The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 24, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Inter
Henry C. Smith est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
. and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the
' J LANDS & LOANS West and South , Exchanges made. J
Grant Fred was a Ktilo caller Tues
John WUsmun was In I lull ) shopping
John Nolto was in Rule on business
Uarnoy Voeijlu threshed his small
grain Monday.
John Wolf sold a load of flno peaches
In Hulo Monday
C. J. ThomtiK and f < nn attended the
Vastlno Mile Tuesday.
Mary Santo of Fort Havel was qulto
Hick the llrst of the week.
Kd rrederlck delivered his surplus
corn at Preston this week.
Clarence SehatzHpent Sunday with
his mother at Corning Mo.
Ralph Arnold and C. M. Kern worn
hi Hulo on business Monday.
W. J.IIc'.lman of Arngo Center wag
hero on business on Monday.
' Charley Popklns of the Charley
Santo ( arm was in Hulo Tuesday.
Jacob Hauinan of Columbus , Ohio U
visiting at the homo of his nephews.
Gust Tuback bought the old Fretl
Ernst farm recently naylng SOSOO foi
J. II. Hector is building a new house
on hie farm near Fort Hazel sehoo
Anton Smith hauled a four bora
load of Hcncock's Hour to this bun
C. C. Blctcher , John Frltcher am
P. E. Nllzche were In Hulo the llrst o
tbo week.
Ken Whlthcad , Walter Baker uni
Win. Bnuman were hero on busincs
J. C. WallrnIT marketed some fin
peaches at Hulo and Preston Mondu
und Tuesday.
J3. J. Lcecy Mr. Jondrow , A. I1
Randolph , Molvln Handolph were 1
Hulo Tuesday.
Mrs. Gusta Wright of Craig , Mo. , 1
visiting at the homo of her father Frc
Nlesen this week.
Ben Gatz from near Falls City a
tended the camp meeting in Huh
Sunday evening.
Julius Wullrall and family visile
with Win. Fischer who lives net
Falls City Sunday.
Win. Nlssen , Eustnco Pfrunder at ;
11. H. Fischer transacted buslnc
at Hulo on Monday.
John H. Krusor and Geo. Seerlst <
Craig , Mo. , were In Hulo on buslne
the first of the week.
John Wolnelt and daughter Kdi
and Mary Kaiser arc visiting friem
at Bala , Kansas tills week.
August Dccklngcr lost a valuab
horse which became over hcnti
while raking hay Thursday.
John Santo and Win. Wlssman wl
their families visited friends and rol
tlvcs Saturday und Sunday.
Anthony Bauman , G. A. Schmli
and J. E. Haudall , transacted bin
ness hero the first of the week.
C. H. Wiltse , Elmer Arnold a
Johnnie Frederick of Sunny vail
hauled corn to Preston Saturday.
Fred C. Fisher recently return
from a trip to Sheridan County , No
where he went to look at western lar
Jacob Wist has returned from
weeks visit with his nephew , Gi
WallratT. who now lives near Chicai
Martin Kanalj , George E. Tayl
Peter Meldccker. Coony and Bu' '
Dannecker transacted business
Rule recently.
John R. Krusor , Henry and John
Kloepfel , John Herschbergcr and
G. Dorste , made n trip to Soi
Dakota Tuesday to look at Dak
Mrs. Gertrude Kabrich and fait
of Atchlson , Kansas are visiting
the borne of her parents Mr. and h
George E. Taylor of Bean Creek n
\Vm. Threlkeld returned Satur
from a trip through western Kat
where he wcot to look at land.
prefers to purchase land In RIchi
eon county in preference to west
Grandma Tlattle is reported sick
Clyde Ramel was up from Falls i
Tom Morris of Stella spent Sur
in Salem.
Mrs George Foraker is repo
Gco. llanscll Is reported on the sick
list this week.
Will rhllg , wife and small son spent
Sunday In Salem.
