The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 21, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Interest =
C. Smith
. est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the
LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made.
Luther 1'lckett spent Sunday ut Au
John Williams wno u St. .loc visitor
last week.
Lou Gotltlrnon of Falls City spent
In Vcrtlon.
Mr. CullUon of Falls City spent Sun
day in our city.
Clyde Gates of Dawson was a Vertlon
visitor Tuetday.
L. A. Klnsoy returned to Ills homo
nt Lincoln Sunday.
Will Mowroy of Stella was iv business
visitor hero Monday.
Mr * . Jay Parsons spent last Saturday
nt the county capital.
Mrs. Joe Parsons was n business visi
tor to the county scat.
Mrs. Hey Swlsogood was a county
Heat visitor last Saturday.
Albert Corn of Salem spent Sunday
with his mother In this city.
Mrs. G. U. Ktmpp spent a part of the
week at Salem visiting relatives.
Mcsdamcs Knapp and Hcinoman
were county scat visitors Tuesday.
John and Tom Hull arrhcd home
from PHtellohl , 111 , , last Wednesday.
Emma and Anna Xontncr of Falls
City spent Sunday the guest of Amrot
Will Corn and sons of Salem spent
Sunday with Mrs. Amanda Corn and
E. E. Bolojack of llarada spent Sun'
day In Verdon , Interviewing old
Grant Wlnillo and family of Falls
City spent Sunday with IX W. Grimtli
and wife.
Mrs. Frank Adams of Falls Citj
spent Wednesday with Mrs. W. E
Mrs. Edwin Ewliig arrived fron
Kansas Saturday on a visit to friondi
and relatives.
Mrs. W. E. Goolsby and chlldrei
upcnt Sunday with her sister , Mrs
Hayes of Shubort.
Grace Dennett and Amrot Hart at
tended the musicalu at Maple Grovi
Thursday evening.
Grant Goolsby and family of Muph
Grove took dinner Sunday with W. II
Mark and daughter.
Mrs. Sue Hayes and daughter o
Shubcrt spent Saturday with her sis
ter , Mrs. W. E. Goolsby.
Rev. It. E. Hunt camu down fron
Lincoln and filled the pulpit at thi
Christian church Sunday.
Rov. Schlcigh of Omuhii was In at
tcmlanca at the uuvolllng of the late
Mr. Tingley's monument.
The W. O. W. drill team of Fall
City attended the unveiling of Mr
Tingloy's monument Sunday.
Ada Leonard and Florence Judi
went to Ilowo Saturday and rcmalnc
until Sunday ovcnlng visiting frlendi
Mrs. Gould Lunge and daughter ai
rived from Now Mexico on a visit t
her parents , R. E. Bowman and wift
Mrs. Felt , who has been visiting u
Humboldt , stopped hero Sunday aftci
noon on her way to her homo at Sin
Mrs. Maud Dietrich and daughter (
Long Island have been visiting wit
John Hascnygar and family the pai
C. G. Humphrey and wife wont t
Falls City Saturday and remained ur
til Monday , the guests of Geo. Abboi
and wife.
Mrs. Gertrude Hummel arrived froi
Now Mexico , the latter part of tl
week on a visit to her parents , R. 1
Bowman and wife.
Mrs. Jane Tlngley and son , Ulmcri
of Lincoln came down to attend tl
unveiling of the late Mr. Tlngley
monument at Cornell cemetery Sui
Carrie Cunningham of this place ar
Leroy Edwards of Stella were marrh
"Wednesday evening at the Congreg
tlonal parsonage , Rev. Gardner ofllc
Mrs. Chas. Wilson , who has bet
nursing 'Cora Swisegood for near
four weeks , returned to her homo
Sbubert , leaving her patient ve
much Improved and able to bo aroun
On Monday evening , Sept. 17 , 1900 ,
number of schoolmates completely su
prised Mamio Byrely , It being tl
eleventh anniversary of that youi
lady's birth. Watermelon was serv
and those present report a good tin :
II. ( ) . Dalbci Is clerking In the
Vaught grocery store.
Alvln Porr has accepcd a clerkship
In Ilackott's drug store.
L. M. Hillings of Table Hock was In
town the llrst of the week.
Herman Stoncsifcr returned Satur
day from a week's visit In Lincoln.
Pearl Garnjr returned Sunday eve
ning from u visit with friends In Kan
sas City.
Mrs. diet Power returned the last
of the week from a visit with friends
in Lincoln.
Elizabeth and Katie Hcacock and
Sarah Hutchlngs spent Sunday with
Ena Cooper.
