The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 23, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Kat Sowles1 candy.
Call 74 when in need of a nice
juicy steak.
John Mooncy of Rule spent
Saturday here.
B. P. Miles came down from
Dawson Friday.
Wm. Knobe was over from
Hiawatha last Sunday.
Ezra Williamson of Salem was
a Saturdaj' visitor here.
Spare ribs and tenderloin at
Heiser and Mogiman.
S. S. Freiburg of Salem was a
Saturday visitor in this city.
Dorothy White spent Sunday
the guest of Hiawatha friends.
G. D. Knapp of Verdon was-a
guest at the National last Sun
James Maddo.x was among the
Preston people here on Saturday
_ _
J. R. Shelly of Preston was a
business visitor in this city Mon
Walter O'Brein of Dawson
spent Saturday with Falls City
L. C. Edwards spent the latter
part of last week with Ilumboldt
Mrs. Martha Clark of this city
is visiting .vilh her son in Merrill -
rill , Kan.
Thomas Glines came up from
Hiawatha and spent Sunday with
"the boys/ ]
Lambert Slagle of Davenport
is visiting with his uncle , Benj.
Slagle and wife.
What a blessing it would be if
all the pessimists were dumb and
all the knockers dead.
Br the way , would a woman
wear a peek-a-boo waist if this
were an Adamless world.
Frank Schneider of Preston
was the guest of Falls City
friends the past Saturday.
.Mrs.Erank Clark--and daugh
ter , Maud , of Verdon visited with
Falls City friends Tuesday.
It is estimated that ice will
cost th average family about six
dollars per month next summer.
This is the season when the
young man's thoughts lightly
turn to love , and the speckled
hen hides hen eggs under the
Here is a new problem : "A
man has two sons , to one of
whom he gives 19 cents and to
the other 6 cents. What time is
it ? " The answer is a quarter to
This is the first winter since
77-78 that Falls City has failed
to harvest ice. The winter of
1877-78 was even milder than
this one has been. Oeo. Abbott
has a book record which discloses
the fact that farmers were plow
ing in February of that year and
planted their corn in April.
Nearly every member of the
stub train crews lives in the car.
A reporter heard the brakcman
on the Omaha stub bragging to
some Auburn people the other
day that he hadn't been off the
right of way since the trains
made Falls City. He is badly
dissatisfied the change and
some fear is expressed that he
may take the matter up with
George Gould and have the trains
taken away from us.
An old time Falls City man re
turned last week after an absence
of several years. He was sur
prised and delighted with the
many improvements in the town ,
but remarked with pleasure on
tin-old landmarks that were still
hi-ro. He said when he looked
at ilu * old Methodist church , now
an iMiplenuMit store , the old Jjjpis-
i-up i' v nuroh and the old school
IIM i-- . and upon being told that
L ' w a s still running for
in < t seemed so much like
- . i hat he could hardly lie luid been away so
A Ja.ot . H jtiir frinii a jun ,
And u lump pod lie -tarti'd teA
A cop sulil "Oh , Joy !
I'll just harvest thut boy
And run the .lay with the jar in the
juir. " -K. C. Times
Dr. Gaudy was down from
Ilumboldt Sunday.
George Wahl was the guest of
Preston friends Sunday eve.
T. Montgomry returned to Hia
watha the first of the week.
John Taylor of Dawson was a
Friday guest at the City hotel.
Thos. Wilkinson tof Ilumboldt
was a Friday visitor in our city.
D. D. Goolsby paid this oflicc
a very pleasant call last Friday.
Jno.IIartman of Rule has added
his name to our list of subscribers
Otto Halm was one of our
many pleasant callers during the
W. J. McCray of Stella was a
business visitor at this place last
\V. D. ICasley came up from
Kansas City the latter part ot
last week.
S. L. Fricbttrg was over from
Sabetha on business affairs the
past Saturday.
Now , honest injun , what do
you think of The Tribune at a
dollar a year ?
Chas. F.ioeller of Preston
spent Saturday among friends at
this county scat.
Robert Ebel on route 3 remem
bered The Tribune in a financial
way during the week.
Vera Lord , who has been vis
iting Verdon friends , returned to
her home in this city Tuesday.
The ad of Reavis & Abbey in
this issue will interest those wish
ing to get good value for their
John S. Nixon was over from
Ilamlin , Kan. , on Tuesday and
was a pleasant caller at these
Ed May returned to Salem on
Monday morning and Mrs. May
will spend a few days here with
F. C. Brecht on route 1 showed
his heart to be in the right beat
by ordering The Tribune for a
year last Saturday.
