lnchALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , MAY 18 , 1906 LOCAL LORE. HJat Sowles' candy. Green bones ground Ileiser and isloshuan. R. Shelly was up from Preston Tuesday afternoon. Myrtle Kamel spent Friday with Salem friends. SP. . Gist and wife were down from Salem last Friday. W. II. Wylie was down from Nebraska City Monday. S. II. Bayne was a Monday passenger for Dawson. W. W. Chinnock of Wymore was in town last Saturday. Geo. Cleveland madca business trip to St. Joseph on Tuesday. F. J. Damon of UawsonNhas our gratitude for favors during the week. Attorney Guile of Ilttmboldt was a business visitor here last Monday. Rev. Haskins is leaving this week for Portis , Kan. , his new field of work. Zula McCool of Salem was the guest of Falls City friends the first of the week. John Stitzer has returned from a visit with his uncle. II. F. Zumbrunn at Nelson. Kate Thomas of Omaha was visiting with friends here the fore part of the week. Pearl Jones left Saturday for a brief visit with her friend , Stella Carlisle at Salem. R. K. Grindstead was dowr from Salem last Saturday return ing on the noon passenger. If you will read the advertise' incuts in this issue you will lean : that it pays to trade at home. Harvey Grimes , recently ol Pawnee City is now day operatoi at the local C. B. Q. station. Gus Ruegge will leave Sundaj for Hastings where he will pla ) with that team during the base ball season. Neal Thornton of Omalu passed thiough here Monday while returning from a visit witl Rule friends. Mrs. Ruegge and daugdter , Ids spent Sunday with the former' : daughter , Mrs. Anna Peck uea : Reserve , Kan. Vera Lord , Florence Wylii and Anita Wilson drove to Salen Saturday and made a brief visi to friends there. Bert Elimau and family win recently moved here from Salem Mo. , are now nicely establishei in their new home. Mrs. Bert Harpster left Satur day for a two weeks visit witl her parents at Preston , befor moving to her new home in Bea trice. C. F. Reavis left for Warrens burg , Mo. , last night to act a one of the judges in the Nebras Ua-Missonri debate to be heL there tonight. Mrs. W. H. Putnam was calle to Rockwell , Iowa , Sunday nigh by a telegram announcing th fcerious illness of her sister. Sh will be absent a couple of week ; The flowers that bloom in th spring have been planted in th court house square and as a cor sequence Henry Ruegge is weai ing the smile that won't com off. A large snake was killed i court house yard Tuesday. Jai jtor Ruegge curled the thing u in the path with the idea of hel ] ing the prohibition movement possible. The last break of the ma order houses has permitted 01 merchants to demonstrate wh ; -we have always claimed , th the business done by these peep is founded on misrepresentatio Read the advertisements of Pa Hessler and Reavis & Abbey c * Vt page three of this paper ai ( Ik learn from them the truth Walker's visit to Falls City. Walter Staver was a Salem visitor Sunday. Louise Rule spent Saturday with Salem friends. Pat O'Brien was down from his Dawson home Saturday. L. C. 13dwards visited with his parents at Ilumboldt Sunday. Mr. Putnam was a business visitor in Dawsou Saturdav after- > ' noon. _ II , P. Rieger was up from Preston on Friday of the past week. John Gilligan returned Friday from a business trip to Okla homa. Frank Nims and Frank Blakc- ney of Nims City were in town Friday. Henry Haefele was up from Preston the latter part of the past week. Herman Kelly of Barada is now employed in Prater's black smith shop. Harry Custer and wife went to Tecumseh Saturday on a brief visit to her sister. Amos Gantt returned home Friday night Irom a business trip to southern parts. John Hutchings sends us greet ings from Council Bluffs. Iowa and has our thanks. Ralph A. Sharp of Billings , Montana spent Saturday the guest of Rlva Sears , . 