THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , MARCH 23 , 1906. 3d THE SPENDERS A TALE OF THE THIRD GENERATION By HARRY LEON WILSON -A. Copyright , by Lolluop PublitblnR Company. "Ami here's 11 notice about the ex rurslons of the St. John's Guild. I've liecn on four already , and I want you to get mo back to New York right away for the others. If you could only HOC all those babies we take out on the floating hospital , with two men In little tioats behind to pick up those that fall overboard and really It's u wondei any of them live through the Mininier Jn that cruel city. Down In Hester Htrcpt the other day four of them had it slice of watermelon from Mr. Sll- vlnsky's stand on the corner , and when * 1 saw them they were actually eating the hard , green rind. It was enough to kill a horse. " "Well , have your own fun. " said her son. cheerfully. "Here's a letter from Uncle Peter I must read. " He drew his chair aside and began the letter : Montana City , July 21 1900. Ocnr Polo : i Vour letter anil Martha's rec'd , nnd glad to licar from jou. I letue latter purl of this wi-i'k for the mtns. l itp fccttlnpr out tills srnfcon ncct. rhu- inatlz caught lust winter that Uilil mo up all bprlng. It was so mortal dull lint' with you folks Kone thru 1cnt out with a locatlriK party to KPt the M. I1 branch located aheail of the Short Line folks So while jou were having jour fun there I was having mine here , nnd I had It peed and plenty The worst weather I ever did see , and I have yecn some bad. Snow MX to eight feet on a level and the mercury down UF low us t > 2 with an ornery llerce windVt lust four hort-es ftoze to death , nnd m. lint two ot tlu > men got froze up bad. \ \ > reached the head of Madison Vallej Fob 19. north of lied Hank Canjon , but It wasn't as casj as It .Bounds. Jan S , after ( jetting out of supplies , wu aJjandoned our camp at Riverside and moved 10 m. down the river carrying what we could on our bucks Met pack train with a few supplies that night , and next day 1 took pait of the force In boat to meet over-due load of supplies.Vc got froze In the ice. Left party to break through and took HIIDrue ! . and went nlM'Ud to hunt team. Billy and me ll\cd lour dajs on one lb. bacon. The second da > Hilly took some sickness so he couid not cat hardly anj food ; the next day he wan worse , and the last da > he was so bad he said the liaic sight of food madu him gag. 1 think he was a liar , because lie wasn't troubled none after we got to supplies again , but I couldn't do anything with him , and so 1 lived high ami come nut slick and fat. Finally we found the team coming In. They had got stuck In the. river and we had to carry out the leaden on our backs , waist-deep In running water I sic some man In the east has a fad foi breaking the Ice in the river and goliin swimming. I would not do It for any fad Klcpt In snowdrift that night in wet clothes , mercury 40 below. Was 18 days going S3 miles. Uroke wagon twice , then broke slid and crippled ! one horse. Packed the other five and went on till snow was too deep. Left the horses where four out of live died and carried supplies the rest of the wa > on our backs. Moved camp again on our backs and got caught In a bliz zard and nearly all of us got our last freeze- v up that time. Finally a Chinook opened the river and 1 took a boat up to get the itbandoned camp Oot froze in harder than ever and had : to walk out. Most of tlic men quit on account of frozen feet , etc , etc. They are a getting to be a slss > lot these dajs , rather He around a hot steve all winter. I had to pull chain , cut brush and shovel snow after the 1st Feb Our last stage was from Fire Hole Basin to Madison Valley , 45 m. It was hell. Didn't see the sun but once after Feb. 1 , and It stormed Incessant , making short sights necessarj , and with each one we would have to dig a hole to the ground and often ,1 ditcher or a tunnel through the snow to look through The snow was soft to the bottom and an Instrument would sink through "Here's a fine letter to read on .1 hot day , " called Percival. "I'm catching cold. " He continued. We have a vcrj good line , better