The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 17, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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. . { , ; * * .
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Now is the time for you to see the wonderful grain producing country in
Fimiey and Kearney county , Kansas , in the irrigated district of the fa
mous Arkansas Valley , where wheat yielded from 40 to 67 bushels to the
acre and oats from 80 to 100 bushels. Call at our office and let us show
you a sample of the wheat raised on George Holland's land , near Garden
City , it will surprise you. It is a country that produces abundant yields
of wheat , oats , barley , alfalfa , sugar cane , sweet potatoes , sugar beets ,
fruits and garden stuff of all kinds.
The soil is rich , black sandy loam , lO to 15 feet deep and cannot be ex
hausted and is never fertilized. It will grow anything that grows here
and more of it. The climate is perfect the sunshine nearly perpetual.
The ideal place for persons affected with bronchial trouble.
The lands in this valley are yet within the reach of all , but the acreage
is limited. Now is the time for you to act. Come with us on our next
excursion and let us showyou this wonderful country. Be convinced that
we have told you the truth.
Our next Excursion August 7 , 21. Twice each i < * >
: >
xJ-J-s < J t ' y i' < S i s ' > v"J < J- > ' ? < s > t < 5vtxtv5x5"5 ' > 4 > - (
Emmu Soltx visited ut the hnino of
Mrs. Kdtlu Suhock Tucpiliiy.
Herman Soil/ transacted business In
Falls City Tiiesciiiy.
Mrs. Thomas Mnndervillo and chil
dren transacted business at the county
neat Tuesday.
Verge Close visited ut the homo of
Mhs Mabel Swain Tuesday.
Oharlcs Jondrow \Yinncbucro Val
ley transacted business In Hulo Mon
ti ay.
U. L. Kloepfel , C J. Thomas , Al
bert Hbcl and Louis Suess wcro among
the delegates from here who attended
the Richardson County republican
convention Tuesday.
John Thtltgcb transacted business in
Hulo Wednesday.
Thomas Durfeu returned to his
home near lionc&teele South Dakota
after spending n week visiting his
parents at Winnebngo Valley.
Rev. Splcer had business in Fort
Hazel Wednesday-
Carl Hcrschbergcr transacted busi
ness In Rule Wednesday.
Grant Frccl v > 5 u pleasant caller
hero Wednesday.
Win. P. Threldkehl is in Amora
Kansas looking after a home. If
things arc suitable to him there ho ex
pects to purchase land there and per
manently locate there In the spring of
Mrs. Chas Hallle visited at the homo
ol Mrs. Philip Zimmerman Wednes
Ren Whltehcad was visiting in this
place Wednesday. He purchased the
fine fruit farm near hero from the
Gunn A : Co. of Fort Scott Kansas.
A. J , Santo , U. J. Kloepful , Elmer
Arnold and Arba Duncan each had a
load of Apples here Wednesday.
Henry Tiehmau of Craig , Mo. , visit
ed at the home of Fred Tlehman here
Chas Haflle and J. C. Wallrall were
business callers here Thursday.
Chas. Asendorf was a visitor hero
James Sells of Fort Hazel sold seine
fine porkers in Preston Thursday.
Mary Wiltse spent the week visiting
at the home of her brother C. H.
Wiltse. She expects to attend the
state University this winter.
Mrs. Philip Werner and daughter
were Falls City callers Thursday.
August Deckinger and H. F. Prlb-
beno went to Alabama this week with
fifrin -
Horinan Kochlcr to look at the land
propositions ollered there. If condi
tions suit them they will locate there.
Mrs. Jane Hofcr of Uusscl Springs ,
Kansas Is visiting relatives hero this
H. C. Scheltel helped 0. II.
haul hay from the Gilbert bottom part
of the week.
Mrs. Gertrude Kloepfel and son
visited at the home of A. K. Swains
family Friday.
C.'C. Illotcher and Fred Kochler
hauled hay from the Gilbert bottoms
John P. Kloepfel , George King , F.
E. Nlt/scho and wife and Peter Nel-
deckcn were among those who attend
ed the band concert In Hulo Saturday
John F. Paul and wife were pleasant
cullers here Saturday.
Alois Uannccker , sr. , is building a
largo combined hay and cattle shed.
Virgil Chipman and John liauman
were transacting business in Kulo Sat
Dick Cunningham and Thomas Bean
were Ilulo callers Tuesday.
.lohn Wolf of Fort Hazel is busy sell
ing fine peaches these days.
Ernest /.tmmerman of Sunny Valley
has his § 2000 house completed.
Mrs. Martin Kanaly of Fall * City
spent most of this week visiting her
mother Mrs. G. K. Taylor of Beau
Mary Haunka \Vlnucbago Is glv-
music lessons in this neighborhood.
John R. Pruson took a gang of land
seekers to South Dakota.
Rena Nitzscho was a pleasant caller
hero Friday.
* -
First Christian Church.
