The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 23, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. Ill FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , HARCH 23 , 1906. Whole No. u5
An Authoritative Statement , i
The Journal lias declared for )
the citizens1 ticket. Will it sup
port it' ' Judging from itb past
actions , we are in doubt. The
Journal declared for the republi
can ticket in the late county contest -
test yet who will be so bold as to
say that it supported the repub
lican nominees ? Let its present
actions be the judge. We see a
representative of that paper daily
t haunting the court house and
making demands of democratic
officials with a perfect assurance
of the justness of its clainvj.
From these actions there is no
doubt that the Journal feels fully
assured that its treachery to the
republican party is responsible
for the cleaning of the augean
stables , and it is not a bit back
ward in levying tribute for that
treachery. So persistent are the
demands of that paper that it is
placing some of the officials in
an embarassing position. There
is little difference from a moral
point of view what the considera
tion may be in return for political
support from the opposition. In
any form that you put it. it is a
bribe. This fact should be firmly
impressed upon those who feel
under obligations for the assist-
4 ance received from the enemy.
Their sense of right should be so
great and fealty to party 'o
strong that recognition of such
( treachery would be regarded as ft
crime. Again we ask , will the
Journal support the citizens's
x ticket ? If it does it is easy to
divine the incentive , which is
summed up in five letters graft.
Falls City News.
* , Fruit Growers Association.
The South Eastern Nebraska
fruit growers Association met
the office of O. P. Dovel in Au
burn. Nebr. , W. G. Swan , President -
\ _ dent ; G. S. Christy , Secretary
protein , moved that a commit
tee of two be appointed to tabulate -
late the number of "Fruit Trees'1
in the live counties. A. C.
Muiz and H. R. Howe were ap
pointed such committee.
On motion , J. T. Swan was
elected corresponding Secretary
to find markets for the surplus
fruit of the association.
Resolved that ; This Associa.
tion extend a vote of thanks tc
Hon. E. M. Pollard M. C. for
his elTort in behalf of the fruit
growers of South Eastern Nebr
Moved that , O. P. Dovel oui
purchasing agent be requested
to correspond with Factories
for apple boxes , peach ant
grape baskets by the car load
Resolved , that our thanks arc
due and hereby tendered to tin
State Horticultural Society for
continuing the committee com.
posed of Peter Younger of Ge
neva , G. A. Marshall of Arling
ton , Hon. E. M. Polliird of Ne
hawka and C. B. Parker o
Brock , on Freight and Express
W. G. SWAN , Pres.
G. S CHRISTY , Sec. Pro. Tern.
County Clerk's Office.
Three wolf bounties were pai <
this week , two toC. J. Hoppe , o
Preston and one to Robert Rule
Articles of incorporation of tin
Humboldt Brick Co. were filet
March 21st , with a capital stocl
of $50,000.00.
County.Assessor Jorn is bus ;
going over the chattel mortgag
index books , preparatory to th
levying of spring assessments
" * Mr. Jorn will be busy here fo
the next three or four months.
Marriage Record.
Julius Kleber , Fulls City. . U
Mary Kuhlban , Saletn. ' . , . ' 'J
Samunl Ruseell , Siilem . \ ! i
Kttii Foraker , Salum 'J
I-Mward Uuept'e , Fall- , City -J
Marie Kuhlman , Baratl.i 1
Dr. Candy Again Convicted.
The se c o nd prosecution
against Dr. ,1. L. Gaudy was
tried in Auburn last week re
sulting in a conviction. The
prosecution was for obstructing
justice and the court assessed a
fine of $ f > 0on the defendant. The
case was immediately appealed
and will probably be tried at
the next term of the Nemeha
County District court.
A Big Law Suit.
The United States brought a
civil euit in the Federal court
at Omaha last week again-t
Richards and Comstock , W. A.
Margraves , Edward C. Harris
and David P. Gorley to forfeit
the title and possession of
400,000 acres of ranch land in
Sheridan , Cherry and other
counties , in western Nebraska.
A special term of the United
States court will probably be
called to try the case. Reavis
and Reavis of this city will re
present Mr. Margrave.
On Saturday at six o'clock p.
11. occured the death of the in-
iant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade
Whittle } * who reside 4A miles
south of this eity. Funeral ser
vices were conducted on Mon
day morning , interment being
in the Salem cemetery. An
other bud has ceased to uncl ese
its petals and one more little
one has entered the realm to
those words "fr > of such is the
kingdom of heaven. " The sorrowing
rowing parents have the sym
pathy of a large number of
friends and acquaintance.
