The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 03, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    i *
' 9
Now is the time for you to see the wonderful grain producing country in
Finney and Kearney county , Kansas , in the irrigated district of the fa
mous Arkansas Valley , where wheat yielded from 40 to 67 bushels to the
acre and oats from 80 to 100 bushels. Call at our office and let us show
you a sample of the wheat raised on George Holland's land , near Garden
City , it will surprise you. It is a country that produces abundant yields ' 9
of wheat , oats , barley , alfalfa , sugar cane , sweet potatoes , sugar beets , 'V
fruits and garden stuff of all kinds. 'VV
: K
' 9
J >
The soil is rich , black sandy loam , lO to 15 feet deep and cannot be ex ' ' 9 9
hausted and is never fertilized. It will grow anything that grows here < 9
and more of it. The climate is perfect the sunshine nearly perpetual.
The ideal place for persons affected with bronchial trouble.
The lands in this valley are yet within the reach of all , but the acreage
is limited. Now is the time for you to act. Come with us on our next
excursion and let us showyou this wonderful country. Be convinced that
we have told you the truth.
Our next Excursion August 7 , 21. Twice each I
month. 1
1I I
r 4 > < s * $ > < s > $ s * $ > > ® < $ > < 3 > < 3 >
Kilns Martin cut his third crop of
alfnlf n Tuesday.
Coon Schmidt and K. 0. Hartford
were Rule caller * Wednesday.
John Wolf MiM some pcuuhcs In
Rule the llrst of the week.
Sen Wliitohcud was transacting
business in the county seat , ono day
this week.
Fred Ivoohlor was ti Rule caller
J , K. Randall had business In Fulls
City Wednesday.
J. II. Urine-jar sold several loads of
poaches in Rule this week.
Thomas Maudcrvlllo and Adam
Blckol were transacting business hero
Grant Frell and Alois Kottcror WLTO
transacting business hero Thursday.
John Thlltce of Fort IIay.el was In
Kulo Tuesday.
Hill Fischer and family of near Fulls
City were visiting ut the homo of his
mother Mrs. Emily Fischer Tuesday.
Charley Cavcrzapla and C. J. Ilubor
of Rule visited at the homo of F. K.
Nltzsche Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Zimmerman and son of
V'innobago Valley were pleasant call
ers here Tuesday.
Frank Rauman was shakluc hands
with friends hero Tuesday.
Mrs. Harford aurt daughter Dora
visited at the home of Mrs. Alois
Dannecker Tuesday.
John Wlssman transacted business
in Hulo Wednesday.
L. M. Jones and A. K. Swain were
transacting business in Rule Wednes
Jefl and BUI Jones hauled hay from
Nemaha Valley Wednesday.
W. F. Dorste hauled hogs to Rule
Monday morning.
Charley Asenderf was a pleasant
caller hero Monday.
Dan Sutten Is working for Cuss
Jones this week.
Peter Neldecken of Winnebago
Creek was attending to business in
Rule Monday.
Mrs. Duncan and son of St. Derlor
were pleasant callers hero Monday.
Mrs. Louis RIbbe and daughtei
Matthew Poyntner and family hat1
business in Falls City Monday.
G. Wright and wife had buslneei
hero Monday.
Messrs Jones were Rule callers Sat
Jake Zimmerman and sister Kmmn
wore Rule visitors Saturday.
Mlbsoa Schmidt and Paul were plea
sant cullers at Rule Saturday.
Albert Kbol of AragoCuntro brought
in a line load of apples Saturday ,
Mrs. Threldkold was a Falls City
visitor Saturday.
John Santo and wife were Rule visit
ors Saturday.
J. W. Fisher was transacting busi
ness In the county sent Saturday.
Mrs Matilda Zimmerman of Fort
Ila/.cl Is quite sick. Dr. Henderson of
Rule was called Saturday to adminis
ter medical treatment.
Win. Bach and wife of Sunny Valley
wore Rule callers Friday.
Goo. Nltzche had business hero Fri
Ilormau Koehler returned from Ala
bama Friday.
F. 12. Nltzscho of WInnobago was a
Rule visitor the last of the week.
Thomas Dttrfco of Bono Steel S. D.
returned to the homo of his father R.
K. Durfee of Wlnncbago Valley
Martin Frltscher was transacting
business in Rule Saturday.
F. R. Slmms returned to spend the
Sunday here.
Emma Ernst was a Rule caller Sat
S. M. Randall and Chus. Nit/.seho
delivered 000 bushels of corn , each to
: ho Rule elevator this week.
Ellas Martin and John Dunn with
their sons had business at the farm of
the former Thursday.
The campmeotlng of the ZIon con
gregation oeglns In the Rleger grove
August 1st and continues six days.
