The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 23, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Kntcred an .secoinl-class matter aa
Valla City , NVliraskn , | > est office J.tiui
ary 12 , 1"04 , under the Act of Congest
of March 3 , 187' ) .
Published every Kriclny at Kails City ,
Xciiraskn , by
The Tribune TuMUIi'mrf Cumpivny
One year Sl.OO
Six M'otilhs .CO
Three months .35
The influence of evil in high
places is being combated with
greater force at this time than
ever before in the world's history.
The oniy thing America has to
fear is America- Corruption in
oflice does more than rob the
people of their rights , it contami
nates the whole community and
makes for the popularity of evil.
Take Omaha for instance ; its
government has been a govern
ment of tliutrs ever since Frank
Moorcs was first made mayor.
Such men as Tom Dcnnison the
notorious gambler , Vic Walker
the negro politician , and I'at
Crowe the kidnapper , have been
the real government' The inlltt-
i nee of such men has tended to
corrupt the entire city govern
ment. I'at Crowe shot a police
man in Omaha so that for days
his life hung by a thread , an
Omaha jury found h i in not
guilty. I'at Crowe stole the
child of Kdward Cudahy , took
him at night to a lonely forest
and demanded by letter $25,000 ,
of the frantic parentsorhe would
destro } ' the sight of the child.
Rather than submit his child to
such a diabolical maiming the
father left the money at the
point designated by Crowe.
Crowe admitted the commission
of the horrible crime. He wrote
a letter to a priest confessing his
participation in the kidnapping.
Thirty witnesses in the Douglas
county district court last week
testified against him ; the letter in
his own writing was admitted in
evidence and shown to the jury.
Crowe did not go on the stand ,
he did not deny the crime nor
deny the authorship of the letter.
The jury found him not guilty.
Crowe is a hero in Omaha , ac
cording to its standard he has
made good. A precedent has been
set for the other thugs to steal
children of wealthy parents and
extort money from them. We
congratulate Omaha on the re
sult of its vicious citv govern
ment. All hail Pat Crowe , the
hero of the hour , one of Omaha's
most distinguished citizen. If
Pat Crowe had been tried in Rich-
ardssn county before the jury of
the last term of court he would
have received a jolt that would
hold him for a long time , law
and order would have been vindi
cated and the necessity for mob
law would not prevail.
The new board of regents was
organized at Lincoln last week by
the selection of Mr. Ernst as pres
ident. V. G. Lyford of this city
and Fred Abbott of Columbus
were duly qualified as members ,
The wisdom of local republicans
in selecting Mr. Lyford for thu
place was demonstrated at the
first meeting. Many persona
matters came before the board a
the instance of men with axes tc
grind but the Kichardson coun
ty member kept clear of all sucl
matters and voted with the singU
idea of the university's welfare
In another column appears ai
article on the proper selection o
seed corn to which we call th
attention of our farmer reader *
Farming on the high price Ian
of .Richardson county has becotu
a serious problem that can I
solved only by the most scientif
and systematic methods. If tl
farm can be made to yield ti
bushels of corn more to the ac
by a proper rotation of crops ai
careful selection of seed , it seer
to accomplish the result. The
is land in this county that h
been in corn for twenty succt
sive years , and yet some farme
cannot understand w h y tin
neighbor is more successful th
SALE NOTES mube left with us
for collection or safe keeping. When
properly secured will be pleased to
buy them or accept them as collateral
on loans. When in need of blank sale
notes call on us , we will be pleased to
SALE furnish them to you free of charge. .
NOTES We also grant you the free use of
our vault for the safe keeping of your
Leases , Deeds , Wills or other valuable
Palls Citv Stale Bank
Odda Lapp is visiting friends
in Hiawatha.
A.Harris returned to Shubert
Tuesday evening.
Sadie Meyers was up from
I'reston on Wednesday.
S. Timerman of Stella was a
Tuesday visitor here.
M. J. and C. M , Uohrer left
Tuesday for Oberlin , Kansas.
K. Hoselton of Preston was a
business visitor here Saturday.
lOlias Meyers was an M. P.
passenger for California during
the week.
Kmmctt Satterwhitc is trans
acting business in Chicago , 111. ,
this week.
Clarence Gillispie was a busi
ness visitor in Lincoln the first of
the week.
Mrs II. R. Miner's mother has
been very ill in Lincoln but is
500 copies of sheet music at
3 cents per copy at Ross P- Cur
tice piano store.
Mrs. C. Ryan of Cripple. Creek ,
Colorado is visiting with hei
ister Mrs. A. E. Jaquct.
Mrs. 13. S. Davis of Salem u
visiting with her sister , Mrs ,
Emmctt Satterwhite in this city
Henry Brecht has purchaser
the Xook residence in the easi
part of town , but will not movi
into it for a while.
Joseph Pctrashek of Hmnbold
and his brother , William , o
Table Rock were pleasant caller :
at this office Wednesday.
F. W. Wcchtcr who has beet
with the Wahl Store in this city
moved his family to Benkelman
Nebr. , the first of this week.
