The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 09, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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    r i * fr
Henry C. Smith
.1 S.Mlfnn rented tlit ? Oof Wodillo
farm four ami niu-hiiH miles foiithoafit
of tliU city and will take possession
toil iij
A surprise party was given last oven-
Intr In honor of KIMo Wilson. A num
ber of cm-Ms woru present and all had
n very peed time.
.1. Slnrlalr purchased from Win.
Gnetz the hoiiio on the old Flrobaujjh
place. Ho If movlni : It to Preston
and will place It on Ills land north of
the railroad.
li. Hoscilton shipped two car loads of
stock to St. Joseph Sunday evening.
Marie Morris and sister , Nellie ,
went to Uulo Saturday to visit rela
tives ,
Wlrt Halcr came np from Hulo Sat
Mrs. F. Mason and son went to Mills
City Monday to spend a few days with
.1 II. Nelt/el returned to his work
In I'latsmouth alter a few days visit
with wife and children.
rearlaud Dolltx Martin of Rule wore
up vlBltlng their aunt , MM. O. II. Hush
Saturday and returning homo Monday
A. I'eck was up from Morrlll , ICs.
lust week ami purchased u line chebter
white gilt from Kil Scliulor.
Quito a erowd tfuthered at the homo
of Fred Kink Saturday evening aiul
enjoyed themselves at dancing.
S. Murk and wlfo of Uulo spent a few
days lu this vicinity visiting with rola
Ivan Keller and Frank Feck were
guests of Harvey Peck Sunday.
Frank Peek of Waterloo , la. , spent
purl of lust week with lelatlves here.
Nellie Kinsey was a guest of her
cousin I'M I tli Peck , Sunday.
A singing school wu * commenced at
Silver Creek Saturday n'ght ' with A
L. Richardson of Falls City as toucher
Twiinty-six pupils wore unrolled.
Mrs. J. Stoudor visited with Mrs.
llobt. Shlndler last Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Lou Puller and children wont
to Madison county to visit her parents ,
Fred Uuoggo and wlfo and to lie pres
ent at the wedding of her sister which
will take place at : m early date.
There was a wreck on the Mo. I * ,
railway near Strausvlllu Tuesday
morning about 2:110o'clock : between the
north bound passenger and a freight
going south. Considerable damage
was done to earn and engines and some
cnltlo killed on 'ho freight and one
man killed nnd two Injured on the
L. M. Jones , one of Fort Hazel's
prominent farmers , received second
prize on jellow corn in the farmers In
John Kloopfol , sr. , came down frou
Fulls City Thursday to his farm.
Ilonry Schmidt came over from Kan
BUS to this seclion of the country 01
Harlan Jones shelled corn Friday o
last week.
U. T. Duncan and wlfo were Fall
City visitors on Wednesday.
n. J. Hud II. L. Kloofcl | wont t
Fulls City on business Wednesday.
\Vm. Dorsto. 11. Dome. L. M. Jonp
and A. Dunncckor shipped their cult !
teSt Joe last Tuesday.
A. Futsoher and Frank Murgett wen
to Highland Station , Kan. , Tim ml it.
to visit relatives and Inlands.
Frank Wllkor is visiting old friend
in this vicinity this week.
Martin Zimmerman and Nina Klny
both of Fort Hazel , were married a
Fulls City on Tuesday. Their man
friends join in wishing them a Ion
and prosperous journey through lift
Cbas..Inlinennan and John Ode
went to White Cloud on 11 visit thl
Mrs. Jas. Hatekln was a St. Joe vis
tor last woi-k.
Jim Cronin was a St Joe visitor la :
week ,
Ed McCoy of Kansas was visiting I
this city Saturday.
Judco Davis returned home from S
Joe Saturday wheru he had been visi
lag friends for several days.
Ben Gulp was transacting buslne
here one day last week.
Jim Hat field of the reservation we
a buelnrbs visitor in this city Saturdt
Jerry Marstoller was a Rule vielti
aet Saturday.