than from Beaver Cnnjon , our maps Hied and tonutructlon under wa > ; all grading done and some track laid That's what you call hustling. The main drawback Is that Hed Hank can > on It's a regular ava lanche for eight miles. The snow slides Just 1111 the river. One Just above our ramp tilled It for > 4 mile ami 40 feet deep and cut down 3 ft , trees like a razor shaves your face. 1 had to run to get out of the way. llcached Madison Valley with one t nt and It looked more like mosquito bar Iban canvas. The old cloth wouldn't hard ly hold the patches together I slept out iloors for six weeks. I got frost-bitten con siderable and the rheumatlz. I tell > ou , at 75 I ain't the man I used to be. I nnd I need u ntuul trnt and u good warm sleepIng - Ing > ' ( ? for them kind of doings nowdays. Well , this western country would be pretty dull for jou I suppose going to liulla and partita every night with the Atrtors and Vanderbllts. I hope you ain't cut loose none By the waj , that party that ground- lulced us , the woman who was with jour pa when he died and who turned up later with a fake marriage certificate and will , r Coplcn he met a party In Spokane the other day that seen her in Paris last spring She was lajlng In u stock of duds and the i > arty gethered that she was going back to New York The Milbreys , father and son , came up and greeted the group on the piazza. "I've just frozen both ears reading a letter from my grandfather , " said 1'ercival. "Excuse me one moment ami I'll he done. " "All right , old chap. I'll see If there's some mall for me. Dad can chat with the ladles. Ah. here's .Mrs. Drelmer. Mornin' ! " Percival resumed his letter , -going back to New York and make the society bluft. They saj she's got the face to do it all right Coplen learned shu come out here with a gambler from New Or leans and she was dealing bank litrtell up to Wallace for a spell while he waa broke This gambler he was the slickest short-card plojer e\er struck hereabouts. lie was too good He was so good they shot him all up one night last fall over to Wardner She hadn't lived with him lor some time then , though Coplen says they was lawful man and wife , so I guess maybe she was glad when he got It good in the chest-place Fred Mllhrey came out of the hotel office. "No mail , " he said. "Come , let's be Betting along. Finish your letter on the way , Bines " "I've just nnlstied , " said 1'crclval , glancing down the lust sheet. Coplen says she In now calling herself Mrs. Hrcnch Wjbcit or some such rnme 1 Just thought Tit teU jou In run1 jou might run acres > t In r and "Come along , old chap. " urged Mil- brey ; "Mrs. Wybert will bo waiting. " His father had started off with Psyche. Mrs. Ulnes and Mrs. IJrelmer weio preparing to follow. "I beg your-pirnUm , " sulil Percival. " 1 didn't ( itiltc catch the name. " " 1 say Mrs.Vyherl and mother will be waiting come along ! " "What name ? " "Wybert Mrs. Drench \Vybcrt-my friend what's the matter ? " "We can't go that Is we can't meet her. Sis , come back a moment. " he called to Psyche , nnd then : " 1 want a wqrd with you nnd your father , .Mr. Milbrey. " The two joined the elder Milbrey and the three strolled out to the flower- bordered walk , while Psyche Bines went , wondering , back to her mother. "What's all the low ? " inquired Fred Mtlbrcy. " ' . This "You've been Imposed upon. woman this Mrs. Drench Wybert there can be no mistake ; you are sure that's the name ? " "Of course I'm sure ; she's the widow of a southern gentleman. Col. Drench Wybert. from New Orleans. " "Yes. the same woman. There Is no doubt that you have been imposed upon. The thing to do Is to drop her quick she isn't right. " "In what way has my family been Imposed upon , Mr. Dines ? " asked the elder Milbrey , somewhat perturbed. "Mrs. Wybert Is a lady of family and large means " "Ye.s , I know , she has. or did have awhile ago. $2,000.000 in cold cash. " "Well , Mr. Bines " "Can't yon take my word for it , hat she's not right not the woman or your wife and daughter to meet ? " "Look here. Bines. " the younger Mll- ) rey spluttered , "this won't do , you enow. If you've anything to say against Mrs. Wybert , you'll have to say it out and you'll have to be re sponsible to mo , sir. " "Take my word that you've been 1m- > oscd upon ; she's not not the kind ) f person you would care to know , to je thrown " "I and my family have found her quite acceptable , Mr. Dines , " Inter- losed the father , stillly. "Her deport ment is scrupulously correct , and I mi in her confidence regarding certain very extensive investments she can not be an imiiostor. sir ! " "But I tell you she Isn't right , " In- Isted Percivnl , warmly. "Oh , I see , " said the younger Mil- jrey his face clearing all at once. 