The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 01, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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| i'i i
We have them in Southern Kansas that t' < ' ? $ >
are and soon will be under irregation , in ' 9 9 9
ft * ? * ; suring crops and increasing in value each
This is the Poor Man's Paradise and will
* soon be beyond his reach. Now is the time
to act. The advance in price this year will
make a good income. Join our next excur =
sion and seethe wonderful growth of this
new country which is attracting the atten =
tion of farmers from every state in the un =
ion. Call and see us and let us reason to =
' 9
1 ' 9
$ . . .
* * * * - o-i-
Arthur Culllson ot Auburn , who
married Miss LyiUu HisRins of this
plnoo , Is uloslng ip his business ulluirs.
Ho will clerk for u tlmo for 1) . M. Duv-
Ics ut Fulls City and with his wlfu will
then loiivu for u now homo In'tho stuto
of Wushlniitoii.
Uev. A. L. Ogdcii preached the mu-
moriiil sermon ut the opuru honso on
Sunday morning ut 11 o'clock. The
operu house wus tilled , notwlthfatuiid-
inj ; the inclemency of the wouther.
McKlnlcy 1'ost uml the Holluf Corps
attended In a body.
The lust o ( this week suit will be
brought In the district court ut Wash
ington , Ks. , by the Dutlon Lund Co. ,
of Lincoln to compel the bunk of II.ul-
dtun , Ks. , to pay u check o [ $1,800iw \
ported to hnvo been given by O. F.
Allor of this plucc to the company us u
payment on land in I'crkins county.
J. M. Brockinun and wlfo who wen
so seriously Injured In u runaway acel
tlont when returning homo from tin
commencement exercises , are now abh
to sit up. A trained nurse wus In at
tcnuanco for u while. Mrs. Drockimu
had mi arm nnd shoulder broken , bu
her husband's Injuries consisted of su
vero bruise * .
Four applications for liquor license
huvo been made. Milton Clark am
J. A. Harmon each ask that u llcens
bo granted them to opuruto a saloon a
the same location and the same is tru
ofA.J. Helmick and his boii-ln-hiu
Win. Cox.
Mrs. Dr. Miller of Lincoln has bee
visiting the past two weeks with he
parents , Henry Savor and wife.
Horace Shnfcr comes hero twice
week for medical treatment from Di
Hull. Ho Is allllctcd with ear troubli
Mr. Sliufor formerly lived neur stelh
riobt. Tolly has recovered from th
effects of a recent operation on ono <
his eyes. The bandages have' been n
moved nnd ho Is able to sea quite wel
Two former assistant principals 1
the Stella schools have been oleutc
principals of the ward schools at Ai
burn. They are W. L. Kvans. brothc
of Mrs. I. A. McDowell , and O. M
Nlcle , son-in-law of W. J. McCruy.
Jennie Curry returned to her etudli
in Lincoln Saturday after a weeks vis
with her slsterMrs. Guy Montgomer ;
Harry Clark of Kansas City has bee
looking after business Interests at th
place the past two weeks.
Mrs. Nancy stlno is recovering fro
a serious Illness. She is aflllcted wil
gull stones and for a time her recovery
was doubtful.
Lloyd Mason and fon-ln-luw , W. ,1.
Curtis , jr. , and family left , this week
for an overland journey to Colorado
where they will visit relatives in Houl-
dur county. They will travel leisurely
and enjoy themselves hunting and llsh-
Misses 1'uarl Cunningham , Bertha
Moore , Maud Montgomery , Faye Hol-
mlck , Klttlo and Queen Chism , and
Mr. Glenn D. Jenkins will attend the
summer school at I'cru
I'earl Cunningham has been elected
teacher of the school in the Tynan dis
trict. This will bo her third year as
teacher of that school.
Members of the Research club had a
business meeting at the home of Mrs.
Fred Wlxon Wednesday of last week ,
nud decided that their course ot study
for the ensuing year would be on
"Austria and France. "
Kao Malone was among the gradu
ates In the high school at Oklahoma
City this year. The young lady is a
nleoo of Or. Hull , and her father was
ut ono time engaged in t > e drug busi
ness here.
After an absence of a quarter of a
century , Forchen Hryant who now
| lhus neur Leavenworth , Ks. , wus hero
one day lust week visiting Morg Van-
devoutor and other old friends. Mr ,
Hryunt Improved two farms east ol
Mrs. D. M. Davles and children ol
Falls City visited hero last week with
Pearl and I'arrlo Cunningham.
E. Allemand and son sold 2200 bush
els of corn to J. D. Curtis last week.
Albert' ShelTerd and family him
moved to Lincoln.
Xelllo Swihart left hero last week
for Hillings , Montana , where she was
married to Norman Shrauger. Nellie
Is the daughter of Jacob Swihart and
wife. Norman was formerly locatei
here as a barber.
Charley Hunt and family of lirown
vlllo spent Saturday and Sunday will
Mrs. Hunt's parents , Mr. and Mrs
Mrs. Lydla Harmon who has beei
sick for the past three months and wa
taken to the Omaha hospital by Ur
Shook to bo operated on , roturnei
homo lust week much Improved.
