THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , AUGUST 3 , 1906 I The Falls City Roller Mills | Docs : i general milling business , and manufactures the 3 following brands of flour 5 | SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN | a The above brands arc guaranteed to be of the highest pos- p > siblc quality. We also manufacture all mill products and v 5 conduct a general S g Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business o 3 > and solicit a share of your patronage I P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. | ; K * * H * 'H H 'K H"H"M'J Don't Read This Unless you want to buy something- our line. Remember - & member we have one of. the largest and best lines of goods to select from. We buy our goods in car load lots and for the spot cash right from the factory , therefore - $ fore we can save you monev. ! " " * Y v * } Remember our Buggy and Surry line is 'complete t and up-to-date and we ask you to inspect our goods Y. j- before you buy. We have a good supply of lumber { / % wagons on hand and are making very close prices on * them. We have just received a car load of manure ij ! * spreaders and will be glad to show them to you. ! i * . . ? Y , Call and see us when in need of a gasoline engine. X Remember we carry Pumping Engines in stock and I f ; can get anything you want from 2 horse power up. Get our prices on anything in the implement line. Do $ not fail to examine one of the easiest running cream ! j ! ? separators on the market for $55 and upward. You should have one of our sulky gang plows to do your * * fall plowing. Remember the place to save money. . ; . SALEM INTERTATE CHAUTAUQUA „ . . , - I MM KMBBMM. fEntertainers / Lecturers Preachers Musicians J'V Dr. Frank Loveland Gov. Bob Taylor Rev. H. E. Wolf f Supt. J. L. McBrieu Dr. L. T. Guild Prof. A. Loeb Prof. A. E. Davisson Rev. S. W. Griffin Rev. J. E. Holley Rev. R. R. Teeter Dr. Dan McGurk A. B. Huckins D. W. Robertson Mrs. Jennie McMillan Sterling Jubilee Singers Royal Male Quartet Miss Nellie Hart Merchants Band and Overland Orchestra GOV. TAYLOR TUESDAY , JULY 31 ; Fraternal Day Educational Day Farmers Day 1 Thursday , August 2d Wednesday , August 1st Friday , Aug. Ud Finest Camping Place in the west Grounds in excellent condition For Catalogue and further ptrticnlnr.3 , address ALLAN D. MAY , Secretary SALEH , NEBRASKA THE SUNNY SLOPE FARM F. A. HUMHEL , Prop. Breeder of D. S. Polled Durham and Shorthorn cattle. Bulls ready for ser vice of Scotch and Cruickshank breed , for sale. Rural Route No. 2. Porter Mutual Telephone 2U , Humboldt , Neb. Mention this paper when writing. The Tribune for All Kinds Job Work FOR Week IjSjMg Kentuckians For this occasion the Missouri Pacific will sell round trip tickets for $17.30 , with return limit of June 23d. By depos iting tickets with the joint agent at Louisville , on or before June 23rd , and by paying 50 cents , an extension of limit to 30 days from date of sale may be had. Tickets on sale .Tune llth to 13th , inclusive. To Chicago and Return -Good until October 31st , 1906 , for $20. Tickets on sale daily until Sept 30th. To St. Louis and Return Good until October 31st , 1900 , for $16.15. Tickets an sale daily until Sept. 30th. J. B. VARNER , Agent. The Real Issue In Nebraska. Shall the railroads or shall he people control the next egislature ? Shall the railroads or shall the true blue republi cans nominate the republican tate ticket ? These are the eal issues squarely before the epublicans of Nebraska. The potentates of the rail- oad machine would like to elect a railroad man for United States Senator. But they want o nominate a railroad man for governor. They want to select a railroad ticket for republicans o vote for. They want to elect i legislature that will be con- rolled by railroad influence. Railroad legislation in Ne braska has just begun. Kail- road legislation in congress is closed lor the present. The railroads know it. For these easons they will give up the congressmen , and they will .jive up the United State sena. , or , if they can thereby dictate .he nomination of candidates 'or the legislature and dictate : he nomination of the gover- 101and other state officers , therefore , while it is import- int to instruct on the question of United States senator , it is equally important to instruct on the question of governor. Why do the } ' want to control he legislature and the gover- lor ? They fear justice. The railroads do not want to be compelled to stand equal before the law. They want to reduce : heir assessment and to do that they are willing to impose upon other property holders an ini quitous taxation system. They oppose equitable taxation. Above everything else they op- ) ese the state exercising its right to abolish unreasonable railroad rate , fares and charges , and to establish in place of them reasonable and just ones. And this is why they want a railroad legislature to prevent the passage of such a law and a railroad governor to veto such a law if it should be passed. What shall we republicans do ? We must not put the rail roads out of business , but we must put them out of politics Let us not yield to temptation , but let us put the principle of the republican party in force in Nebraska. Let us instruct our delegations to uphold the prin ciples of the republican party and to vote for candidates who are known to be free from railroad - road influence. Let us when we nominate candidates for the egislature pledge them to vote : or a law that will abolish the pernicious pass system ; for a law that will guarantee to the people of this state reasonable railroad rates , fares and charges and for such other measures as will be necessary to insure a square deal in Nebraska for everybody. The issue in Nebraska is not whether I shall be nominated for governor , or whether any other particular person shall