The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 28, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Interest
C. Smith
Henry . est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the
LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made.
Win. Stownrt iinil family of iic.v
Salctn vbltctl ut Mrs. Oiniira , Sunday
Kims Moyurs anil wife of Falls Clt ;
were guests of N'oah Peck anil wife
Mrs. .1. O. Miller returned to hoi
liome In Waterloo , Iowa last Saturda ;
nftcr two weeks visit with relatives.
Guy ami Albert Hurk spent Sunilaj
afternoon with Win. Hutchison am
Clarcnee Peck.
Rev. Mohlcr and family of Falls Cltj
Hpcnt Sunday with Eph I'eck and fam
Hertha Hrlin of Hamlln , Kan , Is i
visitor of her sister Mrs. A K. Knlse
Andrew Kctterer Is In Kansas doiii ( .
pome carpentering work for Win
Gerdes a brother In law of his.
Mrs. Andrew Kettorer and hci
of her brother
father-in-law were quests
or William Saturday.
Mrs. Hurnworth was a uucst of Mrs
Hout7. Tuesday.
Mnbcl Shousc visited Sunday will
Kiln a ShalTcr.
Nolllo Knlsely went to Falls Citj
Monday to learn dress making.
F. S. Ltehtv and family were guest !
ol the formers brother ttuy and wile
11. A. Jlurk and wife spent Sunday
with the lattcrs parents.
Ed X.orn ami wife spent Sunday wltl
the lattcrs parents.
Win. nartlett and wife wore visitor
with the latters brother O. A. Hurl
nnd wife.
The Bcries of meetings are In prepress
press at the German Baptist Urothen
church this week services eommcnc
ut 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Perry Shutter was a visitor a
Chester Stump's Monday.
Clay Poi'k and wife were guests c
K. T. Peck and family , Sunday.
John Hutchison and Pan Unkofc
were Uurada visitors , Sunday ,
Mrs. Gco. Shousc and Mrs. Ilowar
spent Tucfday afternoon at the horn
of Noah Peck and family.
Eph Peck and Gco. Shouso wor
Rnlein visitors Tuesday.
John Llchty visited with his so
Frank , Tuesday.
Mike Uglier and family spent Sui
day with Mr * . ICoso a sister of Mrs
Mrs. Chris Horn Is with her daugh
ter Mrs. Wm. Iluettncr this week.
Mrs. Win. Hucttner while out abon
her work last Thursday slipped an
throw her ankle out of place which I
very painful and will lay her up for
N. B. Burnworth and family wer
Ruests of Wm. Huottner and wlfo Sun
Roy Carlisle was a county scat vis
tor Wednesday.
Sarah Thompson left Wednesday fc
a visit at Wyinore.
T. R. Carlisle and son Kay wore I
Falls City Tuesday.
Mrs. Fred Wlmllu returned to In
home in Wymore Thursday.
Mrs , Hannah VanDovort was a con
ty seat visitor Thursday.
F. P. Wlndoll came up from St. J
Wednesday evening.
Tom McCabe went to Falls City <
Wednesday to attend court.
Mesdames Catherine Martin a
Richard Morris drove from Stella
Clyde Campbell of Old Mexico
visiting his grandparents , J. R. Can
Fred Billings came down from Dn
Eon Tuesday.
Cass Moore was a Kansas City p
uenger Sunday.
Wade Whltten and wife were Ft
City visitors Wednesday.
Will Uhllg , wlfo and little son ca :
up from Falls City and spent Sunday
Clyde Stewart entertained a lat
number of friends last Friday evenl
in honor of bis sixteenth blrthdi
Various games were participated in
all present and it was a thorougl
enjoyable occasion. Ice cream , en
and fruit were served.
Bertha Spurgin spent Saturday e
ning in Salem.
Nellie Stewart visited over Sund
with her grandmother , Mrs. Smith.
Sadie Jones Is assisting In the Ci
tral office.
