The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 27, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Eat Sowlcs' candy.
Robert Kanaly was a Dnwson
lisitor last Friday.
Miss Reese came down from
Verdon Monday.
Guy Thompson was over from
Merrill on Monday.
F. F. Stevens came up from
TJulo last Saturday.
Cash paid for eggs and Poultry
at Heck's feed store.
Thomas Glines was over from
Hiawatha last Sunday.
A. D. Larabee was up from
Preston last Saturday.
Goods received every day at
the Bon Ton Millinery.
Mrs. Jim Powell is visiting
ivith Kansas City friends.
Sadie Meyers was up from
Preston last .Friday evening.
Etta Larson of White Cloud ,
Kansas , was here on Monday.
J. F. Long of Fargo was a
business visitor here last Frida } ' .
David Scott on route 1 came in
Saturday and gave us a friendly
call. _ _ _ _ _ _
J. S. Lichty was over from
Norton , Kan. , the first of the
J. E- Halley was over from the
.Kansas town of Everest , on last
James Neeld of Dawson , was
transacting business in our midst
Tubby Clark and Frank Blake-
jjey were down from Nims City
on Monday.
Rev. Lindenmeyer was a B. &
M. passenger for Pawnee City
the pasj Friday.
M r s. Emmett Satterwhitc
spent Saturday and Sunday with
relatives in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Drake
Mid children went to Salem Sat
urday on a brief visit.
For reliable Fire and Tornado
Insurance see Rieger & Sebold ,
opposite court house.
i i *
For farm loans at lowest rates
} -nd best options , see Reiger &
Seboldj opposite court house.
i Mrs. W. J. and Susie Cunningham -
ham of Rule were guests at the
National the first of the week.
Mrs. Allie Watson and son ,
Otho spent Sunday with Frank
Bennett and family near Hum-
bold t.
Charles Humphrey and wife of
Verdon spent Sunday with her
.parents , Geo. Abbott , and wife of
this city.
Mrs. Sarah Marberger of Hum-
Ixjldt was the guest of her sister ,
Mrs. Geo. Schtnelzel the first of
the week.
We will .furnish * our readers
with the Daily Kansas City Star
r.nd The Tribune one year for
, f5.20. the price of the Star alone ,
! &egin at once.
Geo. J. Schmidt of Rule called
at these quarters on Saturday
and when he went away he car
ried with him a receipt for a
year's subscription to The Trib
Uncle Sam Beutler of Speiser
precinct was a business visitor to
this city Saturday. We acknowl-
ege a pleasant call and the re
newal of his faith in The Trib-
April showers have been few
and far between thus far. As
there has been ho hot days and
few high winds , vegitation has
not suffered for want of mois
Mrs. Sue DeWald is making
extensive improvements on her
residence property on North Lane
street. New porches and a dif
ferent coat of paint make the
Mouse look almost new.
It is a duty you owe to your
family to insure your home in a
eonilagration-proof c o m p a n y-
Your fire polic } ' may some time
stand between you and poverty.
See Rieger & Sebold. Opposite
oou.t house.
' Fred Schock spent Sunday with
iis parents here.
Charlie Rickards spent Sunday
it Seneca , Kansas.
Mike Clancy was down from
Datvson Saturday.
Thomas Hall was down from
Verdon on Monday.
Chas. Fcicht of Nims Gity was
i Monday visitor here.
Will Wylie of Nebraska City
was down here on Monday.
Mrs. Barbara Dilts is visiting
with a sister in DCS Moines , la.
Herman Koehlcr of Rule was a
Business visitor here last Thurs-
lay ,
G. A. Alexander of Table
Sock was here on business Mon-
John Ross and wife spent Sun-
lay with their son , O. R. Ross at
Walter Bakcrj foreman at the
3ilby ranch , was in the city on
L. P. Alexander of Horton ,
van. , was a Sunday visitor in
our city.
The public schools of this city
icld Arbor day exercises Friday
Rev. W. C. Brewer was a very
welcome caller at this office last
Mrs. A. Thompson of Merrill ,
[ van. , spent Monday with Falls
City friends.
