The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 13, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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    < T..I V" ' 'l ; ' " " ! - ' J1 ' ' - -
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Falls City Candy Kitchen 1
Chocolate ICE-CREAM Vanilla
Orange , Cherry , Strawberry , Raspberry ,
Pineapple , Fig , Chop Suey ,
Crushed Strawberry Ice-Cream , Nut Sundaes.
i5c Pint , 3oc Quart
TRY IT ONCE : Egg Phosphates , Lemonade ,
Coco Cola and Milk Shakes. Home Made Candies ,
Seasonable Fruits.
Our Premium !
We have just completed the first volume of The
Tribune under the consolidation and enlargement
and are more than pleased with the result of our ef
fort to give our readers a paper that will make them
satisfied subscribers , Our list has grown steadily
since the enlargement of the paper , not a week
having passed without numerous new names being
added to the list of readers.
While we are not running large headlines across
the front page proclaming to have "the largest cir
culation" on earth , we do invite our advertisers to
. call and inspect the list at any time and if they do
not find it better than represented , we will make
them a present of their past month's advertising.
We club with no other journal but have arranged
to give FREE for one year , the Kansas Farmer ,
the price of which is $ i , to all new subscribers who
pay one year in advance or to any subscriber who
pays arrearage and a year in advance. Both papers
a year from date for $ i. This proposition is good
until July 31. Don't delay , do it now.
SpecialPrices onDinnerware f
T *
100 Piece Decorated China Dinner Sets , worth
$22.50 for $20.
> lee Piece Decorated China Set worth $ i7.5o for
J $16.5o.
J lOO Piece best English Ware worth $ i5 for $ i4
ioo Piece set English underglaze for $10.
Plenty of white ware for harvest use. A full
i stock of Groceries and Flour. Special prices on
i Flour at
j ChsLS. M. Wilson's
Market Letter.
Kansas Citj" , Mo. , June 25 , 'Of > .
The heavy fall run of cattle 1ms
started today , 17,000 bend here.
The number of Quarantine cattle
today is about the Binne as lost
Monday , 7000 head , but there are
more grass cattle included from
Kansas , Oklahoma and the Pan
handle than any day before this
ueason. The market is steady on
the best grass cattle and on good
to choi'-e fed stuff , but medium
and low grades are weak to 10
lower today. The market for some
time has had this same tendency
toward a widening OHt between
Belling prices of the scarce and ex
pensively produced dry lot cattle ,
nnd the less desirable grassers.
This condition , of course , is common -
mon each summer , but it has held
off longer , and arrived more sud
den this season than usual. Beef
steers sold at SO last week , all
choice steers $5.00 or more , top
today $5.80 , bulk of fed steers $5
to | 5 GO , top yearlings $5.40 , heifers -
ers $5.25 , and the market on these
high grades 10 to 15 cents above a
week ago , whereas , medium and
common cows and grass steers
range 10 to 25 cents lower for the
week , bulk of cows $2.50 to $ o.75 ,
grass steers , including quaran
tines , $3.25 to $1.05. Veals > : re
25 cents lower today , which repre
sents their loss for a week , best
ones $ -1.50 to $5.25. Packers made
big cattle buy last Tuesday ,
11,000 head for slaughter here ,
heaviest single day's purchase
sincje last November. Stackers
and feeders are dull , about like u
week ago , $3.25 to $1 for bulk of
sales. This trade will
receipts of this class will be heav
ier , and buyers can figure more
intelligently on their needs each
Hogs made a new high mark
last week $0.724 , but did not make
as much gain as circumstances
seemed to warrant. Packers broke
prices 5 to 10 cents after the open
ing Thursday , and managed to
hold the situation in hand balance
of week. Prices are stronger to
day on a supply of 0000 head , top
$0.70 , bulk of sales $0.00 to $0.70.
Light hogs now sell equal to
butchers and heavies , few of the
latter coming. Run last week
was only -10,000 head , and this
and every other condition of
I ,
the trade points to higher prices , j
Sin-op receipts last week 22,000
head , run 10,000 today. The
market has had a weak tone for
ten days , loss last week 10 to L'fi
cents. Buyers stocked up the
previous week , when receipts were
heavy , and , further , claim mutton
trade is bad in the East. Smaller
applies are expected next few
veeks. Market is steady today ,
print , ' lambs $7 to $7.150 , muttons
ii.SOto $0.25 , ewes $1,75 to $ (5-50 ( ,
took sheep and breeding ewes
rom the range. $ . ? . ( ? r > to $ l.t > 0 , no
oats last week.
