The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 17, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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c/5 H We Have all Kinds and Styles of Up = to = Date Footwear H
UJ Qoocls Marked in Plain Figures. Conic in and sec us , we will try to O
SHE STORE Please You. George Gcbharclt will do your repairing.
Eat Sowles' candy.
Perry Meyers is home on a
vacation from California.
Lawrence Christian was a
Humboldt visitor Sunday last.
Thos. Glines is now able to
tvalk around with the aid of a
County Attorney James spent
Sunday the guest of Wymore
Mrs. W. II. Kerr returned Sat
urday from an extended visit in
New York.
Cass Jones of Rule was a busi
ness visitor in this city the first
of the week.
Harry Foehlinger and Ernest
Obenland spent Sunday at the
Missouri Lakes.
D. F. Harbaugh of Dawson
had on Monday's market two
carloads of hogs.
Mrs. Amos Gantt and children
are spending the week with her
parents at Humboldt.
Sheriff Fenton and family
spent the day with friends at
Humboldt Sunday last.
Joe Parsons of Verdon was
looking after business interests
here the first of this week.
Col. J. L. Dalbey of the Shu
bert Citizen was among the part } '
boomers in town Monday.
Mr. Keel of Kansas City is
visiting at the home of his broth
er-in-law Mr. Thornburg.
W. S. Power , Herman Stone-
sifer and John Holechek were
here from Humboldt Monday.
Thos. Palmer arrived Friday
from Schyler , for a week's visit
at the home of his parents in this
Henry BucWr of Lisbon , Iowa
who has been visiting with his
brother Samuel , left Tuesday
for Omaha.
Jas. Holechek , Henry Funk ,
F. J. Hynek and Jas. Roy of
Humboldt helped keep the ranks
in line here Monday.
Grace and Katherine Harmon
who have been visiting at the
home of their aunt Mrs. Otho
\Vachtel left Wednesday for their
home at Beatrice.
J. A. Hill left Sunday for
Minneapolis , St. Paul and Still-
water , Minn. While away he
will fall in with the veterans at
the national encampment at Min
neapolis this week.
When the streets are as crowd
ed as they were last Saturday
night everybody should remem
ber to walk on the right side of
the walk for by so doing you are
not constantly bumping into
Peaches that will do for ship
ping at Heck's feed store.
The Falls City
Candy Kitchen
Chocolate and Vanilla Ice
Ice Cream Sodas , all flavors.
Crushed Fruits.
Home Made Candies.
Fruits in their seasons.
' / * Ice Cream , 15c a
Pint , 30c a Quart
Some of the wotnans clubs
could be of great service to the
city and surrounding1 country by
presenting a petition to the
board ot supervisors asking that
seats be put in the court house
yard. Last Saturday the town
was full of tired country women ,
many with little babies , who had
no place to sit down and rest.
The Hiawatha square is fitted
out in this way and every Sat
urday the seats are filled
with ladies from the country
resting until their husbands have
finished their business. Will
somebody take this up ?
Ruth Gladstone who has been
he guest of Eva McNall for the
ast week or so , returned Tues-
ay to her home at Wirth , Mo.
Uiss Gladstone was Eva's room
late while they were attending
lollege at Libert } ' , Mo.
Mrs. Chas. Foehlinger and two
hildren , who have been visiting
er parents , James Goldman and
vife , returned Sunday to their
lome at McCook. Harvey Foeh-
inger accompanied them.
Rev. and Mrs. A. Frank of
Barton , Kansasand Sarah Engel-
recht of Chicago , who have
been visiting with Rev. and Mrs.
O. H. Engelbrecht , departed to
heir home last Tuesday.
Mrs. William Griffin and chil-
ren returned to their home in
lebron after a two weeks visit
vith her parents JA. . McCor-
nick and other relatives.
James B. Davis and wife of
lumboldt and J. L. Sullivan and
vife of Omaha came down Mon-
lay from the former place in
Slama's auto.
Mrs. Jane Shoup , sister of Mrs.
A. McCormick , went to Au-
ntrn Sunday afternoon for a
veek's visit and to attend the
Rev. W. T. Cline and wife re-
urned Friday from the assembly
at Lincoln. Wilma will visit
'riends at Dunbar before return-
Edwin Falloon accompanied by
iis brother left for his old home
n Ohio last week. He expects
o be gone some two weeks.
Mrs. Neal Mulligan , who has
been visiting her parents , John
lossack and. wife , left Friday
'or her home at Superior.
