* i ! THE FALLS ClTtf TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JUNE 15 , 1906. x - ? J .J. N vJ. * > < e. f..S > J. > N txNJ -Sv * vJ.jK5. i > s Everybody Bad in Louisville ! A 5 ; An evangelist asked the postmaster of Louisville to send him the names of un = I saved people of that town. The postmas = tersent him the city directory so as to give everybody a chance. The reverse is true of our lands at Deer = field and Granada. You could almost shut your eyes and not get a bad piece. We know that if you once see our country < > .you will not be satisfied until you have secured some of it. It is the most fascinat = I ing country you ever saw. We never had t anyone say that they did not like it. Come : K on the next excursion/and / see for yourself. I Remember the date ; dune 19th. 1 A CLEAVER & SEBOLD I OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE , FALLS CITY , NEB.rf , . . . t ; xj 5Kj jHjKN ? HjxxjxJ ; ; M w.j.v } J ; > v j > .5 ; > } xj ; SHUBERT Mrs. Jerrlo Ballard , living four miles cast o ( Shuuitrtdlcd last Tuesday availing after a fo\v days illness mill was burh'd at llrnwnvillo Thursday. Minnie Hoover Is working for Mr. Chrlstter this week. May Lampu vUHed willi MIH. Smith in the country Saturday evening and Sunday. Joe Shubert anil wife Iroin the west ern part of the stuto visited with Mrs. Lydla IJannon Sunday. Suslo Horns and Hay Harmon , Min nie Hoover and Charley Alum went llshlng at the Nemaha Sunday. The A O I' W and 1) of 11 gave an ice cream and strawberry supper at Taylor hall Saturday evening free to tbo members and tholr families A largo crowd was present and everyone enjoyed themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Smith vKUt-d Mrs. Lydiu Harmon last Saturday. Joe Christy living cast of town hub been sick for some time but at this writing is some better. Ills friends wish for him a speedy recovery. A son of Mr. Cole living east of town is very low with typhoid fever. Florence and I'oarl Gulp wont to Porn ln t wnok to uttond th summer normal. Mesdiuues Wolf and Kenton visited with Mrs. Harmon last Friday after noon. John Shulenberg visited on his farm u few days last week. Mrs Walter Lewis while picking cherries last Friday fell from a stepladder ladder and sustained severe injuries. Dr. Shook was called and at present fiho is some better but will be confined to her bed for some time. Florence Fish , daughter ofV. . M , Fish living east of town , la quite sick with typhoid fever. Mrs. Lydiu Harmon and May Lampi visited with Mrs. Frank Oathout 01 Thursday evening Thomas lloover and family loft Fri day for Rockport , Mo. , to visit hi brother for a , few days. J. F. Shubert will commence ti build a new residence soon where tin old blacksmith shop now stands. J. N. Colglazlor and wife were callei to Indiana by the serious illness of hi father. Charley Schulonberg has rented th James property on Elm street and wl ) CO to housekeeping soon. Charley Raper lost a valuable cal one day last week. Slmmiu Weddlo loft ono day week for a visit with his sister , Mrs. Charley Hall , at Home , Kans. Mrs. Henderson of Shubert and Mrs. Harper , of Auburn were visiting in Stella last Tuesday. FARGO Mr. and Mrs. Dicker and daughter of Springfield , Mo. , arc visiting at the homo of Dr. Koonig this week , and ex pect to remain for some time. John Santo transacted business in Kulo the last of the week. Geo. ! * . Hcrccr of UulYulo , Naw York the guest of John Futscher and wife. He Is a cousin to Mesdamcs Futschor and John Paul. Mr. lierger Is an elec trician and if not called away on busi ness intends to mal < o an extensive visit. Misses NiUscbo were visitors in Falls City the last of the week. H. J. Suit/ transacted Important business hero the last of the week. Willie Zimmerman transacted busi ness in Sunny Valley the last of the week. Philip Michel was u business visitor here last weel : . Win. Buckminstor transacted busi- nct.s in Sunny Vulley the 'irst of the week. James sells , sr. , had business here this week. A. J. Santo of lluzcl Dell transacted business in Uulo the. first of the week. D. M. lilooni had business near hero part of this week. Lafo Fout and wlfo ol Falls City vis ited at the home of A. K. Swain over Sunday. Grant Freol was in Hulo Monday. Samuel Mackey of Harada was a pleasant caller here recently. Fred C. Paul was transacting busi ness hero Tuesday. Uncle Hilly Jones and wife returned from tholr newly purchased homo in Oklahoma recently. Uncle Billy and wlfo are between 95 and 100 years old and manage their work as well or bet ter than many younger people. The old lady has regained her eyesight anil can now read a newspaper without the use of glasses. She is also stead ) , nerved enough to thread a necdlo. Edmund Dorsto was in Rule Friday Geo. J. Schmidt was a Rule vlsltoi Saturday. Emma Zimmerman was In Rule ot Saturday lust. Fred Nltzscho of Winnebago CreeV was in Rule on business Saturday. Fred Paul transacted business at the county capilol