The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 30, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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The Falls City Roller Mills
a O Docsu general milling business , awl mnmifacturcs the
following brands of flour
The above brands are gunrantccil to be of the highest pos
sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products ami
conduct a general
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
3 ami solicit a share of your patronage
| P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb.
. K' V X'V : : !
V *
? at the immense stock of goods at |
% * * *
5 ! Werner , flosiman & Co. f
We have just received 3 car loads of implements
and are now ready to show you the best lines of im
plements west of the Missouri river and we invite you
to inspect our goods and get our prices on same.
Remember we handle everything in the implement
line and can save you money. Our stock of Buggies and
Surries are complete and are of the best makes. And.
remember we have the only cream separator on the
market , the easiest run and simplest constructed. We
have a big stock of windmills , pumps , pipes and tanks
on hand , and we ask you to look our mills over before
buying. We are also agents for the celebrated W. C.
Shinn Soft Copper Lightning Rod and the only rod
you can get cheaper insurance on.
We invite you to come and see us if you need
anything in the lines above mentioned. We can save
* you money and our goods are all warranted bv the
company and guaranteed to do good work.
Call and see us before buying. Yours Truly.
V Werner , Mosiman Sc Co.
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas Citv Star
Everywhere recopni'/ed ns the strongest nnd most rplinble
newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United Stntes.
Wherein It Leads.
V ItS Unexcelled NeWSServiCe embraces the continuous report
of the Associated Prone , with dispatches every hour : the general and
special service of the Now York Hcruld ; the Hearst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own
representatives in Washington , D. C ; Jefferson City , Mo ; Topeka , Ks. ,
and Guthrie , Ok. , in tiddttion to the largo grist of news that comes
daily from several hundred other iilert representatives.
Its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative
value that causes them to be telegraphed to all part * of the United
States the moment THIS STAR comes from the press No western man
even indirectly interested in the value of food products , stocks and'
securities can utl'urtl to be without THE STAR S daily record ol price *
and conditions.
ItS Special Features include The Chaperon1 * column , in which
are answered questions pertaining to Inanity aids and social customs and
affairs , a department for Inqulri rs on other ubjects and a wide range
of miscellaneous articles throwing side light * upon the world's most in
teresting people and events these in addition to a vigorous editorial
page , absolutely independent politically , and a Sunday Itbiie that i ?
full of live special matter and h jmtm interest.
13 Papers Each week for 10 cents
The Kansas City Star was the first -mid us still the only
newepnppr to deliver n complete morning paper , THE KAN
SAS OITY TIMES , to its subscribers without increase in the
Htibecriptiou price.
Registered Arberdeei\-Ai\g\is Cattle
FOR SALE 50 Registered Arberdeen-Angus cows
and heifers. These cattle are all under six years of age.
Matured cows weigh 1500 pounds and over. All of
breeding age are good regular ; breeders , some have
I calves at foot , others are soon due to calf. Also
I bulls. Prices range from $ ' 50.00 up. Gravity is on
the Burlington route , in Taylor county , Iowa , 75 miles
south-east of Omaha. Also a good well improved
farm of 240 acres , 11/2 miles from Gravity , for sale.
Jas. Chambers ,
Box 129. Gravity , , iowa.
Ilnving sec tired tin.1 exclusive - S
sive agency in Falls City for S
Sycamore Springs Mineral
Water , we arc prepared to < |
furnish customers with the x
g the same. Price 00 cents per < g
five gallon cnsk. Gnll phone S.
189 or phone H . |
New Candy Store
Offers Home Made I
| Candy fresh each day. 8
3 The best , purest and f
cS freshest for Whole-
S sale and Retail trade , 3
i One door north of 3
b Hargraue & Margrave i
| The Falls City I
§ Candy Kitchen |
c >
Graduate American School of
Oateoptithy , KlrksUllo. Mo.