Lucy Slater left last Tuesday for
Sycamore Springs.
Cclla Polrson visited over Sunday
with tva Meredith.
The Interior of Hanger's hall is
bulnir newly painted.
Frank Combs IB visiting relatives In
this vicinity this week.
Ituth Moore and Nola McCool drove
to the county scat Tuesday.
Hcv. Garberson and wife spent Mon
day afternoon at. Ralph Moore's.
Mrs. Chas. MeCool and Zulu spent
Wednesday at the Auburn elmutauquit.
Josh Lord and family of Fallc City
were Sunday visitors at Chus. McCool.
Mrs. Anderson returned Saturday
from her trip to Kansas City and St.
Ralph Moore and wife and Mrs.
Sarah Smith drove to Sun Springs
Paul and Ruth Moore and Iva Mere
dith drove out to Hoc Mooro's Monday
Ferol Marker Is spending a few days
of this week with her sister , Mrs. G ,
B. Kreps.
Mrs. Guy Daggctt and little oaugh
tor returned to thulr homo In Duwsor
Mcsdamcs. Kathcrlno Wylio nnc
Uhlig drove up from the county sea
May Thompson and Joe Braymui
attended the band concert hero Satur
day evening.
Mrs. A. A. MeCool left Wednesda ;
morning for n visit with her sister a
Holmes , Wyo.
Nellie Stewart went to Flllmorc
Mo , , last Wednesday for a short vlsl
with relatives.
J. R. Campbell is assisting in th
Russell & Dowall store In the absenc
of W. II. DavlH.
Mrs E. Pope arrived from Neman
Cltj last week for u visit at the bom
of Bert Emracrts.
The Phllutho class went to Su
, Springs Wednesday und hud u mo :
delightful outing.
Mcsdamcs B. Adams and W. Rhoudc
d and children loft Tuesday morning fc
un oxtcuded visit In Beaver City.
Mrs. Wm. Gregory and daughte
Lucy , and Mary Moblcy attended tl ;
chautuuquu in Auburn Sunday.
The funcrul of Dun Gentry wi
preached Saturday afternoon at tl
a Christian church by Rev. H. Hunt.
Prof. A. II. Vogelcln came up fro
Falls city the first of the week to u
range his school work for the comli :
Myrtle Warlield Floss Drayman , in
' " Mesdiuncs Alex and Earl Jelllson
11- Morrlll atttendcd band concert he
Saturday evening.
Rev. Garberson und wife and mei
bors of the Duraca class returned Si
urday from their trip to the Mtssoii
id lakes. All enjoyed a good time.
Thu infant son of R. B. Ilunston ni
wife died Friday morning. The funei
.Hi was preached Saturday afternoon
the Gospel Union church by Re
d. Garberson.
a Ed May returned homo Thursd
ist from his trip to Kansas. Ho we
o , there to look after his wheat crop I
found that rain bad greatly delay
threshing. In seine places strea :
da bud overflowed and washouts oecum
in Postmaster Roberts received a letl
Thursday that was mailed at Montre
P. Canada , July S and addressed to M
II W. G. Bury at Salem , Muss. It co\ \
ith not be delivered there and had be
> tu forwarded to Salem in the followl
states : New Jersey , North Caroli
Hi \Mrginia , Ohio. Missouri , Illinois , N
Hint York Indiana Wisconsin and
nt , , Mic
rs. gun. Postmaster Roberts sent It
to Salem , Kan.
Joe Majors wus an Auburn vlsl
Herd Sunday.
rd- Mrs. Mary Hoopes is on the sick
ern this week.
Geo. Hall was up from Falls Cltj
Monday night.
John Leefers und wife went to
braska City Friday.
Jlty Clare Coleman und wife were
burn visitors Friday.
day Will Mowery , the Stella liveryn
was in town Tuesday ,
rtefl Fleming Robb was a Falls City
I itor Wednesday night.
Dr. Kent came up from the county
bent rriday on business.