Saturday was u busy day for our mer
Frank Xlmmormun was a business
visitor in Uulo one day last week.
Pat Simon was a Falls City visitor
Will Dorstu was transacting business
In our oltp Saturday.
II. S. Moorehonse from the Neinuhu
south was transacting business In our
city last week.
Curtis Graham was visiting over in
UiiHh bottom Sunday afternoon.
l-'d McWaln from the Veler lake was
In Uulo Saturday.
Mr. Uutlor from the Lytlts Island
was a Uulo visitor Sunday.
Quito a number of our citizens were
attending district court In Falls Citv
last week.
M.C.Mull moved his faml'y from
Whlto Cloud to this city Saturday and
is occupying the Alex Lindcrmun resi
dence on South Main street.
II. Mean and wife have moved on a
farm near Falls City which Mr. Mean
will farm the comlnir year.
The dance at Frank Hunts was al
most a failure.
P. N. Frederick visited with his fam
ily at Pfcston Sunday.
Clarence Simon was a Fulls City vis
itor Monday.
Mrs. Thomas Hayes returned home
from St Joe. where she has been under
treatment of a specialist for sumo time ,
much Improved.
Charles Miller came down from Ne
braska City Saturday to visit over Sun
day with his family.
J. A. Illnklo Is on the sick lint this
Chu - . Montgomery who Is working
on the rip rap at Nebraska came In
Saturday to see the folks , retjrnlng
Monday night.
Judge Davis was transacting busi
ness In Falls City Tuesday.
Melva Kern was u Falls City visitor
Tuesday afternoon.
Charlie Uoborts was transacting bin-
inchs in the county capital Tuesday.
Max Guesser and wlfo wore business
visitors nt Falls City Tuesday.
J. A. U-indolph was In Falls City on
George Taylor and wlfo wore passen
gers for Lincoln Tuesday.
Mrs. C. L. Melpero and son , Henry ,
was transacting business at the county
capital Tuesday.
Carpenter arrived from Lincoln
Monday and will add on an addition to
the big elevator und will also muko
some other needed Improvements
.1. W. Hosford was attending court
In Falls City Wednesday.
P. N. Frederick shipped his bridge
outfit to Dawson Wednesday morning.
J. II. Lynds of Whlto Cloud will use
live hundred cars of rock on the grade
along the river banks near the John
Mann place three miles northeast ol
W. M. Yiifatlnu made a trip to the
western part of the state last week foe
f u cur of mules.
There are quite a number of small
boys out of bchool these days. Whore
oh where la the truant ollleor ?
Et ) Dori to is buying chickens for
( jeo. N. Oeambund u Rtstlii George
In his store
Billy Johnson was acting as brldgt
watchman on the big bridge Wed neb
II. II Mann and Dode Acdersoi
have built u now boat. Harry says jiisi
wait until the ducks begin to lly , thci
you will sou something doing.
Jim Waggoner of Falls City was i
Uulo visitor Sunday.
Du'.lus Jones ff White Cloud was vis
'ting ' in Uulo Tuesday afternoon.
F. K Gulp of Wymore was lonklnf
after the Murllngton tnten t * here 01
Charlie Story is assisting the boys a
the coal sheds this week.
I- Mr. Vanvalkenburi. U reported a
on the bick lift this week.
Gee K Ward , our real estate mar
expects to leave the tli > t of next wee
for southeastern MUsouri. Ho expecl
to make a deal for u large tract i
heavy timber laud. Mr. Ward is
Judd Walters is working In Fall
City this week.
Mrs. Jim Davis is reported as beln
very sick at this writing.
Hev. W. II. Splcer i ? holding u soi
lea of revival meetings at Nebrusk
City thin week.
Geo. Grlnsteud visited Falls City
Uob Powers gave a party at his homo
diet of town on Thursday.
Mrs. IT P. Murhltt and daughter ,
Horn were Teeumseh visitors the latter
part of last week.
Revival meetings are the order at
the M. 1C. church.
Mamie Fen ton of Dawson spoilt Sun
day in this city.
