The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 12, 1906, Image 2

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| * $ wwj * x x " * jwi * ; $ > 3y j" ; * 3" * 3 *
To the wonderful Arkansas Valley of Kansas and Colorado.
On the First and Third Tuesday of each month , Cleaver & Sebold
will run excursions to this wonderful valley , where the sunshine
is nearly perpetual. The air is dry and pure. The health of the
community is marvelous. Beautifully shaded drives abound near
the town. Hundreds of small fruit farms make the landscape
beautiful and homelike. In season the air is perfumed with the
aroma of the thousands of acres of blooming fruit trees. The
rippling water of the irrigation canals , the hum of the honey bee
and the warble of the songsters , make sweet music for cultured
ears. The nicely painted houses and well kept lawns , make a
fine appearing town ,
There are more shade trees in Garden City than is common in
an eastern town. The school houses are immense brick struc
tures and the churches are many and of attractive and substan
tial build. Tiie country round about is settled with a fine class
of people , who live in comfortable houses with neat surroundings
It is an ideal home country ; happy are those who live there and
happy will be those who come. Go there and add 20 years to
your life and they will be twenty happy ones , too. Every farm
has its reservoir for irrigation and they are stocked with fish
which affords sport in your own yard. Long drives or rides
through the irrigated district are notonly enjoyable but very in
structive. Here is found the highest development of the art of
farming. Annual returns of $50 to $ > iO ( ) and even more per acre ,
are common. Steam plows cutting furrows miles in length are
in evidence everywhere. Things are done on a large scale here ,
but there is room for anyone who will work. Many a man makes
a living on lO acres and many a man farms lOOO acres. Lands
from $25 an acre up ,
Call or write for our booklet it is free. Excursions twice each |
. .
jM < Jx 5xSy > < $ .3 > x xJ * jMjMjv $ *
John I'mil returned to his homo hero
last woctc after spending a month at
his farm in Sheridan county.
.1. E. Randall , L. M. Jones , Kobort
Vooglo and wife , and Mrs. Jacob \Vlss-
man were Rule callers Tuesday.
J. H. Rectors now house is nearlni :
John Frltsohor of Wlmiebago Valley
nnd II. .1. Schultol of Sunnj Vnlloy
each disposed of some line pears In
Falls City Tuesday.
Chlpman is building a double corn
crib for Elmer Shook of Sunny Valley
this week.
Grillln Wright I * building a line
residence on his farm adjoining this
A , J. Thompson purchased the
Streckcr house and Is again a resident
ol Fargo after several months of CornIng -
Ing life.
Elmer Shock and wife were business
visitors In Falls City Tuesday.
T. J. Perkins and son Donnls had
business here Monday.
Mrs. Matilda Kluunurnmn left Tues
day to visit her sons .lame * , Chas. and
William Zimmerman who moved to
Grigsby , Kansas lust April. She ex
pects to remain two weeks and if
things suit her well enough she hopes
to join her children next spring.
Thomas Mandervlllo pent Monday
doing business here.
Mrs. Fred Thloman and bister Carrie
Bucknilnlster .vent to Council HluITs ,
la. , Sunday to see their sister Mrs.
Fannie Johnson \vho is very 111 at that
Mesdamo R. lv and R. F. Din-fee of
\Vlnnebago Valley were Rule visitors
R. D. Wagguer left Tuesday to view
more Sheridan county land whcro he
recently imrclmsed a 100 aero tract for
Milt Zimmerman , E. C. Jones , G. J.
Schmidt of Fort Hazel and R. S. Coupe
of Rule went to Indian Terrltor >
Intending to purchase homes.
Mrs. Gertrude Kloepfel of Forl
Hazel is managing the new furniture
store In Rule during her husbands ab
Gust Yoesel of Sunny Valley trans
9 acted business in Rule Wednesday ant
Rena Nitzscho went to Falls CU ;
Thursday to take care of her brothei
Charlie Thompson of Btmlette
Kansas is visiting his mother
Jfrrs. C , B. Elliot.
The democratic politicians were
a very disgruntled set six years
ago when they discovered that
the successful war with Spain
carried on by the republican ad
ministration had made it certain
that the lamented McKiulcy
would be re-elected. They had
at first been very solicitous to
involve the administration with
Spain , but after they discovered
that prestige to the administra
tion would result they did the
best they could , without any
treasonable action , in depriving
the administration of the glory
accumulated. Kepnblicaus this
year will take that object lesson
to heart. There may be trouble
following the intervention by
Roosevelt in Cuba , and every
voter who has the best interests
of the country at heart should
use his ballot to put lion. Ernest
M. Pollard in the next congress
as he will be certain to uphold
the president in his policy. The
life of the present congress ex
pires next March. If the voters
of the first Nebraska districl
should make the mistake of send
ing a democrat there and thus
assist in turning over control of
the lower house to the democratic
party , they will be aiding in giv
ing the democracy the opportu
nity of embarrassing the admin
istration to the extent , at least
of depriving it of any credit fo
whatever may be accomplished
But we don't believe they will dc
anything of the kind. This poini
however , is worth remembering.
