The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 23, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Press Notes.
If tlie editor of every paper in
the central west will rcpnblislt
K these lines says the Auburn
Herald , there is no question hut
that Dr. S. I * . JJyers. of Seclcy-
ville , Ind. , will recover his little
son who was stolen away from
his home one year ago last May.
Dr. Bycrs has spent his entire re
sources in search for his child
and unless the bijj hearted mem
bers of the press come to his as
sistance , his son will grow up a
outlaw and an outcast amonjr the
lowest people of the earth. It is
a cause that should appeal to
everyone , and no father reading
these lines can do so .vithout a
quickening at the heart and a
sympathetic throb. It is be
lieved that if this article is re
printed in the newspapers it will
form an endless chain that will
uncover the lost boy's conceal
ment and return him to his dis
tracted parents. In doing this
the profession of journalism will
be fulfilling one of its highest
destinies. There is a reward ol
$500 awaiting any information
tjiat will lead to the boy's re
covery. No question will be
asked , and if the abductor him
self would deliver the boy to his
parents he would not be molested.
The following is a description of
the lost boy : Richmond Hyers ,
if alive , was six years old last
July , is of light complexion , lias
gray eyes left eye noticeably
crossed , has small V shaped nick
in the left ear , has a sharp chin
and a narrow projecting fore
head. He is rather small for his
age and is unusually bright and
intelligent , taking after the man
ner of a boy much older. Dr.
Byers has searched among the
roving bands .that frequent the
United States and believes that
his son can be found among trav
eling junk dealers , so-called
horse traders or movers. He
does not think the boy was stol
en by genuine gypsies. He
thinks hewas taken by u wander
ing band which has used him for
the purpose of begging in the
towns along the route.
Dave Davies , wife and children
came Up from Falls City Tuesday
and remained all day , guests ol
D. W. Griffiths and wife. Ver
don Vedette.
John Lacher went to Falls Citj
on Tuesday to supply Wm. liar
nack's place at the "Commercial
Club" who is at Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mussle
man and son Bcachey , of Fall ;
City , visited Mr. and Mrs. Free
GamdperSaturday. Mr. Mussle
man brought his son into Tin
World office to see the linotypt
machine run. Hiawatha World
Miss Rose Mark returned Sun
day afternoon from Fulls City
where she had been visiting Ros
Goolsby and family for two days
Verdon Vedette.
Verne Sears , and wife of Fall
City , are visiting her parent
Howard Chester , this week-
Shubert Citizen.
P. S. Heacock of Falls Cit
was in town one day last wcek.-
Humboldt Leader.
Preston Fergus came up froi
Falls City Friday to be in attei
dance at the funeral of Mrs. J. (
Fergus , which occurred Sunda
afternoon. Humboldt Standan
Mrs. O. II. Bowers and litt
son , Cecil , were called to Fal
City Sunday afternoon by
message stating that her siste
Mrs. A. N. Cook , was very i
Mrs. Bowers remained there tl
greater part of the week. Mr
Cook is better today. Verd
Misses Jennie and Georjj
btutnp went to Falls City Satt
day evening to visit their unc
Jake Reed. Miss Anna Fraue
felder accompanied the youi
ladies. Verdon Vedette.
No matter how many are yo
friends you cannot afford to <
fend anv of them. Ilumbol
If the oh Mcrformed the ta
well. pr * < " for it. Nothi
spurs to ' flVirt more th
[ * * -
a knowledge that wo have been
successful , Old as well as voting
need encouragement : it makes
the task more cheerful next time ,
-Humboldt Standard.
This is a busy world and it
hasn't time to listen to a man
whose only aim is to get even
with some fellow against whom
he imagines he IIPS a grievance ,
or even against whom he has a
real grievance , so far as that
goes. A "grievance" boom in
politics will be punctured like a
toy balloon , and a business con
ducted for spite will be inherited
by the sheriff. - Mapleton Press.
Now And Then.
The Omaha papers announced
last week thatt one-third of the
children were kept out of school
on account of "Pink eve. " This
strange malady seems to have
control of the entire west , and
while not dangerous , is exceed
ingly annoying. The physcians
believe it to be some germ that
creates an infhimalion when
brought in contact with the eye.
Many cf the local school children
have been out of school for the
past week or so nursing inflamed
* *
"The best attribute of man
kind. that which comes the near
est to the divine is just simple ,
old fashioned kindness.1 said a
Kails City man the other night
as he sat in front of the grate at
the iClks club. "I was greatly
impressed with the statement of
that salvation army Booth woman
to the elTcct that she had never
stood between anyone and happi
ness. " After a moment lie con
tinued , "I have been away from
home all week , and when one is
on the road he often sees little
things , kindly little things , that
leave a pleasant memory and in
crease one's respect for his kind. "
"What did you sec this week , "
asked a listener. And this is
what he told.
told.X. . *
'It wasn't much of an inci
dent , just a little touch of nature
in fact , but I like to think of it
now that it is all over and I wish
I knew the girl.
