The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 12, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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I3at Sowles' candy.
Rye for sale at Heck's feed
Dan Green came up from Pres
ton Friday.
Tim lloran returned Saturday
from Wyoming.
Court will be in session this
coming Monday , the 15th.
Ralph McDonald was up from
Hiawatha the past Sunday.
J. II. Miles returned the first
of the week from Kansas City.
George Holt is at Friend , Neb. .
this week to witness the races.
R. Sherman Gillespic was up
from Reserve. Kans. , last Satur
"Emil Goltx , on route three , has
our thanks for favors the past
Ferd Friedley is among the
fine stock experts at Kansas City
this week.
Harry Foehlinger went to
Atchison the latter part of the
past week.
S. C. Pomeroy was a pleasant
caller at these quarters Monday
Fred Richards of Hiawatha
was the guest of friends in this
city Sunday.
George Hessler remembered
the Tribune in a financial way on
Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Eliza McCullough of Rule
was the guest of Mrs. George
Prater on Monday.
Anna Watterman of Champion ,
Kansas was a Falls City visitor
the first of this week.
Scott Stump and Chick Mc-
Keiver spent Sunday at the In
dian Cave near Barada.
Daisy King was visiting with
her parents , Dr. 'W. II. Kcrr and
wife , the first of this week.
C. F. Chase of Pawnee City
was a business visitor here the
latter part of the past week.
H. C. Andrews , a rcpresentive
of the St. Joseph News-Press
i spent Sundav . at the National.
Mrs. Dan Rate-kin and baby of
Rule were the guests of friends
in this city the first of the week.
_ . .
- -
- - - -i.
I Walter Ray of Pawnee City
j was shaking hands with old time
v friends in this city Saturday.
Mrs. U. P. Heck returned
Thursday from a visit at Alma
and various other western points.
Elsie Morehead of Troy , Kan
sas visited from Saturday until
Monday at the home of C. II.
Wamsley and wife.
E. V. KaulTman , proprietor of
the hotel at the Sycamore
Springs , spent Saturday in a
business way in this city.
Mrs. Jane Smith and daughter ,
Mrs. L. E. Evan , visited rela
tives and took in the fall festivi
ties at Kansas City last week.
* > James McDowell was a pleasant -
: - ant caller at these quarters on
Tuesday and while took occasion
to renew his subscription to this
/valuable weekly.
A. Wing , who has been work
ing with the Johnson railroad
gang near Sheridan , Wyo. , re
turned the first of the week to
his home in this city.
J , . Merchants , wife son and two
daughters , of Benton County ,
Towa are guests at the home of
Jame McDowell and wife. They
will probably remain here a
couple of weeks longer.
Hargrave & Hargrave received
some elegant new coat racks the
first of the week , which they are
having put in place , in order to
facilitate the handling of their
new fall line of clothing.
Mesdames George Prater and
Beauchamp , chaperoned a picnic
party at Dr. Fast's Grove last
Saturday. The day was a dandy
one and the party a merry one
\ They returned in the late after
14 * noon , the hay-rack profusel )
decorated with many colored aut
wnn leaves.
Ray Mettd was up from Ilia-
vatha Saturday.
A. T , Parsons was down from
rcrdon the past Saturday.
Clarence Simmons went to
Vtchison Sunday morning.
James Bascom spent Sunday
vith his parents at Pawnee City.
L , . Argabought of Nemaha
pent Sunday with friends here.
II. S. Wood of Pawnee City ,
vas looking over our city bun-
C. F. Reavis was a business
isitors in Omaha the first of the
Recorder Edwards spent Sun-
ay with his parents at Hum-
II. II. Howell of Howe was
among the Friday visitors at this
Mrs- John Oswald is spending
he week with her parents at
Clyde Davis returned Saturday
rom a ten days vacation spent in
John Kanaly returned Friday
rom a few days visit with friends
t Dawson.
M. C. McMahon of Preston
vas looking after business affairs
icrc Friday.
Tom Frank and Winnie Cooper
vent to Friend ) Nebraska to at-
end the races.
Frank Dempsey of Dawson was
he guests of friends in this city
he past Saturday.
Mrs. John Hossack is visiting
vith her ( laughter , Mrs. Ephriam
Vithee , at Stella.
J. C. McClainas down from
Barada last Thursday attending
o business affairs.
Mrs. W. D. Easlcy left Monday
ifternoon for a few days visit
vith relatives at Stella.
Frank McDcrmott , of Kansas
ity spent a day or two in our
nidst the first of the week.
Richard Baker left the latter
> art of the past week for Omaha ,
vhere he has accepted a position.
John Oswald was one of the
nterested ones at the races at
friend , Nebraska during the
C. A. Cook was down from
Salem Friday making prepara-
ion for his sale the thirteenth of
his month.
Joseph Gciger sends us greet-
ngs from Canton , Ohio , where
ic has located , and is enjoying
an excellent business.