A line dauco was enjoyed at the
Welsonstolno homo Saturda > evening.
A largo crowd eathered and enjoyed
a most pleasant evening.
Mrs. Peter Frederick of Falls City
spent the llrst of the week at tbo
homo of her son Edward of Sunny
Dan and Milton Zimmerman return
ed from Grlgsby. Kansas Wednesday.
Miss Miller of Rule has gotten the
rort Hazel school at 140.00 per month.
Fanners are again plowing for win
ter wheat.
The little child of S. M. Randall
got its thumb mashed in the cos
wheels of a washing machine Friday.
Dr. Henderson of Rule was called upon
to treat the injured member.
May Sampli ! visited her aunt , Mrs.
Lydla Harmon , last week and took in
the carnival.
Mr. Atkins , salesman for the marble
works , was In the city Monday on bus
iness and while here visited his old
Mrs. Charley Pond has been quite
sick the past wcok but at this writing
Is much better.
Frank Shubert has been shipping
peaches for the past week from his
farm northeast of town.
Susie Herns of Stella visited Susie
Hoover and took in the carnival last
The llttlo three-year-old baby of
Hardy Hayes died Saturday.
Merle Harmon of Stella visited with
her aunt here last Sunday.
Revival meetings are in progress at
the Methodist church this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Flanikcy took in the
street fair Wednesday and visited at
the homo of Mr. stotts.
May Sample is working for Mr.
Christy this week.
Tom Howard's little boy had the
misfortune to get his arm cut very
badly with an ax last week but under
Dr. Shock's skillful treatment the
llttlo follow is getting along nicely.
Ctirrle and Blanche Bricker visited
with Irene and Norvel Lewis Tuesday
Ci'eno and Marve and Velma Lewis
and Lely Jones visited Mrs. Lydia
Harmon Sunday.
Mrs. Stootts and daughter took in
the plonio at Verdon Thursday.
MaggieLewls and mother were visit
ing Mrs. Ebbs last Thursday.
Walter Lewis , wife and baby visited
with Mrs. Allie Lewis In the country
last Sunday.
Quito a number of people from this
place went to Lincoln Tuesday to at
tend the Christian State Convention.
Mrs. Lydla Harmon was quite sick
for several days.
J. L. Dalby was a Barada visitor one
day this week and while there bought
the printing otllco and will move it to
Mrs. Felt and Mrs Wilson were
Falls City visitors last Wednesday.
Mrs. Bricker and daughters Carrie
and Blanche were visiting their aunt
Mrs. Palmer west of town Saturday.
Mrs. John Unrgsma who was called
to Iowa about two weeks ago by the
sickness of a sister who was not ex
pected to live , came home this vreek.
Cures Biliousness , Sick Cleanses the system
Headache , Sour Stomach thoroughly and clears
ach , Torpid Liver and sallow complexions of
Chronic Constipation. Pflllf Vflltl pimples and blotches.
Pleasant to tallc HUH Jjlllp n is guaranteed
For Sale at Dr. Moore's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr.
Burlington Bulletin.
Yon will find some attractive
excursion ml PS that will interest
you.To Chicago and Return : Very
low , less than half rates for
the round trip. August -1th to
(5th ( , inc. , August llth to 18th ,
inc. Ample return limits.
To New England and Canada :
Daily low round trip rates to
Canada and on August Sth and
22nd to Now England resorts.
G. A. R. Rates to Minneapolis
and St. Paul : August llth to
l.-Hh , inc. Much less than half
rates for the round trip.
To San Francisco and Los
Angeles and Return : Only $50.00
direct routes , and $02.50 via
Shasta Route and Puget Sound , '
returning via Northern Pacific-
Burlington line via Billings. All
the attractions of the West in-
hided in this rate and route.
Daily , Sept. Urcl to the Uth inc. ,
imit Oct. olsl.
Denver , Colorado Springs and
'ueblo : For Pike's Peak cele-
iration , one fare round trip , maxi
mum $15.00 from the Missouri
River , Sept. 10th to 22nd , inc.
Homeseeker's Excursions :
requently each mouth , accord-
ng to territory. Ask your agent.
tVrite D. Clem Deaver. Agent
Burlington's Homeseeker's information
mation Bureau at 1001 Fornani
St. , Omaha , about getting hold of
free section of Kinkaid land.
Thousand of acres of these lands
ire being vacated , and we assist
ettlers in locating on these
$9.1)0 ) to St. Louis and Return :
Via Burlington Route. Dates
f sale August 4th. 5th , and (5th. (
Limit August loth , also Aug llth
2th and 18th. Limit Aug 22nd.
For further particular inquire of
ocal 'igent.
