The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 30, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Now And Then-
The Supreme court of Ne
braska handed do vu an opinion
last week that saves the lives
of a numlKT of Kails City's
youiitf men. The anti cigarette
law was before the court on a
question involving ils constitu
tionality. A Lincoln boy had
been arrested and convicted for
rolling a cigarette , the claim
being made that such act con
stituted him a manufacturer of
cigarettes. The conn held the
law constitutional but turned
the boy loose. L'uder this rul
ing the young man about town
can buy the ' 'makings" and
manufacture the little collin
nails to his heart's content.
< r 1
Manager Walking of the In
dianapolis ball team said in an
interview in the Kansas City
Star last weeic that he thought
John Holland who will play
first base for the rndianadolis
ball team this year , wonl be the
find of the season. This opinion
is concurred in by every base
ball authority that has seen
Holland play. John wants to
get into the big league and his
many frieuds here are hoping
that he will reali/.e his ambi
tion. Why wouldn't it be a
good idea for the Elks to get up
a Kansas City excursion some
day when Indianapolis plays in
Kansas City and a crowd go
down for a days outing ? The
trip could be made on the stub
and the return on the night
train. Those who do not care
for base ball could spend the
the da'at the parks or in any
other amusement they desired.
* Hi
A reporter saw a lump of coal
in the Governor's oflice in Lin
coln last Saturday that came
from the Peru mine recently
opened up. The coal is said to
be of very superior quality by
coal experts and it cerlainly
looked it. The vein is14 inches
thick. Leavenworth has made
a mint of money from its coal
mine and the vein is only 18
inches thick. Atchison spent
thousands of dollars and went
hundreds of feet in the ground
to develope a twenty-lwo inch
vein. We have whal will pro
bably prove to be a much thick
er vein and a superior quality
of coal within a few miles of
Falls City. The Pirate mining
company composed of Palls
City men is sinking a shaft as
rapidly as possible and within
a few weeks will have reached
the vein disclosed by the core
drill. The dovelopementof this
mine will mean much to Falls
City in the way of cheaper fuel
and as ottering inducements to
manufactures. Tf the boys
want you to buy a lifflfc stock
it would be a patriotic thing to
invest , and at the same time it
may be the means of making
you some money. This is not an
advertisement ; it is prompted
only by a desire to assist in the
devolopement of anything look ,
ing to Falls City's welfare
* *
It is quite probable that the
stub trains will shortly be rut :
by electric inoters instead o
locomotives. The railroads
have been experimenting will
inoters for several years an <
their use is becoming more gen
eral all the time. Motors cai
be used with much less expens
on short runs than locomotives
both in the consumption of fue
and in operating expense. The ;
are now used between Kansa
City and Leavenworth and wi
shortly be in use between Kar
sas City and Topeka. Vic
President Clark of the Mo
Pacitic suggested this when th
committee was in St. Louis an
said that such service migli
be tried by the road in the nea
future. The Kansas City paper
published pictures of thu motor
now in use and stated in a
issue last week that the Mis.
ouri Pacific was contempiatin
their use on Hie Falls Gil
The death of ( ieneral John II
Thayer recalls one of the most
dramatic ncidents in the his
tory of Nebraska politics , foil ,
owed by a reconsilation be *
tween the two men who figured
in it must prominently. Be
cause of doubt concerning the
citizenship of the governor-
elect , James K Boyd , in 1891 ,
Governor Thayer refused to
turn the ollice over to his sue.
cessor until the supreme court
had passed upon the question of
Boyd's eligibility. The feud
became very bitter , and when a
supreme court decision was
rendered Boyd and Thayer had
become almost irreconcilable
enemies. They refused to speak
to each other , and the common
courtesies were notobserveo be
tween them. In 1901 , when
Charles II. Dietrich was gover
nor , he gave a dinner at the
mansion for all of the living ex-
governors of Nebraska. There
were present Boyd. Poynter ,
Holcomb , Fnnias , Crounse and
Thayer. General Thayer was
the last to arrive at the man
sion , and as he removed his
coat in llu- hall he anxiously
asked Governor Dietrich if Gov
ernor 13oyd was there ,
"He is"said Dietrich , --and
I believe he will be glad to see
yon. I hope that yon and Gov
ernor Boyd will forget the past
unpleasantness "
"L hope so , too , " replied Gen
eral Thayer. They entered the
parlor and Governor Boyd was
the first to arise and greet Gov
ernor Thayer. 'The two stood
in the center of the room , their
hands in a firm grasp , tears
running down their checks.
Ever after that time the two
ex-governors were good friends.