be nominated lor governor or for any other particular office , but the issue is , shall the principles of the republican party be carried out ? Let us stand up like men for these principles. It will be better to stand for them and be defeated uphold ing them than to be victorious without them. Let us stand up as local republicans for Ne braska. Equitable taxation , equality before the law , reasonable rail road rates , fares and charges , justice for everybody , are ac. cepted principles of the republi can party. It is the supreme duty of the republicans of Ne braska to carry out these re. publican principles. The rail roads have determined it shal not be done if they can help it Orders have gone down the line to their trusted men al over the state to save the legis lature for them and to help them to dictate the nomination of governor and thesttite ticket Will the republicans of this state permit the railroad ma chine to prevent them from carrying out the principles of the republican party ? No , never ! L. SUKUHDN , Mystery Is Explained. In broken English , clearly in ' his Alexander dicating' nationality , der Wojtowcca explained the presence of the skiff found in the river near Nebraska City , con taining a number of articles of wearing apparel and claimed hem as his property. Wojtowcci ! told the newspaper eportcrs that he was on his way vest from New York City and topped off at Nebraska City to obtain employment in order to earn sufficient means to carry lim a little farther on his way. Wojtowccx arrived in that city ast Thursday morning and in- inired for work at several paint- tig establishments , and not neeting with success in his search went to the Missouri Pa cific passenger station at 4 o'clock hat afternoon , intending to take * i night train for St. Joseph , Mo. earning that his baggage was lot of sufficient weight to be rcg- ilarly checked , and fearing it night be stolen should it be left it the station , Wojtowecx carried lis baggage to the bank of the Missouri river , at the foot of entral avenue , and sat down icar the water's edge. After : wo hours of solitude he resolved : o take a swim , and removing his lat and coat placed them in a skiff tied to the bank , with his other belongings. Ascertaining jy the whirls on the surface of the water at the foot of Central avenue that the depth at that loiut was too grea' , Wojtowecz caving his accoutrements in the skiff went further up the river , entered the water and remained : or a period of fifteen or twenty .ninutcs. . After emerging from the big muddy he returned to the spot where he had been before , ind to his great surprise saw the craft bearing his earthly posses sions floating down the river. Following as best he could the skiff in its voluntary voyage , Wojtowccz scrambling along the river bank , over water soaked ogs , underbrush a n d weeds , < eeping his eyes fixed on the skiff until darkness prevented further endeavor. Nevertheless he kept on his way hoping that he might neet some belated fisherman who would aid him in recovering his est possessions. But in vain. With the coming of dawn Wojto wecz found himself some four niles below Nebraska City and the unruly skiff no where in sight. Resolving to refrain from further search he left the river bank and set off across the coun try in a westward direction. In all probability Wojtowecz is the man who was seen to pass the Win. Totten farm near Four Mile creek , hatless and coatlcss. The only incongruous detail being that the latter carried a large revolver with the stock protrud ing from a rear pocket while Wojtowecz alleges that he never owned or carried a firearm. With the hope of earning enough monev to buy himself an other coat and hat , he applied for work at the farm of Max Fenske near Paul. Receiving a favorable reply , he began work , and a day or so later read in a Nebraska City paper an account of the mysterious finding of a loaded skiff , stranded on a sane bar in the Missouri riyer a short distance below Nebraska City , and putting two and two togeth er Wojtowecz came to the conclu sion that the contents of the skif were his. Notifying Deput } Sheriff Andrew Donovan of this Wojtowecz received notice of the desire of the Otoe county officials that he call at the court house ii that city in order that his prop erty might be returned and at explanation given. In accordance with this expressed wish Wojto wecz came to this city and re ceived his lost possessions. The chronicling of Wojtowecz adven tures are in substance the same as he told the reporters yesterday lis enunciation was quite faulty , resulting from his short residence n the United States. Wojtowccz is a native of Bohc- nia , short in stature , and is about wcnty-four years of age. lie elegraphed his relatives in Mil- vaukcc for money yesterday iftcrnoon. Wojtowccz's inventory of his cgaincd possessions tallied with heir condition before their trip lown the river , with but one ex ception , lie claims that he had 30 in a pocket of his coat which s missing from the garment' Hie county authorities are work- ng upon this phrase of the case low. From A Pollard Supporter. II. M. Bushncl of Lincoln , ex- ) ostmastcrof Lincoln and a ng republican who was a firm supporter of Pollard prior to the exposure of the salary grab , has his to say in Saturday's State lournal : To the Kditor of the State tournal : In the case on Con gressman Pollard and the taking by him of over eighteen hundred incarncd dollars from the govern- ncnt : He was no more entitled o a salary from March 4 , 1'JOS to July 18 , 1905 , the date of his election , than the humblest and nest obscure critizeu of the First congressional district. After lays of waiting , the only excuse offered the public is that it was legal. The sense of wrong and injustice and humilation that comes to every right thinking nan in the district is given only