The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 12, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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> K- >
$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Interest -
C. Smith
Henry . est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the
LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made.
Lcnn Mann transacted business In
Omaha this week.
Gertrude Hunt/ was a visitor In Ivan-
pas City last week.
O. J. Hall was a visitor In Omaha
the last of the week.
Halph Phllpot was visiting at Arapahoe -
hoe the llrsl of the week.
llumboldt has made arrangements
for a lecture course this winter.
Mrs. W. S. 1'owsr hns returned from
a visit with Kansas Clt > friends.
F. W , Hummel has returned from a
business trip to Strcator , Illinois.
C. Llonbcrger attended u stock Biilo
near Hiawatha , Kansas , Thursday.
A brick walk U being laid from the
n. & M. depot several blocks north.
Goof Scgrlst and wlfu of Lincoln arc
visiting llumboldt relatives this wcnk.
Material Is being hauled for the layIng -
Ing of cement walks through the park
Job Graham and family left Wed
ncfday for tholr future homo at Don
Kd Lynch Is carrying his arm in i
tiling the result of an accident las
Walter Lcgg and family nttcndci
the Auburn horse show the last of tin
Mrs. II. 1 * . Marble and daughter
Zora , were Omaha visitors the last o
the week.
Mrs. P. W. Carver returned Satur
I ; Gay from n visit with her daughter , li
Kansas City.
Mason ShurtlelT and wife came li
Irom McCook , Friday for a visit will :
relatives In this vicinity.
Chester Power and family of St
Joseph were visiting relatives In Hum
boldt several days.this wrok.
Lulu Hyram , assistant principal o
the llumboldt schools , wont down t
Kansas City Monday morning to cor
butt an oculist.
Mrs. Laura Campbell returned MOD
day from Kansas City whore she hm
boon visiting friends and attondln
the Priests of Pallas parade.
Col. M. W. Harding returned Sun
day from Colorado Springs where h
had been vUlilng with his wlfo an
son Hrooks for several days.
A game of basket ball between Hun
boldt and Seneca was played In tli
opera house Friday evening. Th
score bolng ! ! 0 to ( ! In laver of th
home team.
The local ladles missionary soclot
of the Methodist church drove ovc
to Table Hook Wednesday mornin
and visited with the society at thn
place , returning home in the evening
John Brockman and family arc mal
ing preparations to movu to this clt
In the near future and will occupy 111
property which they recently pui
chased of Mrs. Knitnu Wilson on ( Jot
tral avenue.
The St. Joseph Commercial oh :
made the llumboldt business men
thirty-lira minute visit Monday mor
Ing. The club numbered about BQVOI
ty-llvo and were accompaled by thol
own band. They left on a sped
train at ll-.OTi for Table Kock.
Kathorlno Hudson , who has hoi
employed as teacher In the Pawn <
City schools , has boon compelled t
account of sickness to resign her pos
tlau. Ollvo Petrushok of this city wi
elected to till the vacancy and coi
menced her now duties Friday.
Irvln McKlnnoy , the seven year c
son of Mrs. G. W. Ward living a shr
distance north of town , who sullen
injuries Wednesday last , by having 1
limb wrenched completely oil at t
knee joint , by getting It caught In tl
spokes of awheel , while attempting
catch a ride , is reported to still bo li
critical condition , but the doctors ha
not yet given up hope tor his recovoi
Tom Omara returned homo fn
Kansas City , Sunday.
George Macouiber was a visitor
O. A. Burk's Sunday.
Ralph Rhoadcs was a guest of 1
brother Wm. in Salem Sunday.
Mrs. Omara visited in Rule Sunt
with her daughter Mrs. Arthur D
veau ,
Mable Shousc Is assisting Mrs. F.
Llchty with her house work for a 1
John Wiltso and family of Falls C
spent Sunday with Mrs. Wilts
Frank Peck came down from P
Saturday lor a short visit with
home folks.
