The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 14, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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    ; *
IU * , .
- . -
$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Interest
C. Smith
Henry . est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the
LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made.
H. J. Kiel was a state fair \isltor
this week.
Guy Mosher of Kails City was a Ver
don visitor Sunday.
Rul ] < h Mlllor attended the fair at
Lincoln last week.
Robert Goolsby and wlfo wore Kails
City visitors Friday.
Mrs. Orlando Veal attended the fair
nt LiPCMn Inst week.
Sherm Dyroly was a business visitor
Tuesday at Duwson.
Hruco Nedrow and wlfo were Lin
coln visitors last week.
Mrs. Roy Watklns went to Auburn
Sunday to visit relatives ,
Walter Vcitch and wife attended the
fair at Lincoln last week.
Tom Hull was a business visitor to
the county eeul Saturday.
John Husonyugor was u state fall-
visitor at Lincoln last week.
John Hall was u visitor at the state
fair at Lincoln last Tuesday.
Ghas. Ocamb was a business visitor
to St. Joe the first of the week.
Dr. Kent of Kails City was a profes
sional visitor hero Wednesday.
Mrs. M. J. Kelley wont to Kansas
City Sunday on a visit to relatives.
Martha King of Porn Is visiting Mrs
Walter Vouch the lust of this week.
Marie Fastuneuu returned the lust
of the week from her visit at Nebraska
N. I ) . Judd of Daweon was u busi
ness visitor hero the middle of the
Mrs. Kd Grllllth wont to Kunsas City
Saturday , Slio will bo absent about a
Edna 1'arsons loft for Peru Saturday
where she will attend the normal this
Nora Kelley loft Sunday for Kansas
City on a visit to her sister , Mrs ,
Rev. W. C. Hrower and son , Wilbur ,
of Straussvlllo were Verdon visitors on
Rev. Iloldcrmun of Lincoln preached
at the Kvanpclleul church Sunduj
Rev. Jacob Sehufor visited with Rev
Hrower at Muplo Grove the lutter par
of last week.
Mr. Williamson arrived ovorlam
from linker , Kan. , and joined hi :
family here.
Blanche Jenkins returned Sunday K
her homo at Omaha after spending tin
summer hero.
Orlando Veal and wlfo visited at th
home of Mrs. Hello Cornell , west o
town , last Sunday.
James Hanley and daughter , Mury
attended the funeral of Tom Hurko a
Daweon last Thursday.
A. D. Goolsby and wife were ontoi
talncd Sunday by W. 11. Moran an
'wife at the Transit house.
The Misses Schrocdor of LJortam
Nebr. , visited their friend , Gertrud
Lutu , the first ot the week ,
Fred Gibson bought the dray line c
\Vi V. Goo'.sby lust week. Ho put ei
an extra team and wagon.
Lcroy Judd and wlfo of Uawson vl
itcd with their daughter , Florcnci
in this city Sunday afternoon.
George Abbott came up from tl
county capitol Friday and visited h
daughter , Mrs. C. G. Humphrey.
Mrs. Guruey GrlflHh and sonHeat !
returned Saturday from a pleusui
rlslt with relutlves at Wymoro.
Mrs. W. V. Goolsby and chlldn
returned homo Friday from St. Josoj
after visiting her mother utthut pluc
Eleanor Reese assisted in the sto
of Ocamb & Stuch lust week durli
the absence of Mr. Ocamb at St. Jo
Byrnn Tangnoy returned to h
homo at Kansas City after spcndii
the summer with relatives east
Mrs. Nancy Dollar and duughtc
Mabel , arrived from Auburn the fir
of the week and will spend the wint
in Vcrdou.
Mr. Crouch and daughter , Mab <
went to Lincoln Tuesday. Mabel r
mained and will attend school the
this winter.
Olga Fastancuu returned to h
homo at Nebraska City the first of tl
week after spending a couple of wee
with her sister , Mrs. John Leefcrs.
Tbo Kid nine of Salem playi
against the Verdon Dine at this pla
Saturday , the game resulting in
score of 15 to 5 in favor of Verdon.
John ( lull left Saturday night for
Illinois to attend the funeral of his
aunt. lie was joined at Falls City by
hlti brother , Tour ! who will accompany
Gco. Hall came up from the county
Beat Sunday and pant the day with
his mother , Mrs. Julia C. Hall.