corn and indifference by him , while he claims law for his act and precedent to justify the moral wrong committed. The writer does not believe Congressman Pollard had any egal right to the money taken. The taking and retention of this unearned money by Mr. Pollard can not be justified upon any ground , although Section 51 of the reyiscd statutes statutes of the United States has been cited as affording justification. It docs not afford even a shadow of excuse for the acceptance of the money , much less a justification. The section reads thus : "Whenever a vacancy occurs in cither house of congress , by ; leath or otherwise , of any mem ber or delegate elected or ap pointed thereto , after the com mencement of the congress to which he has been elected or ap pointed , the person elected or ap pointed to fill it shall be compen sated and paid from the time that the compensation of his pred ecessor ceased- " In order that Mr. Pollard justifj' the acceptance and re tention of this money , it is in cumbent on him to establish , first that a vacancy occured in congress ; second , that such va cancy occurred after the com mencement of the congress to which another was elected. Mr. Pollard can establish neither of these propositions. In November , 1904 , Mr. Bur- kett was elected to the congress commencing March 4 , 1905. In January , 1905 , and before the commencement of the congress to which he had been elected , he re signed. Assuming that there was a vacancy , it occurred not after but before the commence ol Mr. Burkett's term. If Mr. Pollard relies upon this section for a justification , he tnusl amend the section by inserting the word "after , " and that he can not of course do. Again , the statute says thai the compensation of Mr. Pollard shall begin with the time when the compensation ot Mr. Bur kett as a member of the Fifty ninth congress ceased. But Mr Burkett never received nor was he entitled to pay or compensa tion for the congress commenc ing March 4 , 1905 , for he wa < not a member of that congres having resigned in January pre viously. Had Mr. Burkett beer a member of the congress whicl commenced March 4 , 1905 , am served as such member for on day and then resigned his sue cssor , Mr. Pollard's pay would iavc commenced at the time Mr. 3urkett's pay ceased , But the rouble with Mr. Pollard is this : Mr. Burkett resigned before the ongrcss to which he was elected otnincnced , and his cotnpcnsa- ion as a member to that con gress never commenced , and con- cqucntly it never ceased. The iinplc fact is that the cupidity f the day which prevails to an larming extent and which here- ofore haq been disclosed among nctnbcrs of congress , senators , lembcrs of the legal profession , ppcars in this case to have af- ectcd members from the agri- districts. Under the very law cited in he congressman's defense , there s enough to warrant the attcn- ion of the United States attor- icy for the District of Columbia , or the United States attorney for Nebraska , in connection with the acts in the case , the facts that le drew pa ) ' as an official when ic was not an official , and payer or which he gave no renumera- ion whatever. But it is the moral wrong in he taking of this money of the government which hurts most ind calls for a protest of honest ndignation on the part of the > eople of this district. If Mr. Pollard had two men in his em ploy and while he slept one of hem went into his pocket , took lis money and paid the other nan a salary for four months be- ore he entered his employ , he vould have both of them arrested , n all the business world no standard of business methods ind honesty is tolerated such as s cited in the congressman's de- cnsc. What influence will it lavcupon Uncommercial honesty of the nation if one of the high est officials of government can do hese things without criticism or nuiishment ? The people of this state are asking that greed be curtailed ind that where great corpora- ions pay money in secret , give rebates , that they be controlled ind prohibited in such practices ; ind yet the congressman from this district is guilty of taking a rebate of over eighteen hundred lollars for which he never hauled pound of freight. We want to have a man in congress to uphold the president and yet we send a man who igainst simple plain common lonesty takes that which he never earned and which belonged ust as much to any one of the eighty-five million people of this country as it did to him , doing that which is condemned by the wards and acts of the president , [ nstead of getting behind a law which in its interpretation is en tirely against him , and instead of treating with contempt the great moral question involved in his act , before asking the people of this district for further support tic should look at his outstreched palm , stained with unearned money taken from the public , and ask himself , "Can all Nep tune's ocean wash clean this hand ? " The double salary deal of ex- Senator Dietrich exasperated the people , but he was both legally elected senator and governor and was giving his services to the people. In this case Mr. Pollard was neither elected nor in the re motest way giving the public his services during the time in question. No one can fceljthe humiliation of this whole miserable business more than Mr. Pollard's friends who have worked with and for him. There would be some rightning of the betrayal of them , if he were to put it back and acknowledge the wrong done , instead of talking "pre cedent. " The president of the United States and a great many people are working to destroy graft precedents of this kind. I have written plainly because I believe plain speaking is de manded , and if I stand alone. I am one republican who cannot endorse or support , much less apologize for Congressman Pol lard's treatment of the people in this district. H. M. BusnKEU , *