The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 27, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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a The Falls City Roller Mills
DOC.S a milling business , and manufacture * the
1a 1 following brands of Hour
c > The above brands are gunrantccd to be of the highest pos
sible quality.'c also manufacture all mill products and
conduct a general
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
and solicit a share of your patronage
1 P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. |
'K-'W H'M 'H * * * * * * * *
Don't Read This ! i
Unless you want to buy something in our line. Re
member we have one of the largest and best lines of
goods to select from. We buy our goods in car load
lots and for the spot cash right from the factory , there
fore we can save you money.
Remember our Buggy and Surry line is complete
and up-to-date and we ask you to inspect our goods X
before you buy. We have a good supply of lumber !
wagons on hand and are making very close prices on $
them. We have just received a car load of manure
spreaders and will be glad to show them to you. j-
Call and see us when in need of a gasoline engine. *
Remember we carry Pumping Engines in stock and I
can get anything you want from 2 horse power up.
Get our prices on anything in the implement line. Do
not fail to examine one of the easiest running cream I
separators on the market for $55 and upward. You y.
should have one of our sulky gang plows to do your
fall plowing. Remember the place to save money. t * * *
5 :
Yours for Business , i
Werner , Mosiman Sc Co. 1
. . : . . ? . . : . . % *
Entertainers Lecturers Preachers Musicians
Dr. Frank Lovelnnd Gov. Bob Tnylor Rev. H. E. Wolf
Supt. J. L. MeBrien Dr. L. T. Guild Prof. A. Loeb
Prof. A. E. Dnvisson Rev. S. W. Grifliu Rev. J. E. Holley
Rev. R. R. Teeter Dr. Dan McGnrk A. B. Huckins
D. W. Robertson Mrs. Jennie McMillan Sterling Jubilee
Singers Roynl Male Quartet Mies Nellie Eart Merchants Band
and Overland Orchestra
Fraternal Day Educational Day Farmers Day
Thursday , August 2cl Wednesday , August 1st Friday , Aug. 3d
Finest Camping Place in the west
Grounds in excellent condition
For Catalogue and further particulars , address
ALLAN D. MAY , Secretary
F. A. HUMflEL , Prop.
Breeder of D. S. Polled .
Durham and Shorthorn cattle. Bulls ready for bcr-
? ice of Scotch and Cruickshank breed , for bale. Rural Route No. 2. Porter
Mutual Telephone 2U , Humboldt. Neb. Mention this paper when writing.
The Tribune for All Kinds Job Work
Home-Corn ing FOR
Week Kentuckians
For this occasion the Missouri Pacific will sell round trip
tickets for $17.30 , with return limit of June 23d. By depos
iting tickets with the joint agent at Louisville , ou or before
June 23rd , and by paying 50 cents , an extension of limit to
30 days from date of sale may be had. Tickets on sale June
llth to 13tb , inclusive.
To Chicago and Return -Good until October 31st , 1906 , for
$20. Tickets on sale daily until Sept 30th.
To St. Louis and Return Good until October 31st , 1006 , for
$16.15. Tickets an sale daily until Sept. 30th.
J. B. VRRNER , Hgent.
Don't cuss the telephone girl.
You nitty be in a hurry and you
loubtless object to be kept waitIng -
Ing at the phone , but the tele
phone girl has troubles of her
own. The other day I was in
the office of the local 'phone com-
iany for about fifteen minutes
waiting for a long distance call.
There was not an instant during
ny wait that the shutters were
lot falling and the girl in cease-
ess monotony was asking "num
ber ? " To put in eight hours of
that kind of work would drive
: he man who cusses because of a
minutes delay , to the foolish
louse. For myself , if I were
compelled to do that kind of
work , I would dream of falling
shutters and be asking "number"
all night long. If you don't get
your call as soon as you would
ike you are safe in taking it for
granted that there arc several
calls ahead of you and that the
patient , hard worked girl is put
ting in the plugs as fast as nim
ble hands will permit , and that
she is not keeping you waiting
tnnccessavilv. So don't cuss.
