I 8 THE FALLS CITk' TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JUNE 22 , 1906. Henry C. Smith $40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Interest - . est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made. SHUBERT Minnie Hover Is working for Mr. 11 a } ? lit sli'llu. Mrs. rluruneo Cruse visited Mrs. Lydlu Harmon Sunilay evening. .Mrs W. M. smith and May Siitnplu visited with Mrs. Lydlu Harman Wed nesday. Mrs. Rupor of Omaha Is in this city the guest of her sister Mrs. Hardy llnyo. Elmer und Ruy Hurmnn were Stella'1 ' visitors lust Sunduy. Artie Cominper and family from the country were visiting his father Wed nesday. Cloc Wilkinson of Vcrdon is visiting her cousins Currlo and Bluneho Brick- er this week. Flee stotts visited with Gruco Palmer - , er lust Sunday. I The Woodmen of the World unveilt ed the monunuint lately erected to tin : ' memory of John H. Harmon at Prulro Union iStinday 17. .1. L. Dalby and Rev. Sapti wore the speakers. A largo crowd was in attendance and the pro gram was line. Susie Herns of Stella wus the guest of Minnie and Susie Hoover Sunday. . Lord Leaders of Shubcrt went to Vcrdon Sunduy and played bull with | the Vcrdon bull boys und won the game by ono score. STELLA. Win. Button und Miss Sudlo Survia of this place were murricd ut Council Blulls ono duy last week. They have returned to Stella , und huvo already gene to housekeeping. O. M. Rlckiirds. who has been run ning .1 feather rcnvoutor hero for the past three months , has moved the out fit to Peru. The Shuberl bull nine bent the Stellu nine last Sunduy in u eleven inning gumo by a score of llftcon to nlxtceti. Mrs. Oll'o Stokes of Auburn bus been clerking in Thomas & Martin's iJtore this week. Mrs. A. L. Adams left Sunduy to join her parents of Tulmugo for a month's trip through Colorado. Vudu Tolly Is the proud possessor of u new piano. The young people of the Baptist church have ot ganl/.cd u soelty to be known us "Tho Willing Workers" and have already a membership of sixteen. A daughter wus born to W. B. Will iams and wife on Wednesday , Juno llllh. Cup Evuns und wife and Mrs. Dora Allen ami baby tire spending the week with relatives at Tecumseh. Mrs. Charley Mason hub been In Omaha this week having her eyes treated by u specialist. Walter Gugnubin bus resigned us electrician of the Stollu Telephone Conpany und will move to Nebraska City where he will work for the Hell people. Herbert Hays Is home from Omaha where ho has been attending school the pr.si term. Mrs. Story of Falls City Is spending the week with her daughter , Mrs. Issue Stolt/ , south of town. Will McMuhun und wlfo of Elk Creek spent lust week with relutlvcs nenr Stollu. Ed Swope bus been in Lucas county Kansas , this week visiting a son. Bess Houston of Auburn is spending the week with her sister , Mrs. Swan who lives east of town Karl Burkott of Omaha is here for an extended visit with Herbert Hays. Mrs. Dewnlt , who lived in Stollu u number of yeurs ugo , dicdut Fulls City where she has been living lately , lust week und was burled in the Stella cemetery Sunduy evening. Esburn Wheeler attended u conven tion of undertakers in Lincoln lust week. Wai. Brown er , returned last Satur day from a month's visit in Kell , Okhi homa , with his son , Charley. His ill- illnd tie grandson returned with him nd will spend the summer here. Dr. Allen has rented the Luthcrai parsonage and has already taken pos session of the same. Thelma Andrews wus live years oh last Saturday , and the event was com memorated with a birthday party About thirty little people were prc sent. A picture was taken of . re.he crowd. Rollio Bain , who has been uttendlnj school in Lincoln the past year , is noi a street car conductor in that town. IIUMBOLDT ( ) A Cooper was u business visitor In Omahii tint first of the week. Mrs. A I ) ( iise and baby returned to their homo in Table Rock Sunduy , ufter spending sijverul duy- with 0. W Hutterlluld and wile. Dr. K. A. Lit''hllold Is entertaining hit mother from Kunsu * City this week. Hay 1C. Miller and wlfo left Thurs day for a visit with relatives ut St. Louis , Mo. Lou Ho well und family left Tuesday for u i.