The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 13, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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uKtTO i
$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Interest -
Henry C. Smith
. est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the
LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made.
Cloyd Vnuirht ha * fold his billiard
hull to Frank Hlnkle. who hns already
tnkcn po sc slon
The U'aehor * of the Stella schools
were all rehlred lit tl > o M'hool meeting
last Tuesday evening.
Gco Randall and family of Auburn
wcro Sunday visitors lit the homo of
Mrs. Ruper.
Lawrence Keyus of Oklahoma has
been spending the past two weeks with
hie aunt at this place.
G. P. Allor If- In Perkins county ,
Nebraska , this week. If ho Is suited
with the country he will buy land
Mrs. Mary Davis Its homo from u
year's visit with her daughter , Mrs.
Cal Golden , ut Spokane , Washington.
Elijah Stanley , who lives northeast
of town , has hod his pension Increased
to fl2.
Mrs 1. W. Harris was elected presi
dent of the Research club last Friday
afternoon. Mrs Fred \\Mxon was
elected vice president , Mrs II. L.
llogrefu , treasurer , and Mrs. A. 11.
McMullen critic.
Mrs Mill Hlnklo and children of
Brown county , Kansas , were the guests
of .Incob Hlnklo and family last week.
Karnest GIlHIand and brldo have
gone to housekeeping on the Edmonds
liirni north of town.
Mrs Maud Lucas of Atchlsonis work
ing ni the Florence hotul.
A. Shellonbarger bus gone on thu
road IIP a representative of a whip
company located In Now York.
I ] . Monod and wlfo are spending thu
week with their daughter at Firth.
Laic Andrews and C. Allerof Kansas
City were in town Sunday. The hitter
Is now selling mining block.
Floyd Young is now u traveling rojv
resontatlvo for an automobile factory ,
with headquarters tit Chicago.
W. J. Bonn and wlfo of IlumboUlt
were the guests of the Overman family
Janctto Wellor spent a few days last
week with friends at Shubort.
A surprlro party was held at the
homo of Kuth Clark last Wednesday
evening , It balng her twelfth birthday.
About twenty of her llttlo friends wuro
present and eliu was remembered with
a number of nice presents
Mrs Emma Heard of llumboldt ls >
spending thu Meek at the homo of her
father , II. Find lay. She expects to
leave soon for South Dakota whuro her
husband is living on a claim.
Mrs Gilmore of Auburn was thu
guest of Mrs G. M. Andrews the llrst
of the weuk.
Stella will have nine- high school
graduates this year ,
Sam Chism was a Kanms City visitor
over Sunday.
Bill Asher of Biglo-v , Mo , was in
town the latter part of lust week.
Mrs. Roberts who luis been slopping
with Grandpa Lurubeo and wife for
some time departed for Nebraska City
last weak.
Silas Breekcnrldgo of Rushbottom
loft lor Plattsmouth last week where
ho has a position in the Burlington
The elevator crow had a small wreck
on the elevator track one day last
week. While moving a car by pulley
attachment the wheel to one of the
trucks left the rails but no damage
was done.
Ray Hart departed ( or St. Joseph
Monday night where ho has secured a
good position.
Thomas Long of Iowa \\lio has been
visiting friends in this city and Hia
watha for * > omo time departed for
South Dakota last Friday.
Miss Bessie AnJer.-oii visited with
her grandparents near Hiawatha the
past week
Mrs. Whalen has dddod a new addi
tion to her home.
John Cornell of Uolf Kansas was a
Rule visitor several days this week.
Jim Roland aud children of Rush-
bottom visited at the county seat lust
Wm. Asher of Missouri loft for
Plattsmouth one day lust week where
he will work in the Burlington shops.
Chas and Frank Zimmerman shipped
hi their household effects to Stark county
I Kansas last week where they will make
their future home.
A ditching outfit crossed the river
at thif place lost Thursday. They
have twenty-two yoke of oxen which
On Easter Sunday
In Men's garb will b dis
played by the men who have
a regard for conventionalities
of correct style and who wish
to be considered well dressed
men. If you have delayed
purchasing your Spring
Clothes , don't put it off an.
other day. Come here and
we will show you theswellest
looking , the best tailored and
the best fitting Suits and Top
Coats you ever tried on for
the moderate prices we ask.
If you must wait until the
"eleventh" hour Saturday
night. You can come here
then continent of getting exactly -
actly what you want.
Copyrlflht 1 ° 06
Bi KuppenholmertV Co.
