THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , AUGUST 31 , 1906 Dainty o ! Jewelry ! Whether it is to be useful or not , a piece of jewelry must have grace and beauty. We are most particular about the designs in our stock nothing loud finds a place here. Lockets Rings Chains Broaches Pins Bracelets at a wide range of prices. A. E. The "Old Reliable" . . Jaquet Jeweler LOCAL LORE. Eat Sowlcs' candy. Nola McCool of Salem is the guest of Louise Rule. Souvenir post card of Falls Citv Custer the Printer. Mrs. Firebaugh attended the picnic at Stella Tuesday. Roy Ileacock played ball at Stella on Tuesday afternoon. C. V. Hendricks and wife spent Monday with friends in the country. Tomorrow is the last day of the Firemen's tournament at Humboldt. Dr. Rcneker and wife returned Tuesday morning1 from their trip to Colorado. Marie Morris was the guest , of Lloyd Morris and wife , at Stella , during the week. Frances Withcc of Stella was a pleasant caller at this office Tuesday morning. I. Beaulieu will leave next Tuesday on a tour of inspection through western Montana. A drop from 109 degrees to 60 degrees is some movement but we think the change did us good. Mrs. James Pickett has re turned from a visit with her par ents O. Radinsky and wife at Sterling. Grace Gray returned the latter part ot the week from a visit with friends at Chicago and In dianapolis. Mrs. John Hossack left Tues day morning for Stella where she will visit her daughter , Mrs. Ephriam Withee. J. A. Hill has returned from his trip to the G. A. R. encamp ment at Minneapolis , and made a business trip to Kansas City the first of the week. Col. J. P. Glines who has been with the Maxwell Warda Theatrical - cal Co. , spent several days of this week at his home in this city , leaving Monday evening. Jack has an excellent position and is enjoying the best that is. Al Smith one of the leading farmers of the west end and a breeder of Poland-Chinas was in this city Monday and a pleasant caller at this office , While here lie visited the Reischick stock farm and from that choice herd of Poland-Chinas picked a herd header which he thinks is one of the best pigs in the state. He is good enough to find a place at the state fair and Mr. Smith thinks he will walk off with a prize. _ Special Trains via Burlington teState State Fair , Lincoln. On Tuesday Sept 4th and "Wednesday Sept 5th special trains will leave Falls City 6:00 : a. m. via Nebraska City and Thursday - , day Sept 6th special trains leave , * 3t Falls City 5:30 : a. m. going via Table Rock. Returning leaves Lincoln 7:00 : p. in. daily. One fare for round trip. C. A. Walbridgc and wife left Thursday for Los AngeleS ) Cali fornia , he having accepted a position some eighteen miles from that city. Mr. Walbridgc has been connected with the Geo. Hall Shoe store for some time in the capacity of shoe re pairer , and has made m a n y friends in this city. Prof. Harnack , Art Moss , Max Werner and George Lyons have returned from a ten days outing at Ft Riley , Kansas. The boys evidently fared well on hard tack. There will be a music recital at the Schulenberghall atBarada Nebr. , Friday September 14 , 1906. All invited to come. Mrs. E. G. Whitford and chil dren have returned from a visit with her sister , Mrs. F. S. Col- well at Pawnee Citj' . The opera season in this city will open September 12th with A Kansas Sun Flower by the Locke Dramatic Compan- Verna Story and Cora Mc- Ilvain left Tuesday for Stella where the } ' attended the Frater nal picnic. I. B. Whitaker conducted a parly of homeseeker's to Long Island Kansas on Tuesday after noon. Will Fehr and wife of Vcrdon were visiting last Sunday with Christ Horn and wife on Route two. Mrs. Pearl Stout and children came down from Nebraska City on Monday of this week. WANTKD. Apprentice girls at the new millinery store one door south of Wilson's grocery. C. W. Ilohaus , trainmaster at Nebraska City , spent Monday evening in this city. Typewriter papers , carbon paper and manuscript covers Custer the Printer. Patronize home industry by buying your bread at Gehlings made of home flour. Harlow pays highest price for butter and eggs and gives either groceries or cash. Mrs. Geo. Hessler attended the picnic at Stella on Tuesday of this week. Geo. H. Hall left Saturday evening on a business trip to St. Louis. John Mosiman Jr. , has our thanks for favors during the week. Help your town by booming the new enterprises locating here. here.W. W. R. Holt made a business trip to St. Louis Tuesday morn ing. LC. . Edwards spent Sunday with his parents at Humboldt. Mrs. Jake Messier was a Stella visitor the past Tuesday. Go to Harlow's for picnic hams price 75c , 85c and $1.00. Try Gehlings bread made of Falls City flour. Gehling's bread is hard to beat made of Sun Hour. Souvenir post cards of Falls City Custer the Printer. Henry Kloepfel of Rule was a Saturday visitor in this city. Chas. Rieger was up from Fairview , Kansas the first of the i week. Ed Yocsel spent Sunday the guest of his best friend , in the country. Lillith Waggoner of Dawson is the guest of her aunt Mrs John Gilligan. Clare Foster and Clarence Heck went to Stella Tuesday to play ball. Dowty Watson of Reserve , Kansas was the guest of friends in this city Sunday. Xula McCool of Salem was the guest of her sister , Mrs. R. ' R. Rule the first of the week. Stella Knickerbocker left Sat urday for a visit with friends at St. Joseph , and Savannah , Mo. Flora Albright , Mary Sinclair and Paul Schulenberg were guests at the Margrave's ranch Sunday. Dorothy Miller returned Satur day from Lincoln where she had been visiting with her father , Fred Miller. Graft and professional politics are so closely interwoven that you can't cut them apart without drawing blood from both. Mrs. M. McMahan who has been spending five weeks at Wisner , Nebraska returned Mon day to her home near Preston. John Mosiman Jr.and son have returned from a business trip to Omaha. He