C ; , t ) . Knapp and wlfo took dinner
with relatives at Salem Sunday.
Maud Clark went to Auburn Friday
where she was u chautauqim visitor.
Mary and Mela Helncman attended
the Auburn ehautauquu Wednesduy.
Mrs. Ed Whcutley came down from
Lincoln Monduy on a visit with friends.
Nclllo Hossuek of Falls City visited
lu'r sister , Mr ? . Willie Sloan Saturday.
Mrs. James Hanley went to Omaha
Monday , returning Wednesday night.
Mabel Auxler and Katie Crouch
came homo Saturday from Fulls City.
Mrs. H. E. Bowman uttendtd the
ehuutauqua at Auburn lust Wednes
Alfred Corn and family of Salem vis
ited Mrs. Amanda Corn one day this
Will Hoppls and family of Burwell
Neb. , are visiting Mrs. M. A. Claris
this week.
Meselames Sue Hayes and Clarence
Crews of Shnbert visited In town 01 ;
N. B. Judd , the horsebuyer of Daw
son , was u business visitor hero 01
Mrs. Lizzie Steednm of Burwell
Nohr , is visiting her daughter , Mrs
M. A Clark.
Mrs. Sum Weddlo and mother o
Shubert visited Saturday with Mr-
Bert Ballurd.
Mrs. Mattlo Whitney accompanle
by Tom Qulgglo were Falls City vlsl
tors Monday.
Pearl Cltments of Stella vislte
Edna Wolfe Monday , returning horn
Tuesday night.
Mamie Byrely returned home froi
Stella Saturday whcro she has bee
visiting friends.
Mrs Newt Cox came in from El
Creek Friday on a visit to her rnothe
Mrs. Mury Hoopes.
W. E. Goolsby and wife und Mr
Raper went to Auburn Wednesday 1
attend ehautauqua.
Mary Dugler went to her home i
Straussvlllo Suturdny nfter spcndlr
the summer In town.
Mrs. Grunt Wlndle und duughtcr
Falls City visited Dave Griffith at
wife one day this week.
Mrs. Del Noah and two children
Falls City visited her mother , Mrs.
A. Benedict over Sunday.
Mrs. Mike Mollza and daughte
Katie , went to Auburn Wednesday r
turning homo the next day.
Born to D. W. Griffith and wlfo <
Monduy August 20th , u daughter.
concerned uro doing nicely.
Ruth Whcatley came down frc
Lincoln Saturday to visit Laura He !
d zclman und other friends here.
) f Mrs. Mattie Whitney und Luth
o Pickett went to Auburn Sunday whe
they attended the chautauqua.
Mrs. W. S. Byrely and son , Rex , i
turned home Tuesday from Stoll
where they have been visiting.
Ryan wont to Auburn Tiiu :
1 day returning Friday. While the
she was the guest of Miss Fowler.
John Patterson and wife and M
Randolph went to Auburn Wcdnesd
where they attended the chautauqi
Laura Hcinzclman returned hoi
ut Friday from Howe , where she has be
id visiting her nunt for the past t
d. Minnie Jones and Amelia Nusbai
d.or returned homo Saturday from Fn
City where they were attending t
s.Id Warren Douglas and daughte
en Cora and Hazel , took their uncle
Qg Salem , where ho took the train
Elk Creek.
BW Mrs. John Strauss and daugh
hion came up from Straussvlllo Friday t
enter remained until Tuesday. She was
coinpanled home by her mother , M
M. A. Veach.
Dr. Gurney Griffith and FV. . R <
tor were Auburn visitors Thursday.
Ethel Kieler came down from I
listen coin Saturday on a visit with relati
and friends.
on Dr. Hutchison , the optician fr
Omaha , was a professional visitor b
The Misses O'Brien and O Done !
