The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 30, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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K tcre \ as sciowl-cl.iss mallei .it
1'alls Cilv , Nebraska , jtost ofllce , Janu
ary 12 , l'K)4 , under the Act of Contfi'cit
of'MntchJ. 187't.
Published every Friday at Kails City ,
Nebraska , by
The Tribune Publl hinrt Company
One year . . . . . $1.00M
Six months . . . M
Tbrcc months - - - .35
( I , M. IIAItlilMT
Kill Coilltcltniuil
HmiNii W.MIIP , It. IIOIlltoOKfi . . I AM IIS II. COUNI'.U ,
Kor City Trenail rur
P ir t'llv UlctU
Knrl'olU'i ! Jliiliro
,1011V I. . ( MiKAVKIi
I'm Mi'inln'rs School Iliiiinl
( il'.OlKir IIOIiT
Iiitliolnst issue of The Trib
une there appeared a letter from
a iH'ighboring farmer who passed
several harsh criticisms on Kails
City , its merchant and this news
paper. The letter was published
because we thought it desirable
to place before the readers of the
paper the position taken by some
men with reference to the ( | ties-
tion of the catalogue house
against the home merchant.
Our correspondent asked us to
prove the statement that mer
chandise could be purchased as
reasonably in Falls City as in
Chicago. We gladly comply. In
this issue will be found the ad
vertisement ot a firm giving
prices on merchandise that is less
than the price asked by the mail
order houses , to say nothing of
the freight von pay on your for
eign purchases.
There'arc many stores in Falls
City that undersell the mailorder
houses ' aVul stand right behind
the quality of goods sold you. If
you doubt this statement , look
over your pirate catalogue , gel
the price named therein and com
pare it with the advertisement of
the local merchants. ' 'But."says
our correspondent , "I cannot de
pend on the advertisements of
your merchants. ' * In this our
correspondent is mistaken. The
Tribune will guarantee every
local advertisement appearing in
these columns. The local mer
chant cannot afford to offer for
sale a certain commodity at a
stated price and not do as he ad
vertises. Such policy would
destroy any establishment in thei
land. The Falls City merchant , '
so far as the writer knows , has
never been guilty of such dishon
orable conduct. It is true , as our
correspondent states , that prices
are made sometimes for special
sales which do not endure beyond
the time of such sale , but in
every special sale advertisement
this paper has ever printed , both
the date of its commencement
and its conclusion was oh-arly
stated. If our correspondent
failed to avail himself of the bar
gain within the time stated , it
was due to his negligence and
not to the dishonesty of the mer
This argument is beside the
question , however. T h e real
evil of catalogue houses is in im
posing on men with cheap mer
chandise and blinding them to
their real interest-
Every dollar sent to Chicago ,
no matter for what purpose , tends
to benefit Chicago just one dollar
and injure Falls City to the same
extent. Every dollar spent at
home makes this community just
a dollar richer.
It is just as much to a farmer's
interest to make Falls Cit )
a great city as it is to
the interest of any citizet
living within the corporate limits
Why ? We will answer by ask
ing a few questions.
What would your farms 1-c
worth compared to their presen
price if Falls City were as largi
as Chicago , or even Kansas City
What would it mean to you ii
" ) ( . * u ( ln > in one year lunountH to ; MH.2fi in leufniH $ IS
KV ' " " " " U(5.f ( ) ( ) ' ! ! (5 (
" ' " " " 5)1.f ) > 0 " " " W2.f > 0
" ' . " " " .
f > 0c 18'J.BO 1,825.00
7fic ' 27j.7 ; " " ' . ' { ,05000
$1 " UIJS.OO " " " 2.(550.00 (
This does not include interest , which if
added , will largely increase the results.
This Bank encourages daily savings by
paying 4 per cent interest on all children ac
counts and receiving deposits of One Dollar and
Palls City State Bank.
dollars and cents if you had a
packing house -market here for
your live stock , and what would
such a market add to the value
of your farm ?
Kgg.s were selling in Kansas
City last week for nine cents more
a doxen than they were in the
country towns. Why ? Because
there were more people to be sup
plied and therefore a greater de
mand. T h e farmers living
around Kansas City received the
benefit of that.
The same was true in a greater
or less degree of every product of
the farm.
If Falls City were as large
as Kansas City it would
mean dollars , yes , hundreds of
dollars , in the pocket of every
farmer in Richardson county.
Falls City will never be a great
er Falls City through the influ
ence of that man who sends his
money sto Montgomery Ward
Co. , to help build up Chicago.