This is the sale season. Bills
arc well enough in their way bu
experience has proved that :
good display add in the news'
paper is worth a cart load o
hand bills. The recent sale
held in Falls City have been wel
advertised in the local paper
and as a consequence have beci
the most successful sales hel <
here in years.
Elmer Sailor left Tuesday
morning for a visit with friend
in Oklahoma.
Walnuts Wanted.
Five hundred bushel at Heck's
feed store.
Marriage Record.
* Aurthur Wilson , Ilumboldt 2 :
Oina Kiecl , HumboUU -t
* Jacob IHrdslcy , Shubcrt oi
Mary Schulenbertf , Harnda 21
Archie Kelly , Kulo 2C
Jessie Hayes , Kulo If
"Charles Dup'ms , Kulo 3i
liortlia Campbell , Kulo , 'M
K. Benjamin Thomas , Vcrdon Ill
vtiby McCarty , Vcrdon 2 !
. 'ictor K. Gould , Omaha , 2
loss Hcacock , Falls City , 2
\daiu Shatter , Forest City 31
lyrtlo Johnson , Salem , 2 !
2has. Albcc , Hiawatha , Ivans..2'
Mabel York , Hiawatha , Ivans. , 2 (
Married by Judge Gagnon.
AE. . Churcu.
The following services nex
Sabbath :
{ ) :45 Sunday school.
10:45 : preaching.
3:00 : p , in. Junior league.
( :30 : p. m. 13p worth league.
7:30 : p. m. , sermon.
Prayer meeting 7:30 : p. in. o
Wednesday evening.
All cordially invited.
W. T. GUNK , Pastor.
One 10 guage , Damacus , doubl
barrel shotgun , with leather cast
and 150 loaded shells ; S150.C
grade Parker , to trade on a hort
and will pay the difference. Ii
quire at this office.
John W. Powell has purchase
the O. Maddox stock of groceru
and queenware and will coudu
the business at the old stain (
Mr. Powell has long been co ;
nected with the business instit
tions of this city and needs no ii
troduction to our people. II
dealing are always straight-fo
ward and it is those methods tin
1 has placed him in the front rank
We call the attention of the pul
lie to his ad at the top of paj
Mr. Gibbs , former proprieti
of the Union house barn but no >
of Missouri , was shaking ham
with numerous friends here <
Wednesday ,
Cures Backache
Do not rick having
Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Bright's Disease
beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. or Diabetes
For Sale at KEER'S Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr.
Cheap Farm Land.
Southwest Offers Best Opportunities
I7or Securing Homes.
Many farmers in the Northern
and Eastern utales are selling their
high priced lands and locating in
the Southwest. Many who have
been unable to own their homos
in the older country are buying
lamle in the new country.
Unusual opportunities exist
along the lines of the Missouri
Pacific-Iron Mountain Koute.
The rich , alluvial , delta lands and
river bottom lauds of Southeast
Missouri , Eastern Arkansas ,
Louisiana and Texas , capable of
producing ( SO bushels of corn , a
halo of cotton , 4 to 0 tons of alfalfa *
150 bushels of potatoes , and other '
grains , vegetables and hay crops ,
can be bought for $7.50 to $15.00
per acre. When cleared and
slightly improved will rent for
$1.00 to $0.00 per acre cash.
Uplands more rolling , lighter
soil , adapted to fruit growing
peaches , pears , plums grapes , )
berries also melons , , tomatoes
and other vegetables , can be
bought for $5.00 to $10.00 per
acre in unimproved state. Many
places with small clearings and
some improvements can be bought
very cheap.
Write for n ap and descriptive
literature on Missouri , Arkansas ,
Louisiana Texas , Kansas or In
dian Territory. Very cheap rates
on first and third Tuesdays of
each mouth.
Address ,
Omaha , Neb.
or H. O.TowxRcxo.G.P. &T. A. ,
St. Louis , Mo.
Burlington Bulletin.
October , 11)00. )
Cheap One Way to Pacific
Const : Cheap Colonist rates ,
daily to San Francisco , Los
Angeles , Portland , Seattle , Taeo-
ma and other Coast territory ,
nearly one-half rates : also cheap
one way rates to Montana , Wyom
ing , Big Ilorii Basin , Utah and
Western Colorado , daily until Oc
tober ol.
