THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , MARCH 30 , 1906 The Falls City Roller Mills Docs a general milling business , and manufactures the c > following brands of flour 3 3 SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN 3 fto 9 o The above brands are gnnrantccd to be of the highest pos sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and Conduct a general , 11 Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business n c C i o ( I and solicit a share of your patronage c o ( I : i o > ' Heacock & Son Falls Neb. t c < i i P. S. , City , . c i X JUST LOOK : at the immense stock of goods at Werner , flosiman & Co. I We have just received 3 car loads of implements and are now ready to show you the best lines of im plements west of the Missouri river and we invite you to inspect our goods and get our prices on same. * * Remember we handle everything in the implement line and can save you money. Our stock of Buggies and Surries are complete and are of the best makes. And , remember we have the only cream seperator on the market , the easiest run and simplest constructed. We have a big stock of windmills , pumps , pipes and tanks on hand , and we ask you to look our mills over before * buying. We are also agents for the celebrated W. C. t. Shinn Soft Copper Lightning Rod * and the only rod you can get cheaper insurance on. We invite you to come and see us if you need anything in the lines above mentioned. We can save you money and our goods are all warranted bv the company and guaranteed to do good work. Call and see us before buying. Yours Truly. Werner , Mosiman Sc Co. ! The Great Paper of the Great West The Kansas Citv S ar Everywhere recogni/ed as the strongest and most reliable newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United States. Wherein It Leads. Its Unexcelled NeWSService embraces the continuous report of the Associated Press , with dispatches every hour ; the general and special service of the Now York Herald : the Hearst transcontinental leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own representatives In Washington , D. C ; Jefferson City , Mo ; Topeka , KB. , and Guthrie , Ok. , in addition to the largo grist of news that comes dally from several hundred other alert representatives. Its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative value that causes thorn to be telegraphed to all parn of the United States the momentTHE STAIl comes from the press. No western man even Indirectly interested In the value of food products , stocks and securities can afford to bo without THE STAR S dully record ol price * and conditions. ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's column , in which are answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and affairs , a department for inquin rs on other subjects and a wide range of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's most In teresting people nnd events these In addition to a vigorous editorial page , absolutely independent politically , and a Sunday issue that U full of live special matter and liJinun Interest. 13 Papers Each week for 10 cents The Kansas City Star was the first and is still the only newspaper to deliver a complete morning paper , THE KAN SAS OITY TIMES , to its subscribers' without increase in the subscription price. Registered Arberdeei\-Ai\g\is Cattle FOR SALE 50 Registered Arberdeen-Angus cows and heifers. These cattle are all under six years of age. Matured cows weigh 1500 pounds and over. All of breeding age are good regular breeders , some have calves at foot , others are soon due to calf. Also bulls. Prices range from $50.00 up. Gravity is on the Burlington route , in Taylor county , Iowa , 75 miles south-east of Omaha. Also a good well improved farm of 240 acres , 11/4 miles from Gravity , for sale. Jas. Chambers , BOX 129. Gravity , Iowa. 1 I ANNOUNCEMENT | I 1 Buying secured the oxclu- * aivo ngency in Fnlls City for $ Sycnmoro Springs Mineral Wnter , wo nre prepared to furnish customers with the < j the Bfimo. Price 00 cents per < : five gnllou