The Elk lodge divided into
sides for the purpose of a new
members contest , the losing
side to provide a supper for the
winners. The side known as
the Odds had all the best of it
until last week when George
SchmelKel of the Evens showed
up with a grip full of new ap
plications and put the Odds all
to the bad. There are now
some twenty candidates await
ing iniation and more ae to
follow. This will make the
local lodge one of the strongest
organisations in the slate , and
one of which all the members
are entitled to be proud. The
Evens say that the next contest
11 life insurance agents will
e barred.
* *
Palls City is picking up and
as fully regained the slight de
iression it has suffered for the
iast year. The wife of a mem-
er of a stub train crew was up
rom Hiawatha last week look-
ig for a house. She said that
he had been told in Hiawatha
hat there were 1 0 empty
onses in Falls City , but that
he had walked all day and
bund but two. While things
ooked a little discouraging for
iwhile it was a matter of ; i
ery short time before things
picked up and the future looked
nore hopeiul. New business
inns are starting until all the
business houses are occupied
It will now be but it short time
before the spring work begins
and the building boom will be
on. If we could only settle this
wretched telephone light and re
gain the trade of this farmer ;
who have been alienated fron
us the old town would be quit *
herself again.
* *
It is almost a waste of ctTor
for a newspaper to tight th
catalogue house evil without th
co-operation of the merchant
who are most interested. Th
newspaper can go on indeliniU
ly telling the farmer of the si
perior character of the good
sold here and of the very lo'
price asked for them and sti
accomplish but little unless th
merchant will advertise whn
he has for sale. A good advei
tisement stating the quality c
goods for sale and the price fo
tlifin is the best and only real
elVective way to light foreign
competition. The catalogue
man has his catalogue in every" *
home that will receive it. He
is forever advertising among
the very people whose trade be
longs to Palls City. The local
tnerclinnt must do likewise or
the trade will continue to go to
the other fellow.
Mi'- . A//.H Oiniiru mid family went
In Ituto Fridiiy for ti visit with rela
Guy and Albitit Hurk entertained
tlielr friend- , Win , und oliircnce Peek
mill John anti Win Hutchison Sunday
afternoon *
John Hitpieiihiii | > ier did chorea for
Lou Fiddler while he was at
KiuiMi-c'ty ' with hihosrs la-t week.
Ida Murk v I cited with her brother ,
flci hert Sunday.
Daley I'ci-lt fiitt'itulned her cousins
Kdtth I'eokimd Uoul ICnUcly Sunday.
GIIJ Oou'd WH * a victor al O. Murk's
SlIlllllH .
Piny IVek and wife wi-n viMtors at
the ftumer'i iwronta Friday.
N. It Hiirnworth and wife attcix'fd
an oyster -upper t Widen Pilday
I'M mi and Myrtle DoJds entertained
their friends Xonu and Ruby Hum worth
I'M Xorn and wife -pent Sunday with
Martin N'oltc and wife.
Mis. Chris Xorn visited with her son
AuiMit , Saturday.
Win. lliii'ttncr and wife entertained
X. H. Hurnworlh. wife and yens sun-
Kranens. Knlscly has returned home
from Peru where he has been attenu- celiool this winter.
Frank Peek attended the teachers
association In Fulls Clt.v last week.
Lou FIddlershipped Of head of hogs
to Kansas City Thursday.
Coouey Gerdes was the yuest of his
sister , Mrs. C'eon ' Peek Sunday.
Frank Peek WHS a guest of Ivan Kel
John Llehty and son , F. S. shipped
some cattle to Kansas City last week.
Chester Stump and family were vis
itors at Perry SbntVer's Sunday.
Hph Peck Is on the sick list.
Win. Cook and family attended an
oyiter supper at Verdon last Friday
The train run over a cow for Aug.
Xorn and cut her foot otT which makes
a bad loss for Mr. Xorn.
Kdith Peck spent Saturday night
with Nellie Knisely.
Henry Xorn returned homo from Ex-
celsor Sprincs last Thursday , very
nuch Improved In health.
Noah Peck spent Saturday with his
'athor Kilns heed.
Dr. Maust of Darada was a sjuest of
its brother , Joe at Straussvlllo.
Sol. Bloom made a trip to Long
Island , Iva , last week.
Mr. Driijoo { has rented the Doltrich
lotel and willsoon be ready to receive
Dr Gritlith Is making preparations
to move from Preston back to his home
, n Verdon.
Mrs Robertson visited her daughter
Mrs. Stowoll of Auburn last week.
Or. Kent of Falls City visited J.H.
Cornell several times this week. Mr
Cornell Is Improving.
Mrc O. A. Brown visited her sister
Mrs. A. N. Cook last week.
( . ' A. jorn has gone to Koif , ' Island : c
do I'arpentL-r work there
K. K. Bolcjack and John Kelly were
In Kails city lust week.
o. Ci Humphrey and wife entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Moran .uul Mr. and Mrs.