Gus Nemechek , of Oklahoma
ity a former resident of this
county , was shaking hands with
Tails City friends Sunday.
William Shilling returned Sat-
mlay evening from Sherdan ,
Woming where he has been em-
iloyed the past three months.
Lora McCool of Dawson re-
: urned Monda ) ' to her home at
Dawson after spending a few
.lays with relatives in this city.
Sol Davis of Minnesota , here
in the interest of a large apple
packing concern is stopping at
the City Hotel while at work
Earl and William Margrave of
the Margrave Ranch were look
ing after various business trans
actions in this city the past Sat
Rev. Griffin went to Omaha
Monday evening and left thai
city Tuesday for Lincoln , where
he attended the Presbyterian
State Synod , which met there
Tuesday night.
Mrs. John Mosiman , Sr. . lefl
Sunday on the afternoon train ,
for Lincoln to attend her hus
band who is taking treatments al
that place. She was accom
panied by her son , Henry.
W. D. Easley sold his lumbci
yard at Salem the first of tin
week to a Kansas City firm whc
will endeavor to control a line o
lumber yards through this par
of the state.
I Frank Dunn was down from
I Nims City Saturday.
Ed Nolte and wife spent last
Sunday in Atchison.
Willard Scars was down from
Pawnee City Tuesday.
El Craig of Table Rock was a
Saturday visitor in this city.
James Kovanda of Table Rock
spent Saturday last in our midst.
Our old friend George Smith
was down from Dawson yester
Mrs. Robert Fixley and little
daughter are guests of friends
John Nissen of Julian was a
business visitor in this city Sat
Chas. Rieger was up from Fair-
view. Kansas the latter part of
the week.
Ethel Cade , who has been quite
ill at her home in this city , is
now recovering.
Mrs. J. A. Benedict ofrcrdon ,
is visiting with her daughter.
Mrs. George Noah.
Fannie Miller returned the
first of the week from a visit
with St. Joseph friends.
Mrs. John Faulkner , of St.
Louis will visit relatives and
friends here next week.
Mrs. G. J. Crook and grandson ,
Alfred , are visiting with rela
tives at Clarinda , Iowa.
Doc Inskeep says this is the
coldest winter we ever had and
he has seen a hundred of them.
A fine lot of draft mares
weighing from 1,000 to 1,450
bred to a Jack , for sale at the
Margrave ranch.
They have an elegant new
writing table in the recorder's
office and it is certainly a much
appreciated addition.
Mrs. Frank Evcrsole is visiting
with her children , Reba and Guy
at Peru , where they are attend
ing the Normal school.
Mrs. V. G. Lyford and daugh
ter Mabel , and Mrs. Fred Far-
ington enjoyed a pleasant day in
the woods , Wednesday a hazel
Mrs. George Cade and children
who have been visiting with Mrs.
Win. Cade returned the first of
the week to their home at Os-
borne , Kansas.
John Mosiman , Sr. , went to
Lincoln Saturday to consult a
doctor , his health having been
poorly for some time. His son ,
Win. Mosiman , accompanied him.
Bargains for Sale.
Fine stock and grain farm ,
about 200 acres , upland,3V miles
to lown , good improvements ,
Sb'o per acres , one-third cash ,
balance 10 to 20 years time.
80 acres near Falls City , good
mprovements , good terms.
Owner might consider some
jood town property as part
; > ay. These are bargains. See
us at once.
To use Stock Food. We
have a Stock Food of our
own make that we have been
selling for several years. It
is made of the Purest and
Best Drugs and nothing in
it that will injure the ani
mal. It keeps them perfectly
health ) ' , enables them to di
gest a much larger per cent
of their fooddestroys worms
and keeps all the secretions
of the animal active and nat
ural. This Food will more
than pay for itself in extra
flesh produced. Try our Dip.
It is better and cheaper than
any other.
Dr. MCMILLAN , Prop.
Mrs. Clarence Smith is on the
sick list this week.
Frank Simons came up from
Rule last Tuesday.
Fred Seboltl made a business
: rip to Arago on Tuesday.
Dowty Watson came up from
Reserve Monday afternoon.
13thel Parchen spent Sunday
the guest of Verdon friends.
D. II. Sears left Tuesday aftcr-
10011 for Seattle , Washington.
D. Davies and family spent
Tuesday with Verdon friends.
Sec those work mares and
iiorscs at the Margrave ranch.
Mrs. Bcnj. Slagcl returned on
Sunday from a brief stay at
Monett , Mo.
If you want driving horses ,
colts or mules get them at the
Margrave ranch.
The coat sale at the Fred 13.
Schmitt store Saturday attracted
i large crowd , and large returns
were enjoyed.
Joseph Gulp , sr. , has returned
from a three months trip through
Colorado , where he visited with
iiis son and daughter.