Mrs. Hph. Peck visited with her
daughter Mr * . W. K. Knight , Mon
N. H. Uiinuvorth , wlfo and little
) oys were guests of F. S. Llchty and
vlfo , Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Kaufman returned to her
lomo In Falls City after a weeks visit
vlth friends.
Perry ShalTer , wlfo and daughter
oturncd homo from Council HlulTs ,
owa last Saturday.
Frances Stump wife ami two dill-
Iron were guests of the formers sister
Mrs. P. H. ShalTor.
Mrs. Guo. Shousc and daughter
Grace and Mrs. Howard visited at
Francis Stump's Monday ,
Lloyd Peck of Reserve , Kansas at
to tided the love feast and visited will :
His mother Saturday night.
ISertha [ trim returned to her home
near Hatnlln , Kansas after spending
two wi'oka with her sister.
Ed Klmmol who got his lot' broken
last .liino Is now able to be brought tt
Ills homo. He Is now walking with
Elder Gish ol Beatrice was present
at the communion services at the Gor
man Baptist Brothern church , Satur
day evening.
Rov. J. J. Yodor of Conway , Kuns. ,
closed a two weeks series of meeting
at the Gor.nan Baptist Urethorr
church Sunday evening.
Kate Shauso and Grace Ncdrow am
Ralph Miller and Otto Ruoggo accom
panled by Frank Stump and wlfodrovi
out cast of Barada for nn outing Sun
day. They took their luncheon un <
spent the day In picnic stylo.
The love feast and communion scr
vices held at the German Baptis
church Saturday evening was von
well attended Those from a dlstanc
were John Brim and family from noa
Hamlln , Ivans , and Quincy Reed an
Alice Maxoy of Peru , Mrs. Ilimcs an
Mrs. Bridge and. Mr * . Snyder an
daughter and Rev. Woodlo of Aubur
Mi , Will Uhll ? visited ir. tow
Geo. Hansell drove to Fulls Clt
W. C. McCool was a paSsenuer I
Omaha Tuesday.
Will Richards returned from Nort
Dakota Tuesday.
Bertha Spur gin spent Saturday an
Sunday in Salem.
Ora Snydcr returned Tuesday fro
his trip to Denver.
Mrs. W. WcrU is sullering from t
attack of neuralgia.
M. A. Graves moved in to the Stu
lord house last week.
Frank Frybcrgcr of llumboldt wi
in town Wednesday.
Lora McCool of Dawson is vlsitlr
Xula McCool of Salem.
W. B. Boyd purchased a fine nc
team tit Nlins City Tuesday.
Clarence Smith and wife of Fn !
City were in town Tuesday.
Mrs. Barrows returned to her hon
in Olkahoma City Saturday.
Mrs. T > n Wickcm anJ Maggie Lc
loy droyo to Falls City Tuesday.
Myrtle Mondonhall and Alora Fis
or drove to Falls City Wednesday.
C. A. Cook and Dr. Day attended !
Dr. Fust sale In Falls City Tuesday.
John Anderson returned Tuesd
from his trip to Fremont and Omul
The St. Jofaoph Commercial cl
passed through Salem Monday inoi
> )
Will Uhlig , wife and little son vis
cd over Sunday with Allan May n
Cecil Sheely returned to Peru Thu
day after a short visit hero with 1
m Mcsdamos R. R. Rule and K.
Scott drove up from Falls City W
Frank Rantsma returned to Line
ls Wednesday to continue his sch
C. G. McCool , wife und little ,
left Tuesday for an extended visit
Fort Smith , Ark.
S. Shell Harris entertained a la :
IW crowd at his homo near Salem on 1
day evening. All enjoyed a good th
Jim Whitney , wife and little dau
I'S ter , Dr. Furnish , wlfo and little dau
ter of Hiawatha Kansas arc visiting
ru town this week.
be Geo. Hicks arrived from War
Illinois Wednesday for a visit v
their daughters Mrs O. A Jennings
and Mrs. Samuel Bakor.
Mrs. Allan May entertained the
the Married Ladles Kensington Club
of Falls City Thursday afternoon.
About twenty were present.