Louis Shoely and Maud King were
married at Verdon Sept. 10th , at
o'clock , Hev. Gardner performing tin
ceremony. The groom has grown to i
buy useful manhood In our midst : the
bride Is a highly respected yountr lad )
of Hcnton , Iowa.
John Cluroy died a * , the hospital It
Omaha Sept. IK. The remains wen
brought hero Wednesday and burlei
In the Maple cemetery at 2 o'clock or :
Thursday , Hev. Llndenmeyer of Falli
City conducting the funeral services
from thu Christian church.
The races are postponed until Oct ,
10 to 1:2. :
Will Kcrshaw and Klmcr PaUersor
of Humboldt were Salem visitors from
Friday until Sunday ,
Xula MeCool and O. P. Windel en-
tortalncd at the MeCool home on Weil
ncsday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Frcii
Windel of Wyinore. During the after
noon an Instrumental cole was rendered
and Mesdames Allan May and F.d Maj
sang. A dainty two course luncheon
was t-ervcd.
Frank Daugherty and family moved
the first of the week to the Hcnedlcl
property In the east part of town.
Mr. Boyd of Salem was a business
visitor hero Wednesday.
Miss King of Council Hlull's , la. , am
and George Sheoly of Salem wen
larried last Wednesday at the Con
regatlonal parsonage , [ lev. Gardnei
Mrs. Mary Ann Clark and mother
tlrs. LI//.lc Stcdham , returned homi
'ucsday from a two weeks visit a
Mound City , Mo.
Hev. Dlllow of Dawson was in towi
'Ylilay evening.
N. B. Judd of Dawson was in towi
riday , looking after business Inter
Joe Estus and wife of Stella wen
. 'onion visitors Sunday.
O. 1C. Stout of Auburn was a busines
Isltor hero Monday.
The reading circle of the Congrega
lonal church met Friday evening a
he home of Vincent Arnold south o
own ami a profitable evening spent.
Dave DaUes and wlte of Falls Cit ;
vcre business visitors hero thu first o
his week.
Luther Plekett was a pleasant vlslto
it Baker , Kans. , the first of the week
Albert ami Will Corn of Salem mo
ho train hero Wednesday and too !
loine the remains of John Claryvh
lied at Omaha.
Mrs. Millard Goodloe and chlldrci
> ( Stella spent a part of last week her
Isltlng relatives.
Leroy Judd of Dawson was in tow
. Ylday evening he was aecompanic
lomo by his daughter , Florence , wh
'omalned ' over Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Gurney Grltl'.th wer
county seat visitors last Thursday.
Gladys Noah and Ethel Allenbaug
came up from Falls City Saturda
morning and remained until Sundu
visiting relatives.
Mrs. Allle Watson of Falls Clt
spent Sunday with her Mster , Mr
Mcrritt Lum.
Mrs. Mabel Dickinson of Bakcrstlol
Cal. , arrived Saturday on a visit :
friends and relatives.
Elsie Skinner of Verdon and Ji
Estes of Stella were married Thursdti
evening at the home ot the gooui
sister , Mrs. B. T. Clements , north
Stella , Rev. Schafer of this city ollk
atlng. An elegant supper was glvi
by the groom's sisters , Mesdames 13. '
Clements and Will Strolsch. Thi
received a number of useful anil val
able presents. Those present fro
hero were : Hev. Jacob Shater , Hen
Kiel , wife and daughters , Mrs. Wol
and daughter , Edna , Chloe and Ver
Wilkinson and Ben Thomas.
Leon Barnes and wlfo ot Fulrbui
Nebr. , were renewing old ucquaii
ances hero Tuesday.
Bertha nnd Blanche Armbruster i
turned to Falls City Sunday even !
after visiting at home.
Hev. W. C. Brewer , wlfo and s
spent Tuesday with her sister , Ami
Wilbur Henderson and family spe
Sunday with Dr. GrUllth and fami !
The ball team of Sbubert plaj
here Sunday , the game resulted Ir
score of 13 to 1 In favor of Verdon.