13. K : Butler oi Barada pur chased a piano from the Prescott Music Co. last week. Oliver Hall of the Ilumboldt Standard was a pleasant caller on this office force last Friday. Walter Veach was down from Verdon last Friday spending the day with Falls City friends. IStta Reichcrs returned the first of the week from a visit with friends at Ilumboldt. G. B. Harvey of San Point , Idaho will keep posted on Falls City events thro' The Tribune. Win. McPherson has taken charge of the hotel of Preston and are nicelv installed therein , Our friends J. F. Shubert ami W. II. Morrow of Shubert took a day off from business cares am spent Saturday here. Mrs. James Mettz and childrer returned the first of the weel. from Salem where they speni several days with relatives. Joseph Miles left Friday eve ning for California where he wil join his family who have beei spending the winter there. Emil Saal returned Friday from Barada where he has beet : visiting his mother there wlu has been ill for borne time. She is now greatly improved. Thos. Cunningham of Verdot spent Friday talking with Fall : City friends. Tom called at thi : office and we enjo.ved a socia chat with our old friend. The Tribune has > been runninj. an advertisement offering 'roOl to some one for a name to bi given' new beer. We knov several citizens who have beei offering nearly that sum for ; bottle of old beer within the las week. Poor old Montgomery Wart The little Tribune seems to hav stirred them up for fair. Th expenses incurred by them ii their efforts to answer us ca : hardly be less than $1000. It i only a question of time befor those who have been deluded i buying of them will know ther f for what they really are. Any farmer that would as ! and receive free telephone e : change with Falls City , get th local merchants to subscrib money to assist in the constrm tion of the line into Falls Cit and then send to a mail ord < house for his merchandise is po : sessed of a soul so small tin Gabriel will hardly hesitate 1 awaken him when the last mon ing comes. woman who is really particular about the clothes her boy wears | naturally turns toward this store , because the merchandise found here is distinctive and pleasing , broad in variety , correct in price and best quality for the price , HARQRAVE & HARGRAVE An extraordinary selection for boys 7 to 17ears of age. Double-brcasled jacket and pants suits , produced by the leading- mak ers of Hoys' Clothes , side and sleeve seams have double outlets , taped and tripled sewed , pants lined throughout. The Norfolks never were made in a more varied and pleasing4 manner , single and double-breasted , taylored as mentioned before. Only best fabrics are used. Prices $3.50 to $8. They have individuality and they impart individuality. They are made on right lines , and , therefore , look right. Clothing of character - acter , thatis _ our aim in every boy's garment wo sell. Parents and the bovs themselves approve it jind our success attests it. riltlHrPll'c CHITS' " ' 'vc'l' > IKnv conception that has the merits of style and UllllUlt/11 3 JHH3. MUiliiiN is represented in our exhibit. We have made it a point to offer a great main exquisite ncnelties at especially low and attrac- li\e prices , $2 to $6. W. R. Neal was a Tuesday isitor in Rulo. Nclle Weaver was down from Verdon Wednesday. Dr. Wolfe was a Ilumboldt isitor Wednesday Mrs. W. S. Korner is visiting with friends in Lincoln. Al Roberts and wife have sold their home to Mr. Friei. A Grouse made this office a Peasant call last Saturday. Howard Conover of Verdon was a Wednesday visitor in this city- cityT. T. J. Shekland and A. N. Bak er were up ftom Sebetha last Monday. Isham Reavis is before the United States court in Omaha : his week. Mrs. Ed Hammond of Stella was a pleasant caller at this office Wednesday. Gene Fitx.Gerald of St. Joseph spent Sundav with his brother , Robert in this city. Fred Miller has accepted a goo < position in Wyoming. Fritz ha ; the good wishes of his Falls Cit ) friends. ' Dr. Fast assisted by Drs. Bur chard and Stong of Barada per formed a very successful opera tion on Mr > . Mary Yoder the first of the week. What's wrong