The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 13, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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I Reasonable weather
I Unusually fertile soil
< >
I v heap lands
\jomfortab\e \ homes
Excellent crops
SuPeri ° r natural advantages
i In the irrigated district of Finney and Kearney
I county , Kansas. Now is the time for you to see the
| wonderfui country , the government improvements ,
| the large beet = sugar factory being built at Garden
i City. See the land of opportunity for the poor
I man. Join our party on our next excursion , July
1 17th. Free sleeper for your comfort.
1 Excursion Dates July 17 , August 7 = twice each
I month.
Elmer School : uiul family were at
tending to business In Uulo tills
Anton K t-ni luul business In Uulo
Frill ny.
C.iss Jones was trunsuctlr.j , ' business
In Uulo Thursiluy.
Some of the farmers have threshed
nutl were ituleed burprlbcd to llml that
their wheat averaged over forty bush
els per acre. It Is excellent quality
anil tests from slxiy-ono to sixty-two
| ) oumls to the bushel. Some of them
eay this year's crop Is the best they
over raised.
Mrs. Fred TIehnian received u dis
patch from Council JUulTs announcing
the serious Illness of her sister Mrs.
Fanny Johnson. She departed on the
first train for Craig. Mo. , to her sister
bedside. Miss Carrie Uuckmlnlstor
went up Sunday July 1st and docs not
know when she will bo able to return
to her post olllco duties here.
Griff Wright was transacting busi
ness In Craig , Mo. , the last of this
.Murk Durfec celebrated In lUilo the
Miss Agnes Schrocder of Rule has
been engaged to teach the chool In
the Fischer District the coming year.
The school beard can congratulate
themselves on being < o fortunate as to
secure her service.
D. J. Thomas and daughter of Win-
nebago district spent the Fourth In
J. H. Brlnega- and sister Mima were
Visiting In Hulo Wednesday of last
F. E. Nltzscho anil family spent the
Fourth at Rulo.
Grover Docrghty and Arba Duncan
wore among tun people of Wlunobago
who celebrated In Rulo.
A. K. Swain and family. Mrs. Gertie
Kloepfcl and sister , Miss Blon Close
were at the home of Lafe Fonts neat
Falls City July 4th enjojlnp a fainlh
reunion In honor of Grand Fathei
Fouts. There were twenty-eight chll
dren and grandchildren present. A
very pleasant time was enjoyed. The }
all however were sorry that Mrs. L
M. Jones could not bo present as she
Is one of hU daughters also.
John Kloepfel and wife of PpUi
City f pent part of the week vlsltlnf
relatives here.
Louis Sweinforth claims to havi
some corn taeselcd and silked out be
Bides sixty acres more that is hlghei
than a man's head.
The people hero had a good tlmu
part of the day celebrating the
Fourth. A very social crowd gather
ed. The program was bhort. livery-
thing passed smoothly and peace
fully until along In the afternoon when
an old grudge goi the better of two of
those present , a light ensued in which
one got a badly pealed face. Revolvers
vers cume to light it is claimed , and
women shrieked and lied from the
Miuiiu. Many wont to their homes
where pcaco and good will reign.
The celebration at Fort Hazel was of
the pairlollu and good citizenship
order. About ono-hundred people
gathered to enjoy a social Fourth
among their neighbors and friends. A
short program was rendered anil a few
speakers were present to talk on bone-
llcial subjects. Mr. LIchty talked on
Sunday School work and It is claimed
that It wa : . excellent. Considerable
material was left from the celebration
and the managers decided in have a
box supper Saturday evening. A
largo crowd gathered and spent n very
pleasant ovenlng.
Stung By Bees.
The following clipping -was
taken from the Johnson Nvs. .
.Toe Young and wife were
badly stung while hiving a
swarm ol bees last Sunday. In
the neighborhood of one hun
dred stingers were taken irom
each of their faces and heads.
Owing to the hot weather and
the number of stings , their case
was considered critical and
some fears of Mrs. Young's recover -
cover } * was expressed , hut a
physician was summoned and
they soon recovered.
Was She Right.
She was a bright girl and they
were at a baseball game. She
had won his enthusiastic heart
by understanding' the game right
off , and he loved her even more
than if she had been his sister.