cask. Call phone 3 189 or phone M. | PRANK GIST C. P. REAVIS Jr. ATTENTIONICITIZENS ! SATURDAY APR. { 4 THE Falls City Candy Kitchen Will have a Special Sale of their SOUER KRAUT Candy , at loc a pound or 2 pounds for 25 cents. "Wo have a full line of Can dies from which our patrons can inako their selections. Or- nnges and Bananas at reasona ble prices. Remember the place. One door north of Hargrnve iv liar- grave's Clothing Store. THE FALLS CITY CANDY KITCHEN. DR. O. H. KENT Gruduate American School of Osteopathy , Klrk&ville , Mo. Examination and Consultation Free Hours : 9 to 12 a ra ; 1 to 4 p in Ofllce at residence , Stone street , second block north of court house. PALLS CITY - NEBRASKA Dr. A. E. Wolfe OSTEOPATH Treats successfully without DRUGS , all curable diseases. Office over Lyford's store. Office Phone 267 Residence Phone 214 FALLS CITY N C. H. flARION I AUCTIONEER , I I Sales conducted in scientific and businesslike - nesslike manner I C. H. MARION I I Falls City , Nebraska 1 $ > < ! X- PLANT TREES | If yon ore going to plant an apple tn e or any other kind of fruit tree , I have the best of its kind. Also vines , small frnitfl , slmdp trees , f everurceiiR , Hardy Shrubs , H. P. Kowt-M and the genuine Crimson Ramblers. A 1 1 for sale nt my old stand just north of Court House. < 218. f \ [ WmMohlerj I Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Falls City , Neb. NOKTH No. 135 Omaha , local 7:45 : a. in No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln Express A 1:57 : a 11 No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln No. 127 From Kansas City. . . 8:15 : p it passenger A 1:41 p n No. 191 Local Freight , Au burn A 1:16 p n SOUTH No. 104 Kansas City local 7:50 : a , No. 10ft Kansas City and St. I Louis and Denver A 3:10 : a 1 No. 108 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver A 1:16pn : No 138 From Omaha 8:35 : p m No. 192 Local , Atchi&on. . 10:15a n A. Daily. IJ. Daily except Sunday J * . H. VAKNUK , Agent. A Chtll&nooga. Druggist's Statement Robt. .1. Miller , Prjprlut IP of th Read House Drug Store of Chatta nooga. Tenn. , writes : "There is more merit In Foley'o Honey and Tar that In any other con eh syrup. The call for It multiply wonderfully and wo sel more of it than all other cough syrup combined. ' Koreule/at Moore's Pliar mucy. New Books At The Library. Following is a list of the new books just received at the public ibr.iry. Austin Lsidro ) oiuicll Keboccii Mary Ciller Building of the city Beautiful Nicholson House of a thousand candles \irkington Conquest of Canaan .Mturston The Gambler Vharton House of Mirth Viggin Rose of the River Villianison My Friend the Chauffeur iuker Biographical Dictionary of Musicians "The Times" Atlas Arabian Nights Barbour Four in Camp Bird Tales Dog Tales Crane This Little Pigs Picture Book ) efoe Robinson Crusoe Mini roe. Derrick Sterling Out Of The Ginger Jar. GETTING THI3M OUT. Recently in man was going by he night mail to Carlisle. Be- ore starting he called the guard , tipped him heavily , and said. "I am going to sleep , and am a heavy sleeper , but 1 must get out at Carlisle. Get mo out at all ha/ards. Probably I shall swear and light , but never nind that. Roll me out on the platform if you can't get mo out u any other way. " The guard promised , the train started , the nan went to sleep , and , when 10 woke up , ho found himself it Glasgow ! He called the .fuard , and expressed his viewn in powerful language. The juard listened with a sort of idmiring expression , but' when : he aggrieved passenger paused for breath , ho said ; "Eh , mon , ye have a fine gift o' swcarin , " jut ye canahaud a cannle to the ither mon whom I rolled out on the platform at Carlisle. " WAS NOT HIS LEAD. Toward the end the sermon jot uninteresting and several persons went to sleep , among whom was Brother Jones , one of the "pillars. " At the close , the preacher bowed his head , closed his eyes and said : "Brother Jones will please lead us in prayer. " No response. ( A little louder.Brother Jones will lead us in prayer ! " Still