I. E. Smith , attorney from
[ lumboldt spent Saturday with
Falls City people.
Osborne Red Seal Hour at
[ lertnes' Feed Store. CADK.
Chas. Ileilman on route 3 has
thanks for another bright new
dollar last Tuesday.
1,000 copies of popular sheet
music at 12/ < ; cents per copy at
Roberts , the Jeweler.
John Putnam was transacting
business affairs in Fortescue the
latter part of last week.
Mrs. V. E. Emerson and daugh
ter , "Marie , of Dawson 'were the
guests of friends here Saturday.
Mrs. I. Lyons , sr. , returned
from Rule the last of the week
after a brief visit with her
E.V.King last Fridaj' added his
name to the roll of honor other
wise known as The Tribune sub
scription list of readers.
S. P. Gist of Salem was trans
acting business affairs in this
citylast'Monday and visiting his
son , T. J. Gist and family.
We have the only company
writing standard hail insurance
on growing crops. Rieger &
Sebold , opposite court house.
Mrs. Rose O'Rorke was called
to this city from Omaha Wednes
day by the critical condition ol
her brother , James McFarland.
Little Clara Gehling was quite
ill for several days the past week
but is now much improved and
we hope will soon fully recover.
Nellie Edwards returned Mon
day from Pawnee City where
she was called the latter part ol
last week by the severe illness ol
her mother.
The late news from the San
Francisco fire again emphasizes
the importance of' good people
insuring their homes in a confla
gration-proof company. Rieger
& Sebold , opposite court house.
Fred Bruhn and wife were
down from Salem last Monday
and gave this office a pleasani
call , it being just one year to the
day since they paid their last
subscription. They have our
thanks and , an invitation to come
W. W. Chinnock , lineman for
the C. B. & Q. , with headquarters
in this city for a number o
years , has been transferred to
Wymore. We are sorry to lose
this amiable gentleman and his
estimable family , but our loss
will be a decided gain for Wy
more people
This is house cleaning time.
For Red Seal in 500 lots , in-
luirc of Cade.
Geo. N. Hastings was down
'rom Auburn on Tuesday.
T. L. Hall went to St. Joe
Wednesday on business.
Roberts , the Jeweler sells 20
'oot fish poles for 10 cents.
Ray Pixley was up from Hia
watha on Tucsddy evening.
A. A. Tanner was down from
[ lumboldt Wednesday evening.
J. II. Hall of Verdon was in
the city Wednesday on business.
Aren't you glad you are not a
narried man these house clean
ing days.
Mrs. Frank Camblin and chil-
Ircn spent Wednesday with her
laughter in Stella.
Mrs. Ed Fisher is still quite
sick at the home of her sister ,
Irs. Maude Wigton.
Dowty Watson of Reserve , Ks. ,
was the guest of Falls City
'ricnds last Saturday.
Jason Timerman of Stella was
coking after business affairs in
this city on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Priest of El Paso ,
Texas , are visiting with her par
ents , A. Messier and wife.
Lottie Gulp , Xetta Camblin ,
[ larry Foehlingcr and Keith Mc
Millan spent Sunday in Barada
D. W. Griffith of Verdon has
our thanks for a renewal of faith
in The Tribune's future , this
T. Wells of Council Bluffs , la. .
J. M. Fairbanks and F. L.
Blakeney of Nims City were here
Every tree and shrub is in bud
or flower. Who wouldn't live in
the country during the spring
season anyway ?
Fred Danks of Verdon adds
liis name to the growing list of
The Tribune this week , for
which he has our thanks.
Edward Hodapp closed a suc
cessful term of school near Salem
the past week and returned to
his home near Humboldt.
Elmer Frank of Washington
D. C. has been visiting his fath
er , M. A. Frank .and family.
Elmer is on his way west to in
spect a mine of his , where he
says there are millions in it.
