The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 13, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. Ill FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JULY 13 , 1906. Whole No. 13i
Celebration at Rulo.
Another Fourth of July has
followed other Fourths into th e
past , and the celebration at
Rule , is Jilso past but it was a
very nice celebration. The
crowd was large and orderly.
The programme was good and
carried out with care.
The band boys furnished ex
cellent music and the Glee club
n deserve great credit lor the
pleasure their music added to
the occasion. Also several
solos Avere rendered , which in
the writers opinion can not be
beat on the 4th of July or any
other time. A recitation was
also well rendered.
John Wiltse of Falls City
spoke to some length , on Inde
pendence , which showed thought
and care in thp preparation.
Following Mr. Wiltse , Superin
tendent Oliver delivered a very
pleasing talk along educational
lines and while all his talk was
appreciated , one thought was
particularly fine , and that was ,
that what we need more of is
moral education. The last
speeker was F. E. Stump of
Lincoln , his theme was Frater
nity , but his talk was cut short
by the black clouds which were
overcasting the sky , the crowd
scattered and for a while it
looked like the celebration was
ended , but after a nice shower
which cooled the air and laid
the dust , the people began to
meet for the fireworks and other
pleasures , which the evening
Several balloons were sent
up , music and fireworks con
tinued until a late hour. Mr.
Stump gave a public exhibition
ol the Screen work of the A. 0.
U. W. and a grand ball ended
the program for the day.
The large crowd seemed to
enjoy the day , and a nicer , more
orderly crowd would be hard to
find than was entertained in
Rule that day , and the strangers
who visited us on that day ,
will be welcomed again , when
the\T choose to come.
One of the principals in the
following clipping , taken from
the Tecumseh Chieftain is well
known to Falls City people.
Louise Radinsky enjoys a large
circle of friends here , who extend
to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harclin sin
cere congratulations :
At the home of the bride , in
Sterling- , Sunday , July 1 , 1'JOO ,
at 1 o'clock p. m. , occurred the
marriage of Louise Radinsky oi
that town to Earl Hardin of Te
cumseh. Rev. D. B. Lake , pastoi
of the Sterling M. E. church ,
pronounced the ceremony in the
presence of but few relatives. Al
the close of the ceremony a dinner -
ner was served , and that after
noon Mr. and Mrs. Hardin de
parted for Hot Springs , S. D
where they are spending theii
honeymoon. They will return tt
Tecumseh next week and mak <
their home in the groom's house
on East Broadway.
The groom was the eldest ser
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ilenrj
Hardin of this city , and was bon
and raised in Johnson county
He is a young man of high idea :
and pleasant disposition. A
present he is serving Johnsoi
county as deputy treasurer , am
is possessed of that business sa
gacity which makes his service :
valuable. The bride is tin
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Os
wald Radinsky of Sterling. Sin
is a lovely young lady. For ;
time she was engaged in teach
ing in this county , but late
was engaged in the profes
sion in the western part of thi
state. The Chieftain desires ti
join the many friends of th
young couple in best wishes fo
a happy and prosperous weddei
Old Timer Gone.
Fred Beaulieu , one of our old
est business men , has severed
his interests in Falls City busi.
less circles and is no\v located
n Welsh , I. T. Mr. Beaulieu
las been in our midst lor a
juarter of a century and we
shall greatly miss him. In his
leparture , this city will lose
one of its most wide-awake and
enterprising citizens. Mr. Beau-
ieu has purchased a first class
stock of merchandise in Welsh
ind we bespeak for him there , a
prosperous business. He is an
old timer at this trade and will
nerit success.
Mr. John Bruhn of Omaha
las purchased Mr. Beaulieu's
lews stand here , and will con-
luct the same in an up-to-date
George Hinton is dead.
Scarcely a week passes that
f he Tribune does not record the
sad news of someone's passing.
Phis week , however , must be
recorded the death of one whc
by reason of the long years
ived among us and the cheerful ,
cindly nature that made him
cnown to the entire community ,
eaves a feeling of personal loss
: o us all. For George Hinton
s dead.
The old mill by the side of
which he lived as a boy , the
murky river where he swam and
fished long ago with the gener
ation now reaching middle life ,
lis many friends and com
panions who never received
anything but unvarying kind
ness from him will miss him
now that he has gone , and even
though the end has been antici-
lated for months , will feel n
sense of irreparable loss in the
announcement that George Hinton -
ton is dead.
