The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 29, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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p. ' . . . . * * v ' " * '
\ .j 4" V ' * . " , . ' , * ' - " . ' .
$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Interest
C. Smith
Henry . est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the
LANDS & LOANS West and.South. Exchanges made.
Dr. 11 C" . Wlttwer has returned Iron
u business and pleasure trip to differ
cut points In Oklahoma.
Prof A. A.Mc.Munuy left FrlMa ;
for n several weeks tour In South Da
It ota
C M. Linn returned Monday from i
visit with relatives at ( irandln , Mo.
Supervisor W. J. MoCray of Salon
was a Ilumboldt visitor Monday.
Ray Linn and family left Sunday fo
University Place , where they expect t <
make their homo In the future.
Elmer Rousck , who has been attend
Ing school at St. Marys , Kansas , ar
rived In the city Thursday and wll
upend his vacation with Ilumbold
friend * .
Herman Stoneslfer has rcturnei
from a pleasanl visit with his mothc
In Omaha.
Fred Fisher ami wife returned 01
Thursday from a pleasant visit wit !
the hitler's parents ut Whiting , Kans
f'hnstcr Power and family open
hovoral days with friends and relative
In this city the past week.
Al Keonke,5 who has been vlsillni
relatives in this vicinity for hovora
weeks , lell Monday morning for hi
homu at St. Louis.
Mrs. F.JR. Butlcrfield and daughter
Lillian , loft the first of thu week for :
visit with E. W. Elwcll and family ii
Carl Mann , who has been vlsitin ;
friends in this city for several weekt
loft Siinduy for his claim in South Dn
L. C. Edwards of Falls City was
Sunday visitor in this city.
H. A. Mann left Tuesday font vlsl
with a brother in Mexico.
F Emi Cooper is a guesl of relatives !
1 .St. Joseph this week.
J. E. Watts is seriously ill at hi
homu in this city.
Mrs. Orpha Allen and children (
Auburn have been guests of A. I
Snow and family the past week.
Roscoe Anderson returned the foi
part of the week from a business tri
In Oklahoma.
Irvin Shirley and George Grinsteii
' have returned from a visit with reli
lives at Louisville. Ky.
John Fryberger came up from T
uumseh Sunday and made his Tamil
u brief visit.
J.V. . Patterson returned the first i
the week from a visit with friends 1
Five ear loads of machinery for tl
new brick plant arrived In the city ll
kj past week and are now being put 1
place. The bide truck to the yun
j , hub boon completed , and It Is expeeti
I lhal iho necessary urrangemonls fi
f the manufacturing of brick will b
. / c omplct ed by the middle of July.
i Wm. Uuotlner and family , Andre
Kcltercr and family and Martin Noli
and family were guests of John Nell
and wife Sunday.
Charlie and Lloyd Shouso visited i
the Xentner homo Sunday.
Geo. Peck and wife visited with tl
former's father Sunday.
Wm. Uuettncr and family spei
Thursday afternoon at the homo
Wm. Nelmoyer.
Geo. Shouse and family spent Su
day afternoon with Noah Peek's.
| Mrs. Whotstlne and stslor of Pal
City were \ isitors at the homo of Ge
, ' Prichard one day last week.
J ! H. J. Prlchard's enterlalned a tun
t ber of Ihelr trlends Sunday ufiernoc
Ij Hazel Richardson of Falls city w
w a guest of Sadie Peck Sunduj.
"t Jennie Burk visited her friend. Fe
! Shouso Sunday.
i Leo Stump was a visitor at the hoi
> of his sister , Mrs. P. E. Shaffer , Si
, Oscar Burk and wife entertaii
, ' Wm. 13artlett and wife Sunday.
' Cleon Peck was a guest at the ho
of Henry Gordes at Barada last Sat
The Burk brothers entertained th
friend , Jesse McCann Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Cook and two young
children visited with Mrs. Zentner c
day last week.
Lulu Stump is attending sumn
echool in Lincoln.
N. B. Burnworth and family w
Visitors at Nr. Talby'a Sunday.
Allie Dowty's hare purchased a t
I mi Johnston and two brothers span !
Sunday with riureiu'o and Ethel Peek ,
Henry Ilaner and wife of Falrbury ,
Neb. , were present at Ills father's
funeral Monday.