Saturday. .Mrs. Thomas Mandervillo was here Friday. .lamei Wolf has been quite sick for some time. Win. Buunian had business In Pres ton the last of the week. Walter Hiikcr visited over Sunday in Missouri. Mrs. Win. .lones was shopping in Rule Saturday. Mr. Fouls of Uraig , Mo. , Is visiting relatives hero this week. Mrs. .1. W. Santo was a Rule visitor Wednesday i William Haeh and son John were Rule callers Saturday. E. W. I'otipu was in Rule Friday. Marriage Record. Nathan E Burgett , Humboldt 21 Phonbo E Onrrans , Dawson 2'2 Married by Judge Gagnon , May III. John L Morris , Pueblo , Cole 2(1 ( Anna B Murphy , Falls City 211 John A Benedict , Verdon 01 ! Carrie Smith , Falls City M Milton strain , Sirui < mvUlr , . . . X Bartlm Srlbennciokor , Gllead 21 ! Married by Rev Brewer , Juneti. John Koiui , Merrill , Kans 2'J Bculah Sandrock Merrill It Donuoll R Dcmaree , Auburn 2. " Minnie E Young. Stella 2'J Ten Years in Bed. " For ten years 1 was confined to my bed was dlseaso of my kidneys. " writes R. A. Gray , J. P. of Oakville , Ind. "It was so severe that I could not move part of the time. 1 consulted the very best medical skill available , but could get no relief until Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me. It has been a Godsend to me. " For ! sale at Moore's Pharmacy. FOK EKNT. A live room cot- 1 tage in good repair with barn and ' eight lots , within fiour blocks ol the post office. ' 13. I. RKAYIS. I Best For Womeu and Children. : | On account of Its mild action ant i plnasant taste Orino Laxative Frul I Syrup is especallly recommended foi women and children. It does no nauseat of gripe like pills and ordinary I ' cathartics. Orino Laxative Frul Syrup aids digestion and stimulate I1 the liver and bowels without irritat Ing them. Remember the name Orln < ciand refuse substitutes. For sale a 1 Moore's Pharmacy. Cures Biliousness , Eicl : Cleanses the system Headache , Sour Stomach thoroughly and clears ach , Torpid Liver and sallow complexionslbf Chronic Pleasant Constipation. to take Laxative Fruit Syrup For Sale at Dr. Moore's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr. Burlington Bulletin. Free Lands in the Crow Reser- ntiun : Register at Sheridan or llings for the fret1 government [ rawing ot thi-ae lands ; 100 acres o each lucky person. Tickets on ale .June 10th to the 2Gth , inclu- ive , final limit July 10th. One arc for the round trip ; maximum ound trip rate from B. & M. joints $20. 125,000 acres of this and can be irrigated , and will bo vorth at least $50 an aero the day vater is turned on the land. Con- tilt nearest ticket agent for rules ind information. To California , Portland and 'uget Sound : Daily low excur- ion rates commencing I tine 1st or this attractive trip : still lower ates .June Isth to the 22nd , in clusive and from -hine 25th to Inly 7th , inclusive. To Colorado and Return : \bout half rates. Still lower rates or the Elk's great meeting at Denver. Tickets sold .Inly 10th n 15th inclusive. To Eastern Resorts ; Daily low iummer tourist rates. Special Homeseekers' Rates : 1st and I5rd Tuesdays. Person- illy conducted excursions on 1st uul ! 5rd Tuesdays of each month ; those seeking free homesteads of (510 ( acres of mixed fanning and lairying. Write D. Clem Denver , Agent Homeseekers' information 3urenu , 1001 Fnrnnm St. , Omaha , Nebraska. STCNYAUT } Agt. L.W. WAKBLCY , G. P. A. Omaha. You Will Prosper in the Great Southwest In Oklnlioinn , Indian Territory and Texas arc vast areas of unim proved land land not now yield ing the crops of which it is cap able. The name conditions apply to the towns. Few lines of busi ness nre adequately represented. There are openings o ? all sorts for mills and factories , for small stores , for banks , newspaper and lumber yards. Yon have only to get on the grcnnd to prove this. To enable yon to do so the Mis souri , Kansas and Texas railway offer Rates Cheaper Than Ever Feb. 6th and 20th March 6th and 20th On above dates most lines will sell both one-way and round trip tickets at exceptionally low rates. If your nearest railroad agent can not give you the rates , write mo for particulars. If you're in any way interested in the Southwest , I'd like to send you my paper "The Coining Coun try. " Address W. S. ST. GEORGE. General Passenger Agent 550 Wainwrinht IMdfl. St. Louis , No. Tickets are on sale everywhere , via Mis souri , Kansas and Texas Railwaj. THOROUGH counsel IN BUSINESS , SHORTHAND , TYPEWRITING , TELEGRAPHY AND PREPARATORY teachers I me incutG > iintasiiim uurV Assistance in Mcurlii tMsitiotib.VotV. . to earn lioanl Individual instruction Fitter any time I.rssons b ) mail Advantages of a capital cit ) Write forCatal gue No , j , Lincoln Business College . 