Stella visited at the home of Fr
Bolderman the last of the week.
an , Ainret Hart went to St. Joseph !
urday to buy her winter stock o ! i
UI- llnery goods. She expects to be g
about two weeks ,
A number of relatives of A. D. Gooh-
by completely surprised him Sunday ,
It being the occasion of his fifty-
seventh birthday. An elegant lunch
was served under the trees ut noon.
At four o'clock W. A. Moran made u
neat little speech and presented Mr.
Goolsby with un clcgnnt rocker und
sovcrul other useful presents. The c
present from out of town were : D D.
Goolsby , wife und son , Falls City :
Mlllurd Goodloe , wife and daughters ,
Stella ; Mr. und Mrs. McDermet und
son , Salem.
Mrs. Jess Hays is the guest of rela
tives at Ames , Iowa.
Wauneltu Williams of the Prairie
Union neighborhood has u new pluno.
Elmer Muson and family ure spend
ing the week with relatives at Paola ,
Mrs. Robert Furnas of Brownville
hi\a been the guest of Mrs. M. Hays tlu
past week.
R. L. Coo has purchased Mrs. Rap
er's restaurant and has already tukei
Ellle and Beuluh Sums of Norton
Kansas ure the guests of their uncle
Dan Sarvis and family.
Charley Vandevcer and family o
Superior have been visiting relutlvei
at this place this week.
Henry Sayers and wife were araoni
those who attended the G. A. R. en
cumpmont at Minneapolis.
Henry Weller and W. H. Hogref
attended the republican state conven
lion In Lincoln this week.
Berthe Jones , who lives northeast o
town , will teach the Walnut Grov
school east of Shubert this fall.
Rev. Ogden and wife of Bethany ar
spending the ween with the membei
of his congregation at this place.
A kenslngton was held at the horn
of Eunice Haskins last Friday aftci
noon , about twenty young ladies beln
In attendance.
A porch party was given at the herr
° of Hazel Hogrefe Tuesday evening ft
Besse Jameson. About twenty your
people were present.
L. F. Gilbert fell Irom the back of
chair Monday while hanging a plctut
nt his room in the hotel , and broV
both bones of his left arm.
Irvo McDowell left for South Duke
> f Tuesday where ho will run uthreshii :
machine belonging to Ahcrn brhthor
who formerly lived near Shubert.
Three good games of bull will 1
played here next week during the pi
nlc. Douglass will play Stella tl
first two days and the Omahu Ram
lers the last.
A daughter was born lust week
Uurper Winfrey and wife at Cam
The little one's grandmother , Mi
Will Vandeyeer , has been at th
place for some time.
.e James Hopper and wlfo left Tuosdi
for the Panhundle country of Tex
with a view of buyine land If suit
a with the country. A number frc
' Shubert took the train here for t
same place.
:0 Mr * . D. A. Shufelt , aged about six
died at her home south of town Me
. „ [ day from brights disease. Intorme
vas made in the Prospect ceraetc
Tuesday afternoon. Deceased lea\
a husband and daughter to mourn t
10 OSS.
Grandma Cutler is on the sick li
m H. H. Mann was a Lincoln visi
, ast week.
Several new telephones were put
ast week.
. C. J. Caverzagie visited at Fai
last Sunday.
Melva Kern will teach the Y scln
the coming year.
; er
nd The things we want most ? Ri
and cooler weather.
rs. Clarence Jondrow is reported \ <
sick at this writing.
ibb Essie Marsh is at home after
absence of several months.
in- Quite a crowd from Rule attcm
res the picnic at White Cloud.
Verna Vastine is spending her
Dm cation witb the home folks.
uro Mrs. Jack Lahicqtte of Kansas C
is visiting her mother , Mrs. Boles.
1 of The scboolbouse looks like a >
ink pin in its fresh paint and new roof.
John Larabee who has been work
iat at Lewiston is borne for a few d :
ail Sam Randolph returned froniOm
ane Friday where he had been visitin
Joe and Ben Lunsford came down
from Salem Saturday returning the
next day.