If our correspondent will be
but fair with himself and consult
his own interest he will at least
make inquiries of the local mer
chant before he assumes that he
can do better with a mail order
house than he can at home. The
local merchant is a home builder ,
lie keeps your money in circula
tion at home. He buys your pro
duce and , in many cases carries
you on his book mouths at a time.
lie is entitled to your trade and
is getting the trade of those men
who can see far enough into the
future to understand in what
direction their own interest lies.
Judge Cleaver has always been
fearless in the enforcement of
law. lie has always been a ter
ror to the law breakerAs a
result he is being fought by those
men who prefer a liberal govern
ment and a police judge who will
be lenient with the law violators.
It is to be regretted that the
present mayor has , because of
animosity towards Mr. Cleaver ,
taken all of the police court bus
iness away from him and given
it to Justice of the Peace Sprag-
gins. Under the law a convicted
c riminal before the police court
can be compelled to work out his
fine at the rate of $1.50 a day.
This can not be done with one
convicted be-fore a justice of the
peace. Consequently there have
been no criminals at work on the
street and the city has been de
prived of this labor simply be
cause Mr. Ueyda wants to get
even with Judge Cleaver. If
there had been a few criminals at
work on the street it might not
have cost the tax payers nearly
five hundred dollors to cut the
top off the depot hill , as report
has it that it did cost. Judge
Cleaver will be elected. The law
and order element of Falls City
will not forget his past excellent
administration. If he is defeated
it will be because of his fidelity
to his nuty as a law officer , and
because lie believes that one who
violates the law should be punish
ed in accordance with the charac
ter of his offense.
13ert I'-'ker needs nothing fron
The Tri um to insure his clec
tion "t vill serve no srood pur
? pose f < News to rn 'eavor t (
11 crea e ' ! impression tl at lit
does not want the office- lie ac
cepted the nomination and desires
to be elected , and he will be.
Bert is one of Falls City's best
young men. He is and has al
ways been a credit to the town.
His habits are excellent and his
ability unquestioned. He has
never asked for an office before
and his pre-eminent fitness for
the place to which he now aspires
makes it an easy proposition.
His position with the Richardson
county bank will make his office
of easv acccess to all who have
business with the city clerk , and
he will always be found on duty.
By the way , if you happen to
have any business with the next
city clerk you will find him at the
Richardson county bank. With
out intending a pun , you can
bank on that.
Can you give any good reason
why Barrett should not be the
next mayor ? Is he lacking in
industry , ability or integrity ?
Has he been a standing candidate
for the office until he has almost
become a public nuisance ? He
is not , nor has he ever been a
factional man. We all agree
that factions should be stamped
out in Falls City. Is there a
nan , woman or child in Falls
City who doesn't know that
yeyda is the representative of a
action , has always been such
ind would not have been nomi-
latcd unless he was a factional
nan. If y o u think factions
hould be destroyed this is your
hance to help do it.
Rneben Horrocks has been a
esident of Falls City so many
cars t'.iat it takes a very old
imer to sa } when he first came
o town. During all of his life
icre have you ever known him to
lo anything that was not for the
best interest of Falls City ? He
las always been an industrious ,
lardworking citizen , and hiselec-
ion would be an honor to one
who fully deserves it. Mr. Hor-
rocks can be depended upon to beer
or the towns welfare at any and
ill times and we feel that the
> est interests of the city call for
lim to be the councilman from
the second ward. Vote for Hoc-
Jim Hill is making an excel
lent canvass and the odds favoi
nis most ardent adversaries
admit. The only uncertain fac
tor in the contest is the number
of votes Mr. Lichty will take
from the other candidates. Mr ,
Lichty is an excellent man , there
are none better , but he has utter
ly no chance for election. Ever )
vote cast for Lichty will be
vote in favor ot Lcyda. Those
who desire Mr. Barrett's electiot
should vote for him and not be
side-tracked from the main pur
pose through their personal ad
miration for any other candidate
Can you ask a fairer or mon
nianh statement than that mad
by Prof. Barrett in The Tribun
last week ? It rings true am
everybody acknowledges that th
professor is as good as his word
He stands for Falls City first
last and all the time. Isn't tha
a Letter platform than it woul
be if it read that he stood for ;
certain political faction ?
Ii ,011 want to take .1 shot at
factional strife in Falls Cits , you
will have a chance next Tuesday.
Vote for Barrett who is the rep
resentative of progress and good
government and not the repre
sentative of any faction.
My friend Levda , would you be-
icve that he is responsible for
vhatever has been done toward
jringing the M. P. Division to
nircity. Now lets see , he made
ne trip to St. Louis but who
vould not gladly do the same , if
ic had a pass furnished him the
attic as he did. Now Mr. Tax
payer , lets be fair and place
loner where it so richly belongs.
