. „ * , > * v . - . .ww .lp * THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE. Vol. Ill FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JULY 20 , 1906. Whole No. 132 Floater Found. Starting on a little fishing trip last Friday , on the northwest part of the Bilby ranch , Win. Ehrlich was attracted to the bank of the Missouri river by the peculiar actions and whines of his dog. Arriving close to the water's edge , he found the re mains of a man. He immediately went to Fargo and telephoned to coroner , Dr. Rcncker , who ac companied by Sheriff Fcnton , drove to the scene at once. A jury was impanelled and the verdict given was "cause of death unknown. " Dogs had torn the head into pieces , one jaw bone being in one place and the other in another. The evidence at hand would show that the body had been in the water for some six or seven months , there being no ilesh whatever on the bones. The skeleton was clad in a heavy suit , had on a dark blue woolen shirt , top coat and a duck coat ; also a pair of overalls on over the heavy suit. Six dollars and fifty-two cents was found in the pockets , but aside from a silver watch , there was no evidence to serve as a means of identification. It had former ! } ' been a very good watch but was ruined by the water. Following is given a descrip tion of the watch hoping that some clew will be gained concern ing the identity of its wearer. The private number was 1085. The case was a crown silverode No. 168123 , Hamilton works , 17 jeweled , adjusted , double sunk dial , movement No. 154737. There wasn't even a key ring , card nor letter in the coat pock ets and not a very extensive search could be made to locate his name or home. The remains were brought to his city and . buried hcie Saturday morning. Peaches and Cream. Our old friend , Supervisor Chas. Zoeller is equally as good a fruit grower as he is an offi M , cial.The F * The public vouched for his commendable official acts , by his large majority at the last election , while T h e Tribune force will vouch for the former. Last Friday morning he brought us up from Preston a large box of some of the finest peaches of the season. We didn't keep any on file , bul thank our friend for remember , ing the printers. We missed mentioning the fact that Chas , forgot the cream. Commissioners Meet. T h e county commissioner ; closed their session last Satur day. They allowed in bills , th < sum of 2,915.30. The board also purchased ; new adding machine for the us < of the county officers , whicl will be a great help and conven ience at the court house. The board also made a settle ment of the lees of count ] officers. The fees collected for the firs1 six months of the year are a ! follows : Clerk Hutchins S & 5.7i District clerk Loree. . . 82G.GI Judge Gagnon 587. li Register Edwards 021.01 Sheriff Fenton 520. II Superintendent Oliver. 127.4' ' Treasurer Lord 129210.81 The last amount was collec tions. The county board will agaii convene August 2nd. Game at Humboldt. Four of the Colts and five o the younger ball players wen to Humboldt last Friday an < crossed bats with the base bal nine. Score stood 7 to 0 i favor of Humboldt. Eleventh Annual Reunion. An extremely pleasant affair happened last Thursday July 12th at the home of Win. Zoell er South east of this citv , it being the eleventh annual re union of the Karl Friedrich Daesclmer , S e n. , Ancestral lieague. There are seventy- even members of the league ind they meet in a reunion once every year , this being Hie eleventh anniversary. There were forty-six of the nembers present on this occa- ion , making a large and pleas- int house-party. From 10 to 2 o'clock a. in. the program onsisted of original songs , reci- ations , historical sketches , and ; he reading of letters from ab- ent ones. Ot all the pleasant ways of neeting loved ones and those of kith and kin , we think this Lieague to be the most pleasant ind congenial of any. At 12 o'clock a sumptuous dinner was served , which for rariety , plenty and appetising iishes was perfection. The afternoon was spent in games of various kinds , one of ; he most interesting- events be- ng a game of base ball between : he Uncles and the Nephews- Game resulted in a score of 17 o 11 in fayor of the latter participants. Members of the League pres ent from outside the state were < Yank Daesclmer and family ot Hiawatha , Kansas ; Henry Schir- ner , wife , Clarence , Edward ind Kate of Holton , Kansas ; Prof. August Daesclmer , wife ind son Harold , of Del Norte , Col. ; and Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Daesclmer , Darrow , Old a. One of the most interesting eatures of the reunion was a burpritse , being the announce- nent of the marriage of Gideon , the youngest son of the Daesch- ner family , to Miss Agnes Roth- er of Los Angeles. California. The bride came from her west ern home and met the groom at El Paso , Texas where the cere mony was performed in the First M. E. Church Sunday , July the 8th. 190G. The couple came direct tc Reserve , Kansas last Wednes. day and from there drove to tlu Zoeller home Thursday morn ing , arriving a few minutes be. fore the program began. Gideon liacl told but two members of the League of the intended surprise they being1 his mother , and Aug Daesclmer the historian ; to tin remainder it was a complett surprise. The bride is a charminj young lady having a large cir cle of friends at her home city while the groom is the enter prising editor and proprietor o the Darrow Press published a Darrow , Oklahoma. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Gideoj Daesclmer smooth sailing 01 life's sea , and when storm ; come , we wish them a sheltere < h arbor. The young couple will be a home to their friends after Jul\ 2-1 th at Darrow , Oklahoma. Dislocated Knee. While running- from first ti second base during the bal game at Humboldt last Friday Thomas Glines sustained a se vere injury. The plate on hi shoe caught on some obstacle throwing Tommy , and givinj him a severe sprained and dis located knee. The doctors en cased it in plaster paris ther to enable him to be brought t this city , when Dr. Hays wa called and straightened ever } thing all well and good. Unde his efficient care Tom will b able to resume his position in few weeks. Aleeting of the Central Com- mittcc. The Republican County Cen tral Committee met in the office of Cleaver & Sebold in Falls City oil Monday afternoon of the 16th , a large number of the committee being present. W. K. Dorrington , Chairman of the Committee called the meet ing to order and presided during its deliberations , while J. L. Cleaver , the committee Secretary acted as Secretary of the meet ing. The meeting was perfectly harmonious , and the business for which they came together was soon transacted , vix. : the calling of the County Convention. The next Republican County Convention in this county will be held at the Court House in Falls City on Monday August 6 , l'JOC > at 2 o'clock p. m. and the pri maries will be held on Saturday August 4 16. The convention will nominate three representatives for the state legislature and one county ittorncy , and select delegates to the State , Congressional , Judicial ind Senatorial conventions to be icld in August. There will be two hundred and fifty-seven delegates in the con vention apportioned among the several precincts according to the call printed elsewhere in this paper. A canvass of the committeemen - men present showed they were unanimous in favor of the pre cincts and convention endorsing and instructing for Brown foi Senator and Sheldon for Gover nor , and that the sentiment in : hcir precincts was universally favorable to these gentlemen. Lost His Toe. Peter Kniser while trimming an ingrown toe nail one day last week , let the sharp knife slip , thus cutting in too deep. The toe became so bad that it was found necessary to amputate - tate it last Friday. Mr. Kaiser has been laid up ever since , but will be able to resume his work in a few days. Small Scratch Causes Death. Mrs. Peter Resterer received word last week of the death o : her nephew at Oklahoma and lef Saturday for that place. Bldoc poisoning was the cause of tin little one's demise. On the Fourth he had been playing with a toy pistol , shoot ing off caps , and the triggei accidently snapped down making inga tiny cut in the Ilesh be tween the thumb and fen finger. Although the injnn was slight lie was taken to tin doctor and had it attended too Tins precaution proved unavailing availing- and ten days later h < died from lock-jaw. Some Fine Fruit. D. W. Sowles brought eve some of the most perfect speci mens of winter apples on Tues day morning- that we have seei this season. Among them wen Mammoth Black Twig , Missour Pippin , Ben Davis and Gan < samples and each and ever ; one , was very solid , the skii smooth and free from blemishe while worm holes were con spicuous by their