The Omaha stub on Tuesday
morningof last week was running
late through the snow. The
passengers were the usual con
glomerate one finds on a local
and among them was a heavy
eyed , tired looking young woman
with an infant. The child cried
incessantly and the weary young
mother cried with it as she tried
to hush it to sleep. Across the
aisle from her sat a young fellow
attired in cheap and boisterous
clothing. The crying baby an
noyed him and he tried to forget
his troubles by singing in a rag
time voice such classics as "Bill
Bailey , won't you please come
home" and
"Open the door for me to go ,
Out In the rain , the sleet and thoaiiow , '
until he could endure it no longei
and would adjourn with the innk'
ings to the smoking room to comfort -
fort with a tailor made cigarette
There were several ladies ii
the car and most of them turnci
with annoyance to look at tin
young mother and her wailinj
i- baby , much to her cmbarassment
Finally a girl , not handsom
y mind you , but just good looking
1. walked back and spoke for
le moment to the mother in a lo\
Is tone , and then sitting down sh
took the bab > in her arms an
; i
commenced singing in a low
II. crooning voice. The wails bi
j came faint and fainter , the baby
head bobbed uneasily on its liu
jn ber neck as it tried to look at il
comforter until it rested quietl
and its crying ceased. 1 looke
back again after a little whi !
ir- and the baby had fallen asleep i
the rocking arms of the youn
n- woman , the mother was drowsin
and the muffled hum of whee
over the snow was the on !
ur sound to be heard. "
he man puffed for a mome
clt in an effort to revive the dyit
embers of his cigars and the
sk continued ; " For miles and mil
ng they sat thus , until the brakem :
an called "Louisville : " the girl me
loned the rag time Doting man to
turn the seat in front , which he
did veryquietl\ gently. The
babv was laid down and covered
up , the mother didn't stir. ,
"You are all right , you are , "
said the boy with the noisy
clothes ,
Mr Shields , the conductor ,
took the girl's hand grip ; the
brakcman carried her umbrella
and she left the car. Everybody
looked at her as she walked up
the aisle ; those who sat on the
side of the station watched her
through the window , and while
nobody spoke everybody was
When the train reached Omaha
Mr. Shields touched the young
mother on the shoulder and said
"Omaha , " and lie said it very
quietly too. Every body helped
her and her sleep ! n : babj oil the
train and into the arms of .1
yotiny Hercules in overalls I
walked behind them to the stat
ion and heard her telling him all
about it in disconnected remarks
such .is , "She sang to her she
didn't crany more -we both
slept all the way -so kind so
good and kind. "
"So shines a jjood deed in a
naughty world "
* *
Wellgi eus another of your
week's experiences" asked a list
ener. "I was party to another
incident that as equally unim
portant , " replied the story tell
; ' but as an isolated experience
it was worth while. "
I drove some sixty miles across
the Winnebago Indian reservation
during my absence from home.
It was bitterly cold and incx
pressibly lonely out on the bar
ren , wind swept prairies. I was
glad enough to put up with an
Indian family , when night fell.
There were only two rooms in
the houae and a little Indian boy
about four years of age and I oc
cupied one of them. I slept or
tried to sleep on a couch while
tlis head of the house curled up
in the bed , his mother was
afraid he would kick the covers
off if he slept on the couch.
I couldn't go to sleep The
strange surroundings , the almost
angible silence broken only by
he ghostly tapping of the snow
n the window drove sleep from
ne. About midnight I thought
\ little fresh air might help so I
loiselessly raised the window a
rtlle. I returned to my quarters
ind fell asleep. During the
light I awakened with the feei
ng that some one was in the
'oom. As mv eyes opened I saw
he oddest little figure by my
side that I have ever seen. The
vhites of his eyes shone out of
lis red face , and the straight
black hair hung down to the
shoulders of his "bear gown. "
"What's the matter , young
ster , " I required.
"Cold" lie grunted back.
I got up and closed the window
and the child returned to his bed.
He was restless and kept moving
about for a loti time.
' 'Arc you still cold , " I asked.
"Yes , " ' he returned in his gut-
lei al tone.
I laid quietl ) for a moment
arguing it out. Iliad seen 1115
children take the kitty to be <
with them I had a remember
ance of the time when a little
black and tan dog used to slee ]
with me. Surely a clean littl
little Indian boy , one of God'
little mites of humanity , was a
good as a dog. So I determine !
on a plan of action and will
some little embarassinent asked
"Want me to get in bed witl
you ? "
Off came the covers and thcr
was no mistaking the "yes. "
So I got into bed with him an
he snuggled up like a contente
little kitten and fell asleep on m
arm as my own little boys hav
so often done at home.
g A Habit To He Encouraged.
