The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 20, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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State News.
Thirty huge P.ncilic type pass
enger engines , each weighing
187 tons , anil built with the
longest boiler tubes ever used in
a locomotive , are being delivered
by the Baldwin locomative works
to the Burlington route for ser
vice between Chicago and Den
ver. The new machines out
weigh by 57,000 pounds the
heaviest passenger engines which
the Uurlington has used.
Bitten by a tarantula while
serving a customer with a tloxcn
bananas , Mrs. I-ebrnnddc Chris
tian , wife of the proprietor of a
fruit stand at Sixteenth and
Dodge streets , Omaha , is in a
serious condition. She was
about to clip some bananas from
a large bunch when a spider-
looking insect leaped upon
her hand , inflicting a bite upon
the third linger of the loft hand.
"Lti.xus" was one of more than
a million names that were sub
mitted to the Kred Krng Brewing
company of Omaha , for their new
bottled beer. It is already fam
ous .is a result of the novel plan
In which its title was chosen.
The Fred. Krug Brewing com
pany is one of the largest in the
West , and it is but a question of
time u n d e r its progressive
methods , when it will lead the
brewers of the world. It is their
object to make beer a health
food , and to Hits eud they have
joined with other reputable brew
ers to urge the pure food bill in
congress , which provides for
rigid inspection and places a
penalty on all adulterations.
The verdict of the court mar
tial of Captain Alfred Dreyfus ,
by which he was sent to Devils
Island and was also cashiered
from the French army , on tlu
charge of betraying military se
crets , has been annulled by tlu
Court of Cassation which recent
ly reviewed the case. No ne\\
trial has been ordered.
Captain Dreyfus will rc-eiitei
the army and the report that hi
will be promoted to the rank ol
Major has been decided upon.
The order will be issued b )
the court's decree and will be
posted in all of the French Com
munes and printed in one him
dred newspapers of which Drey
fus will be allowed to make sc
No financial damages wen
awarded Captain Dreyfus as i
was asked merely that his honoi
be cleared.
Colonel Picquart the oiili
army officer who stuck to Drey
fus through all of his troubles
and who lost his colonelcy there
by , will be very apt to be restorei
to rank with honor.
A duck , who had faithfully
stuck to business during the sum
mer and laid several dox.en largt
fawn colored eggs , complained
that she was not appreciated.
' 'See that hen over there ? '
said the duck ; "she has not laic
so many eggs as I have nor si
big , but she has books writtci
about her and verses composei
in her honor , while nobody say
a word about me. The troubl
with you is , " said a wise Bui
Leghorn cock that was standini
near , "that you do not tell th
public what you have done. Yo
lay an egg and waddle off witl :
out saying a word , while tha
sister of mine never lays on
without letting everybody in th
neighborhood know it. If yo
want to cut any ice in this con
munity you must learn to adve
tise. "
The shirtwaist trouble at Fr
mont college assumed threate
ing proportions this morning at
because of it no school sessioi
were held. The difficulty h ;
been settled , however , by arl
The chapel Tuesday mornii
as on the previous morning w ;
guarded by a policeman , but tl
shirtwaist students secured e
trance. Forty of them , who hi
pledged themselves to ' 'stick t
Jgether , " wore their coats wh
, they entered the room and i
moved the garments. , disclosing
their shirtwaists when they arose
for the opening song.
President Clcmmons made his
usual morning talk and then ad
monished the shirtwaist students
to remain after chapel. They
did so and were again addressed
by the president. He then re
tired to the office for a meeting
with the faculty leaving the
students to deliberate upon what
he had said. The students drew
up a set of resolutions offering
i to arbitrate and abide by the
new rule providing none of them
i were expelled. The resolutions
( were presented at the faculty
I meeting. The faculty accepted
the agreement at noon and the
.school sessions , which had been
discontinued tcmporaril } ' , were
.resumed at 1 o'clock.
j . . - . _ ,
1 About 3 o'clock last Tuesday
.morning lire was discovered in
'Paul ' Fcistner's harness shop
at Johnson , Neb.
! the origin of which is unknown.
| No fire had been in the building
for months. When first discov
ered the fire had gained such
headway that it was impossible
to enter the building from either
end. The town has no adequate
means of fighting lire , so the
flames were soon spreading to F.
CTclo's saloon on the south and
to D. Uchrend's building on the
north. By hard work a bucket
brigade succeeded in saving the
next building on the south , occu
pied by the First National bank
although the interior was quite
badly damaged by smoke and
water. The three buildings
burned were one-story bricks ,
two of them 25x70 and one 25x80.
