The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 30, 1906, Image 1

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    J- v I - 1
Vol. Ill FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , HARCH 3o , 1906. Whole No. 116
Simple Justice. |
tn justice to myself a n d
friends : Iain compelled to deny
the statement published in The
Falls City News of last week ; to
the effect , that I should have
said , that 1 never did or never
-would vote for a democrat.
Some people seem to think
thtit anything is fair during1 a
little campaign like this ; the
same us anything- fair in love
and war , but I beg leave to take
exception to this proposition ,
and am frank to admit , that if I
cannot be elected without mak
ing a false statement of saying
a harsh word about one or my
opponents or any one el < e ; I
will gladly accept defeat.
I want the good people of our
city to know that I have no
friends to reward or enemies to
punish either before or after
this election. My motto shall
continue as it always has been ;
justice , kindness and good will
toward all , both rich and poor
If the voters desire such a
mnn as this to manage , the af
fairs ot their city for one year ,
and handle your money the
same as a good business man
handles his own ; I assure you
kind friend ; your support will
be appreciated , and I will con
duct the affairs of your city in
such a business like way that
at the close of my term you can
say , that there is one man who
lins kept every promise , and
done ? nore for our city than we
expected. With kindest regards
I beg to remain ,
Respectfully Yours ,
County Clerk's Office.
Both County Clerk Hutch ins
and Assessor Jorn have put in
a strenuous week of work dur-
y ing the past seven days. The
county assessors will meet in
session to-day at the clerk's
office. County Board meets
April 10th , and District Court
convenes June 4th.
Association Meets.
The meeting of the South
eastern Nebraska Educational
Association which will be held
at Beatrice , Nebraska , on April
4th , fth and Oth promises to be
one of exceptional merit , as
the program numbers are re
plete with talent. Richardson
county will be well represented
on the program.
Twin Sisters Celebrate Eightieth
On Monday of this week Mrs.
F. A. Hummel of Humboldt was
present at a very interesting
and rare occasion , when her
mother and her mother's twin
sister celebrated their 80th
birthday anniversary together
The affair took place at the
home of Mrs. Hummel's sister ,
Mrs. Carrie E. Hill at Eola
Illinois The two in honor o
whom the event was given
could look back in memory's
dim corners and recall little in
cidents of childhood which have
almost lapsed into the regions
of-'forgotten. " It is not oftei
tha-t such a case happens a
generally one life has the short
er thread , leaving only the on
to remember or forget.
This occasion was a verj
happy one being attended by ,
number of relatives , and w
-wish both of "the twins" manj
more such pleasant meetings.
Lecture Course.
The Chicago Glee Club whicl
gave an entertainment at the
Gcliling1 on Wednesday was om
of the best of its kind ever giver
in Falls City. Every membei
was an artist in his own pro
Ten Years Hence.
Time : March 27 , 1010.
Place : Farmers Mutual Toll
Station , Falls City. ( Don ! t
augh. )
I W S Leyda
) ratnatis Persons <
( Rule Friend
W. S. Leyda i taking down the
eceiver to answer long distance
all ) "Hello , who is this ? "
Rule Friend at other end of
ine : . .
Leyda ' 'Oh , hello , how are
ou ? "
R. F. _ . . . . . .
Leyda'That's good , ghid to
icar it. What can 1 do for
R. F.
Leyda 1 am awfully sorry
old man , but I just can't get
iway to attend to lodge doings.
t is very kind of you to invite
ue but I'll have to pass it up.
. -V
R. F - - - - - - -
Leyda Well you see it's , this
vay ; I'm running for mayor
again and it is getting pretty
close to election and I must look
niter things a little , you know.
[ "hey " are in a pretty bad shape
is it is.
R. F.- . ?
LeydaWhat's that ?
R. p. _ . . . . . 'i
Leyda 01) , I'm running on
: he citizen's ticket , same as
R. F. . - - - ?
LeydaYes , 1 know they are
oretty strong but you can't al-
, vays tell , you know. We
started in great shape , had a
bird of a convention , big crowd
ind all that. Gillespie nomi
nated me in a ringing speech.
Gillespie makes that speech out
of sight. I'll give it to you
some time when I see you , I
enow it by heart.
