The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 17, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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The Falls City Roller Mills
Does a general milling business , and manufactures the
following' brands of flour
The above brands are gunrantecd to be of the highest pos
sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and
Conduct a general
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
and solicit a share of your patronage
I P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. |
The Tribune
The Newspaper with the big
circulation. Enough said.
v 'X" > : - : > - > < - v- - xw '
Don't Re d This !
Unless you want to buy something1 in our line. Re
member we have one of tlie largest and best lines of
goods to select from. We buy our goods in car load I
lots and for the spot cash right from the factory , there
fore we can save you money.
Remember our Buggy and Surry line is complete *
and up-to-date and we ask you to inspect our goods I
before you buy. We have a good supply of lumber II
wagons on hand and are making very close prices on I
them. We have just received a car load of manure
spreaders and will be glad to show them to you.
Call and see us when in need of a gasoline engine.
Remember we carry Pumping Engines in stock and
can get anything you want from 2 horse power up.
Get our prices on anything in the implement line. Do !
not fail to examine one of the easiest running cream
separators on the market for $55 and upward. You
should have one of our sulky gang plows to do your
fall plowing. Remember the place to save money.
Yours for Business ,
I Werner , Mosiman & Co. !
> -H- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
F. A. HUMHEL , Prop.
Breeder of D. S. Polled Durham and Sliortliorn cattle. Bulls ready for ser
vice of Scotch and Cruickshank breed , for sale. Rural Route No. 2. Porter
J/Intttal Telephone 2U , Humboldt , Neb. Mention this paper when writing.
| Falls City Candy Kitchen 1
Chocolate ICE-CREAM Vanilla
ICE-CREAM SODAS : - All Flavors
Orange , Cherry , Strawberry , Raspberry ,
Pineapple , Fig , Chop Suey ,
Crushed Strawberry Ice-Cream , Nut Sundaes.
i5c Pint , doc Quart
TRY IT ONCE : Egg Phosphates , Lemonade ,
Coco Cola and Milk Shakes. Home Made Candies ,
Seasonable Fruits.
National Encampment
Minneapolis , Minn.
Round Trip Round Trip
$9.45 $9.45
Grand Army of Republic
For this occasion the Missouri Pacific will sell round trip
4 , tickets for $9.45. Tickets on sale August nth to i3th ,
inclusive. Final return limit August 3ist.
J. B. VARNER , Agent.
The Vinegar factory being as
sured we should turn to some
thing else that will yield a good
revenue and employ labor. There
are many other products that can
be manufactured as well in this
locality as vinegar , and those of
our citizens who have not sub
scribed stock in the vinegar
factory can well alTord to loosen
up a little on some other improve
ment. Among the things we
can manufacture at a profit arc ,
bricks , tile , cereal foods , alfalfa
meal , canned products , in fact
we can profitably manufacture
anything for which he have the
raw material. Humboldt has
ust put in a brick plant at a
cost in excess of $30.000. This
plant will furnish brick of every
lescription and will be kept busy
night and day to fill its orders.
It will employ some thirty men
it good wages and will bring
lundreds of dollars into town
that would otherwise not get
there. Palls City has identically
the same clay about a mile and a
; ialf west of town. The only
thing we need to secure the brick
plant is a little enterprise and
nerve. We have the best tile
clay in the world. Auburn is
making money in the manufact
ure of tiling. Why can't we ? A
great deal of tile is used in this
western country and the demand
would furnish a home market
for the entire product. Barada
and Auburn have shown what
can be done with a canning fac
tory. Alfalfa meal plants have
been profitable wherever tried.
What we need is a little courage
to do things. The few men who
iiave made the vinegar factory a
sure thing have not the money to
install these other factories. Be
sides they have done their share.
Let the others help. The only
reason Falls City hasn't ten
thousand people is because Falls
ity does't seem to want to push.
* *
We don't intend the following
as a knock , it it. a boost. We
haven't any fault to find with
people who do not buy Falls City
made goods. That is their busi
ness. But it does seem a very
short sighted policy to buy
foreign made articles when some
thing just as good can be pur
chased at home. The family of
the writer has tried many brands
of Hour , but have never found
any that is superior to Falls City
Flour. It was with a sense of
personal gratification that we
learned that the Gehling baker } '
had determined to use only Falls
City flour hereafter. This will
benefit the home mills and in so
doing will benefit every citizen
in town. Heretofore the bread
you bought was made with
foreign flour and a part of your
five or ten cent piece went out of
town. Now ever ) ' cent y o u
spend at this bakery for bread re
mains at home. This isn't an
advertisement for either Heacock
& Son or for the Gehling bakery.