"It reminds me of the house
hold"he says , "the plate , the
batter , the fowls and the flies. "
"And it reminds me of marriage , "
she added : "First the diamond ,
where they are engaged : then
the struggle and the hits , when
the men go out and finally the
difficulty in getting home. " Then
he sat and thought and thought.
No Ffilsc Claims.
The proprietors of Foley's Hone
and Tar do not advertise this as a "sut
euro for consumption. " They do n (
claim It will euro this dread complain
in advanced case ? , but do positive ]
assert that it will cure in the earlii
stages and never falls to give comfoi
and relief in the worst cases. Folcy
Honey and Tar Is without doubt tb
greatest throat ana lung remedy. R
fuse substitutes. For sale at Moore
FOR SAI.H : Two good Shor
horn bulls , yearlings past , erred
red and one roan. Both regii
tercd and certified copy of ped
gree will be furnished. Wril
John Tighe , Ilumboldt , Neb
until after June 2 ( > th after \vhic
date address Joseph Corneliu
Ilumboldt , Neb. 27--U
STKAYKD. One white man
weight about 1000 pounds , bram
ed on right shoulder * wire sc :
on right hind leg. Strayed froi
W. A. Margrave's about tv
months ago. Information fo
or return to above will be r
warded. 29-3t
When other Medicines hive Failed
Take Foley's Kidney Cure. It n
cured when everything else hadisa
pointed. For sale at Moore's Pha
Legal Notice.
In the KlcharcJson County HUtrlct Com
State ot Nebraska.
vs. .
Mils , A. O
and tlu < unknown
heirs of
A. Tiiiur.i. , Sit le-
The unknown heirs of rrcomun A
Sr. . deceased , will tuko notice that the plat
UtT , Samuel linker , did on the 17th day i f Mi
UKM , file In the otllcc of the clerk of the ai
trlet court of HlchanUon county , tstau
Nebraska , hU petition iignlnst you , the objc
and prayer Is to obtain u decree by s.ild con
quieting tuo title In him , to lots 5. C and ;
block M , in the village of b'alem , In tbo coi
ty anil state aforesaid , and that on the sai
day ho obtained uu order from the Hon.
11. Kellescr , directing publication of t
proceedings of this suit ugalnbtyou as i
quired by law in such cases , and that EU
publication bo made In the Falls City Trlbu
u neu p.tper of general circulation In Kit
nrdson county , and you arc further notlll
that uulees you plead , answer or demur
said petition on or before the t'th day of Ju
HOC , said petition will bo taken as true am
decree as prayed for will bo rendered ucco ;
Ingly. HE AVIS V ltcvvi ,
Attorneys for I'lulnt
Cures Bnckache
Do not risk having
r Bladder Disease not Bright's Disease
beyond medicine can do more. or Diabetes
For Sale at Dr. Moore's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr.
Burlington Bulletin.
Opening of the Slioshone Kes-
rvntion : Register at Worlnnd
ortlic Government drawing cntitl-
ng you to draw 150 ueres of fine
rrigablu lands in the Slioslioue
leservution ; only $1.50 an acre ,
me-thinl cash.100,000 acres , or
! oOO farms , to be drawn for ; he-
ides HUH tliere are 800,000 acres
f lumber and mineral lands that
my be taken in the usual way ;
ome of these lands are supposed
o be of great value. One faro
or the round trip toVorland. .
vith maximum of $20.00 from
Omaha , Lincoln and Nebraska
joints. Tickets sold July 12th
o 20th , final limit August loth ,
'ake this grandtrip through the
ich irrigated lands of the Big
lorn Basin. This will be one of
he greatest events in the history
f the distribution of Uncle Sam's
To Pacific Ooast : Daily low ,
xcurfiion rates for this the great-
fit railroad journey in the world.
To Colorado a n d Return :
Vbout half rates. Still lower rates
or the Elk's great meeting at
Denver .July 10th to 15th inclu-
Also daily low rates to Eastern
esorte ; frequest homeseeker's ex
cursions , in fact tempting excur
sion rates in all directions
hroughoutthe Summer.
E. G. WiUTroKi ) .
J.W. WAKBLBY , G. P. A. Omaha.
