THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , OCTOBER 5 , 1906 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE ICutercti ns .second-class matter as Falls City , Nebraska , post odlcc , Janu- arv 12,1'KU , tuulor tlic Act of Congress of March 3 , 187't. Published cvcrv Krhlav nt Knits City , Nenrniikn , by The Tribune Publljliini ! Company E. K. Slmrls , Miuu/er / ( One year . . - 51-00 Six it'onths - M > Three months .35 TELEPHONE 226. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 'Ihe totliiwlnii proposed nmciulincnt to the iniislllutliui of Ihc Male of NebrnM.n , O.N ticrclnntlcr Inrlh In full , is .tub- milled In the electors ol Ihc Mule of Nc- tirrtstui , to lie voted upon nl the ucncral election to be held luc.Mlov , November ( I , A. D. , Ifiot ) . Ill IT KNUTKII llTIIK ItlU.lst.TI HI Ol TUT STATI : of XI.IIKASKA : s < vtion l. Thai nl HID uiwrnl I'lrrtlun for Stair .iiut Iculft1.ill\i > iilllci-ri lo In ) ln-M mi tin- Tno lajt Hiu'CtH'illiiB llio flrit Moml.i ) In Nim-mlMT , I'Wi , Hie follow IIIR | irorl < ilnii In- l > roH ) ( - < l ami miliinltloil lo llu1 rluctort of tin' Male * a an ameinlim'til lo llio cniiMllutlmi. Srcllon 2. Tlii'rn Mhnll Ina SlnltKnU a > C'iMMimHHioii.ctMiiiliitliiir o ( tlirei" mcmlwrii.lwliii liall IH > flr l rltH'lwl at the griirrnl i-lecUou In l"CKulutw IITIII of ciflior , oxCf I't til IMC dwell at tlif llrM rli-ctioii miilrr till * iirovlnluil. iliall lie l\ Ji ni' , anil ulicwp cvimiiciiiuUloii uliall lit1 tl\rl tiytlir I.rcliilntiirf. Of tlio llirrr commimtliiiKT * Hr t rlrctril , Hie our rvcrlvinit tlir liizlicM mimlr f M > if . Hhall holil lilH nfllce for lyi'fltn. . thiirxt limlicM four yrnr , ami the luumt two JIM re. The IHIHTTH and iliilrmi ( .iioliOiniiiiU iini Mliall tlio ri'Eulallnii of ralrx , MM Ice anil coiitr'il of common carrier * an tin-li'ttl- I.Uiire may provide liy law. Kill In lite nlxirttce of ivti-illo Irirlhlnlloti. the coniniNHlon ttliall vxcrclM ? the JMIUIT * anil iM'rforin the limit" , iMiunirrnlmt In till * pni\Klim. Sections. That at * nlil election In the year l'Wi. < m tin * tiallot of < Mcli i-li-i'liir Milliik' tlicrr- tti thrre Khali l prlnti'il or mitten the uunls : " 1'or CoiiKtltiitlon Amendment.llli reference to State Halluay Commission" Ami "Airalnit Coiiitltiitloiinl Amtinltni'iit , With Reference lo State Kalluay Coininliwloii. " Ami If , a major ity of all \otcx cast at onlil election , shall In ; for Mich amendment , the fame shall 1 > u ileemeil to lr adopted. Ii j\ . ( ialnsia | > Hecri'lary of state of the state of Nohrahka. du licrutiy certify that the fnrc- iimng pn > | H > tM amendment to the Constitution of tin-St.iteof NVIirahka Is a true ami correct copy of the original viiiollc. ! ami cnurosseil lull , as IKJSMM ! | iy the Tnrittyiilnth hesslon of the lei.Msl.UMii' of the Stale of Nebraska , an apH-ars | from xnld orlu'lnal Mil on Hie In Hits office , ami that salil proposed amendment IK Miliiiulted to the imalllleil voters of the stale of Xelir.iikii for their adoption or ( ejection at the general election to 1 hclil oil Tuesday the f > th day of .Nnu'iiitwr. A. I ) . 1'nV ) . In teHtitiiony hereof. I li.ue hereunto set my hand anil allixetl llioroar seal of thu ulate ol Nol'ra l'a. Doiutat Lincoln this < 4Ht day of Jiilj.ln UK year of our l.nnl One. Thousand J lne Ilinnlreil ami Sit. < ( the Independence of the Unitei ! States the Due Hundred and Tliirlvecoml and of tills stall- the I'ortlelh. A. UAI.USIIA. IsliAi.l Secretary of State. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Slate , For United States Senator : NOKKIS UKOWX , of Buffalo. For Governor : GKOKOH L. SHHLHOX. of Cass. For Lieutenant Governor : M. R. HoruwKi.L , of Burt. For Railroad Commissioners : H. J. WIXXKTT , of Lancaster , \ \ ROHUHT Cowiu.L , of Douglas , " r A. J. WILLIAMS , of Pierce. For Secretary of State : GHOKOK JUNKIN , of Gospcr. For Auditor : En. M. SKAKI.KI JK. , of Keith. For Supt. Public Instruction : JASPISK L. M'BKIKX , of Fillmore For Treasurer : LAWSOX G. BKIAX , of UOOXK. For Attorney General : WM. T. THOMVSOX , of Merrick For Land Commissioner : HHXKY M. EATON , of Dodge. ConiJrcssiontvl , For Congressman , 1st District : KHNJSST M. POLLAUD of Cass Judicial For District Judge JOHN B. RAPER Senatoral W. H. WILSON County. .For County Attorney : JOHN WII.TSK For Representatives : CASS JON.BS J. F. Al.URRT For Supervisors District No. 1 LHWIS Suitss District No. 3 C. W. ATWOOD District No. 5 CHAKLKS F. XOKLLKK District No. 7 C. B. SNYDKK Shallcnberger says I will do s and so. Why didn't he do thot things before he became a cam ! date. "When the devil is sic the devil a saint would be. ' ' I I I I Worldly The News says that Urown is | untrue to his duty as an official' ' because the tax case will not be tried in the United State supreme i court at Washington until Octo-j bcr. We still insist that the i News is funny. Hrown beat seven kinds of daylight out of i the railroads in the lower court ; at Omaha and the railroads , as was their ri ht , appealed the case to the United States supreme | court. Does the News blame j Urown because the laws of our country give every litigant the ijjht of an appeal. Brown had lie Cases advanced on the docket f tlio supreme court so that it ould be heard this fall. If he ad not done this the case would ot have been reached for a year. iVhcn the case was set for arjju- nent in October the railroads re- nested Urown to rant them a ix months continuance. Did he loit ? Not Urown. He didn't ry to wait until after election before li htin" ; it out in the lopes 'that railroad influence .vould . help him for so dointf. Not he. lie didn't say to him self , "Herd 1 want to be in Ne- > raska making my campaign in October and I can't afford to spend a couple of weeks oyer in Washington while my opponent s making hay at home.1' Not ic. Urown is not built that way. He said the sooner we get this tppeal out of the wtiy the sooner he liurlingion and Union Pacific railroads will have to pay the nore than $200,000 they owe the ; > eoplc , so railroad inlluence or no railroad inlluence ; campaign or 10 campaign , there will be no continuance in the tax cases. And there is none. The News in its criticism on Urown is grow ing more amusing as its case grows more desperate. Can anyone offer a good objec tion to Staldcr. Have not the years he has lived in this county showed him to be made of the right kind of timber ? Isn't hi acquainted with our needs as ai agricultural section from practv cal experience as a farmer ? Isn'i he in line with the reforms of tht president ? Will not his vote be cast for Urown for senator ant aid in his election and the defeai of Thompson whom everyom knows to be the railroad candi date ? In this contest betweci corporation candidates and can didates who will represent tin people every voter should becotm a partisan. The railroads hav < taken the side which will do tin most for them. The people shoulc consult their interest as closely as do the railroads. A vote fo Albert Stalder is a vote agains railroad domination not only it the state but in the United State : senate as well. Cass Jones has been tried one as a member of the legislature Have you heard anyone say ; word against the record he made He was always present , ahvay : consulting in the interest of hii people. A man of proven char acter and ability is a good man t ( tie up with. Jones will answe : roll call in the next legislatun with the same regularity as lit did before. One of the most efTectual I * ways of increasing your worldly - | ly stores , is to open an ac count with this Bank. Suppose you drop in and let us talk it over with you. You can commence with a few dollars. Falls Chy Stale Banft Joseph Miles went to St. Louis Wednesday. Mrs. John Wilson is the guest of Omaha friends. II. A. Scott was down from Ilumboldt Wednesday. Mrs. N. T. Van Winkle