Mrs. Mary Daughcrty of Bigclow ,
Mo. , visited friends here the first of
this week.
The band went to Highland Station
o play for the fair and picnic , which
vill last four days.
Guy Duncan and wife of Wymorc
isitcd friends and relatives here sev
eral days last week.
Rev. May filled bis appointment
icrc Sunday morning and evening at
he Methodist church.
The people of ion church expect to
commence a ten days camp meeting in
the park in a. few days.
Loy James , formerly of the Rock
Island R. R. , will work at the depot as
iclpcr in Celcy's place.
Charlie Scott , wife and little daugh
ter of Hiawatha visited with friends
licrc one day last week.
Several persons were baptised in the
Missouri river , Monday morning , con
verts of the recent meetings.
Mrs. Dave Anderson and daughter ,
Bessie , spent the fore part of the week
in Kansas visiting relatives.
Mrs. Roy Hart and babies came nj :
from St. Joe Friday for a visit witl :
home folks and other friends.
Ves Bunker bought a span of horses
of Will Kennedy last week which IK
will place in bis livery barn.
Mrs. Emma Wallace was made
happy last week by a visit from bei
father and brother of Salem.
The Holiness camp meeting wbicl
has been in progress for the last tei
days , closed last Friday night.
Cecil Kanaly has returned bonn
fter a pleasant two months visit a
Juincy and other Illinois cities.
M. ( . ' . Ball and Willie Barber , win
re grading at Salem , passed throng !
icre on their way to St. Joe Saturday
Lena Green of Tarkio , Mo. , visitei
icr grandmother , Mrs. Shaffer , an
thcr relatives several days last week
Joe McDonald has taken a trip t
Santa Barbara , Cal. , for a month'
isit to bis mother and other relative. '
Mr. Pope of Nemaba City takes th
ilace of Agent Jackson here and wi !
nove bis family to this city in a shot
Mrs. L. E. Leeds and children r <
urned home Wednesday from Hi :
e watba after a ten days visit wit
.C. E. Ccley , depot helper , has take
i two weeks vacation and will vis
Bighland Station and other points i
Mrs. John Anderson of Kansa
pent several days here last week 1
visit friends and attend the cam
Ella Carpenter and Anna McMaba
spent several days in St Joe last wee
. selecting a stock of new goods for tl
millinery store.
" ' Mary Richardson , who lias spent tl
last year in Kansas attending schoc
is visiting her uncle's family , M
Van Valkenburg.
. Cecil and Mamie Kanaly , Edith ai
Melva Kern , Julia Cronin and Agn
Schrader attended the Institute
Falls City last week.
Mrs. Harry Mann and daughtc
Irene , returned from Wilbur Tuesd ;
of last week. Tboy haw > > een vi itii
the former's parents.
Mary Blair and little sister , Chri
tone , of Highland City , Kans. , c'
parted for their borne Friday aftci
two weeks visit with relatives in tl :
S. W. Cunningham sold a carload
western liorses at the stock yards lr
week , and there was a good deal
excitement while the goods were beii
Robbie McDonald while playi :
with gunpowder a few days ago ,
a badly burned face. Fortunately
flew below bis eyes but gave bin
badly burned mouth.
P. N. Frederick , bridge forem
from Crete to Concordia , has be
: ry transferred to the division Table Rote
to Napier and Rule to Atcbison. J. '
an Jackson of this division was trai
ferred to the one Mr. Frederick b :
lej R. L. Jackson.agent here for seve
years , lias been transferred to Ate
son where he will fill the position
day operator. Mr. Jackson and w
leave a host of friends in Rule w
ity wish them happiness and prosper
in their new home.
ew George Cutler of New Orleans
visiting witb his mother and sist
ng in Rule this week. He will also vi
ys. bis father and brother , Bert , who
iha living on a ranch in Brown coun
Mr. Cutler will return to New Orle ;
some time in September.