Your inspection is particu
larly invited of our large col
lection of Spring Sack Suits ,
at $ l2.f)0 , $13 BO , $ ] . ' ) , 810.50
$18.00. At these prices you
have a vast variety of smart
eflVcts to choose from in fab
rics of linest quality , single
or double breasted cuts of ex
treme or conservative style.
Superbly hand tailored , equal
in every detail to the tailors
SHO.OO production.
Easter Haberdashery
All the late creations await
your selection. Many exclu
sive designs in Crovats ,
Gloves New Model Dress
Shirts and Hosiery in the
newest effects.
Good Quality Store
quite an attraction for thu email
bov. They wcrj going to Multland.
Dentist C. A. MoN'ult of Cniijr , Mo.
was transacting business in Rule twc
days last week.
Ben Culp shipped a car of cattle to
St. Joseph Monday.
Ktl Perry of Rushbotton was a Rule
visitor Saturday nltrht.
Majuris Bros , shipped a car of cattle
to St. Joseph Monday nijjht.
Geo. N. Ocamb is in St. Louis this
weuk buylup now yooil- for his spring
Mr. Morgan of Kansas 1'ity , travel 1-
liijj salesman for B.irton Bros. Shoe Co
was here on business riiur day last.
Tom MoManis , roadm.ister for th I0 <
M. P. railway with hcadqutuiur * a
Auburn , was a business visitor In thl
e'ty ' Friday.
Jim Powell and W. S. Leyda of Fall
Cllj were Rule visitors last Friday.
Born to Max Ge-ser and wife on las
Tuesday night a ten pound girl. Ma
is now learning to sing Hock-a-by
Mrs J. C1. N'cal of St Louis who hu
been visiting her son Will of this cit
the past week returned to her horn
last Saturday.
Chas Scbelba , who has been en
ployed with the elevator company her
has been transferred to the Lincol
elevator , departing Monday. Charll
was an honorable young man and mad
quite a number of warm friends during
his three years stay in Rulo.
Nellie Schrader left for St. Joe last
rrlday where she expects to remain
for some time.
Rule seems to have a few pretend-to-
bo Christiana that have been robbing
the graves of departed ones of rose and
other plants for the purpose , it is sup
posed , of beautifying their lawns. The
parties are known to the association ,
and if any more of such work 1 % done
they will be exposed.
Mrs Marsh visited at rfalem Friday
nnd Saturday last.
Dilus ! Jones of While Cloud wUs a
Rule visitor Sunday
J. S. Herrof Silvorton , Colo. , was u
business visitor in this city Monday.
Klitier Arnold who 1m * been laid up
with rheumatism for some time , was in
Rule Monday.
Uncle Wm Ratakin who ha& been in
poor health most of the winter , is able
to be out
L. K. Plumb rebuilt some of his side
walk adjoining hi * residence property
last rrlday.
Thomas Hayes has put down a sub
stantial sidewalk adjoining his prop
Rule wti- visited by u heavy rain
storm Saturday night , over two inches
of rain falling ) during the afternoon
and night.
11 1C. Sherman who : s proprietor of
a untidy Kitchun at Lou Beards old
stand , loft rrlday for Oregon , Mo1 , lie
will return soon with his family.
Oliver Hall was a Falls City visitor
Mrs. Totld Drake in on the sick list
this week.
Hugh Coleman of Pawnee City was
u Humboldt visitor the last of the
A farewell party was given for the
Misses Georgia anil Nellie Gaudy , by
Miss Hurt hit Frank , at the homo of
Mr. and Mr ? . S. M. Philpot , on Satur
day evening.
John Fryborgor and family left
Tuesday for Tecumseh , whare they
will reside in the near future.
IJea Rlloy of Wymore was visiting
frlendb In the elty the forepart of the
Mrs. G. W. Uutterlleld returned
Tuesday troin a visit at St. Joe
Mrs. M. L. Wilaon wtib summoned to
Ksse.x , Iowa , the ilrst of the week iiy
the serious Illness of her father
Rev. L. II. Smith and little daughter
Margaret are visiting his mother at
Dcsoto , Kansas.
Ir A. 11. Scott of St Joseph visited
with his parents in this elty the 11 rat
of the week.
Miss Stella Williamson visited with
friends in St. Joe several days this
Truman Duller was visiting friends
the forepart of the week.
R. C. James was up from Falls city
Friday on County Attorney duties.
Bonj. Gravatt commenced work on
his residence which he is to erect on
the hill in the east part of the city.
Roy Bain and wlfo were Hutnboldt
visitors the latter part of the week.
, D. W. Nell was over from Pawnee
City Friday.
