The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 14, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Eat Sowles' candy.
J. II. Miles and soil ) Joe , arrived
from California Monday.
Marriage certificates of all
kinds Cnster the Printer.
Freda Fehr on route four is
recovering from typhoid fever.
"Chick' McKeiver went with
the boys to Horton last Sunday.
Agusta Horn is visiting her
friend , Winona Moore , at Stella
this week.
The south walls of the City
hotel arc being repaired and
Post cards , albums and souve
nir post cards of Falls City
Custer the Printer.
Geo. Prichard and family left
Tuesday for a short visit with
relatives in Oklahoma.
Custer , the printer , carries a
complete line of legal blanks.
Get them in your home town.
7 * Steve Mower is seriously ill at
his home in this city , being
threatened with typhoid fever.
EH. . Towle is having the
stone walk in front of the Leis
ter billiard hall taken up and
B. Shopman and wife of the
St. Joseph News and Press , were
business visitors in this city dur
ing the week.
Christ Horn , wife and son ,
Theodore , and Emma Horn were
visiting W. C. Moore and family
at Stella Sunday.
What has become of the old-
fashioned man who brought a
load of apples to town with his
wares displayed on a forked stick ?
Don't fail to hear the King of
the Cattle Ring show. Band at
noon , Thursday , September 20th.
Attend the best of all dramatic
shows under canvas at night.
The King of the Cattle Ring ,
written expressly for Eiler's big
L show , is a western melodrama in
five acts by Hal Reid. Don't
miss it , Thursday September 20.
The twin sons of Ira Swihart ,
who have been visiting at the
r home of their grandfather near
Stella , and with Veaches , left on
Monday for their home near
Superior , Nebr.
The little eight weeks old
daughter of Henry Brecht and
wife of near Reserve , Kansas ,
was christened at the German
Lutheran church in this city last
Sunday morning.
Typewriter ribbons , typewriter
papers , carbon papers don't send
out of town for them. Custer ,
the printer , carries a complete
line of these supplies at prices
cheaper than you can send away
for them.
Mrs- Oscar Guinn of St. An
thony , Idaho , who has been vis
iting her sister , Mrs. George
Prichard , in this city for ten
days past , left Tuesday for Okla
homa , where she will visit her
father , John Bloomer , formerlj
of this county , for a short time
Tuesday we received two sou
venir postal cards from our friend
G. W. Shock , who is at Rocky
Ford , Colo. , depicting the glor
ies of that country in the form o
their immense melon crops. On
one postal was a view of large
piles of watermelons and cante
lopes piled in long tiers highe
than a man's head. The othe
presented a far different aspec
and was entitled , "After the
feast-melon day. "
Will Hossack , who has been on
his Rosebud claim , near Dixon
S. D. , all summer , came in Tues
day to spend a day with his par
ents , John Hossack and wife
Will just proved up on his clain
the past month , which by th
way contains 160 acres , and ha
refused an offer of four thousam
for the same. He is the only on
in this county who filed on thei
claims and he is now richly repaid
paid for his trouble and worl
expended on the same , as th
land is certainly fine.
Old Sol-still smiles broadly
O. J , McNall and wife returned
riday from the fair at Lincoln.
Grace Iloppe is the bookkeeper
t the Leo cider-vinegar factory.
Chas Rieger of Fairview , Kas. ,
vas a Saturday visitor in this
John Casey and Frank McFar-
and spent Friday at the Lincoln
Chas. Lietzke has our thanks
or a dollar on advance subscrip-
Henry Rieger and Ryan Shelly
f Preston were city visitors here
C. A. Smith of Salem was look-
ng after business affairs in this
ity Monnay.
A crowd drove to Preston last
ida } ' night to attend the con-
ert and dance.
D. C. Kirkpatrick and EC. .
Mead went to Dawson Monday
0 pack apples.
Xula McCool of Salem was the
guest of Falls Git } ' friends the
irst of the week.
Leander Bedard of Rule was
ransacting business in this city
he past Saturday.
Mrs. Snow of Holdrcdge , Neb. ,
s visiting at the home of her
) rother , Geo. Cleveland.
