The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 23, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Now and Then.
Charlie AbbtM is doing iiiceh
and has been removed from the
hospital to his home.
Falls City has a grand old man
of 7 ( > who boats the game of
sausage and buckwheat cakes
for breakfast every morning. His
son , with whom he lives and who
makes a breakfast out of toasted
crackers and grape nuts , says the
old man is an ostrich.
A good story is told of a local
girl whose father is a grouchy
old fellow in love with the good
old times and out of sorts witli
everything young. The girl ha *
a fellow and the old man kicked.
"Why don't you marry some
steady , sober man of fifty who \ *
well settled , " asked the father.
MI believe , " replied the girl ,
"that I would rather have two of
twenty-live if its just the same to
you. "
* *
The dinner by the Indie1 * of the
Shakespeare club to their friends
las ) Tuesday evening was as
dainty and tasteful as OIK * could
wish , it didn't suit the husband
of one of the members however ,
as he said very audibly as the
meat course was being discussed ,
"I'd rather have backbone and
kraut a dang site. "
* *
This ice proposition is becom
ing serious. George Cttlp wears
a worried look and Charlie Stanton -
ton is getting as thin as a rail
frgm worry. Dr. Yutx.y has done
his best and started things to
ward the bottom of the thermom
eter several times , but so fai
there is nothing doing towards
an ice crop.
If the lady that baked tin
bread baked at the Mcthodisi
exchange last week should eve :
be in search of employment , slu
can learn something to her ad
vantage by communicating witl
this office.
The world looked like a child * !
idea of Heaven last Saturday
morning with the trees am
shrubbery cloaked and swathei
in snow. It looked like a worn
an's idea of hell a few hours aftei
the sun had got in his work am
the walks and crossings wen
cloaked and swathed in mud.
* *
Ed Howe says if you want t <
go to the Orient go to Ilonolult
but no further as it will be but i
repetition. He advises all of hi :
friends to forget all ideas of ;
trip around the world. Tlu
truth is , Howe is homesick.
* *
Ned Towle nearly broke up ;
whist party the other eveniiu
talking about the division. Wha
he doesn't know about probabili
ties and possibilities isn't wortl
knowing , and his enthusiasm i
+ . *
Ths Tribune desires good cor
respondents in every part of th
county. If you would like to se <
items from your locality in th
paper we would be glad to hea
from you that we may perfec
arrangements to the mutual ad
vantage of both. We want thi
paper to be a county paper an
are willing to make great sacr
fices to accomplish this end.
The winter of I'JOu is one thr
old timers will be talking of fc
many years to come. In tli
language of a distinguished cit
zen "it is the mildest winter
have ever seen and I've seen
hundred of them. "
Are you reading "The Speiv
ers" the continued story in Tl
Tribune ? It is becoming ve :
interesting and will increase
interest with each succecdii
chapter. If you have not bei
reading it look back overyouro
papers or read the synopsis ai
start this week. You will miss
treat if you fail to read the stor
The local company has bei
saying that the proposition su
mittcd l > \ them was s.uisi.ulon
to most of the subscribers ol thr
mutual telephone companies but
that their committees were mis-
represcntinu the wishes of the
subscribers by refusing anything
but a toll station. It may throw
some light on this phase of the
subject to state that the Preston
company in annual session last
week decided by a vote of 45 to 3
to decline the Falls City proposi
lion and again appeal to the citi
zens of Falls City for a toll
station. It seems to a man up a
tree that the people of Falls City
might be able to settle tlioirdiflii-
culties without interference on
the part of the local company.
Who owns the streets of Falls
City , anyway ? Why should out
highways be used for personal
profit and in a way that creates a
feeling among the farmers so an
tagoifistic to our merchants that
open letters arc being published
from such men as Will Crush
calling upon telephone subscrib
ers to boycott our town. This is
not a personal matter with The
Tribune. It won't mean a cent
to us whatever the termination ol
the controversy is. It is a per
sonal matter to the merchants of
the city , it is dollars and cents to
them. We feel that every candi
date for Mayor and council this
spring should be compelled to de
clare himself one waj * or the
other on a question of such im
* *
Alice and Nick are married and
the bride is Alice in wonderland
o longer. The Sunday papers
ere filled with glowing account !