You Will Prosper
in the Great
In Oklahoma , Indian Territory
ind Texas are vast areas of unim
proved land land not now yield
ing the crops of which it is cap
able. The same conditions apply
to the towns. Few lines of busi
ness nre adequately represented.
There are openings of all sorts
for mills and factories , for small
stores , for banks , newspaper and
lumber yards. You have only to
gel on the ground to prove this.
To enable you to do so the Mis
souri , Kansas and Texas railway
Rates Cheaper Than Ever
Feb. 6th and 20th
March 6th and 20th
On above dates most lines will
sell both one-way and round trip
tickets at exceptionally low rates.
If your nearest railroad agent can
not give you the rates , write me
for particulars.
If you're in nny
way interested in the
Southwest , 'I'd like to
send you my paper
"The Coming Coun
try. " Address
General Passenger Agent
550 Wainwright UlOg. St. Louis , Mo.
Tickets are on sale
everywhere , via Mis
souri , Kansas and
Texas Hail way.
i ;
so sc
, I'xpttlenced teachers Tine Kquip-
tHl memGjmnasium worU Assistance
t in Kcurine positions.Voik to earn
boat ! Individual instruction Hnterany
time Lessons hv mail. Advantage * of
a capital city Write for Catalogue No , jj
Llncaln Business College
1,100,000 Acres of Agricultural , Min
eral aind Timber Lan\d Almost Free
This Reservation to be opened for settlement August loth
is directly reached by the Burlington's new line to Worland ,
WyO. , through the Big Horn Basin. Registration between
July l(5th ( to : Jlst100,000 ; acres of fine irrigable lands to be
drawn for and acquired at only 81.50 per acre , one-third cash ,
700,000 acres of mineral and timber lands to be taken up without -
out drawing , This is a most bountiful distribution of Uncle
Sam's land among the people. Cheap excursion rates ; only one \
faro for the round trip to Worland , with a maximum of but
$20.00 from Omaha , Lincoln , Denver and Nebraska territory.
Register at Worland and go over the Burlington's Northwest
line , which runs through thousands of acres of finely irrigated
land along the Big Horn River ; the journey will be instructive
as to the methods of irrigation to be practiced in the develop
ment of this new section.
Dates Of Sales : July 12thto29th. Final limit August
15th ; Stop-overs enroute
Consult nearest ticket agent for rates and descriptive Shoshone -
shone folder with map , description of lauds , methods of draw
ings , etc.
Two daily through trains from the Southeast to Worland
during the registration.
Rea d The Tribune
The Newspaper with the big
circulation. Enough said.
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas Citv Star
Everywhere recognized as the strongest and most reliable
newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United States.
Wherein It Leads.
ItS Unexcelled NCWSServiCC embraces the continuous report
of the Associated Press , with dispatches every hour : the general and
special service of the Now York Herald ; the Hearst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own
representatives in Washington , D. C. ; Jefferson City , Mo. ; Topeka , Ks. ,
and Guthrie , Ok. , in addition to the largo grist of news that comes
dally from several hundred other alert representatives.
its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative
value that causes them to be telegraphed to all parts of the United
States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No western man
even indirectly interested in the value of food products , stocks and
securities can afford to be without THE STAR'S dally record ol prices
and conditions.
ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's column , in which
are answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and
affairs , a department for inquirers on other subjects and a wide range
of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's most in
teresting people and events these in addition to a vigorous editorial
page , absolutely independent politically , and a Sunday issue that is
full of live special matter and h iman interest.
13 Papers Each week for 10 cents
The Kansas City Star was the first nnd is still
newspaper to deliver a complete morning paper , THE KAN
SAS CITY TIMES , to its subscribers \vithout increase in the
subscription price.
Save AH Your Cream
r S. Cream Separator is WEK t O"V' " " rE5 : ? ° "
cream than uny ether. Holds WORLD s > KCUKL * jur cicaa
fUmming. Crcnra lepresents ca h-jcu waste cream every
day if you are not using a
U. S. Cream Separator.
dirt and protecting the operator.
part * enclosed , Veephip out
Many ether exi e advantases. Call and tee a U S. For
* alc by
Chas. P. Stump , Straussville , Neb/-