John Mancr , at nearly the age of 0
years , died at the home of hi" duugh
tor , Mrs. Gus Falskcn , Saturday ovciv
inc , alter almost a weeks illness. The
funeral was hold from the Maple Grovi
uhnrch at I p. in. Monday and the re
mains laid to rest In the Maple Grovi
Mr. and Mrs. Seibuuneleher wen
hero from Gllead , Neb. , to attend UK
funeral of the hitter's father , Jolir
Mauer , Monday.
John Llehty and wife of Falls Citj
were visitors at 12. M. IClinmcl's las
J. M. Maust of Slruussvllle spout i
few days the latter part of last wool
with relatives.
Wallace Oulley's new house Is at
most completed and will make them i
line homo.
Mr. Zentner and family were guest !
at Win. Martlet's Sunday evening.
S. II. Knlsoly and wife ' "ere guest !
of 12. T. Peek and wife Sunday.
Cleon Peck and sister , Edith , am
Nellie ICnlsoly were visitors at the
homo of 12ph Peck Sunday.
Aneon Knisoly and wife were guests
of the hitter's parents Sundaj ncai
flamlln , Kansas.
Mannio MoNulty , n young man cm
ployed on the section , had His fee
badly crushed last Saturday morninj
by a switch frog falling on it. lie wu
taken homo and Dr. Burehard , com
puny physician from Falls City , sum
moncd but the member was swelled &
that It was impossible at that time t
toll how bad the Injury was.
Stella has decided not to celebrat
this year as was at first planned , eve
after $200 had been donated for thu
purpose. It was thought that ther
was not sulllelent time to make th
necessary arrangements.
The young men that compose th
Utes club gave u dancing party v.
the opera house last Friday ovcnln <
Werner's orchestra of Falls City fm
nlshing the music. About half th
young ladles present were guests wh
were visiting here from other towns.
Dora Allen and family have move
to Omaha whnru ho has work In n
automobilefactory. .
Una Snldow of Falls City has bee
hired us primary teacher of the Stoll
school at a salary of $12.50 per inontl
Henry Wol'.er and Harvey llogre :
have been at Humphrey the past wee
where they have an Interest In a luii
ber yard.
Mrs. Will Parriott and baby ot LI
i-oln are the guests of Stella rolatlvi
Bertha Moore will teach the M
Hope school this fall and Fay Helink
the Muddy Center school. Both gnu
uatcd from the Stella school last yen
and are now attending summer scho
at Peru.
Urn. Marsti and Elmer Ford left la
week for Chase county where tl
former has a ranch.
Laura Dlaks of Lincoln has been tl
guest of Nevada Hays the past tv
George Davis , who moved to tl
Indian Territory about three yea
ago , has rented the Kessler farm nort
west of town and will move back he
this fall.
A reception was given at the hou
of Gertrude Hays last Thursday eve
Ing , complimentary to the young ladl
who were visiting them from Linco
and Falls City. The llrst of the eve
ing was spent playing bean bag , aft
which the remainder of the evenli
was spent in dancing.
Mrs. J. T. James and daughtei
Anna and Lillian , returned to the
homo at Kearney last Friday nlgli
They had been at Dawson to attci
the wedding of Will James and Alu
Cloyd Vaught Is again clerking
his brother's store.
Win Robinson topped the Kans
City market last Thursday with a c
of hogs. Ho had u car of cattle on t
market also at the same time.
5 Mrs. Esburn Wheeler ana Floren
Wheeler have been spending the we
with friends in St. Joe and Kans
: r City.
Stella is to have another saloon
e the first of July. Will Cox has ma
the necessary arrangements to stt
w one in the Holmlck building north
the Florence hotel.
It Is reported that another livery
barn Is to be started in Stella. Ttii
old barn west of the printing olllce I
to be repaired and used for that pur
Mrs. J. D. Curtis husibcen quite sicl
this * veeJi at thu homu of her parent
near Brownvillo. Her condition wa
vorv Porlou * for a time.
Lloyd Morris and wife attended tin
Naylor-Hcwitt wedding in Falls Ctt ;
on Wednesday of lust week.
Will Wort/ and wife left Mondii'
morning for Alma , Nob.
Mrs. Vint Arnold of VtU'don was li
town Friday.