Ludwig Hilgenfeld returned
from an extended visit with rela
tives at McPherson , Kan. , Tues
day. Mr. Hilgenfeld celebrated
his return by contributing to the
financial welfare of the printer.
The Journal says it always
gives value received for the
money payed to it. Anybody
that can see a dollar and half's
worth in that sheet has an ituag-
ination that is something fierce.
John Holland leaves Sunday to
open the season at first base with
the Indianapolis ball team. Mr.
Holland has made many friends
during his stay with us the past
winter who are not only hoping
but believing as well that he will
more than make good.
Will and Lydia Wolthausen of
Yates Center , Kan. , write that al
though they are well pleased with
their new home , still they often
think of the old Nebraska home
and friends. So The Tribune
will now keep them posted on
Falls City affairs during the year.
We are looking for the Journal
to support the prohibition ticket
before the end of the campaign.
That they will do it on high
moral grounds there is no doubt ,
but that the question of patron
age will be the real incentive is
known to everybody who knows
what will happen with public
printing if Leyda is elected.
Jas. C. Chambers of Gravity ,
Iowa , has an ad on page 3 regard
ing his excellent herd of Aber
deen Angus cattle. Mr. Cham
bers is an old breeder and it has
been his aim to top his herd with
nothing but the best. Read this
ad and if you do not find what
you want , mentioned therein ,
write Mr. Chambers and he will
put you right along the lines of
Aberdeen-Angus breeding.
Shorthorn Sale !
This sale will be held in the new Sale Pavilion at
AUBURN , Neb. , on Wednesday , April 11. The con
signment consists of bred cows and heifers , some
with calf at side , and young bulls , the get of Baron
Surmise , second to no herd bull in the state.
Baron Surmise included in this of
Auctioneer I
\9KlJ \
| for HAM AND EGGS | *
1 will put on sale
I Saturday , March 24th ,
| 50 Hams and 200 Dozen Eggs
V *
The hams for from 80 cents to $1.00 each.
§ These are fine sugar cured hams. The meat M
' If * is perfect or your money back. [ fl ]
| ; | Sale Only For SATURDAY , MARCH 24th. w
| ) | Eggs at market price.
ibiS pt i-tSS Sti' it S ft 1 : : : "
F. 13. Rullman of Hiawatha
was a Saturday visitor in Falls
Everytime you purchase home
made goods you are contributing
to the construction of a greater
Mrs. Margaret Norton a n d
daughter of Colorado Springs ,
Colo. , are here for a two weeks
visit with her mother. Mrs-
Mrs. W. H. Crook and daugh
ter-in-law , Mrs. Will Crook , left
Tuesday for Hot Springs , Ark. ,
for the benefit of the hitter's
health , who suffers quite fre
quently from rheumatism.
Walter Battreall and family of
Muncie , Indiana , who have been
visiting with his parents , V. W.
Battreall and wife , left the first
of the week for St. Joseph. They
are just returning from an eight
months visit in California for the
benefit of Mrs. BattrealPs health.
Mrs. J. Harris spent Wednes
day with Salem friends.
Every purchase made of n cat
alogue house is a nail driven in
the coffin of your local mer
Mrs. Sam Stewart of Reserve
visited her mother , Mrs. J. M.
DeWald , of this city several days
this week.
Rev. II. B. Smith was accorded
the honor of delivering the
Lenten ordination sermon at
Trinity Cathedral in Omaha last
Sunday morning. This is a dis
tinction greatly priced by the
rectors throughout the state.
Father Smith acquitted himself
with such credit that the report
er , who had the good fortune to
be present , couldn't resist butting
in when at the conclusion of the
sermon a lady who sat adjoining
told her daughter that it was a
splendid address by volunteering
the information that the speaker
was from ' 'our town. "
To make home beautiful and pleasant , so that p
life is worth the living , is the chief purpose of every
one who has a home to support. Spring will soon
be here and why not give your home a ne\v dress of
Paint and Wall paper and make everything
cheery and bright.
We carry the Bradley & Nooman paints , none
better made. On wall paper we can give you
any thing you want at the lowest price.
Don't fail to come in and see our samples and
get our prices.
We also have Japalac , Varnish , Stains , Floor
Wax , Moor Paints , Buggy Paints , Wagon Paints ,
White Lead and Linseed Oil all at the lowest price.
Remember the place.
City PSiarmacv ,
Dr. McMillan , Prop.
Falls City Nebraska
Fou RUNT : A good barn close-
to square. Inquire at this oflice.
* .