A. D. Goolsby Sunday evening.
Mrs. 15.V. . Grimth vi Uud in Full ,
city last week.
Miss Pearl Cunningham cpont thi
last of the week Ir. Falls city.
N. Shrader was in Long Island , Ks.
last weok.
An o ) ster supper was given by thi
W. O. W. lodge Friday evening I
about one hundred people.
A. Stevens went to utileago Frlda ;
carl and Homer Watklns who bough
t a farm south of town have moved on t
N. cox and family viblted relative
hero last week.
Geo. Hull was a Verdon visitor sut
day and Monday.
Kdna Parsons U entertaining he
friend Verti Lord of Falls City.
John Kvans of Omaha Is yisttln
relatives and friends In Verdon.
A vote for Barrett is a vote fc
a successful business man. j
* property owner a clean and mon
, man whose language at all time
f is decent and not shockingly fet
r and profane.
Foley's Honey and Tar
CureiMitiirh" and cnliU
Cures hroni'hU'u uii'i ii-tiiimi
( Jurei croup mill wiiuniilii
Cures hoiioi'iifc. mnl
( JurepniMimonlit and liti ; > | | > e.
Folt'yV KldntM Curt' HIM * * - ihe' kid
ney ? and hlnddcr rltlit. oiitnlii
nolhlnir lnjitrliiu . For > ! at. Mmnv'i
A Severe Gold for Three Months ,
The follo rliitf , letter from A. J. Nils-
baiim , of Hntesvllle , I ml . tell * Its own
story ' -nlVered I for three months
with a severe cold A drugelst pre
pared me some medicine , and a ph.i si-
elan prescribed for me , yet I did not
improve. I then tried Foley'i * Honey
and Tar , and eight doses cured me. '
Refuse substitutes For sale at Moore's
Common Colds tvrc the Cause of Ha.1 y
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have Dallied H nat-
iomil n-pntittlon a- itniil\-l- _ of ihe
eituse of varioii- die.teclaim that if
ndrliliiL' t'olo could iivnidi'd a loiur
Usof ( liiiu'tMoniiilnliiit - v ould never
beheanl nf. Kvt'i'y one kno.vp that
pneumonia and coii-umplion orglnatc
from a cold , and ohronk1 catarrh , broil-
chit- ! , and all anil 'un trouble
ana it ui avatLiI and ft ntlfivd more ' er
Ions by each frt'-h attack. Do not rick
. \ourllfeor take chance * when you
have. H cold. Cnaiuberlaln's Cough
Remedy will cure It be 'ore these dls-
uaceo develop. Till- remedy contains
no opium , morphine or other harmful
drug and has thirty year ? of reputation
back of it , gained bj it.- cure * under
every condition. For sale at Kerr's
Drug Morn.
Dr. R. P.Robertsdentist
over King's Pharmacy.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Legal Notice.
la thu Itlchiirdson county district cour > ,
Suite of Nebraska
Ilcfulo Roberts ,
Jc.-sc A. Koberth ,
The defendant , Jesse A Huberts , Is hereby
notlllcd that the pliilntlir , 'Ilossle' HAViorts ,
did , on the 17th duy of Fcbrimry , 1000 , Ulo
hur petition In the district court of Hlohurd-
son county , Nebraska , asulnst you , the
object and prayer of which , Is to obtain a
decree by said court dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between you and
her , on the grounds of non-support of her
und hur child , and that you are a common
drunkard and gambler.
You are fuithur notified that unless you
pleud answer or demur to said petition
on or before thu 9th day of April , IDOt ) , the
same will bo taken pro confesso. and a
decree of divorce ng prayed , will be entered
11-51 Att'ys for HlalntllT.
for children ; faff , * ure. No opiate *
STKKKS WANTKD 300 head to
pasture for season l'J06. Section
15-3-10 , Pawnee county. Ad
dress II. C. VanHorne , Pawnee
City , Neb. * 113-41
Pneumonia Follows A Cold
but never follows the use. of Foley's
Honey and Tar. It stops the coughs ,
heals and strengthens the lungs and
affords perfect security from an attack
of pneumonia. Refuse substitutes.
For sale at Moore's Pharmacy.
Why did the Leyda's encourage
a Prohibition ticket and are now
patting it on the back if not tc
weaken the Barrett vote whicli
they hope will go to Lichty. .A
very gauzy trick.
Leyda is patting Lichty on the
back. Watch him and his crowc
stab him on election day.
Barrett is not a profane fou
mouthed man but a gentlemat
and a business man in even
A vote for Leyda is a vote for ;
continuation of the farmers boy
cot and a vote to intensify tin
partisan and bitter feeling be
tween the citizens of Falls City
A vote for Barrett is a vote fo
Roosevelts idea of "Publicity" o
the public business , Wher
every tax payer can see and .reai
for himself where the money o
the city treasury goes.