A Big Deal On.
Rumor has it , and pretty well
defined rumor at that , that the
Clipper Copper mine which H
so largely owned and con
trolled by Falls City people is
about to be sold to the Amal
gamated Copper for ten million
dollars. If this should prove
true some of the local people
will clean about a half million
apiece on their investment.
Messrs More head and Weaver
have been in Chicago lor the
past week in conference with
the prospective purchasers.
In Different Quarters.
Judge Gillispie has moved
his office from above the former
Geo. Hell shoe ston ; to an office
above the store room of Roberts ,
theeweler. The judge had beer
at the other location for twenty *
four years , the longest reign by
one year of any office holder ir
Falls City.
Wreck Near Willis.
Early Sunday morning the
north bound freight train on the
Missouri Pacific jumped tlu
track near Willis , Kansas whicl :
is a few miles beyond Hiawatbt
and derailed eight cars. Tin
cars were tumbled down an em
banktnent but the engine dit
not leave the track. At the
time of the accident the engineer -
neer , fireman and headbrakemai
were riding in the engine. The
last named stayed where IK
was and escaped uninjured.
However the engineer anc
fireman jumped , the former re
ceiving slight injuries , such as
a sprained ankle and cuts aboul
the head , while the latter was
killed. The body of the < le
ceased Mr. Iloagland of Kansas
City was not found by tlu
searching party until Monday
morning , where it was pinioned
under the last car that left tlu
track , and on the opposite sidi
from where they had been look
ing for him.
, Mrs. Fred Cleveland of Ne
1 4 braska City spent a portion o
this week with friends in thi
Society News.
The ladies of the Christian
church will give a 10 cent tea at
the home of Mrs. Dr. Houston on
Thursday evening , March 2'Jth. '
The hours are from 5 to S p. m. ,
and a cordial invitation is ex
tended to all.
On Tuesday evening Miss hjtta
Reichers was hostess to a few of
her friends. It was a delight
fully informal affair and was a
pleasure to those present. Re
freshments added to the other
Camille and Lucile Leyda en
tertained a number of their
friends Monday evening of this
week , the affair being in honor
of their joint birthday. A very
enjoyable evening was spent by
all , various games and mubic
claiming a great deal of their
time. Mrs. W. S. Leyda , assist
ed by Gertrude Leyda served the
daintiest of refreshments and
there wa < nothing lacking in
perfect evening of pleasure. '
Last Tuesday afternoon the
Woman's club held its first meet-
ng of the new club year at the
home of the president , Mrs. Win.
Wilson. About twenty-five mem
bers and several guests were
present and the afternoon was
very enjoyable. After a brief
business session the president
read her address. She spoke of
the satisfactory work of the club
during its first year , and empha
sized the real value of woman's
clubs , i. e. . by broadening the
scope of woman's activity and
experience , to make her wiser
and moie efficient in working for
her most , important interest , the
home. The Literary department
then took charge of the meeting
and an interesting program fol
lowed. Mrs. Ewalt read a paper
on "Civil Service , " Mrs. Ed Bur-
ris one 'on ' 'Native Trees and
Forestry , " Mrs. Tanner read a
paper by Miss Uhlig on "Adap
tion of Food to Climate , " and
Mrs Simanton an account of a
recent journey to places of inter
est in the south. After the pro
gram the hostesses served re
freshments and finally , reluct
antly , the members departed ,
enthusiastic for the work of the
coining year.
The Art department of the
Woman's club gave a Mozarl
program at the home of Mrs ,
Mrs. Chas. Wilson , March 13th
The program had been designec
to show the breadth of Mozarts
genius by the study of example :
irom four great branches of mus
ical composition , in all of whicl
he was a master i. e. orchestral
piano , church music and opera.
After a clear and interesting
sketch of the composer's life bj
Miss Lapp , Mrs. Chas Hoffmar
read a paper on "The Magii
Flute , " the last opera thai
Mozart wrote. Because of th <
absence of Mrs. Scott and Mis ;
Gehling a paper on Mozart's
church music and a piano sonat ;
were omitted. Mrs. Chas. Wilsoi
and Aneta Wilson played a piam
arrangement of the superb sym
phony in C. called the Jupite ;
, j symphony because of its gran
dcur of spirit and structure.
i After the Mozart progran
i "The Creation , " omitted from tin
; ' Haydn program of Feb. 27 , was
. | discussed by Miss Hanks. In il
i lustration she played passages
from various parts of the oratorio
torio and Mrs. Banks sang tin
beautiful aria. "With Verdun
Clad the Fields Appear , " a com
position regarded as one of tin
most exquisite attempts to < l pic
in music the charm of nature ii
its most gracious aspect. Thi
next meeting of the departmen
will be held with Mrs. Scott
March 27th.