C. A. Stein of Lincoln spent
Sunday in this city.
Helen Hrcbeck was n St. Joe
isitor the past week.
Henry P. Rieger und tamily
, -erc up from Preston.
Richard Jones and family were
Julo visitors the past week.
Sadie Meyers spent the Kourth
, 'ith her uncle at Crete , Neb.
Mrs. Beiij. Nicholson spent the
fourth with relatives at Craig ,
Ed Ilaner and Sidney Lapp at-
ended the ball game at Mound
Frank Dempsey a n d Pat
O'Brien were down from Dawson
he Fourth.
Julia Casey and Frank McFar-
aml were Mound City visitors
he past week.
MrsG. . Inskecp , Carrie and
jeorgc were the guests of Rule
riends the Fourth.
Jack McKicver and Will Min-
lick spent a portion of the past
week in St. Joseph.
Mrs. Robert Tynan and baby
of Stella are visiting with her
iiunt , Mrs. Homer.
W. L. White was transacting
business affairs in Dawson and
Humboldt the past week.
Nornia Gentry has returned
rom a brief visit with Nellie
Edwards at Pawnee City.
Keith McMillan was the guest
of Fred Cleveland at Nebraska
ity during the past week.
John Wilson went to Mound
ity the Fourth. His wife
visiting with relatives there.
Mr. Stoddard is putting down
a new concrete walk along the
west side of his home property.
- * -
Hal Sowles came up from St.
Joseph and spent the Fourth witl
his parents , D , W. Sowles am
Sadie and Ollie Fisher have re
turned to St. Joseph after a brief
visit with relatives in and near
this city.
Mrs. M. D. Linn came dowi
from Verdon Wednesday evening
to visit her mother and sisters it
this city.
J. A. Benedict and wife came
down from Verdon and spent the
Fourth with Mrs. Benedict's
daughter , Mrs. Del Noah.
Mamie Royer , who has beer
visiting her aunts , Mesdame
Stump and Judy , returned Satur
day to her home in Denver , Cole
Mrs. Van Winkle and daugh
ter , Grace , went to Hiawatha 01
Wednesday morning of last wecl-
and spent several days witl
friends there.
Clytie Daniels , who has beer
visiting her sister , Mrs. O. II
Kent , for some time , returned to
her home in Auburn Wednesda
morning of last week.
Mrs. Allie Watson went tc
Verdon Wednesday morning tc
spend the Fourth with her sister
Mrs. M. D. lyum. She was ac
companied home by lierson.Otho
who has been visiting there th
past week.
A. R. Bass , of Morguntown , Ind.
had to get up ten or twelve times it ;
the night and hud severe backach
and pains in the kidneys. Was curei
by Foley's Kidney Cure. For sale a
Moore's Pharmacy.
Wild Equities of Washington Plains
Will Uo Corralled nnd
Seattle , Wash. There Is to bo n
roundup of 10,000 wild horses which
roam the plains south of the Great ,
Northern tracks In the Columbia river |
> asln. They will bo branded and many
> r them sold , Between COO nnd 000 rid
ers will take part , starting from 15ph-
This will bo the last great roundup
n the northwest , for the settlement of
astern Washington him iiuulu It Impos
sible for BtocUmcn to raise range horses.
The big stockmen will continue In tliu
justness with their Inclosed pastures ,
.nit the majority will gradually go out
: > f business.
Toby Klclmrds , probably the heaviest
: i\vner of these horses , claims -I.COU
licad. Other growers have hundreds of
liorsos on the range. Sonic of thorn
Have been branded , but most , of tbo
torses have never felt the sting of the
As the horses are driven into eorrala ,
ioeated at convenient points on the
prairie , each of the owners will have
o cut out his own. It Is customary in .
these roundups for the unbrandcd |
lorses to bo sold at auction und the
proceeds divided pro rata. This plan
will probably bo followed In the 12ph-
rata roundup.
There arc thousands of well-bred
lorses running wild In the eastern
Washington ranges. The original herds
were of common cayuses , but stockmen
md settlers have for years been turning
loose thoroughbreds and highly-bred
farm horses to roam with the wild ani
mals. The result has been that the class
of horses has been raised rapidly and it
Is believed hundreds of horses will bo
rounded up that will bo lit for any work
when broken.
A big party of Seattle men will go to
Ephrata to take part In the roundup. A
party of railroad men Is forming , and
In addition Dr. Hartnagle , E. O. Jones ,
of the Lloyd Transfer company ; Arthur
Bennett , editor of Speedway and Ken-
icl , and others will make the trip.