spent Wednesday * vtth friends at Ver- don. Geo. Cleveland made a busi ness trip to St. Joseph Wednes day morning. O. A. Cooper was down from Ilumboldt to attend the Ileacock- Gould wedding. Mrs. Albert Maust left Satur day for a visit with her mother at Drcxcl , Missouri. Ike Lyon and Peter Kaiser were M. P. passengers for Omaha Wednesday morning. Carl Miller is spending this week the guest of Omaha friends and is attending the Ak-sar-ben. ISmma Werner was operated on this week for cancer. She has stood the operation nicely thus far. - Mrs. Henry Alberts of Hum boldt spent Wednesday in this city. Ethel Uordner of Washington , Kansas came Saturday for a visit with her sister Mrs. Jesse Whet- stine. John W. Towle of Omaha spent Tuesday and Wednesday in this city. W. D. Easley and wile of Kan sas City were the guests of 13. P Sharts and wife the latter part o the week. D. II. Sears and wife of Re serve , Kansas spent Wednesday with his parents W. L. Sears am wife of this city. Joseph Glasscr one of Hum boldts citizens was circulating among his friends in this citj the past Wednesday. Mrs. Kathcrine Wylie lef Tuesday evening for a visit will her daughter Florence who is at tending school at Peru. Jesse Whetstine , Peter Frede rick , Anderson Miller and II. C Davis are enjoying a hunting , trip in southwestern parts. Kd Burris and wife are spend ing the week in Omaha , am while there will purchase th holiday goods for the Burri Bros. Pharmacy. Win. Moran and wife are at tending the Priests of Palla festivities at Kansas City , leav ing for that place Tuesday morn ing. Bear in mind that the vetera breeder of Poland-ChinasFerdin on Friedly , will hold his fa ! sale in this city on the 2Sth inst Here is an opportunity to star right as Mr. Friedly's success a a breeder has been along th same lines as his offering. Wha he has done as a breeder , you cat do with the same opportunity a hand. This offering is thecrean of his choice herd and you can not go wrong by taking home t good one from this sale. r TMAT NOW W TOP , WE vTHALL SPIN. V/e AIADE THINGS SPIN 0EfORE. AND THE SP/N ALLoPct-'R ' THINGS / WHERE - /WfRI/US / / CArlE fRon DcflT You WANT THINGS f "Ron THE 5TORE WHERE THE HUSTLE 15 ? OFCOURSE 'YbU DO- BUSTER BRouw. r S\ sffr'bfj { . . > , ' \ \ . M - tM M V' i-p Y ! / -A3/ > $ & & & . BUCTVIP. iNo. 41. caiffitCHT i"3of > nv THE O'jSTFRRnownro rmc/so I-5NT IT A PLEASURE FOR YOU To BUY FROM THE , STORE AT THE ToP. YOU CAN THEN FEEL YOU HAVE DONE THE BE.ST. THE ToRE AT THE TOP HA.S MANY ADVANTAGES OVER THE STORE AT THE BOTTOM. FIRST , THEY HAVE THE PICK OF THE MARKET , THE BEST MAK ERS OF GARMENTS AND MATERIALS WANT THEIR GOODS IN STORES OF THE BEST SEL LERS OF GOODS. SECOND , PRICE. THE STORE AT THE TOP HAS GOOD"CREDIT , " BECAUSE IT CAN BUY FOR CASH. DID YOU EVER KNOW ANYONE WHO BORROWED MONEY ? YOU KNOW WHAT INTEREST IS THEN. YoU DON'T HAVE TO PAY A HIGHER PRICE INTEREST WHEN YOU DEAL WITH US ; BECAUSE WE BUY FoR CASH ; PAYING No INTEREST , BUT GETTING LARGE DISCOUNTS. AGAIN , BECAUSE FoR CLOAKS , JACKETS , FURS , SUITS , CLOTHS , UNDERWEAR , HOSIERY , LACES , FOR EVERY THING YOU WEAR AND NEED IN YOUR HOME WE ARE AT THE TOP. BE SURE AND GET YOUR TICKETS ON THE AUTO FOR EVERY 50C WORTH YOU BUY IN CHILDRENS GOODS UP TO 14 YFARS OF AGF. RESPECTFULLY , NEBRAKAY SAMUEL WAHL Ollie Bain was down from Stella Saturday. Mrs Harry Fisher was shop ping in this city on Tuesday. Chas. Smith was over from Sabetha the fore part of this week. Mrs. F. P. Page and daughter , Jessica , of Dawson were visiting with friends here Wednesday. Earl Marts of W3'inore spent Wednesday here with his par ents , Samuel Marts and wife. Ura and Mary Mobley of Salem were pleasant callers at this office Saturday afternoon. Herman Kclley after an ab sence of two weeks is again at his position in the Prater shop. \Vill Boyd left the first of the week for Nebraska Cit3' where he has accepted a position in a bar ber shop. Jacob