The north building was. owned
and occupied by D. Behrcnds as
a billiard hall and W. A. Law
rence with a barber shop. Mr.
Lawrence saved his furniture.
The rest was all lost. Paul
Feistner had a $ ( > ,000 stock of
harness , etc. , which together
with the building was valued at
$8,000 , and was about two-thirds
insured. Mr. Tebo had $1,700
insurance on the building and
contents. His loss is about
$3,500. D. Cehrends had a small
insurance. All will resume busi
ness in temporary buildings un
til they can rebuild.
Republican Senatorial Convention.
The republicans of the llrst sunn-
torlul district of Nebraska , lire hereby
culled to meet In convention at the
Park hotel In the city of llumboliU ,
Nebraska , on Tuesday , AugustS ,
11)00 ) , at 11 o'clock In the forenoon , for
the purpose of placing In nomination
: i candidate for state senator for the
llrst senatorial district of Nebraska , tc
bo voted for at this next general elec
tion to bu held In the state of Nebras
ka , November ( i , 1000 , anil for the tran
saction of such other business as may
coinu before said convention.
The basis of representation of tin
counties composing said llrst senatorial
district In said convention shall bo tlu
vote cast for Uon , Chas. U. I.otton foi
supreme judge at the general electloi
held November 7 , IttO , > , giving one del
ogati' for each 100 votes or majoi
fraction thereof so cast for snhl lion
ChiliLi. . Letton and one delegate a
largo from each county composing suit
llrst senatorial district.
Said representation entitles eael
county to the following reprcsentatloi
in said convention :
Hlchardson 1 ! > Pawnee l
It is recommended that no proxle
bo allowed and that the delegate
present from each county cast the en
tire vote of their county in the cor
Commlttoemau from Pawnee county.
Commltteoman from Richardson Co.
Attention Everybody !
At a meeting of the old settler
held at Dawson , it was decide' '
to hold the annual picnic at Daw
son in a beautiful shaded grove
on Wednesday a n d Thursday
August 22 and 23 , 1 JO ( > .
i- The committees have all bee
" appointed , and they will no ;
soon get to work and have every
thing in readiness to make th
l" picnic a success. For stan
rights apply to J. T. Waggonei
g Dawson , Nebr.
, s JOHN M. BUOCKMAX , Pres.
; e Gi-o. SMITH , Sec'y.
, d Miss Nell Mitchell went t
) Falls City Tuesday to see tli
Sells-Forepaugh circus Robit
son Index.
Xats from Cuba Drive Ship's Cat
Crazy During an Electric
Storm nt Night.
New York. The phosphorescent
rats of Cuba , well known to science ,
drove a cat rruzy In the little British
hrlgantliie Venturer , that arrived at
pier No. II , Hast river , the other day
from Santa CmCulm. .
Two years ago .Mr. Chandler the
mate , procured a fine big cat named
I'cdro , as big as a water spaniel , and
the vessel was kept frea of rats.
After the ship had come through the
Straits of Klorlila on Its last trip Capt.
Hums found aboard the biggest rats
he had ever seen. They paid no at
tention to anybody and walked right
around the cat , which seemed power
At night the rats gave out streaks
that looked like green lightning. Their
uncanny appearance terrified I'edro ,
which would run for the galley and
Jump Into the cook's lap for protec
tion. The more sulphur and poison
the skipper foil the rats the fatter they
seemed to grow , while Pedro dally be
came thinner.
Otic night In an electric storm the
rats SL't'ined to he grconer than over.
I'edro went mad at the sight of the
phosphorescent rats and jumped over-
Then the skipper and the mate de
cided It was time lo put up : i Job on
the KPlontlflf rodents. The ciew
smoked them all out from below , aft
and for'rard , shilling up every nook
and cranny i.clilnd them.
As thi ) hr-irnntlno was thumping In a
seaway the skipper aided matters by
putting Its nose to the wind and then
veering so as lo catch the swell. Over
careened the schooner and over went
nil the grocn rats with the wash of
the soa.
Breaks Vial of Vaccinating Lymph
and Inoculates Ills
Own Eye.
London. Uy a simple misadventure
n doctor practicing In u town near
Manchester has become the victim of
a peculiar and painful Inoculation.