absence. These apples were gatherei at random from the Boone or chard consisting of 52 acres located nine miles south west o this city and from present in dications will yield -lOOObuslieli as this years crop. There ar 4400 trees in the orchard am the Power Sprayer has bee used all during this seasor which accounts for the fin quality and large size of th apples. * I The Salem Cliautauqiia. The dates of the Twelfth an nual assembly of the Salem In terstate Chautauqua are July 2 ! to August 5 , inclusive. As usua the gate opening on the evenin' } . of July 28 will be free. The demand for tents at tin Salem chautauqua is increasing daily. It will be well to send ii your order at once that you ma > be assured of a good location Address , Allan D. May , Secre tary , Salem Neb. The farmers are to have a da ) of their own at the Salem chau tauqua , Friday. August 3 , hav ing been set aside for that pur pose. The principal address or that day will be delivered b3 Prof. A. 10. Davisson of the Nc braska school of agriculture. All fraternal orders will be re > presented on Fraternal day ai the Salem chautauqua , Thursda } August 2. Prominent speakers will be present representing each order. Supt. McBricn will deliver ar address at the Salem chautauqun on Educational day , Wedncsda } August 1- Gov. Bob Taylor who has jusl been chosen United States sena tor from Tennessee will speak at the Salem chautauqua on Tues day , July 31. Gov. Taylor is a great orator and one of tlu prominent men in national poll tics. The Salem Chautauqua pro gram this year is one of except ional merit and is as varied a ; such a program could well be. Those who enjoy good moving pictures will find special delighi in the evening program for tin Salem chautauqua. D. W. Rob ertson and Rev. Ilolley will giv < the most up-to-date moving pic > ture program. The musical features of tin Salem chautauqua program in elude such attractions as tin Sterling Jubilee Singers , tlu Royal male quartet , the Mer chants band and the Overlain orchestra besides the gram chautauqua chorus. There wil be music to suit the tastes of all Medical Association Meets. The Medical Association o Richardson county met at tin Park Hotel at Huinboldt , 01 Tuesday afternoon of this week It was one of the most pleasan and interesting the associatio has yet enjoyed. Several excellent papers wer read , while the discussions wer particularly animated and fu of interest. After business affairs ha been concluded those preser enjoyed a social session. An elegant banquet ended th very pleasant meeting. Several of our local phys cians were in attendance. Card of Thanks. We desire to tender our thank to our friends for their man acts of kindness and love 'durin the sickness ami death of our In loved son and husband. In th hour of sorrow and bercavemer the bond of friendship lighter the dark path. JOHN HINTON. Gl'.OKGK IIlNTON. For Sale. I have some household furn ture that I want to dispose of ; private sale , between now an July 24th , viz : Refrigerate gasoline stove , chairs , extensic table , beds , two bedroom suit bureaus with fine mirrors , ar sundry other household good all in good condition , Whoevi may want better call soon ar select. DK. GHO. II. PAKSKU , Falls City , Nebr. Two blocks north of Uni < house. \ * * Worth While. LUt'.o ' WMlIo found u hoc , He put It in his pocket , Next thine Happened llttlu Hill Shot up just like a rookut. Don't try to see how much you can do in a day , but how well ou can do it. While "virtue is its own re- vard" yet there are many who hink the reward too small , as a esult , they go to the devil. The man who sends the veather doesn't have any harder hue trying to please than the vomen who cook for a large amily. Every old maid knows exactly low to rear children. Ever- old Bachelor knows all about the roubles on the matrimonial sea. 3vcry subscriber knows how to tin a newspaper. Every farmer cnows how merchants should ell goods , and every merchant an see where the farmer could mike more money on the farm , jut after all there are rough ) laces in the road that you will lever discover until you get hold if the lines and try to drive. Be as kind as possible to your riends ; agreeable to your ac- Itiaintances , and let your cne- nies alone. The bluffer always plays his trongest card first. If you are supicious of others ou'll find that there are others uspicious of you. It keeps one busy dodging the rouble wagon. Do not retire late