Among the events the latter part of
last week was u social at the Presby
terian church. An Invitation hud
been sent to the members of the
young people's societies of the various
churches of the city. All spent u very
pleasant evening.
Mrs. Frank Lurlmoro is on the sick
Ed Atkinson a prominent nursery
man of Pawnee City , attended the
furini'rV institute.
Herb Dorian went to Falls City
Tho.nus Rrown loft Saturday for
Kiirulfu Springs , Arkansas on Satur-
da ) .
Mrs ( ! . D. Grlnfteud left Monday
for a trip to Salt Lake Citv.
li'.Tilia Frank ppcnt Saturday and
Sunday ot the homo of her friend
Mablo Muerstotta of Tecutnsoh.
James Leo and family are now resi
dents of llumboldt.
Mcsdamos Joseph and Dulbey lelt
Thursday for their new homo ut
Merro , S. Da.
The leu company have men amploy-
1 at the Nomahii in pulling up ice
hlch is from nine to fourteen Inches
The Segrlst & Stout stock sale was
irgely attended.
O. T Little made a business trip to
Wins City Saturday.
The tenth grade bojs of the high
chool are elTee.tlng a great deal of
ignlty and importance by wearing
crby hats and carrying cunes. Woo
> o to the presumptions freshman who
ttempts to do likewise.
Orln Shrauger Is visiting with J. L.
Segrlst at ti'o lumber yard.
David Fohr who has been employed
t Summerlield , Kas. spent Sunday
with hi * family In this city.
N. Heuller and family have moved
rom the farm and are now located in
his city
Frank Xolinka , a former resident of
lumboidt but now making his home
n Idaho , Is visiting friends In this
John Carpenter loft Tuesday for
Oklahoma with a view of locating if he
houlil like country.
Uuy Leech recently sold hid butcher
shop to W. A. Walker and C. Lynch.
Mrs. Foutch Is on the sick list.
Kb Goolsby went to Omaha on Mon-
.lay und returned with his wife who is
mi oh improved.
W. F. Veach went to Kansas City
Saturday night.
LJluucho Houtz Is sick whh tonsllitls.
J. Looters took u trip to Omaha on
Howcn Veal and wife who have been
visiting Mrs. Goolsby have returned to
their homo.
Sam Otto shipped hogs Saturday
T. L Hull was In Omaha last week.
Drlco Nedrow nnd Charlie weaver
wore In Sc. .loo last week.
Oliver Fuller and wife visited rola-
tlvt-s In Auburn last week.
Wm. Veal and wlfo visited with O
P. and Uowen Veal Sunday.
Chas. Humphrey and wlfo wore en
tertalned on Monday evening by A U
Goulsb , . and wife.
Kmmu Fu teimii returned to hei
IIOIIIM In Talmagu Sunday , after u brie
vljlt"Ith hur sister Miv. Leefers.
Mrs Corn nnd son , Loren visited in
Salem Sunday.
W. F. Veach shipped two cars o
ciitllo to Kansas C\\y \ Sunday.
O-car Nuisbuum and Clarence May
field were in Fulls City two days las
Ira Houtz hud charge of the Mo. P
pumping station last week.
Kd Orunson was In St. Joe last week
witnessing lion Hur.
B. F. Wiser Is trying the wuter o
Sycamore Springs for his rheumatism
Ho will remain some time.
$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Inter
est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the
West and South. Exchanges made.
" 17 11 JT9J. "
r alls Lity ll8Lri\ess
* 4p
E = Now doing business in the 13. W. Dixon old stand. Manufacturers of everything-
fc in the Harness Line. All work guaranteed. All Harness made of oak tanned 4eathi |
er with a warrantee for two years. A full line of hand made harness on hand at = 3
5 Prices that can't B beal in the County. = 5
We sell for Cash or Bankable note and for that reason we c.m save vou money.
' *
We want your trade and will merit your future confidence after the first trial order.
Call and sec us before buying , we will treat you white. Repairing of all kinds done
nc-atand prompt at reasonable prices. Carriage trimming done , harness oiled at $ i
per set. Bring them in now , get ready for the spring work.
