The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 13, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Worth While.
A man's actions after mur-
riajje are iioUiiiitf like the
samples submitted cl u r i n g
\Vo must no more be dis
couraged if success be slow in
coming , than to be putted up if
it rome quickly.
If we are never in doubt what
to do , it is a good rule to ask
ourselves what w > shall wish
on the morrow we had done.
Whenever poor folks marry.
5,01110 one says"Well , they
can't live on love. They can't
live without it.
Everybody could have
silver lining , but the trouble is
that the majority of us are on'
the other side of the cloud.
To control the passions , we
must govern our habits , and
keep watch over ourselves in'
the small details of every-day
Th'Tf h precious instruction
to be got by finding we are
wrong. Carlyle.
If you hate a man do not bore
your friends by telling them
about it. It does not harm your
enemy , your neighbors dread to
see you coming with your tale
of woe , and every time you re
peat it you add a white hair to
your head. Nothing makes a
man age more quickly than to
live at cross-purpost'S with
No one likes to hear pretty
nothings in home life more than
the masculine creature. Much
as he likes to say pretty things ,
he likes better to hear them.
Three hundred thousand news
papers , with the aid of hydrau
lic pressure , have been convert
ed into a graceful and strong
yacht , sixteen feet long , by an
artisan in Vienna. Every part ,
including masts and sails , is ol
When giving advice toothers ,
here is a small slice to serve
yourself : Keep still more.
Girls of six or seven .have
girls of sixteen or seventeen
bested. But we will admit thai
girls of sixteen or seventeen
have the best ol everybody else
There is nothing perfect under
the sun. When we look for per
fection anywhere we are sure
to be disappointed. To seleci
the best there is in the world is
difficult , enough.
When You
Talk about your ill health. It
will make you less healthy.
Worry about your work. It
will make you less capable.
Imagine you are disliked. It
will make you less likable.
Find fault with others. II
will make them faultier.
Anticipate evils. You will
be sure to bring them upon you ,
Talk much ol you art
going to do. You will never d <
Sit bemoaning the past. Yoi
will never get into the future.
Complain of lack of oppor
luniUes. You'll miss what yoi
Wail bitterly that it is au un
just world. You'll tind it com
true for sure , in your own case
at least , Borrowed.
Men strive for many thing
in this world wealth , fame
power , position and influence
but after all the one thin
worth struggling for. is ahem <
This should be the first objec
in the life of every young ma
when he starts out to make hi
own way inthe world. Th :
"home idea" should be moi
generally installed into tl
children , and every boy shoul
be taught that his first aim i
life should be to own a home (
his own , and every girl shou !
be taught how to make a hon
what it should be in every sen !
of the word. So far as earth
possessions are are concerne
a real home , with its comfor
and joys , is the best thing th ;
man can acquire. Maxwer
Homemaker Magazine.
Following items of interest !
to our readers were taken from j
the Brown County World. j
Samuel Bucher , Henry Bitch *
er , Clarence Smith and Fred
Sebold. all Kails City business' '
men , came down Thursday to ;
spend the afternoon on the
Miss Gladys Hoffman , of Falls
City has been here attending
the street fair and visiting her
aunt , Mrs. ,1. J. Ilackley , on
; . Route f ) .
I Miss Loie Rogers entertained
j Misses Bijou Mcisenheimer and
j I Dorthea White of Falls City , at
i the Moreland hotel at dinner
'Saturday. '
I Mrs. Senner and Miss Freda
ISenner I , of Falls City , visited
| t 'Miss ' Anna Ncsladek Friday
tiind ] attended the street fair.
Uncle "Red" Allen was very
painfully and seriously hurt
Ii J I i Monday evening , He went in-
o 0. U. Lesley's blacksmith
shop. While talking to Mr.
- < esley , he leaned upon the
able of a small bir/H saw which
, vas revolving rapidly. He did
lot notice that the saw was in
notion , mid moved his left hand
so that it came in contact with
.he sharp tr > eth. A deep gash
was cut severing several of the
arge tendons and badly tear-
ng the flesh. The wound was
, nven surgical attention at once
ind several stitches were neces
sary. For a man of Mr. Allen's
ige , the shock was very severe
jut he recovered rapidly from
the effects and the injury is heal
ing nicely. Salem Sentinel.
Iii attempting' to jump from a
mow window to the top of a
load of hay Saturday evening'
Joseph Taylor fell to the ground
and was so seriously hurt that
his condition has been consid
ered quite serious since then.
Dr. Fast of Falls City was call
ed and found the patient in
ternally injured. Salem Index.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dietscli
of Hastings spent the Fourth
here with friends. Mr. Dietch
is a traveling salesman. Mr.