f the happy bride the sun shorn
n. A detailed account of tin
resents was given with tin
rice mark attached to each
Ve don't know what that tiling
vas the President of France gave ,
ut it cost $50,000 , and Cuba' :
resent cost $25,000. The nation !
f the world laugh at the com
lercialism of America and laugl
ustly at that. The idea of turn
ng the wedding of t he President' !
aughter into a matter of dollar
nd cents. The idea of looking
* ift horse in the mouth and put
ing the price mark on the pres
nts of nations , rulers and Jriends
Be it said to the credit of Kinj
Sdward nobody knows the char
ctcr of his present nor its cost
nd no right minded man cares
The next thing we know thej
vill be giving the cost of grnvi
lothes , the casket and the flow
rs. What are we coming t (
nyway that we cannot read o
he wedding of the President * !
aughter without the nauseatiii }
etails of the cost of weddinj
irescnts , that we cannot say "w
opeyou will be very , very happi
.iy clear , " without evidencing ou
jood wishes in dollars and cents'
Phc death of Con Reagan rt
noved one of Falls City's olde *
ildest and most respected citi
ens. There was a good deal o
i man about Con. lie was ai
vays cheerful and happy. Hi
leart was full of sympathy fc
he wrongs and griefs of hi
riendh. He was always happ
n their happiness. Everybod
iked him because he liked everj
body. He never intentionall
hurt a fellow man lie has got :
to his reward. Peace to his ashe
Ed King , Eph Sanduskv , Frc
Kellar and Hob Cain are a
equally elated because of tl
stub trains. The service wi
permit them to spend much mo :
of their time at home where fo
merly they put in most of the
time in other places or in makir
night rides to get back to the
own firesides.
< K
* *
Nobody seems able to Joca
John D. Rockefeller who f
several weeks has been mystt
iously absent. They might try
Tribune want nd.
Mothers can safely give Folo' '
Honey and Tur to their children I
coughs and colds , for it contains
opiates or other poisons. For sale
Moore's Pharmacy.
Partner's Bulletin
Tlh1 tTniti'd SUU"5 di-partmuit
of agriailture has prepared a
number of "Farmer's Bulletins"
upon the following subjects :
No. 22 Feeding farm animals.
No. Weeds and how to kill
No. 33 Poach growing for the
No. -Potato culture.
No. 38 Spraying of fruit trees.
No. 41 Onion culture.
No.57 Butter making on the
No. f > 2 Marketing farm pro
No. ( > 3 Care of milk on the
No. 71 Essentials in beef pro
No. 'Jl Potato diseases and
their trcntment.
No. ( )4--Vegetable gardening.
No. 95 Good roads for farmers.
No. 100Hreeds of dairy cattle.
No. 113 The apple and how
to grow it.
No. 123 Red clover seed , in
formation for purchasers.
No. 12' ) Sweet potatoes.
Nb. --Insectciles and fungi
14 ( > - - (
No. 152--Scabies in cattle.
No. 154The home fruit gar
No. 15fi The home vineyard
No. 101 Practical suggestions
for fruit growers.
No. 183 Meat on the farm ,
butchering and curing.
No. 185 Beautifying the home
No. 192 Barnyard manure.
No. 199 Corn growing.
No. 201 Cream separators on
the western farms.
No. 203 Canned fruit and jel
No. 205 Pig management.
No. 215 Alfalfa growing.
No. 220 Tomatoes.
No. 229 The production of
good seed corn.
I will be very glad to mail one
or more of these bulletins to any
of my constituents on request.
I should Hue to suggest thai
these bulletins contain very valu
able information which I am sure
will be very instructive to the
progressive farmers of my dis
trict. Sincerely yours ,
Two For Less Tban The Price 01
The regular subscription price
of The Chicago Daily Tribune
is $4.00 a year , the regular price
of The Falls City Tribune is $1
i year.
13 } ' a special arrangement
with the publishers of The Tribune -
bune for a limited time , we can
accept a year's subscription tc
our paper and the daily Tribune
both tor * 3.
It would scorn unneccessarj
to say more about thii extraor
dinary newspaper bargain. The
Daily Tribune is "The World's
Greatest Newspaper , " and o
course you will want our loca
The Tribune Company re
serves the right to withdraw
this offer on one day's notice.
If you are now a subscriber t <
either or both papers. , your sub will be extended on <
year from present date of ex
Subscription lor less than om
year cannot be accepted at les
than the regular lates.
