose you drop in and let us talk it over with you. You can commence with a few dollars. Fall * City State IT IS TO LAUGH Onr esteemed co-liborcr : in the itcrest of good government , the is much incensed at us forj that its political articles re funny. We have no desire to hurt any- nc's feelings , but if its brand of olitics is not funny it is soine- liing a good deal worse. Just read the following from nst week's News : A Washington dispatch dated October ' ) , just four days after he declaration of The Tribune ays : "The supreme court of he United States today post- oned the cases of the Chicago Jurlington and Quincy railroad nd other railroad companies gainst the various county treas- rers of that state involving the ax law of that state. ' ' Does this ook as if the case will be heard his fall ? Where was Brown at he time of the postponement ? Vhy was he not on hand urging n immediale hearing of the case f he is the reformer that The tribune claims him to be ? As a natter of fact Brown is here in he state trying to convince the ) coplc that he has reformed and s now as ardent for their inter- ; sts as he has heretofore been for he railroads. In the meantime he county treasurers are just us ar from the railroad tax money is ever. Perhaps this is what unuses The Tribune. Of course the News knew this vat ) fabu when it published it , > ut isn't it funny that in this day vhen nearly every farmer has a laily newspaper put in his box every day that a weekly should ell such foolish fibs. Isn't it 'tinny that those who publish such silly stories do not seem to realise that the reading public enow their falsity. If the News wanted to be on the square with Norris Brown it would have published the fact that while Billy Thompson was running around the country talk ing to empty benches in his effort to beat Brown , that Brown was in Washington resisting the con tinuance of the tax case to the limit. If the News wanted to been on the square with Brown it would have published that the reason the United States supreme court continued the case was be cause Judge Brown has been retired because of illness and the court wanted to wait until the vacancy was filled. If the News wanted to be on the square it would have stated that Brown during his stay in Washington secured an order from the court that the railroads pay the entire tax owed to twenty-three coun ties which the roads haye been holding up for several years in this case. If the News wanted to be on the square it would have published that every one of these counties will get their money within a few days because of the fearlessness , the ability , the in tegrity of the man Brown against whom the News is publishing its "funny" stories. Public Sale of Poland China Hogs , We will sell 35 males and 2 ( gilts at Mettz's sale pavilion , October 20 , 190 ( > , H. C. WlTTKOCK , 42-4 W. F. RIKSCHICK. Fort } ' wagons loaded with apples stood in line at the vine gar factory Saturday waiting to be unloaded. The stock holders { ! of this corporation will invest ' $25,000 in enlarging the plant 1 next year and not a cent of the stock is for sale. The Chicago Americans won j the world's championship over the Nationals. Thus did an- j other good thing go wrong. The Americans are all right but you can never convince the sporting editor of this paper that they are | one , two , three with the "cubs. " Charlie Xoellcrs has made one of the best members of the coun ty board the count } ' has ever had. ! The people all over the county j who are acquainted with his careful , painstaking methods arc hoping that his district will show good judgment by returning him. John Wiltse is pushing his campaign energetically and is making friends every day. If elected John can be depended ! upon to do everything in his power in the interest of the tax payers , both in the trial of crimi nal cases and in advise given to the countv board. Frank Shubert is one of the ] ablest young men in the county and his abilities will be well em ployed in the interest of the people as a member ot the legis lature next winter. lie is in favor of the strictest economy in all things and will be ever watch ful in keeping down expenditures. Shallenberger was a. member of congress from this state once I upon a time. You may never , have heard of it as he didn't cut ) much ice. but he was just the same. While a member the records show he travelled on a pass on every trip to Washington and then charged the govern ment up with mileage. The farmers holding sales this year are using more space in the newspapers to advertise the sales than ever before. A