It is written because we think
the example is good and one that
should be followed in every line
whether it's cigars , flour or beer.
Buy your home stuff. Keep
your money at home. Encour
age people to build factories by
buying the product of those al
ready built. Cultivate a Falls
City spirit and remember that
every little bit helps.
* *
It was a mighty nice thing for
those Hiawatha boys to bring
their band up last Saturday. It
is a good band too. It has been
a long , long time since Stone
street held as many people as as
sembled on Saturday night to
hear the concert. There were
at least 1500 people within hear
ing of the band. Our people are
hungry for amusement , for some
thing to do , somewhere to go.
We have many good musicians
here and it would pay our mer
chants to subscribe liberally to
the support of a band for week
end concerts. It seems a shame
that such a splendid musician as
Prof. Harnack should be com
pelled to go to our sister city to
satisfy his hunger for music. It
seems too bad that with all the
horn players we have that it is
necessary for us to import a band
from Hiawatha to have a con
cert. A band concert isn't much
to look forward to , but neverthe
less there were a great many
town people , and a great many
country people too for that mat
ter , that were very pleased when
they read in last weeks papers
that a concert was to be given
* *
The Tribune isn't worrying
very much about a gate on the
north side of the court house but
we do think that the supervisors
could well afford to provide scats
in the court house yard for the
comfort of the people. Last
Saturday our streets were crowd
ed with people from the county ,
a great many of them ladies with
little children. They walked
aimlessly and wearily about the
streets , with no place to rest.
The court house square belongs
to the people and they should be
entitled to use it. The lawn and
flower beds are beautiful , but
they would be no less beautiful
if there were seats scattered
about under the trees for the
tired visitors to occupy and rest.
We feel sure that Mr. Ruegge
who has token such pains to
make it attractive would not ob
ject to its use in this way and we
know that the people would feel
very grateful for the privilege.
The square in Hiawatha has
seats all over the lawn , and as
we walked by it the other day
every seat was occupied. We
have no other resting spot.
Why not make the square useful
as well as ornamental ?
* *
Not for many years have the
crops been as good as they are
this year. In most years we
have a big crop of one grain but
a small crop of another. This
year we have had good crops of
every grain. Wheat was a rec
ord breaker , oats , that looked
like a complete failure for a time
came out surprisingly. Fruit
is wonderful. Many farmers
are feeding peaches to their
hogs. Corn is looking splendid
ly , hogs have been in wonderful
demand and at a big price. In
fact the Richardson County
farmer has every reason to re
joice. There will be more money
in the county this fall than ever
before in its history. In a ride
from Preston to Hiawatha the
other day the country and crops
that I saw were a revelation. I
thought at the time that
it was a fortunnate thing
that the devil didn't take
the Lord over that country in
stead of to the mountain top
when he tempted him. As a re
sult of all this better homes are
being built on the farms more of
the comforts are finding their
way into the farm houses. An
occasional vacation finds its way
into the lives of the farmer and
his family. Even as I write this
Jake Mack and Martin Werner
are on the broad expanse of wat
er going back to the old country
and trying to convince them
selves that it is great fun to lean
over the ships side and cast their
bread upon the waters.
A Splendid Musician.
Prof. Wm. Harnack. of Falls
City , the new leader of the First
Regiment band , is a musician
who came to this country in 1893
with a German symphony or
chestra which played at the
World's fair in Chicago. After
the fair the orchestra disbanded
and while several of the members
returned to Germany , Prof. Har
nack decided to remain in Amer
ica. He has played in a number
of leading orchestras in this
country. The band boys like
him and are already improving
under his charge , lately having
tried some new music. After en
campment Prof. Harnack ma\
take the band to Falls City to
give a concert there : Browi
County World.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Market Letter.