no response. Then the preacher , looking up , saw Srother Jones arousing from lis sleep in the corner and bawled out the one word , 'Lead ! " Brother Jones awoke with a start , and. looking all confut-ed said : "Tain't my lead ; I just dealt. " PATENT MEDICINE. The following is told of a druggist who is "great" on patent medicine. lie manufact ured one kind called "Dr. Pratt's two-grain Anti Bilious Pills. " One day a small boy walked in- .o the shop and said : "Please , sir , give me a box of Dr. Pratt's pills. " The druggist looked at him a ninute , and then inquired : "Anti-bilious " - ? "No1 the . , replied youngster. "Uncle's sick. " AQUEUY ANSWERED An eloquent evangelist who was holding a series of pro tracted meetings had been in terrupted on several occasions by the departure of some one of thf audience. Fie determined to prevent further annoyance by making an example of the next one so doing. Therefore , when n young man arose to de part in the middle of a discourse he said : "Young man , would you rather go to hell than listen to this sermon'11' ! The Individ- aul addressed stopped midway up the aisle and turning slowly about answered ; "Well ! to tell the truth , I don't know but I would. " THE WRONG CARDS. A young married lady hat just acquired a new coach and new footman to match. "John' she said one day. "we will drive out to make a few calls. But . shan't get out of the carriage you will therefore , take the cards that nre on my dressing table and leave one of thorn at each house we stop at. " "Very good , ma'am , " answer ed John , and he ran up stairs to fetch the cards. After they had driven about a considerable time and cards had been left at a largo number of houses , the lady remarked : "Now we must call on the Dales , the I'Yamptons ' and Clarices. " "Wecan't do it"broke , in the 'ootman in alarm. "I've only the ace ol spades and ten of clubs loft ! " His ADVICK A newly-married couple boarded the train at a wayside village. The groom was i strapping young fellow , with sunburnt face and hands and bear's grease on his hair ; while ; he bride might have been the "hired girl" on the same farm. They had no sooner taken a seat : han he put his right arm around icr and began to caress one of icr hands. A voice in the rear of them cried out "Spoons ! " but the bridegroom gave no sign. Pretty soon he pulled her head on his shoulder , and there was a titter in the rear of the car. The head stayed right there , however , and Josh got both her hands in his paw. Three or four voices cried out "Oh ! " and "Ah ! " but it WPS fully 2 minutes before hetcn- derly pushed her away : ind rose , ookcd around , and said , "We are narricd " Another titter went round. "We sparked for four years. She's my violet , and I'm lier towerin' oak. We've got one liundrcd and ninety miles to go , and we are going to spoon every rod of it , and if there is any critter here who thinks he can't stand it he can get out and walk. " LITTLE BROTHER. The ability of the small boy to nmse discomfort in his elder sister's breast has been the theme of more than one story. Ten.year-old Ned had peculiar talents in that direction , and in the month or two before his sister's engagement he made many embarrassing complica tions between her and the es timable young man who at lasl succeeded in winning her. Ned \vas much interested in the engagement and very fond'of his prospective brother-in-law. Out- day he was l.ikcn by the youn j man , who was a lawyer , to a court-room where a case was on trial. Ned was allowec to remain only a short time , but he had an excellent memory , and sundry phrases remained in his mind and tickled his fancy. The next day he stood in the window , and saw his future con nection pass the corner. Stick- bis curly head out , he called in clear ringing tones , for the benefit of all the neighbors , "George William Snow , come in to court. " THE WRONG KIND. An old Irishman was sitting out in front of his house puffing away and pulling heroically a his pipe. lie would light a 1 match and pull and mill at his I pipe , throw the match away and I light another , and he continued the preformance with great * patience until the ground about lim was literally strewn with burnt matches. ' Come in to supper , "said the wife at the door. 