Myrtle Grimes and Auam Shafcr
wore married on Wednesday evening
at the home of the bride's parents near
Salem The bride and groom loft at
onoo for their home on the groom =
farm near Forest City Mo.
Mrs. Will Veach entertained the L.
L. S. Club on Thursday afternoon.
The afternoon was spent In work and
amusements Mrs. Geo. Kreps won
the prize in the guessing contest.
Dainty refreshments were served.
Adam Gebharu spunt Saturday at
W. I ) . Corn was a Dawton visitor or
Verna Wilkinson was a Stella visi
tor Saturday.
Lou Godflrnon of Falls City was ir
town Sunday.
Nolle Weaver visited friends al
Stella Saturday.
John Walker of Shubert was In towr
Sunday evening.
Horace Clements of Stslla was li
town Sunday evening.
Charley Weaver and wife wen
Stella visitors Saturday.
Bertha Nedrow vhited at Muplt
Grove Sunday afternoon.
F. W. Robb went to Omaha Wcdncs
day returning the next day.
Rose Mark and Amret Hart wor
visitors at Maple Grove Sunday.
John Hasenyagcr and .loo Baue
were Stella visitors Saturday.
Mr. Boyd of Salem was a busines
visitor hero the first of the week.
W. E. Goolsby and wlfo nttcndci
the Ak-sar-ben at Omaha last week.
Dave Davlcs and wlfo of Falls Clt
were business visitors hero Tuesday.
Rev. MeRae came down from Have
lock Tuesday for a visit with friends.
Mrs. C Frilcy and children roturne
home Monday from her visit at Cappo
Mrs. .1. A. Benedict went to Fall
City Thursday on a vUlt to her daugl
John Williamson and wife were bus
ness visitors Thursday at the count
Pearl Clements of Stella visited he
friend , Edna \Volfc , the latter part i
the wook.
Guy Houston and Guy MoMer i
Falls City spent Sunday afternoon i
this place ,
John Lccfcrs and wife returned Sa
unlay from u visit at Berlin and Ni
braska City.
Mrs. Leonard arrived Tuccduy fro
Wakcfield on a visit to her daughti
Ada Leonard.
J. W. Stump and wife wont
Omaha Tuesday to attend the Ak-sai
ben festivities.
Lorcn Corn went to Bo.thany Mo
day where ho will attend Cotner uc
verslty this year.
Mrs. Wolfe and daughter , Edn
spent Sunday afternoon visiting wi
friends near Stella.
Mr. Daugherty and three daughto
and the Rev. Spicer of Dawson we
Maple Grove visitors Sunday.
10 A. D. Goolsby and wife and Idi !
Shoemaker attended the Missiona
rally at Maple Grove Sunday.
Mrs. Orlando Veal entertained
supper Sunday evening , Marie Fasl
noau , Mary and Eleanor Reese.
Florence Judd , Ada Leonard a
Mrs. Leonard spent Sunday wi
Leroy Judd and wife at Dawbon.
Rov. Schafer , Rev. Garris a
'Ser ' Rudolph Fisher attended the Mlsslc
er ary rally at Maple Grove Sunday.
Mrs. Lcra Veal , Marie Fastaunei
E.d . Mary and Eleanor Reese visited at theme
d- homo of Mrs. Clyde Harden Sunday.
Mrs. Cora llouck returned to theme
In homo at Reese , Ivans. , after a pleasi
ol visit with her brother , Frank Dauj
an Mrs. John Williamson and daught
at Bertha , left Monday for Kansas C
where they will make tbelr full
rl- Revival meetings begun at theEv
10. gollcal church Sunday evening. R
Garrls of Cottage is assisting R
in Mrs. Hattle Dodder returned Frit
to her homo at Kansas City , after
en visit with her parents , Charles H
1th derson and wife.
MM. Cutler is on the sick list this
wool :
Mrs. Joseph M'iDoiiciilil is on I ho
sick list.
Kssle Marsh was u Falls City visitor
Grandma Murkuiu Is very sick at
this writing.
Apple picking Is on in full blast and
there Is a largo crop.