Win. Bailey came up from Sabctha ,
Kansas , the last of the week for a visit
with friends.
Lora McCool of Duwson spent Sun-
dav with her grand parents , J. J. Tur
ner and wife.
II. L. Hourno residing near Stella
last week purchased the Skalak farm
northeast of town.
Maude Deatty ot Kansas City is this
week visiting at the home of her sister
Mrs. Win. Lydicd.
Lloyd Stalder loft Monday for Lin
coin , where ho will attend the state
university this year.
| A cement walk is being laid on the
north sldo ol Phllpot & Tanner's
lumber yard this weok.
Mrs. Joy Bullls-McKio of Now
Mexico is visiting at the homo of her
mother , Mrs. J A. Murphy.
Dr. Howard Marsh anrl wife , accom
panied by Anna Brier , have returned
from a visit at Emporla , Kans.
Margaret Rice , deputy post-mistress
returned Monday from a week's visit
with her parents at Tecumsoh.
Cooper & Linn recently purchased
five thousand head of sheep which tucj
will feed during the winter months.
Mlnnlo Bnorstotta of Tecumseh was
visiting the last of the week with hot
brother A. J. Bnorstetta and family.
George and Lolo Hummel loft Man.
day for Lincoln where they will at
tend the State university this winter
Rov. Bert Wilson left Monday foi
Virginia , this state , where ho wil
conduct revival meetings for throi
Grey Miller and family expect to
leave this week for Craig , Nobr.
where ho will embark in the dnij
Pearl Wilson , who has been visiting
at the homo of her uncle , Jas. Philpo
returned Sunday to her homo at Lis
bon , Ohio
Mrs. Molllo Compton and childrci
of St. Joseph are guests at the hoim
of J. R. Williamson and wife , north
east of town.
Mrs..I. K. Dickinson of Bakervillc
California , arrived In the city Frulii ;
on a visit to relatives and friends. Mrs
Dickinson will bo mcmbercd as Mis
Mabel Pool.
J. J. Prey und wife of St. Joseph
Mo. , expect to become residents 11
this city In the near future and wl ]
occupy the L. C. Maun property o
Central avenue.
Mrs. Betty Murray and daughtci
Mrs. Nina McGary , who have bee
visiting relatives In this city for sovci
al months , returned to their homo n
ElPaso , Texas , Tuesday morning.
George W. Davis , recently sold hi
eighty aero farm northwest of town t
Robert Carsh for § 0,000. Mr. Davi
' and wife are making preparations t
move to town in the near future.
Ida Burk is on the sick list th
Dan Humphrey was a Barada vtsltt
Frank HouU was a Verdon visito
Ivan Keller visited his sister Mr
Clay Peck , Sunday.
Nettle Omara and Florence Bun
I- iI went to Kansas City Tuesday.
Eph. Peck and wlfo entertalm
same of their relatives , Sunday.
Wra. Huettncr and family spent Sui
day with Frank Xorn's near Salem.
Rev. Sawyer of Morrlll , Kansi
preached the funeral of Geo. Peck.
Edna and Vera Shaffer entertained
few of their friends Sunday at the
homo ,
O. A. Burk and wife , John Llchl
and wlfo were guests at N. Peck
e. Sunday afternoon ,
F. S. LIchty and family returned
homo last Friday from a two weeks
ylslt at Nowklrk Oklahoma.
J. W. Dodds and wile were out to
Fargo Sunday. They took their
daughter Mary to her school.
Mrs. (2d ( I th Vellow returned to hi'r
homo In Kansas City , Saturday , after
two weeks visit with relatives.
Sadie Peck took seriously ill last
Thursday night but at thU Vrlting Is
much improved. Her many friends
hope to hen. * of her recovery soon.
A series of meeting will commence
at the German Baptist Brcthern
church the UJtrd of September with
Rev. J. J. Yodcr of McPherson , Kans.
as speaker.
About forty young people gathered
at the home of Win. Cook to celebrate
thollftecnth birthday of Miss Elma.
Refreshments were Ferved and all re
port a line time. Miss Elma received
some nice presents.
Tliosu from u distance who attended
the funeral of George Peck wore Joe
Peck and wile Lloyd Peck and wlfo of
Reserve , Kans. , M. K. Peck , E. C.
Peck , A. L. Peck and wlfo of Morrlll ,
Kansas and J. O. Miller and wlfo of
Waterloo , Iowa and Mrs. A. D. Hum-
bargcr of Shawnee , Oklahoma.
M. L. Dowell was a passenger to St.
Joe Saturday.
Mrs. Miller and little son are visit'
ing Geo. Sheelcy's this week.