Diesch and the editor ol The
Signal were reared in the same
town.- Geneva Signal
Mrs. Alma Pickett , of Falls
City , ta visiting her parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. O. Radinsky , in
Sterling this week. Sterling
George Crocker , the new iup-
erintendenl of the Pawnee City
niblic schools has purchased
the residence occupied by W.
W. Cornell , east ol the new
Baptist church , and , with his
ramily , will occupy the pre-
nises about August 10th. This
will make Mr. Crocker and lain-
ily an elegant home. Mr. Cor
nell and family expect to occupy
their line new home , just east
thereof at the same time. Paw
nee City Chief.
C. H. Heinemanu of Falls
City was up the middle ol the
week on business and his son
Charles and daughter Loin came
along for a visit with the tamily
of J. W. Youngman. Hum-
boldt Leader.
Sheriff Will Fenton and fain ,
ly were up from Palls City ovei
Sunday visiting J. F. Walsl
and family. The former drovt
out to his farm several miles
e ; northwest and reports a super
Iff abundance of rain in that sec
e.ct tion. Humboldt Leader.
L. Morehead was transactinj
business in Falls Tuesday
. Barada Breeze.
re John and Charley Martii
lie transacted business in Fall :
Id City Monday. Barada Breeze
Where is the Place.
° Some men are thoroughly con
vinccd of the fact that their de
parture would be felt most keer
1 } ' , and as a matter of fact the
cut no ice here , and there will b
no ice to cut where they wi
spend eternity.
Cures Ooldei Prevents I
Prohibition Convention.
The county convention cfthe !
puohibitiun party of Richardson !
county is filled to meet at Verdoii i
July LMtli nt Id o'clock , for the
purpose of immiin.liim candidates
for county ufiiet-.s and for the leg
islature. Billed on the vote of
1001 , the following hnvnshipa are
entitled to the follouitm number
of del 'a ten :
Unlo . J SplejiM- . li
JclTurron . 2 Grant . 8
Arngo . 2 Porter . 2
Ohio . 0 Huradu . I
Pall.- City . 10 HumboliU . 2
Liberty . II dult-m . 8
Muddy . t Nemului . 0
Franklin . 'J
KAE. . IlrxT ,
Celebration at Rulo.
A very patriotic demonstration
was the feature throughout the
entire celebration at Rule the
Fourth. The street parade was
followed by an appropriate pro
gram , consisting uf patriotic rcc-
italions and songs. An oration
was delivered by John Wiltse in
which he held aloft the govern
ment of the people by the people
for the people instead of a gov
ernment of the corporations by
the corporations for the corpora
After his speech came T. J.
Oliyer. an educator of note , who
is at present county superintend
ent of Richardson county. lie
spoke in glowing terms of educa
tion and its fruits ; of the great
advantages the present genera
tion enjoy besides the prime use
of education. His speech was
highly enjoyed by an apprecia
tive audience.
Mr. Stump of Lincoln followed
with a talk on the primary use
fulness and aims of fraternal
The pleasures of the day were
closed by a grand display of fire
works. A peaceful day was also
appreciated as well as enjoyed.
Scrip Dundy's Big Show.
Scip Dnndy who lived his boy-
deed life in Falls City in much
the same way that other Falls
City youngsters arc living theirs ,
is , or was , joint owner in the
New York Hipprodrome the
greatest show on earth. Asso
ciated with him was a young
man named Thompson who has
the reputation of inventing some
of the most spectacularentertain-
ments since the time of Nero.
Everybody knows that Scip had
no money , but he has energy
courage and judgment and with 1
these he has built Luna Park at
Coney Island , The Hipprodrome
and is now building another
amusement resort in New York
that will out class either of his
former enterprises. In speaking
of these gigantic amusement
concerns The Success magazine
says this month , "When Thomp
son needs ten thousand dollars
or twenty thousand , or a him.
dred thousand , he simply goes tc
Dundy and gets it. Which seems
to be a pleasant arrangement for
everybody concerned , except , per
haps , for Dundy. "
Ball Games.
he boys had a bunch o
trouble when it came to landing
anything at the games in Mount
: Gity last week.
Mound City came out victorious
in both the morning and after
noon games.
Our boys did several gooi
stunts among whom figured tin
following players , Foehlinger
Gagnon and Sears.
In the morning the score stoo (
5 to 7 in favor of Mound City.
n The afternoon score was 4 to (
in favor of Mound City.
Makes Homely Women Pretty.
No woman no mutter how regula
her features may be can be calle
pretty 1 ( her complexion Is bad. Orin
Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestio
and elears sallow blotched complexion
e by stimulating the liver and bowel
ill Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does nc
nauseate or gripe and Is mild an
pleasant to take. Remember th
name ORINO and refuse to accept an
substitute. For sale at Moore's Phtv
Cheap Farm Land ,
Southwest Offers Best Opportunities
For Securing Homes.