Mrs. IJ. I. Reavis entertained
the young married ladies Ken
sington Thursday afternoon.
Dainty refreshments were served
and all present enjoyed the after
noon hugely.
'Phe Koyal Neighbors of Amer
ica gave a very interesting and
successful entertainment in the
Wnhl hall on Wednesday even
ing , it being their eleventh anni
versary as a biMieficiary order.
The program was replete with
excellent numbers , the smilax
garland drill by twenty little
girls in while , under the instruc
tion of Elizabeth Naylor deserv
ing especial mention. A dainty
lap supper was then served to
about two hundred and fifty
The Women's auxiliary will
give one of their excellent teas at
the'homc ' of Mrs. Wilhite on next
Thursday evening. The hours
will be from 5 to 8 o'clock p. m. ,
and all ar ' cordially welcome to
The Koyal Highlanders had a
royal lime on Tuesday of this
weelc at their local quarters.
Five candidates were initiated
ind six new applications were
voted on. This shows the good
licalthy condition of this enter-
ingpris order. After business rou
tinedancing completed the even
ing's pleasures
The Situation.
Some of Leyda's friends are
trying to make the voters be
lieve that Prof. Barrett hasen't
the ability to be mayor of Falls
City. Now in answer to this 1
would suggest that our fricjul
Leyda appoiilt n " committee 'to
investigate what the professor
has accomplished from a busi
ness stand point since he has
been in our city , and compare
it to the business ability he has
displayed , and if this committee
don't find the results in favor of
Prof. Barrett , i will gladly vote
the citizens ticket , and will
cheerfully do everything in my
power to extend to our present
Mayor the title. "Czar" and let
him hold the office indefinitely ,
and then he will not be com
pelled to bob up every year for
re election , as this is the sixth
time he has had to undergo this
If to be Mayor issuch a yrand
thing , clothed with -o much
honor , don't you think he has
been blessed enough , while on
the other hand , if it is such a
terrible bad thing , don't you
think this distinguished citizen
has been tortured long enough
-A Voter.
Operation Performed.
Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Kent ac
companied by S. Daniels of Au
burn went to Omaha last wee !
to be with Miss Clytie Daniels
while being operated on for ap
pendicitis. Miss Daniels was
employed as a stenographer ir
that city when stricken with the
disease. Mr. Daniels and Dr
Kent returned the fore part o
the past week , Mrs. Kent remain
ing at the bedside of her sister
whose condition is improving.
Chicago Glee Club.
The Chicago Glee Club , the
best aggregation of singers now
on the road , cannot be excellec
as soloist and entertainers- Ilea
them at the Gehling Wednesday
evening , March 28th as the nex
| number on the Lecture Course.
1 You will have a chance to hea
the famous Chicago Glee Club a
the Gehling next Wednesday
eveningTheir program i
varied and artistic.
A quartet of Slide Trombone
will be a decidely novel featur
of the entertainment rendered b
the Chicago Glee Club. Se
them at the Gehling March 28th
A Fair Statement.
I take this method of answer-
ome of the rumors .thai are
illoat concerning my candidacy
or mayor of this city.
Some of my friends have been
lisinformed and are led to be-
ieve that I was forced on the
icket by certain factions.
I wish to state that there is
10 truth in this statement what ,
ever , and this talk is made as a
natter of fact to turn certain
) ursons against me that are not
amiliar with the conditions as
hey exist.
Now brothers , lets be fair ,
ind in answer to this i will say
hat no faction is responsible
or my name being before you
oday. 1 cannot understand
vhy this little campaign could
lot have been carried on with
out any one making a false
1 also want it distinctly un-
lerstood right now that 1 am
lehuhling to no man or set of
nen , and if elected ; will be
Mayor of all Malls City : The
joorest in our town will receive
.he same consideration at my
lands , as the most distinguished
Some are telling that 1 am so
jusy with my school work that
> can not find time to give the
office the necessary time that it
requires. In answer to this
suy that my school closes
'ibout April first , and then I
will be in a position if elected
to give my entire attention to
the duties of this office , and
will gladly do so , for I feel as
.hough Falls City is justly due
one year of my time , for it is
iierel have made my money. The
jood people of this city and
vicinity have been exceedingly
idnd to me financially as well
as otherwise , and their kindness
toward me will only be returned
oy kind works and good deed.