Fred Wlndell of Wymore arrived on
Monday for a visit at Joe Wlndell's.
Maude King of Henton , Iowa , is
visiting at the home of G. W. Shcoly ,
Rev. W. S. Mase will have charge of
ho M. E. church for the coming year
Herman Snyder and wlfo of PIckrcl !
re guests at the homo of Joe Wlndell.
Gcorgo Russell returned home lust
vcok from his trip to Iowa and Texas
Undo Fred Allen left lust week for i
Islt at Colby and other places ii
Mrs. Kutberine Wylle , Mrs. Win
Jhllg and little son were Salem visi-
ors Thursday ,
Mrs. G. H. Russell and daughter ;
mve returned homo from their visit a
/Mattsburg , Mo.
M. L. Lane of Omaha who roprc
ionts the Bell telephone company wai
n town Thursday.
Oliver Jennings died nt his home
icro Thursday evening. The funcra
vus held Sunday at the family rcsl-
lencc and the sermon preached b.\
ov. Cllno of Falls City.
Ab Adams has the honor of havin {
Irove the llrst stake to locate thi
Irainago ditch. When the next his
lory of Nebraska Is written Ab will bt
entitled to a large picture of himsel
Mr. and Mrs. Sheely gave a recop
tlon for the band boys on Saturday
evening after band concert. Tin
event was In honor of a friend fron
Noligh , Nobr. , who was u guest ut tin
Sheely home. The rooms were beau
tlfully decorated with plants am
[ lowers and a bounteous repast wa
Mr. Tlnsloy vlsilud Rule Tuesday ,
Sherman Hays , has purchased u nev
Rain , rain , rain nothing now butrui
and mud.
Phil Horan spent Sunday In St
Lewis Plante , returned from Call
fornla Tuesday.
II. llochtnc , was a Falls City visito
Monday afternoon.
Ves Bunker has sold his livery bar
to Judson Carpenter.
Mrs. Steve Cunningham Is vlsltln
in Chester this week.
Newton Uosford was a county sec
visitor Monday night.
Edward Lend and Carl Leeds starte
to the convent Monday.
J. Murriam of Lincoln was a Rul
visitor one day last week.
Ves Bunker und ' ' "
'Big Jack" wer
to Mound City Wednesday.
C. Hersny of Falls City was a bus
ness visitor in Rule Friday.
J. Whalcn of Omaha was u buslnci
visitor in this place Tuesday.
Less Deeds of St. Joseph vlslte
with the home folks this week.
Mrs. Less Lambert of Red Clou
Nebraska , U visiting Rule friends.
Will Cunningham went to Culber
son , Nebraska on business Tuesday ,
Ed Davis made a business trip to
St. Joseph the latter part of last week.
Mrs. Fcrd Jarrott o' ' Sioux City is
visiting relatives In this city this
J. M. Gustafson of Wymore , wu ? a
business visitor in Rule ono day last
Rob Kanaly and Ray Hart were
Falls City visitors one evening last
Budd Packet and family of Golf ,
Kansas were visiting friends In Rule ,
this week.
Mooneh Brothers shipped two car
loads of hogs to St. Joe Thursday of
last week.
Mrs. J. W. Pope and children visit
ed friends at Troy Junction several
days this weok.
M. J. LeBlanc Is putting down a
concrete sidewalk In front of his resi
dence this week.
The Burlington paymaster distribut
ed pay checks to the employees Thurs
day of last week.
Ellas Packet who is working in St.
Joseph visited with the home folks ,
Friday of last week.
Harry Lonquiest of Wymore is run
ning the engine for Engineer True
during his absence.
Mrs. J. W. Crawford and three chil
dren departed last Thursday for St.
Louis , their future home.
Steve Cunningham and Mr. Vastine ,
sold n car load of western horses al
Mound City last Wednesday.
Wm. True Engineer on the Atchison
Ino left Tuesday morning , for an ex-
ended trip through Missouri.
J. W. Pope night operator hero foi
some time resigned and left Thursdaj
o join his family in St. Louis.i
Jim Lee formerly with the Burling'
ton Bridge gang departed Monday eve1
ning for Memphis , Tennessee.
II. H. Mann anil Dodc Andersor
made a trip to Fargo and return last
Sunday via Missouri river route.
Ella Carpenter had the misfortune
to sprain her ankle , while steppinf
TOIU a busrsry , ono day last week.
Newton Hosford Is able to be ou
again after his accident but will b <
sometime before ho has fully recover
Mrs. Roy Hart and children depart
ed for her home in St. Joe Friday eve
ning after a months visit with home
Henry Bolpler departed Wodncsda ;
for Boulder Colorado , for the bcnefi
of his health. He expects to bo ao
sent for some time.