Rev. W. A. Pollock who has been
visiting his daughter , Mrs. O. T ,
Llttlo loft Tuesday to visit with Hast
ings friends.
Mrs. Harold Smith is in the city
visiting her parents Mr. and Mis.
Joseph Sncthen.
Harry Philpot visitei1 with Tablt
Rock friends Friday.
O. A. Cooper accompanied his
daughter Eva as far as Lincoln when
. she started on her journey to the
Philippine Islands.
II. F. Guile loft for Lincoln Friday
Mr.- . Walter Legsr Is on the sick ll t
this week.
LouSlama made a business trip to
Lincoln Friduj
Geo. McCon nell was a passenger tc
st Lincoln Tuesday.
i\ F. Todd was doputUed to take W. A ,
ye Parker to Fulls City Friday. Parker
is the desperado who caused the dis
us turbance on the street last week. He
ti was placed in the Falls City Jail tc
ne await his trail at the spring term ol
district court.
Nellie and Georgia Gundy left Mon >
re day for their new home in Canada.
le Frank Blakeney of Niras Citj
le was here yesterday.
His Suit and the things that go with it
There are no hard and fast rules of Fashion governing a man's
dress for business wear. The Sack Suit is the universal favorite , and
with it should be worn vest and trousers of the same fabric as the coat ;
a wing or fold collar , a four in hand or bow tie ; black calfskin shoes ,
buttoned or laced ; tan or gray gloves , and a black derby hat. Soft
bosomed or negligee shirts are largely favored by reason of their greater
The Choice of your Suit Be on the Safe Side
Let only one considera
tion influence your selec Select a Suit that will
tion and let that be wear and keep its shape
Quality. Listen not to until you tire of it. That's
the "swan song"of the the kind we offer you in
dealer who would ask you our "Sincerity Clothes" ,
to believe that he can sell the kind with a reputa
you quality at the price of tion , the kind that are not
shoddy. It may sound "Flat-iron Doped. "
well , but it won't wear. They are fully guaranteed
Make sure that there is as to quality. In point
quality inside and out. If of style , the clothes speak
you "shop" around trying- for themselves.
to save a dollar or two ,
\ on may be deceived by
a coat that has been
Sincerity Sack Suits in all Cor *
"doctored into shape" by
reel Shies and Fabrics
the hot Hat-iron process.
It won't stand the test of
dampness or wear. to $16.00
Real Estate Transfers.
Ernest C. Rlggs and wife to Charles
A. Lord , q c d , lot 12 blk 8 , Shubcrt ,
Consideration $275 00
Jeuuette Watteyne to Mazlno Jancl-
row , q c d oi of ne } of sec 'Jo-2 17 , Rich
ardson Co. , Consideration , $1.00.
Heirs ol Win. S. Jones , deeM to Mary
S. Jones q e d lot 4 blk 5 , Stella Nebr.
Consideration Si.00.
Wm. II. Tyrrell and wife to South
Eastern Nebr. bid ; : and Loan Associa
tion , w d lots 7-8 blk 190 Falls City ,
Consideration SoOO 00
Carl A. Watklns to J. H Morehead
and A J. Weaver , w d ci of w } ol sec
21-3-15 Uichardson Co. , Consideration
J. II. Morehead and wf and A. J.
Weaver and wf to Homer Walking ,
wcl nw } of n w } of see 29-I1 15 , Richardson -
son Co. , Consideration $2800.00.
J H. Morehead and wf aryl A. J.
Woiver and wf to curl A. Watkins ,
wd > } of sw } of ni of see 29 2-1. ) also
vj of nwj of ne * all In see. 2 ! ) 2 U ,
Richardson co , consideration $10700.0u
Alonzo H Minor and \\f to , A. 15.
Cochran ud an und \ Hit lots ( ! , 7 , and
10 ft olT w side of lot S , ,11 In blk 1 TIs-
dels add to Salem all 14 ft oil e side of
lot S blk 1 , Condideration SI and ex
change of property.
Charles F. Pribbeno and wf to 1C. F.
Uarnewd n52 fte front lot 1 blk 1 ,
Preston , consider.Uton $2500 00
I. H Whitaker and wf to south K.
Kebr , bldi : and Loan Ass'n wd all of
w "oft of lot iM4-15-llM7-18 : blk 127
Falls city.consideration $000 OJ.
Norman W. carr and wf to I. B.
Whitaker wd 7o ft of lots
all of w 13-14-
15.1G-17-1 ! > blk 127 Falls cit. . . consider
ation iGOO
We regret that last week we
omitted to give the name of Mrs.