The mother who has. acquired tl
g habit of keeping on hand a bottle
Is Chamberlain's I'oujrh Heniedy , su\i
Isy her elfu great amount of uneuslnu
and iinxloiy. CoiiL'hs , o > lds and eron
to which children are suseeptiblti at
quickly cured by Us use. It eounte
aets any tendency of a cold to result i
pneumonia , and if given as soon as tl
th > llrct symptoms of croup appears ,
ulU'pruvunt the attack. ThN retnei'
contains nothing injurious and mothe
irlvo it to little ones with a fool in1. <
perfect security. Sold at Kerr's Drt
Foley's Homy nnd Tar
< iirt" 1'iMitfhi * and inlils
i uru * In iiiK'iMt1- , i asthma.
Cure- croup mi'lvMn > pln/
Curt > i luurM'Mi'fi Mini bronchial
( JiiicntHiinionlu | and In uilppe.
l'ilcy' Kldnt'v Cine MiHkf * the kid-
n < ' \r < unit Madder rlyht. Contain *
nnthlnir InjurloiiH , Formic atMooru'e
t'liiiriniiu.v ,
A Severe Gold for Three Months ,
The folio vlnt ; letter from A. J. Ntis-
liu inn , of ButoHvlllf , [ ml , Uslln Its own
story ' I Mifturuil for thr * u months
with a severe cold A druggist pre
pared me sonif mediolnc , and a jiliysl-
elan prescribed for me , .set I did not
Improve. I llinn tried t'oley'ij Honey
and Titr , and t'lirht do e * eured me.1
IMu u lUbstltiitcs For sale lit Moore's
Common Colds tvre tile Cause of
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who Imvi * trained a nat
ional ti'putallon u- < analysis of thu
I'tniau of vai Inndl ( 'ii-i'- claim that if
riitclilriL' ' "lil could bf avoided a IOI.L'
li-i nf iliiiit'i'i oniiUiniMit * would never
} > flii'aiil of. l''vci\ _ ( itHknous that
lini'iimoniii ami oon-uiiiptlnn ort'lnatc
liom a eold , mid chronic oiiturrh , hron-
ernii- and all tlitont iind 'utiir trouble
in i" IIITL'I iiviiti il and t mli'i'i'd mot o ser
ious by each freth attack. Do not rl-k
\ourllfuor taki' dinners when jou
have u cold L'tuimbci Iain's Cough
Kemed.s v\lll cm e It lieforu thc3u ills
euses duM-lop. TnN remedy contains
no opium , morphine or other harmful
drut ; and has thirty jcui- of reputation
buck of It. gained l > .s its cure- , under
PVery condition. For -ale. at Kerr's
Drug Store.
Dr. R. P.Robertsdentist
over King's Pharmacy.
Two For Less Than The Price Of
The regular subscription price
of The Chicago Daily Tribune
is $4.00 a year , the regular price
of The Falls City Tribune is $1
a year.
By a special arrangement
with the publishers of The Tri
bune for a limited time , we can
accept a year's subscription to
our paper and the daily Tribune
both lor * 3.
It would seem unneccessary
to say more about this extraor
dinary newspaper bargain. The
Daily Tribune is "The World's
Greatest Newspaper , " and of
course you will want our local
The Tribune Company re
serves the right to withdraw
this offer on one day's notice.
If you are now a subscriber to
either or both papers , your sub
scription will be extended one
year from present date of ex
Subscription lor less than one
year cannot be accepted at less
than the regular late
Make all remittances direct
Palls City , Nebr.
Legal Notice.
In the Klcliiinlson county district com * ,
State of NrbriiViii ) Uobcr Is ,
Vs. A. llobinth ,
TIIU ( Icfcmliint. Jcs-o Alloberts , Is licrobj
nollllcil til it tlu > plalntlir , Itesslo Kobcrts
UiU , on tin 17th Jay of Fcbruury. Kv6. illt
lii-r poiltlcm in the dUtrlet court of Klchtml
son county , NilinisKu , nxultist you , tin
object , nml prilM'i ol uliloli. U to obtain I
ilt-etw ti ) sulil court dUMihliiK thu bonds 01
iiimiliuoii ) noiONlitlntr hctnccii you niu
her , on the grounds of non-support of hei
mul her child , mid ( hut jouuroii coininni
drunkard iiiul lik-r
You are fuitlici notllioil that unless > o\
( ilend unauiM or demur In paid | > ellllot
on or tefore tlie < ) tli day ot April , 11KX1 , tin
same will bo takei. pro confosso. and i
ducrt'oot iHvoice i prajed. ulll bocntero
II H Att'ys for I'liUiiUiT
for children ; safe , sure. No opiate *
pasture for season 1 )0 ( ) . Sectioi
15-3-10 Pawnee Address
- - , county.
dress II. C. Vanllorne , Pawne
City , Neb. H3-4t
Pneumonia Follows A Cold
but never follows the iisn of Foley' '
Honey and Tar. It e > top the cou hi
' 0
heals , and strengthen- , the lunijs an
artord * perfect security from an attae
of pneumonia. Hefusoubstltute :
For tale at Moore's Pharmacy.