Mrs. T. J. McAlpin spent Sat
urday and Sunday the guest of
Mrs. VV. P. Fergus west of town.
Hot enough ? If not , The
Tribune will shovel in more coal.
Everything to suit at this office.
Mrs. O. P. Heck returned last
Tridaj' from a trip to Lincoln ,
vhere she attended the state fair.
Richard Hindman of Fairfax ,
Missouri , was the guest of Eva
McNall a few da3's the first of
he week.
W. M. Bumbarger , with the
Daily Post , at Nevado , Mo. , was
1 pleasant caller on The Tribune
'orce last Monday.
Mrs. Dennis McCarthy and
children returned the latter part
of the past week from a month's
visit at Denver , Colo.
Albert Maust has sold his auto-
nobile to Humboldt parties and
las purchased an elegant new
trap with horse power.
W. Leo , sr. , made a trip to
Omaha Friday evening , to replace
the pump at the vinegar factory
which has failed to work.
Mrs. James B. Coppinger and
child were clown from Nebraska
ity the first of the week. The } '
were visiting her father , W.
Leo , sr.
Van Winkle and Kirkpatrick
liave established apple packing
stations at Dawson and Rulo.
There gentlemen have been doing
an immense business.
E. A. Maust and wife have re
turned from a month's stay at
Excelsor Springs , Mo. Their
health was improved considera
bly during their sojourn at thai
Carrie Inskeep and Lillian Os
wald left Sunday afternoon for
Chicago. The former has ac
cepted a position there and the
latter will visit with friends in
that city for three or four weeks.
The ladies of the Episcopa
church will give one of their ten
cent teas at the home of Jesse
Whetstine on next Wednesday
evening from ( " > to 8 o'clock. A
cordial invitation is extended to
the public.
C. F. Reavis purchased a fine
spotted ponj' at the sale Monda } *
for his son Frank , who is abou
the proudest youth in town. I
would take the best quarter sec
tion in the county to purchase
the lad's prize.
We notice from the mayor'
report last week that but four o
the army of canines that run on
streets have had the licence pai (
on them. The law relative tc
dog taxes should either be en
forced or repealed.
District court convenes in this
ity next Monday.
Lloyd , the small son of George
Shields and wife , is very ill.
Fred Reickcrs was among the
rowd that went to Ilorton last
Jess Berry went to Ilorton last
unday , the ball game being the
II. E. Bo } d of Humboldt was a
business visitor in this city the
> ast Fridav.
Rue Gates left Saturday for a
our months millinery season at
31ue Rapids , Kansas.
Mrs. Blanche Thomas of Okla-
loma is visiting with her sister ,
Irs. Benj. Nickolson.
About twenty couples of young
oiks enjoyed a social dance at
he Waul hall Friday evening.
Carl J. Leister of Columbus ,
Ohio , is spending a month's vaca-
ion with his parents in this city.
Earl I. Margrave of Preston
vas in this city Monday looking
iftcr various business interests.
Allan D. May and family of
Salem were the guests of Will
Uhlig and wife the fore part of
; he week.
Peter Lubinbill one of thclead-
ng farmers and stockmen of the
vest end was looking after busi
ness interests in this city Friday.
Mrs. A. J. Wheeler and ( laugh
er , Irene , of University Place ,
spent a few days this week the
guests of E. F. Sharts and wife.
Grant Southard , wife and baby
lave returned to their home at
Geneva after a week's visit with
iis parents , A. W. Southard and
Win. McPherson and family
novcd from Preston and will
nake this citv their home. After
all there is nothing like living in
i good town.
Louise and Nellie Rule went
to Salem Saturday to attend the
birthday party of Lucile McCool ,
who celebrated her eleventh
birthday that da } ' .
Chester Fisher , wife and baby
arrived from their home at Oswego -
wego , Kan. , the first of the week
and are guests at the home of
lier parents , Geo. Cleveland and
Harry Hughes , who has been
connected with the Cleveland de
partment store for several years ,
left Tuesday morning for North-
wept Territory , Canada. Harry
made m a n y friends during
his stay in this city who regret
liis departure. However , they
wish him luck in his new loca
The Iloselton horse sale at the
Mettx. stables Monday last , was
very successful. With a splendid
bunch of various ages it was not
hard to find what you wanted ,
and they brought fair prices
throughout. Col. Marion knows
the value of horse flesh when he
sees it and did himself proud in
making this bunch bring the
high dollar.
and it is time for you to buy
Etc. We are prepared to
give you the best selection ,
as our stock is large and you
can't get better goods for the
money. Remember the place.