Barretts platform means
"square deal" to rich and pool
A published report of the city' '
financial doings. A report tha
ir our present Mayor dares nc
show up and ask to be elected or
Grand stand play has cot
Falls City several lawsuits. i
costly boycot and a bitter factior
al feeling. Down the "boss. "
A Good Watch !
Is a necessity to every man
who would succeed in life.
The kinds we sell are guaran
teed to give you one of man's
strongest assets punctuality
if you will obey them.
Only standard and reliable
movements find place h ere
and we willingly guarantee
them to be accurate time keep
ers. Cases plain , simple and
ornate in either Gold , Silver
or Gun-m tal.
Velicate and complicated re
pairs are a specialty here.
Falls Citv , Nebraska.
W. II. Macklox
Real Estate Agency
See me before your purchase. Iain
selling1 cit3' property , loaning mon
ey at lowest rates , selling'farms and
making farm loan.- , . See me if you
wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I
am here for business. Write
W. H. Maddox , Falls City
Budington TIME TABLE
Falls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
) maha Helena
Chicago Butte
t. Joseph Salt Lake City
Cansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points east and and all points
south. west.
. 42. Portland St. lyouis
Special , St. Joseph.
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
east and south 7:17 p m
. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest 1:33 a m
Mo. 44. Vestibuled Express
daily , St. Joseph ,
Kansas. City St.
Louis and points
East and South. . . . 722 ; a m
No. 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south 7:47 a m
No. 17. Local express daily
except Sunday , Con-
cordia , and points
north and west. . . . 12.10 p m
No. 15. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:23 p'ni
No. 43. Vestibuled Express
daily , Lincoln and
the Northwest. . . . 1:44 p m
16. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St Louis ,
Chicago and points
east and south 4:35 p m
No. 18. Local express daily
except Sunday , St.
Joe and points
south and east. . . . 4:05 : p m
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p m
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , daily e x-
ccpt Sunday.Salem ,
Nemaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 p m
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis.
G. P. & T. A. , Omaha.
Ra.w Or Inflamed Lung.
Yield nipldly to the wonderful cura
tive und liealini : quulltles of Foley's
Honey und THIIt prevents pneu
monia and consumption from u hard
cold settled on tlioluniT8. "My daugh
ter bad u terrible cough which settled
on her lunsis , " fuys N. .lueUson , of
Danville. I'.l "Wo tried u trreut miiuy
remedies without relief , until wo puvo
her Foley's Honey and Tar which
cured her. For sale at Moore's Phar
A\ail From Falls City.
The mail arrives from Falls
City each uiorninpr. It could he
put in a peanut shell- The post
office folk say three letters are a
average. Hiawatha \\orld.
Cures Colds ; Prevents Pneumonia
D. S. HcCarthy
Pi urn nt attention given
to the removal of household
hold { rood * . < >
< M
= = WE SF.I.I.-
Diplomat , Old Crow
James E. Pepper
Guckenheimer Rye
The finest Whiskey made , Cull
for your favorite brand lit
William Harnack's
Phone 74.
Telephone No. 88
Office at Residence
Office Hours : S to 10 a. m. ;
i to 3 p. m.
Merchants and
Business Men
With hard accounts to collect ,
should place them with
John L. Cleaver
Collection Attorney
For Collection or for Suit
Collections my Specialty
Succeeds where others fail
Small Commission charged
Special sale of
All kinds all colors
all sizes all prices
G inch Jardiniere for 25c
10 inch .Janlitiiere for.l 25
Jardinieres for 25c , 30c , 40c ,
50c , GOc , 75e , 85c , $1 00 mid $1.25
See them in the large
28 piece Breukfiist S tnWo -
rated ware for $2.71) )
40 piece Dinner set in same
ware for $8.99
Two Specials in Deco
rated Pitchers at
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 135 Omaha , local 7:45 a. in.
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Express A 1:57 a ta
No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
No. 127 From Kansas City. . . 8:15 p m
passenger A 1:41 p m
No. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn A 1:16 p m
No. Io4 Kansas City local 7:50 a m
No. 106 Kansas City and St.
Louis * and Denver A 3:10 : a in
No. 103 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 1:16pin
No. 138 From Omaha 8:35 : p m
No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10 : 15a m
A. Daily. B. Daily except Sunday.
J. B. VAKNKK , Agent.
Special Rates.
$25.00 to Portland , San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles.
Tickets on sale until April 7th.
Homeseekers rates on sale Mch.
6th and 20th at 75 per cent of the
one way fare for the round trip.
Good 21 days for return.
Or.e way colonist rates to all
homcseeker points at one half
plus $2.00. Tickets on sale on \1
regular homcseeker datss.
J. B. VAKNRK , agt.