* *
Falls City has a descendant of
the Yankee from New England
and he can beat any man on
earth trading horses or swapping
jack-knives. His success in this
line of endeavor was being com
mented on the other da } ' by some
dry goods box philosophers , ap
proposof which one of them told
this stor } ' . An eccentric English
man died , leaving a will in which
German , a Frenchman , an
Englishman and a Yankee were
constituted joint executors. One
of the man } * unusual provisions
of the will was that each execu
tor was to deposit $100 in the
coflin to be buried with the
decedent. After t h e funeral
the executors met at a neighbor
ing tavern to talk the matter of
the estate over. Talking was
dry work so the German called
tor beer , the Englishman for
porter , the Frenchman for wine
and the Yankee for buttermilk.
Veil , " said the German , "I put
a hundrct tollars in gold in the
coffin. " "And I , " said the French
man , "put a hundred dollars in
silver in the coflin. " "I put a
liundred dollars in crisp paper
bills in the coffin , " said the
Englishman. The Yankee said
nothing. The German could not
restrain his curiosity and asked
liim what he put in. "Me , "
asked the Yankee , "Oh , I put in
my check for S400 and took out
the change. " You can't beat
The tetanus germ ( lockjaw )
has killed more than three hun
dred children as a result of slight
Fourtli of July injuries. This
little organism seems to have the
medical profession beaten to a
pulp. After the disease is well
defined there is no known cure
for it , and before it is well de
fined there is nothing to indicate
its presence. Victims of tetanus
germ die the most horrible death
known a n d , notwithstanding
scientists have been working on
the problem for yearsno progress
has been made. The germ is
found nearly everywhere , but
lives in the earth and especially
in barn yards. It "gets into the
system through some wound such
as a cut or scratch. It work *
along the nerves and reaches the
brain in about seven days after it
enters the system. When the
brain is reached the first pro
nounced symptoms are manifest
and then it is too late to accom
plish anything , death is certain.
Tetanus , however , can be pre
vented in most cases by a very
simple precaution. If the wound
is superficial it should be thor
oughly and immediately cleansed
with soap and hot water. If
this is done and the injury kept
perfectly cleaned no tetanus need
be feared. If the wound is deep
it should be opened by a physi
cian and thoroughly cleansed
and kept clean. If this were
always done the germ will be
removed and no danger need be
feared. Tetanus is most common
with farmers because of the fact
: hat the germ propogates in the
earth and barn yards. It can
enter by the smallest scratch and
the farmer with a wounded hand
or the farmer boy with a cut foot
ire exceptionally liable to the di
sease. If you cut or scratch your
land don't wait to see whether
you are going to get lockjaw ,
: hc experiment is too dangerous.
Wash it out at once , keep it
clean and cover it with proper
jandagcs or the tetanus bug
nay get you if you don't watch
The city administration is
loing a great deal better about
ceeping the streets and alleys
clean and is entitled to the
hanks of the community in gen
eral , but there is still much to be
lone. In many places the weeds
are permitted to grow in unmo
lested profusion. The sidewalks
; ip the Missouri Pacific hill arc
iltnost impassible because of the
tingle of weeds. Every visitor
sees this forest the first thing
ind no very favorable impression
can be created by such a sight
The harvest south of Miss
[ Jerry's establishment s e e m s
ibout ready for cutting. Mr.
L/ippold has been doing excellent
service with our weed crop but
there are many that have not
jcen visited that need attention.
A clean well kept city is a joy
forever , and there is no good
reason why Falls City can not be
clean , well kept and attractive.