Services of the First Christian
church , Lordsday , Aug. 12th :
J:45 : a. in. , Bible School.
11:00 : a. m. communion.
11:30 : a. in. , morning sermon.
3:00 : p. m. Junior Endeavor.
7:00 : p. m. Senior Y. P. S.C. E.
S:00 : p. in. , evening sermon.
You are invited to attend.
Children cannot lay claims to
having any sense until they ad
mit that their patents know best ,
and they are no longer children
when they admit it.
Cheap Farm Land.
Southwest Offers Best Opportunities
For Securing ifomes.
Many farmers in the Northern
and Eastern states are selling their
high priced lands and locating in
the Southwest. Many who have
been unable to own their homes
in the older country are buying
lands in the new country.
Unusual opportunities exist
along the lines of the Missouri
Pacific-Iron Mountain Route.
The rich , alluvial , delta lands and
river bottom lands of Southeast
Missouri , Eastern Arkansas ,
Louisiana and Texas , capable of
producing GO bushels of corn , a
bale of cotton , 4 to 0 tons of alfalfa
150 bushels of potatoes , and other
groins , vegetables and hay crops ,
can be bought for $7.50 to $15.00
per acre. When cleared and
slightly improved will rent for
$4.00 to $0.00 per acre cash.
Uplands more rolling , lighter
soil , adapted to fruit growing
peaches , pears , plums grapes
berries also melons , , tomatoes
and other vegetables , can be
bought for $5.00 to $10.00 per
acre in unimproved state. Many
places with small clearings ami
some improvements can beboughi
very cheap.
This is o tine stock country
No long winter feeding. Free
range , pure water , mild climate.
A healthy , growing country with
a great future.
Write for map and descriptive
literature on Missouri , Arkansas
Louisiana Texas , Kansas or In
dian Territory. Very cheap rates
on first and third Tuesdays o :
each mouth.
Address ,
Omaha , Neb.
or H. C. TOWN-SEND , G. P. & T. A.
St. Louis , Mo.
No good health unless the kidneys
are sound. Foley's Kidney ure
makes the kidneys right. For sale a
Mooro'e Pharmacy.
Cures Backache
Do not risk having
Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Bright's Disease
beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. or Diabetes
For Sale at McBride's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr.
Burlington Bulletin.
AUGUST 1900.
You will tind some attractive
xeursion rates that will interest
To Chicago and Return : Very
ow , less than half rates for
he round trip. August 1th to
Jlh , inc. . August llth to l.'Hh ,
nc. Ample return limits.
To New England and Canada :
Daily low round trip rates to
Canada and on August Mil and
22nd to New England resorts.
G. A. R. Rates to Minneapolis
it d St. Paul : August llth to
. Uh , inc. Much less than half
ates for the round trip.
To San Francisco and Los
ingeles and Return : Only $50.00
direct routes , and $02.50 via
Shasta Route and Puget Sound ,
returning via Northern Pacific-
Burlington line via Billings. All
he attractions of the West in
cluded in this rate anl : route.
Daily , Sept. J5rd to the 14th inc. ,
imit Oct. Mist.
Denver , Culuradu Springs and
? neblo : For Pike's Peak cele-
jration , one fare round trip , maxi-
mini $15.00 fiotn the Missouri
River , Sept. Iflth to 22nd. inc.
Homeseeker's Excursions :
Frequently each month , accord-
ng to territory. Ask your agent.
Write D. Clem Deaver. Agent
Burlington's Iloineseeker's information
mation Bureau at 1001 Fornam
St. , Omaha , about getting hold of
i free section of Kinkoid land.
Thousand of acres of these lands
are being vacated , and we assist
settlers in locating n these
$9.)0 ) to St. Louis and Return :
Via Burlington Route. Dates
of sale August 4th. 5th , and Oth.
Limit August loth , also Aug llth
12th and Kith. Limit Aug 22nd.
For further particular inquire of
local agent.
To Chicago and Prcria and Re
turn $10.On : Dates of sale : Au
gust 4th , 5th and Oth , 1900. Final
Limit ; August If ) . 1000. Several
excellent trains daily. Tickets
and information of the local agent.
L.W. WAKELCY , G. P. A. Omaha.
In the district court for Klclinnlson Count ) ,
llr.NKV STIT/I r.