. Make all remittances direc
Falls City , Nebr.
Comimn Colds are the Cause of
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have guinea a na
ional reputation as analysis of th
cause of various disease ? , claim that
catching cold could be avoided a Ion
list of dangerous ailments would neve
bo heatd of. Every one knows tin
pneumonia and consumption ordinal
from a cold , and chronic catarrh , broi
chills , and all throat and 'imp troub ]
are aggravated and rendered more so
lous by each fresh attack. Do not rU
jour life or take chances when jc
have a cold. Chamberlain's Coug
Hemedy will cure it be.'oro these di
eases develop. This remedy contai :
no opium , morphine or other harmfi
drug and has thirty years of roputatlc
back of It , gained by Us cures undi
every condition. For sale at Kerr
Drug Store.
knows the value of prime , corn-fed
beef and young Canada lamb when lie
comes to" prepare the many choice
morsels , entrees and tidbits that
The best cooks in Falls City know that
the primes ! meat money can buy is
obtainable at the Ilciser A : Mossiman
market and nowhere else in town.'s why they let us supply their
nu-ats. Who'.s sitpplping your'.s ?
Phone 74
ur Repairing1 and resetting
ing of jewelry is as thor
ough , as clever and as artistic
as the most skilled handiwork
can accomplish.
Watch repairing is our
business and we give
careful , painstakimg attention
to it. Our workmanship is
strictly first class.
The Old f The charges
Reliable < Are always
( Moderate ,
Tolls Citv , Nebraska.
Le o.1 Notice ,
( 'lolland ,
I'lulmltr ,
iy outlined ,
The said ( lufundiint Kl/.y Clelliiml will tnko
lotlcn Unit the plaintiff , Georgia Clcllanil ,
illd on the U'.lrd day of Januaiy. lltOtl , Illo In
lioolllci ) of tins dork of tlio district court
it Itlclmrdpou County. Nebraska , u petition
Raid duCcmlant , tlm object and
irnjurof ulilch nro tlint tlio nmrrlfuro l > o-
the partU's lu-rt'to commoted In
Jnnuury , 1SSO. ho dissolved and annulled and
lint u dlvoico lie decreed the plulmllT from
eald tloH'iHlmit on tlio grounds and for tlio
eason that said defendant without just
cmiQ or provocation has been uullty of
rioi-smid uMrcmociuolty to plalntllT.
You w 111 plead to said petition on or be-
in o tlio fith day of March , UXX ) , or tlio
statements t heroin contained will bo taken
KB true and tlio prajer of said petition
granted act'ordlngh.
ti\vis.v : Hi\vis , I'lalntiil.
Ally's for I'lalntlll I07-.H
Dr. R. P.Robertsdentist
over King's Pharmacy.
A Ni ht Alarm.
Worse than an alarm of fire at night
is the bray counti of eroup , which
unils like the children's death knell
and it means deuth unit-fa sstnethin ? is
done quickly KoU > y\ Honey and Tin
never fatles to give instant relief and
qnii > kl.\ cures tlu * vor t forms of eroup.
Mis. P. L. Cord lor , of Mannlngton
Ky. , bays ; "My three jear old girl hat
a severe case of croup ; the doctor eaid
she could not live. I jot a bottle o
Foley's Honey and Tar , the first dose
Kavo quick relief and saved her life.1
Foley's. Honey and Tar is best for
croup and whooping ; cough , contains
no opiates , and cures quickly. Care
ful mothers keep It In houso. Refuse
substitutes. For sale at Moore's Phar
Poultry , Poultry , Poultry
Remember E. E. James pays top
prices on poultry , butter , e gs
and hides. Located one blocl
west of the National Bank in the
Stump building. Phone 290.
The most reliable preparation fet
kidney troubles on the market i
Folo y Kidney Cure. For sale a
Moore's Pharmacy.
VY. H. Maddux
Real Estate Agency
See me before your purchase. I am
selling city property , loaning inoiu
ey at lowest rates , selling farms and
making farm loans. Sec me if you
wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I
am here for business. Write
W. H. Maddox , Falls City
Saratoga Restaurant
Meals at all Times
Oysters and Hot Chile
C.V. HENDUICKS Proprietor
Merchants and
Business Men
With bard accounts to collect ,
should place them with
John L. Cleaver
Collection Attorney
For Collection or for Suit
Collections my Specialty
Succeeds where others fail
Small Commission charged
Burlington TIME TABLE
Falls City. Neb.
