The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 19, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. Ill FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , OCTOBER i9 , 1906. Whole No. 145
Falls City Boys Attend.
The boys from this city that
attended the Grey Hound coursing
ing- meet at Friend , Neb. , last
week enjoyed a very successful
trip and had a good live time.
Among- them were John Oswald ,
Thomas Frank , Robert Rule
and George Holt. Thomas
Frank being-the only one that
got a piece of money. His win.
ning1 dog , Fighting1 Fire proved
better than any one dog he has
ever taken to the coursing. Out
oi eighty-one dogs entered in
that one. Fighting- Fire won
fourth place in the S1500.00
stake , which is an excellent
showing- . There were two
other entries of Falls City
racersMiss Chappie and Queen
of the Hills. Oswald was tak
ing photos on the ground lloor
as usual , and secured some very
good views of the winners and
best dogs.
Friend is a very pretty place ,
the surrounding- country being
extremely level and an ideal
place for a meet as the course
of the hounds can be followed
easily with the eye. The races
began on Tuesday and ended
Saturday with an average at-
tendence varying- from five to
eight thousand. The next meet
will be held near Kearney and
a large attendence is expected
as these meets are exceedingly
The boys returned Saturday
having realized a very pleasant
time and are backed up with an
invitation to "come again when
cherries are ripe. ' '
Ferd Friedly's Sale.
Ferd Friedly's sule of Poland
Chinas will be held in this city ,
Saturday , October 27th at the
Mettz Sale Pavilion.
Mr. Friedly is one of the best
judges of swine in this part of
the state as his experience with
thorough-breds for the past lif-
teen years has placed him in
touch with all the leading-
breeders of this class.
This is his thirteenth annual
sale and is by far the best offer
ing ever presented the public.
His herd has always been
headed by the best that money
could purchase. Such grandsires -
sires as Friedly's Mischief of
Mischief Maker cannot fail to
appeal to the best breeders of
the land , he being- perfect type
of the Poland.China hogHis
half brother Meddler is the
World's Champion.
This is but an index of the
good thingin store for you at
this sale. It you are a breeder
do not fail to attend , a look
means a purchase.
If you are a farmer improve
your stock by placing one of
Friedly's youngsters at the
head of your herd , you will
never regret the act.
Everything- goes without re
serve. Procure a catalogue be
fore the sale and make your
choice of individuals.
Remember the date Saturday ,
October 27 , rain or shine.
Delegates Named.
Governor John H. Mickey has
appointed the thiry.six delegates -
g-ates to represent the state oi
Nebraska at the seventeenth
annual session of the Trans *
Mississippi Commercial con.
gress , which will meet in Kan.
sas City the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23 oi
November. Among the listj
we notice the name of our prom
inent citizen , V. G. Lyiord , whc
has been thus honored by the
Governor , and we know of nc
ono who could more ably act as
a conscientious representative
of public interests.
District Court.
District court convened in ad-
ourned session Monday after-
eon with .ludge Kelligar on
he bench. The lirst jury case
o be tried was the case of
\inelia Rieger against the heirs
f Henry Rieger deceased. The
ourt took the case from the
ury and decided it in favor of
he plaintiff. The case will be
ppealed to the supreme court.
The case of John Berry of Hum-
ioldt against Charles Nims for
2,000 damages alleged to have
ustained in a light which oc-
urred in Ilumboldt in May , re-
ulted in a verdict of $5.00 for
he plaintiff. Gottlieb Schutz
ad the title to his land quited
n him by a decree of the court
landed down Tuesday.
The motion for a new trial in
he Blieholder case was sus-
ained for the reason that the
ury while deliberating on the
natter got hold of a statute in
he jury room and determined
hat the court was wrong in the
nstructions and proceeded to
nake a little law of its own.
The attorney for Blieholder of-
ered to have him plead guilty
o assault and battery but the
lounty attorney refused to ac-
: ept the plea and will put the
defendant on trial again as soon
as possible. Court adjourned
until Monday , the jury being
discharged for the term. The
Bode matter will come Up on
the motion for a new trial as
soon as Judge Raper can be in
Rev. Haskins To Preach.
Rev. E. E. Haskins , formerly
pastor here , preaches the clos-
ng sermon at the Brethren Con
ference , in this city , next
Thursday evening. It goes
without saying that there willbe
a good audience to hear him.