Jos. Lepek has resigned his
clerkship with J. C. Tanner and
with his family will return to
Humboldt next week. He will
| jave charge of the manufacture
of a patent auto tire that was re
cently invented by parties in that
The agricultural hall at the
Salem fair grounds was destroyed
bv fire Tuesday night. Many of
our citizens watched the reflec
tion of the blaze on the sky and
wondered whether or not it was
a hay stack or the village that
was being visited by a fire with
a high wind to fan the flames.
Cecil Kanaly was up from Rule
Scott Sailor came down from
Verdon Wednesday.
S. II. Chism was a business
visitor here on Wednesday.
W. C. Tucker of DuBois was
among the Wednesday visitors
John Wiltse and wife spent
Wednesda } * with his brother in
C. B. Snyder remembered the
Tribune on Wednesday of this
I ) . W. Sowlcs spent a portion
of this week with his son Hal
in St. Joe.
R. E. Grinstcad of Salem was
a pleasant caller at these quarters
Ray Stewart of Hiawatha was
the guest of friends here Tues
day evening.
M. Aldrich was visiting with
his brother , Vcrn Aldrich the
first of the week.
Mrs. Ada Wells went to White
Cloud on Tuesday to attend the
wedding of a niece.
Charles Brainard of Albert Lee
Minn. , visited his uncle C. W.
Farrington and family Friday.
Maud Rist and Mrs. J. Pick-
ercll of Pawnee City arc in the
city the guests of Rcy. Linden
meyer and wife.
Fred Smitli and wife were
down frow Salem on Wednesday )
she being a delegate to the K. L.
of S. convention held in the city.
Rev. R. R. Teeter , of Waterloo
lee , Iowa will sgeak at the Breth
ren church in this city Wednes
day evening. All arc invited to
hear him.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will give a ten cent tea
Thursday evening , May 3rd from
5 to 9 o'clock at the residence of
Win. Wilson.
The hidies auxiliary of the
Cemetery association will meet
at the home of W. S. Korner at
2:30 : o'clock next Tuesday after
noon , May 1st.
The spraying exhibition given
in John Gilligans orchard on
Tuesday and Wednesday proved
interesting to a number of farm
ers and fruit growers , many
traveling from some distance to
watch it.
Peter McFarland , of Belvidere ,
Neb. , a brother of James McFar
land , sr. , was called to the bed
side of his nephew , James Mc
Farland , jr. , on Thursday morn
ing. This is his first visit here
in eighteen years.
The illustrated Passion play
and trip to the Holy lands as
rendered by Rev. Holley on Mon
day and Tuesday evenings at the
Gehling was well attended and is
one of the finest , produced in
that line. Rev. Holley was form
erly a pastor of the First Chris
tian church here and is an elo
quent speaker and lecturer.
B9SI' '
To buy the BEST Wall Paper
To buy the PRETTIEST Wall-Paper
To buy the CHEAPEST Wall Paper
To buy the best BARN Paints
To buy the best BUGGY Paint
To buy the best WAGON Paints
To buy the best VARNISHES
To buy the best of anything1 at the lowest price
JS that good quality will permit , is at the
City Pharmacy.
Dr. McMillan , Prop.
Falls City Nebraska
AKINCi good promises , 1
M and nmkin promises
good , a IT two different
expressions made up of
the same words , but so construct
ed as to mean two entirely differ
ent things. Anybody can make
good promises it's harder to make
promises good. And the. only
way to make good in the clothing
business is to have the right kind
of clothes at the right kind of
prices. No amount of fine talk in
the newspapers will overcome poor
clothing or high prices in the store . Copyright 1906 .
0. Kupp nh lmer < t Co.
Come to the store to judge of our ability to satisfy
you if you can't be properly suited with these splendid
clothes , then nobody can satisfy you. A good suit for
as little as $10
A.Graham spent Saturday in
" " "
St. Joseph.
Chas. Brown was over from
[ lamlin last Tuesday.
F. Snethen came down .from
Humboldt Wednesday.
Mrs. Winnie Perry of Ilum-
joldt was a pleasant caller Sat
April showers have been a
scarce article thus far with
> ut few days left to make a rec
Having decided to move South
[ offer my home and business for
sale. If you want bargains call
it once. Frsd Beaulicu.