Dr. MCMILLAN , Prop.
Nice line of street hats at the
Bon Ton millinery.
Will Schmeli'.el spent. Sunday
with his parents in this city.
M. Giannini has returned from
i week's stay at the Lincoln fair.
JulcRueggc went to Ilorton
with the ball team last Sunday.
Prof. Lara bee was up from
Preston Saturday in a business
W. P. Fergus was a pleasant
caller at these quarters last Sat
The latest in children's caps
and hats at the Bon Ton millin
ery store.
Meda Kearney of Western ,
Nebr. , is visiting at the home of
John Crook and wife east of
Orra Ross of the Auburn Her-
ild force , spent Sunday with his
parents , John Ross and wife in
this city.
Ernest Obenland went to Ilor
ton Sunda } ' to sec the big base
ball game between the Colts and
Mrs. John Schnute returned
the latter part of the week from
a visit with relatives at Seward ,
Clint Oilman and family of
Nebraska City spoilt a few days
the first of the week with his
father and sister in this city.
Mary Albright , Xetta Camblin ,
Leah Potect and Ma ) ' Jones went
to Ilorton Sunday to see the ball
game between that team and the
EII. . Berryman and wife of
Siiribner , Nebr. , visited Mrs.
Susie Shock last week and are
now in the east visiting other
After an unaccountable ab
sence this summer the mosquitoes
are with us again. The pests
have been unbearable for the
past week.
Mrs. B. W. Dixon and son ,
Harry , who have been visiting
relatives here for several weeks ,
returned Sunday to their home
at Eldorado , Ivans.
These are days when the farm
er drives home with his feet
hanging out of the buggy to
make room for the load of cans
and glass jars. How many quarts
of fruit have been put up in the
county this fall , do you sup
pose ?
The Hiawatha World says that
the Lake store in Atchison pays
the Atchison Globe $5,000 a year
for advertising and does more
business than all other Atchison
stores combined. Gosh , we didn't
know there was that much money
in Atchison.
Harry Majors , representing the
D. Pressly & Co. . has purchased
the Emerson Bowers orchard crop
at Verdon and the Henry C.
Smith orchard crop. Both or
chards will yield them an im
mense crop and of the very best
quality of fruit.
Ray Miller , who has been
night operator for the C. B. & Q
at Humboldt for some time , is
now day operator at the loca
station. He and his wife have
moved their household goods to
this city and are now nicely lo
cated in their new home.
Charlie Rickards is with us
after a month's sojourn at Cedar
City , Utah , where his mining in
terests are situated. They are
busily engaged in developing
their mines there and Mr. Rick
ards is highly elated over their
excellent prospects. In a short
time the company will be ship
ping paying ore.
The summer days are passing
The daily papers are given over
to theatre advertisements am
suggestion of Grand Opera in
stead of tales of Parks and at
tendant attractions. The sport
ing , columns have less matter re
lating to base ball and more that
tells of foot ball. And these are
sure signs that the summer days
are passing. Look out for the
coal man as he is about due.
Dainty rits
of Jewelry !
Whether it is to be useful or not , : i piece of jewelry
must have grace and beauty. We are most particular
about the designs in our stock nothing1 loud finds a
place here.
Lockets Rings
Chains Broaches
Pins Bracelets
at aide range of prices.
A. E. The "Old Bcliablc"
. . Jaquet Jeweler
truest Gagnon has a severely
njured finger.
J. V. Lacroix was over from
Hiawatha Saturday.
George Harral of Humboldt
was in this city Wednesday.
Fleming Robb of Verdon spent
Sunday with friends in this city.
Jas. D. Ilinton came over from
Ilamlin , Kansas Tuesday morn-
ng. .
Harry Driebelbies of Humboldt
spent Sunday with friends in this
E. W. Armstrong of Hiawatha
was one of Friday's visitors in
this city.