George never seemed able tc
accummulate much of the
world's goodssome way or othei
it never seemed to him thai
wealth was one of life's essen
tials. But he never failed ir
doing a kindly act , nor ir
thoughtfulness of the feeding *
of others , nor in making am
liolding friends , and I guess
that after all is over and tin
lory told and the book closed
that it is fully as important t <
say he never made anyone un
happy and was always true t <
his Iriends , as to say he left ;
large estate.
George was the only child o
John and Marilln Hinton. Hi :
mother died some years ago am
with the death of George tin
grief stricken father , to when
the sympathy of the entire com
munity goes out , is left alone
George Hinton was born ii
Kingston , Pa. , on March 2,1807
and was 39 years of age at th
time of his death. While quit
young his parents moved t
Palls City where he has sine
lived , with a short interruptior
For a few years he lived i :
Denver but to him there was a :
irresistible force recalling hit
to his old home , so he returnei
to this city and lived here unti
his death last Monday. He wa
married to Lydia Minnick som
few years ago to which union ;
daughter was born. His earl ;
life was spent at the Exchang
mill south of town which , wit !
his father , he operated for man ;
years. He was one of the prc
raoters and owners of the beau
tiful Hinton's park. The latte
part of his life has been lived i
Falls City. About a year ag
his health began to fail and hi
decline was rapid. The drea
disease , tuberculosis , had fasl
ened itself upon him with
tenacity that would not be de
nied. For months he has bee
hesitating at the brink of the
river , but his courage never
failed him neither did he com-
'plain. ' During those days when
he was able to be about town he
! was the same cheerful light
hearted George. When asked
low he felt he always answered
with the courage of one who
uakes a good light , "I am bet
ter. " But his friends saw the
change that was being wrought
and knew that the time was
short. And last Monday at his
lotne on llarlan street the grim
visitor called for him and
George llinton was no more.
The funeral was held Wednes-
.lay afternoon , the interment
being in Steele's cemetery , an
mmense throng following the
remains to the grave.
To the wife and little daugh
ter , to the father who has been
eft bereft and alone , the sympa
thy of the entire community
joes out , trusting that He who
s the author of all things good
will be with them and comfort
them in this the hour of their
The Circus.
In the language of the states-
nan from Skunk Ridge "the
circus has came and went. "
The crowd came early from the
country round about and all
towns within a radius of thirty
niles. Because of the long run
: rom Kansas City the circus ar
rived late and the small boy
waiting at the depot from two
n the morning until after nine
jefore he heard the welcome
shout of "here she comes. " The
parade did not take place until
after dinner and was witnessed
by a large crowd. The show
was good , one of the best in
; act that has ever visited Falls
Citg. Some of the acts were
unusual and many were of the
highest class. The tent at the
afternoon performance was well
filled and everybody seemed
The show is owned by Ring-
ling Brothers , they having
purchased it at the beginning of
the season.
Some people drove thirty
miles to the show , leaving their
homes about midnight in order
to be here on time.
One of the trapeze performers
is an old friend of Mrs. Bert
Reavis. His home is in St.
Louis and he belongs to a very
fine family. His parents are
greatly oppossed to his em.
The girl with the white shoes
and dress , accompanied by the
boy with gloves on his hands
and medals on his coat was very
much in evidence.
The clean streets looked well
enough to induce the adminiS'
tration to keep them clean all
the time. The water tanks provided -
vided by the city were a great
What a duece of a time the
Giraffe must have when he get'
a sore throat.
New Wheat.
New wheat was being taken
in at the Heacock & Son mil !
on Monday morning of this
week. This is the first thej
have received and it is of ex
cellent quality.
Another Change.
One of our popular mea
market proprietors , J. B. Rame
has sold his shop to A. E ,
Schmidt ot Red Cloud.
Mr. Ramel has been in oui
business circle for some time
and we are sorry to see him re
tire from our midst.
His successor Mr. Schmidt ,
is an old hand at the butcher
business and we can assure his
patrons of the best of service ,
! Installation Services.
| On Wednesday evening an impressive -
! pressive installation service
| was held at the Presbyterian
church when Rev. GnlVm was
formally installed as pastor for
another year , of the church for
which he has labored so faith
Prof. Smith , of Pawnee City ,
formerly professor of the busi
ness college in this city , de
livered the sermon , while Kev.