The Rule Kids and the Fort Haze
ball team crossed bats In Rush Botton
last Sunday afternoon. Score 3 to
favor of Fort Hazel.
Ella Carpenter , Cecil Kanaly , Mar ;
Mahan , Lena Caver/.agie , Maml
Kanaly and Anna Mahan went to Fall
City Thursday evening to hear thi
Hiawatha band.
Mrs. B. F. Cunningham and daughter
tor Alice who have been visltlni
friends hero for the past two months
returned to their home in San Jase
California , last Tuesday.
Mr * . Charles Ryan returnee ] last Sat
urday from Nebraska City , ivhere sh (
hud spent several days , visiting relfi
tlves. Her little daughter Margare
remained In Nebraska City.
Mr. Johnton and wife ol Boulder
Colorado , are visiting friends In Rul
Mrs. Johnston has many friends here
as she was formerly Mrs. Wattyene
and lived hero for many years
Minn Ball and family passed througl
here from White Cloud Friday o
their way to California where they e.\
pcct to make their future home. Thel
friends here regret their departur
but wish them prosperity In their nei
Thursday last being the loth annl
versary of Eddie Commode's birth hi
friends and schoolmates to the numbc
of forty , met in the evening to remin
him of the event. He received a nu.r
bcr of tokens of esteem. Refreshment
were served and all went home happj
after several hours spent In games an
other amusement ; , wishing Eddl
many more happy birthdays.
- * -
Marriage Record.
Herman Huettner , Falls City 2
LenaRoeech , Falls City 2
George L. Sheeley , Salem , Nebr. , . .2
Maude King , Folsom , Iowa 1
Joe F. Estes , Stella , Nebr. , 2
Elsie A. Skinner , Verdon 2
Joseph Johnson , Barada G
Hulda Ludwig , Barada 1
Ira Martin and wife were St. Joe
visitors the first of the week.
Mrs Maggie Moore of Mankato , Ks. ,
is visiting her brother , Morg Vando-
Ross Brockman will attend the state
agricultural school at Lincoln this
Ninon Gentry left for Lincold Mon
day where she will study music this
Quite a number from this place at
tended the funeral of Ol Jennings nt
Salem Sunday.
A. J. Wixon sold a team of draft
horses to traveling horse traders last
Saturday tor S450.
Frank Weller and Howard Plasters
left this week for Lincoln where they
will enter the state university.
Edith Splvey left Saturday for Lin
coln where she will stay with relatives
this winter and attend school.
S. R. Freed and Evan Evans with
heir wives are spending the week
with relatives at Haddam , Kans.
Mrs. Jess Hays and daughters ex-
icct to leave this week for Omaha
where they will spend the winter.
Frank Morltz of Macon , Neb. , has
jeen hero the past week arranging for
a land excursion to western Kansas.
Rev. Luck of Cumberland , Iowa , has
jeen hired as pastor at Prairie Union.
He will begin his duties Immediately.
JelT Robb of Lincoln has been here
the past week having some Improve
ments made on his farm west of town.
John and Will O'Brien have been at
Dawson this week where they have the
contract for building a large priest
George Slocum has been In Kansas
this week looking at laud. He will
buy in that state If he finds anything
to suit him.
W. S. Bain , carrier on route two ,
has been sick this week and unable U
carry the mail. Will Brown has been
delivering the mail.
Perry ShetTerd and wife began house
keeping in the Cole house In the east
part of town last week.
A. C. Shallenberger , democratic
nominee for governor , will speak al
the Stella opera house next Tuesdaj
afternoon at two o'clock.
A horse belonging to Alf Bourkc
was killed by lightning last Friday
afternoon. Its mate standing in the
same stall escaped injury.
Mrs. T. E. Wilson and children , whe
have been visiting relatives hero foi
some time , left for their home fr
Memphis , Tenn. , Wednesday.
Frank Johnson expects to move Intc
his new residence south of town soon
John Snyder has rented the farir
where Frank has been living.
Extensive Improvements are beluf
made on W. H. Wheeler's residence
The house has been raised , a furnace
will be put in , besides other conven
Rev. Hawley has been sent here t > :
the Methodist conference which re
cently met at Hastings. Ho will preael
hero each Sunday morning and a' '
Shubert in the evening.
Charley Shaler and wife left Wed'
nesdav for an extended trip througl
the south. They will visit the prin
clple cities of that section and also g <
to the battlefields where he teen parl
In the battles during the civil war.