Makes KlUnoys and Bladclor Right
A Good Watch !
Is a necessity to every man
who would succeed in life.
The kinds we sell are guaran
teed to give you one of man's
strongest assets punctuality
if you will obey them.
Only standard and reliable
movements find place here
and we willingly guarantee
them to be accurate time keep
ers. Cases plain , simple and
ornate in either Gold , Silver
or Gim-m tal.
Velicate and complicated re
pairs are a specialty here.
A .
Falls Citv , Nebraska.
W. H. Maddox
Real Estate Agency
See me before your purchase. I am
helling city property , loaning- mon
ey at rates , selling-farms and
making' farm loans. See me if you
wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I
am here for business. Write
W. H. Maddox , Falls City
( Burlington TIME TABLE
Falls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helena
Chicago Butte
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points east and and all points
south. west.
No. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
cast and south 7:17 p in
. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest 1:33 a m
. 44. Vestibuled Express
daily , St. Joseph.
Kansas , City St.
Louis and points
East and South. . . . 722 ; a m
. 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south 7:47 a m
. 17. Local express daily
except Sunday , Con-
cordia , and points
north and west . . . 12.10 p m
No. IS. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:23 p m
Xo. 43. Vestibuled Express
daily , Lincoln and
the Northwest. . . . Ii44 p in
16. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas Olty , St Louis
Chicago and points
easv and south 4:35 p m
No. 18. Local express daily
except Sunday , St.
Joe and points
south and east. . . . 4:05 p m
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoina and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p m
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , d aily c \ -
dcpt Sunday.Salcm ,
Nemaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 p m
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart
Agent , Falls Citv , Neb. , or J. Francis.
G. P. & T. A. . Omaha.
Raw Or Inflamed Lung.
Yield rapidly to the wonderful cura
tive mid healing qualities ( if Folej's
Flonej and Tnr. It prevents pneu
monia and consumption from u hard
cold settled on the luni'S. "Mj daugh
ter had 11 terribla eough which settled
on her lunt's , " s-ays N Jackson , of
Danville. Il ! "Wo trii'd u irreat ninny
remedies without relief , until wo gave
her Fole.\ ' Honey and Tar which
cured her. For stile at MOOIU'B Phar
Mail From Falls City.
The mail arrives from Fa lit
City each morning. It could In
put in a peanut shell. The post
office folk say three letters are a
good average. Hiawatha world.
Cures Colds ; Prevents Pneumonia
I D. S. HcCarthy
Piuinpt attention given
to the removal of house
hold from ! ? .
Diplomat , Old Crow
James E. Pepper
Guckenheimer Rye
Thu finest Whiskey made Cull
for \oiir favorite brand at
William Harnack's
Phone 74.
* Telephone No. SS
Office at Residence
Office Hours : S to 10 a. m. ;
i to 3 p. m.
Merchants and
Business Men
With hard accounts to collect ,
should place them with
John L. Cleaver
Collection Attorney
For Collection or for Suit
Collections my Specialty
Succeeds where others fail
Small Commission charged
Special sale of
All kinds all colors
all sizes all prices
(3 ( inch Jardiniere for 25c
10 inch Jnr liniere1 for. . . .SI 25
Jardinieres for 2oc , 30c , 40c ,
50c , GOc , 7nc , SOL$100 ami $1.25
See them in the large
28 piece Breakfiist SMfleco -
rated ware for $2.79
10 piece Dinner set in same
ware for $3.99
Two Specials in Deco
rated Pitchers at
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 135 Omaha , local 7:45 a. in.
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Express A 1:57 a m
No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
No. 127 From Kansas City. . . 8:15 p m
passenger A 1:41 p m
No. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn A 1:16 p m
No. 104 Kansas City local 7:50 a m
No. 106 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 3:10 am
No. 108 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 1:16put
No. 138 From Omaha 8:35 p m
No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10:15a in
j A. Daily. B. Daily except Sunday.
j J. B. VAKNKK , Agent.
! Special Rates.
1 $25.00 to Portland , San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles.
Tickets on sale until April 7th.
Ilomeseekers rates on sale Mch.
( > th and 20th at 75 per cent of the
o o way fare for the round trip.
' I'M.d 21 days for return.
t * w.iv colonist rates to all
homesecker points at one half
a .00. Tickets on sale on
i ( itneheeker dates.
J. B. VAKNKK , agt.