Fowls in Eight Counties of Missouri
Lay Eggs Enough to Cover .
the Country.
Jefferson CJty , Mo. The state bu
reau of labor and statistics has com
pleted the compilation of returns from
four more counties , showing the ship
ments of surplus products during 1905 ,
in preparation for the bureau's forth
coming annual report. These four
counties are Adalr , Andrew , Bates and
Benson. They contribute materially
toward maintaining the glory of the
Missouri hen , showing shipments of
796,000 pounds of dressed poultry ,
5.-104.G2S pounds of live poultry , and
2,311,140 dozens of eggs , or a total of
7.073.CSO eggs.
Within the four counties of Audrlan ,
Cooper , Callaway and Cole , which had
previously been reported , thcso figures
would be changed In this way. Dressed
poultry , 5,832,302 pounds ; live poultry , j
17,7-11S0i ( pounds , and a total ship
ment of poultry from the eight conn-
tics of 23,57-1,108 pounds. Combined ,
the eight counties shipped C.9C3.8C2
dozens of eggs , or a total of S3.GC0.341
pggs , which Is something llko 21 times
the population of the state of Missouri ,
or 7,202,957 more than the population
of the United States by the census of
1890 , and the excess over that popula
tion in Itself would give to each man ,
woman and child In Missouri more
than eggs. The Missouri hen evidently
Is spreading herself. Besides all this
poultry and eggs , these eight counties
shipped 8-1,99 ! ! pounds of feathers.
Hare Work of Art Discovered by New
York Woman While
New York. Mrs. Louisa MaeNamara ,
who lives in the Bronx , a few days ago
wiped the dust and grease off the pic
ture that had hung over her kitchen
range ever since she had possessed one ,
and found that she had a great mastcr-
plcco that has been lost to the art world
for many years.
There has been excitement In the
MaeNamara household over slnco the
discovery was made. That It is a
masterpiece is assured by the decision
of an expert named Hcnzlnger , who de
clares it is worth about $50,000.
Mrs. MaeNamara has thought the
matter over and decided that , as she
lives in a frame house , and the great
work might be lost to the world of art If
a sudden fire should occur , she will ac
cept the price if anyone ( "UK's forward
to give it.
The painting is supposed to bo by
Lovera , French artist , who painted in
the beglnlng of the seventeenth cen
tury. The subject of the painting is
"The Fortune Teller. "
If cracks and the general appearance
of age count for anything , there can belittle
little doubt that the picture that Mrs.
MaeNamara possesses Is old.
Honor to Kenan.
The laimms French theologian hrn-
est Hcnnii , i > > to have his memory pre
served by it first-class armored cruiser
to be named after him. This cruiser
has just been launched at St. Nazalre ,
and forms one of the group of 12,410
tons displacement , of which the Victor
Hugo , the Leon Gambctta , the Jules
Ferry and the MIchelet are already
Japanese Natufe.
Capt. Sakamoto , of the Japanese bat
tleship Katorl , said at Liverpool the
other day that if Englishmen would
study the true nature of Japan and
learn to understand the Japanese , the
alliance would last forever and would
insure the peace of the world.
Scheme for Revolution in Panama
That Was a Purely Business
I happen to know of two Americans
of position who had Inside Information
of the conditions In Panama , and who
sat In a room In the Now Wlllard In
Washington , one night In the fall of
1903 , consummating plans for putting
through the revolution , obtaining n
charter from the now republic , and
forming a company of capitalists ,
writes Capt. Lloyd Buchanan , in Llpp-
Incott's Magazine , Mr. IMerpont Mor
gan was to be asked to organize the
company. The total cost of tbo invo
lution was to bo under $150,000 , and
all the equipment needed In addition
to what the junta could supply wan
A pair of moderately fast small steam
ers , chartered , four six-Inch guns ,
with ammunition , and 50 Krag rides.
The steamers and weapons were to bo
handled by Americans and English
men who had no special calling on
rnrth. I have every reason to be-
lluve that , If Mr. UooKovolL had failed
to act as he did , and any private con
cern had taken up the construction of
the canal , a revolution would have
gone ( off with an accuracy and style
that has never been surpassed. But ,
unfortunately for art , Mr , HooBovolt
did net.