Many fanners in the Northern
nnd Eastern states are selling their
hi h priced hinds and locating in
the Southwest. Many who have
been unnbk1 to own their homes
in the older country lire buying
hinds in the new country.
Unusual opportunities exist
along the lines of the Missouri
Pacific-Iron Mountain Route.
The rich , alluvial , delta lands and
river bottom hinds of Southeast
Missouri , Eastern Arkansas ,
Louisiana and Texas , capable of
producing (50 ( bushels of corn , a
bale of cotton , -1 to G tons of alfalfa
ISO bushels of potatoes , and other
grains , vegetables and hay crops ,
can be bought for S7.50 to $15.00 ;
per acre. When cleared and
slightly improved will rent for
$1.00 to $ ( i.OO per acre cash.
Uplands more rolling , lighter
soil , adapted to fruit growing
peaches , pears , plums grapes ,
berries also melons , , tomatoes
and other vegetables , can be
bought for $5.00 to $10.00 per
acre in unimproved state. ' Many
places with small clearings and
some improvements can be bought
very cheap.
This is a tine stock country
No long winter feeding. Free
range , pure water , mild climate.
A healthy , glowing country with
a great future.
Write for iniip and descriptive
literature on Missouri. , Arkansas ,
Louisiana Texas , Kansas 01 In
dian Territory. Very cheap rates
on first and third Tuesdays o !
each month.
Address ,
Omaha , Neb.
or H. O.TowNSESD.G. P. &T. A. ,
St. Louis , Mo.
Two Oodles Cured Him.
"I was troubled with kidney com
plaint for about two years , " writes A.
II. Davis , of Mt. Sterling , la. , "but
two bottles of Foley's Kidney cure ef
fected a permanent cure. " Sound
kidneys are-safeguards of life. Make
the kidneys healthy with Foley's Kid
ney Cure. For sale at Moore's Phar
Republican Sltvte Convention ,
The republicans of the state ot Nebraska
nre lit'reby ciillcil to meet In coax'ontlon at
the Auditorium la the city of Lincoln , on
Wednesday , Anirust 23 , liKW , at two o'clock
In tlio afternoon , fortlio purpose of placing
In nomination candidates for the following
ollict-s , vlt :
Out ; United States Senator ,
One Governor ,
Ono Lieutenant Governor ,
Three Hallway Commissioners.
Ono Secretary of State ,
One Auditor of I'nbllc Accounts.
One Tiensurer ,
Ono Superintendent , of I'ubllc Instruction ,
One Attorney General ,
One Commissioner of Public Land * and
And for the transaction of such other busi
ness as nmy properly come before It.
Tlio Stikl convention shall bo made up of
delegates cho-en by the republicans of the
respective counties of the state , apportioned
one delegate tit largo for each county and
one tor each one hundred twenty-five votes
ormajoi fraction thereof cast lit the last
election for Hon. Clms. II. I.ctton , repub
lican nominee lor Judge ot the supreme
court. Said apportionment entitles Uichard-
son county to a representation of Hi delegate *
in said convention.
It U abe recommended that the delegates
to said convention be Instructed to vole fet
or against the ender > e.nont of the constltu.
tlonal amendment relating to the creation
of a State Hoard of Hallway Commissioners
to the end that the action thus taken may
determine the attitude of the party relative
to said amendment and may be made a part
of the ballot.
It Is further recommended that no proxies
be allowed and that the delegates present
from each of the respective counties be
authorl/ed tn east the full vote of theli
The various odd numbered senatorial dl3
tricts arc also notified that they will at
the same time by their delegates choose
members to represent them on the state com
mittee for a tenn of two years.
It is Important that the uniform credential
blanks which will be furnished by the state
committee to each county chairman b used
for furnishing credentials of the delegates
tosald convention , and that the name of eacl
delegate , his postoftlce address- , and precinct
in which he resides , be plainly wrlttcr
thereon. Credentials should be prepared
Immediately after adjournment of the differ
cut county conventions , duly certified bj
their ollicers , and forwarded at once , tc
State Headquarters at Lincoln.
Ily order of the state committee.
\VM. 1 * WAKNEU. Chairman.
A 11. ALLKX. Secretary
Dated at Lincoln. Neb. . M.ij ; , tsoo.
10 Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
5. Bronchitis For Twenty Years.
5.Ot Mrs. Minerva Smith , of Danville
id 111. , writes : "I had bronchitis foi
13 twenty years and never got relief un
til I used Foley's Honey and Tar whicl
is u sure cure. " For Sale at Moore-
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
I Falls City , Nebraska
I Falls City , Nebraska
| Dr. Geo. H. Parsell f
Ij. ( Formerly of Omaha ) 1C
lloniccpathic Physician , and j.