Lucy Gregory's friends planned i
very pleasant surprise on that youn ;
lady Wednesday evening in commemo
ration of her eighteenth birthday
She was Inveigled away to praye
meutlng while her friends swoopei
down upon her home , having gatherci
at the home of Ivu Meredith. Genia
companions , music , games and tcfresh
incut : made the evening a very enjoy
able one for the young people.
Mesdames Clint Baker and .Tun
Tlsdell drove to the county capitol 01
Jesslo Jones returned from Trlnlduo
'olo. ' , Wednesday ) after a years v'si '
' 1th h > r grandparents
W. D. Easley of Kansas City was 1
own Friday.
Halite Kelly entertained a larg
umber of friends at his home Frida
veiling. Games and music were in
ulged in Refreshments were serve
t a late hour after which the guest
cparted. All enjoyed a pleasant tl nt
Ora French spent Thursday and Fri
ay in Falls City.
W. M. Boyd , HI Shlldneck and \V
Darls were Falls City visitors Wei
Irene spin-lock was u Falls City put
encer Friday.
The ice cream so-Mal last Saturda
evening was well attended.
Sarah Thompson is in the countr
risltlng her sister , Mrs. Ed Morris.
Shelt Harris spent Sunday at Wn
- * _ _
Dwlght Harmon spent Saturday an
Sunday with his cousins , Bertie an
Frances Smith , In the country.
Bertha Shubert returned home i
Sunday after a two weeks visit wit
rlcnds in Salem.
Ed Shubert and wife spent Sundi
with friends in the country.
Mr. Blight and wife spent Sundi
with their son living west of town.
Dr. Strong of Barada was In the el
the llrst of the week making repal
nbout hlb property here which will 1
occupied by Postmaster Evans aftt
July 1st.
The firm of Soils Bros. In ihe livei
and feed business has been dissolve
John Inking the mall from hero
Stella after July 1st , and Hiram wl
continue the livery business and v
have no doubt but what he will kei
up the reputation of the barn.
While picking cherries for Mr
Hayes at Stella , Minnie Hoover hi
the misfortune to fall from a six fo
ladder and sustained severe injuries.
Elmer Ham has a job with the tel
phone company.
Winnie Harmon and Mr. Helmick
Stella visited with her aunt , Mi
Lydla Harmon Sunday.
Wade Whltton and wife of Sale
were in attendance at the unveiling
the monument at Prairie Union Su
Mrs. Stephen Cooper returned fro
Custcr City , Oklahoma , hist hiiturd :
where she was called a week ago 1
a telegram that her mother wa n
oxpecteu to live.
H. J. Chester and son , John , led i
Tuesday evening for Hot Springs , S
where he hopes that the minci
water will cure him of his aflhctlc
He will bo gone two or three weeks.
Wm. Farlow of Wymore was a Rv
visitor Sunday evening.
Muttlo Hayes is quite sick at tl
Cecil Kanaly entertained Mary S
llvan and Clara Gugnon of Falls Cl
the latter part of last week.
Helen Restorer and Margaret Cou
spent Sunday with Gertrude Kana
Lawrence Kanaly and Torn Murp
of Pre.'tom were visitors here Sundt
Helen Kanaly has been visiting t
past week with friends at Galc burg
and Qulncy , 111.
J. M. Gustafson of Wymore was a
Rule visitor Monday.
The steamboat Susan , from Pcoria ,
111. , arrived at Rule Monday noon uud
fled up until Tuesday morning , when
they left for Omaha. The captain was
a pleasant gentlemen to talk with and
entertained a number of our citizens
In the evening.
John Inks of Salem visited with W ,
A. True and family Sunday.
Lessle Inks , who is stopping will ;
Joseph McDonald and wife , visited ir
Rule Monday afternoon.
Mcsdames Glide Adams and Hour }
Still were Atchison the hitler part ol
last week.
John Kanaly is putting down a con
crete walk in front of his lot adjoining
the postolllce on First street this week. .
R. C. .Tnmes came down from the
county seat Tuesday morning
F. E. Kulp of Wymore was looking
after Ihe Burllnglon's Interests hen
the first of the week.
Mrs. Adallne Scott of Kansas spen
several days with Ella Carpenter din
ing the sickness of her father.
Whllo digging bait to go fishing
Floyd and Vearlc True were badlj
poisoned. Floyd got a very severe dost
and has been under the doctor's can
forsevcral days.
The raspberries and early black
berries are coming on the market , am
are fine.