5 , Mrs. May Sample returned homi
1 from Iowa Point last Thursday when
i. she spent several days with old tlrai
i friends.
Mr . Nottlebaek spent hist Saturda ;
with her sister , Mrs Clarence Cruse.
. .1V. . Cummings' little boy had tin
misfortune to fall anl break his urn
one day last wook.
Mrs. Ulakloy and children of Aubur
visited with her slstor , Mrs. Dr. Shool
last Sunday and Monday.
Mr. Adklns , traveling salesman fo
the Auburn Marble Works , was in th
city shaking hands with old tlm
Slmur Harmon returned home Wed
nesday from a few days visit wit
friends ( ) at Highland , Kb.
Legal Notice.
In the Klolumlson County District C'oiir
Stntoof NobnisKii
MH . ANM > .N Iti-iMi
mid tint tuiUnouii ,
holrs of |
A. Ttxiii : ! , , Sit. Do- |
The unknown lit'lrso ! Kiccinaii A. TisiK
Sr. , ik'tvasedlll into notice thnt the pluli
I in. Sitimirl HiK r. dlil on the 17th day of Mi
tlXVi , liltin the ollicoof the olei k of the ill
tvlot couii of ItlchartUon county , stnto i
NclirusUii , In- , petition itRiilnst you , the objc
ami priiyi'r l > to obtain a lU'otco by siid ; con
illlIutillK tlu > ilth > In him , to lots 3,11 and 7
block W , la tinllluuc of t-iilcin. In the oou
tyniul state iii ii's.iiii.iuul thnt mi the sun
< lny ho ohtalnt'd an order t rein the lion \
11. Kelli'sor , dlreotiiiK pnbUcitlon : of t ]
proceedings ol ililsult against you as i
quired by law In Mich cines , nnd that sti
pnbllcntlon bo nnule In the rails City Trllm
u nuwspnpor of itiii > 'iiil olrouhltlon in Utc
nidson county , utiil lon are further iiotltl
that unless you plend , nusuer or demur
snld petition on or before tlipiitu ilny of .Hi
UOtnld ) petition will be tuKrn as true nm
electee lib prnyed tor will be tendered uccoi
Inifly. HIVM-\ vvis ,
Attorin-s 1'lnlnt !
Lcjial Notice.
First publication Mny 25,1900.
Notice Is hereby uUeii thnt William c. J )
lias Hied his petition signed by the ie < | tils
mnnborof livelioldurs of the second wa
of the city ol Kail * City , usUIng- that n licen
us n saloon Keeper be rantcxl him to s
mult , spirituous nnd vinous liquors on lot
block VI , In the second uard of Kails 01
for the municipal CDininonulne Mny
I'Aiil ' , to Mny 4.1W7. H. 1C. VKKII
City Clerk
Le/sal / Notice ,
riist publlcntlon Mny a , UKM
Notleo U hereby given thnt Martin Gehh
hns tiled his petition signed by the requls
number of freeholders of the seco
wnrd of the City of KnlN City , nsktnu tl
llcunso as a euloon keeper bo grant
him to sell malt , spirituous and vine
liquors on lot 4 , and parts of lots 3 nnO
block PO. In the becond ward of Kails Cli
for the municipal year commencing Muy
1900 , and endlnir May 4 , 1907.
II. K. , City Clerk
Cures Coughs , Colds , Croup , La Grippe , Asthma , Throat
, and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption VELLOW PACKAGE
For Sale at Dr. Moore's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr.
Burlington Bulletin.
Low Rate Tour to Cnlifornin
nnd Puget SoundTo : Pntret
Sound and Portlnnd , direct or via
California , very low rate excursion
tickets on sale June ISth to 22nd ,
To California , Portland and
Pu et Hound : Daily low excur
sion rates commencing June let
applying via variable routes em-
biaciny all western scenery and
To California and Return :
Still lower rates June 25th to July
7th inclusive , only $12.50 addi
tional to include the Shasta Route
nnd Puget Sound.
To Colorado nnd Return :
Daily after June 1st. About half
rates. Still lower rates for the
Elk's great meeting at Denver.
Tickets sold July lOtli to 15th in
To Eastern Resorts ; Daily low
summer tourist rates commencing
June 1st to Chicago , St. Louis ,
St. Paul , Wisconsin and Michi
gan Resorts , also to Niagarn Falls ,
White Mountains and Maine Re
Special Homeseekers' Rates :
1st and I5rd Tuesdays , low ex
cursion rates to the North Plat to
Valley , the Big Horn Basin and
other frontier territory. Person
ally conducted excursions on 1st
nud Urd Tuesdays of each month
for those seeking free homesteads
of ( MO acres of mixed farming and
dairying. Write D. Clem Denver ,
Agent Homeseekers' Information
Bureau , 1001 Farnnm St. , Omnhi ,
( .T. STUWAKT Agt.
L.W. WAKEI.EY , G. P. A. Omaha.