at night and ise at daybreak and imagine that every hour taken from sleep is an lour gained. One can't estimate the amount f moral courage a man has by lis physical dimensions. An apology is a poor excuse at best. best.All All the lovliness of the wedding ceremony is centered in the bride ind the roses that she wears. The groom is onlv tolerated be cause it takes two to make a con tract. Wonder why it is that baclie- ors always pose as the best judges of home cooking ? The ardent lover who com pares his sweetheart's complexion to peaches and cream probably knows little about the cost of either. Every man has a right to his opinion and an equal right to express it. This does not neces sarily mean that \\2 \ can insult every one who believes differ ently. Men who are prejudiced againsl mothers-in-law should remembei that if it wasn't for those sami mothers-in-law they would'ir have the dearest wives in th < world. Catch a man in a lie and h < will say that he told it just ti see whether you would believe ii or not. An Able Article. In the current issue of Till ! MONIST , a philisophical pub lication published in Chicago , appears a splendid contribu lion on Space , Time and Exist ence , from the pen of Davk Abbott of Omaha. The write has read the article with pleas ure and profit. It shows deej study and research and is con vincing of the fact that Mr Abbott is possessed of a mine of unusual acuteness. Dav < has been prosecuting his studie ; along scientific and philisophi cal lines for several years ant this production indicates clear ly the great advance he hai made. Society News. The Sunday school class of Mrs. Nickolson numbering six teen girls , very pleasantly sur prised her on Friday evening of ast week. They drove to her home and found her out feeding the chickens. Her husband call ed her to the house to answer i pretended telephone call and the girls took possession of her , giving a complete surprise. A generous supply of Sowle's Best lad been brought along , and ulded to the many other pleas- ires. Miss Maud Graham entertain ed a number of young ladies on Thursday afternoon. The af- air was quite a novel one being i kimona party. The iuvita- ions were quite cleaver and original. Albert Manst and wife enter- aincd a number of guests last veiling at a card party compli- nentary to Mr , Walter Edwards of Kansas City. Anita Wilson was hostess to he members of the II. S. M. C. on Friday evening of the past veck. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Misses Lyford entertained it a Kensington on Monday iftcrnoon in honor of Bessie Alexander of York , Nebraska. Refreshments added to the after noon's pleasures. The Junior League of the M ; 3. church enjoyed a social in the church basement on Tuesday evening. Lucilc Mcttsc was hostess to several young ladies at a 6 o'clock linncr on Wednesday of this week. ' The function was in loner of Uessie Alexander of York , who is the guest of Falls 2ity friends. An elegant course linncr was served. Mrs. Albert Maust made Thursday afternoon one of pleas- ire to the Young Married Ladies \ensington Club , being hostess on this occasion. Twenty young ladies gave a dance in the Wahl hall on Tues day evening. It was a decidedly novel affair , no gentleman's name being included on the invitation list. It was one of the most pleasant of the mid-summer's events and as a fittingly climax the entire crowd visited Sowle's ice-cream parlors thus paying tribute to their excellant ices and creams. The M. E. Kensington was very pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Farrington , Miss Mattie Schock and Miss Pearl Hanna at the home of the former. The heat of the afternoon was for gotten when one entered the happy company assembled. De licious refreshments were served. Dorothy Miller entertained the K. K. club girls on Wednesday afternoon complimentary to Miss Edna Reimers of Stella. Council Meets. The council room was occu pied by the dads on Monday evening The sidewalk ques tion was considered , this sub ject taking up the entire eve ning. Several propositions were made concerning1 the lay ing of new walks to the depot. Council then adjourned to meet Friday evening , July 27. Pioneer Picnic. Some of the attractions at the Pioneer picnic at Verdon , July 25 and 26 will be : Three dailj performances by a band of In dians , a gold medal contest by six young ladies of the county , athletic games and contests , and fine music by band and voice.