Stock yards , Kansas City , Mo. ,
Vug. IN , l)0fi. ) Another week of
ight cattle receipts is beginning
O'tlny , run 11,000 head , wsme ns
nst Monday. The supply Inat
veelc was -12,000 head , n loss of
over 20,000 us compared with
nine week n yenr ngo , at which
ime tlio heavy fall run wna under
viiy. Good pastures this yenr ie
lolding them back , besides n ( jood
naiiy thousands of cattle were
hipped in July this yenr that
isually do not move before Au
gust , Kansas and Missouri grass-
rs , account of the good market
n July. The market is improv-
g a little each week , except on
rnss steers which arc barely
olding steady. Killing cattle-
outside of grosser steers nro strong
o 10 higher to-day , top $5.00.
Cows and heifers are selling first
class , veals 25 to 50 cents above a
veekago , stocker and feeder trade
he best this fall , prices 10 to 20
cents higher than last week.
ite a number of country buyers
ind to go home empty handed
list week , for Inek of supplies.
LMie run of branded cattle has not
tnrted yet. Fed steers are get-
ing scarce , but no great number
s needed now , numerous droves
it $5.iO ( to if.00 , corn and grass
teers $1.75 to $5.50 , straight
; rnss steers $1.50 to $5.10 for
; nnd weights , n fllriug of Kansas
; rav.ed Texnns , 050 pounds , at
< J.Gr ami $ H.7o , to killers. Bulk
f heifers sell at $ tf.50 tol.75 ,
cows $2.50 to $3.75 , heavy veals
.50 to $5.00 , light ones up to
SG.OO to-day , stackers $2.40 to
$ -1.00 , feeders $ IUO to $150.
Quality of stackers and feeders
ins been better lately , few steers
ell below $2.00 , stock she stuff
S1.90 to $ ; { .00.
The hog market struck some
ough places last week after Wed-
icsday , finally ending the week
net loss of 30 cents. The liberal
Marketing , 52,000 for the week , to
gether with big declines all
around at the markets brought
, he break , and indications favor a
downward course for the market.
Sun is 7000 to-day , market steady
to 5 lower , top $ (5.10 ( , for light
weights , bulk of enles $5.95 to
$0.05 , with medium and rough
icnvy hogs selling around $5.90.
Shippers should insist on wide
nargins , although the break may
je checked temporarily this
Sheep market gnined 15 to 25
cents last week , but is 10 lower
to-day. Run was only 15,000 last
week , supply to-day 4500. Native
Spring lambs sold at $7.75 , late
last week , top to-day $7.25 , not as
good of course. Native wethers
and ewes mixed reached 1-5.50
lately , medium class ewes ' $4.75
to-day. Feeding wethers are sell
ing at $1.00 to $1.75 breeding ewes
are in demand up to $5.25 , feeditiu
lambs around SG.OO. There are
more orders for stuff for the coun-
Iry than can be filled under pres
ent volume of receipts , which ,
however , will soon increase.
The Fame of A Name.
' 'Luxus" was one of inorf I lion
a million names that were sub.
initted to the Fred. Krug Brew
ing Company of Omaha , for their
new bottled beer. It is already
famous as a result of the novel
plan by which its title was chos
Beer is a food containing about
8 per cent of alcohol being gener-
ited by the cereals is a pure grain
alcohol. "Luxus" is pure beer of
the very highest order. It is a
health giver and is no more harm
ful that any other food that one
might overland his stomach with.
Answer that advertisement , and
say you read it in this publication.
The Fred Krug Brewing Com
pany is one of the largest in the
West , and it is but a questioi
of time under its progressive
methods , when it will lead the
brewers of the world. It is then
object to make beer a health food
and to this end they have joined
with other reputable brewers to
urge the pure food bill hi con
gress , which provides for rigid in
spection and places a penally on
all adulterations. Their aim is tc
elevate beer manufacturing am
beer drinking.
Chamber Sets 6 , 10
and 12 pieces , white and
gold , special purchase.
Sec them in the large
Fancy Haviland China
south window. Finest
goods in the city.
Cut Glass samples ,
special prices.
Flowerpots and Jardin-
eres , all sixes.
Groceries , Fruits and
Vegetables. Special
prices on Humboldt flour
| C. M. Wilson's
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The followlnn proposed nnicndmcnl to
he constitution of the Slate of Nebraska ,
ni hrrrlunflrr nrl fnflh In lull , in sub.
nl I led to the electors of the Stale of Me-
braska , to be voted upon at the flencrnl
election to be held Tuesday , November o ,
A. D. , luoo.
h : IT I.NACTII ; : > nv Tin : I.KOIHI.ATUKI : or THIS
.Section 1. Thai nl tlm Kciioral election for
itntoamt I.virMathu ofliccrt to liu held on tlio
1'iicndar. Miccmllnir tin : Unit Monday In
M-inlier , 1TO6 , tlie folloulnir provision lie
trnpoveil ami mihniltlril to tlm electors of tlio
latoas an aniuiutmttiil to tlin ciniHtltiitloii.
