THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 2 , 1906 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Ktitcrcd ns second-class matter as Falls City , Nebraska , post ollicc , Jamt ary 12 , 1'KM , under the Act of Cougresl of March 3 , 187'J. Published every Krid.iy at Kails City Nebraska , by The Tribune Publlihinrt Company One year -Jl.Ol Six months „ . - M Three mouths .31 TELEPHONE 226. NEGLECT OF DUTY. The case of Amelia Constantim against Kichardson coutity , trier in the district court last wecl disclosed a shocking indifftrcncx to duty on the part of some ol the county board. The count ) can afford to pay Mrs. Constantim 52,000 for her injury better thai she cat ! afford to be crippled foi life through the neglect of a pub lic official. The testimony showed very clearly that at least out member of the board had known for six months preceding the ac cident that the bridge was dang erous , the week helore it wenl down with theConstantiiiefamil ) a member of the board inspected the bridge and admitted that il was in a terrible condition. Ycl nothing was done to remedy th < condition. The structure wa : neither condemned nor rcpiire < and the traveling public went or using it without warning of tlu dangerous condition. To thus < who know the terrible fall taket by the injured parties when tlu bridge went down with no great er load than a spring wagon am four occupants , it seems a miracli that they were not all killed. Ai it is the family has spent luiti drcns of dollars in medical ex pcnse. Mrs. Constantine , tin mother of the family of scvet children is ruined and cripplec for life , a valuable team was bad ly injured , the wagon destroyci and the county thrown in fo $2.000 and the costs of the suit The Tribune does not mean t < charge that all of the board kne\ of the insufficient state of th bridge , in fact we have reason t to believe that most of the boar knew nothing of it. That it wa known to some , however , is cleat ly shown by the fact that afte the plaintiff had proved her cas the county could not put a singl witness on the stand to deny th charges made to excuse th neglect of the county. The unhappicst fellow w know is one who imagines bin self of great importance but cai : not convince any one else that li is not a bitter , malicious old Ass Think of a bunch of boy playing "one a'nd over"on Ston street during the month of Jan nary. If Kails City can be beal en as a winter resort we woul like to be "showed. " The legal fraternity of Fall City has developed a thirty-thir degree of UuttinskyKansn City seems to be not the enl place where they have the evi present a n d contemptib' ' "snitch. " The telephone question seen nearer a solution than ever befor The members of the commerci ; club committee as , well as tl : members of the city council th ; have labored to settle this vex : tious question are entitled to tl gratitude of the entire commui ity. The Journal says it is in favi of the direct primary in nomina ing public officials. Good , so s ; we all. The republican par declared for this at the last sta convention and it is very encoti aging to see the opposition d clare in its favor. General Cowin of Omaha , said to have been so affecting his argument defending the be trust in Chicago last week th the entire court room was tears. Anv man that -can get weep out of that kind of a proj sttion must be'a ding'er. A Matter of Choice Really , as a matter of choice , we would rath er have 10 persons deposit $ i oo each than one person $10 or 10 persons deposit $10 oo each than one person $100 10 persons deposit $100 each than one person siooo or 10 persona deposit $1000 each than one person $10 ooo True , these smaller deposits give us more la bor in caring for them , still we prefer them. No one , therefore , should feel at all timid about bringing in small deposits. Fall * City State Fort Hazel. A number of Furl Uu/el young people ple were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs William /immcrmun Wednesday evening. Mn . Hubert Paul visited with her brother Herman Kloupfel Tuesday of last week Mrs I , , M. .Jones vNHeil with her daughter Mrs. II. K'impfel Wednes day. day.Kd. Kd. Duncan and wife visited with U. T. Duncan and family Thursday and Friday of last week. II. .1. Kloepfol wont to Falls City Friday on business. U. Simmons from Uulo visited with Mr , .londrowt > Friday evening. Mrs. . ) . Gentry Is on the sick list this week. ttlmer Flsche. ' came home from Falls Cltv Filday evening to spend Sunday with hie parents. The little daughter of S. Uiuidull and wife la very 111. Mrs. Andrea gave a quilting piirt.v at her home last Thur.