While breaking : i tiny vial containing :
lymph for the purpose of vaccinating nn
Infant u particle of glass Hew up and
struck him on the pupil of the eye. Ad
hering to the glass fragment was an al
most microscopic quantity of calf's
lymph. The doctor realized the danger
of vaccination to which he was ex
posed and Immediately bathed his eye.
So tender , however , is the skin of the
eye that the glass made a minute
cratch and a day or so afterward the
isual symptoms which follow inocula-
lon gradually appeared.
The pain and discomfort which or-
llnarlly arise from the operation in
his Instance are acutely aggravated
'iiitl ' ho Is going through exactly the
uno process as If ho had been vaccinat
ed on the arm. The patient cannot sleep
: ind In consequence the eye Is never at
rest. The eye Is bandaged up and tha
lector Is forbidden to read. When it ia
: lark he walks abroad under the shade
> f the trees and away from the gas
The accident occurred a few weeks agu
uul It Is the first of its kind In England ,
: hough It In said two such cases have
uippcned In Germany.
It Is not likely that the eye of the un
fortunate doctor will be Impaired.
St. Bernard in Idaho Hakes Daily
Trip of Twenty-Eight
Holse , Idaho. Lucifer , a big St
Uernard employed in carrying mall
from Halley , Idaho , to Corral , an In
land town , Is six years old , and H
seems likely that ho will have a "stead )
Job" in coming winters drawing his slei !
over the snow on the 2S-mllo rouni
trip ho is making dally between tlu
points mentioned.
The white mantle Is very deep It
midwinter In that section , more thai
two foot now remaining on the ground
U will probably bo some weeks bofon
the roads arc open for travel , am
Lucifer will continue to assist his master
tor , C. A Floyd , otllclal carrier foi
Uncle Sam. until the snows are gone
Mr. Floyd's contract provnies peualt ;
in case malls are not delivered on tiuu
each day. Lucifer has saved many dollars
lars by aiding his master In transporta
tlon of malls on a sled fitted with suit
able harness. The faithful St. Daman
has had no difficulty In drawing tin
sled , and often has more than 101
pounds of mall on the load.
Snake Shooting Is Now in Vogue ii
the Blver Lowlands of
Alton , 111. Residents of Calhoui
county , 111. , have found n new diver
slon to entertain travelers in the fore
of snake shooting. Since the Illlnoi
river Hooded the lowlands it has drlv
on from their homes rattlesnakes
black snakes , water moccasins , an
bull snakes , and the roptljes hav
taken lodging in trees. Betwee
Kampsvillo and Eldred the route c
the old stage coach is now covered b
a man In a skiff , who carries n rln
with which his passengers are allowe
to shoot the snakes from the boat. Th
snakes arc found coiled up In th
branches of the trees , sunning them
selves and waiting for the water to g
Charles B. Johnson , of Alton , claim
to have shot 15 snakes in a ride c
four miles , not one of which was in
der ftve feet long.
Home of the Palm.
Malaga exports 4,000,000 palm Ic ;
hata to New York annually.
Cneap Farm Land.
oulKweit Offers Hesl Opportunities
For Securing Homes.
Many farmers in tin- Northern
ml Eastern states an1 selling their
li li prieed lamln and locating in
liu SontInvest. Many who have
K > IMI nimble to own their homes
n the older country are buying
mida in the new country.
UmiHiml opportunities exist
loiifj the lines of the Missouri
' ( icifio-Tron Mountain Route.
L1he rich , diluvial , delta lands and
iver bottom lands of Southeast
Missouri , Eastern Arkansas ,
jonisiiina find Texne , capable of
> rodtieiiK ) GO bushels of corn , n
jaleof cotton , 4 to G tons of alfnlfa
f > 0 bushels of potatoes , and other
grains , vegetables mid hay crops ,
mi be bought for $7.50 to $15.00
HT nere. When cleared nntl
liuhtly improved will rent for
1.00 to SG.OO per acre cash.
L'plnnds more rolling , lighter
oil , adapted to fruit growing
X'fiches , peai'd , plums grapes ,
jerries also melons , , tomatoes
uul other vegetables , can be
) ouglit for $5.00 to $10.00 per
irre in unimproved state. Many
) laees with small clearings and
otnc improvements can be bought
fry cheap.
This is a line stock country
No long winter feeding. Free
mige , pure water , mild climale.
V healthy , gtowing country with
i great future.
Write for tniip and descriptive
itorature on Missouri , Arkansas ,
jouisiana Texas , Kansas 01 In-
liaii Territory. Very cheap rates
on first and third Tuesdays of
ach month.