To Chicago and Pt-cria and Re-
; urn $10.0 ; ) : Dates of sale : An-
, nist 4th , Sth and Gth , 100(5. ( Final
Limit ; August 15. K50G. Several
excellent trains daily. Tickets
: ind information of the local agent.
L.W. WAKCLCY , G. P. A. Omaha.
i\5ierier.ctiJ : teachers. line liquip-
inentOjinnaslum work Assistance
in 'tciintip positions. Work to earn
boa til Imluidual instruction , ttnternny
time J.c sons by mall Advantages of
v.npitnl citv Write for Catnlofme No , ( !
Lincoln Business College
R. R. PL&.YS , M. ID.
Olllco over McMillan's Drug Store.
Olllco Tliotio 215. Kcftldenco Thouo 1C.
Cslrciy Notice.
Taken up at my place , ono mid oue-lmit'
miles houth of i'nlls City , uu Juno 18 , 1900 ,
ono blue 1-0:111 : steer. No marks or brands.
Supposed to bo about one nnd one-liulf year's
old. Weight , WO pounds.
House and Six Lots For Sale.
Corner of 2nd and Morton Sts. ,
with ' barn and other improve
ments. Must be sold to settle up
the Schulcr Estate.
P. II. Jussisx ,
33-3t Administrator.
The Republican voters of Liberey
Precinct are requested to meet in the
village of Verdon on August 4th at
2:30 : p. in. for the purpose of selecting
sixteen delegates to the Republican
County Convention to be held at Falls
City , Nebraska on August Gth at 2:00 :
p. in. and to transact any other busi
ness which may come before them.
W. H. MAKK ,
1 1,100,000 Acres of Agricultural Min- ?
" " " "
* |
3 eral a.nd Timber L&ad Almost Free I
Tin's Reservation to be opened for settlement August loth
is directly reached by the Burlington's new line to Worland ,
Wyo. , through the Big Horn Bnsin. Registration between
July 115th to Hist100,000 ; acres of fine irrigable hinds to be i :
drawn for and acquired at only 81.50 per ncre , one-third cash ,
700,000 acres of mineral and timber lands to be taken up without -
out drawing , This is n most bountiful distribution of Uncle
Sam's land among the people. Cheap excursion rates ; only one
fare for the round trip to Worland , with a maximum of but
S20.00 from Omaha , Lincoln , Denver and Nebraska territory.
Register at Worland and go over the Burlington's Northwest
line , which runs through thousands of acres of finely irrigated cc
land along the Big Horn River ; the journey will be instructive c-
as lo the methods of irrigation to be practiced in the develop ,
ment of this new section.
DatCSOf Sales : July 12th to 29th. Final limit August C C
15th ; stop-overs enroute. c c
Consult nearest ticket agent for rates and descriptive Shoshone - G
shone folder with map , description of lands , methods of draw
ings , etc. * >
_ Two daily through trains from the Southeast to Worland c S3
during the'registration. S3f.
Button L. W. WAKELEY , o
The Tribune
The Newspaper with the big
circulation. Enough said.
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas Citv Star
Everywhere recognized ns the strongest mid most reliable
newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United States.
Wherein It Leads.
ItS UnCXCClled NeWSSerViCe embraces the continuous report
of the Associated Press , with dispatches every hour : the general and
special service of the New York Herald ; the Hearst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own
representatives in Washington , D. C. ; Jefferson City , Mo ; Topeka , Ks. ,
and Guthrle , Ok. , in addition to the large grist of news that comes
daily from several hundred other alert representatives.
iis Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative
value that causes them to be telegraphed to all parts of the United
States the moment THE STAR comes fronni the press. No western man
even indirectly interested in the value of food products , stocks and
securities can afford to be without THE STAR'S dally record ot prices
and conditions. ,
ItS SpCCJQl Features include The Cllaperon's column , in which
are answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and
affairs , a department for inquirers on other subjects and a wide range
of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's most in
teresting people and events these In addition to a vigorous editorial
page , absolutely independent politically , and a Sunday issue that is
full of live special matter and h jman interest.
13 Papers Each week for 10 cents
The Kansas City Star was the first and is still the only
newspaper to deliver n complete morning paper , THE KAN
SAS CITY TIMES , to its subscribers'without increase in the
subscription price.
Save All Your Cream
V. S. Cream Separator is biggest money maker get * more
cream than any other. Holds WORLD'S RECORD for clean
fkimniiug. Cream icpresents cash you waste cream every
day il jou are not using a
U. S. Cream Separator.
Has only 3 parts inside bowl easily and quickly washed. Low
mpply tank easy to pour milk Into sec picture. All working
part * enclosed , keeping out dirt and protecting the operator.
Many ether excUn.c advantage ! . Call and sec a U.S. For
sale by
Chas. P. Stump , Straussville , Neb. '