Judge Gagnon of Falls City atlendei
the funeral Geo. W. Carpenter 01
Frank Robbison was in Rule a few
da > s last week.
Joseph McDonald met with a painfu
accident Sunday. He was riding !
fractious horse which threw him. thei
stepped on him , breaking three of hi
Clarence Seott came lo Rule Thurs
day to attend the funeral of his uncle
Emma Sheperd returned from Wy
more a few days ago , where she ha
spent the last two months.
Joseph Miles came down from Fall
City Thursday to attend the funeral o
G. W. Carpenter.
Miss Gertrude Lum is viiitlng ii
this week.
Roy Watson is homo for his suinmei
vacation from Collier.
Mrs. Foutch came home ill , fron
her visit to Mrs. Pearl Combs In Hoi
ton Kansas.
A fishing parly given by Mrs. Duan
Corn lo the Ladles Kensington , and
few others went down on the Nemoh
Tuesday , spenl the day having an eh
gunt dinner and supper. They repoi
twenly-fiye lish caught. After n
turning home they all gathered for
good time at the home of Miss Gruc
Sailors , where a roj'al time was ha <
Refreshments were ice cream an
Mrs. Jones and daughters Mrs. Dav !
and Miss Elizabeth Jones uf Topoal
Arizona are visiting relatives arouu
T L. Hall is on the sick list th
Dr. Houston was in town Tuesday.
Mr. B. Wiser is visiting in Syco
more Spring * for the benefit of n
Mrs. Lucy Cornell returned Satui
day night from a visit to her daughte :
Mrs. Mannis in Auburn , occompanie
by two grand daughters.
T. L. Hall and" his mother Mr
Julia Hall were in Falls City last weel
Mr. Davis of Salem came over t
meet Dr. Davis of Omaha who was i
town last week.
Vushte Cornell is visiting in Per
this week.
Mrs. Mellza was a Falls City vislK
1 Mrs. Beebe and daughter of Cal
fornla left for other points Monda
night , after a visit with Mr. Reese un
Mrs. Mary Clark attended the fune
nal of an Aunt down in Kansas las
Ray E. Hunt has come to Verdon t
spend his eummer vacation.
The Committee are at work towar
getting the Picnic started.
Qusen Gulnn visited Mrs. Meliz
last week.
Mrs. Maud -Veal and two childrc
of St. Joseph came up for a visit wit
relatives last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey entertalne
a parly of young folks , in honor o
Miss Beebe hist Monday night.
Real Estate Transfers.
Kred Mcatilieu and wf to G. W. DIx.
on. wd lot 1 blk ! ) Steele's add lo Falls
City. Consideration j.1500.00.
John J. Klima and wife to William
G. James , wd lot a si lot 1 blk 24 Hud
udorn's add lo D.uvson. Considera
lion 1-1230.00.
Charlotta E. Leech and Homer U
Howe , wd lot 1-2 blk 27 , Humboldt
Consideration 8200.00.
James L. Leech and wf to Home :
wd lotj.'l blk27 Humboldt. Considera
lion WOO.00.
Paul C. RieU and wf to Jacol
Werner wd si of nwj of sec 1-2-L
Rech Co. Consideration $0700.00.
Charles F. Watther to John Neitzel
wn lot 7 blk 100 Arago S2u.OO.
Heirs of William SchocK to Edwii
S. Towle wd lot 18 blk 01 , Falh City
Consideration $ 'J,000.
Lincoln Land Co. to Humphrey M
. ' blk 17. lot
Edgecombe qcd lots 1-4-7-g
5.0-12-K ! blk 18 lots l-2-o-12-l blk 1 !
lots 20-12-iJ : blk 91 lots 2-i.l2-ii-l-l-lo : :
1(5 blk 82 lots 10-11-13-10 blk Sli Ruli
Proper also lots 7-8-12-U1-14-15- 1.
lots -1-VO 7-8-9'M-l.vlG blk 10 lols 9-10
11-12-ia-l. * blk 17 lols l-2-r .0-9-10-i-l : )
blk 18 lols o-C-7-8-I3-14-lo blk 1'Jlol
blk 17 lols 14-15 blk 4S , Bnauleau am
Bedard Add lo Rule Consideratio
County of Richardson to J. B. Harrl
qcd lots 9-10 blk 222 , Falls City. Con
sidcration $30.00.