George Hall of Falls City , accomj
nled by Miss Barry spent Sunday hei
The aid society met at the Evang
leal church last Thursday for the pi
pose of quilting.
The Kensington ladles and their
husbands met Friday evening at the
ionic of Mrs. G. D. Knapp , and picas-
intly surprised Mrs. W. 11. Kecney.
J'lic evening was spent in games and
nuslc , after which several large mel
ons were thu attraction.
Katie Mcliitu. who te attending
school at Falls City , c.imo up Saturday
mil remained until Sunday afternoon.
She was accompanied homo by her
friend , Miss Wilson.
Jake NIcfert returned Monday night
to Pauline , Kans. , after spending a few
days in this vicinity.
Guy Huston of Falls City spent
Sunday here.
Bowers Bros , shipped a car load of
ipples this week.
Ona Moore left last Thursday for
Kansas City where she will study
nusic this wintsr.
L. It. Chancy has been drawn as a
ederal court juror for the fall term of
the federal court which meets 'n '
Omaha October Oth.
Wm. Stroce and family of Illinois
uive moved Into ono of the Clark
louses just north of town.
Clara Newell returned to her home
at Glcnvlllo Saturday after a month's
visit with friends In the Prairie Union
W. E. Marts left for Bancroft Tues
day where he will take medical treat
ment from Dr. Allen fo. * an injured
Mrs. Lizzie Williams Is visiting re
latives at Burchard this week.
The social at Will Vandcveer's
Tuesday evening was a successful one ,
both socially and financially , about
one hundred and fifty persons being In
Joe Estes , a young farmer living just
north of town , was married last Thurs
day evening to Elsie Skinner at the
home of his sister , Mrs. Cluments.
A number of dilTerent sets spent
Sunday pionlcing In the hills near the
Ethel Hutching of Falls CItywas the
guest of relatives here the first of the
Wallace Mattocks , a former opera
tor at this place but now of Atchison ,
was the guest of Stella friends lasl
Jas. Weddle of Shubert has rented
the Methodist parsonage and is al <
ready occupying the same , Ho will
move onto one of his father's farms
cast of town in the spring.
The ladles of the Degree of Honoi
gave Mrs. A. J. Baldwin a surprise
party last Saturday evening , the occa
slon being her birthday. Shu was pro
seined with a handsome china berrj
A surprise party was given on Mrs
Harvo Wilson at her home north o
town last Friday evening. The guest :
were relatives and near neighbors , ant
she was presented with a number o
ilco gltts.
A son was born to August Utermoh
on on Wednesday Sept 1'Jth.
Reimers Bros- had a car of artlficia
ice shipped in from Kansas City thi
Harry Shallenbergcr of Stamfon
lias been visiting relatives hero thl
Emma Sarvls , a former Stella girl
but who has been living in Kansa
City for some time , was married a
that place September 18th , to C. W
TilTany. They will make their horn
in that city where he Is employed n
u master mechanic.
- -
D. C. Stratton and wife of Puwne
City visited J. K. Liggett and wife th
first of the week.
M. H. Wilson returned Sunday fret
a business trip through Oklahoma.
W. F. Fenton and family of Fall
City spent Sunday with J. F. Wals
and family.
County Recorder Edwards was
Sunday visitor In this city.
i Born To Ernest Cllft and wife , Sa
t urday , Sept. 22 , 1000 , a son.
Wenzel Skalak and son , Will , r <
turned Friday from a business trip I
Kansas. r
Xorrls Brown addressed an assemb ]
at the opera house Tuesday evening.
Mrs. M. F. Mahln and daughte
Lois , who have been visiting Jas. I-
Liggett and wife , have returned 1
their home at St. Joseph.
Walter Unland , who has been en
ployed on his claim near Peacocl
Canada , Is expected to retiii'n home
this week.
Guy Cooper was looking after busl
ness matters In the western part of the
state this week.
