The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 30, 1906, Image 2

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    THE FALLS CITk' TR1BUNL- , FRIDAY , MARCH 30 , 1906.
Shorthorn Sale !
This sale will be held in the new Sale Pavilion at
AUBURN. Neb. , on Wednesday , April 11. The con
signment consists of bred cows and heifers , some
with calf at side , and young1 bulls , the get of Baron
Surmise , second to no herd bull in the state.
Baron Surmise included in this of
Mrs. M. C. Urlnogar visited ut tlio
homo of Mrs. John Glenson Tuesday.
Mr. Kounld hud business in Furjro
J. B. Randall expectb to u Into
Kansas soon looking after u homo of
liis own.
C. P. Chchtlev lias moved from the.
Taylor farm to tlio eighty acre farm
belonging to John Thlltge ? , located
about one mllu west of Puilo.
Chad Harmon was seen on our sti eots
Gco. A. Schmidt had burliness in
town Tuesday.
J. C. WallrulT and family wcro trad
ing in Fargo Tuesday.
Len Whliohoad was transacting busi
ness in town the Unit of the week.
Mrs. Lena WallralV was visiting at
her slaters homo the tlrstnftho week.
Mrs.Mart'u ' Is visiting at the homo
of her brother. Fred Tlohman.
M. 0. BrincRiir und BOH Jaclibon who
have been sick for some time are now
fcoling better.
Win. Erlick from near Harada was
attending to business here the first of
the week.
Win. Ultohcy from St. Doroln was
attending to business here the first of
the week.
P. E , Fltscho and Squire Handall
wcro attending to business in Hulo
J. II. Moore wa ; > in town the ilrst of
the week ,
Clarence Sehatz is making things
look tine ' .n his store. Kven If he did
come from Missouri , he don't have to
be showed.
Win. UuekminUter was a bu > lne.-9
visitor in Hulo Tuesdaj.
Mozlue Jondrow wns a business visit
or in Hulo Wednesday.
Frank Snider eumo up from Unto
Philip /.immcrman and wife were
business visitors in Kails Cltv Wednes
nimer Sehoek was transacting btir-l-
neas in Preston Wednesday
D. Whitehead was a business- visitor
in Preston Wednesday.
Dennis Perkins was a Preston vUltor
Jaeob Fourtner returned from Hulo
Mrs Fred Krn t and Mr * . H. J
Schiltel were FalU City visitor * or
.lohn r. Paul had business the last of
week in Fargo.
HiramOrcutt is moving from the
Darvean farm onto this MeMiinnls
B. W > Jones had business in llulo
the last of the week.
Walter Perkins had business in
Fargo Thursday.
Grandfather routs is visiting at
the homo of S. .M. Jones and wife this
Charles Nttzscbc was a buslnuxs
visitor in Fargo Saturday.
Brnest Koeh'.er was up from Hulo
last Friday attending to business j
atTalra ,
Miss Mabel Swain was visiting at
the homo of her aunt Mrs Diicy Jones
over Sunday.
Miss Ktta Cunningham and brother
John were business visitors In Hulo
J. II. Urinegar was transacting busi
ness alVairs in Hulo Saturday.
G. A. Schmidt was In town Satur
Fred Llehman was a St. Joseph visit
or this week.
Virgil Chipman was under the
weather this week
Alois Damnecker Is well again and
working hard.
Conrad Thomas was In llulo the lirst
of the week.
Miss Hussoll of Hulo Is visiting at
the home of H K. Durfuu this week.
John Oswald was a business
visitor in Stella on Wednesday.
An Apprecfative Reader.
We are not conceited over the
following letter received this
week , but we are proud of the
fact that our paper receives merit
due our efforts :
Hot Springs , Ark. , Men. 10 , ' 00.
Falls City Tribune ,
( icntlcmenYou will please
forward my paper to Shubcrt
next week as I will arrive home
near the loth. Of several papers
forwarded here during my stay ,
The Tribune has been the most
regular in coming. Very truly.