Section 1. There nhall lie a Slatu Railway
Commission , consUtltiir i > C thtvu niemlicrfl.lwlin
hall IKS llrHt rlccteit at the ucneral election In
906 , whoto term of office , except lliotu clioscn
\tilm llrHl election miller tills proIslon , Hli.ill
> onlx jrarfi. anil whoso compensation shall 1m
dxed by tlio 1,1'iflslaturc.
Of tlui llinv cotmiilssloiier tlrst I'locteil , tlio
Hie recchlnir thu liluhest number of votes ,
hall hold his d nice for ilx years , tlui neil
illfheht four yearn , ami thu lowcMt two yearn.
The powers amldutlesof HitchcommlsHlonstiall
iiclmlo tlie i emulation of rates , service and
ucnurat control of common carriers nstlieleuls-
atiiru may provide tiy law. Hut In the aliscnco
if Npeclllc leulHlalloti , tlie comniliHlon shall
exercNu thi' pouern ami perform ( ho duties
'numerated ' In this provision.
Section 3. That at Hntd flection In thu year
'Ml , , on thu li.Ulot of each elector totlnir ( hero-
it , there ( thai ! I HI printed or written tint words :
Tor Constitution Amendment , with reference
oSlalu Hallway Commission" And "Amlnsl
Constitutional AiiiriidineiitVltli Hofcrenco to
itatc Hallway Commission. " And If , a major-
tyofall Mites cast at said election. Bhall Im
'or Huch amendment , the same shall ho deemed
[ o lx > adopted ,
I , A. C.aluslia , secretary of state of thu .state
: if Nebraska , tin hereby certify that Iho foru
tfolnir proposed amendment to thu Constitution
if the State of Nebraska Is a Into and correct
copy of thu orlulnal enrolled and engrossed
hill , as passed hy tint T fiit > .illlltll session of (
Hie leuUlatnre of the Statu of Nebraska , ax
appears from said orlvlnal bill on 111" In thin
nice , and that said proposed amendment li
submitted to thu iiualllled voters of the state
of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at
the ireneral election to be held on Tuesday the
.III . day of NovemtxT , A. I ) . fOj.
In testimony whereof , I have hereunto set my
hand and allived Iho irrcat seal of thu statu of
Done at Lincoln tills 24th day of July , In tlie.
year of our Lord Onu Thousand Nltiu Hundred
ami Six , rf the Independence of thu United
States the One Hundred and Thirty-second ,
and of this stale the I'ortleth.
[ si'.Ai.l Secretary of State.
Legal Notice.
In I lie Klchardson Cnunt > DUtrlct Court ,
tai if N'-lira-Ua.
-I'l'li A. Sn\w. '
vs. Notice for Uivorcu
Iux < \ SlIAU.
Defendant. '
To Dora SliaiionrtTiidrnl defendant ;
You are , hereby notified that the platntil ) .
Joseph A , Shaw , did uii thu 4th ilay of Auuuat ,
1'XVi , 11 In M petition fur divorce In the office
o ( thu clerk of the DUtrlct Court of KlcUarJson
County. Nebranka. uifaiiisl > ou , Mherelu uu
.tray * a decree of ilUorcu from the txjndsol
matrimony heretofore existing t > etweenl hlut
and you , on the grounds of adultery , desertion
and extreme cruelty , and an additional decrru
for the custody and control of the Infant child ,
Karl Shau , the fruit of bald marriaife.
And you are further notified to plead , atuwer
or demur to .ald petition on or before theJUli
day of September , 1906 , or aald petition will be
taken as true and a decree rendered in .said
causnln accordance with the prayer of said
petition. KKAVIS Jc XIAVI ,
Attorneys for 1'lalntlflts.
Hxperleuceil teacher * . Tine Kqulp-
ments. Gymnasium work. Asslitance
in securing poiitioQi. Work to cirn
board Individual instruction. Knterany
tide I.eisoni by mail. Advantages of
a capital city. Write for Catalogue No , ( |
Lincoln Uuslne > Cell