Tom James and Ben Strainer
were among those of the Hum-
boldt crowd who lent enthusiasm
to the convention.
John D. Shrauger came down
"rotn Humboldt to attend the
convention last Monday after
Fay DeWald returned the
latter part of the week from a
visit with relatives at Reserve.
Mrs. Will Sloan and son , Neal ,
of Verdon spent Thursday with
John Hossack and wife.
Dr. Johnson came down from
Pawnee City on Friday of the
past week.
A. H. Fellers and wife were
down from Humboldt the first of
the week.
Sherman Byerly and wife drove
down from Verdon last Thurs
Dowty Watson of Reserve , Ks. ,
was a Sunday visitor in this city.
Rev O. H. Engelbrecht is at
tending the synod at Waco , Neb.
John Wilson was among the
Humboldt citizens here Monday ,
Herbert Ford of Humboldt is
attending the institute.
Robert Kanaly spent Sunday
with Dawson friends.
Marquerite Rowley is visiting
friends it : St. Joseph.
Fred Arnold was down from
Humboldt during the week.
Emma Frank of Quincy , 111. ,
is the guest of Clara Tanner.
J. T. Waggoner was among
the Dawson people here Monday.
Boraxinc at Ilarlow's for 5c a
package , sells everywhere for lOc.
M , Ilibbard was among the
Salem people in this city Mon
Joseph Glasser was among the
Humboldt people here last Mon
day. *
John Babb was transacting
business affairs in Humboldt last
Harlow buys for cash or trade
all kinds vegetables , fruit , butter
and eggs.
John A. Hern came down with
the Shubert crowd the first of
the week.
Geo. Funk and wife of Dawson
spent Saturday with friends in
this city.
Go to Harlow's for 20 mule
borax or boraxine ) 5 and 10 cents
per package.
Henry Kloepfel of Rule was a
pleasant caller at these quarters
Saturday afternoon.
Geo. V. Stumbo left the first
of the week for Lincoln where he
has acccepted a position.
Frank Colwell of Pawnee City
was a business visitor here the
latter part of last week.
Anthony Vaugh , who has been
visiting in Holt county , Kansas ,
returned from there Friday night.
Mrs. Geo. N. Strawn of Chicago
cage , 111. , is visiting J. A. Hill
and family. Mrb. Strawn is a
niece of Mrs. Hill.
Mabel Poteet returned the first
of the week from Padonia , Kan. ,
where she lias been visiting with
her sister , Mrs. Will Hurst.
Burton Sperry and wife went
to Auburn Sunday morning and
visited her sister , Mrs. J. A.
Conner , and attended the chau-
Oliver I. Hall , editor of the
Humboldt Standard was down on
Monday looking after the inter
ests of the great democracy in
this end of the county.
Soap , soap , soap. Harlow has
over 400 cases bought when soap
was at its lowest price. Come
and get our prices on soap , wash
ing powder , borax and boraxine.
Harlow will , for the Saturday
sale , August 18th , sell you 3
boxes Uneeda or Tacoma biscuits
for lOc. Also picnic hams at 75c ,
85c and $1.00 each. These hams
weigh 6 to 8 pounds each , guar
anteed good wholesome cured
John Williams , of Salem , a
nephew of J. H. Miles , of this
city , an old feeder and shipper ,
made his first shipment to Kan
sas City Monday. He had Herefords -
fords , averaging 1,351 pounds
which bold at $5.85 , within five
cents of the top price.
Mrs. John L. Cleaver made a
trip to the Sycamore Springs on
Monday , returning with a goodl }
supply of those famed mineral
waters. As the same was for
the use of John L. we presume it
contains "youth renewing'
qualities , which no doubt ac
accounts for his spryness.
Now here is a good one and
they say it is true. When the
committee was soliciting for
funds to defray the expenses of
the Hiawatha bandit approached
one of the richest men in Falls
City for a contribution. He re
plied ) "I would give you a quar
ter but I will not be in town
Saturday night. " Now what do
you think of that ?
Harlow has more groceries
pilled up in his two buildings
than any three houses in the
county. These goods have been
bought right and are going to be
sold right. We fear no competi
tion , local or catalogue. Come
to Ilarlow's and get full value
for your produce and cash.
The delegates to the demo
cratic convention- were having a
good deal of fun out of the way
they sat down on the Davises and
John Morehead in their efforts to
beat James for countattorney. .
The bosses seem to have been
pretty effectually busted.
Ilarlow will place on sale Sat-
irday , Aug. 18th , 50 picnic hams
; he finest and best selected stock
'rom one of our best packers.