If I am elected I will have an
office up town , where I will keep
at all times a compiled state
ment of all money the city re-
eeives , also , an itemized state
ment showing the tax payer ,
where every dollar of his money
lias been expended , i will also
extend to every one a hearty in
vitation to call often and not
only examine the financial con
dition of our city , but consult
with me on any proposition
wherein the city may be inter
In conclusion I wish to state
to the voters of our city , that
I am now busy with my school
work and will be until alter
election , and cannot find time tc
call on you in person , but re
member your support will be
appreciated ; and if elected ]
will be your humble servant , sc
feel at ease to call upon me , and
while I may not be in a positior
at all times to grant your re
quest ; you may rest assured tha
you will be kindly treated.
Our platform is Honesty ,
The Square Deal , and the bet
tertnent of Falls City. I wan
the voters to understand , tha
when any question comes uj
for me to settle ; where you art
interested , I am on Falls City' . '
side ; first , last and all the time
J don't know of uny thing more
that I could add at this time
that would be of interest to you
so I now commit myself to youi
care and keeping believing thai
you will treat me right Apn
Ord , and whatever your decisioi
may be on that day , I will glad
ly accept , knowing that yoi
voted asou . thought best , ;
privilege that should be extend ,
ed to every American citizen.
With kindest regards and bes
wishes to all , 1 beg to remair
your candidate for Mayor ,
A New Mining Enterprise.
Since the discovery of lead
and coal near Falls Oily a new
company has been formed. The
labor performed by those gen
tlemen who last October began
the devclopemeiit of this field ,
and the success obtained by
them as a result of their in-
'estments in sinkingshafts and
exploring the mineral possibili-
ies of the field has encouraged
other , and as a result a new
company , entirely sepcrate and
listinct from the company
vhich has sunk the shaft and
opened a mine , has bcenforncd.
rhe new company we under
stand has secured some leases
rein the neighboring farmers
ind , while nothing in the way.
of prospecting ordevelopemcnt.
las been done , the field is so
) remising and the ability of
; hose who form the company is
of such high character , that a
company known as The Nemaha
Valley Coal And Lead Company
las been incorporated with a
capital stockof $1,000 and is
low selling stock in the market.
We copy the following from the
) rospectus.
"Tho following named gentlc-
ncn who so far have been
ictivly engaged in directingaf-
rairs ol the company are not
nillionares or professional pro-
noters , but reliable business
men and professional men. Mr.
D P. Brannin is one of the lead
ing merchants and property
owners of Falls City. Judge
Francis Martin stands at the
head of his profession as one of
the leaders of the bar of Ne
braska , his place of residence
being Palls City. Mr. Thomas
Martin , a son of Judge Martin ,
a man of considerable import
ance in the community in which
he lives , has been for , a number
of years actively engaged in
various mining enterprises in
Colorado and other mining
states , and the company feels
fortunate of his experience and
advice. "
In this day of graft and mis
representation , it is refreshing
to read a mining prospectus that
has so little of either. While
Mr. Thomas is not very well
known as a mining expert by
the people of this community ,
there are gentlemen connected
with the eompany whose mining
experience is well , understood
by our people. The Tribune
wishes the company all tlie suc
cess it deserves.
Drainage District Supervisors.
An election was held here last
Saturday by the land-owners of
drainage district numbt-r one
which comprises about 20,01)0 )
acres in the Nemaha valley ,
The following were chosen the
board of supervisors :
James Mooney of Rule ; G. F.
Pridbeno of Preston ; J. II. Miles
of Falls City ; R. E. Grinstead
of Salem and Daniel Riley of
This board will meet here
March HI , to employ an engi
neer and start the active work-
forward. The meeting was ,
well attended and was culled to.
order by Charlo.s Loree , cU-rlc
of the court , and was presided
over by E. S. Towle as chairman
and A. R Koim as secret try. '
A motion was adopted direct
ing the board to push thr voile
to a conclusion at the ear U't > t
possible date.
Second Amputation.
Carl Williamson , who was in
jured by a freight train three
weeks agoSunday nnd-sut.iiiu'd
an amputation ot the fo i. un
derwent a second .imputation mi
Tuesday of this week. is
sincerely hoped that hev < . > .v
recover rapidly an he has
stood all hin
ly jiutffirii a
both operations