Murv Ilanley left Tuesday morning
for Peru where she will attend the
normal the coming winter.
Hey Watson returned to Hcthany on
Monday to rcmimc hid studies at the
Cotner university.
Rev. R. 1C. Hunt returned to Lincoln
Monday to resume his studies.
Charley Wilson of Shubert spent
Sunday In this city.
C. H. Snydorwont to Lincoln Tues
Roy Turner was a Lincoln passenger
O , A. Jcnning is reported bettor
this week ,
Sam Hayne drove up from Fulls City
Joe Wlmlell went to Lincoln to at
tend the fair.
Cu % Moore was u passenger to Lake
Sldo Tuosduy.
Kd May and wlfo were St. Joseph
visitors last week.
Mrs. 13. 1C. Scott drove up from Falls
City Wednesday.
Ray Sandrock was over from Mor
rlll Sunday evening.
Ed May and Ira McCool were Falls
City visitors Sunday.
Dave Ward and son of Shubcrt were
Salem visitors Tuesday.
W. J. Morgan of Falls City was a
Salem visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Sarah Smith returned homo
from Lincoln Saturday.
W. H. Easley of Kunsus City wus in
town on business last week.
John Uopuss and wlfo loft this week
for tholr now homo In Greoley county.
Mrs. Joe WIndell went to Peru Sat
turday to attend her son's wedding.
Guy Dodson of Auburn visited from
Sunday until Tucsdav with Sulcir
Mrs. Kaup loft Tuesday for hei
homo In Oklahoma after visiting Sal
em rolutlves.
O. Wlndoll wife and little daughter
tor of St. Joseph are visiting Salem re
halves and friends this week.
Xula McCool was u passenger ti
Peru Saturday to attend the umrriugi
of Fred Wlnrtelland Cora Juck.
Miss Rachel Elusion onterlulnei
aboul forty-live guests at the homo o
Doc Mulling Monday evening.
Mrs. Will Richards drove to Verdoi
where she took the train for Plaits
mouth , where she will visit relative
and friends.
The marriage of Dessio Campbell ti
Win. Ncal occurred Tuesday at Ven
turn , Cul. Miss Dosslo wus raised i
Snlum and has many friends who wl
congratulate both she and her bus
Cora M. Jack and Fred W. Winde
were united In marriage t\t the horn
of the bride's purents Mr. and Mr :
David Juck ut Peru last Wednesday
The wedding was attended by ubov
thirty-live guests. The bride Is quit
well known In Sulem having visile
here and hud made many friends tui
Ing those visits. The groom grew I
manhood in Salem and bus the coi
lldcnco and respect of all.
Ina Hilling and Ray Johnson wei
married In Fulls City lust Wednesdn
The wedding of this young couple wi
h a surprise to thn'.r Sulem frletuU bi
till unite In extending congrululullon
The bride was raised in Salem b
has been making her homo In IIm
boldt for sometime. This estimab
young lady is the duughter of Frai
Billings. The groom Is the son of 1
S. Johnson and id well respected by i
They Intend lo make Salem the
At the Front.
Will Veach left Monday f <
southern Kansas where he pa
ticipated in a two days shoot i
the Missouri-Kansas tournamen
and we expect him to return wil
his usual laurels. Will has bee
breaking in a new gun whic
C8 accounts for his not making qui
as large an average as in tl
10 past season. This time he toe
his old standby with him an
will give a leader record.
hNMMMI kiAttAnirBtd
Mrs. L C. Mann IB seriously 111 at
her home In this city.
Margaret Rice spent Sunduy with
lior parents in Tcctimsoh.
Mabel Games cotnincncccl work In
the telephone olllue Monday.
John , the little son of Rev. Culvert
and wife is suffering with an attack of
typhoid fever.
Oakley James left the first of the
week for Peru where he will attend
school this year.
Sarah Hello left Thursday for Peru
where she will attend the state normal
the coming year.
Lulu Gandy has returned from Table
Uoek where she has been nu.-slng a
typhoid fever patient.
Lydlu Crawford left Monday for a
visit with hrrslstcr , Mrs. Gus Wheeler
ut Sheridan , Wyoming.
G o. Scaburry of Chicago was visit-
In } , ' the fore part of the week at the
homo of O. A. C'oopcr.
Oliver Sarber formerly of this city
and Stella Lallcr of Heatrlco were re
cently married at the bride's home.