Miller has added his name to our list of subscribers and from now on will bo a Trib une reader. The Johnson ball team failed to arrive last Sunday and conse1 nuently the base ball fans were sadly disappointed. W. Boose , sr , was transacting business affairs at Forest City the first of the week , returning Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. C. E. Peabody who has been visiting with her parents , S. II. Prater and wife returned Tuesday to her home in St. Joseph. D. C. Kirkpatrick returned Sunday to Dawson where he is engaged in packing apples. He has shipped four car loads in three weeks which is remarkably good. Guy Crook who has been in Washington during the entire summer returned the last of the week and spent a few days with his parents , W. II. Crook and wife before taking up his studies at the University last Monday. Mrs. E. I. Davies has our thanks for favors during the week. Mrs. G. V. Stumbo and small daughter returned the first of the week from Lincoln. Fred Feldman of Dawson was attending to business interests in this city on Monday. Willard Sears came down from Pawnee City Monday morning returning the same evening. C. A. Cook , of Salem , a breed er of Duroc Jersey swine was a business visitor here the past Friday. Peter Frederick , Jr. , went to Kansas City the first of the week the Priests of Pallas being the attraction. June Rummel , who has been the guest of Lois Spencer , re turned last Sunday to her home at Reserve , Kan. C. A. Cook will hold a sale of Dnroc Jersey swine at the Metis sale pavilion in Falls City , Sat- urdaj- , October 13th. 13. F. Stephenson who has just recently purchased a store at Preston , was a business visitor in this city on Wednesday of this week. Prof. Pillsbury of Lincoln , formerly superintendent of the public schools here , was in town last Friday. He is engaged in the real estate business at the capitol city. One 10 guage , Damacus , double barrel shotgun , with leather case , and 150 loaded shells ; $150.00 grade Parker , to trade on a horse and will pay the difference. In quire at this office. Have you noticed the attrac tive light display of evenings in the J. J. Tanner hardware store ? If you haven't , you should stroll past there and take a glance one of these evenings. He also has an excellent line of Riverside heaters and base burners on dis play , which would be worth your time to inspect. Wanted. A good farm hand. Apply to Frank Uhlig. Phone 23L- Public Sale of Poland China Hogs. We will sell 35 males and 20 gilts at Mettz's sale pavilion , October 20 , 190f > . II. C. WlTTKOCK , 42-4 W. F. RIKSCHICK. The Missouri Pacific will sell tickets to Kansas City and re turn for $3.55 on account of the Priests of Pallas. Tickets on sale Sept. 30th to Oct. Othreturn limit Oct. Sth. J. B. VAKNKK. Agent. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Services at 2:30 : p. mon alter nate Sundays. REV. O. H. ENGKI.HKKCHT. M. E. Church. The following services next Sabbath : 0:45 : Sunday school. 10:45 : preaching. * * 3:00 : p. m. Junior league. ( > :30 : p. m. Epworth league. 7:30 p. m. , sermon. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. on Wednesday evening. All cordially invited. W. T. CI.INK , Pastor. A wheel came off of an M. P. freight train just out of Strauss- ville on Tuesday evening but it was soon replaced and no damage was sustained. The Display of candies in the Candy Kitchen window is about the finest yet and reminds one that the season of its sway now outshines the reign of the ice cream sodas. O. W. DeWald , editor of the Trenton Resister , and family who have been visiting with T. J. Floyd , formerly of the Verdon i- Vedette , but now of Winfield , Kansas stopped in this city Sat urday and visited with his moth er , Mrs. Sue DeWald , until Mon day noon. Mr. DeWald is run ning a mighty fine paper at Trenton - < ton and the merchants there ap- V predate it as a number one adver tising medium.