'It's all right , dad , come on ! " ' If you insist , " said Percival , "hut none of us can meet her. " "It's all right , dad 1 understand " "Nor can we know anyone who re ceives her. " "Really , sir , " began the elder Mil brey , "your effrontery in assuming to dictate the visiting list of my family Is overwhelming. " "If you won't take my word I shall have to dictate s > o far as I have any personal control over It. " "Don't mind him , dad I know all about it , 1 tell you I'll explain later to yon. " "Why , " exclaimed Porcivnl , stung to the revelation , "that woman , this wom an now waiting with your wife and daughter , was my " "Stop , Mr. Bines not another word , If you please ! " The father raised his hand in graceful dismissal. "Let this terminate the acquaintance between our families ! No more , sir ! " and he turned away , followed by his son. As they walked out through the grounds and turned up the street the young man spoke excitedly , while his fathtfl slightly bent his head to listen , wlm an air of distant dignity. "What's the trouble , Perce ? " asked his sister , as he joined the group on the piazza. "The trouble is that we've Just had to cut that fine old New York family off our list , " "What , not the Mllbreys ! " exclaimed Mrs. Drelmer. "The same. Now mind , Bis , and you , ma you're not to know them again and mind this If anyone else wants to present you to a Mrs. Wybert a Mrs. Brench Wybert don't you let them. Understand ? " "I thought as much , " said Mrs. Drelmer ; "she acted just the least bit too right. " "Well , I haven't my hammer with me but remember , now , sis , It's for something else than because her fa ther's cravats were the ready-to weai kind , or because her worthy old grand father inhaled his soup. Don't forget that. " "As there isn't anything else to do. " he suggested , a few moments later , "why not get under way and take a run up the coast ? " "But I must get back to my babies , " said Mrs. Bines , plaintively. "Here I've been away four days. " "All right , ma , I suppose we shall have to take you there , only let's gel out of hero right away. We can bring sis and you back , Mrs. Drelmer , when those people we don't know get oC again. There's Mauburn ; I'll tell him. " "I'll have my dunnage down directly - ly , " sftld Mauburn. fp the street driving n pony cm "amo Avlco Milbrey , Obeying n qulvk impulse , I'erclval stepped to the curb as she came oppo<o to him. She pulled over. She was radiant In the Huffs of summer white , her hat and gown touched with hits of the same vivid blue that ahono In her eyps. The Impulse that had prompted him ( o hall her now prompted wild words. His long habit of thought concerning her enabled him to master this foolishness. But tit least ho could give her n friend- 7 word of warning. She greeted him with the pretty reserve in her manner that had long marked her bearing toward him. "Good morning ! 1'vo borrowed this cart of 131slo Vainer to drive down to the yacht wtatlon for lost mall. Isn't the day perfect nnd isn't this the deatest. fat. sleepy pony , with his hair in his eyes ? " "Miss Mllbrpy , thorn's a woman who sePins to bo a friend of your family a Mrs. " "Mrs. Wybert ; yps , jou know her ? " "No. I'd never seen her until last night , nor heard that name until this morning ; but I know of her. " "Yes ? " "It became necessary just now real ly , It is not fair of me to speak to you at all " "Why , pray ? not fair ? " "I had to tell your father nnd brother that wo could not meet Mrs. Wybert , and couldn't know