Greenwald among those who en
tertained the Presbyterian Ken
sington last week.
Legal Notice
rir-,1 publication Apt II 111. Uina
Notice Is hereby jrKon that T I. McMillan
has filed his petition s-lgned by the requisite
number ot freeholders ot the. second ward
of Falls City , asking that .1 druggist permit
bo granted him to sell malt , spirituous und
vinous liquors for medicinal , mechanical ,
sclentlllc and a icrninental purposes , on lot
9 , block 71 , lu the second ward of Falls City ,
tor the municipal jenr commencing Slaj 4 *
1000 , and ending May 4 , 1P07.
It-FUil OV. . IlnowN ,
lt > . ; i City Cletk
E F. Barne * and H. P. Rlejjer were
passengers to St Joe Sunday
NoUle Walter of Hot Springs , Colo. ,
is visiting with C. F. Pribbeno this
Elsie Wilso.i returned Monday from
her visit to Missouri.
Bessie Slroni , ' is vMtinsr with rela
tives this week.
Henry Brinejat wa * a bu-iiners visi
tor In Preston rrida\ .
C. J. Hoppe took a drive to Fails city
Mr. and Mis Lar.itice and Miss
Buine were county seat visltois Satur-
chas llie'or ; came up from Fall-view ,
Kan , Monday.
Mr S. D Mccumber anil children
are visiting with her parents.
II Mahun of Pailo was in Preston on
Tuesda > .
II. Hoselton i bavins his hoiu-e
papered this eek.
The Holy City promises to be
one of the best attractions ever
booked at the Gehling , aud that
is certainly saying something.
Sheriff Fenton called at this
oflice yesterday morning and he
now possesses a years receipt for
this weekly newspaper.
Le a.1 holier.
rirhtl'iibllratlon April 1.1 , IMG.
Notice Is hereby ( jlven Hint .1. . l.nlliiiun tiled his petition slimed by the requisite
number of freeholders oflho second ward
of the city of Kulls City , ashing ihut a license
us a Milonn keener bo pi-anted him to sell
limit , spirituous and vinous liquors on lots
and H. block 71. In the second ward of Kails
Oltv. for the munlclpiil jear rommenclc ?
May 4 , 1IICKI , and ending > lny 4 , 1U07.
( Seal ) O. W. IIIIOWK ,
IS- : ' City Clerk.
Le al Notice
I'irst I'ubllc.itlon April 13 , lOOG
Notice Is hereby | rl\cn tlnit ' 'cter Fred-
crick , Jr. , lias filed Ins petition signed by
the requisite niiinbor of freeholders of the
second ward of the city of Polls Clt > . asking
that n license us a s.iloon keeper bo granted
him to eell mult , spirituous and vinous
liquors on lots (1.7 and R block ftS. In the
second ward ot Kails City , for the municipal
\i'nr commencing Mav 4 , JIHM. unit ending
, Mn > 4 , 1P07.
[ EAI,1 OV. . ItHOW.N ,
ln-.i Citj Clerk
Tim publication April U. ibOil.
Notice It. heieby given that V'mlV
Herbster lm > llli'd his petition eUned b > thu
requisite number of freeholderof the
second wind of the city of Falls City , .isklng
that u license as a i-nloon keeper bo ginntcd
him to soil malt , spirituous and vinous
liquor * on lots ft and < , , block 71 , In the second
\\nrdol Falls City , leu the year
coitiiiieiicliig May 4. IPOB. and ending .May 4 ,
| % 7 IMSI.I o. W Iliiows ,
1 .1 City Clerk
Legal Notice
rir t publication April 13 , lw i.
Notice Is heub ) gi\m thai .1. K , Shelly
liai tiled his petition signed by the icqulslto
numtorot freeholders asking that a Jlccnse
bo grunted him to se.l malt , spirituous and
\luous liquors , ou lot C , block 1. In the
Village ot Preston. Nebraska , for the munic
ipal year commencing Muy 1 , H < 3i5. and ending
May 1 , 1P07 > i u.l H. P. KlKOEii.
r-t Village Clerk.
Leg * ! Notice
Klret publication April 13 , IWti.
Notice is hereby glvtn that Ed Shubcrt has
filed bis petition signed by the requisite
number of freeholders asking that a licence
be granted him to tell malt , spirituous and
vlDuous liquors on lot 7 , block 5 , In the
Village of ohubert. Nebraska , for the muulc-
Ipal year commencing May 1. 1W8 and ending-
Mayl. 1WT. stLl W 11. MOHHOW.
1M Viliipe Clerk.