Examination and Consultation Free
Hours : ! ) to 12 iv m ; 1 to 4 p in
OHiee at residence , Stonu street , second
block north of court hout-c.
GEO. SHIELDS , Proprietor
Open Night and Day. Oysters
a Specialty Everything- Hot
One block east of Cleveland's Store
A. E. Wolfe D. O.
Osteopathic Physician
Oillee over Lyford's'store. Residence
at National Hotel
Office I'luiiie2o7 Residence 1'lionc 156
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike in a n n e r
Falls City , Nebraska 1
If you are going to plant an i )
apple tne or any olhtr kind A
of fruit tree , I have tlie best >
of its kind. Also vines , \
small fruits , Bluulo trees , f
evertrreeiiB , Ilnrdy Shrubs ,
FI. P. ROHPS Htid the genuine
Crimson Ram biers. All
for sule t my old stimd just
north of Court HOUHP.
J Phone , 218.
{ IWnT aTrjTi irj
W i B'o'EinCB
< r [ UK I Back.
This ailment ib usually caused by
rheumatihm of the muscles and may la-
cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain
Balm two or three times a day and
rubbing the parto vigorously at each
application. If this does not allord ru
lii-f , bind it piece of flannel slightly
dampened with Puii ; Uulin , and quick
relief it almost euro to follow. Kor
sale at Kerr * Drug Sloro.
Slavish Liver a Foe to Ambition.
Yon can not accomplish very much
if your liver is Inactive us you feel dull
your t'ies are heavy and slight i-xi-r
lion exhausts jon. Orlno Uxuilvo
Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and
bowels and makes you fool bright nun
active. Orlno Liixutivc Fruit Syrup
does not iwmeato or grlpu anil IN mild
and very pleasant to take. Orimi ih
more effective than pills or mllnnrv
ciithartUio. Ucfu-o Mibetltiilf * . For
sale at M JOPIS'H Pharmacv.
CURES catarrh of the stuinath.
I Veil Hart drove over from Uon-rvo
Mrs. Emily Heater di'pitrted Wed
nesday noon for Olu'stur , Nebr.vhtro
she will visit 'lth her mother anil
Mrvlrt llaler and daughter re
turned home Saturday.
Win. Nenl of Rule wns visiting In
this town Friday.
Joe Hutrlck of Forloscue Is vlsltlne
with friends this week.
Mrs. Win. Rlcger onme down from
Falls Ulty the hitter part of this week.
L. 1' . McCumber was n passenger to
Fulls city Wednesday ,
C. F. I'rlubono has sold out his stock
In the store to Mr. Hnrnes of Cutaway ,
Dr. Grllllths loaded his household
goods Wednesday and departed for
Verdou where he will nmkn his future
Dr. Henderson WHS transacting busl.
ness In this city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs Mason and son were
passengers to Fulls City Tuesday.
James Grant was In town several
days this wuuk.
Mr H. Hrlnegar wiis a Preston
visitor Tuesday
Paul Saiiguanotte of Clu'imlpa , Okla
homa 1 * visiting with luluUvcs this
Hev. Nannluga rcturnud from con-
forcno- Tuesday m-enlng.
Albert Ford came over from Mltc-
ouri Thurtday to work for Margrave.
We now have on opening for a good
Dr. and druggist.
MUs Story came up to PnMon Sat
Miss Nellie Morris and Martha
Hlnck wi'i-e vUUlng In Kulo a few
Mr. S. K. Yountj ,
& Horticultural Agent , assisted
by practical and competent in
structors , will be on hand and de
liver free lectures on fruit and
vegetable growing- , poultry rais
ing , corn breeding , alfalfa cul
ture , stock breeding , forage
crops and other kindred subjects ,
and the Industrial Exhibit Car
will be open all day for the in
spection of the public.
If the several ' 'interests" , that
Leyda claims that he has fostered
by his vigorous defence would
think seriously for a motion t
they would see that his serious
boycot" and agitation was en
tirely uncalled for and could have
been avoided by sensible , conservative
vative , action , instead of an effort
at grand stand play.