with Falls City's young people. Every night tin Elks rooms are filled ' with tin young men about town. Where are the girls that this sort o ; thing is allowed ; * The Epworth League of tin M. E. Church held an Anniver sary service last Sunday evening At 7:00 : o'clock the officers wen installed. R. C. James , Maw Maddox and Alice Jaquet deliv ered very interesting selections How much did Montgomcr.v Ward subscribe towards building the Farmers telephone lines into Falls For Sale. Piano , dining table , dish cup board , bed lounge , base burner , quick Meal gasoline , scythe , writ ing desk , kitchen cabinet , bed room suite , chairs etc. Call on ; W. II. Pii.i.snuuv. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank the many friends who so kindly assisted us by their loving deeds during the sickness and death of our beloved son and brother. M. J. SciiAiiti.H AND rAMii.v. County Convention. The Richardson County San- da v school association will meet in annual convention at Stella , June 13 and 14. All Sunday school workers are urged to at tend. \ \ \ II. HoOKuris II. E. Bovn , President Secretary. 23-4t I A Farm For $200. i One hundred and sixty acres of nice , level land , every acre I tillable , for $200. We have a few i of these snaps. If you are inter- i ested write us and we will yive { you full particulars- ! STAKK & DAUIHUJKTY , Scott City , Kansas. Cream Wanted. Bring me your cream , both skimmed and separated cream- You do not have to have a separator rater to sell your cream to me. I am in the market for all kinds of cream. I will receive your j cream on Tuesdays , Fridays and . Saturdays of each week ; I test . | the cream and pay the cash the day you bring it in. First doot . west of V. G. Lyford's store. I 14 cents for skimmed cream , 17 ( .cuts for separated cream. P. II. H m Paint , Wall Paper , Hammocks We have anything you want in paints , whether house , barn , floor , buggy or wagon. We also have Japalac and varnish stain for furniture We have the larg est and most carefully selected stock of Wall Paper. It will surprise you to see our 10 , 15 and 20 ct. lines. Don't fail to see them before you bu\ We have lust opened up the finest line of 1 lammocks ever brought to this cit > . You will want one before long and remember it THE CITY PHARMACY Dr. McMillan , Proprietor , Falls City ? o HEISER & MOSIMAN I ; > J PROP'S OF O THE FALLS CITY MEAT MARKET > c > T > Plft'A FfinH ' ° llie k'oot' ' 'I'xIWH ' ° f beef ° " hoof , and nil g a I U1C rUUU Dressed Meals UK well. Only llie beat Veal. % - Lamb , Pork and Poultry find their way into our market. o o We are HAVINC l'xt'suAiii.ov i' ieis on Suit mid Oiued 8 Meats , also Lurd Ff yon want today's prices ring JKS up. We c are at " vour service always. S 8 COMMENCEMENT GIFTS ! ! W\L " \ are showing- ; elaborate collection of benu- tiftil and exclusive wares , most fitting1 for Com mencement Gifts , which will facilitate your search. There can be nothing1 which will more delight a Graduate , than almost any selection from nur stock of JEWELRY ! There is something here both appropriate and de sirable for anyone to give for the graduate. Call and inspect our stock of wares , complete in every department , and replete with suggestions. Prices are moderate. A. E. JAQUET. THE OLD RELIABLE. M MMfM < * # - JMHHcaHMHtt * * - * * # fcNHHfc ) | * * * - * * * * * - * - * # * --4r NOTICE. * # - You can buy Hiawatha Flour , Highest it Patent , No. 999. The kind you have it * always bought of V. G. Lyford. | * * The McGuire Milling Co. it it * * * - * * * * - * * - * * ) K * * - - ) ' . ' - * HMMHMHK. * * * * * - I HEAVY OR LIGHT = DOlBLE ) OR SINGLE j H _ _ _ * i B M * * 1 A BIO LINE OP 5 I PLy NETS AND DUSTERS I * J Pri-f iU bt n lit I'onsideiinir Firstelass uoods * . , . KVIlhlJ * /IH.- f\.ll IIVI \ V4 lllti tlli It'flt O H # rfpr > ht-nti'd. Yours foi Firsti-lass work , f | OTHO WACHTEL , East Richardson Co. Bank ' # * * - * * * * * - * - * - * * * * * * * * - * 41 * # Mt- ' The Tribune