Old Folks Day.
The German Evangelical
church will observe Old Folks
Day next Sunday morning at
10:30 : o'clock. This is a service
for every one although in parti
cular for the old folks.
Sunday School will de held
at 9:30 : o'clock a. in.
Evening service at 7:15. :
A Days Outing.
A hack load of our charming
school inarms took advantage
of the glorious autumn weather ,
last Saturday and drove to
Fargo , starting early in the
morning and remaining all day.
They crossed the river on the
ilat boat , went nutting and en
joyed a big spread at dinner.
Those of the party were ; Misses
Mohler , Gehling , Beck , Schock ,
Lugenbill , Boose , Grinstead ,
Pittock , Davies , Mr. Tobie ,
and Prof. Spencer and wife.
At The
Yon Yonson , the attractior
at the Gehling last Tuesdaj
evening , gave general satisfac
tion and was a good play. The
characters have been selectee
with special care and with ai
eye to their individual parts
Yon Yonson , the big Swede
while seemingly slow in grasp
ing the phrases of our languagi
had a fund of humor which wai
at once catchy and interesting
The mid-winter scene of tin
Minnesota Lumber camp wai
one of the features.
The Lumbermen's guartett
was one of the best that ha
been in this city and receivei
repeated encores. Each singe :
was an artist.
The larger orchestra deserve
special mention as their musi
was excellent.
District Conference.
The District Conference of
the Hrethern Church , meets in
this city next week. The first
session will be Tuesday after ,
noon and the closing session
will be Thursday evening. People
ple will be here from a few ad-
joinging states and several
workers from the east. There
will be varied exercises each
evening , followed with a ser
mon by Rev. Enslon of Kansas
Tuesday night , Rev. Watson of
Beaver City Wednesday night
and Rev. Haskins Thursday
night. There will be forenoon
and afternoon sessions Wednes
day and Thursday which mem
bers and friends of the church
should not miss. People from
a distance will be entertained
Til is conference is quite an
important event and the general
public is invited to all the ses
sions , especially the three eve
ning preaching services.
Rally Day.
The members of the Presby
terian Sabbath School observed
Rally Day last Sunday morning
at thp usual hour. The church
was profusely decorated with
beautiful , many colored autumn
leaves and special Hags , of the
cross designfor the occasion. A
large number were in attend
ence and the special offering
showed a very generous nature
to predominate among the mem
Purchases Two Farms.
Mr. Francis Shaffer has been
entertaining his brother Henry ,
of Somerset Pennsylvania , the
last few weeks. He was ac
companied by his daughter Mrs.
Ankney , also Mr. Ankney and
son , and Cora Shaffer. They
started home Monday evening.
While here Mr. Shatter bought
a farm north of town from Jacob
Schaible , also one east ol town ,
from \V. II. Crook. There is a
possibility that these people
may , in time , come here to stay.
Horse Sale.
Falls City can't have a horse
.show but it can have good
horse sales to beat the band.
The Margrave horse sale held
here Wednesday was very suc
cessful. Teams bringing as
high as $335. This sale was
advertised exclusively in The
Tribune and a good crowd was
in attendance. Of course The
Margrave Company has the
stuff , but it is an excellent ideate
to tell the people about what
you have when you want to se
cure a good buying crowd. The
horses , mares and mules offered
by this company in this sale
and which they have in abund
ance at the ranch are among
the best animals in the country ,
Good horses are about the mosl
valuable asset u farmer can owr
as is indicated by the prices
paid at this sale.
Meet In Caucus.
Pursuant to call the republi.
cans of East and West Muddj
met at McGechie's hall at Shu
bert and transacted the busi
ness for which they were called
Elmer Ray was elected chair
, man and J. F. Shubert secretary
s tary of the caucus. J. G
Ciphers was elected acandidati
for township treasurer and Jolu
B. Stotts for township Clerk
The following gentlemen wen
elected lor Supervisors of roac
districts 1 , 2 , 3 , and1 , Wm l
Jinkins , John Curtis , W. J
Vandeventer and J. II. Lewis
There being no further business
r the meeting was adjourned.
Mrs , O. J. McNall and ( laugh
ter Eva , returned Tuesday from ;
weeks visit with friends at Fair
fax , Missouri.
Society News.