Kay Miller , formerly night operator
at tlie depot in this city , has been
transferred to Palls City as day opera
, Mrs. Elmer Woods was summoned to
this city the last of the week by the
illness of hur mother Mrs. L. C.
Bertha Dodge ot the firm of Dodge
& Smith was in the city the past week
visiting friends and looking after busi
ness matters.
Dr. A. N. Rebcr and family left this
cek for their now homo in Kansas
Ity , where Mr. Rebcr has a posltior
3 government inspector.
Grace ShurtlolT returned home
L'hursday from McCook , where shi
as been waiting upon her brother
ho is suffering from a severe uttucl
f typhoid fcyor.
Mrs. Chot Power and daughter
Louise , went up to Lincoln Siuulii ;
here the former will visit friends am
he latter has made plans to attciu
Jotncr university the coming year.
I'rof. A. L. Moom who was recently
lectcd principal of our schools , re
igned his position lust week , to iiu
opt a place in the Industrial school a
Cearnoy. 11. R. Hill of Geneva wa
lectcd to fill the vacancy.
Lulu Thompson , a young colorci
; lrl about twenty-two years of agodlei
it her homo in the west part ol th
city Thursday afternoon. Fuuera
ervices were held from the famll ;
csldenco Friday , Rev. Culvert con
dueling the Borvice.
C. M. Linn , while in Lincoln las
ivcok purchased an automobile and ii
company with .Tos. Leplk hud startei
for homo with the machine and hai
gone but a short distance when it go
beyond their control and ran ugalns
n tree , badly demolishing the auto am
throwing the occupants to the ground
who luckily escaped with only a fei
Horn to Aug. Horn and wife Sept. " )
1000 a son.
Win. Hutchison was a visitor c
Louis Blake , Sunday.
Mrs. Iluottnor entertained her slste
Mrs. Koltercr Monday.
Jake Gibblo and family were guest !
tit Perry ShalTor's Sunday.
Bert Dodds visited with his slste
Mary near Kurgo , Sunday.
John Hutchison was in Fulls Git
Sunday a guest of relatives ,
John Rolsehlck and family visile
with a sister of Mr. Relschlck , Sui
Christ Saylor and wlfo of Arizon
were the guests of Eph Peck and wil
last week.
H. J. Prichurd and wife entertulne
the former's brother George and fan
lly , Sunday.
Ida and Albert Burk are enjoyin
u visit with their grnnd parents 1
Rule this week.
Mrs. Spangler of near Morrlll , Kan
is spending the week with her puren
and other relatives.
Frank Peck and Frances Knise !
left Tuesday evening to take up the
school work ut Peru.
Lloyd Peck and little Wilbur
Reserve , Kansas , were visitors at tl
formers parents , Sunduy.
Anson Knlsuly and wife cntertaim
at dinner Sunday , Ralph Rhoades ai
Daisy Peck and Harvey and Sad
Clarence Smith and wlfo of Falls
City were out inthis , vicinity last week
cleaning and repairing organs
Geo. Johnston and wlfa entertained
Mr. and Mr. Ward of Jewell County ,
Kansas , and Chester Stump and family
There will be a concert given at the
Maple Grove church Friday evening
by the Richardsons of Falls City , in
view of getting up a music class in
vocal music.
Mrs. Gco. Prichard and children and
Mrs. O. A. Gtndn of St. Anthony ,
Idaho , left Tuesday for Lawton , In
dian Territory for a few weeks visit
with their father.
Gco. Peck of Fulls City came out to
his son Cleon's home last week and
while out a while took very sick. A
doctor was called and he is getting
some better now.
Mrs. A. D. Ilumbargcr and son of
huwneo , Oklahoma and Mrs. J. O.
lllcr of Waterloo , Iowa are enjoying
visit with their parents Gco. Peck
nd wife and other relatives for a few
A number of the young lolks gath-
ircd at the home of Kate Shouse Mon-
ay evening and spent the evening in
iliiylne various games. Those present
as a good time. Refreshments were
Wallace Cully got his left leg brok-
n last Saturday in a runaway. He
as unconscious when help arrived to
im. The buggy was badly broken
nd the harness too as ono horse was
tripped of its harness when caught.
Dr. Fast was called to set the leg and
lr. Cully Is doing as well as can be
Sadlo Joy of Peru was the guest ol
itolla Fankoll a few days this week.