For ver ) ' swell and up to date
hats come to the Bon Ton mil
linery store.
Mrs. Bessie TIofer-Thompson
of Kansas City is the guest of
Mary Glines.
Win. Fischer on route five re
membered our subscription list
last Tuesday.
Mary Loughridge of Auburn
is the guest of the Misses Hutch-
ings in this city.
EO. . Martin while up from
Rule Wednesday morning did not
forget to give us a'call.
E. B. and II. F. Shomyo of
White Cloud were among the
Sunday visitors in. this city.
Poland China sale at Verdon ,
Nebr. , on Thursday , October 18.
G. A. Jorn of Verdon was look
ing after various business inter
ests in this city on Saturday.
Blicholder one of the partici
pants in the Barada scrap has
been bound over to district court.
W. M. Wilson and wife will
leave Saturday for California
where they will spend the win
An operation was performed
on Mrs. Isaac Brigman the first
of the week. A ! this writing
she is very low.
Mrs. W. B. Venable of Silver
City , Colo. , returned Sunday to
her home after a visit with her
sister , Mrs. Downs.
James Downs , wife and baby
came down from Omaha Satur
day evening to spend Sunday
with his mother in this city.
Judge Kelligar was down yes
terday to hear arguments in the
Bode case on a motion to quash
the information. We go to press
too early to give his decision.
As an illustration of the bene
fits to be derived from a combina
tion of advertising and goer
business management we would
call your attention to the splen
did statement of the state bank
in this issue.
Ernest Bode has been securec
as salesman at the Seff Clothing
store. Mr. Bode has had manj
years business experience in this
city and in this capacity has
made many friends. We are
sure that the above store will be
benefitted by Mr. Bode's services
For Quick Sale.
Eighty acres all cultivated ,
level , upland , l/'j miles to town ,
good improvements , $6400 , terms
to suit. A bargain sec us at
Frank Davisson was a pleasant
caller here during the week.
_ _ i
Geo. Cleveland made a busi
ness trip to St. Joseph Tuesday.
John E. Foster of Pawnee City
was a business visitor in this city
last Saturday. j
Hugh Leathcrman and L. L- }
Graham were down from Hum- \
boldt the past Sunday. J
John Dorringtot : who has been I
spending the summer in Wyom-
ng is home on a short visit. j
Have you seen the school house !
id in Geo. Hall's display win- j
low ? A. Yodcr was the artist. ;
R. S. Molony of Humboldt was I
n this city the fore part of the
week looking after legal busi
ness. ,
Thomas Brown stopped in this
city Thursday , while en route for
a visit with relatives at Burlington - !
ton Junction. j
Our Ohio correspondent gives j
in account of the serious injury i
received by Wallace Cully in a
runaway last week. !
Wade Ten Eyck , Cony Gcrdes ,
Omcr Sailors and Win. Wcick
were down from Barada the lat
ter part of the past week.
Clara and Ella Meyers , Leonice ,
IIowcll , Carrie Steele and Miss
Lacroix of Hiawatha were the
guests of Odda Lapp yesterday.
Mrs. Maud Yutzy and children
who have been spending the sum
mer with her parents , W. W.
Leekins and wife , left the first of
the week for their home at Min
neapolis. _ _
Gus Goheen and family are
now located at Belgrade. Neb. ,
where Mrs. Goheen is managing
a millinery store. The Presby
terian choir members miss Mrs.
Goheen's solos.
Chances are being given on an
elegant little automobile on pur
chases of childrens wear , at the
Samuel Wahl store. The ma
chine is a little beauty , is in their
display window and almost gives
one a hankerin' to be a child
again in order to get a chance.on
our Nursery stock in Nebraska
and Kansas. Good winter's job
and steady employment if de
sired. Outfit free. Liberal
terms. Pay weekly. Reference
required. Address , Dept. "Q. "
Des Moines , Iowa.
Humane Officer Hershey wishes
for the people to remember tq
not destroy their clothing and
discarded wearing apparel , but to
save them and he will call for
them. Any clothing for men ,
women or children will be gladly
sent after if you will only notify
Mr. Hershey.