R. F. - - - ?
Leyda Jim Whittaker. He
always seconds my nomiantion
you know. Jim did well too.
Se used to forget his speech nnd
get a little embarassed at
times , but he has made it so
nany times he has it down pit.
R. F. - - - ?
Leyda-About the same oldthing.
All night electric light service
and that sort ot thing.I'm the on
ly man that can give all nightser
vice you know. It isn't much
ot a question of votes up here ,
see ? Ihave a good many work
in < r for me on the streets and ii
they won't stand hitched I lire
'em. That's the kind of a plat
form that counts
R. F. - - - .
Leyda Thanks.
R. F. .
Leyda Yes , I'm sorry too
but it can't be helped. May b (
I can come some other time , bu1
if I do you will have to change
the date , you see I always rut
for mayor in the spring anc
can't get away ,
' R. F. - - - - .
Leyda Yes , I hope so too
But we will know all about i
in a few days.
R. p. _ . . . . .
Leyda That's no lie , so long
R. p. _ . . .
Meyda Good Bye. ( Hang :
up receiver slow curtain. )
Prohibition Meetings.
L'he programs ol the prohibi
tion series of meetings of tin
past two weeks , have been e.\
ceedingly interesting.
The best of talent has beei
employed by committee and ai
a result our people have heei
enabled to hear some excellun
addresses Among the speaker
were Rev. C. M. Shepherd o
Pawnee City. Father Murphy
and Dr. Batten of Lincoln.
Keep The Judicary Pure.
On the 21 } inst. . disbarment
proceedings \\ere instituted in
j the Xeniiiha County District
court at Auburn against the ,
members of the law linn of
'Stull ' and Ilawxby on the order
of Judge Kelhgar growing out
of the trials of the State against ,
Gaudy nnd the rape case of the
State against Vaughn
Recently Doctor Gaudy of
Humboldt was prosecuted on an
information alleging that he at
tempted to influence a witness
to give false testimony and was
found guilty and lined. The
firm of Stull and Ilawxby re
presented him and the charge in
the disbarment proceedings is
filed because of their alleged
conduct with reference to the
purjured testimony. The charge
arising out of the rape prosecu
tion is directed against Judge
Stull alone , Mr. Ilawxby being
implicated in the Gandy matter
The matter will be heard be
fore Judge Raper at the term of
of court convening in Auburn
On Tuesday occured the death
of Mrs. Maria Durfee at the
amity residence in the north
west portion of this city.
Maria Montgomery was born
n Iowa in 1813 , but has lived
about 9 miles north west of this
city since her marriage with E.
T. Durfee.
On March 2nd they moved to
Falls City having purchased
the Hoffnall residence.
She had been confined to her
bed but a short time , death be
ing caused by cerebral hemorrh
age. The deceased is well
known here and her death was
learned of with sorrow and re
gret by a large concourse of
friends- She is survived by her
husband E. S. Durfee and one
son , Edward.
Brief funeral suvices were
conducted at the home and at
Zion Church , interment being
in the Rule cemetery. The
bereaved ones have the sympa
thies and silent tears of many
On Wednesday morning a
very pretty wedding ceremony
was performed at the home ol
the groom's aunt , Mr * . E. F.
Sharts , when Guy E Butler and
Josie E. King were joined by
those sacred ties. Rev. Griffin
at 10 o'clock in the presence of
a few guests , spoke the > impres
sive words which made this
young couple husband and wife ,
employing a simple but im
pressive service.
The groom is a prosperous
young farmer living west ol
Humboldt. and is one of those
characters to be remetnberet
among acquaintances a n d
The bride is the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bet
King living west of Humboldt
and possesses those lovable
qualities in a girl which makes
her a favorite with all. 'Ihe
guests present at this happy
occasion were Mr. and Mrs. R.
F. Sharts , John Scott of Table
Rock , Allie Watson , Maree
Albright , Amy Grillln , Elva
e Sears and Rev. Griffin.
A dainty wedding luncheon
was served at 11:30 : o'clock ,
Mr. and Mrs. Butler leaving on
the 12:10 : passenger for the
Bruun farm west of Humboldt.
May their entire life be as
happy as their wedding day.
Clifford Burnett came down Omaha the first of the week
to enjoy a few days hunting.
Society News.