Mrs.Kate Dorrington of Oregon
who has been the guest of rela
tives here , left Friday for Denver
and other western points.
Our public school will be in
session until the first week in
June , as they opened one week
later than usual last fall.
A booze vender at Barada was
brought to this city' the first of
the week by Sheriff Fenton at a
preliminer } ' hearing. He was
bound over to the district court
in the sum of S200 which was
The numerous friends of Fred
Beaulicu will be surprised to learn
that he has concluded to locate
at Welsh , I. T. He will engage in
general merchandise in the new
and growing town. After a res
idence of some twenty-six years
in this city , it will seem like the
removal of an old land mark to
lose Mr.Bcaulicuand family from
our midst.
Reports reached Humboldt this
week that Dr. George Tucker , son
of Hon. E. A. Tucker , wae at
SanFrancisco on the morning of
the earthquake' , since which time
he had not been heard from. We
hardlv credit the report at this
writing , as relatives in this
county would certainly have been
wired. No doubt the doctor
passed through an ordeal with
thousands of others that will
never lie forgotten and for a few
days was. unable to reach his
parents by wire would cause
uneasiness and the report reach
ed his sister , Mrs. Ray Gist at
M. E. Church.
The following services next
Sabbath :
9:45Sunday school.
10:45 : a. m. , Preaching.
3:00 p. m. Junior league.
7 p. m. Epworth league.
8 p. m. , Preaching.
You are invited to attend.
W. T. CUNJ > , Pastor.
* -
Marriage Record.
Hurry J. Tolllvcr , Fulls City 21
Murio Mnilhl , NotmisUii City 22
Hev. Clme , April 21 , 1000
Ruhun P. Thomas , Frankfort , Kits..25
Blunchu titutnbo , Crulj. , Mo 22
Judge Gugnoti , April 25 , 1HOO
Open May 4th for Business.
With everything turning
green outdqors it is natural that
you should have a desire for
something to soothe that rest
less feeling1. Perhaps you
could find just what you want
in O Schoenheit's new place. If
you are looking for a change in
drinking places , you will find it
in this establishment , for Mr.
Schocnheit has fitted it with ex
quisite fixtures which were
made especially for him by The
Brunswick-Bailee Collender Co.
of Chicago. Highly polished
woods , magnificent mirrors and
.artistic carving are features of
the place. Brieilly stated , it is
the modern drinking place in
every respect. Just such a
place as is destined to become
popular in Falls City , for the
old time , ill kept saloon is fast
losing the favor of the public.
Mr. Schoenheit , in catering to
the high class , patronage , is
keeping abreast with the times.
New Music House.
A new music firm have se
cured a location here and will
open up a store this weelr. It
will be managed by the Prescott
Music Co. , the oldest house in
the state of Nebraska. Their
headquarters are at Lincoln
where they enjoy an immense
trade. A tull and complete line
of reliable pianos composes the
stock of this enterprising flrtn.
Read their ad on another page
and see what they have to say
of interest to you.
First Christian Church.
Services at the First Christian
church , Lordsday , April 29th :
9:45 a. in. , Bible School.
11:00 : a. m. communion.
11:30 p. m. , morning sermon ,
"Workers Together With God. "
3:00 : p. m. Junior Endeavor.
7:00 : p. m. Senior Y. P. S.C. E-
meeting. '
8:00 : p. m. Evening sermon ,
"What must I do to be Saved ? "
All are cordially invited to at
tend these services. Strangers
and visitors in the city are cord
ially welcomed.
T. A. LiNDi'.NMKVKH , Minister.
WANTED Twenty head of
colts , to pasture. Call up 'phone
44 F. 19-2t
T Palls City , Nebraska
| Dr. Geo. H. Parsell
lj. ( Formerly of Omaha )
$ T
; | : llonioepathic Physician , and |
i Surgeon %
* !
( Also treats the Eye $
-I- and Fits Glasses ) !
T t
| Office at Residence
Telephone 88