anyone who re ceived her. " "There ! I knew the woman wasn't right directly 1 heard her tpeak. Sure ly a word to my father was enough. " "But It wasn't , I'm sorry to say. Neither he nor your brother would take my word , nnd when I started to give my reasons something It would have been very painful for me to do your father refused to listen , nnd de clared the acquaintance between our families at an end. " "Oh ! " "It hurt mo In a way I can't tell you. nnd now , even this talk with you Is off-side play. Miss Mllbroy ! " "Mr. Bines ! " "I wouldn't have said what 1 did to > your father and brother without good ' " reason. I "I nm sure of that , Mr. Bine.s. " ' "Without reasons I was sure of. you know , so theie could be no chance of any mistake. " "Your word is enough for me. Mr. Bines. " "Miss Milbrey yon and I ( hero's always been something between us something different from what is be tween most people. We've never talked straight out since I cnmti to New York I'll be sorry , perhaps , for saying as much as I am saying , after awhile but wo may not talk again at all I'm afraid you may misunder stand me but I nnibt say it I should like to go away knowing yon would have no friendship no intimacy what ever with that woman. " " 1 promise you I shall not , Mr. Dines ; they can row If they like. " "And yet It doesn't seem fair to have you promise as if it were a considera tion for me , because I've no right to ask It. But If I felt sure that you took my word quite as if 1 wore a btrangcr , nnd relied upon it enough to have no communication or Intercourse of any sort whatsoever with her , It would be n great satisfaction to me. " " 1 shall not meet her again. And thank yon ! " There was , a slight un steadiness once in her voice , and he could almost have sworn her eyes showed tnat old brave wlstfnlness. " and quite as If you were a stran ger. " "Thank yon ; and , Miss Milbrey ? " I "Yes ? " I "Your brother may become entan- 1 gled in some way with this woman. " "It's entirely possible. " Her voice was cool nnd even again. "Ho might even marry her. " "She has money , I believe * he might indeed. " "Always money ! " he thought ; then aloud ; "If you find be means to , Miss Mil brey , do anything you can to prevent it. It wouldn't do at all , you know. " "Thank you , Mr. Bines ; I shall re member. " "I I think that's all and I'm sorry wo're not our families are not to be friends any more. " She smiled rather painfully , with an obvious effort to be conventional. "So sorry ! Good-by ! " He looked after her as she drove off She sat erect , her bead straight to the front , her trim shoulders erect , nnd the whip grasped firmly. He atooi motionless until the fat pony had jolt ed sleepily around the corner "Bines , old boy ! " he said to himself "you nearly made one of yoiirscl there I didn't know you had such ready capabilities for being nn ass " CHAPTER XVII. A HOT DAY IN NKW YOUK WITH NRWS OF AN INTKHUST- 1NG MAHHIAOU At five o'clock that day the prow o the Viluca cut the waters of Newpor harbor around Goat Island , and polntei for New York. "Now is jour time , " said Mrb Orel mer to Mauburn. "I'm sure the glr likes you , and this row with the Mil brcys has cut off any chaiife that cub had. Why not propose to her to ' " night' "I have scorned to be getting on,1 answered Mauburn. "But wait a bit There's that confounded girl over there No telling what she'll do She mlgh knock things on the head any mo ment. " "All the more rcabon for protnp action , and there couldn't very well be anything to hurt you. " "By Jove ! that's so ; there couldn't very well , could there ? I'll take your advice. " And so It befell that Mauburn and Miss Bines sat late on deck that night and under the witchery of a moon tha must long since ha\o necomo hardened to the spectacle , the old , old story was told , to the accompaniment of thp en gine's mutlled throb , and thp soft purrjng of DIP silver waters ns they slipped by the boat and hlpndM with the eieamy track astern. So little variation \stjs theto In thp time-worn tale , and in tinmaid's reception of It , Hint neither nped hero be told of In de tail. tail.Nor Nor weie the