Maude Baitley , who has been visit
ing her sister , MrWm. . Lydlck , re
turned Sunday to her home in Kansa
Grandma X.ulek was pleasantly sur
prised at the home of her daughter
Mrs. Anna Bauer , In this city Wed
nesday by a number of her friends am ;
relatives who had assembled to ccle
barte her ninetieth birthday.
Mrs. W. F. Carver Is visiting will
her nolce , Mrs. Christ Johnson , a
Beaver City.
Mrs. H. A. Hohenwald returned 01
Thursday from Corder , Kans. , wheri
she had been summoned by the deatl
of her father.
M. S. Uakctt and family are makinj
ireparations to move Into the room
bove their drug s ore about the firs
f October.
Dr. M. L. Wilson was transactlnj
business at McCook the last of thi
Ena Cooper left this week for St
oseph where she will take instruc
ions In china painting for Severn
Fred Segrlst and wife of Hill Cit ;
South Dakota , are visiting J. C. Se
jrist and other relatives In this vicln
E. C. Hill and wife , pioneer resident
n this county celebrated their golde
veddlng anniversary one day la&
veek at their home several miles eas
of town.
Henry Rexroth ami family have lef
on an extended visit to relatives a
Mark Williamson is home from
Islt with friends In Iowa.
Mrs. Emma Wilson and daughte
Opal , left Wednesday for l , ldorad (
vansas where they expect to mak
heir home In the future.
Mrs. E. L. Crane returned the las
of the week from a pleasant visit will
\ansas City friends.
A social was held at the Presbyter
an church Friday evening and wti
liilte well attended.
Garnett Murray who has been as
sisting in the Shirley & Buerstett
Clothing store for the past severa
years left Monday evening for Spokan
Washington , where hu expects to fin
Desaio Lee left Friday for Lincol
where she will resume her studios a
the state university.
The first Humboldt brick was mad
Monday morning and the plant pr <
raises to be all that could be desired.
Mrs. Ray Miller of Falls City vlslte
the last of the week with her parent
B. F. Gravatt and wife.
II. B. Shallenbergcr of Stamfort
Nebraska visited wlfth J. D. Shraugc
and family , northeast of town the fir-
of the week.
Mrs. L. M. McConnell returned Moi
day from a visit with relatives f
Mrs. R. F. Frederick of Presto
visited friends In Rule , several oaj
this week.
Will Cunningham returned froi
Culberson Thursday of lust week.
Mr. TInsley and son Earnest dopar
cd Thursday for Blakcsburg , Iowa.
Clarence Johndrow is able to I
about again after a very serious 11
Henry Kloepfel was a. business vlsi
or at the county scat last Saturday.
Mr. Crooks and wife who sold the !
store here some time ago departe
Sunday for St. Joe , Kansas City an
other points in Kansas.
Hon Cass. Jones was a Falls Cil
visitor Saturday.
Will Young departed Thursday i
last week for Brown County , thle sta :
for a two weeks visit with his motht
and sister.
Grace Harding came down fro
Dr. Henderson and Clarence Job
drew , were Falls City visitor Sutu
Mrs. Whaling and daughter Hole
were Preston visitors Saturday.
Several of the Mound City boys a
tended the show here Friday.
Bessie Story of Preston vlslte
friends in Rule this week
Joe McVey of Crete visited with h
mother several days last week , return
ing home Saturday.
Charlie McWaln has been sick for
some titne'wlth malarial fever.
Mrs Frank Brown. Carrie Boyd
were helping in Mr. Hinliles store or
show day.
Mrs. W. M. Vnstino departed foi
St. Joe Sunday , where she will vlsli
for several days.
Phil Horan spent Sunday and Mon
day visiting In St. Joe.
10. A. Swan , of Humboldt , took thi
place of the night operator , here when
Mr. Crawford left.
C. B. SchatTcrof waton. Mo. , visited
the home folks here over Sunday.
Thomas Deal and family of Maurice
North Dakota arrived In this city Frl
day. They expect to visit In this citj
for the next two months.
Conductor C. A. Ryan Is laid up thii
week with a very painful abcess on his
face. A Adams has charge ol Mr
Ryan's train during his lay off.