Muster Roy ParcluMi celebrated
is sixth birthday anniversary
n Monday evening and invited
bout twenty of his little friends
o spend the evening with him.
< Yotn four until six o'cloclc the
ittle ones enjoyed the sports of
hildhood , and then bounteous
efreshmcnts were served. Master
Roy was presented with many
okens of remembrance.
The meeting of the Woman's
lub , held Tuesday at the home
> f Miss Schoenheit , was attended
jy twenty-seven members and
everal guests , and bore out the
iromise of interest and pleasure
n the year's work evident at the
Irst meeting. After a short busi
ness session the program opened
vitli u discussion of classical and
omuntic music led by Mrs. Simon
Davies with : i reading on the
brmer and by Mrs. George Jen-
enniiigs with a paper on the
utter. Musical numbers contin-
ting the study of Schumann
, vere then given as follows :
Vocal duct , "Were I a Birding -
ing , " Mrs. W. T. Fenton and
A.r.itu Wilson.
Piano , Flower Piece , Gertrude
Vocul , The Lotos Flower , Helen
Two violins , Laendliches Lied ,
ind Knight Rupert , from "Album
or the Young , " Anita Wilson
and Verda Sage.
At the next meeting ot the
club , November 6th , at the home
of Mrs. Emma Spencer , the liter
ature , department will give a
program continuing the study of
Hazel Prater was ver3' pleas
antly surprised lust Saturday
evening b } ' a number of her
schoolmates ami friends. They
went to her home , about thirty
u number , and took her una
wares , and a more jollj- and
pleasant crowd you never saw.
The evening was most pleasantly
spent , one of the most interesting
features being a mock wedding.
The principals were : Ilaxcl
Pruter , bride ; Marguerite Row
ley , bride's maid ; Aurtre } ' Marion ,
llower girl ; Roland Spencegroom ;
Max Herling , best man. Mabel
Poteet presided at the piano and
rendered the wedding march ,
while Roy Nicholson ofliciated as
the clergyman. An elegant
course wedding luncheon was
served and the occasion cele
brated properly. Miss Hazel was
presented with a beautiful gold
Mrs. A. E. Gantt entertained
the young ladies whist club on
Thursday evening , complimen
tary to Miss Daisy Gantt , the
day being her birthday. It wa
in the nature of a surprise party ,
and was one of the most pleasanl
social events of this season. Mrs
Gantt is a royal entertainer a IK
was ably assisted by Miss Gantt
Refreshments were among the
many pleasant features of tlu
At the home of the bride's
parents , Mr. and Mrs. E. J
Brinegar , in Arago Precinct
at 1:00 : o'clock , October 17th
190(5 ( , in the presence of numer
ous invited guests , Elder T. A
Lindenmeyer spoke the mystu
words which united in the holj
bonds of wedlock , Mr. Charlei
Nitzsche and Mima Freemat
§ both ot Rule , Nebr. After tlu
wedding ceremony and con
gratulations , the guests wen
seated around two well ladei
tables and served with a sumpt
uous wedding dinner. The ;
will reside on a farm in Aragi
As Others View it.
Hon. Cuss Jones received the
following complimentary letter
from Prof. Crabtree , president of
the Nebraska state normal school
at Peru :
Peru , Neb. , Oct. 4 , 'Of > .
Hon. Cuss Jones , Rule , Neb.
My dear friend : 1 am glad to
see that j'ou have been honored
by the republicans of Richardson
count } ' with a nomination for the
state legislature. Your previous
record ought to secure your elec
tion. You have always stood for
the right and for the best. I do
not know who your opponents
arc , but 1 know of your excellent
work in the legislature and write
to extend congratulations on your
nomination and to express the
hope that you might be re-elected.
Very cordially yours ,
Association Meets.
The members of the Richard ,
son county Medical Association
met in session in this city on
Tuesday of this week. Session
opened at the Odd Fellow'shall
at1:30 : o'clock and the remaind
er of the afternoon was spent
with several minor details , after
which they adjourned to the
National hotel , where an ele
gant G o'clock banquet , such as
Proprietor Spence knows how
to serve , was partaken of by
the members.
At 7:30 : o'clock they again
met at the Odd Fellows hall
and spent the remainder of the
evening in a profitable and interesting -
teresting manner.