Barrett is everybody's friend
, and will not get the city in use
less law suits and dangerous boy-
cots. Vote for Barrett.
You Will-Prosper
in 'the Great
In Oklahoma , Indian Territory
and Texas are vast areas of unim
proved land land not now yield
in the crops of which it is cap
able. The dame conditions apply
to the towns. Few lines of busi
ness -ire adequately represen ted.
There are openings of all sorts
for mills nnd factories , for small
stores , for banks , newspaper and
lumber yards. You have only to
get on the gixund to prove this.
To enable you to do so the Mis
souri , Kansas nnd Texas railwny
Rates Cheaper Than Ever
Feb. 6th and 20th
March 6th and 20th
On above Jutes most lines will
sell both one-way and round trip
tickets nt exceptionally low rates.
If your nearest railroad ngent can
not give you the rates , write me
for particulars.
If you're in any
way interested in the
Southwest , I'd like to
send you my paper
"The Coming Coun
try. " Address
General Passenjjcr Agent
5SO WalivwrigtU Bldg. S . Louis , Mo.
Tickets are on sale
ever ) where , via Mis.
houri , Kansas and
Texas Railwaj.
Barrett is not tied up with any
man , or set of men. How about
Leyda's partisan combination ?
Cures Biliousness , Sick % 1L11 PI Cleanses the system
Headache , Sour Stomach RIND thoroughly and clears
ach , Torpid Liver and sallow complexionsSpf
Chronic Constipation. Laxative Fruit Syrup pimples and blotches.
Pleasant to take It is guaranteed
For Sale at Dr. Moore's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr ,
Burlington Bulletin.
M . \KOI3 100(1. (
Inlo tin- Xurlhut'HlNow : IH
tin * ( line to u at cheap ink1 * on
one of tin1 Burliiiutun's two daily
through Irniris to Montana , Piiget
Sound and L'orllund. You don't
know how i-lionply you can buy u
one way i-olonist tiekft. Ask the
Special Homest.'ekei'to' rut eat--
March ( ith nnd 20th very low
round trip bomeH' kerh' rates into
tin- North Plat to Valley , the Bin
Lloni Basin , also into the South
To The Sunny South- : Very |
attractive winter tourist raten
daily until April ! 50th to a lar e
number of S luthern i
Irrigated Lands : Better et '
hold of an irrigated farm for your
self or your son while there ie yet
time ; irrigated lands have increased - '
ed from 100 to 'JOG per cent in
value in the last few years * . Send
fir our publication on irrigated
I . .ndsfree. .
To California : Very cheap one
way tickets daily to California un
til April 7th. Through tourist
PacitVc Coast : Belter make the
; rnitiU'f > t tour in ihc world the
tour of the coiibt this spring and
Bumnu'r. First excursion April
2 < ith to May 5th inclusive. There
will lie very low , daily , round trip
California and Pu et Sound rates
through the summer.
Write me jutt what trip sou
have in mind and let me advise
jou th least cost mid tlu- brut
way to make it. G. Stewart.
Agent U. L5. & Q. Ry.
W. I * . A. , Omaha. IKUt
The Burlington's Ho
Information Bureau , which has
been recently organized to assist
homesteaders in ettinu hold of
free homesteads of 010 acres in
Nebraska for mixed farming and
dairying , is pioviny a grent suc
cess , and the operations of that
Bureau arc now taking on useful
and practical shape.
Mr. D. Clem Deaver , the A eut
of the Bureau , has arranged to
personally conduct excursions of
homeseekers from Omnha and Lin
coln on the first and third Tues
day of month to the territory
of these tree Kinkaid lands for
the purpose of assisting desirable
farmers to locate on the home
steads that are yet available fora
farmer to succeed by mixed farm
ing ,
Those who expect to succeed
should have ready means for the
immediate improvement of the
land in the way of fences and
buildings , nnd money enough to
Btart with a herd of 20 cows and a
hand cream separator. Thisought
to bo a good opportunity for au
energetic farmer of moderate
menus to secure u farm.