These hams will be sold at 75c ,
85c and Si.00 each.
Richardson County Shorthorn
Breeders Association will hold a
mblic sale at Mettz's sale barn
Sept. , 15 1906.
34t Secretary.
Bring school children this Fri-
lay and Saturday to have a medi
cal test of their eyes. Dr. Bcau-
nont will charge but $1.00 for
esting. this trip.
Chas. Brown , the successful
nanager of the Brown County
World , and hib wife , came up
with the Hiawatha band last
Saturday evening.
Sylvia and Charlie Simmons ,
who have been visiting Mr.
hields and family , returned
VIonday to theJr home at Hum
C. J. Hosford and J. H. Walsh
were down from Humboldt to see
that the proper ' "ile" was applied
to the official machinery.
Reavis Gist , Misses Grace and
Ruth Reavis are the guests of
Ed Fisher and wife at Leaven-
worth , this week.
Late corn is in need of a rain ,
but don't worry , we always get
the rains when necessary to make
the crop.
Dr. Houston and wife and T.
J. Gist and wife are trailing bass
at the Missouri lakes this week.
Dr. Beaumont comes the 17th
and 18th on a trip to fit eye
glasses to school children.
Isaac Pollard of the west end
residents was transacting busi
ness affairs here Monday.
Mrs. Bruno Hanson of Norfolk
is visiting with her parents , Dr.
W. II. Kerr and wife.
Harlow pays highest price for
butter and eggs and gives either
groceries or cash.
W. H.Vylie of Nebraska
City made his weekly visit to this
city on Monday *
Will Power of Humboldt is in
attendance at the institute.
Go to Harlow's for picnic hams
price 75c , 85c and $1.00.
A. D. Larabec was up from
Preston Sunday.
Nelle Cain is the guest of Hia
watha friends.
J. K. Liggett of Ilumboldt was
in this city Monday.
A. S. Shellenbarger was down
from Stella last Monday.
S. II. Sloan of Verdon spent
Friday with Falls City friends.
J. W. Watson of Verdon spent
Sunday with Falls City friends.
Carroll Prior and Xetta Camb-
lin spent Sunday at the big lakes.
A good old gray mare for sale.
See John W. Holt or Henry C.
A. Spear and wife and Grace
Gray left Saturday afternoon for
John Ryan and Thos. F. Kean
were among the Dawson citixens
here on Monday.
Mrs. Morton left Tuesday for
Muskogee , I. T. , where she will
visit with friends.
Nelle Weaver of Verdon was
the guest of Falls City friends on
Monday of this week.
Mrs. Ephriam Withee of Stella
was visiting with relatives here
the latter part of the week.
A. B. Babst came over from
the Sycamore Springs Saturday
to attend to business affairs.
Sam Stewart ; ind wife came up
from Reserve last Friday. They
were accompanied home by Edna
DeWald who will visit with them.
Mrs. T. J. McAlpin , nee Hattic
Hessler , of Seattle , Wash. , is the
guest of relatives and friends in
this city. She will also visit old
friends at Pawnee City and
Chas. I. Norris of Table Rock
was a pleasant caller at these
quarters last Friday. Carried a
good slip of paper away with
him , to the tune of a subscription
Jennie Prater who has been
quite ill with tonsilitis for over a
week , is now able to resume her
position at the Wahl store.
Dr. Lee Kerr and wife of Kan
sas City were the guests of his
parents , Dr. W. II. Kerr- and
wife , during the week.
D. II. Sears and wife of Kan
sas City spent Saturday and
Sunday with his parents , Win.
Sears and wife.
Gertrude and Clyde Lum drov
down from Verdon the latter
part of the past week.
Lottie Gulp returned the first
of the week from a visit with
friends in St. Joseph.
Lou Wood of Pawnee City was
a Friday visitor in this city.
John B , Blair of Pawnee City
was a Friday visitor here.
Oh to be a school ma'am at
institute time !
Dainty $ its
of Jewelry !
Whether it is to be useful or not , a piece of jewelry
must have grace and beauty. We are most particular
about the designs in our stock nothing loud finds a
place here.
Lockets Rings
Chains Broaches
Pins Bracelets
at a wide range of prices.
A. E. Tbe "Old Reliable"
. . Jeweler
P I A N O $ > BALDWN [ BR ° s-
} A full line of the Small Musical Instruments , f
Latest Sheet Music , Edison and Victor Records.
We also carry a large stock of i
i * Falls City Music Company j
Opposite Court House