The Standard Bearers meet wltli
icrtrude Shollenbarger this evening
I. W. Harris has purchased the Ailei
esidencc property which adjoins hi :
iwn place.
Harry Hacker left for Lincoln this
week where ho will take a course in i
business college.
Annie Kirk of Quiney , 111. , is visit
ng at the home of Ed Demsoy , win
ives west of town.
Beuluh Greenwald ot Falls City I
caching the school In the Prairl
Union neighborhood.
Jennie Curry , a stenographer at Lin
join , has been visiting her sister a
his place since Friday.
Nellie and Myru Davidson went ti
Deru this week where they will attem
ho normal this winter.
Mrs. Fred Gilbert and children lef
Wednesday morning for a three week'
visit with relatives at Superior.
Charley Ogg , who has been living ii
the tenant hoiiso on Wcller's farm
has moved to a farm south of Verdor
Helen MeCoraas has returned to he
lomo at Brownville after spending th
summer with her sister at this place
Florence Smith has gone to Aubur
where she will attend school and sta
with her sister who lives at that place
N. J. Rico , u former resident o
Stella but now of Boulder , Colo. , hn
jccn visiting friends nt this place th
past week.
John Lowe , proprietor of a buslnes
college at Minot , N. D. , has been vis
Hing at the home of his father her
this week.
E. W. JefTres , who has been conducl
ing a shoe store hero for the past twi
years , has packed his stock and movci
it to Lincoln.
Dr. Montgomery and wife , Mrs.
Montgomery and Maud attendc
the Allen-Swift wedding In Nebrusk
City last Thursday evening.
Ruben Harshbarger has traded
farm In Scott county , Ivans. , to Ju
Kipling for his eichty acre farm nortl
west of town. Mr. Kipling will mov
to Kansas in the spring.
Sherm Colglazler , who lives east (
town on the Shubcrt road , has pui
chased 1GO acres of land from th
Johnson ranch near Salem. He wi
rent the farm and continue to liv
where ho is.
Sunday was Norman Stnllies sever
tleth birthday , and in commomoratic
of the event a number of relatives an
old soldiers were invited to spend tl
afternoon at his home , Ho was
sentcd with u fine rocking chair.
Owen Chancy is home from a
year's trip through the west. He
in San Francisco at the time of I
earthquake and escaped without ]
jury , but lost all his clo'.hes. He
for two days without a thing to eatj
Alex Brisby , aged twenty-four years
was killed last Sunday afternoon at
this place by being thrown under a
freight train , Tim young man hud a
sweetheart in Auburn who telephoned
for him to come to see her. Ho re
ceived the message too late for the
passenger train , and tried to board u
through freight. He lost his hold on
the box cur and was thrown under the
wheels. Ono leg was cut oil at the
body , the other foot at the ankle and
ono hand to the wrist. He died at
eight o'clock that evening. The young
man was born and raised at this place ,
his parents moving to Omaha about
two years ago but ho remained and has
been working on a farm this sum
mer. Ho was buried In the Prairie
Union cemetery Monday afternoon.
Albert Burk , was a Lincoln visitor
ono day last week.
Mr. Hearn of Beatrice is visiting his
father in this city.
C. E. Celcy went to Highland Sta
tion Sunday night.
Harry Mann spent several days in
Lincoln lust week.
Charlie Vustinn of St Joe spent Sun.
day with homo folks.
George Pcabody was a state fair vis
itor Tuesday of lust week.
Severul couples attended the dance
at Preston last Friday night.
J. A. Hlnkle , and family spent Sun
day with relatives in Missouri.
John Huss of Kansas wa ? a Rule
visitor the latter part of last week.
Mrs. Maggie Jenkins came down
from Falls City Tuesday morning.
Ves Hunker made a trip to Mar
graves ranch Thursday of last week.
John Kanaly and wife drove to Falls
City Friday and spent the day there.
Ed Davis has moved into Alice Gun-
ilnghum's house on Commercial street.
Claude Celey is buck from his vaca
tion and has resumed his duties at the
JelT Gilbert and Dan Simmons , wenl
to Chanute , Kans. , Friday ot last week
returning Tuesday.
Our ferryman was repairing his
ferry landing on the Missouri side ol
the river lust week.
Mrs. True who has beer visiting hei
son Will for ten days returned Frifiuj
to her homo in Union.