You Will Prosper
in the Great
In Oklnhoinn , Indian Territory
: ind 1'exas are vast aronH of unim
proved land land not no\v yield'
the crops of which it is cap
able. The same conditions apply
to the towns. Few lines of busi
ness 'ire adequately represented.
There are openings o ? all sorts
for mills and factories , for small
tores , for banks , newspaper and
lumber yards. You have only tc
gel on the grciind to prove this ,
To enable you to do so the Mis
souri , Kansas and Texas railway
Rates Cheaper Than Evei
Feb. 6th and 20th
March 6th aml20tl
On above Intes most lines wil
sell both ono.way and round tri ]
tickets at exeopUonally low rates
If your nearest railroad agent can
not give you the rates , write m <
for particulars.
If you're in any
way interested in the
Southwest , I'd like to
send you my paper
"The Coming Coun-
try. " Address
General Passcnncr Agent
5SO Vt'ainwriflUt Uldg. S . Louis , Mo
Tickets are un sale
everywhere , \ ia Missouri -
souri , Kansas and
Texas Railway.
During the summer kidney irregul
aritles are often caused by oxcesslvi
drinking or being overheated. A )
tend to the kidneys at once by uslni
Foley's Kidney Cure. For sale a
Moore's Pharmacy.
1 ftv f
2) ) 8 }
2)O tfr tV
O DESTINATIONS San Francisco , Los Angeles fr
trip , one way via Shasta Route.
DATES OP SALE April 25 to May r > . RETURN J.
LIMIT , July ; J1. C
3 STOPOVERS' Points between the Missouri River and t !
2 Pacific Coast. g
ROUTES Good via direct routes ; for instance , to San < j
Francisco or Los Angeles , via Denver , Scenic Colorado , r
Salt Lake City. _
To San Francisco via Denver , Scenic Colorado , Salt
Lake Route through Los Angeles. r
No tour of the Coast is complete unless it includes the
Puget Sound. c
TRAIN SERVICE Daily through Pullman Standard I"
and Tourist Sleepers to San Francisco via Denver , Rio ?
Grande Route Salt Lake City ; Tourist Sleepers Thursday f
and Fridays , personally conducted. d
Daily through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to Los Angeles
via Denver , Rio Grande Route , Salt Lake City , thence Salt
Lake Route ; Tourist Sleepers Tuesdays and Saturdays , ;
personally conducted. %
Write or call for California descriptive matter , -'Pacific %
Coast Tours , " folders , berths , information. Describe your
proposed trip and let us advise you how to make it at lea t v
cost. c
E >
GA. . STEWART , Agent
P You cannot afford to lose your Chickens after you have Q
went to the trouble of hatching them out. You don't need to
lost- any if you feed them the proper feed. Try Climax Chick
Keeel. I guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. What
more could vou ask. Trv it. Head This !
M O. P. HECK ,
o Dear Sir : I have found Climax Chick Feed the best feed
M I have ever used for little chicks. 1 used it last Spring- with Q
W success , and will use it again this Spring. Yours respectfully
" W
o Put up by 0. P. HECKTFalls City , Neb. HHW
And for sale by Ocamb & Stach , Verdon ; H. I' . Reiger , I'rcston : 4
Thomas * Martin , Stella ; C W. Allen. Hir.ida ; L , . C. Mann , bd
Ilumboldt ; Hern & Walker , Reserve ; Harvey Harmon , Shubert ; bdW
T. II. Miller & Son , Merrill ; .T. II Tracey , Sabetha ; W. 15. bdd
O Alexander , Dawson ; L. R. Harding , Hamlin d
New Satin Crown Sailors
In all the popular shades. These are the
latest in Spring creations and are sure to | g
please. Also the May Manton patterns are if
on sale by us. Just received a new line of
Fancy7 Ribbons. Some pretty lavender edged ifI
washable Ribbon just the thing for low
collars. For style , lit and low prices , call on I
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas City Star
Everywhere recogui/ed as the strongest nnd most reliable
newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United States.
Wherein It Leads.
ItS UnCXCClled Newsservice embraces the continuous report
of the Associated Pre.-s , with dispatches every hour : the general and
special service of the New York Herald : the Hearst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own
representatives in Washington , D. C ; Jeilerson City , Mo : Topeka , Ks. ,
and Guthfie , Ok. , in addition to the large grist of news that comes
daily from several hundred other aiert representatives.
Its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative
value that causes them to be telegraphed to all parts of the United
States the inomentTHESTAR comes from the press. No western man
even indirectly interested in the value of food products , stocks and
securities can afford to be without THE ST. All's daily record ol prices
and conditions.
ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's column , in which
arc answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and
affairs , a department for inqulrtrs on other subjects and a wide range
of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's most in
teresting people and events these in addition to a vigorous editorial
page , absolutely Independent politically , and a Sunday issue that i
full of live special matter and hjmun interest.
13 Papers Each week for 10 cents
The Kansas City Star was the first and is still the only
newspapeMo deliver a complete morning paper , THE KAN
SAS CITY TIMES , to its subscribers without increase in the
subscription price.