\ weeks visit with eastern rela tives. Xoe Nlms returned Thursday from Lincoln where she \\n \ \ * been attending school the | iast year. Desslo Lee , a student is the stale University arrived In the city the last of the week and will spend her viica- tlon with her put-nuts. At u meeting of Ihu commercial club hold j Thursday evening It was decided to hold three days carnival this full. Mrs. M. C. Davis him returned from a pleasant visit with her son , Ben Me- iiC Cullough und family at Ilavelock. J. C. Scgrist returned Saturday from u visit with relatives In Illinois' . Fred Schmolzcl and family who hud been j making friends in this city a visit loft Tuesday for their new homo ut Morse , Indian Territory. I ) . W. NIcll of 1'uwneo City wus looking ufter business interests in tills city several duys this week. Joseph Vance of Pawnee City wa a Ilumboldt visitor Tuesday. County Attorney II. 0. .lumcb was a visitor ut the home of U. H. Minis Sun- duy. duy.Co Co ) . M. W. Harding returned Thurs day from Creston , ! ! ! . , where he hud boon crying a big sulo. Mrs. Geo. Turner und children , who hud been visiting relatives in Lincoln returned to their homo In this city Sunduy. Corn Drake who has been visiting her parents oust of town , returned Sun duy to St. Joseph to resume her duties us u nurse In u hospital in that city. A. A. Tanner wus transacting bus ! ness In Burehurd several days this week. Mrs. II. A. Munn und children left ' Tuesday for u visit with friej'ds at Guthrle , Oklahoma. lone Morton spent several duys this week with Falls City friends. Mrs. Hen Strainer returned Monday from St. Joseph , where she hud beer taking medical treatment in one of the hospitals. Judge Broudy of Lincoln was u busl ness visitor in this city Tuesduj. Rena Gergens , Florence Hummel und Ethel Hcery attended the Metho dist Sunday school convention which was held at Adams this week. SALEM Olive Tlldon went to Fremont Mon day where she o.spects to go tochool during the summer vacation. Mr * . Uuy of Subolhti wn * in Salem this week on business , i I mi Billings accompiiuyed Mrs. Geo. Knupp to Verdon Friday evening. Mrs. Olllo Miller returnud home 1Cm , from the Sunduy School convention that wus held ut Stellu Thursday. Will Vunderwort drove to Falls , City Saturday. , Mrs. C. B. Kmmert Is reported , | quite hick. Mrs. Joe W hullo und hon Joe. drove to Falls City Saturday afternoon. Grandma Bates Is again on the sick list this week Mrs. Anna Wort/ und mother Mrs. Smith visited In the country at Mrs Ralph Moore's Wednesday. Mrs. Bert McCool w a u Fulls Cltj . J visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Albert Adams returned Friday after a short visit with relatives unc . | friends in Humboldt. - Will Ogden was passenger to Falls - City Tuesday for u short visit wltl , relatives. The two weeks old infant of Mr. nd Mrs. Bert Foraeker died Friday morn - ing and was buried the following ufter noon. Iva Meredith returned homo Satur - day afternoon after u short visit at ' urhe . country homo of Miss Gertrude Me - Dowcll. Charlie McCool is giving his rest ! denco a new coat of paint. Vcrdon and Salem played bull Frl day afternoon at the fair ground ; Salem being the victors. Will Ogden returned home from St ' Joe Saturday afternoon. Will Gregory and wife drove to Fulls City .Saturday morning. The bund boys gave u concert lusti Saturday evening. This was the llr t free concert given and was well appre ciated as the Streets were crowed. Charlie MeCool and wlfo und little son were visitors at the county scat Thursday. A. 0. May. Drs. Pay und Waggoner hud good success in lishlng Friday afternoon. Mr * Allen May and little son re turned liumu from Fulls City Friday afternoon accompanied by Mrs. Will Unlit : and little ban. Itev. Hunt ciime down from Lincoln Stiiurduy evening and returned Mini- day morning. Mr * . Ed. May left Friday , for a visit in Missouri. Luther Stewart was In Fulls < ity Friday. Lori Turner was In Fulls City Fri- duy. Roy Turner returned I'lomu from Ord , Xebr. , Thursday. Lloyd Buker und Will Kcrr drove to Fulls City Saturday. Prof. Hell came down from Ilum- boldt Sunduy. Sum Buinound wife and nephew , Ed Bulno of Falls City are visiting at John Moore's. Oru French was in Fulls City Thurs day. Florence Jones was in Fulls Uity Friday. Mattlo Martin returned home from Stella Sunduy ufter an extended visit. Crete Stewart is v isiting in town this week. Postmaster Roberts returned homo from Omaha Monday. Jim French , wlfo and little son were passengers to Oklahoma Tuesday. Mrs. Ednu Morris und little daugh ter of Stollu visited with Mr * . IT. C Martin the first of the week. Tom Morris of Stellu visited in Sal em Sunduy. Mrs. Ed Muy returned home from Mo. , lust Sunday. Ura Mobley is assisting Mrs. StotTcr in the Central olllce this week. RULO. Dr. F. E. Wiser of Sllverton. Col. , was a pleasant visitor in Rule lust week. Jim Mendcnhull of Beatrice was u Rule visitor Thursday of last week. J. C. Glcnu the fence foreman was a Rule visitor between trains Friday morning. F. M. Tinsley wus a county capital visitor Friday. Miss Edith Kern wus u Fulls Citj visitor Friday. A. F. Boomer of Iviish bottom was u business visitor in Rule Saturday. Cecil Kunuly visited in Fulls City Saturday. Nettle Omuru of Salem \lslted her sister Mrs. A. Durveau tills week. . Gee K. Ward Is the happiest man in town all on account of u baby girl arriving ut his homo lust Friday. Our forryinun done a big business last Sunday ho transferred twenty three