proceedings next morn ing less tamely orthodox , Mnt. Dlno" managed to forget her relationship ot older sister to the poor long enough to lohavo as a mother ought. when the icart of her daughter had been given nto a true lover's kopplng. PoiTlvnl leportod himself cordially. "I'm really glad to hear It , " IIP said o Mnuburn. "I'm sure you'll make sis as good a husband as nhe'11 make you a wlfo , and that's very good , In- leed. Lot's frurturo a cold quart to bo future Uuly Casselthorpe. " "And to thp future Lord Cassol- borpe ! " added Mrs. Drelmer. who was warmly enthusiastic. "Siii'h a brilliant match , " she inur- muted to Percivnl. when they had out'hi'd glasses lii'tho after-cabin. "I uiow more than one New York girl who'd have jumped at the chance. " "We'll try to bear our honors mod estly , " ho answered her , Thp yacht lay at her anchorage In the ICast river. Percivnl made prepar ations to go ashore with his mother. "Stny here with the turtle doves , " 10 said to Mrs. Drolmcr , "far enough off , of course , to let them coo-and , I'll io back with any people I can pick up 'or n cruise. " At five In the afternoon Percivnl had gathered his party. 1'erclvnl , Arlodgo and his lively wife , Yclverton , who en- loycd the rare distinction of having est money to Perclval ! and Burman. East they drove through the street whcic less fortunate mortals panted In the dead afternoon shade , nnd out on to the dock , whence the Vlluca's naph tha launch presently put them aboard that sumptuous craft. A little bree/.u theio made the heat less oppressive. "We'll be under way as boon as they fetch that luggage out , " Percival as sured his guests. "It's been frightfully oppressive nil day , oven out here , " said Mrs. Orel- nipr. "hut the engaged ones haven't lost their tempers once , oven If the day was trying. And really they're the most unemotional and matter-of-fact couple 1 ever saw. Oh ! do give mo that stack of papers until 1 catch up with the news again. " Percival relinquished to her the evening popcrs he had bought before leaving the hotel , and Mrs. Drelmer In the awnlnged shade at the stern of the boat was soon running through them. The others had gone below , where Purcival was allotting staterooms , and urging every one to "order whatever cold stuff you like and get Into as few things us the law allows. For my part , I'd like to wear nothing but a cold bath. " Mis. Drplmer suddenly betrayed signs of excitement. Slip sat up straight in TUB OL , OLD STOIIY. the wicker deck chair , glanced down a column of her newspaper , and then looked up. Mauburn'H head appeared out ot the cabin's gloom. He was still speaking to some one below. Mrs. Drelmer rat tled the paper and waved it at him. He came up the Blairs. "What's the row ? " "Ucad It ! " He took thp paper and glanced at the headlines. "I knew she'd do it. A chap always comes up with something of that sort , and I was beginning to feel so chippy ! ' He read : "London , July ISO. ! x > rd Caswil- thorpe to-day wed Miss 'Connie' Burke , the music hall singer who has been ap pearing at the Alhambra. The marriage riage- was performed , by special li cense , at St. Michael's church , Chester square , J/jndon , the Ilev. Canon Meck- lin , sub-dcnn of the Chapel Itoynl , olli- clatlng. The honeymoon will bo spent nt the town house of the groom , In York tcrrnce I nl Cassolthorpe has long been known ns the blackest sheep of the British peerage , being called the 'Coster Peer' on account of his uncon ventional language , his coarse man ner and slovenly attire Two years ago he was warned off Newmarket Heath and the British turf by the Jockey Club. Ho Is 88 years old. The bride , like some other lights of the music hall who have become the con sorts of Britain's hereditary legisla tors , has enjoyed considerable ante nuptial celebrity among the glided youth of the metropolis , and is said to have been especially admired at one time by the next in line of this Illus trious famllj' , the Hon. Cecil o. II. "The Hon. Cecil O. li. Mummrn , mentioned In the above cable dispatch , has been rather well known In New York society for two years pant Ills engagement