South America , Mexico and the
West Indies are threaded everywhere
by the trails of these adventurers of
life. In Curacoa you can 11 ml hatch
ing any sort of scheme you chooHO
from a plan to smuggle n couple of
bolts of silk and a case of champagne
Into Venezuela , to a plot to overthrow
a republic and putting a now dictator
in Its capital. I mot thcro In the same
day a ruined American gambler , beg
ging his passage bade to the states ,
and the sons of Guzman Blanco , the
banished ex-prcsldont of Venezuela. .
The former stopped mo opposite n
Dutch cigar store and told mo with' '
the most pointed frankness what ho
wanted , but the latter , over tholr ciga
rettes and long iced glasses , mourned
evasively of exile and confiscated es
tates in general. It Is , then , not for
me to nay why they were frizzling on
that sun-baked islet within 50 miles
of the Venezuelan coast , when they
might as we'll have been In the dear
Paris that they know and love so well.
But probably they knew and Castro.
I think I did , too.
Claims to Be Able to Predetermine
the Sex and Pcrtility of
an Egg.
C. \ \Veatherwax , a chicken tnn-
cler of Honolulu , claims ho has discov
ered a process whereby ho can tell the
sex of an egg and whether It will bo
fertile or not. Wcatherwax has been
experimenting with eggs since 1891 and
Is now In a position to give the results
of his Investigations to the world. Ho
has used thousands of eggs In his ox-
porlments and kept two 50-ogg Incu
bators going all the time.
He claims to bo able to tell whether
the produce of an egg will bo a rooster
ter or a hen , and if the chick has a
fair chance to roach maturity.
"I am willing to make a public tent
with 100 eggs , " said Weatherwax , "In
order to prove my assertions. The
eggs may bo marked according to my
prediction with an Indelible pencil before -
fore being put in the Incubator. In
nine cases out of ten it will bo found
that I am right. "
Mr. Weatherwax claims that ho Is
the first white man to POHH < ' thl n1-
markablc knowledge. Poultry papers
arc unanimous In declaring that there
Is no way of tolling a fertile egg be
fore putting It In the Incubator. They
maintain that oven If the egg be
broken , the gvrm cannot bo seen with
the naked oyo.
Wcatherwax undertakes to teach the
whole thing In five minutes. Ho de
clares that no mechanical devices or
chemicals arc usud.
Gnngrosn , Which Destroys Upper Part
of Victim's Pace , Worse Than
Gangrosa , a tropical disease more re
pulsive than leprosy , has become so ;
prevalent on the Island of Guam that
Lieut. McNanice , U. S. N. , acting gov
ernor of the Island , has recommended '
the establishment of a hospital for the
isolation of the disease , which Is be
lieved to be highly contagious. Ad
miral Hixey , surgeon general of the
navy , has approved the recommenda
tion and It Is probable that a JD.oou
hospital will bo erected Immediately
near the leper hospital on the Island.
Lieut. McNamee says the disease de-
rtroys the upper part of tin face by
slow ulceration and is inure horrible ,
both to the victim and ID his compan
ions , than leprosy. As 400 cases have
developed its isolation Is Imperative.
Naval surgeons have investigated the
disease in parts of South America ami
the West Indies , and their reports in
dicate that there can bo little doubt
that it is a dlbtlpct malady , and ono
which does not yield to the treatment
given tuberculosis , leprosy and other
diseases common to tropical countries.
Oases of gangroua have been treated In
New York which are beljeved to have
come from Brazil and Panama.
When News Heached Honolulu.
The cable as It comes hero is ab
breviated. For example the name of
Mhn J. Smith cornea an "Jjsmlth. " It
Was thlfl custom that led u local paper
one day to announce that "Mrs. jalogan
hud been ejected president of the Red
Cross Society. " Mrs. J. A , Logan is Btill
the president Hawaiian Star.
If Abundance of Water IB Neglected
There la Sure to Follow
You ask a young mother what anil
how situ feeds her baby , perhaps a
year old , and ( pilto likely she will
say : "Eight ounces of milk diluted
with two of water ' Her utensils are
kept with the most scrupulous care ,
the child fed with strict regularity ,
and still he la continually troubled
with constipation , and while not ox-
nctly ill , ho Is far from well. Why ;
docs ho not thrlvo hotter ?