The Burlington in a k e B no
charge for the services of its
agents , and Mr. Deaver has on
file a complete plat of available
lands in the Hi counties along the
Burlington road , where these
homesteads are located.
Those desiring to obtain in
formation relative to taking up a
homestead , can obtain a folder free
of cost , and further information ,
by calling on or writing Mr. D.
Clem Deaver , At/em of the Bur
lington's Homeseeker'b liifomin-
tion Bureau , 100-1 Farnam St ,
Omaha , Neb.
A Favorite Remedy for Babies.
Its ijleasant tusto und prompt cures
have made ChuniberUiuS Cough Kern-
oily a favorite with mottu'r ? of t.ruull
ehillrcD. It quickly cures their
coughs and colds und prevents any
danger of pneumonia or other serious
consequence. It not only cure * croup ,
but when slven us soon a ? the croup/
cough appear ? will prevent tn < j at
tack For sale at Kerr' * Drug Store
Irrigated Lands
A Sure Thing !
Special HomCSeckerS' HatCSOn : February Cili anI
Mai I'll lth and 20th the Burlington makes v-ry low . ' .SIMM
sum rales to the JJi'u Uorn Bnsin. the North PJattf Vnllt-\ .
and Eastern Colorado
Keep Ahead OttllCMovement : The Government work
is underfill ] headway towards putting water on two hun
dred thousand acres of land adjacent to the Burlington
road , at an averuge cost of $25.00 It is possible today to
secure homestead lands alongthese great ditches , in advance
of the water. You can also buy from private concerns ,
very line irrigated land ? , under a full mid permanent water
supply , at prices ranging $25.00 to $10.00 an acre. The
history of western irrigated lands shows that their value
has increased over one hundred per cent in the past few
yeais. There are areas of irrigated lands in the west
' that cannot be bought today for $300.00 an acre.
It Will Pay YOU to get interested in irri-ated land ,
and to get in 'ouch with the laud agents in tin- North
Platte Valley , the Bit , ' Horn Basin , the Billing * , Montana
district or Eastern Colorado. If you will write me for
irrigation literature descriptive of any of t'n ' e localities , I
will mail it to you free , totrethcr with a list of Inti.l iigenls.
General Pnssciiflcr rtgf. . Aflent.
Omaha , Neb.
lust received a car of Ground Oil Cake which T will
M-ll at &W.OO per ton. ijtflOO per ton 111 one-half
ion lots itnd $1.75 per hundred for less uuaritities.
Plenty of Climax Chick fee' ! . just thy stuff for
Intle chickf. Snt.sfaction gnnrantccd cr money re
funded. Flour. Uran. Shorts , chop feed , rnin of all
kinds , Baled Hay nnd Straw , Cmil and Wood , Lump
Rock and Ground Rock Salt M . .n bnrrfl sail.
Also uarden seeds and onion f <
A Stitch In Time
often saves nine , is an old adage that is often well
for us to remember
Another Affair
to bear in mind is that our spring hats'are on display.
% Don't wait for the Easter rush , but call now and see
our stock.
* S
| That Spring Suit !
Will be the latest creation in style for Spring and
Summer wear , if you call and make your selection
from our late arrival of suitings. Have you inspected
them ? If not , why not ? Get busy and join the pro
cession of well dressed men. It costs no more to
dress well in clothes that fit , than it does to wear
stock this is the and
My season largest most var
ied ever brought to this city , while we have them
within the reach of all.Vlun \ ou see a new and
nobb\ suit , you maJjunk on it that he has examined
this elegant line and \\as please . .
F. A. HUMflEL , Prop.
Breeder of U. S. Polled Durham and Shorthorn cattle. BuUs ready for ser
vice of Scotch and Cruickshauk breed , for sale. Rural Route Nt. . 2. Porter
( Mutual Telephone 21' , Humbold' . Neb. Mention this paj > er when writing.