* *
Auburn had a great race meet ,
not a fair mind you , but a race
meet. The } ' had some of the
fastest horses in the west and
the races each day were closely
contested and exciting. On some
of the days the grounds were
crowded a n d notwithstanding
large purses were given , the
association made money. Why
can't Falls City have something
along this line ? We have as
good a town as Auburn , we are
surrounded by a better country ,
our people are fully as prosper
ous , why is it that we have noth
ing in the way of amusements
year in and year out ? Within
the pust two years Auburn has
made many improvements and
lias shown an enterprise that
puts Falls City to shame. Time
was when Falls City was known
as the best little town in the
state. Do you hear that said
anymore ? It isn't going to
change the condition to grumble
and The Tribune does not mean
to grumble , but it is time the
attention of the people was called
to the unfortunate condition.
The plain truth is that Auburn
has gone ahead of us and we are
rapidly getting into the Hiawatha
class. The Tribune will cooperate
ate with any man or set of men
either as a newspaper or in con
tributing its money towards any
enterprise that will put Falls
City where it belongs , at the
head of Nebraska's small towns.
From A Cynic's Dictionary.
Rouge Face suicide.
Benediclc A penitent bache
Courage Marrying a second
Love The banked fires of
Divorce The correction ol
an error.
Altruism Mo wi n g your
neighbor's lawn
Suspicion Testing the en
gagement ring on window glass.
Jealousy A tribute to man's
vanity that every wise woman
Furious A word expressing
the pleasure a girl experiences
vllen she is kissed.
Conscience Tb e internal
whisper that says : "Don't do it ;
you might get caught. "
Widowhood The only com
pensation some women get out
of marriage.
A. H. Bass , of Morpantown , .
had to get up ten or twelve times in
the nltfht and hud severe backachi.
and pains in the kidneys. Was cum
by Foley's Kidney Cure. For sale a
Moore's Pharmacy.
Republican County Conventibn.
[ 'alls City , Nob. , July 111 , 100(1. (
The republicans of Ulahtmlson eoun-
.y , Nebraska , arc hereby requested to
neot In convention In the court house
u I'Vills City , Nebraska , on Monday ,
\iiRiist 0 , 11K ) ( ) , at - o'clock p. in. , for
ho purpose ot placing in nomination
hrco representatives for the state letf-
slaturc , and otio county attorney.
Also tor the- purpose of selecting Btx-
ecu delegates to the state convention
o be held at Lincoln on August ,
11)0(1 ) ( , and the selection of twenty-live
lelogatcs to the congressional eonvou-
Ion to be heir ! at Auburn on August II ,
IX } ( ! ; and the selection of twenty dele
gates to the judicial convention to be
icld at Tccumseh on August 20 , 11)00 ) ;
ind tbo selection of nineteen delegates
o the senatorial convention to bo held
it Uumboldt , on August 23 , 100(1 ( , and
or the transaction of such ether bust-
icsa as may come before the conven-
The basis of representation to the
lounty convention being one delegate
or each seven and one-half votes , or
iwjor fraction thereof , cast for the
Ion. Charles B. l.otton for supreme
udgu In 1005 , the several precincts bo
ng entitled to the following delegates :
\rago 12
North Haradu 10
South Harada 10
Franklin II
Falls City precinct 11
Falls City 1st ward ' . 17
.Calls City 2nd ward 18
Falls City 'M ward 10
rant 12
Uumboldt precinct II
lumboldt 1st ward 11
Ilumboldt 2nd ward 8
JolVerson 11
Liberty 1(1 (
Kast Muddy M
West Muddy 14
Somalia II
Ohio 10
Porter 7
Hulo 11 !
Salem 10
Spolscr 7
Total 2ii(5 (
It Is recommended the caucuses bo
ticld on Saturday , August 4 , lUUlt , at
the place and hour designated by the
several precinct eommltteemon , who
ire requested to make the necessary
calls and arrange the details for hold-
.ng the same.
W. E. DOKHINCSTON , Chairman.
J. L. Cuuvnu , Secretary.
Fatal Accident at DuBois.
Charles Bily , the thirteen
year old son of Anton Bily , liv
ing in South Fork precinct , 8
niles north of DuBois , accident
ally shot himself while hunting
Sunday evening , and died as a
result of the wound before he
could reach a. doctor.