Ralph L. Moore , of Dalhart ,
Texas , sends us greetings of a
substantial nature , through our
friend , W. A. Schock.
U. T. Duncan of Rule was
transacting business affairs at
this place Monday and while in
town called at this office.
Mrs. Emil Heliner who has
been visiting with her parents ,
L. Huston and wife returned
Sunday to her home at Lincoln.
Karl Marts , wife and baby ,
Leonard , returned Sunday to
their home at Wyniore after a
week's visit at the home of Sam'l
Marts and wife.
C. L. Marts , wife and son ,
Glenn , who have been visiting
with his parents , Samuel Marts
and wife , returned Sunday to
their home at Wymorc.
II. Smith and his family have
moved to their farm near Salem.
Fred Whittcn. of Atchison. has
taken the place vacated by Mr.
Smith in the barber shop.
Rey. 13. J3Ilaskiis : , formerly
pastor of the Brethren church in
this city , but now of Portis , Ks. ,
was visiting with Falls City
friends one day this week.
John Molaney , k n o w n as
Dutchie who docs stunts on the
merry-go-round , spent Sunday
with the home folks at Atchison.
He is quite an experienced hand
at cement block work.
After visiting for a couple of
weeks with the hitters sister and
aunt at Humboldt , and spending
a week with Mrs. Hunt of this
cityT. II. Sanders wife and child
ren left last week for their home at
Grandy , New Mexico.
Col. C. II. Marion is fast filling
his sale date list for this fall and
his time is much in demand. The
colonel has had very Mattering
success and is considered the
best stock salesman in southeast
ern Nebraska. Calls have come
from Missouri and various other
points which shows that Col.
Marion's services are m u c h
sought after.
F. L. Mills , who for the past
thirteen years has been with the
Inland Printer at Chicago , is vis
iting his brother-in-law , D. T.
Grover , at Hamlin , Kans. Both
gentlemen were pleasant callers
at this office while in this city
Tuesday. While in this office ,
Mr. Mills demonstrated his abil
ity as a pressman , feeding like
an old hand at the business.
F , A. Rummel , proprietor of
the Sunny Slope Farm in this
county has sold the same to
Charles Stultx , of Holdredgc ,
Nebraska , who will take posses
sion March 1st. Mr. Humme !
located there in the early seven
ties , opened up a new prairie
farm and stayed with it until it
brought him the price of one
hundred dollars per acre this
week. He expects to close oui
his cattle some time in February
of Jewelry !
Whether it is to be useful or not , : t piece of jewelry
must luive grace and beauty. We are most particular
about the designs in our stock nothing loud finds a
place here.
Lockets Rings
Chains Broaches
Pins Bracelets
at : i wide range of prices.
A. E. The "Old Reliable"
. . Jeweler
Lincoln Business College.
A successful School that was founded twenty-two
years ago. Experienced teachers , up-to-date equip
ment. Hundreds of former students holding responsi
ble positions. All the advantages of a Capital city ,
We teach C1KEGC and OHARTIEU Shorthand. Send for
Catalog B. LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE , Lincoln , Neb.
* * * * * * * * 9M-- : # * * * * * * # * * > f
1 *
Makes the announcement \ \
that they will have on display - ) |
play , all their dress hats \ \
from is
Friday , Sept. 28th IA I
We take pleasure in showJf
[ ing you our line of the swell-
t cst designs in Pattern Hats ,
. the desirable
no two alike. All
sirable colorings as well as
Black and White. Our
stock will be found eoual to
all demands. Give us a trial | | Jf
and you will not be disap
pointed. Bargains every
day. Yours lor Business , |
f. t
j ; Is the Place to buy I
Dry Goods , Groceries , J
| Hardware , Tinware , : | :
| Cutlery. |
i Mighest market price $
j * Paid for Country Produce X
? , w. , . . . . ,
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Ir I Wilson s
) -
) fIt
* If if Haviland China !
It Hand Painted China , Austrian
trian and German China ,
Jardinieres , Flower Pots , all
Ilaviland , Austrian and I
English Dinncrware. White
and decorated.
Special prices on
See the new Nickle plated
New 5c , lOc and 15cGlass
Good Groceries and all the
best brands of Flour at
C. M. Wilson's
Tinl l st imported horses $1,000 eacli.
Home-bred realstereil draft stallions , JJ50 to
J7K ) at my stable doors. A. I.atimer Wilson.
Cruston , la.
Imported draft stallions. il.OOO each.
Home-bred registered draft stallions , $300 ti >
$ NOO. Hart Hros. . Osceola. Iowa.
Home-bred draft stallions , * J o to f JO ;
imported htalllons , your choice $1,000. t' . I , .
Stream , CreMon , la ,
Mrs. Chas. Gagnon who has
been visiting with her daughter ,
Mrs. Al Doerner , and other rela
tives returned Saturday to her
home at Rulo.