Henry Jackson has purchased the
grocery stock from Jud Carpenter , Ube
bo used in his restaurant.
Mrs. John Larundo returned Monduj
from Lewiston where she has beer
with her husband several days.
Verna Vastine departed for Puwnet
City Saturday , where she will teach h
the High School the comlm : year.
Work was commenced last week or
the Baker building , which will be oc
cupied by Grant Ocamb when finished
Edith Hinkle departed Tuesda ;
morning for Lexington , Mo. , when
she will attend school the coming year
Mrs. Theredore Anderson , am
daughters Bessie and Pearl spent Sat
urduy and Sunday with relatives ii
M issouri.
Vanamburg's advertising car wa
side tracked In Rule last Friday am
the place now has a good supply o
show bills.
Mrs. McVoy and daughter , Ella Car
penter and Mary Mahan spent Sunda ,
In Kansas the guests of Charlie Scot
and family.
John Lurando who is working on thi
Rock Island railroad at Lewiston hai
his right arm badly crushed last Sat
urday , and although still very painfu
Is improving some.
Will Cunningham lost a valuabl
mare ono day last week. It was jus
being driven home from work am
dropped dead instantly He had bee
offered 8175 for said mare only tei
days before.
At The Gehling.
A Kansas Sunilower as pre
sented by the Lockes Dramatic
Company at theGehling'theatre
last Wednesday evening1 was all
that they claimed. A bright
clean story rendered by a good
company gave entire satisfac
tion. The three Lockes have en
joyed great success in their
theatrical career. Tom Spence ,
Pianist received many encores.
Horses Became Frightened.
While on their way with the
funeral procession of Win. McK
Maddox last Saturday a team
driven by Will Campbell and a
Mr. Henderson of Verdon be
came frightened by some one
raising an umbrella just ahead
of it. When the gentlemen saw
that they could not control the
team , ' they managed to turn
them out to the side of the road.
The horses ran into a ditch
throwing the two gentlemen
out and loosening the horses.
The men were picked up but
were not seriously injured. The
buggy was a total wreck.
Notice of AUmii\lsrtv.lou. ! (
In the matter of the oslato ot William
McKemlry Maddox , deceased.
Tti tlu < enmity court of Richardson count. , ,
state of Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
interested , that Wesley H. Maddox , did.
on the 10th day of September , 1"06. file
in this court , a duly \erified petition pray-
iinr that hi ; may bo appointed administrator
of the i-statu of William McKemlry Maddox.
deceased : and that on the llth day of
September , l'K > 6 , Mary J. Maddox , as the
widow of tsald deceased , by C. V. Keav *
her attorney , filed her duly \erilicd pet -
tion , iirayinir that the administration cf
the ( -.late of deceased bo committed to
John W. Holt and William Uhllir. as joint
admlmsti.iiors of said estate. It is ordered
that said petitions be heard by the court
on the 4th day of October , ITOd , at 10
o'clock a. m. , in the county court room at
Tails City , in said county , when and where
all parties interested may appear and
oppose the granting of the prayers of
either or both of said petitions.
lly order of the court dated September
llth , ITOii. JOHN ( lAisNux.
40 County Judge.
Notice for Bids.
Notice Is hereby given to all per-oits
desiring to bid for the building .ind con
struction of ceminl sidewalks in the city
of Tails City , Nebraska , that they shalr
file with the city clerk of said city , on or
before 12 o'clock ( noon ) on the 20th day
of September , I'M ) , their sealed bids ( esti
mates to be in writing ) Mating the least
that they will build and construct side
walks for per lineal foot , on the following
descrll > ed lots , situated In Tails City. Ne
braska , to-uit :
On the east ends of loll , 2. 3. 4 , 5 , 6 ,
7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12. block 24 , Stecle's addi
tion to Tails City , Nebraska.
On the west ends of lots 17. 18. W , block
5 , Steel.- ' * addition to Tails City , Ne
On the west ends of lots 13 , 14 , 15 , 10 ,
block 5. Also on the south side of lot 13.
block 5. city of Tails City. Nebraska.
39-21 City Clerk.
Hall's Shoe Store !
Carries the Largest and
most Complete line of Shoes
ami Hosiery in Richardson
County and sells them to
you for less money than the
General Store.
We study the wants and
needs of the feet and can
give you better satisfaction
than the merchant who
studies the quality of butter
take your Produce
he same as cash.