Dick Turner was visiting relatives
In Lincoln Sunday.
Clara Boss Pawnee City was visit
ing lone Norton Sunday.
Mrs. Albert Brunn waa on the sick
list the first of the week.
Ralph Phllpot was a Lincoln visitor
the fore part of the week.
Mrs Ben Stramer wns In St Louis
this week purchasing her fall mlliln-
cry goods.
H. E. Boyd was called to coshocton ,
Ohio , by the serious Illness of a
Frank Hnlzdn of Irving , Kans. , was
visiting friends In the city the first of
the week.
Mrs. Cora Boss and daughter , Leon ,
have returned from u visit with rela
tives In Illinois.
Lulu Hummel left Friday afternoon
on an extended visit to relatives at
Sit van nun , Illinois.
Mrs. Gco. Segrist arrived In this city
from Lincoln the first of the week for
a visit with friends.
Frank Mullen and bride , who were
recently married in Chicago returned
to this city Sunday.
Mrs R. K. Davis and Mamie Bacon
returned home Sunday from a week's
visit in Kansas City.
Dr. W. F. Carver and P. O. Avery
have returned from the G. A. R. en
campment at Minneapolis.
John Campbell and family of Des
Molnes , Iowa , are visiting the former's
mother , Mrs. Laura Campbell.
Ruby Idle left Friday tor her home
at Elmo , MO. , after spending several
weeks with Hnmboldt friends.
Roy Arnold , who was seriously In
jured at the cooper & Linn mill lat
week is reported slightly improved
Mrs I. E. Smith is critically ill at
her hemp In this city. A trained nurse
ha arrived from Lincoln to care for
H V Dorland Is homo from Fre
mont where he had been attending
the Nebraska state firemen's tourna
The Pleasant Hill farm of 148 acres
owned by Henry H. Kuper was sold
lust week to James Hrdllltchka. con
sideration $11,800.
Prof. A. L. Moon and wife arrived
from Arcadia. Thursday. ' Mr. Moon
has accepted the principulship of our
city schools the coming year.
The firm of Miller & Sons , druggists
on the north side of the square , are
making preparations to move their
stock of goods to another locality.
Mrs. Frank Wilson , left the last of
the week for Salt Lake city , havlne
received word that her daughter , Mrs
Clara Wilson was seriously 111 in that
Mrs. Joy Bullis McKie , formerly of
this city , who has been with her hus
band for several month nt Valparlso.
chill , has not been heard of since the
earthquake , and fear Is ascertained for
her safety.
Ray Harmon spent last week ut Au
Frank Bricker spent Sunday with
Dwlght Hurraan.
Minnie and Susie Hoover were Au
burn visitors last Thursday.
Ed Shubert and wife and son spen'
Sunday in the country with Floyd
Willium Martin and Grace Benton
were married in Missouri last Thurs-
Jessie Jones of weeping water U
visiting her friend Mrs. Lee Pond this
week ,
ot Miss Ashby left the first of the week
it after a months labor for the M. E.
a „ ,
Mr. Sapp and wife of Brownville
in come down Saturday evening to spend
inMl Sunday with their Rev. Sapp.
MlV. Mrs. Walter Lewis took the train
V. Saturday at noon for St. Joseph to
LS- visit with her mother for a few weeks.
d. Charles Pond and wife returned
al from Iowa Tuesday evening where
ni- they were called by tbe'serlous Illness
of of Mr. Pond's sister , she was dead
ife when they reached there.
Quick relief for Aithma Sufferer * .
1J Foley's Honey and Tar affords im
mediate relief to asthma sufferers in
the worst stages and if taken in time
will effect a cure. For sale at Me-
Brides Pharmacy.
sit . . .
ire 40,000 acres for sale , $0.00 to
SI2.00an acre. Level Land Realty
Company , Bird City , Cheyenne coun.
ns tv , Kansas. Local agents wanted to
bring us buyers.