teams across the river und re turn. II. A. Belpeuro was u Preston visit or Sunday. Will Kunuly und Ed Murphy of Preston were Rule visitors sunduy. W. J. Cunningham and wife were visitors ut the Big Luke sunduy ufter- noon. . , Ivu Perry and wlfo of Hushbottom visited in Rule Sunday niyht the , - guests of Ed Hopper und wife. stove Cunningham und wife attend ed the picnic and ball game at the I Big bike Sunday. Rose Plant wus a visitor at the Big lake sunduy. U. A. scotl , Homer Kirk und Hurry Blunchurd were Missouri Sunday. Edith Kern was a visitor at the Big - ' .tike Sunday afternoon. - The ice cream social given by th ladles of Royal Neighbors lodge at tb > - Tinsley Hotel Saturday was well at tended and a good time was enjoyed by - all. all.C. C. E. Cceley visited atHlghland stat - ion Saturday night. Dodo Anderson and family visited friends near Hiawatha lust Sunday. . C. C. Bradley of Beatrice was trans acting business in Rule Tuesday. ( People not in the mercantile business have but faint conception of the enor = mous amount of goods which accumu = late in a store , that are odd , short length or for some reason undesirable. The SPECIAL SALES that are being held throughout the country are planned for the most part for the pur = pose of getting rid of this class of mer chandise. It has been our policy not to wait until these old , odd and not wanted stocks accumulated to a large amount , but to force it out each season. We now offer a large variety of articles that come under this classification at prices so much below regular cost , that you will be doing yourself an injustice if you fail to look ihrough our store. You will doubtless find some articles which will fit your immediate wants at a substantial saving. We have the best reason in the world for making great reductions , viz : we wish to get rid of the goods we offer. You will find bargains in Carpets , Rugs , Mattings , Curtains , Shades , Skirts , Spring Jack = ets , Rain Coats , Ladies' Suits , Shirt Waists , Dress Goods , Silks , Summer Wash Goods , Muslins , Sheetings , Cali = coes , fluslin Wear , Knit Underwear , Hosiery , Corsets , Ribbons , Neckwear , Shirts , Umbrellas , Parasols , Belts , Bags , Purses. First comers will get the plums. V. G. LYFORD M. J. LaBlanc is having the concrete walks put down this week for J. H. Mile's buildings on Main street The Missouri River has been on the rise for several days going up to the U2-03 murk. G. W. Carpenter is still very very low at this \\irlting with no hopes for his recovery. Geo. E. Ward is the owner of a spun of fine driving horses which uro boun ties. Jim Tanpney js. now has the Rural mail route south und west. Judson Carpenter resigning to go into the livery business. Henry Schmidt completed the con crete walk along Mrs. Belperes resi dence property this week. OHIO Mrs. J. W. Maust of Strausvillo left for Waterloo Iowa lust Thursday for a visit with relatives. Harvey Peck entertained Lester Richardson of Falls City last Sunday. John Hutchison and Guy Burk were guests of Ralph Rhoads. E. T. Peck entertained his father and mother last Sunday. Mrs Perry Shaffer entertained Mrs. Juke Glbble and children last Sun duy. John Nolle und family were a guest of Win. Huettner's und family John Wiltse and wlfo came out from Fulls City to visit her relatives and pick cherries Monday. The fine rain which came Sunday night und Monday was very accept able und it was needed very badly. War Hutchison and Clarence Peck entertained their friends Charley and Lloyd Shouso last Sunday. Edna Stetler returned to her homo at Salem Saturday after a two weeks visit with her friend Ina Johnston. Andrew Ketterer and family were guests of williura Huettners and fumlly. S. II Knlsely and family were the guests of Eph. Peck and family last Sunday. Samuel Mohler of Falls City is as sisting Eph Peck in picking cherries. Martin Noltes entertained August Zorn and wife last Sunday. Mrs. F. S. Lichty sprained her ankle very badly Saturday evening which has been quite painful. Nellie Knlsely and Edith Peck were guests of Mrs Clay Peck , Sunday. Mrs Ellis HouU and daughter o \ Verdon are down visiting and picking , cherries. Clay Peck and wife entertained A E. Knisely und wife sunduy. Ida und Jennie Burk und little bro ther were guests ut Noah Peck's Sun day. day.Fern Fern Shouse wus u guest of Ethe' ' Peek , Sunday. Mrs. O. A. Burk returned home from St. Joe Monday where she has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Fred Chesloy for five weeks. M. E. Church. The following- services next , ' Sabbath : ; \ , 9:45 : Sunday school. \ Rev. Dr. Geo. I. Wright , presiding - j siding- elder will preach at the i M. E , church next Sunday at 11 j a , in. { 3:00 : p. in. Junior league. 7 p. in. Epworth league. 8:00 : p. in. , sermon You are invited to attend. W. T. CLINE , Pastor.