Address ,
TOM Hi'cwucs , T. P. A. ,
Omaha , Neb.
or D. O.To\vxsLN-uG. P. &T. A. ,
St. Louie , Mo.
Two Dottles Cured Him.
"I was troubled with kidney com
ilaint for about two years , " writes A.
IT. Davis , of Mt. Sterling , la. , "but
two bottles of Foloy's Kidney cure ef
fected a permanent cure.1 Sound
klduoys are safeguards of life. Make
the kidneys healthy with Foley's Kid
ney Cure. For sale at Mooro's Phar
Republican Sttvte Convention ,
Tim republicans of the stnto of Xcbriislii
: ire hereby called to meet In convention at
he Auditorium In the city of Lincoln , 01
ediR'.siliiy , Autriist 22 , UK ) * ! , nt two o'eloel
n thuiitteriionn , for the purpose of placing
n nomlimtton uundldiites for the following
olllccs.lz :
One United States Senator ,
One Governor ,
Ono Lieutenant Governor ,
Three Hallway Cotnmlsiloncrs ,
One Secretary of State ,
Oue Auditor of I' Accounts.
Ono Treasurer ,
One Superintendent of I'nbllc Instruction
One Attorney General ,
One Commissioner of Public Lands am
Ami for the tiansat-tlon of such other bust
ness us may properly come helot o It.
Tlio Kalil convention sluill uo made upo
delegates choen by the republicans of the
respective counties of the state , npportlonei
une djh'pito at largo for each county am
one for each one hundred twenty-live vote
or major fraction thereof cast at the las
li'utlon for lion. Chas. P. Letton , reptih
lleau nominee tor jiidtfe of the suprein
court. Said apportionment entitles Klchard
son county to u representation of 1H dole-gate
In said convention.
It Is also recommended thai the delegate
to said convention lie Instructed to vole fo
or against the endorsement of the constltu
tlonal amendment relatingto the creatloi
of a State Hoard of Katlnay Commissioners
to the end that the action thus taken may
determine the attitude ol the party relatlv
to paid amendment and may be made n par
of the ballot.
It U further recommended that no proxle
be allowed and that the delegates preset !
from each of the respective counties b
iuitlmrl/1'd to cast the full vote of tliel
The various odd numbered senatorial dls
trlets are also notified that they will at
the same time by their delegates choos
members to represent them on the state com
mltteo for a term of two years.
It Is important that the uniform credcutia
blanks which will be furnished by thostat
committee to each county chairman bo usei
for furnishing credentials of the delegate
tosuld convention , and that the name of eac !
delegate , bis postofllce address , and preclnc
in which ho resides , be plainly writtci
thereon. Credentials should bo prepared
Immediately after adjournment of the differ
ent county conventions , duly certified by
their ollleers , and forwarded at once , t
State Headquarters at Lincoln.
Hy order of the state committee.
W.M. V. WAUNEH , Chairman.
A. 1 . ALLKN , Secretary
Dated at Lincoln , Neb , , Miiy5 , 1WV1.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
Bronchitis For Twenty Yean.
Mrs. Minerva Smith , of Danville
111. , writes : "I had bronchitis fo
twenty years and never got relief un
til I used Foley's Honey and Tar whlc
is a euro cure. " For Sale at Mooro-
; Sales conducted in
; scientific and businesslike -
; nesslike manner
| C. H. MARION |
Falls City , Nebraska I
K ;
j ; Falls City , Nebraska
Dr. Geo. H. Parsell
| . . . |
( Formerly of Omaha ) *
! ;
| llonioepalliic Physician , and I
* ( Also treats the Eye >
f and Fits Glasses )
Olh'ce at Residence I
I" Telephone 88 $
' 4 * . * % . % . ! . . : . * . % . % . % . % . % * % * % . : . * * * * V *
| Having secured the exelu-
$ sive agency in Fulls City for
I Sycamore Springs Mineral
I Water , we are prepared to
| furnish customers with the
& the snme. Price GO cents per
& five gallon cask. Call phone
| ISO or phone Ui ) .