Roy Edwards and Caroline Cunning
ham , both of this community , wen
married at Verdoii Wednesday even
ing of last week. The marriage was i
complete surprise to their friends am
to her relatives. They have been a
Omaha and Lincoln this week.
Notice for Bids.
Notice N hereby slvcn ( o all person
dckirin ? to bid for the buildinganil con
struction at coni'iit sidewalks In the cit ;
of Falls City , Nebraska , that they shal
file with the city clerk of said city , on o
before 12 o'clock ( noon ) Saturday , the 6th da ;
of October. l"0o , their sealed bids ( esti
mates to be in writing ) statlnc the lead
that they will build and construct cement Bide
walks for per lineal foot , on the follow in
described lots , situated in Falls City , N <
braska , to-uit :
East side of block 24. Stccle's -Mi add
tlon to Falls City. Nebraska.
South side of lot 13. and west ends c
lots 13. 14. 15. 16. In block 5. In the orleina
city of Falls City. Nebraska.
On the west ends of lots 17. 18. 19. bloc
5 , Steele' * addition to Falls Cit > . N <
Kids to tic in accordance with specificatloi
on file In the city clerk' * office. The cit ;
council reserves the rleht to reject any or al
bids. It. K. UAKEK ,
4l-2t City Clerk.
Notice of Administration.
In the matter of the estate of William
McKcmlry Maddox , deceased.
lit the county court of KichanUott counO.
late of Nebraska.
Notice ! i hereby clcn to all parties
Interested , that Wesley H. Maddox. did ,
on the 10th day < if September. 1906. file
In this court , a duly erik ! d petition pray-
Intt that ho may be appointed administrator
of tineslati - of William McKcndry Maddox.
deceased : and that on the llth day of
September , l 0ti , Mary J. Maddox , as the
widow of said deceased , by C. F. Rcavis
her attorney , filed her duly \erified peti
tion , prajinir that the administration of
the estate of deceased be committed to
John W. Holt and William Ultllir. as joint ,
administrators of said estate. It Is ordered
that said pctltloiiR bo heard lij Hie court
on Hie 4111 day of October. 1906. at 10
o'clock a. m. , in tinMiunlj court room at
Falls City , In said count } , \\lien and where
all parties Interested may appear and
oppose the wanting of the prayers of
either or both of said petitions ,
Hy order of the court dated September
llth. 1906. JOHN OAONO.V ,
40 County Judge.
Grant Windlc and family were
the guests of friends at Verdon
Vincent Arnold of Verdon was
a business visitor in this city
Mrs. Robt. Rule went to Salem
Sunday to attend the funeral of
Oliver Jennings.
Sarah Hutchings was the
guest of Ena Cooper at Hum
boldt last Sunday.
Elizabeth and Katherine Ilea-
cock spent Sunday the guests of
Ena Cooper at Humboldt.
Frank Davisson is now enjoy
ing the water at Excelsior
Springs , Mo. Water is fine !
Will Bohrer came down from
Auburn and spent Sunday with
his mother , leaving Tuesday for
C. Humphrey and wife of
Verdon spent Saturday and Sun
day with her parents , George
Abbott and wife.
Mr. Thompson of Kansas City
spent the latter part ot last week
with his wife who is visiting
with Mary Glines.
Ethel Cade was hostess to a
number of friends at a 12 o'clock
tea on Friday of last week. It
was a very elaborate social af
Services atAon tabernacle on
Sunday , Sept. 23 , at 11 a. m. ,
and 7:30 : p. m. , by Elder D. A.
Reed , of Wichita , Kans. Every
body welcome to attend these
When Ahthah Frenchy gets on
his shoes of many colors he walks
down the avenue with an air that
would make the late Ward McAl
lister look like a dirt } ' deuce in a
new deck-
Carroll Prior entertained sever
al friends at 6 o'clock dinner on
Wednesday evening , the occasion
being her birthday anniversary.
Those present enjoyed a very
pleasant time.
Quimby Ilossack returned on
Tuesdaj' morning from Canton ,
S. D. , where he has been spend
ing the summer. He will resume
his studies at the state university
in a week or so.
On another page of this paper
will be found the new method of
becoming a citizen of the United
States. It is a hard one but not
too hard to insure the best class
of citizens , and that is what we
want and need.
Dr. Hutchison , optician , will
be at the Union house again on
Tuesdaj' , Sept. 25th , and if you
are in need of glasses it will be
to your interest to see him. Sat
isfaction given or money returned.
Would you -want more ?
The show band attracted quite
a crowd an Main street yes er-
day noon.