Ills iuanlui ! ,
VS ,
I.i ot \ ID LLIK. :
Xntico Is liercbiricn ; tliat by Untie of an
order of sale. Issued out of the dietrict court ,
In anil for Richardson county. Nebraska ,
under the seal of said court , dated on the
10th day of August , W6 , and to me directed
as sheriff of said count ) , to be executed , I
\vlll on the I5th daj of September , 1'VKi. at 2
o'clock In tin' afternoon nf said da ) , at the
uest door of the court house. In the city of
Tails Cltin said county and state , offer for
sale at public vomlue , mid sell to the Inchest
and best bidder , the/ property described in said
order of sale to-w it :
Itecinnlnzat the northeast corner of section
number nine ( ' 0 , In tounshlp one ( I1 , ranee
fifteen (15) ( ) , in Klchardson count ) , Nebraska ,
thence \\est to iiuarter section corner on the
north side of said section nine , thence south
with tin-center line of said section nmiu >
the center of said section , thence ca-t with
center line running . .ist and est to atone
In the center of count ) road , thence \\ith
county road in northuest direction fort ) poles
to a stone , thence east three rods to the center
channel of the south fork of the Croat Ncmaha
rher. thence down the center of said river
to a point on the line between sections nine
and ten , thence north ulth said line to the
place of bCKhinini : . containing 131' . acres
more or le , all bemi : in the northeast
quarter of section nine l'i ) . tounslup one ( I1 ,
ranire fifteen (15) ( ) , in Richardson county ,
Nebraska , to > ati-fj a decree of said court
uith interest and costs reco\ered by William
Klnsey by his guardian , Henrj Sutzcr.
airaiitfet I.e\l L. Kinscy and I.eola Ueller
Tcrnib of sale cash.
Gueii under m ) hand at Tails Ct > ,
Nebraska , this 14th daj of Aueust , l < iki.
RTAVIS & RBAVIS , Sheriff.
Atts. for Plaintiff. 36-St
Public Sale.
Having decided to move to
Chicago I will sell at public sale
on Wednesday , August 15th at
1 o'clock p. in. all of my house
hold goods.
Sale will take place at my
home on 9th and Maine Streets.
House and Six Lots For Sale.
Corner of 2nd and Morton Sts. .
with barn and other improve
ments. Must be sold to settle up
the Schuler Estate.
33-3t Administrator. '
Many outlawed accounts will
be read and settled on the day of
judgment you can't beat the
newspaper out of subscription
Foley's Kidney Cure.
Will cure Brlght's Disease.
Will euro Diabetes.
Will cure Stone In Bladder.
Will cure Kidney and Bladder
Discuses. For sale at McBrido's Phar
t * v\v Av * vasKAj > * vaa A&gvs av&os as < as < s m > & & &ifyyK
We don't want the earth with a fence
around it , as we have material for fencing
and are willing to save you the price of the
nails to build it with if you will figure with
us on contemplated improvements.
What we do want , is a fair portion of the
Lumber trade that comes to this city , and if
Low Prices and Business principles will merit
it , we are on the ground floor.
If you will keep your eye upon this space
from week to week we shall try and interest
you in Lumber.
Chicago Lumber and Coal Co.
1,100,000 Acres of Agricultural , Mineral -
eral a nd Timber L&ivd Almost Free
Thib Reservation to be opened for settlement August 15th
is directly rent-bed liy the BurlingtonV new line to Worlanfl ,
Wyo. , through the Big Horn Batn. . Registration between
July 10th to 81st ; 400,000 ncret. or tine irrigable lands to be
drnwn for and acquired at only Sl.oU pt-r acre , one-third cash ,
700,000 acres of mineral and timbei liuuU to be taken up with
out drawing , This is n most bountiful distribution of Uncle
Sam's laud among the people. Cheap excursion rates ; only one
fare for the round trip to Worland , with a maximum of but
$20.00 from Omaha , Lincoln , Denver and Nebraska territory.
Register at Worland and go over the Burlington's Northwest
line , which runs through thousands of acres of finely irrigated
land along the Big Horn River : the journey will be instructive
as to the methods of irrigation to be practiced in the develop
ment of this new section.
Dates of Sales : July 12th to2Wu. Final limit Augubt
15th ; stop-ovors enroute
Consult nearest ticket agent for rates and descriptive Sho-
folder with map , description of lands , methods of draw
ings , etc.
Two daily through trains from the Southeast to Worland
during the registration.
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas Citv Star
Everywhere recognized as the strongest and most reliable
newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United States.
Wherein It Leads.
ItS Unexcelled NeWSSerViCe embraces the continuous report
of the Associated Press , with dispatches every hour : the general and
special service of the New York Herald ; the Hearst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own
representatives lu Washington , D. C ; Jefferson City , Mo ; Topeka , Ks. ,
and Guthrie , Ok. , m addition to the largo grist of news that comes
daily from several hundred other alert representatives.
Its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative
value that causes them to be telegraphed to all parts of the United
States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No western man
even Indirectly interested In the value of food products , stocks and
securities can afford to be without THE STAR'S dally record of prices
and conditions.
ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's column , in which
are answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and
affairs , a department for inquirers on other subjects and a wide range
of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's most in
teresting people and events these In addition to a vigorous editorial
page , absolutely independent politically , and a Sunday issue that Is
full of live special matter and h jman interest.
13 Papers Each week for 10 cents
The Kansas City Star was the first and is still the only
newspaper to deliver a complete morning paper , THE KAN
SAS OITY TIMES , to its subscribers without increase in the
subscription price.