Simon Ncdrow from Nuckol
county who has been visiting hi
parents in this city returned t
his home on Wednesday.
Elizabeth Brecht was quit
sick during the week and he
place at Central Building wa
tilled by Mrs. Harry Ctister.
Mrs. Miller of Beatrice arrive *
in the city Wednesday for a visi
with her sister , Mrs. Nedro\y
who has been quite sick but i
slowly improving.
A wedding party composed o
Mrs. M Giannini , Will Holt am
wife , and A. Speer and wife lef
Saturday afternoon to attend tin
wedding" Mrs Gianmni's nice
at Fairfax , Mo.
The Ross P. Curtice Music Co
of Lincoln and Omaha are hold
ng an exhibition and sale o
ligh grade pianos in the Git
otel block. Prices right term
asy. 500 copies of the lates
heet music at 3 cents per copy-
all early.
Mike Mohoney has purchase
the Chapman barn and feed yai
and took possession last Monda ;
Fanners and all others are r
quested to patronize Mr. Mali
ne > , as the best care and atte
tion will be given to all hors
left in his charge.
I New Shoe Establishment.
S II. M. Jenne will open up a i
4 tail line of she
4r new , up-to-date
i and foot-gear in Falls City in t
i near future. Harry will ma
good anywhere and anytime.
A Correction.
Mr. lOditor.-In last weeks Trib
une appears an article published
as to the work now being done to
save the Big bridge which has
certainly been placed very high ,
it is true there has been consider
able work done and a vast sum ol
money spent though the total
cost will not exceed 5250,000 01
$300,000. About six years age
the government done S75,00t
worth of work or at least that
sum was spent but only a small
price of work was done. Then
theBurlington has done a great
deal of work both on the easi
side of the River and on the
west side. Eight hundred feel
north of the bridge and on tin
Big bend three miles south ol
Rule about 4,000 feet of Rip Raj
work was done. The first of this
work was done six years ago bj
the government , the work nov
being done is near John Mann' ;
farm three and one half milei
north east of Rule by J. H. Lyndi
of White Cloud under contract
Mr. Ball has charge of this worl
for Mr. Lynds. This is when
the ground is low and a grade i
being put and paved with rock t <
prevent the River from runninj
over into the Lake when extreme
ly high and as far as the bridg
being in danger is a mistake o
as to being left over a lake or ;
sand bar is imagination-
Mr. Scott's duties is to keep a
account of all cars of rock re
ceived by Mr. Lynds for thi
work as all cars have to b
weighed He keeps the car nuir
bers and the tons of rock r <
On Tuesday of this week th
M. P. Ry. ran a land excursior
south to southern Kansa
points. There were about thirt
home seekers from this cit
and they expect good result
from the trip.
Artificial Ice Assured.
The sale of the ice plant mule
chattel mortgage has been hel
up by an injunction issued oti
of the district court last weel
The plant will therefore remai
in the hands of George Ilintc the injunction casu can b
tried. George is preparing 1
make the nece > sary repairs t
the plant and furnish local pa
rnns with ice frozen to ordi
during the coming summe
.Thus does the Lord temper tl
wind to the shorn lamb and pr
tect Falls City from a threatei
etl ice famine.
A\arriage Record.
Fred bartmann , Hlue Hill , . ,
.ouisa Kopf , ttulo
loscph Bainmann , Arago , .
du Leusso , Araqo
Lewis Hilt , Bern , Kansas- ,
Rosa Purr. DnHols ,
Walter R Banks. Preston
Laura J. fields , White Cloud Kuns.
Mathias Huber , VermUlion , ICans , . ,
Laura B. Gehlinu , Full3 City ,
( J. C Naehlrlob , Derby , Kuns
Anna V.Taylor , Fullb City ,
County Clerk's Office.
The clerk and assistant ha
been kept quite busy rclcasi
chattel mortgages of the farme
Also issued the first fishing a
hunting license to a man livi
in Hiawatha. Their type-wri
had been pressed into hard s
Cures Coughs , Colds , Croup , La Grippe , Asthma , Throat in the
and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption YELLOW PACKAGE
For Sale at Dr. Moore's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr.
If the people of Palls City
could only realise what the stub
trains may mean to the town ; if
the men of Falls City could look
into the future and see what the
result of the proper co-operation
of our people in making these
trains pay. will mean to the town ,
they would patronize them when
ever it is practicable to do so.
Those who do know and under
stand have been at the station
every morning and evening to
sec what it is doing and count
the passengers goin and coming.
So far the result has been fair ,
every traveling man is doing his
best for us. Sandusky , Kellar ,
Burgess. Bix.x.y Iw.y , King and
others are doing their best to
show the Pacific that the com
mittee was telling the truth in its
representations. T h e other
towns effected a r e showering
headquarters with protests over
the change accusing the com-
mmittce with dealing in hot air
If Falls City fails it will be Falls
City's own fault. Use the stub
trains. We have something in
sight. It isn't a phantom its
real. Help us get it.
Missionary Rally.
At the missionary rally to be
held on next Lord's da } ' evening
the following program will be
rendered :
Scripture Heading
Opening Address . . .T A Llndenmeyer
Address Our Lord's lust command
Stanley Dlxon
Address A plea for our pica , . .