1 1NCOL.N NV KKASK \ RETURNs c DESTINATIONS San Francisco , Los Angeles VIA PORTLAND AND PUGET SOUND-S 2.fi6 round trip , one way via Shasta Route. DATES OF SALE-April 25 to May . " . . RETURN LIMIT , July 31. STOPOVERS Points between the Missouri River and : Pacitic Coast. ROUTES Good via direct routes ; for instance , to San J ? Francisco or Los Angeles , via Denver. Scenic Colorado. E Salt Lake City. ; To San Francisco via Denver , Scenic Colorado , Salt \ ] Lake Route through Los Angeles. No tour of the Coast is complete unless it includes the Puget Sound. n TRAIN SERVICE-Daily through Pullman Standard it - : and Tourist Sleepers to San Francisco via Denver , Kio c. t' Grande Route Salt Lake City : Tourist Sleepers Thursday c i : ; and Fridays , personally conducted. C Daily through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to Los Angeles t ; via Denver , Rio Grande Route , Salt Lake City , thence Salt I ) Lake Route ; Tourist Sleepers Tuesdays and Saturdavs , O personally conducted. Write or call for California descriptive matter , -'Pacific Coast Tours , " folders , berths , information. Describe your proposed trip and let us advise you how to make it at least cost. * " s C CC C1o I ) Q. A _ STEWART , Agent C Vfi ) fi fic BINDER TWINE THATS MADE AT HOME E- Ss'\ ITS NOT TWINE"E TRUST TWINE" WW///// MOther Other things being equal , you would rather not buy twlno pro duced In foreign lands and controlled by a merciless tnist. Here's the twine situation today : The only binder twine that is the pro duct of American farms and the only twine not controlled by the trust Js American Th is tap PM n try batr Hemp Mixed Twine Read Before Using AMEIUCAN HEMP MIXED TWINK Itlsstroncor , smoother , longer ana binds moro te warranted to work on any Wheat bundles than other twine - . And or Corn Hinder unlnn twine. It runs any 5-011 uver saw. . M teet longer tn thn pouj.l tlmn tlfat that is not nil : Ornssliopitors nnd crickets do not or rUndard. tliercfnro n bale t ( a oat It nnd dampness does not rot it. Uecause of pound * will lln < l fully > mfl thouvtrul thonxtrnleiiKthroii cnn bind n thousand more morn tiindleBthnna halo if& ) pounds Khemenltl > every 1.0Ib. tuilo. That's worth coiutdvrtnir. ot the txtst Rtandani any lnrin-i ever No nutter what kind of n blmlcr > ou Imp , it rorks all U'txl. MIXEI > TWINKnnMctpr | < > ot : rlKht. Never tllpK the knotter. lower untxnind sheave" . water or inoltturo will not rotlti Itn Kully guaranteed costs no more than cls.il or standard. absolutely Ireo from larft v MUJI ) UN the coming tulnolornll Kritln and corn binding. nlttcci" . and In tlu-lx'foro vcrv tnurh We're prfpared to mpply cvcrj body'H wants thl Beaton. STItONOKlt than ei al or Maininrd. Come In itndKlvo UK your order. MI we can airuroonthe Karnn n ho hn\o never uicd MI.NKIJ Mro of our hlpmentVo want til bare cnouuh Block on TV.'l.NK tnould make tl.o lull " * lim band to pupply all demand * . IHcrono million jxjumls tosti lieforedartlni ; your lllixler at used In Nebratltn for the harvest of 1'JCi. Not a rluglo thn tjei itnlnff of bfirtept. imt la a complaint ; not a liall returned. iMllofttandinlordeal KlltbT. iicolt ( Llnlngtr Implsmenl Co. , Om h , Ctn'l. * c' . up , then COUNT the iiunilior of bun . dles that are bound nnd urMxiunJ. Then put In the llr t Iwl ) ot .MLVhlO TW1NK , ur > o it up aiul rount the num ter of humlleaai before. The result will urprl' * you. Any farmer inok. ins this tet alter FlliST u lnira ball offtandard or nlml , will aftertrnrda nw only AilUllCAN 11EM1' M1X I > The Great Paper of the Great West The Kansas Citv Star Everywhere reco imed ns the strongest nnd most reliable newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United States. Wherein It Leads. ItS Unexcelled NeWSServiCe embraces the continuous report of the Associated Press , with dispatches every hour : the general and special service of the New York llerald : the Hearst transcontinental leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own representatives in Washington , D. C : Jefferson City , Mo : Topeka , Ks. , and Guthrle , Ok. , in addition to the largo grist of news that comes daily from several hundred other alert representatives. Its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative value that causes tham to be telegraphed to all parts of the United States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No western man even indirectly interested in the value of food products , stocks and securities can afford to be without THE STAR s daily record ol price * and conditions. ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's column , in which are answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and affairs , a department for inquirers on other subjects and a wide range of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's most in teresting people and events these in addition to a vigorous editorial page , absolutely Independent politically , and u Sunday issue that is full of live special matter and h jman interest. 13 Papers Each week for 10 cents The Kansas City Star was the first and is still the only newspaper to deliver a complete morning paper , THE KAN SAS CITY TIMES , to its subscribers without increase in the subscription price.