J. N. Eckman and wf lo H. M
Edgecombo qcd lots 0 8 blk o9 lot 1
blk 08 lot 12 blk (10 ( Rulo. Considera
lion $50.00.
Frank Simons was up fron
Rule Sunday.
Geo. Stiles of Dawson spcn
Tuesday here.
Sallie Schoenheit visited friend
in Salem the fore part of thi
J. II. Miles attended the Cai
penter funeral at Rule on las
Lewis C. Kdwards and Walte
Staver were the guests of Saler
friends Friday evening.
G. W. Segrist , formerly o
Humboldt but now representin
the Iowa Homestead , was in thi
city Tuesday.
Jack Jellison and Harry Ilube
took in the pleasures of th
Parker Amusement Co. , at His
watha yesterday.
Mrs- John Wilson and sistci
Mrs. Caffray , are expecting t
leave soon for a visit with rek
tives at Mound City , Mo.
Mrs. Smith and three gran
children , . Ed , Chauncey a n
Willard Grant Simmons , lef
Tuesday evening for Indepem
ence , Kansas.
Mrs. C. Gehling left last Fr
day for Lead , S. D. where sh
will spend some time with he
daughter Josephine , who is
teacher in the public schoo !
Roy Heacock a n d Thoma
Glines went to Humboldt We <
nesday to see the ball gam *
Roy played short stop for Hun
boldt , while Tommy enjoyed tli
cool breexe in the grand stand.
Mr. and Mrs. Clotts , son an
daughter , Russell and Waym
Ray and Lee Stewart and Fre
Richards drove over from Hi ;
watha and spent Sunday th
guests of Grace Hoppe and Arli
Little Clara Gehling fell froi
the porch at the home of he
parents John Gehling and wife
Wednesday evening and brok
her arm. The fracture was ai
tended to immediately and w
hope it will not be very painft
for the little one. _
Notice. /
Correspondents will please have ' i *
news in bv Tuesday morning of next t
week , on account of th ,
L. Knickerbocker spent Wednesday - - /
nesday in Hiawatha. 1
Mrs. J. Harrisis havingserious
trouble with her eyes-
Anita Wilson is visiting friends
in Highland and Hiawatha
Frank Snethen of Ilumboldt
was here the first of the week.
George Walil spent Wednesday
in Hiawatha attending the street
J. II. Miles drove to Sycamore
Springs Monday returning on
Mrs. J. Jellison is seriously ill
at her home , being still confined
to her bed.
John Hutchins enjoyed the ex
citement of the street fair at Hiawatha -
awatha , Wednesday.
Lewis C. Kdwards and Walter
Staver were the guests of Salem
friends Friday evening.
Col. Jim Powell chaperoned
a fishing party the first of the
week and came back with "nary a
H. P. Marble editor of the
Humboldt Leader , accompanied
the Omaha boomers to this city
last Friday.
Lloyd Morris and wife of Stella
spent a few da3s here the past
week , the guests of her parents ,
D. P. Lowe and wife.
Landlord Spence recently made
a trip to Beatrice where he se
cured the service of four dining-
room girls now in charge. ?
Mrs. Geo. S. Cleveland return
ed Tucsda ) ' from a three weeks
visit with her daughter Mrs.
Chester Fisher at Oswego , Kan
K. S. Molony of Ilumboldt who
is making his home at the Na
tional Hotel , has been under the
doctor's care a few days this
Mrs. L. Knickerbocker and
twin daughters Ruth and Ruby
returned last night from a two
weeks visit with her daughter in
Mr. Gray while en route from
New York to his home at Los
Angeles , spent a few days this
week the guest of his brother-in
law Stephen Miles.
Robt Vaegle was up from Rule
Thursday and while here called d'
at these quarters and added his )
name to our subscription list , and
has our thanks for the same.
Mike Clancy was brought down ,
by Sheriff Fenton from Stella.
Tuesday night and brought be
fore the board on the grounds of
insanity. He will probably be
taken to the state infirmary.
A splendid article by "An Ob
server , " on the general appear
ance of our city , was unavoid
ably crowded out at the last
moment and will appear in our .
next issue. We hope every reader - *
er will carefully note what is said
on the subject.
Herman Minnick left yesterday
for Atchison , where he has a po
sition as agent for the Adams
Express Co. Irvin Basim , form
erly freight agent at the C B &
Q. will be our local agent. We
wish Herman a successful busi
ness career in Atchison.