Smith of Ilumboldt and Rev.
Des Jardiun of Pawnee City
assisted by delivering charges.
It was a splendid service and
one which was a pleasure to all
A Pleasant Pound.
On Monday evening of this
week the memberof the First
Christian church visited the
liome of their minister and gave
lie and his family quite a
"pounding , " leaving many tok
ens of their love and esteem to
replenish the larder and gladden
their hearts. Quite a number
who were unable to be present
sent their tokens with others.
All went home feeling the better -
ter , for "It is more blessed to
give than to receive.
Making Good.
Miss Florence Hawkins , a
colored lady formerly of Falls
ity , is making good in the
game of life. Miss Hawkins at
tended school in Falls City for
a number of years working
around to assist in paying for
her education. She eventually
removed to Humboldt and grad
uated from the Ilumboldt high
school. From there she went
to Lincoln and attended the
state university from which in
stitution she recently graduat
ed. She is now employed as a
member of the faculty in the
jreat Booker T. Washington
university in Georgia. What
this estimable young lady has
accomplished has been done by
sheer nerve and ambition. She
is entitled to the congratula.
tions of not only her own people
ple but of every man and wo
man who believes in right liv
ing who admires one who can
winwith the game against him
Kalis City lodge A. K. & A. M. , July
llth , A. I , . 5900 , A. D. 1900.
Whereas it has pleased the Almighty
Architect of the Universe to call from
our lodge our well beloved brother ,
George S. llinton ; it is most propei
that this lodge in session assembled
bear testimony to the high masonic
worth , anil the noble and generoti'
character of our deceased brother , whc
died at his residence in this place on
the 9th day of July , A. D. 1900. There ,
fore be it
Kesolved , by this lodge , That in Hit
death of our beloved brother George S ,
llinton , this lodge has lost a most val
uable member , and our community : i
most respectable , kind and charitable
citizen. He it further
Kesolved , That our brother , George
S. llinton , was a good man and a good
mason. He was earnest and ardent in
his best impulses ; and an energetic ,
patient and brave man. Me had great
Mope , love of life and a most strong
and vigorous manhood. He was evei
a free and frank1 nature , with a hear )
as open as the da ) ' to deeds of kindness
and charity ; and to that Charity thai
he so much loved , and that extend'
beyond the grave throughout tin
boundless realms of God's eternity , w <
as masons confidently and implicitly
entrust the soul of our departed broth
cr. We as masons should now feel
that in the eternal lodge above , in that
temple not made with hands , amid th (
inexhaustible mercies of the Great
Creator of the universe our brother is
safe upon the other bide. I3e it furthei
Ilcsolvcd , That this lodge shall evei
honor the masonic memory of out
brother , and that a copy of these reso
lutions shall be entered upon the
records of this lodge , a copy furnishet
the family of our deceased brotheram :
a copy furnished each of the news
papers of this city for publication ,
M. J. BOIlItKK )
G. H. FALLSTEAD > Committee.
Among the Officials.
Carpenters are busy at the
court house tearing down and
rebuilding , breaking the quiet
which generally reigns in that
A room is being made ready
for the county superintendent
on the second lloor , while his
former quarters will be added
to the county treasurer's office.
The stairway entrance to the
cupola is being changed , and an
ollice is under construction for
the county attorney.
However , court met Wednes
day with Judge Kelligar on the
The case of II. B. Andrews ,
the book agent , was called and
in default , over his nonappearance
ance , his bond was declared for
Babbott and Wilson , who as
saulted the 0. B. & Q. conductor ,
were arraigned before the court
and plead not guilty. They
were bound over.
In the case of Herman Tiehen
vs. Geo. Timmerman , for fore
closure , judgment was rendered
to the amount of $750.89.
A judgment for S207.-18 was
given in the Peter Frederick vs
Peter Murphy case.
The Bode case went over on
a motion for continuance by
Lawyers Martin and Edgar
Ferneau of Auburn , attorneys
for defendant. It will be heard
July 20th.
Jury was then discharged for
the rest of the term. Court
will meet again on the 15Jth , to
transact their legal business.
The case of the state against
the board of trustees of Barada
which is an action'to have the
corporation of Barada declared
illegal was argued and submit
ted , the court taking it under
advisement. Court adjourned
until tonight at which time both
Judges Kelligar and Raper will
be present to hear the argu
ments for a new trial in the
case of the State vs. Sim Burk.