Who is it you have seen wading
hrough the muddy streets and
going about the city with stir-
eying parties ? Who is it you
lave seen burning mid-night oil ,
( rawing maps and writing letters
o the M. P. officials ? This man
s responsible , more so than any
jther person , for what has been
iccomplished along this line and
is our distinguished citixen
Mr. Ned Towle. If Prof-Barrett
s elected , I assure you he will
lot stop the stub trains from run-
ng into Falls City , but will as-
ist Mr. Towle or any other per-
011 in any and every way possible
0 get the division or further any
jthcr cause will be for the
ip-building of our city.
It looks very much like six
imes and out ,
Fish and wild game in season
it Heiser & Mosimaii's.
W. A. Margrave of Reserve
ind James Margrave of the Mar
grave rnch in Sheridan county
vere among Wednesday's busi-
icss visitors.
Mince meat , potato chips ,
) ickles and olives at Heiser &
One of the funny things of the
campaign is the fact that some of
he Martins are working for
wichty and the prohibitionists
lave their printing done by The
Slews. Talk about the sting of
Now that we have been getting
nlong so well with the old water
works , does it seem the part of a
conservative business man to in
sist and demand and implore the
ssuance of thousands of dollars
n bonds the way Leyda did sev
eral months ago ?
The taxpayers of Falls City
KIV the chief of police $65 per
nonth for his services. How
nany days in the past two months
las he been in Falls City ? How
nany days in the past two months
; ias he been spending at the coal
nine in which he and the mayor
are-financially interested ?
This fighting is between Bar
rett and Lichty just as sure as
shooting. This fact is admitted
by even the Lcyda men. If you
want prohibition it is your duty
and privilege to vote that ticket.
If you don't want it then your
vote must be cast for Barrett to
have any effectLeyda is so far
out ot it that he is no longer con
sidered by either of the other two
candidates. A vote for Lichty
makes Ley da's chances just that
much better-
Call up 74 for sweet , sour ,
sweet mixed and mustard pickles.
Thanks of Humane Society.
Officer Hershey ol the Humane
Society desires to thank those
who contributed so liberally to
1 he call for clothing- , for the re
lief of our city's needy ones.
The prompt response is very
gratifying- , showing the true
generosity and unselfishness of
our citizens. The supply do
nated would have cost close to
one hundred dollars if the cash
would have been expended tote
to procure the same.
Max Is No A\ore.
On Wednesday , on account of
his old age , Max the beautiful
pet dog , of Mr and Mrs. I. G.
Maust was chloroformed. He
was a beautiful speciman of a
St Barnard dog and it will
seem strange not to see him
keeping guard on the front
veranda at the Maust residence ,
they , in April born , are recorded to be the itH
H gem of that month of Sunshine and Showers. ) f
Hn H
n if Although almost priceless , still they can't compare IfK
! 6
6n K
n pare with our
9f if j : Gem Stock of Tinwear if if
) ;
nH * for the furnishing and replenishing of the kitch
uu * en supply.
) H t If you anticipate the addition of a BATH
U 16 ROOM to the home this season , you will do well
16U to see me for furnishings and plumbing.
16 it
l\ \ Remember the Place. ifu
J. C Tanner.
Heyers Old Stand. If
-i * A * - + - * - * - * * * * * * *
Right Byying fit The
Means Satisfaction Guaranteed
Ladies nml Children ! Buy
one pair of our Pi shoes
and it will not be n < - < to
nsk you to buy 11 11111.
SMOEvCp. You will I lire them.
Tor Men we show the latest
patterns in that reliable make of
money on the deal.
We have now what we consider the most
WALL PAPER ever seen in Falls City.
Then w e have a big assortment of
MOULDING S t o match these papers.
Come and see and get our prices.
White's Wall Paper & Art Store
City Meai Market
. . . . * . * *
nr rnmin
We handle all kinds of fresh and salt meats.
Poultry , Fish and Game in season. Home
made lard , pure and sweet , our long suit.
Oysters , celery , Kraut , Pickles , &c.
We Pay the highest market price for Poultry ,
Hides and Fat Stock. We kill our own
meat and handle nothing but the very best.
We solicit a share of your patronage.
J. B. RAMEL , Prop.
Dr. George H. Parsell , contemplating , i removal fro.n
city , will sell his home on North Stone Street , which is nn
the finest homes in the city , with four beautiful east from
with both shade and ornamental trees , { food 7 mom 'J story I. '
electric lights , city water , fine cellar and good barn.
Now is the time to s. cur ; oneot the best located homes-
city. Con't fail to investigate this proposit on , as an < > p | ( "
ty to secure one of those North end homes may not present
again soon. Call on or address ,