Mrs. Jerry Kaiialy entertained
a number of guests at dinner ou
Thursday of last week , compli
mentary to Mrs. A. F. Kay of
Omaha. It was a very enjoyable
affair as Mrs. Kanaly is a charm
ing hostess.
Mrs. Norman Mussulman was
hostess to the ladies Kensington
on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Mus-
selman is an elegant entertainer
and her home is an ideal place
for a social affair. Refreshments
were among the other pleasant
Mrs. A. G. Wanner was hostess
0 the Shakespeare club on Tues-
lay afternoon. There was an
average attendance and the mem-
jers took part in an interesting
esson During the business ses
sion Mrs. Ishatn Reavis was
elected delegate to the district
convention in Weeping Water
1 ml Mrs. John Gilligan alternate.
A very successful meeting of
he M. 12. Kensington was held
it the home of Mrs. 12. S. Tobie
on Wednesday afternoon. Topics
of interest to the club were dis
cussed freely by the members.
These meetings are well attended
and arc much enjoyed by those
The Woodmen circle celebrated
their third anniversary on Satur
day evening by giving an apron
and necktie social. Each gentle
man present purchase ; ! a necktie
and searched for the apron to
match , thereby securing his part
ner for supper. Various games
and dancing provided entertain
ment and the guests departed ,
wishing ihc circle many returns
of the event.
The tea to have been given at
the home of Mrs. Wilhite was
postponed from 3'esterday eve to
next Thursday eve on account of
the Christian church tea.
The A. O. U. W. initiated 25
new members on their regular
meeting night last week. This
large number is the result of vig
orous work by the two sides in a
contest. In the former one More-
head faction secured the largest
number , while at this one the
Brown faction won.
The II. S. M. C. club was very
pleasantly entertained Saturday
evening b } ' Miss Edna Crook at
her home on Chase street. As is
usual when she is hostess , the
evening was one of much pleas
Mrs. Katherine W3'lie was
hostess to the L. B. T. club mem
bers on Wednesday afternoon and
was a decided social pleasure.
Mrs. Wylie is a capital hostess
and thus afforded a very enjoya
ble afternoon. i
At the regular meeting Tues
day the members of the Art de
partment of the Wotmm's club
and a number of guests were de
lightfully entertained at the
home of Mrs. Scott. A program
devoted to the life and works of
Beethoven was given. In the
absence of Helen Martin , who
had been assigned a paper on the
( life of Beethoven , Miss Cleaver
read a few notes on the composer
j and Miss Banks read Sidney
I Lanier's poem ' 'To Beethoven. "
I Clara Boose then played the
( andante from bonata op. 10 , No.
j 3. The first two movements of
the C minor symphony , as piano
duet , were played by Misses
Schoenlicit and Banks , and Miss
Gehling played a Beethoven min
uet , all of which were received
with applause. After the pro
gram the hostess served elaborate
refreshments. The next regular
'meeting will be held April 10 ,
" .vith Miss Martin. On April 3d
i the Art department will provide
the program at the general meeting \
, ing of the club at the home of
Mrs. Houston.
Mrs. KraU is | mtc seriously
Ingram Cain spent Sunday at
lis home here.
I. C. Maust is in Iowa on busi-
less this week.
Reuben llorrocks has been on
he sick list this week.
- " -
12. W. Jones of Rule paid us a
Peasant call on Monday.
Rev. Smith spent Wednesday
vith i ricncls in Nebraska City.
Carl Shecly , night operator at
he B. & M. station , is on the
sick list.
James Mettfc was a business
visitor in Humboldt the past
Mrs. Davison who has been
very sick is somewhat improved
it this writing.
Ferd Harlow has been transact-
ng business affairs in Table
and Humboldt.
Stockton Byrant is lying seri-
ouslv ill at his home in this city.
[ lis speedy recovery is hoped for.
Chas. II. Sharts , of the Kansas
ity Star ad force , spent Thurs-
lay with his parents , E. F. Sharts
ind wife.
J. W. White , B. it M. operator
came -down from Beatrice on
Wednesday and is relieving the
night operator.
E. Glines was called from Ok
lahoma the first of the week by a
message concerning the serious
illness of his son.
Beulah Fry returned the first
of the week from Newkirk , Ok. ,
where she has been visiting with
licr sister , Mrs. Garth Mettx.