to the daughter of u Mon tana mining magnate , not long de ceased , has been persistently rumoied. " Mnuburn wmi pulp under hi * rro < > ! < li > 4 "Ha\e they seen It ypt ? ' i "I don't think so , " slio answircd. ! ' "NV might drop these papers over tnu ali hprp. " " That a rot , Mrs. Orelmer ; It'H sum to lip talked of , nnd anyway I don't want to IIP Hiienky , j'ou know. " Percivnl camp up from ( ha cabin with a paper In his hand. "I see you have It , too , " he said , mulling. "Illinium just handed mo ( his. " "Isn't It perfectly disreputable ! " ex claimed Mrs. Drelmor. "Why ? I only hope I'll have nn much Intercut in life by thu time I'm that age. " "But how will your sister take it ? " askpd Mauburn ; , "she may bu afraid this will knoci ; my title on the head , you know. " "Oh , I see. " said Percival ; " 1 hadn't thought of that. " "Only It can't , " continued Mnuburn. "Hang It all , that blasted old beggar will bo Sll , you know , In a fortnight. There ttlmply can't be nny Issue of the marriage , nnd that that blasted " "Hotter not try to describe her while I'm by , you know , " snld Mrs. Drolmer , Hy input helically , "Well his wife you know , will sim ply worry him Into the grave n bit sooner , 1 fancy ( lint's all cnn possibly come of It. " "Well , old man , " said Percival , " 1 don't pretend to know the workings of my sister's mind , but you ought to bo nblc to win a glr ) on your own merits , title or no title. " "Awfully good of you , old chap. I'm Euro she docs caie for me. " "Dut of course It will bo only fair to sis to lay the matter before her just as It Is. " "To bo BUIO ! " Mauburn assented. "And now , thank the Ixml , we're tin- lor way. Doesn't that brcpzo save your Ife , though ? Wo'll eat hero on deck. " The Viluca swung Into mld-Hticam , and was soon racing to the north with i ciowdcd Fall river bout. "Dut nnywnjV concluded Percival , after he had explained Manhunt's po sition to his sister , "he'H a good fellow , and If you suli each other oven the un expected wouldn't make any differ ence. " "Of courbo not , " two assented , " 'the rank Is hut thu guinea's stamp , ' 1 know but I wasn't meaning to be married for quite a tlmo yet , anyway It's such fun just being engaged. " "A mint julep ? " Mnuburn wns In quiring of one who had proposed it. 'Does It have whisky In it ? " "It dots , " replied Percival , overhear ing the question ; "whisky may bo said to pervade , even to Infest it. Try live- or six , old man ; that many make a great one-night trouble cure. And I can't have anyone with troubles on this Gummier not for the next ! ! 0 days. I need cheerfulness and rest far a long time after this day in town. Ah ! Gen. Hemingway says that din ner Is served ; let's bo at It before the things get nil hat ! " ( Continued NuxtVk ) Market Letter. Stock Yard , Kansas City , .Mo. March 11) ) . 190(5. ( Although the lirst of last week developed low er prices on beef steers , the situation improved after Tues day , and about all of the loss was regained by the close of the week account of smaller re ceipts. Cows and heifers sold strong all along , and gained 10 to 20 cents for the week. Stockers - ers and feeders continued dull , except for the most desirable kinds : these found a ready sale , and the accumulation at the end of the week wti- smaller than the end of the week before. Of course , the big snow storm of yesterday will hurt the mnrket grades this week , and parties who can handle them would make n hit by buying now. The run today is heavy at 10,000 head , considering the storm yesterday. Other markets also report liberal supplies , ami prices are weak to 10 lower to day. Trains are delayed con siderably , and a certain share o the earlier arrivals sold steady. Cows and butcher stuff have shown the greatest strength lately , choice Hereford heifers at $5.25 last week , and most of the good heifers at $1. Io 10 $4.7 ; " ) . Top cows sold atU50 and bulk of cows $ ; 5.2f to $1.15 , top steers last week $5 75 on se veral days , today $ f > .f > o , a good percentage at $5.25 and more , bulk at1.70 and upwards. Bulls range from # { .15 toMOO. . Packers made open rebellion