Dr. Henderson made a professional
trip to Missouri Monday.
The bridge painters were called tc
Nebraska City , Monday night , where
they will repair riprap.
Mrs. C. J Huber visited in St. Joe
the first of this week.
C. A. McNutt of Monnd City trans
acted business in Rule this week.
Mrs. Emma Wallace was a Falls Gltj
visitor Monday.
Mrs. Jeffries has been quite sick fet
two weeks , but is some better at thii
Joe Lunsford moved his family
over to Napier Monday , where he has
secured work for the coming winter.
Mrs. Will Harding of Salem who hai
been visiting friends here , returned u
her hoir.e Monday.
Mox Ge = er has traded his team o
western horses , for a team of mules.
Will Cunningham is having a nea
new barn erected on his home place.
Claude Yocum and wife ot Craig , Mo.
are visiting friends in Rule this week
Friday while Alice and Aha Gllber
were drlring to Rule , the show peopli
were just going out to their grounds
and the horse the girls were drlvlns
became frightened at the elephant am
started to run. Both girls jumped
and the horse became entangled in i
barbwlre fence , luckily no damage wa
done to horse , buggy or occupants
The girls were frightened , but pluck
ily finished the drive to town.
G. W. Baldwin a representative o
the Lincoln Dally Star was in Rule thi
first of this week.
James Cronin came home fron
South Dakota last week after an ab
sence of several months.
John Kanaly and wife went to St
Joseph Thursday to attend the horsi
Henry Jackson went to Stelner 01
business this week.
Roily Harrison of St. Joseph vlsitci
home folks a few days the latter par
of the week.
Friday show day , was ushered h
bright and clear , school dismissed fo
the day and the little folks were ex
pectious. The parade was late on ac
count of being so hard for them to ee
to the show ground.
Rob Kanaly and Ray Hart wen
Falls City visitors Tuesday night.
Jim Mooney , Giles Ocombe and Johi
Mann went to St. Joe Tuesday.
May Wake of Falls City visited ii
Rule several days this week.
Just Complaint.
The jury are loud in thei
criticism regarding the furnish
ings in the jury room.
Many long , weary hours an
spent therein with nothing bu
a woodbottom chair to offe
rest. Many of these jurors eacl
time are aged and afllicte <
with infirmities that make thosi
hard seats very uninviting evei
in their short hours and whei
time drags from all day unti
midnight it is a burden man ;
are almost unable to bear.
Richardson county could di
better and the Supervisor
should take action at once.
J. M. Byrne , Jerry Fenton
Commodore O'Grady and Tot
Fenton of Dawson wereThursda ;
visitors here.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice .s lu-roby given Hint on Oc.c her
13tli. I'KM. l > etween the hour * of 2 o'clock
mil 4 o'clock , 11. in. , of said ila.I . \ . ill
offer for sale at llumhoidt , lit Klchari'-nn '
comity , Nebraska , the following described r , r-
sonal iinxlcrty , tow it :
One Smith Premier typewriter "Meiliun- "
30 books , i'licycloiieillas New American : 1
breakfast table , 1 oak writing desiv , I
spool cabinet , itesk ami table , 3 iocl < ng
chairs , 1 common chair.
This property having been attached as
tile property of the defendant , Jerome C.
Wlltse , at the suit of the plaintiff , < ' .ec rge
e1. . C.amly. In the district court of said
county and is now being sold as per crdcr
of said court on a vendl issued to me bj the
clerk of said court under the seal thereof.
Terms of sale cash. W. T. TI-.XTO.N.