J Surgeon fT
( Also treats the Eye
and Fits Glasses ) > !
t T
$ Office at Residence .
ft Telephone 88 $
4. . ; .
| > 1 living secured the exclusive -
sive agency in Falls City for < |
Sycamore Springs Mineral < ?
J > Water , we are prepared to 1
X furnish customers with the | J
the same. Price 00 cents per
& five gallon cask. ( Jail phone < |
I 189 or phone 30. |
< i > - 4 >
i C. P. RE A VIS Jr.
W. H. Maddox
Real Estate Agency
See me before your purchase. I am
selling city property , loaning mon
ey at lowest rates , selling farms and
making farm loans. See me if you
wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I
am here for business. Write
W. H. Maddox , Falls City
It Costs
To find out for a certainty
whether or not your heart is
affected. One person in four
has a weak heart ; it may be
j'ou. If so , you should know
it now , and save serious cotN
sequences. If you have short
breath , fluttering , palpitation ,
hungry spells , hot flushes ; if
you cannot lie on left side ; if
you have fainting or smother
ing spells , pain around heart ,
in side and arms , your heart is
weak , and perhaps diseased.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will re
lieve you. Try a bottle , and
see how quickly your condition
will improve.
"About a year aeo I wrote to the
Miles Co. . jwklnR advice , : is t
wns sulterliiK with heart trouble , anil
hail been for two years. 1 had pain
In my heart , back and left side , and
had not been able to draw a deep
breath for two years. Any little exer
tion would cause palpitation , nnd I
could not lie on my left Hide without
, suffering. They advised m to try Dr.
Miles Heart Cure and NVrvlii * . which
I did with the result that I am in
better health than I ever was before ,
havlnir Rained 1 pounds since I com
menced taklnsr It. 1 took about thir
teen bottlea of the two medicines , mid
haven't been bothered with my heart
Upper Sundusky , Ohio.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure 1 $ sold by
your druggist , who will guarantee that
the flr t bottle will benefit. If It falls
< he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind
What a Great Convenience is a
Fountain Pen !
Any person who will secure
six new subscribers for The
Kansas City Weekly Journal at
the rate of 25 cenis per year
each , making a total of § 1.50 ,
and send the amount to us , to
gether with the names , will be
mailed , as a present , a beautiful
fountain pen ; fine rubber handle ,
14-karet gold point , fully war-
ranted. Address the Kansas
City Journal , Kansas City , Mo ,
This offer expires Oct 1 , 1906.
No good health unless the kidneys
are sound. Foley's Kidney Cure
makes the kidneys right. For sale al
Moore's Pharmacy.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
< 9.
I Large or small buyers
J > can locate on adjoining- '
| For information write $
Luclla , Neb.
Dr. A. E. Wolfe
Treats successfully w ithout
DRUGS , all curable diseases.
Office over Lyford's store.
Oflice Phone 2 ( > T Residence 1'liuiieiM
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Burlington TIME TABLE
Falls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helena
Chicago Butte
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points east and and all points
south. west.
No. 42. Portland St. Louts
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
east and south 7:17 p ni
No. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest 1:33 a ni
No. 44. Vestibuled Express
daily , St. Joseph ,
Kansas , City St.
Louis and "points
East and South 11:17 am
No. 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south 7:47 a m
No. 17. Local express daily
except SundayCon-
cordia , and "points
north and west. . . . 12.10 p m
No. 15. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:23 : p tu
No. 43. Vestibuled Express
daily , Lincoln and
the Northwest. . . . 1:44 : p m
c 16. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
easi and south 4:35 p m
No. IS. Local express daily
except Sunday , St.
Joe and points
south and cast. . . . 4:05 : p m
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoina and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p tn
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , daily e x-
cept Sunday.Saleni ,
Xeinaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 p tn
Sleeping1 , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. Foe
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart ,
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis ,
G. P. & T. A. , Omaha.
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 135 Omaha , local 7:45 a. m.
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Express A 1:57 a m
No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
No. 127 From Kansas City. . . 8:15 : p tn
passenger . . A 1:41 p tn
No. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn A 1:16 j > m
No. 104 Kansas City local 7:50 a m
No. 106 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 3:10 a tn
No. 108 Kansas City and tit.
Louis and Denver Al:16pm
No. 138 From Omaha 8:35 p tn
No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10:15a m
A. Daily. B. Daily except Sunday.
J. B. VAKNEK , Agent.
11 I I I I I I I 11 I 11111-
: D. S. HcCarthy
Prompt attention given ' ,
to the removal of household -
hold goods.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i
Moc1- Yards , Knnsas City. Mo. Export
Sale u-n. Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Careful
anil .JelllKt'iit yard boys. Perfect oliloo
methods. Correct market Information
furnished. Houses at Kansas City. Omaha
Sioux City. Denver. St. Joseph St. Paul ,
Chicago , llutfalo
Dr. R. P. Roberts , dentist
over King's Pharmacy.