good add in a newspaper is worth all the hand' ' bills ever printed in securing u' ' crowd. Bills are all right are imlispensiblc , but if you want , everybody to know of your sale | get it into the paper in a goodj display ad. i - The danger of the election of Hearst as governor of New York is troubling men all over the' nation without regard to party. Hearst appeals to the lowest and basest in life. His sole stock in trade is in creating predjudice and antagonism between labor and capital , the rich and the poor. The villainous cartoons in his New York paper had more to do with the asassination of Pres ident McKinlcy than any other one thing. His election would be a strong argument against popu lar government. When men like Hearst , who is characterized by every New York paper as "the man with the torch and dagger , " become prominent in public life it is time to call a halt and ask ourselves whither we are tending. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Services at 2:30 : p. inon alter nate Sundays. . O. H. EXGKLBKKCHT. THAT WE ALL HAVE Of R- p AWD DOVWS , BUT WHEN " JEARE UP AND ROLLING HIGH , IT BEHOOVES US Tb GET PLEflTY or CoeD THINGS T6VJEAK.THE PEOPLE WHO ARE DOWAi CrtHT El ER EX PECT TO RISE | /STHE / WORLD ; BY TocouJTti\Drownca cmc et > ' ! TO WHAT BETTER EMPLOYMENT CAN YOU PUT YOUR EARNINGS THAN IN BUYING GOOD ; ' CLOTHED. THEY ARE A GOOD INVESTMENT. IF YOU ARE AWAY UP NOW WE CAN GIVE YOU A FINE FORM FITTING 50 IN.oVERCoAT MADE ESPECIALLY FOR US BY HART , SCHAFFNER AND MARX , FOR $12 TO $2J ; ALL WOOL SERGE SUIT , MADE BY H. , S. AND M. , FoR $ 1 5 IF YOU ARE ONLY GETTING UP WE CAN GIVE YOU A NOBBY TOP COAT FOR $ j 2 TO $ j 5 OR AGRAY MIXED SUIT FOR $ \ Q THAT WILL HELP YOU TO GET UP , FOR THOSE WHO ARE DOWN BUT ANXIOUS TO CET ON THEIR FEET WE HAVE ALSO LOOKED OUT. NOT IN THE BEST BUT A GOOD ALL WOOL OVERCOAT FOR $10 OR SUIT FOR $6 TO $12. THE SORT OF STUFF THAT KEEPS A MAN DOWN WE DO NoT KEEP IN OUR STORE. IF WE DID WE'D SOON GO DOWN OURSELVES. EVERYTHING GOOD A MAN OR BOY WEARS IN OUR STORE. RESPECTFULLY , SAMUEL WAHL FOR SALE The following property : One good Bridge , Beach & Co. wood heater , a good looker , cheap. Several Watches which were pawned with us and never re deemed , will sell them cheap. A good $20 violin for $10 , also a good banjo with nice nickel hoop at most any old price. Do not forget our land excursions on each Tuesday until January i , 1907. We have made money for those who have bought land of us and we can do the same for you. Call and get lists of Richardson coun ty and other lands. WHITAKER BROS. " SEE THAT FLUE It's new and different from any other. Made only in the RIVERSIDE HER-HEATER Cold air is drawn up from the floor through the flue and dis charged at the top of the stove thoroughly heated. It has all the radiating sur face other stoves have , and heats by circulation as well. I I This means greater heating ' power , and SAVES ONE-THIRD IN FUEL II Urtul It also means no cold floors , no cold corners or dead airspaces : . : MM spaces , but even temperature throughout the room. Every stove is a double heater of great power. li : : : * M > 1 Come In and examine them. Gel a copy of our Booklet , "A Novel Race. " It's free. J. C. TANNER ! ! I ? ? * " ' ' miiHUMHiUU,3'lfliMHfHHU | M | First Christian Church. Services of the First Christian I church , Lordsday , Oct. 21st : 9:45 : a. m. , Bible School. 11:00 : a. m , communion. 11:30 : a. m. , morning sermon. 3:00 : p. m. Junior Endeavor. f > :30 : p. in. Senior Y. P. S.C. E- 7:30 : p. m. , evening sermon. All are cordially invited and strangers and visitors in the city are kindly welcomed to attend all of these services. T. A. TylNDRNMEYKK , Minister. George Sheldon has been meet ing with the most flattering suc cess in his meetings across the state. To entertain for a moment the thought that Mr. Sheldon might be defeated is to doubt the wisdom of Nebraska voters. George Sheldon is as the late Edward Rosewater said , all oalc and history. lie has judgment , conservatism and courage. Every man who knows him , whether he is a democrat , social ist , pop or republican , has the same thing to say and that is that Sheldon is on the square. Cass Jones has been a member of the legislature and not one of the opposition can point to a single mistake he made. Cass may not be much on style , but he is an earnest , honest and en ergetic farmer who knows the needs of his people and will see to it that Richardson county will be found voting right on every proposition before the legislature. THE TRIBUNE POPULAR PRINTING POPULAR PRICES TRY US ONCE