The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 13, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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The Notorious Fisher.
The Hobo Priest and general
all around scoundrel , one Fish
er , upon whose uncorroborated
testmoney ! Dr. ,1. L. Candy was
recently convicted in Auburn
lias "Hew the coop , " so to
speak. This fellow , who ad
mitted about on the stand that
ho had committed about every
offense known to the law , and
would be willing to re-commit
them if he were paid for it ,
testiiied that Gaudy hud en
dcavored to got him to commit
perjury in the case of Gandy
vs Bissell soon to be tried in
this county The case being
against Gandy the jury returned
a verdict of guilty. Now it ap
pears that Fisher is ready to
throw down the fellows for
whom he WHS acting in the pros
ecution of Gandy , and who it
appears were trying to win the
Bissell case , not on its merit * ,
but by Bending Gandy to the
penitentiary and thereby de
stroying the case of his wife
against the Bissell estate. The
following appeared in the Ne-
niaha County Herald last week :
"Our friend Fisher just at this
point iigain steps to the center
of the stage , which he has
seemed determined to occupy.
On his testimonj' in thu Gandy
trial , the above proceedings
were largely based and he waste
to have , of course , gone on the
stand again in the disbarment
Saturday he suddenly remov
ed from Auburn and was not
heard from until Monday , on
which day Count ) ' Attorney
French received a telegram
from Fisher , dated at St. , lee ,
Mo. , in which he stated that he
had been "decoyed1' to the latter
city and that $25 was needful
for the continuencc of his
health , etc. , etc. Mr. French
did not send the money , but on
Monday evening , in company
with Sheriff llohrs went to St
Joe. Here Ihey found Fishei
on Tuesday , who promised tc
return with them. He stated
incidentally , that he had inter
viewed the county attorney am
that individual had told him In
could stand on his rights am
not go back until extraditioi
papers could be made out. 13u
Fisher magnanimously waivec
this , until just an hour befon
train time , when he becanu
nervous a u d stated that i
brought back he would mos
probably be placed in jail. See
ing how he felt about it , tin
ollicers knew it was useless ti
try to induce h i in ( withou
money ) so they allowed him t <
escape , which he did wit !
studied care.
Later developments in th
'Comedy of Errors' are awaitei
with interest. '
"The Holy City" Again.
For this , the second season o
Gordon and Bennett's womlcrfv
drama "The Holy City , " ever
decree of theatrical represent !
tion ha ? been made toexcell : Th
allegory , musical , spectacle an
thrilling situation so greatl ,
enjoyed last year company <
superior talent , costumed in gai
tnents of almost bewilderin
beauty , is stronger and mor
brilliantly arrayed , and additioi
al accessories have been provided
Nothing more dramatically con
plete well be seen this season an
it is of pleasant record that la
year's success is being surpassec
Manager Gehling confidently e
pects this return cngageme :
will be to the capacity of tl
theatre. At Gehling Opera hou
Monday April 10th.
Any man can earn money , f <
can save. Fifty cents n ye
isn't much to save , but fifty ce
pieces count up pretty fast. /
the news , all the time , all t
year for one dollar is one of t
advantages of this paper ,
you are not a subscriber , consul
this an invitation to become 01
If you can't call drop us a ca
and j ou can pay the dollar t
next time you are in town.
What Mall Order Houses Arc Do-
injj for Farmers.
The following is clipped from
the columns of the Clintonville
( Wis. ) Tribune :
1. You shall sell your farm
products for cash wherever you
can , but not to us ; we do not buy
from you.
2. You shall believe our state
ments , and buy all you need from
us because we want to be good to
you , although we arc not person
ally acquainted with you.
o. You shall send the money
in advance to give us a chance to
get the goods from the factory
with your money ; meanwhile you
will have to wait patiently a fc\v
weeks because that is our busi
ness method.
4. You shall apply to youi
nearest city to aid in building
good roads , so you may con
veniently get the goods from the
depot tliat you buy from us , foi
we do not build country roads.
5. You shall buy church belly
and interior church fixtures from
us and forward the money in ad
vance , for that is our business
( } . You shall collect from the
business men in your vicinity as
much moiiev as you can for the
benefit of your churches. Al
though we earn more money from
you than they do , still it it
against our rules to donate money
for building country churches.
7. You shall buy your toolt
from us and be your own mechan
ic , in order to drive the mechan
ics from your vicinity , for wt
wish it.
8. You shall induce youi
neighbor to buy from us , asv <
have room for more money.
' ) . You shall look often at tin
beautiful pictures in our cata
logues HO your wishes will in
crease and you will send in a bif.
order , although you are not it
immediate need of the goods
otherwise you might have semi
left to buy necessary goods o ]
your local merchants.
10You shall have the me
chauic that repair the goods yoi
buy from us. book the bill so yoi
can send the money for his labo
to us for new goods , othcrwis
he will not notice our influence
11. You shall believe us ii
preference to your local merch
ants , as we want vour bes
and we only become millionaire
by chance.