$ ,
W. H. Maddox
Real Estate Agency
Sec me before your purchase. I am
selling city property , loaning mon
ey at lowest rates , selling farms and
making farm loans. See me if j'ou
wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I
am here for business. Write
W. H. Maddox , Falls City
It Costs
To find out for a certainty
whether or not your heart is
affected. One person in four
has a weak heart ; it may be
you. If so , you should know
it now , and save serious cotv ;
sequences. If you have short
breath , fluttering , palpitation ,
hungry spells , hot flushes ; if
you cannot lie on left side ; if
you have fainting or smother
ing spells , pain around heart ,
in side and arms , your heart is
weak , and perhaps diseased.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will re
lieve you. Try a bottle , and
see how quickly your condition
will improve.
"About a year ape I wrote to tbo
Miles Jlotllcal Co. . asking advice , as I
was MilTerlniT with heart trouble , anil
bail boon for two years. I hail pun :
In my heart , back and left side , nnu
had not boi-n nble to draw a deep
breath for two years. Any llttlo exer
tion would cnuso palpitation , and I
could not He on tny left sldo without
suffering. They advised mo to try Dr.
Miles llenrt Cure and Nervine , which
I did with the result that I am in
better health than I ever was before ,
having gained 11 pounds since. I com
menced taking it. I took nbout thir
teen bottles of the two medicines , and
haven't been bothered with my heart
since. " MHS. I.II.I.IH THOMAS.
Upper Sandusky , Ohio.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by
your druggist , who will guarantee that
the first bottle will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind
Wbat a Great Convenience is <
Fountain Pen !
Any person who will secun
six new subscribers for Tb <
Kansas City Weekly Journal a
the rate of 25 cents per yeai
each , making a total of $1.50
and send the amount to us , to
gether with the names , will b <
mailed , as a present , a beautifu
fountain pen ; fine rubber handle
14-karet gold point , fully war
ranted. Address the Kansa :
City Journal , Kansas City , Mo
This offer expires Oct 1190G
Xo good health unless the kidney
are sound. Foley's Kidney Cur
makes the kidneys right. For sale a
Moore's Pharmacy.
CURES catarrh of the stomncli.
& <
< >
% Large or small buyers
J > can locate on adjoining
< <
$ For information write
< ?
( > , , ,
4I Luella , Neb.
i >
Dr. A. E. Wolfe
Treats successfully without
DRUGS , nil curable diseases.
Oilice over Lyford's store.
Oflice 1'lione 2i > 7 Resilience I'liouc2l4
' (
CURES catarrh of the stumach.
rMnjjfljf. TIME TABLE
Falls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helena
Chicago Buttc
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points east and and all points
south. west.
No. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
east and south 7:17 p ru
No. 13. Vcstibulcd express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest 1:33 : am
No. 44. Vestibitled Express
daily , St. Joseph ,
Kansas , City St.
Louis and points
East and South. . . . 11:17 am
No. 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily. St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south 7:47 a tn
No. 17. Local express daily
except Sunday , Con-
cordia , and points
north and west. . . . 12.10 p m
No. 15. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:23 : p m
No. 43. Vestibuled Express
daily , Lincoln and
the Northwest. . . . 1:44 p m
Nc 16. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas iJity , St Louis
Chicago and points
casi and south 4:35 : p m
No. IS. Local express daily
except Sunday , St.
Joe and points
south and east. . . . 4:05 : p ra
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p m
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , daily e x-
cept SundaySalem ,
Ncmaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 : p tn.
Sleeping1 , dining and reeling chair
, cars ( scats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
I anj' point in the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart ,
Agent , Kails City , Neb. , or J. Francis ,
G. P. & T. A. , Omaha.
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 135 Omaha , local 7:45 : a. tn.
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Express A 1:57 : a m
No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
No. 127 From Kansas City. . . 8:15 : p m
passenger A 1:41 p tn
| No. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn A 1:16 : p tu
No. lQ4 Kansas Cit v local 7:50 : a tu
No. 106 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 3:10 a m
No. 108 Kansas'City and St.
Louis and Denver A 1:16 : pm
No. 138 From Omaha 8:35 : p m
No. 192 Local , Atchtson. . 10:15a m
A. Daily. B. Daily except Sunday.
J. B. VARNEK , Agent.
' . : ' D. S. HcCarthy !
i t
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
Stock Yards. Kansas City. Mo. Export
nlesmun. Cuttle , Hops , tilict'p. Careful
and intelligent yard boys. Perfect ollico
methods. Correct market information
furnished. Houses at Kansas City. Omaha
StouxCIty. Denver , St. Joseph St , Paul ,
Chicago , llullalo
Dr. R. P. Roberts , dentist
over King's Pharmacy.