Jncoln Denver
) maha Helena
Chicago Buttc
> t. Joseph Salt Lake City
Cansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points east and and all points
south. west.
No. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
east and south 7:17 p m
No. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest 1:33 am
No. 44. Vestibnled Express
daily , St. Jobcph ,
Kansas , City St.
Louis and points
Eaht and South. . . . 722 ; a m
No. 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south 7:47 a m
No. 17. Local express daily
except Sunday , Con-
cordia , and points
north and west. . . . 12.10 p in
No. IS. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:23 : p m
No. 43. Vestibuled Express
daily , Lincoln and
the Northwest. . . . l:44pm :
\c 16. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
casi and south 4:35 p m
No. 18. Local express daily
except Sunday , St.
Joe and points
south and east. . . . 4:05 : p m
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without
change. 10:07 : p m
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , d a i 13- e x-
cept Sunday.Salem ,
Nemaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 : p m
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( scats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. 'For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis.
G. P. & T. A. , Omaha.
To Whom It May Concern.
I am living- now in my own
house and I would be glad of
your patronage. I am goingto
do all kindof plain sewing1.
Make comforts , quilt quilts , and
do knitting1 of different kinds ,
and other miscellaneous kinds
of work. If you have any work
of this kind to do please give
me a call and oblige. Harlan
Street , three blocks -outh of
Presbyterian church.
Kidney complaint kiHs more people
than any other disease. This is due to
the disease being so insidious that it
gets a good hold on the system before
it is recognized. Foley's Kidney Cure
will prevent the development of fatal
disease if taken in time. For sale at
Moore's Pharmacy.
Public Sale.
"We will sell at public sale Feb.
10 , 1906 , 50 bred Poland China
sows , a 11 guaranteed. II. C.
Wittrock , W. F. Rieschick , H. E.
Wyatt. 106-3t
D. S. ! *
. . flcCarthy ,
< *
Prompt uttention given
to the removal of house
hold peed * .
Diplomat , Od Crow
James E. Pepper
Guckenlieimer Rye
The finest Whiskey made Call
for v r favorite brand at
William fiarnack's
Phone 74.
R. L. Beaumont , M. D.
formerly UVc onil Car Specialist.
Now limiting practice to EYE
GLASSES. Sixth nud Felix ,
Telephone No. S8
Office at Residence
Office Hours : 8 to 10 a. m. ;
i to 3 p. m.
Cash Prices On Groceries.
20 Ibs. granulated sugar for $100
10 bars Magic wash soap " 25
12 " "
Laundry Queen
10 ibs Peach Hominy "
8 boxes Oil Sardines "
4 " Mustard Sardines "
10 bars Lenox soap '
Standard Corn , per can
Best Corn Starch , per package
Table Peas (3 ( ib size ) per can
Headquarters for Glassware ,
Queensware and Fancy China.
New goods next week. All
the best brands of Hour.
Sleepy Eye , Minnesota's best
patent at
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 135 Omaha , local 7:45 a. in.
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Express A 1:57 a m
Xo. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
No. 127 From Kansas City. . . 8:15 p m
passenger A 1:41 p in
No. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn A 1:16 p in
No. 104 Kansas City local 7:50 a m
No. 106 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 3:10 a m
No. 108 * City and St.
Louis and Denver A 1:16put
No. 13S From Omaha 8:35 : p m
No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10 : 15a in
A. Daily. B. Dailj' except Sunday.
J. B. VARNKK , Agent.
Special Rates.
S25.00 to Portland , San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles.
D Tickets on sale until April 7th.
Ilomeseekers rates on sale Mch.
dth and 20th at 75 per cent of the
one way fare for the round trip.
Good 21 days for return.
Or.e way colonist rates to all
homesecker points at one half
plus S2.00. Tickets on sale on
regular homeseeker dat2s.
J. B. VARNKR , agt. Bivck.
This ailment is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles and may be
cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain
Balm two or three times a day and
rubbing the parts vigorously at each
application. If this does not alTord re
lief , bind a piece of flannel slightly
dampened with Paiu Balm , and quick
relief almost sure to follow. For
sale at Kerr's Drug Store.