Ilargrave & Hargrave have
one of the finest offices and chil
dren's department of any store
in this city , which same was add
ed this week.
BOKN On Wednesday to Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Wilson , an infant
daughter. Dr. Hannah Moran
officiated and reports all con
cerned doing nicely.
Ed Glines has been seriously
ill for the past week and fears
have been entertained lest he
should not recover. However ,
at this writing his condition is
slightly improved.
R. Hanna , C. V. Hendricks , A.
E. Stumbo. Benj. Morgan , J. II.
Morehead , C. H. Nolte ami John
Morris were among those who
attended the W. O. W. affair in
Salem last Tuesday.
The annual business meeting
of the Presbyterian congregation
has been postponed until Thurs
day evening of next week , Apri
5th. It is very necessary tha
every member of the church anc
congregation be present at thi
A Sad Affliction.
Win. Me K. Mtiddox whos <
eyesight was so badly impairec
about two weeks ago , is a trill *
better. Dr. Pitts of St. Joscpl
performed an operation on then
for ulcers , ajul at this writing
hopes are hold out that he wil
partially recover his eyesight
This is wi'lcome news indeed
To Much of A Load.
John McFarland of Kansai
City , who sells harness oil , tool
unto himself too much of the fin
water one evening the lirst o
the week and commenced throw
ing pieces of coal ihro' the
windows at the M. P. station
As a result he is laying out ;
fine of $ M. 80 in the city strong
1 house.
J. H. Hall was down from \rcr-
don last Friday.
Chas Miller of Verdon was a
Tuesday visitor here.
Clyde .Ramel was the guest of
Salem friends on Sunday.
IClmer DC Jarnett returned the
first of the week from Omaha.
Dr. RcMiekcr was numbered on
he sick list during the week.
Mr. Allen of Iowa is visiting
vith his sister Mrs. Mary Yoclcr.
Rev. Henry Bcnton Smith was
Tuesday visitor at the state
Earl Frakes of Nebraska City
s visiting with Win. McPhcrson
ind wife.
W. W. Arnold came down from
/erclon and spent Tuesday with
ricncls here.
A. D. Gisc of Table Rock was
i Saturday visitor with Falls
City people.
James Jellison left for Edgar
Monday , where he will work at
lis trade this summer.
Mrs. W. E. Miller of Spring-
ield , Illinois was a guest at the
Jnion House on Wednesday.
Mrs. Minnie Jellison who has
jeen very ill for several weeks is
sufficiently recovered to be about
again. '
Fred Brccht was a B. & M.
passenger for Pawnee City and
other points in the west end on
Uncle Daniel Kroh was clown
from Stella the first of the week
visting with old friends in this
city. While here he gave this
office a call , and went away armed
with a Tribune receipt.
The Quilting Co will give away
a nice spread during the month
of April. Come in and see the
spread and find out how. You
can get your sewing machines
and organs repaired by them.
Work guaranteed.
If the people of this city want
an all night electric light service
is there any reason wliy it could
not be obtained as well under
Barrett as it could under Leyda ?
This is something on which no
man has a patent , though it would
appear so to hear the Leyda
adherents talk.
While the duck season will
probably be short this Spring it
is going to be good while here.
John Schnutc. Peter Frederick ,
Jake Norris , Doll Whittaker and
Clay Davis bagged 81 Monday
afternoon. This is the largest
kill so far reported though sever
al parties have hrough , home un
usually large numbers.
The Evangelcstic meetings at
the First Christian Church are
continuing with excellent interest
and large audiences in at
tendance at the services. At
cacli service thus far this week
persons have been added to the-
church by confession of faith-
A number have also been added
by letter and statement.
The Falls City News last week
took up a great deal of space in
telling what Mr. Leyda would do
if elected. They might have
saved both time and space by
simply telling us what he had
clone during the past year. The
taxpayer's surely roah/.e very
'forcibly ' that they have beoti
! benefit ted.
It must he quite interesting to"
the taxpayer to see the shovel
brigade at work on the street ,
and to see how it has increased
in number since Mr. Leyda's
nomination. It is also amusing
to km > w how quick one of those
men is laid off when it is found
out that he is going to vote for
Prof. Barrett