The Company is at consider
able expense in carying on this
line of work and it is the wish of
Mr. C. S.'Clark , Vice President ,
that all employes of the Company
lend this department their hearty
support and co operation in order
that best possible results may be
- * -
How much of the city taxes
was uselessly spent last year to
"keep friendly,1 with twot differ
ent newspapers and for shovel
ling side walks and grading
streets and how many crossings
could have been built with this
"machine building" money ?
Running the sixth time for
Mayor and city Attorney ! This
would be crcdiable if it came
from the demand of the best citizen -
zen and taxpayers , but it is forced
upon the people by a ftlarinj-
combination of certain elements
known as ' 'machine politics. "
Any one having nice specimens
of farm products , cither grain ,
vegetables or fruit , who desires
to place them on exhibit in the
car may do so , by conferring
with Mr. Young and proper
credit will be given.
It would be the biggest April
fool joke of the season of the dry
ticket and this Anti-saloon agi
tation that was worked up for
Levda's benefit should be the
means of his defeat at the polls.
Judge a man by his record not
by his promises. Why Leyda
promised , if only elected once
more not to run again this year.
There must be something in it
for Hill and Jim-
How much better off our home
telephone company would be to
day in evetv way if it had not
"mixed up" with Leyda's crowd
to fight its battle ,
Press Notes.
Mrs. Cllcnit Hronson , who had
been visiting her parents , Mr. J ,
15. Ramel and wife , of Falls City ,
returned home Sunday.Verdon
Miss Maggie Fergus spent Sun
day with relatives at Falls City.
Ilumboldt Leader.
"If God be for you who can be
against you ? " Some people for
get that and go into a kind of
deal that even the devil would be
ashamed to endorse. York
E. L. Sandusky was up from
Falls Citr Friday interviewing
friends. Verdon Vedette.
Kindness , love and faith are
three esentials in every well re
gulated life. Shubert Citixen.
Geo. 15. Hall was up from Falls
City Sunday for a short visit.
Verdon Vedette.
Mrs. Myrtle Veach is up from
Falls City this week , a guest of
her parents. Frank Fryberger
and wife. Ilumboldt Leader.
Miss Sophia Brackhahu re
turned Monday to her home in
Falls City after a short visit with
the family of Fred Friedley.
The Hiawatha World claims
that all the additional mail that
comes to that town by reason of
the stub trains could be put in a
peanut shell. If the mail brought
to that city by the other trains is
correspondingly small , the post-
office at that village might as
well be discontinued. The trains
need not stop any longer and a
weekly hack service from Falls
City to Hiawatha should be es
tablished without further delay.
Verdon Vedette.
S. J. Uehmer has bought out
both butcher shops in Merrill
and will consolidate the business
and occupy the brick building
owned by Lichtv & Spare. Mr.
Bchmer has for years run a suc
cessful Meat Market in Hamlin.
He has moved his family to Merrill
rill and will live in the Christian
Haldeman home. Joe Haldcman
will have charge of the shop for
a time. Merrill News.
Miss Marguerite Biercr , assist
ed by the D. V. M girls , gave a
party Saturday night at the
Biercr home in honor of Miss
Dorothy White , of Falls City.
The evening was spent in play
ing whist , Miss Edith Raymond
winning the prixe a large box of
bon bons. Refreshments con
sisting of fruit salad , sandwiches
and coffee were served. The
guests were : Blanche Schilling ,
Loie Rogers , Bijou Meisenhcimcr
Geneva Raymond , Edith Raymond
mend , Rilla Ferguson. Mildred
Hull. Nelle Mitchell. Ray Clark ,
Louis Ryan , Rex Stewart ,
Ilarace Enerly , Casper ToplifT ,
Robert "Maxwell , Perl Fuller ,
Win. Byrnes. Chas. Hewitt.