Less Leeds returned home from
Omaha Friday night.
Several Ruloltes went to Preston
Sunday to see the ball game.
J. W. Gustrfson of Wymoro was
here on company business Tuesday.
Wm. Inks and family of Falls City
visited in Ilulo Saturday und Sunday.
W. B. Hlnton of Omaha was a busi
ness visitor heroTucsday and Wednes
Mrs. John Inks of Salem , visited her
daughter , Mrs. Emma Wallace Sun
Mr. Tweed the bananna man of St.
Joseph was a business visitor In this
city Friday.
Mrs. Alieo Lillow of Union Town ,
Pennsylvania , is visiting with her
mother Susan Doles.
Mrs. Boles and daughter left Wed
nesday morning for Missouri to visit
the former's brother.
Prof. A. D. Larabee and wife of
Preston were visiting relatives In Rule
Saturday and Sunday.
Rob. Kanaly drove to Falls City
with a wagon load of apples Tuesday ,
for the vinegar factory.
Mr ? . Roily Harrison , and little
daughter , of St. Joseph arrived In
Rule Sunday for a visit with rclatircs.
Road districts No 1 and 2 are each
the owner of a White City Kansas road
grader , of which they are justly proud.
Coonrad Coonslngor's horse became
frightened last Friday opposite Geo.
Plinoy's place , und in attempting to
jump he was thrown out falling on his
left arm and breaking it.
Ella Carpenter , has remodeled her
dwelling house , and moved her stock
of millinery goods from her other
room further down town into her home
place , making thn work much better
for her.
Mrs. Hearn died at her home in Rule
Oct. 3rd , at 1:110 : a. m. The deceased
was an old resident having lived hero
many years. Funeral services were
held at residence Thuisday , Mrs.
Iloarn has been sick a long time , and
Mr. Hcarn is unable at this time to
leave home , having n cancer on his
face , which Is incurable.
Ted Majurus was driving two miles
west of hero Friday when his team
became frightened and started to run.
He tried to turn them away from the
track but could not. The team turned
to cross the track just in time for the
train to strike and kill one of the
horses. The other horse was uninjured
and went to picking grass when turnet
Clifford Young and wife have gone
' ' to Alliance where he has a position.
Mrs. Earnest Bright left last wool
for an extended visit with relative li
3 Illinois.
Mary Dempsey has gone to YorV
where she will attend a Catholli
Messrs. Hanson , Fankcll , Haskins
. Cain and Baldwin spent Sunday ii
Mrs. Jacob Swlhart is spending thi
week with her children in Jewel
h county , Kansas.
Abe Moore and family have movei
from a Clark farm west of town to
farm near Salem.
Addie Clark left last week for Si
Joe where she has a position in u tail
' orlng establishment.
Fred Strlngflold and wife from Fl
Crook has been spending the wee
3r with relatives at this place.
Mrs. Ed Hammond has been quit
sick this week. Her mother from Fall
City has been staying with her.
Willis Stlno and mother left Mot
day for an extended visit with th
hitter's brother at Cowetu , I. T.
Addle Fankell is expected home thi
week from Columbus , Ohio , where > h
has been spending the summer.
Sclp Strlngfield has secured a pos
tlon as a clerk In Lord's store at Shi
lya bert , and commenced work Mondu
n- morning.
John Brockman und wife are mo' '
You Cannot Afford to Miss
This !
The O. H. Macldox Bankrupt Stock of
Has been purchased by John W. Powell , who has
already opened up the store and will continue the busi
ness. MISS MAY MADDOX will have charge.
In this stock is a large amount of fine Queensware
which will be sold at much less than cost as it is desired
to close out the line. Prices will be made which can
not be resisted. Come in and see what a little money
will do in this line.
While we are going1 to reduce and close out the
Queensware , it is our aim to build up the Grocerv Bus
iness and will keep a nice , fresh stock of
All orders will be appreciated and will be given
prompt attention. 'Phone 141.
Ladies' Cloaks !