Errett Oliver
Address My debt to my genera-
tlon Miss Minnie Macombor
Address Save the church by sav
ing the world Miss Dottle Sage
Hymn -
Address How to promote the mis
sionary spirit Gee R Grlnstead
Address Do foreign missions pay ?
TJ Oliver
Duett Misses Sears and Gulp
Address The cost of delay
Mr * . Ben Nicholson
Address More abundant giving. .
Miss Penrl Lawrence
Address Preparation for the offering
Closing Address
Do.xologv. . . . . . . . '
Lost a Valuable Dog.
Charlie Hoppe was wolf hunt
ing this week near Preston and
had several good dogs in the
chase. lie lost track of them for
a while and when he came up
with the other dogs they were at
the edge of the river , and one
was missing. From all indica
tions the struggle between the
wolf and dog had taken place at
the water's edge , both going
through the ice and were drowned.
It was his mobt valuable dog.
Quilting Factory.
A new quilting' factor } ' ant
s-ewing machine headcpuarters
has been opened in the building
formerly occupied b } ' the Ram
r sey second hand store , and are
making daily demonstrations of
their work. Several good sam
ples are now on exhibition , the
work being done on the Singer
and the Wheeler & Wilson ma-
Music Store.
The Ross P. Curtice Music Co. ,
represented by Mr. Fussell have
opened up a music store in the
building formerly occupied by J.
Ramsey. They will handle piano's
and also an extensive stock of
is sheet music. This same company -
' pany was formerly located in this
city and gave every attention to
their trade and patrons.
g A. Flory and wife of Kansas
id City , Mo. , are the guests of A.
E. Jacquet and wife.
Mrs. S. V. Sears has been quite
ill the past week.
Do Vou
w { , ; , -i if T : | M Cw TV.n May make a
I \ \ * / ' * ic > F - * The Where ditVerencc
1101 ! JlMl vlJl'WKil of a good many dollars lit your
expense account for the year
either in actual outlay for the
coal in extra expense for the fur
nace and range repairing , or in
unnecessary discomfort and
housewife worry. It behooves
you to think twice before placing
your orders- need think b u t
once if you order from
We handle all kinds of fresh and salt inputs. Poultry , Pish
and Game in . Home made lard
season. , pure and sweet , our
long suit. Oysters , Celery , Krnut , Pickles , &e.
We pay the highest-mnrkst price for Poultry , Hides and Pat
Stock. We kill all our own meat and handle nothing but the
very best. We solicit a share of your patronage.
J. B. RAMEL , Propr.
Cast your optics on this
space next week.
I It will interest you. 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Seed Talk.
This in seasonable talk and many fanners are now
looking about for clover and timothy. I have n choice
supply and the PRICE IS RIGHT. I also curry lawn
grasses , white clover and blue grasp. Get my price
before you buy. A good supply of millet , cufiir eorn ,
cain and garden seeds of all kinds in bulk. *
Keep your eye on this space each week and I will
interest you in seasonable goods in my line. I want your u u
trade and will try and merit the same by fair treatment
f and just prices.
J. C. Tanner. u
Complete Line of Hardware. Meyer's Old Stand U
* * * * * * * tt *
New Clothing Firm.
An extensive stock of clothing
and Gents furnishing will be in
stalled about March 1st , by the
firm , Wahl & Parchen in the
building formerly occupied by P.
W. Cleveland & Son. A great
amount of improvements and
changes are now being made in
the building making more room
and light. The opening will be
about March 12th. Both Harvey
Wahl and Fred Parchen have
been in this city a long time , be
ing in the Samuel Wahl store for
a number of years and both have
ability and good business manage
ment. We bespeak for them a
successful business career and we
know the public will give them
the patronage they so richly
Do not forget the call meeting
at the court house Monday night
for the purpose of nominating a
city ticket. Let every republican
be present and voice his senti
ment along these lines.
Legal Notice.
In the Itlclwrilson county district court
State of Nebraska
Beadle Koberts. t
IMnlntin. , .jf %
4 ? < B
JCMSO A. Hobcrts ,
Tne defendant. Jesse Koborte , Is hereby
notified Unit tlio plulntltr , Ilossle Hobcrtn.
did , on the 17th day of February. 1000. illti
her petition In thu district court of Itlcliunl-
son county. Nebraska , ajjalnst you. the
object and prayer of which , is to obtain a
deci co by said court dissolving thu bonds of
Vou in o fuither notified that unless jou
plead answer or demur to said inVltl m
onorteforo th oth day of April 1 Wfl . t In
riolilV'r'n0 ' taKl > I'ro cou\"so. , ami a
? . | ! HS I'ra > cl'w " ' - < n crt l
H-St ' ' .
_ Att'ys for I'lalntlff.
Lecture Course.
The pictoral story of Hiawatha
as rendered Monday evening by
the Bowden artists at the Gehl-
ing was replete with delightful
series of vivid pictures and scenes
of Longfellow's famous produc
tion. Katherine Bowden's re
cital was both interesting and