purchased a half car of new stock for Werner & Mosiman Implement store. Herman Koehler lias sold his fine farm in Arago township and will arrange to locate in Ala bama where he has just pur chased another fine eighty. Uncle Ben Morgan is able to be out on the street again after several weeks of very serious ill ness. His friends are all greet ing him with the glad hand , showing their pleasure over his recovery. David Scott brought in some fine peaches last week to the Cleveland Store. The } ' were about twice the size of the com mon peach , were very firm and free from blemishes. Thev were indeed "peachy. " The team reported to have been stolen from the barn of George Bliss last week , was heard from Saturday. Sheriff Fenton having sent out the usual inquiries and information , re ceived a card from Salem Satur day morning saying that an es- tray team had been found west of Salem which answered the descriptions sent out. " "Wanted. Peaches that will do for ship ping at Heck's feed store. The School Bell IS RINGING ! and it is time for you to buy your TABLETS , SLATES , PENCIL BOXES , PAPER , Etc. We are prepared to give you the best selection , as our stock is large and you can't get better goods for the money. Remember the place. Citv Pharmacy Dr. MCMILLAN , Prop. V. G. Lyford returned Satur day from a throe weeks stay in New York and the eastern mark ets. During his abscensc he has been viewing the latest dry goods and notions , and has laid in a larger fall stock than ever be fore. Mr. Lyford has been here long enough to know the needs of the community which his well selected mammoth stock will demonstrate. Mrs. Arthur Harris and two little daughters were guests at the home of Neal Mulligan and wife at Superior last Wednesday while on their way home from Webber , Kansas. She was ac companied home by her nephews , Ray and Fay Swihart. Manager Gehling has secured some good attractions for his theatre for the coming season , such as Walker Whiteside , Under Southern Skies and many others of like fame. Elizabeth McMahan. who has been bedfast for four years past is now recovering and is nearly restored to her former good health. This is pleasant news to her many friends here. Herman Koehler , August Deck- ingcr , Henry Pribbeno a n d Herman Tubach returned the latter part of the week from a trip to Alabama. They report a fine country there. Roscoc Anderson was down from Ilumboldt Monday making arrangements with local players , for the ball games held during the Firemen's Tournamant there this week. J. C. , Orr. superintendent of the city schools at Schuylcr , Nebr. , was a welcome caller at this office last Friday and we enjoyed quite a social visit. Rev. Lchr of Ilumboldt was here Saturday and Sunday , as sisting in Installation services a few miles in the country. There will be work in the En tered Apprentice Degree of Falls City Lodge No. 9 on Friday eve ning of this week. John Hutchins spent Wednes day afternoon in Stella. Robert Neitxel had charge of his office during his office. Chas. White , wife and two sons , of Atchison were guests at the home of W. A. Shock this week. ' _ Dr. J. C. Yutscy and wife re turned the latter part of the week from Minnesota and Iowa. Dr. J. L. Gaudy of Ilumboldt while in this city Tuesday was a pleasant caller at these quarters. Maud Clark and Ethel Stephens of Verdor. were the guests of friends in this city last Saturday. I. M. Rupard of Shubert was looking after business in this city on Friday of last week. Mrs. Bruce Dixon and son Harry of Eldorado , Kansas , are visiting friends here. Mrs. Alice Gardner came from Denver ; Colorado the latter part of the past week. Mrs. E. O. Lewis was a B. & M. passenger for Lincoln , Sun day afternoon. Albert timber attended the picnic at Stella on Wednesday afternoon. It's light and white and can't be beat , Gehling's bread made of Sunflour. Roy E. Lum of Verdon was a business visitor in this city last Friday. Dr. A. E. Wolfe spent Sunday the guest of Ilumboldt friends. Typewriter Ribbons for any machine Custer the Printer. Fred Seboldt made a business trip to Salem on Wednesday. Judge Rcavis attended court at Hiawatha the past Saturday. Vera Lord and Stanley Crook drove to Salem Sunday. John Pierson came down from Salem last Monday. O. E. 2ook of Ilumboldt was in town Tuesday. V.G.Lyford P U I I V.i.Lyford ( Our buyer has just returned from a three weeks visit to Eastern markets. He found general conditions the most prosperous ever known in this country , and with full confidence that Richardson county will share this prosperity this Fall , has purchased more extensive stocks of Dry Goods than in any previous season. Most of the lines are now in and complete. If not ready to pur = chase , come in and look over these new goods. DRESS GOODS Plaids have assumed a very prominent place in materials for ladies' Suits , Skirts and Waists , while Grays predominate , all other colors are in excellent form. We are showing a wide and exclusive variety at from I0c to $1.50 Per Yd. As usual plain fabrics will rep resent the purchases of the majority. Our stock is most extensive in the leading cloths. Blacks will be by all odds the favorite , while colors will follow in about this order : Blues , Browns , Greens and Dark Reds. We have superior knowledge on these ques tions of style , as our buyer spends ample time in personally inspecting ; the vogues as shown in the centers of fashion. Nearly all fancy dress goods have suffered a serious deterioration in wearing quality , by the considerable mixture of cotton in their make-up. Our plains do not suffer in this way , being in all grades at soc and upward , strictly all wool. Buying almost our entire line directly from the manufacturer , we can guarantee the quality in every particular. NEW LINES : Dress Goods , Silks , Laces , Dress Trimmings , Ladies' Underwear , Knit and Muslin Under wear , Corsets , Outings , Flannelettes , Rugs , etc. LYFORD'S