Round Trip to the Coast :
Daily Tourist rates in effect all
winter to Pacific Coast destina
tions with variable routes.
Denver , Colorado Springs and
Pueblo : Half rates plus $2.00
round trip , October lIHh to 10th ,
inclusive , limit October 31st.
To the East and South : Very
low homeseeker's and Winter
Tourist excursions through the
Autumn and Winter to various
destinations throughout the
Homeseekers' Excursions :
Frequently each month to West
ern Nebraska , Eastern Colorado ,
Big Horn Basin , dry land farm
ing destinations or irrigated sec
Free Kinkaid Lands : Write
lee Clem Deaver , Agent Burlington's
Homeseekers' Information Bureau
e ,
)0 ) at 1001 Farnam St. , Omaha , about
getting hold of a free section of
Kinkaid lands now being restored
to the public domain.
Visit the Old llome : Low ex-
id cursion rates to the old home
2S pointa in Illinois , Iowa , Wisconsin
Ct Missouri and oilier middle states
destinations , ( Jet. flth and 23rd.
Nov. Idth and 27th , limit thirty
11U - days.
U- Low Round Trip Rates via the
II- Burlington : To Illiniois , In
diana , Kentucky , Michigan , New
ir- York. Ohio , Ontario , Pennsyl
irat vania and West Virginm , Oct lOtli
s. with 30 days return limit. Ask
s.b - the local Agent for further in-
"Watch The . "
or Kidneys.
orw "When they are affected , life is ir
ds danger , " says Dr. Aberuethy , the
great English physician. Foloy's Kid
ney Cure makes sound kidneys. Foi
sale at all drug stores.
i < *
I t
A full line of the Small Musical Instruments , f
Latest Sheet Music , Edison and Victor Records , i
We also carry a large stock of
_ w
Falls City Music Company j
Opposite Court House
WITH ITS 1906 CROPS & c .
09 <
09O r
O FrOIll Omaha and Council Bluffs to Western Nebraska rC
aiid Kansas every Tuesday , round trip one faro plus $2.00. f
minimum excursion rate $ ( . ) .00. C
O 3 To Eastern Colorado Brush , Morgan , Sterling ,
naxtum , Holyoke , Wray , Yumn , Akroin .uid other points , first r.t
and third Tuesdays of each month , luiml trip rate one fare t :
plus $2.00. |
To Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueblo , first and third
cj Tuesdays of each month , round trip rate $20.00. t
< s
To South Dakota , Wyoming , ( Big Horn Bnsin ) Montana ,
first and third Tuesdays of each month , round trip rate one
§ fare plus $2.00 maximum $20.00 from Omaha. e ,
Stop-overs allowed in homeseekers' territory in either cr cc
direction , final limit twenty-one days. r
The excellent 1900 crops along the Burlington's lines t
furnish a strong object lesson to homeseekers and investois as c .
to the permanent and increasing values of farm lands under
modern and intelligent methods of funning.
Send for the Burlington's list of Western Land Agents , or
mention the locality about which you desire to inform your
self , and we will put yon in touch with Laud Agents.
Folders free "Free Homesteads " ' ' c :
on application : , 'Big C.
Horn Basin , " Billings District" , North Platte Valley" , Nebraska -
braska Book' ' , also now on press , new folder. C.t
"Dry Land Farming along the Burlington. " t.t : .
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas CitY Star
Everywhere recognized as the strongest and most reliable
newspaper in the most prosperous retrion of the United States.
Wherein It Leads.
US UnCXCCllcd NeWSServiCe embraces the continuous report
of the Associated Pi-ChS , with dispatches every hour : the general and
special service of the Now York Herald ; the Hearst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own
representatives in Washington , D. C ; Jefferson City , Mo ; Topeka , Ks. ,
and Guthrie , Ok. , in addition to the largo grist of news that comes
dally from several hundred other alert representatives.
Its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative
value that causes them to be telegraphed to all parts of the United
States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No western man
even indirectly Interested in the value of food products , stocks and
securities can afford to bo without THE STAR'S dally record ot prices
and conditions.
ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's column , in which
are answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and
affairs , a department for inquirers on other subjects and a wide range
of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's most in
teresting people and events these in addition to a vigorous editorial
page , absolutely independent politically , and a Sunday issue that is
full of live special matter and luman interest.
13 Papers Each week for 10 cents
The Kansas City Star was the first and is still the only
newspaper to deliver n complete morning paper , THE KAN
SAS CITY TIMES , to its subscribers without increase in the
subscription price.