12. You shall in case of acci
dent , sickness or need , apply t
your local dealers for aid an
credit , as we do not know you.
What to Teach Your Daughter
Teach her that 100 cents mad
one dollar.
Teach her how to wear a simpl
muslin dress and to wear it lik
a queen.
Teach her how to sew on bul
tons , darn stockings and men
Teach her to dress for healt
and comfort as well as for a ]
Teach her to arrange the paler
lor and the library.
Teach her to love and cultiva
Teach her to put every-thui
in its place.
Teach her to have nothing t
do with intemperate and disolu
young men.
Teach her to pay regard to tl
character of those she would a
sociatc with , and not to ho
much money they have. Selec
Chronic Bronchitis Cured.
For tun years I had chronic bri
so bud lit times I could r
% speak above u whisper , " writes
Joseph CotVinan , of Montmorene , u
e "I tried all remedies available , I
with no success. Fortiujntely my e
ployer euKgesteil that I try Vole
Honey and Tar. Its elTeet was aim
miraculous , and I am now cured of t
ilUeitse. On my rccommendat
many people Inwo used Foloy's Hat
and Tar , and always with satUfactio
For sale tit Moore's Pharmacy.
The best line of 10 cent mil
ever published for sale at Robe
the Jeweler.
CURES catarrh of the stomach
The Holy City.
In arranging for a return date
of "The Holy City. " Manager
Gehling has again secured the
most impressive drama on the
stage. Intellectually conceived ,
dramatically constructed , power
fully acted and sumptupusly
staged , the play last year noted
for its complete and beautiful re
presentations. A full house will
await the reappearance of the
company here on the 16th of
April at the Gehling.
They Look for the Ads.
An exchange puts home a solid
shot when it says : "A news
paper may boom a town through
its editorial and news 'columns ,
but a critical investor looks to the
advertising columns for the sub
stantial evidence of push and
life. To him they are thermo
meter measuring the intensity
of public warmth ; they are the
pulse that indicate the healthy
condition of the people they tell
him whether or not the commun
ity is up to the times in business
matters.Tarkio Herald.
Some Catchy Posters.
During the past few weeks
Sydney P. Spence , Proprietor of
the National Hotel has received
numerous inquiries concerning
some unique ad displays in the
line of posters which he scattered
through the hotels over the state.
They are the style of "Weary
Willie" posters namely Dogey ,
Daisy , Sunny and Rosey. He re
ceived letters desiring more in
formation , from M. Baggattor ,
San Francisco , Cal. , W. A. Way-
man , St. Joseph ) Mo. , and C ,
Bradley of Beatrice , Nebr , and
numerous others. Nothing likt
advertising a good thing.
The Holy City.
Believing their public to bt
more interested in artistic pro *
duction than in the cost of trans
porting paraphernalia , Gordot
and Bennett do not advertist
"trains of cars , " or "tons oi
scenery , " yet for every perform'
ance of "The Holy City"theatre
stages are cleared of all that ii
generally used the company
management provides the sceuet
which are so beautiful and souui
ersally extolled. There is nc
band , no day parade , but and
euccs dud that night bring *
evidences of more sumptuous per
) aration than is of ten seen- Con
Idcnce and good will champioi
the efforts of this firm ; thesecom
season's presentation of "Thi
Holy City" is eagerly looked fo
it Gehling Opera House , Mon
: lay. April l ( > th.
Boy's Composition on News
Newspapers are sheets of pape
on which stuff to read is printed
The men look over it to see i
their names is in it.
The women use it to put on th
shelves and such. I don't kno )
how newspapers came into th
world The Bible says nothin
about editors , and I never hear
of one being in Heaven. I gues
the editors is the missing lin
them fellows talk about. Th
first editor I heard about was th
fellow who wrote up the ilooc
He has been here eyer sina
Some editors belong to churc
and some of them toother thing
All of them are liars , at least a
I know , and 1 know one. Edito
never die. At least I never sa
a dead editor. Sometimes tl
paper dies and the people fe
glad but some one starts it v
again. Editors never went i
school because editors never
icked. Our paper is * a might
poor one but we take it so n
, | can use it on her pantry shelve
i- Our editor don't amount
much but my pa says he had
poor chance when he was a bo
He goes without underclothes
the winter , wears no socks a ;
has a wife to support him.
Pa hasn't paid his subscripts
in five vears and don.t intend i
Foley's Honey and Tar contains
opiates , and will not constipate 1 !
nearly all other cough medicines. I
fuse substitutes. For sale at Moor
Cures Coughs , Colds , Croup , La Grippe , Asthma , Throat in the
and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption YELLOW PACKAGE
For Sale at Dr. Moore's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr.
Burlington Bulletin.