Everyone present spent a very
enjoyable evening and pronounc
ed Miss Bierer and the L ) . V. M.
girls charming entertainers.
A newspaper makes enemies.
A single unfortune line may
wipe out the already faint recol
lection of a hundred nice things
it may have said about a man ; a
singe failures to be guided by the
judgment of a politician instead
of bib own conscience may
make that politician the editor's
enemy , regardless of the years
contributed to the advancement
of that politician , and even
though a paper may have for
years been a leading factor in
booming up this town this ser
vice may instantly be forgotten
if it offends once as to disregard
ing the ideas of some as to public
policv- The wonder , therefore ,
must not be as to the number of
enemies a newspaper has , but as
to its friends being so many.
That a newspaper of character
has many friends , _ surely is a
tribute to the intelligence of its
readers , who arc broad enough to
realixe that one may occasionally
errand yet be worthy of confid
ence. Realizing this , the sens
ible newspaper man goes ahead.
Benicia , Cal. , Herald.
Oliver G. Wells , Kails City . 22
Mary Hell Potter , Kills Clt . 18
Married by Judge [ lam. Urown
County World.
Falls City and Its Government.
I /irst / saw Falls City in June ,
ISfil. It consisted of a few
houses made of sawed cotton wood
lumber , and a few houses made
of unhewn logs standing on the.
open prairie. Nodooryards were
fenced , and no shade trees were
set. From that year to this , I
have done more or less business
here , and witnessed its growtlt
and prosperity.
Last summer I determined to
move here to live , and set about
preparing a suitable home. Water
had washed the soil away near
where a sidewalk should be. and
it needed filling up- Application
was made to a man to put in
curbing at the right place , and of
suitable height to hold this soil
where it was to be put. He
went to the Mayor and requested
that thcrstreet level , and the line
for the curbing be established.
He was informed that it would
not be done , that the city officers
were not around doing such
The most sensible business man
on the council then told me to go
on and fix things as I pleases' ,
and I did so. Soon after this
the Chief of Police. Mr. Aldrich ,
ordered me not to make an im
provement that I had in contemp
lation , not because it was against
a city ordinance , but because it
was supposed to be under con
templation to pass such an
ordinance. That improvement
was made , and other improve
ment will be continued as soon as
the weather is suitable. All I
have written I can prove and I
offer it as a gauge with which to
take the measure of the business
caliber of these officers , and hope
iho voters will Calculate their
bearings fully before voting.
Talk of a partisan ticket. Can
you name a more partisan crowd
than the one working for the
present administration ?
Hurrah for Barrett harmony
and business.
Judge Cleaver is a terror to the
law breakers.
Down the "boss , " vote for real
Read Barrett's platform and
look at his record.
Jim and Hill wont up the hill
Upon their yearly ticket ,
When Hill got there cupboard was
hare ,
And no bonu for Jim to lick at.
Do the good citizens remember
that the slot machines had to be
ordered out by the County At
torney at the advise of a sincere
reformer ?
- * - -
What will the Journal do if
Leyda is elected and carries out
his compact with the News ?
* *
"Down with bossism" says
Roosevelt yet our city machine is
trying to force another term on
the city , and for what purpose ?
Vote for Barrett , better streets
lower taxes and an open record.
Bert Baker is running like a
Jack rabbit before Pet Mausts
new daschund pup.
Barrett will not be afraid to
show a quarterly statement of
the financial condition of the
How about the rotten stand
pipe , impure water , and the help
less condition against fire that
Leyda's fricnd-The Journal cried
so copiously about ?
Where Oh ! where ! are all our
taxes going and how much is ap
plied on our bonded indebtedness ?
Did Leyda put the slot ma
chines back for the good of the
city or for his own graft ?
Barrett means harmony , Leyda
strife and ill will.
The Ideal Quilting Co. is doing
some nice work. Bring in your
quilts and tell us just how you
want your work done and we will
quilt your quilts as close as you
siy. Price will be $1.00 the rest
of March.