We have them in all the latest Check and Plaids ,
Dark Novelties , Browns , Castors , Grays , Blues and
Because our buyer through years of experience , had
learned where to get the best values for the money.
Because we believe in giving you the best value we
can for your money.
It will pay you to see our line before buying.
ng to Humboldt this week. Mr.
Brockman's sale Monday netted him
about $1,900.
A cement crossing has been made
near the livery burn. If this crossing
proves satisfactory twelve more will be
put In by the town.
Elsie Curtis who lives north of town ,
won two first prizes on cakes exhibited
at Auburn last week. The prizes
iimo'inted to five dollars.
Frank Henderson , a resident of this
vicinity In an carlv day , but now of
Mankato , Kansas , has been here since
Sunday visiting his brother , J. H.
Legal Notice.
Joseph Williams. Ella Hair-
non. Tredcrick William * . .
Marion K.rnnK.aml Joseph
K. Mead. a minor , l > y his
nit friend , Edward Mead.
Joseph H. Miles , Amanda
Amos. Mary Jones , Mlna
lilies , John W. Holt. John
I. iDessler. J. K. lilies.
Stephen 11. Miles , jr. .
Joseph T. Miles , Xora
Harrison , John J. Williams ,
W.J. Jones. Thomas Amos ,
Ella Pace , rioreiice Trej.
Laura Uetlrick , Emma Tai
lor , the unknown heirs of
Alice Hrooks , Samuel A.
Miles ,
To non-resident defendants , J. K. Biles ,
Xora Harrison , W. J. Joues , Thomas
Amos , riorcnce Trej , Laura Hedrick ,
Emma Taj lor , John Urooks , Harry Hrooks ,
Lattimore llrooks. Alice Hrooks :
You and each of > on are hereby
notified that In the abo\e entitled cause
pendin ? In the district court in and for
Richardson county , state of Nebraska , the
said court has made a conditional order
of revlvor , that the said cause as to
Joseph Williams be revived in the name
of Hellc Williams , administratrix of the
estate of Joseph Williams , deceased , and
Hello Williams , his widow , and Helen
Williams , and Viola Williams , minors ,
and onlj heirs of the deceased plainttfr ,
Joseph Williams. l Hollu Williams , t'icir
next friend and icuardlan.
The said court further ordered and
decreed that said conditional order of
revi\or be ser % d upon the absent defend
ants by publication In The Tails Citj
Tribune , a newspaper published at Tails
City In Richardson county , Nebraska ,
for the period of thirty dajs , commencine
on Friday , the 23th of September , l < Xu. )
renulriiiR said defendants to show cause
why said action on the part of Joseph
Williams , deceased , should not be revised
in the name of his representatives , sue-
ccssorh and heln aforesaid , on or bcfure
the 12th day of No\ ember , 1906.
You are , therefore , required to * lu w
cause , on or before the 12th daj of No\ em
ber , liOi , why said cause as to Joseph
Williams , plaintiff , should not stand re-
\hcil in the name of his representathes ,
successors and heirs aforesaid , as in Mid
condition order provided.
Dated September 27,1906. -12
JOHN I . Wr.usTi'.K.
I. J .Hl.NGOLSK\ ,
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Real Estate Transfers.
W B Schmucker and wf to I B Whit-
aker wd lots 1 , 2 , and n } of lot 3 ; also
fr part lots 19.20,21,22 blk 121 rails ,
City $0,000.
W D Easley and wf to Roanoke
Lumber Co wd lots 20 , 57 , o 20 It lots
34 , 30 blk 120 Salem $1,000.
Henry Shaw , jr. , and wf to John
Weber wd el of sei of sec 31-3-10 , con
taining 80 acres Richardson county
Henry Sippley and wf to Leroy
Judd wd lots 1 , 2 , blk 30 Helm's add to
Dawson $325.
Richardson countv Neb. to W. P.
Shlldneck qcd It 5 blk 90 lots 5 , G , blk
100 Its C , 7 blk , Us 7 , 8 , blk 103 It 8 lilk.
109 Salem fO.