Special llomeeeckers' Rates :
Ibt mid Urd TtifKdiijv , low ex-
eurieiou ratt'b to the North Phittu
Valley , the Big Ilorn Basin and
other frontier territory. Person
ally conducted excursions on 1st
and J5rd Tuesdays of eaeh month
for those decking free homesteads
of 0-10 aeres of mixed farming and
dairying. Write D. Olem Deaver ,
Agent Homeseekere' information
Bureau , 1001 Farnam St. , Omahi ,
Irrigated Lands : If yon havt
any surplus money , yon etui tin
nothing better with it than to gut
hold of an irrigated farm uow. Ii
this appeals to you , Bend for irri
gation literature.
Low Vacation Tours to Colorado
California and Puget Sound :
The Summer of 1900 will bring n
great variety of attractive low rate
excursion tours. The greatest
railroad journey in the world tc
California and Puget Sound ie
within your reach at about half
rhtes daily from April 25th to May
5th , also after June 1st. Ask
about excursion rates to San Fran
cisco for the teacher's big meeting
also about the cheap rates to Colorado
rado for the Elk's great gathering
early in July.
To Western Resorts : Low rate
excursion tickets to the Black
Hills , Hot Springs , South Dukotc
Sherdan , Wyoming , ( Enton'f
Ranch , Big Horn Mountains ) IUK
Yellowstone Punk ; ask aboul
special camping 'our ' of 21 dnyf
from Cody through the Yellow
blone Park.
Go Somewhere : Life is short
see Americk. Think over the
kind of a trip you would like tr
make , and atk the undersigned u
help you piny the mosi interest
ing trip at the lowest posbibN
L.W. WAKCLCY , G P. A. Omaha ,
You Will Prosper
in the Great
Southwes !
in Oklahoma , Indian Territor
and Texas are vast areas of unihi
proved land laud not now yield
ing the crops of which it is cap
nble. The some conditions appl ;
to the towns. Few lines of busi
ness > \re adequately represen ted
There are openings of all sorts-
for mills and factories , for snial
stores , for banks , newspaper am
lumber yards. You have only ti
gel on the grcund to prove this
To enable you to do so the Mis
souri , Kansas and Texas railwn
Rates Cheaper Than Eve
1 Feb. 6th and 20th
March 6th aml20tl
Ou above .lutes most lines wi
sell both one-way and round tri
tickets at exceptionally low rate ;
If your nearest railroad agent cm
not give you the rates , write infer
for particulars.
If you'io in any
way interested m the
Southwest , I'd like to
send you my paper
"The Coining Coun
try. " Address
General Passenger Agent
550 Wainwright Bldg.ISt. Louis , M
Tickets are ou sale
10 everywhere , via Missouri -
CO souri , Kansas and
Texas Railway.
Irrigated Lands
A Sure Thing !
Special Homeseekers' Rates : On February Olh mid
March b'th nnd 20th the Burlington makes very low excur
sion rates to the Big Horn Basin , the North Platte Valley
and Eastern Colorado.
Keep Ahead Ot the Movement : The Government work
is under full headway towards putting water on two hun
dred thousand acres of land adjacent to the Burlington
road , at an averse cost of $25.00 It is possible today to
secure homestead lands nlongthese yrent ditches , in advance
of the water. You can also buy from private concerns ,
very fine irrigated lands , under n full nud permanent water-
supply , nt prices ranging $25.00 to $40.00 au acre. The
history of western irrigated lands shows that their value
has increased over one hundred per cent , in the past few
years. There are areas of irrigated lands in the west
that cannot be bought today for $300.00 an acre.
It Will Pay YOU to get interested in irrigated land ,
and to get in touch with the land agents in the North
Platte Valley , the Big Horn Basin , the Billings , Montana
district or Eastern Colorado. If you will write uie for
irrigation literature descriptive of any of these localities , I
will mail it to you free , together with a Hat of land agents.
General Passenger Agt. . Agent.
Omaha , Neb.
dust received H ear of Ground Oil dike I will
J K-ll at tffrj.OO per ton. $ 'M 00 per ton in one-hnlf
( ton lots and $1.75 per hundred for less uunntities. >
Plenty of Climax Chick fee' ' , just the stuff for
litlle chicks. Satisfaction guaranteed or money ret -
< t funded. Flour. Bran. Shorts , chop feed , grain of nil
i kinds , Baled Hay nnd Straw. Coal and Wood , Lump
Rock nnd Ground Kock Salt. Mi ' > -,11 barrel salt.
Also garden seeds nnd onion r-\ \ > -
We will have on display on
Friday and S turda y
ft our complete line of
Street and Dress Hats
jU We carry the nobbiest , newest and most up-to-date line
fx of hats ever shown here. All the new shapes.
colors and designs.
| That New Spring Salt |
Will be perfection , both in style , fit and quality -
ity of material , if you submit your order to
us. Some of the latest creations in Spring
styles are ready for your inspection. Our elegant -
gant line is sure to please the most fastidious.
Place your order for Suits early with : : :
F. A. HUMflEL , Prop.
Breeder of U. S. Polled Durham and Shorthorn cattle. Bulls ready for ser
vice of Scotch and Cruickshank breed , for sale. Rural Route No. 2. Porter
Mutual Telephone 2U , Hwmboldt , Neb. Mention this paper when writing.