Emil CH. Helmer , Manager. 3
Chester Clark moved from K. A.
Hitmen's farm to the King farm near
D. Thomas of Lincoln was trunsiiet-
ng business in town lust week.
Rev. Jensen un .Vu'iira visitor
ast week.
J. W. Hums and Fay Simmons took
three cars of cattle to Kansas City last
Real Estate Transfers.
John Schuler and wlfo to WHlium G
Nnimeyer wd n } of sw } of 18-2 17 $0400
Daniel li. Mlakeney and wife to Wni
A Greonwuld wd nei of sec 2U , all of
nwj of tec 24 lying and situated woet
of the middle channel of Honey Creek
which passes through said nwi , sumo
being 00 acres In nwj of see 21 contain
ing 2:10 : acres in twp 1-14 o ( ith P M
Katie L Santo to Chas Santo nei ol
nel of sec 9 , and ni of nwj of sec 10 2-
10 $5000.
Myrtle Hraniiun and hush to Man-
ford and Anna Rrunnun wd lots 1 , 2 bk
11 Shubert $ ; iiO. (
Ermlnn Pr'co ' to Sue DeWald wd Its
S.Oblkin Fulls City $740.
J F and Kate B Walsh to Mary L
Murphy wd nw corner of swi of sec 22
2 4 e40 rds s 18 rds to center Ncnmha
river up channel to place of beginning
3 ucres In Grunt precinct $300.
J F uwl Kate Walsh to Mary L Mur
phy wd Us 4 , 5 blk 14 in Noravllle now
known us Dawson $ ! iOO.
Conrad Huce und wf to Hey H King
nil w $ swi see 24 , wj n.v } sec 25-31u
Uarbey II Uranum and wf to W S
Fast wd all nw } 35-2 115 e Clh P M ex
cept about 2 a out of sw corner said- }
which Is detached by reason of ehu.inel
of Muddy Creek Ulch Co $9800.
Gee M Clark to Suml M t'Jark qci
one-tenth ntib'-i sec 22. und 1-10 of 2 a
In nw corner h } 23 1 It Uleh eo $100
Sum ) M Pulmer to Frank Palmer qcd
It(1 ( , 7 8 itlk 31 Uulo & Medard's add
to Uuio proper $100.
Marriage Record.
Pairick Mtt'lurm. Okl Oily. Okl. . . 23
Aimu T. LoiKpeiek , Fnfrfax , Mo. . 20
Married by Hev. Lindenmoyer.
John Scliulenluirg. Fulls City t'3
Mullldu liuuiintn , Fargo 18
Diinlol Wunifley. Fulls City 24
Annie Knhlmun , Maiuda 4
Wm Lankfmp r , Falls City 27
Angelien Uueter , RilUGIty 21
If there is any bunch that { jets
more fun out of their lodje than
the Highlanders we would like to
hear from them.
To the man who buys this good smooth So. Good
7 room nearly new house , only i l/i miles east of
Falls City , will sell for $500 less than its value. This
is a fine So acre home.
Don't fail to go with us on our next excursion to
Butler , Dickinson and Rawlins counties , Kansas , on
Tuesday , Feb. 20. We have made money for every
man that has bought land of us in these counties.
Chris Horn is now offered $2,000 more than he paid
us for his half section in Dickinson'county , Kas. , be
sides 1100 bushels of wheat this last year , his part of
the crop. See Mr. Horn , he will tell you all about
this county. Write or call and see us for maps and
lists of these lands. You see that Mr. Horn could
clear up $2,500 in one year , you can do the same this
year if you will go with us on the 2oth and buy.
In order to make room for my spring stock , I will
offer all Trimmed Hats AT COST for 30 clays.
A mamouth spring stock will soon be at hand and
I must have room. Avail yourself of some rare bar
Mrs. D. H. Blakenev
Hreithaupt Stand , opposite Court House
J. W. Deweese , genera ! attor
ney for the Burlington , was
transacting business before the
court Wednesday.