last week , and delivered an ulti matum that hog.s must be se cured cheaper 01 they could not handle them. The result of their big tight was temporary lower prices , but on Saturday today is 5UOU head , market f > to 10 lower , top $0.25 , bulk $0.05 to ยง 0.20 , light hogs up to $5.10pigs around $5.25. Supply last week 12,000 head , about like previous week , and 8000 more than same week last year. Slice ] ) and lambs sold strong first of last week , but closed the week 10 to 20 cents lower. Lays ERKS With Handles. Orange , N. J. Robert E1. Foster jr. , of Newton , ICssox county , has , it is reported here , succeed ed in cultivating a race of chick ens which produce egys ; already lilted with handles for conven ience in eating them. One just exhibited was taken from the nest of a white Leghorn heii. It is normal in sixe and general appearance except that on the smaller end there is a continuance of the shell formation , measuring half an inch at the base , tapering for nearly two inches and ending in ( wo points which resemble the tail of a lish. The form of.he ( execresence is a curve , the smaller end resting near the middle of the shell of egg and having a perfect resem blance to the handle of a teacup. The opposite side of the eggshell is flattened so that the structure will stand alone. The hens have laid seven eggs of similar forma tion , each furnished with a well defined handle. Mr Foster has devoted a large portion of his life to a scries of experiments in the cross fertilisa tion of fruits and ( lowers. The egg with a handle is a direct re sult of his experiments in snpcr- nduccd evolution. Several Weeks ago whilebrcak- , ng an egg at the breakfast table le conceived the idea that an eggshell with a handle , which would form its own cup would lot only save lots of dishwashing jut would be at once a scientific intl culinary triumph. Thcreup- > n he caused the inside of the building where the hens were confined to be painted white. ; \od was taken to the hens in arge white vessels each having one handle. Water was furnish ed in similar vessels of a smaller si/.e. Across the single window white teacups were suspended on strings. No other furnishings of my other shape were permitted to be around the. buildings. The hens were nightly sung to sleep to the tune of dringing songs. Within ten days many of the eggs had slight excrescences on one end , and after two weeks the new eggs had definitely formed handles One notable incident apparent ly facilitated ( he experiment. Mr. Foster has a large , white rooster which two weeks since escaped from InV coop into a neighbor's The neighbor's small son chased the rooster home and threw at him a broken white pitcher which had a large and conspicuous handle. The rooster was much frightened , and the hens witness ed the occurrence. From that time there was a rapid development of handles on each successive laying of eggs , until the present almost perfect form was attained. The natur alist believed that fright and , nervous shock accelerated the growth of the handles. , When the home market is sup plied with the new and valuable acquisition Mr. Foster purposes to place some of the developed eggs under a hen. The result will be awaited with eager and scientific interest. N e w York Tribune. The First Kiss. The greatest surprise to a gir who gets kissed the first time ist there is no taste to it. Pocahom- tas ( Ark. ) Times. No taste to it ? Well , by the feathers on Cupid's dart , but the- Times man must be color blind in the palate ! Thev tell us , those who have tried it , that it tastes like the double distilled essence of honey spread thick on apiece * of pumpkin pie. Away back in the dim joyful years ago before we lost our teeth and our cinch on the beauty prixe , the prettiest girl in all the world told us with her eyes that it felt like a covey of quail flying out of each ear and ended with a .sensation like a flock of angels pouring molasses down one's back No taste to the first kiss ? ( Jreat Scott ! It would make a wooden cigar In dian's hair curl ami his toe nails quiver in ecstacy. The Times man must be an ire house , From Clover Leaves.