The lad , accompanied by his
twin brother and the hired man ,
had started out for a little hunt
a few minutes prior to the acci
dent and had gone but aquarter
of a mile. The hired man was
carrying the weapon a 22 cali
bre rille and handed it to
young Bily through the fence.
The hedge at this point was
very thick and while the hand
was endeavoring to get through
he heard a shot , followed by an
exclamation , and looking up
saw the unfortunate boy stag
ger. On getting through the
fence he hurriedly inquired as
to what was the matter and
Charley pointed to a blood spot
on his shirt , near the right
armpit , saying "I am shot. "
Evidently the weapon had
been discharged while he was
drawing it muzzle torumost to
ward him , and the bullet had
s.truck him just under and in
front of the right arm-pit , passing -
ing between two ribs and thro
both lungs. The bullet was
found imbeded just beneath the
skin back of the left shoulder
blade , through which it had
The injured boy spoke but a
few times after the accident and
was unconscious when his com
panions reached the house with
him. He was immediately
driven to Dubois tor medical at
tention , but was dead when
they reached town , having ex.
pi red on the way.
Coroner Collins was notified ,
and the following morning itn-
paneled a jury , which held an
When other Medicines li&ve Failed
Take Foley's Kidney Cure , tt ba.
cured when everything else has disap
pointed. For sale at Moore's Phar
Worth While ,
Be not deceived , the man
with blisters on his hands might
have got them playing tennis.
Keep your fingers out of the
fire and you won't get them
A bumble bee is bloomin'
small but he makes his presence
known when he once butts in.
[ f you haye nothing to give
you have nothing to sacrifice.
Don't blame the devil if you
> to hades.
[ f it weren't for death life
vould in deed become lone
A bachelor never knows how
awkward he is until he tries to
lold a baby.
A sane woman hates a flat-
When truth slaps you square
n the face it gives you some-
.hing to think about.
In their mad desire for notor-
ely too many people don't care
vhat kind of a reputation they
There are a vast number of
nisunderstandings in the world.
You can't believe more than
ialf you hear , and the other
uilf should be well shaken be-
'ore taken.
There is no longer honor
unong thieves , but decent peo-
ile have as much as ever.
A lie seldom does much harm
n the long run.
The fair dates are September
I , 5 , 0 and 7.
If there were no birds man
could not live on the earth.
Better watch the fellow who
s always questioning people's
no lives.
Even a stingy person is al
ways willing to give advice.
No one is so prosperous that
ic can afford to malign other
A desire to get even has often ,
been the keynote of a man's suc
Value of property is entirely
a matter of whether soinebody
wants it.
There are smaller dividends
in the practice of hate than in
: iny other occupation.
It is hard to persuade a com
munity that you are any better
than your neighbors.
A man does not really get old
until he begins to feel secret
[ ) ride in his infirmities.
Every person imagines that
iis is a special case among the
11s that affect mankind in gen
A school teacher near Trenton
recently received this note from
the mother ot one of her pupils :
Dear Teecher On the last day
of skul you jerked my boy by
the neclce til you busted his sus
penders and he had to come
home holding his clothes onto
hissclf with liib hands , which I
don't like it. If he don't mind
lik him all he needs but don't
tear his clothes. We don't
dress him up for a football
game. And so no more for the
present , Mrs.
The shirtwaist man and the
netwaist girl go hand in hand
today , and people year after
year go on throwing their
clothes away. The [ coat and
the vest are laid to rest and
where is the fleecy shawl ? And
the clothes get fewer and thin
ner what will be the end of it
all ? Oh , what will the shirt
waist man take next from the
things he has to wear ? And
what will the netwaist girl
throw on" her shoulders now
half bare ? The shirtwaist man
and the netwaist girl go rollick
ing down the way. Have we
started a trend that is going to
end in the old fig leaf some day.
Lauren Christy came home
Tuesday from Falls City , where
he has been the past few months
superintending the setting out
of plants 6n his father's neyr
fruit farm at thatplace. John * ,
son News ,