Three excellent papers were
read by Drs. Wilson , of Ilum
boldt , Montgomery of Stella
and Waggoner of Dawson. Num
erous spirited discussions were
held on each , and they were all
thoroughly enjoyed. At 10
o'clock a luncheon was served
after which the Association ad
journed until next January.
Stole The Mules.
Unknown parties helped
themselves to a span of mules
that were hitched to the rack
around the court house and
drove off with them. This oc-
cured about 5:30 : Wednesday
evening the owner Fred Reschke
discovering the theft. A search
was started at once.
Prof. Richardson was making
a drive to Barada the same eve
ning and on the road there he
passed a team of mules driven
by two men , but not knowing of
the theft , thought nothing of
it. However when he returned
he found the team standing in
the road , about a mile and a
half this side of Barada. He
took them to a near-by farm
house and lelt them there. The
team was restored to their own
er Thursday morning , but noth
ing has been learned concern
ing the identity of the thieves.
J. II. McCarty and wife , of
Carthage. Indiana , are visiting
witli her brother , S. II. Harvey ,
and other relatives in this city.
Dr. W. E. Shook and Dr. J. M.
Willis of Shubert attended the
meeting of the Medical Associa
tion , held in this city this week ,
George Boone and wife and
Hal Sowles returned Sunday tc
their home in St. Joseph aftei
two weeks spent in the city tlu
guests of the latter's parents , D ,
W. Sowles and wife. They re
turned via the auto route ,
Never Ask Advice.
When you liuvo u cough or colt
don't ask what is good for 1 * . and go
some medicine with little or no meri
and perhaps dangerous. Ask foi
Foley's Honey and Tar , the Creates
throat and lung remedy1 it cure
coughs and colds quickly ,
10. T. Lambert returned Thurs
day to his home at Stella.
Dr , Waggoner was down from
Dawson during the week.
F. A. Oliver was among the
Stella people here Tuesday.
1. 1C. Smith of Ilumboldt was
a business visitor here Tuesday.
Mrs. Edwards of Stellais , visit
ing with her daughter , Mrs. John
Jus. M. Robison and M' Lichty
were here from Merrill , Kansas
- * -
Dr. E. P. Clapper returned to
his home at Vcrdon Wednesday
- *
W. II. Strunk and N. 13. Jmld
were among the Dawson people
here Wednesday.
* p > -
Hon. Cuss Jones of Rule was a
pleasant caller at these quarters
yesterday morning.
George Ilansell of Salem was
circuluting among Falls City
friends yesterday.
Will Jay , representing the
State Journal , was a pleasant
caller at these quarters Wednes
Rev. T. A. Lindenmeyer , was
called to Elk Creek Saturday to
preach the funeral sermon of
Thomas McClurc , one of the
pioneer settlers of Johnson
county. Mr. Lindenmeyer re
turned Lord's day evening.
Abe Yodcr is displaying a
large bunch of violets which he
gathered on the banks of Walnut
creek last Sunday. They are
large and of a beautiful color.
The woods in October contain
many treasures.
Dr. E. C. Wittwer , president of
our county medical association ,
came down from Ilumboldt Mon-
lay to attend a meeting of that
ijody in this city Tuesday. He
was a pleasant caller at this
oflice , being an old friend of the
It was amusing to watch the
lawyers and jurors when Judge
Kelligar adjourned court. For
several weeks the term has been
in session and the Iu\v3ers have
been wind jamming and worrying
about their cases , while the
jurors have sat silent in the hard
chairs being compelled to listen
to the dryest of matters. When
the Judge said "court will now
adjourn , the jury is now excused
for the term"everybody scattered
like a lot of school boys out for a
vacation. Court time is a stren
uous time for some people , and
every body is usually very glad
when it is over.
Bill McCray was in town on
Wednesday to see what could be
done towards getting the county
in a few more law suits. William
was trying to buy lumber with
which to build bridges. The
wholesale men when they learned
that the county had contracted
all bridges for the year refused ,
to sell to the county for the
reason that the county had no
right to buy and they would
therefore be unable to collect
their money. The lumbermen
wanted McCray to buy the lumber
personally and let him file his
bill with the county. To this
William refused. He is willing
enough to play even at the ex
pense of the county , but he isn't
looking for a law suit of his own.
Charlie Xoellers is working man
fully to keep the county out of
trouble , but McCray and Stalder , .
the other two members of the
committee , are seemingly trying-
their best to get the county into
a law suit.