It will .soon be the day of high-
heeled shoes , dropped stitch hose ,
peek-a-boo waists and rubber
WANTKD. A good girl for
general house w o r k. CJood
wages. For further particulars
apply at the D. II. Blakeney
millinery store.
The Ideal Quilting Co. is doing
some nice work. Bring in your
quilts and tell us just how you
want your work done and we will
quilt your quilts as close as you
say. Price will be $1.00 the rest
of March.
For Sale.
One good trusty , single driver
at seventy-five djilars.
Wanted To Buy.
Residence property direct from
owner in desirable location.
State lowest cash price. Also
want atlas of Richardson County.
114-3t F. 13. FAK KING-TON.
The gospel evangelistic meet
ings began at the First Christian
church on last Lordsday and are
still in progress. Considerable
interest is being aroused in the
city and good sized audiences
have been in attendance at each
of the services thus far. The
large chorus under the direction
of Prof. Givcns. is doing splendid
work and the audiences are de
lighted with his solos at each ser
vice. The minister of the church
is preaching some very convinc
ing scriptural sermons which are
instructing the older members of
the church as well as to the new
converts. There have been four
additions to the church thus far
in the meetings-
The Journal speaks somewhat
slightingly of the supplements
run bv The T r i b u n e and
the News in the interest of local
merchants and antagonistic to
theeatabguc houses The reason
the Journal declined to run it was
because there was nothing in it
for the gang. The supplement
was a good thing and will tend
to assist the merchants in fight
ing these mail order houses.
This fact is of no consequence to
the Journal , however , whose sole
creed is personal profit. Then-
is such a thing as town prid < - and
home patriotism. There is such
a thing as a desire to promote
the welfare of the entire business
community even at a sacrifice to
one's own interest- These things
are not known to those institu
tions which is alwa\s looking for
the best of it as is the
f _ _ . ; i
> *
2 Large or small bu\ers < < '
7 i > can locate on adj > i.i' ) "
i .
\ Ior information < r
M.I ) . CKAV.i1'
Land Bargains.
2f 5 acres near Rule at a price
that is right.
100 acres in Douglas county.
Mo. 100 acres in cultivation.
Mostly in timothy and clover.
Two sets of buildings , Near
school and postofliee. linc living
water. Clear. Will exchange
for property and cash. " A good
chance. $4500.
100 acres in Uarada Precinct ,
A good farm at $60 per acre.
Owner going South.
About 122 acres near Salem.
Fine bottom land near depot. At
a bargain. Might rent for 1006.
Good terms.
A couple of sections of good
land near Scotia. Nob. , on the
best of terms.
160 acres Nuckolls County , Ne
braska , -125 acres cultivated.
Good terms. Possession this
spring. 2l/i miles o f depot.
Other lands west and south to
sell. Call and see me.
Falls City , Ncbr.
Sale of Farm Implements.
As Kxecutor of the Kstate of
\V. P. Myers , deceased , I will sell
at private sale the following
articles of personal property.
One Stirring plow , two cultivat
ors , one disk , two harrows , one
large heavy bob-sled , one mower ,
one rake , one hay tedder , one set
single harness , one buggy , one.
set double harness.
Also smaller articles of farm
and garden machinery too num
erous to mention. The above
articles are practically new and
are in excellent condition , having
always been under shelter.
For particulars or inspection
inquire of P. 13. Weaver or the
A. J. WKAVKK. Kxccutor.
And remember that this is the
last call. We want our money
and accounts of 1905 due us must
be paid. We have helped you ,
now come to time and pay up.
Start anew on the new year.
Don't treat this notice lightly ,
CKAV.i1'a want
pur money and arc going to have
it. Yours ,
Of New Location
After the 1'Jtli of tilts month we
will occupy the room formerly
occupied by H. W. Hixon. All
of the Dixon hnniesH and
machinery will be shipped out
this week. We will be pleased
to have all call and sec us. We
make only
in quality and workmanship
second to none.
Have your harness repaired and
oiled. Over supply of whips.
Prices right. Thanking you for
past patronage and hoping to
merit a continuance of same.
Yours for good work ,
Otho Wachtel
r * + HHHHHH"iHH H M I *
SUN tf
A wnteh miifct bi > or nil its
bounty is mockery.
If you purchase a watch
yon net guaranteed one
no mutter how simple the
The mini who lias no time
to wcsto cannot afford to
carry Our nn unreliable wiiteli. T
mny il ways be relied upon. \
We sell nil the best miikes in
tilil tilled and silver eases.
CM 1 1 mid fi"t our line of
wall-lies , each one guaran *
teed to give Batibfaetory t