A large number of transfers
elsewhere given , were recorded
by L. C. Edwards , the past
County Clerk Ilulchins had
his busy day the Fourth and is
enjoying a slight lull in official
T\yo new cases have been
filed by Clerk Oh as. Loree :
Joseph II. Miles vs. C. B. & Q.
railroad ; Joseph A. Shaw vs.
Dora Shaw et al replevin.
County Treasurer Lord is hav
ing heavy work this week and
is also keeping an eye on the
building improvements.
A New Manager.
C. II. Rickards last week re.
signed his position as manager
of the Chicago Lumber & Coal
Co. in this city and will leaye
soon for Utahin order to per
sonally superintend his 'exten
sive mining interests there.
Mr. Rickards has long been
connected with the leading bus
iness affairs of this city and wt
regret his departure. He is one
of the most capable managers
we know of , and has done mucli
towards extending the large
trade the above company has
He is succeeded by Jule
Ruegge. a young man perfectlj
capable of handling the inter ,
eats of the company he is representing -
senting , having had many years
experience in the lumber busi
ness. He was employed at the
Graham yard up to his resigna
tion , Jan. 1 , ' (10 , and will make
an excellent manager.
Two horses simultaneouly leap
ing the bars in the hurdle races
was one of the excellent features
at the 4 Paw-Sells Bros , circus.
Society News.
Minnie Jussen entertained a
few friends at 12 o'clock-luncheon
Saturday , in honor of her guests
the Misses Julia Hunt and
Florence Umstead of Omaha.
Sowlc's best added to the elabor
ate menu.
Anita Wilson entertained a
number of friends on Wednesday
evening. The '
evening's plea
sures were many.
Mrs. Win. Moss was pleasantly
surprised by a number of her
Friends , on Monday evening.
The occasion was her birthdav
ind the visitors presented her
with a handsome parasol.
Council 1212 , K. & L. of S. en
joyed a raj-'tag dance and supper
at the Bode hall on Wednesday
evening. The hall was crowded
to its utmost capacity and a royal
time enjoyed.
Norman Mussclman entertain
ed a number of friends at a fire
works party Thursday evening ,
July 5th. Their lawn made an
excellent place for such an event ,
being so spacious.
Mrs. Harry Jcnne very pleas
antly entertained the Kaffee
Klatch club on Friday evening.
Florence Wylic entertained the
members of the II. S. M. C. club
on Monday evening , complimen
tary to Georgia Beaulicu who left
Thursday for Welsh , I. T. . It
was in the form of a lawn parti' .
Hammocks settees and easy chairs
together with the many colored
lights formed an inviting scene.
Punch was served.
Rcba Eversole was hostess to
the II. S. M. C. members last
Thursday evening , making the
affair one of pleasure to her
Elks Meet
The local order of Elks held
their regular meeting last Friday
evening and had quite a time.
Initiation and installation were
the special features of the eve
ning's work. Messers Dean and
Taylor of Auburn both railroad
men , were initiated into the
order. Owing to the moving
away of Key. Smith and Will
Hershey their oflices wc > rc to be
filled. K. C. James was installed
as Esteemed Leading Knight and
A. Yoder as Tiler.
Lunch and a general good
time followed the business ses
sion. A number of brother Elks
were present from Auburn.
Smashed His Foot
James Henderson , freight
clerk at the C. B. & Q. station ,
had the misfortune to let a
heavy iron casting fall on his
right foot Sunday morning. It
laid him up for several days.
from his duties at the station.
Mrs. Benj. Slagcl is on the
sick list.
Cass Jones of Rule was in town
circus day.
James Nausler went up to Au
burn Wednesday.
Joe Varner was a Wednesday
visitor at Auburn.
Stephen Story was among the
Wednesday visitors here.
Dr. Miner and family were Au
burn visitors Wednesday.
Norma Gentry returned Wed"
nesday to Nebraska Cit- .
Dr. Kellar and Ed King go to'
Denver this coining Sunday.
Mrs. E. B. Ellis of Waurika ,
Oklahoma is a guest at the home
of Dr. C. T. Bttrchard and wife.
Mrs. James McDowell of Te
cumseh is visiting her sister Mrs.
Harry Custer.