Attoruejs. 42-21
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given thai on Oct ber
29th , I'KKi , between the hours of 2 o'clock
ami 4 o'clock , p. m. , of said | day , I will
offer for sale at the \\est door of the d uri
house In Tails City in Richardson countj ,
Nebraska , the following described real
estate , towit ;
The west half of soiithoasi < iuaricr
( wJS seji ) of section 7 and northeast quarter
of southeast imarler ( ne' < seK ) of sect on
7 , township one (1) ( ) north , range 13 ; and
lots 1 , 2. 3.4. . and 5 , block 37 Walker's add
to Humboldt , Nebraska , lots 1 , 2 , and 3.
block 23 Nlms' add to Hnmboldl , luK
5 , block 25 Nlms' add lo HnmlioldU
lot 9 , block . lot 5 , block 7 , city of Hum
boldt , and two ( J ) acres In swi ! of sw'j
of section 3 town 2 , range 13 east otli
I1. M.
This property having been attached a >
the property of the defendant , Jerome C
Wlltse , at the suit of the plaint ft
( leorge (1. ( .andy , in the district courl of
said county and Is now being sold as per
order of said court on u vend ! issued to
me by the clerk of said court mulct Uie
seal thereof. Terms of sale cash.
42-41 W. T. IY..NTON
KIAVIS : .t Ri\vis. Slier ff
Legal Notice.
Joseph Williams , Ulla t'.ag-
nou , I'rederick Williams ,
Marion K.rnnU.and Joseph
r. . Mead , a minor , by his
next frit-mi , IMward Mead ,
\ - > .
Joseph H. Miles , Amanda
Amos , Mary Jones , Mlna
I'.iles , John W. Holt , John
PublicalK n
1. .Dossier , J. K. lilies ,
I10UCI- .
Stephen II. Miles , jr. ,
Joseph T. Miles , Nora
Harrison , John J. Williams ,
W. J. Jones , Thomas Amos ,
Ulla Page , riornnco 1'rey.
IVaura Hedrick , 1'mma Tay
lor , the unknown heirs of
Alice 1'rooks , Samuel A.
Miles ,
To non-resident defendants , J. K. 1 , i- .
Nora Harrison , W. J. Jones , Tin ma * .
Amos , rioreuce Trey , Iatira lied'ex. .
Ultima Taylor , John Ilrooks , Harrj Ir !
I.allimore IJrooks , y.licu Ilrooks :
You and each of yon are h. , \
notified that In thu abo\e entitled r i -t
pending in the district court in am ! * ur
Richardson county , stale of Nebraska. Un
said courl lias made a comlilional i Ver
of rurlvor. Ilia I the said cause a- t < i
Joseph Williams be revived in the n irie
of Itelle Williams , administratrix of me
estate of Joseph Williams , deceased ,
Hello Williams , his widow , and Heleu
Williams , ami Viola Williams , mini rand - .
and only heirs of the deceased plaintiff.
Joseph Williams , by llelle Williams , t inr
next friend and guardian.
The said court further ordered and
decreed that said conditional order of
revlvor be served upon the absent defend-
anls by publication In The Tails
Tribune , a ueunpapcr published at TalU
City in Richardson county , Nebraska ,
for the period of thirty da > s , eommcnc.tie
on Triday , the 2sth of September. l"0i ) ,
requiring said defendants tshow cau e
why said action on ihe parl ol Joet > b
Williams , deceased , should not tw rexcd
in the name of his representatives , .suc
cessors and heirs aforesaid , on or bi-f < re
the 12lh day of November. 1'Wi.
You are , therefore , required to s u
cause , on or before the 12th day of Novem
ber , lr < 0 i , why said cause as lo Jo eh
Williams , plainiiff , should not stand ie-
\lveil in Ihe name of his represenlat % es.
successors and heirs aforesaid , as in said
condition order provided ,
Dated September 27 , l"0o. 42
JOHN I , . Wi'.iisTKK ,
Atlorneys for Plainiifl-
The nomination of Captain
Asliby of Beatrice for District
Judge was an unfair advantage
of the candidate. Judge John
Raper has been so fair and so
careful in his conduct as a judge
that nearly every man with
whom he has been brought in
contact favors his election. Paw
nee county has never had cause
for complaint in our treatment of ,
its candidates and it is a sure
thing that it will never feel ag
grieved over the vote Judge
Raper will receive here this fall.