No , he is not over fed. Ho Is un
der watered. Th' ) milk should bo di
luted fully ono-lnir. The load must
have an adequate vehicle. „ baby ,
now 10 months old , takes . .trnrly ono
teacup cf milk to a lend , hut It Is di
luted with wato ; to ninhu nearly u
pint , fed , of cournr , blood warm ; U
is not unle to gl.'o cold food except
In the smallest quantities under two
years. Besides ho drinks ono-fourtu
to one-third cup of cold water several
oH during the day. Ho has some
plain , solid food with his meals two
or thrco times ti day , bread , crackers ,
Johnny cake.or s.imo plain cereal with
out hulls. Ho Into no oatmeal , no veg
etables , no sweets , but the moment
the abundance of water Is neglected
thcro In trouble.
It In not the fats but the solids
which clog the digestion. In all foods
Irritation must Do avoided. But llrat ,
last and always quantities of water
j must bo given to Insure health. It
ban boon said that u baby mirrors for
a "barrel" of water before It Is old
enough to ask for U. Of cottrso , It
makes more trouble and many morn
napkins to wash , but It makes rosy
cheeks and abounding vitality. Thla
Is my experience with four unusually ,
fat , rosy children ,
If the baby Is taken ill , don't neglect
the water ; It IB all the moro necessary
then. In colds , during the fovorlsli
period , glvo cold Water and after that
passes , If the child relishes it , hot
water. In moaalcri and all dangerous
fevers , glvo the water c.old , but feoil
it with u teaspoon , A dozen spoonfuls
every 15 or 20 minutes will often keep
u fever below the danger point , ( u
any acute stomach trouble caused by
indiscretion In diet or hot weather ,
give half an hour or so after vomit
ing . a cup of some cereal substitute
for coffee , hot , without milk or sugar.
Water IH what Jo needed , but plain
hot water Is Kometlmes nauseating ,
while the ullght bitterness of the eoffoo
substitute Is most acceptable and bo-
sldcs , It has a Hini'.ll food valuo. Than ,
glvo nothing until the usual time bo-
twccn meals ban elapsed , when glvo
the uamo drink again. By time for
the next meal after that the stomach
will bo rested and the name drlnlc
with milk and a very Httlo migar will
bo nll-snfllclcnt. If possible , glvo no
solid food until thp following day.
If this treatment Is applied promptly
the bowels bcliu ; moved If there Is
the slightest need the first vomiting
spell will probably bo the last. When
teething , feed cold water with a spoon.
You will bo surprised to see how eag
erly the baby wi'l take It , and how
much ho will want It cools the gums
and fed In this way no quantity will
do harm. The only harm water can
do Is to chill tin stomach , which it
will not do nnliw taken quickly In
quantities. Orange Judd Farmer.
Standing on an Old Cushion Hosts tbo
Feet Other Suggestions
Badly Needed.
An old cushion to stand on provcnta
the feet from tiring on Ironing day.
Iron delicate tints with a moderately
cool iron , for a hot Iron will fade
The middle of a fine handkerchief ;
won't swell out llko a balloon if tUo
mlddlo instead of the edges Is ironed
Moisten starched clothes slightly yet
evenly , and it will not bo so dlfllcult
to Iron them dry. I notice when hems ,
gathers and tucks are not Ironed dry
as possible , the dntnp portions become
rough while drying , which spoils their
appearance. Wo like the small Irons
best for ironing rullles and yokes.
The lit IIH well as the appearance of n
line , delicate garment Is often spoiled
by bad ironing. Bo pure the fabric lies
in its right lines , and the material Is
not stretched or biased. Pull und
straighten with the lingers every rulllo
and sprig and dot in embroidery bc-
fore applying the iron. Ohio Farmer.
Fruit Pudding.
| Any frult.4 that have been partly
I preserved , such as berries , etc. , can bo
made Into a delicious fruit pudding.
Heat until it can bo strained to re
move the seeds , then add a llttlo dis
solved cornstarch and cook until It
thickens ; sweeten to taste while cookIng -
Ing nnd pour into molds to cool. Seton
on ice and servo with whipped cream.
Raspberries are nice this way ; so are
currants , or the two may be used to
To Polish n Table.
To polish the dining room table take
u quarter of a pound of beeswax the
unbleached will do and have ready a
piece of carpet a quarter of a yarrt
square , lined with a piece of cloth and
padded. Hold the wax before a lire ,
and as It melts coat the cloth well with
It , and while yet warm begin to rub-
the table briskly. Hub for a quarter
of an hour.
Queen Mullins.
A pint of flour measured after siftIng -
Ing ; into this stir a pint of milk ana
the yolk of two eggs , with two tatlo-
Bpoonfuls of melted butter ; beat well
nnd add lastly a tcaspnonful of baking
powder and the beaten whites , liuvo
cither gem pans or nuillln rings not
greased and bake quickly. „