'Faith and Oi will in a min- tte , Biddy1 Mild he. "Molkc las been a telling me that if Oi shmaked a bit av ghlass Oi cud see the shpots on the sun , Oi don't know whether Moike's been a-fooling me or whether Oi've got hold av the wrong kind of ghlass. " Exchange , VERDON. The postmaster Inspector , J. U. Sin- ; lalr was in town last Monday. U. F. Vcauh and wlfo were Omaha visitors a few iluyn last week. J. M. GrllllthH departed for an ex- tondei' visit in Wisconsin last Sunday. Dr. Gurney Grllllths moved from Preston to this place last week. They will reside In the Evangelical parson- igu. igu.Abo Abe Stewart went to Omaha on last Wednesday. A. I ) . Glse , a former resident of this ulty but now ot Pawnee City was n vis- tor hero over Sunday. .1 , H. Hull vUUcil In Fulls Ulty Tuoa- lay , H. M. Ha v I on and family of Falls C'hy were Verdun visitors on Tuesday. Mrs. W.iNh after a fo-v weeks visit with hur flstcr , Mrs. Foutch. left for ler home In Si Clare , Mo , last Satur day.Geo. Geo. Kmtpp returned from u visit to Ulverton lust wuek. Amelia and John Suhrader outer- taluud about thirty of their friends on Saturday evening. The ladles Kensington met with Mrs W. Sloan Tuesday. A number of Odd Follows wont down to Falls City to attend led o and help initiate Fay Simmons. Hov. Hunt went to Salem Sunday and preached there. Mrs. Dave flout'/ visited her daugh ter In Ho wo hint week. Win Drajjoo wont to St Joe last Tues day on business. ICatlo Crouch was a Falls City visitor last wcok. Robert Mlcklo spent last week with friends here. W. F. Veach wont to Kansas City on Friday with a loud of hogs. Hey Lum , D. Griffith and Hallis Uronson who arc attending college at Crutu came home Friday for a week's visit. visit.Will Will Stewart wan In St Joe one day lust week. L. A. Klnsoy of University Plaoa was in town lust week. The W. 0. T. U. mot at the homo o ( Mrs. liennut Friday. oimT 11. Fold lor and Noah Peek were ( juestH of John Pupponha on , Mon day. day.Eph Eph Peck who was quite sick last week Is able to be up and about. The Missus Snug s of Iowa visited a few days with their cousin Mra. A. K , 1C u I rely. Martin T olte and family were visi tors at Ed.orn'ri Sunduy. Cleon Peck and wlfo npont Sunday with the homo folks at Marudu Sunday. , Geo. Johnston WUH u visitor ut the home of N. Htirnvvorth ooo day lust week. O. A. IJiirk and daughter Idu , went to St. Joe lust week to neu Mrs Fred Chealoy who Is quite sick. Mr. Burk IIIIH returned but MB ! Idu will remain for u wnile until her sister Kots bettor. The echolurti of the Silver Croak sin < riii ) , ' buliool taeetn to ou quite enthu- oxer their singing and some Hcem to take up the * \u\iiix \ \ quite well , John lirlm and wife of ilumlln , KB. , came up lust Wednesday to nmko tholr daughter Mr.-s A. E. ICnlnuloy u short visit. They returned to their homo Friday. Mr = . in Huottiier visited with Mi > . N. U Murn worm Monday. Mubul ShoiiMi in anelstini ; Mrt > , J. W. Munt > t with her household dutU'B. Andrew Ktittoror and wlfo are re joicing over the arrival of a little girl which arrived at their home Monday March ! 2Hh. ( Annie Stump spent a few days last week with her cousins , Hdna and Veru Shatfer. Mrs Clay Peck was among the bick last week but ia better now. Mrs. Geo. Puck visited with Her sister - tor Mr * . Clay Pock. Goo. Shoubo and family who huvo lived near Kcscrvu for u few years moved on the J. M. Hosford farm & north of Falls C'ty ' lu.t wcok. Martin Nolle and family were of Win. Elliott nor and wlfo S. ( I. Knltoly and wlfo yioHed ever Sunday lit Eph Puck's A few of thuouii . nr folks spent Thursday ovt-nlujj at Purry Shutter's 1 In honor of Vi-ru'u birthday. The evening wus ttpuiil in plains : various mimes and all teport an enjoyublo evening. Mrs. < Hiu" . Xorn sp-nt lust Fridxy at the home of tier duiiL'hiur Mrs. Wm. Duottner.