-ul ay. William Jones and wife are two of the oldest residents of Rlchardsoi county. Their children und gnua children gathered at the home of L M. Jones to celebrate the 9Uh ( birthday of Mrs. Jones , A. Uannceker went to Lincoln Sun dav Thu little daughter of Chas. Ximmer man Is seriously 111. Ktl Castle came over from Mlssour Motuluy to visit with Geo. King and family. A party was given at the home o Mr. William Wilkor Monday evening by a number of ) oung people. PRESTON. U. 1' . Hieger and wife drove to Hull Sunday. F. II. Meyers and Mr. Jenkins ol Highland wore. Preston visitors Sun day. Silas Meyers of Crete Neb. , is visit lug with relatives In Preston. A dance was given nt the brick hal last Friday evening. A number o young folks came down from Fall City. Charles MeCumber returned to St Joseph Saturday. Gertrude and Mary Thaeker wen visiting relatives In Falls City Sun day. Christian Hndoavor meeting w held In the Hrcthcrn church Sunda evening , Friday evening a lecture was give in the St Paul Evangelical church b Superintendent Stltoly and Miss Hein thu opi-nlng beginning with song bet vices. Mrs. Kd. Duncan and two chlldrci of Lowson Nebraska have been risltln friends and relatives In Uulo and Pres ton. They will leave today for \Vj morn where they will mnko a vll with her som. Mrs. Courtright ami son loft Satur day for Napier , Mo. Mrs Clarence Wlltso's mother tin boon on the sick list for the ptu week. Elmer lloselten and [ I. P. Ulogc took a trip to St. Joseph Monday. Mre. Gcorco Lolnlnger wont to Kai sas City where bhc is now having operation performed. OHIO" Grace Shoase returned to her lion in Upeorvo after a week's visit wil relatives here. Ed mi Shaffer li visiting In Morrl Kansas , John Yooiun of Falls City spent 01 day last week with his daughter Mi N. Peck. Edith Peck went to her broth Lloyd Peck't last Saturday near R serve. Gco Prlchard , Ida Burk und C. Stump and wife spent Sunday atV Dartlett's home. 11 Mrs. N. B. Hum worth spent Me day with Mrs. Johuston. Ellis Houtz and family returned their homo In Verdon last Sanday. E , A Miiust and wife cnter.tained V T. Peek ami family last Saturday Kev. Stouderand family spent Sun day In Falls Ulty with Ellas Meyer ; and wife. Mrs. El. .1. Pnelmrd went to Full- City last of last week for a short , vistl with her parent- . Mr. Herbster entertained about thirty young folks at his home Sunday evening. Frank Rutherford , wife and littli daughter of Dakota are here renewing old friends as this used to be their form cr home. Fred Fuller was a guest at Join SchultxV Sunday. Mrs. Omuru und son Tom went to St Joe , Sunday. Horn to Frank Wiittou and wife i girl baby lust week. Dr Muust of Uurada was a guest u E Peck's Sunday. FOLEYSHONIY TAB top * the cough and heals lungi STELLA. Ira Martin has purchased an interes In Thomas' general merchandise stor and is now in charge of the same. A daughter was born to F. W. Vane and wife on Monday evening. A inn-Meal wus given ut the home o Hunk MeMullen last Friday evening compllmc.itary to Mrs , C. L. Day c Long Bench , California. A crowd of people cume down fret Auburn on Friday evening to the pul lie dance. They came down for a goo time , and If actions and noise count fo anything , they surely hud the time c their lives Mrs. Eliifglns returnel from Glbbot Neb. , Tuesday , where she has bee spending the winter with a daughtei A family by the name of Mclninc have moved from Falls City Into th Brlsby house near the high school. Jay Jamiifon and J. W. Vaught ai tend i'il u dance in Dawsou Friday cvet ins : Dr. Hull returned from Omaha o Thursday of last week where ho hu been taking treatment in u hospital fo the past year AI Keith ol Nebrasha City is agal cook at the Overman hotel. Frank Nutter had nose broken 1 a class tight at Kansas City lust wool R-tthburn Iluskott returned fron Indiana Tuesday. Mrs French of Salem is spendin the wuek with her sister , Mrs. G. I Aller Loyd Morris will live on the Splvc tenant farm next year and work f ( Mr. Splvey. Wfaloy Petit-son und family move from near Shuoert last week to a fur near Washington , Kus. , which lu > n ciMitly purchased. Clyde Darfrrd has resigned as teacl er of the Porter Center school an Janette Woller was appointed to tl the vacancy. Dick Walker has decided to remov from tils farm this spring and hi rented It to Gene Slnnct. Sherm Sayer will remove from farm near Suubort to Stella if avuea house can bo scoured. Mrs. Williams wont to Omaha Fi day nlcht to bo with her daughter wl is in u hospital there. Mrs. King has been seriously 111 tt past week and her life is despaired c Dr. Dillon of Auburn was hero twl the past week to consult with L Allen In regard to her case. Clarence Bricht returned to 1 homo In Indian Territory last Frid after a month's visit with rolatlv here. here.Mrs. Mrs. Waller of Salem was the gu < of the Wheeler families a few ds this week. J. R. Batemun was u Lincoln visit the first of the week. < Win. Martin was In Kansas City t first of the week with a car week. Cures * Biliousness , Sick Cleanses the system Headache , Sour Stomach thoroughly and clears ach , Torpid Liver and sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. Laxative Fruit Syrup It is guaranteed For Sale at Dr. Moore's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr. Legal Notice. In the PUtrlct Court for Klcharilion county , Wllllan KiiiM-y liy Henry Slitter. Ills Guardian. I'laltitlfT v , I.cxI li. Klnscy atul I.eola Itcllvr. Defendant * llienbove uniiK il I.rolu duller , ( Mcndmit will tuVc mulco tlmt on tliu 4tli iliiy of Jiimi- niy. 1WG , there wim Illi'd l > y MI 111 | > hilntlfl-lli ( In * district court for Itlolmrdson County , Nebraska , u petition , the object mid prayer of wlilcli nro to foieclosoii certain contract of sale executed by Wllllnin Klnsoy nml Ca h. erlno Klnscy to I.evl Klneey whereby the piild William Kliifi-y nml Ualhorlno Klnsoy nitrrrd to M > ll to * nd ! I.evl Klnsey thu follow- INK dcfcrlbi'd teal estiitc situated In Ilk-hard * fen County , Nchiagkti , to-wltt HiTliiiiltii : at the nnitli en1 * ! corner of sec tion No- nine CD In township one ( I ) , inniru llfleen 'I.W ' In Itlolnmlftm County , Nebraska , thence wrst to < | Uiiiter section coincron tlio not ill nldeol said section nine , tlicucu south with center line of said section to the center of said section , theticu east with center line rtmuliiK east mid west ton Mono In center ol county load , thencn with county toad In nottliut'tt dlriet Ion 40 poll's toil stone , thence eas-l tlnee rods to center ( haniiclof south folk ol Oioat Neniaha river , thence down tin- center of said river to a point on line 1,1'twcen sections ( t and 10 thence north with Mild Urn * to place of lii'Klniih.i ; containing llil mr it's more or less and all In section 11 , In town one. taiw 15 In ItlclinriNnn count'- . Nebrnsljn. The tinld l/eola Heller , non-resident defend ant , claims to have u nioiljriiKO on eald hind and the prier : of the petition Is that she may appear und tnnKo known thu character ol her lien urn ! tin amount duo thereon , and that bald lam ) be sold under foreclosure- subject to whatsoever rights the said I.eolu Heller may have In the premises by reason of said inortKiitu1. You are hereby notified to plead to salil pe tition mi or iH-foro tinlith day of February , 1906. WILLIAM KIN-SUV. 104-5 ly ! Henry Stltzer Ills C.uardlaii. < eavix A KeavK Attorneys for I'lalntlfT. Legal Notice. In the District court In nnd for utility , Nebraska. ohn W , Gibson , Nellie Gibson , ) ella Salloway , nnd I ) . K. Salloway , Plaintiffs vs summons Sarah nibson , Martrarot Kldlen , Wm. lEIdlcn , Knink Gibson , Elln Itandfll , 11 K. Uandal , VdehnoUlbson , Lucclla Mastcrson losoph M sten > on , Mary A. Mastcrson , lohn Masterson , Nelllo Mnstprson , h'red Gibson , Win. Gibson , Irene Gibson , Corn ICroh , uul Alvln Kroli , Defendants The do fen ( hint s above named and each ol hem will take notice thaton the fith day of January , UHJ.I , John W. Gibson , Nolllo Gibson Delhi Salloway and I ) . K. Salloway , tiled their petition In tliu District Court of Hluhardsoi Jounty , Nobiaska , iipilnsl said defendants the object and prayer of which nro to par tition the west ono-half of the southwes * luarter of section number ten , and the wes one-half of the north-west quarter of soctlot number llfleen , all In township number two iKO number fifteen east ofGtl , 1 * . M. , Itlch ardton county , Nebraska. Said petition aUcg Ing that dufendant tiuruti IJtuson Is entltlet ton dower Interest In all of stild premises that subject to said dower right , plalntllls John W Gibson , and Delia Stilloway nro eacl entitled to a one-twentlctU Interest In salt premises ; that defendant Margaret Uldlon Is entitled to u one-fourth Intuiest In salt premises , subject to the dower right nforo- said ; that defendants , Frank Gibson , Hlh Itandal , Adeline Gibson , Lucella Masterson Joseph Masterson and John Masteraon are each entitled to n one-twelfth Intel eat In sale premises , subject to the dower right aforu said , that defendants , Fred Gibson , Win Gibson and Cora ICroh are entitled to 1.0110 twentieth Interest In said premises each subject to the dower right of Siirnh Gibson al'on-sald ; that the remaining plaintiffs nni defendants are each , by reason of marrlago to some one of the parties above enumerated entitled to an Inchoate light of dower o courtesy , as the case may be. In the share of their lespeetlvo husband or wife as the case may be ; Unit In casu partition ciiiino be made equitably that the promises sole ! and the proceeds bo divided unions the parties according to their Interest as above set lorth. You ate requited to unttnei said pctltloi on or befoio the tilth day of February , UKW or judgment \\lll be tendered accordlngry. Dated Ian. t ) , IWU. [ itKAi.l CHASIOHKK , Clerk Diet I let. Clerk. KINKKAD \ MF.M/KU A. I1. II WIAVIII : , " Attorneys for I'ltTs. iftVlt. VERDON. D. A. Uamsevand K. Detroieh were Falls City visitors lust Thursday. G. R. Jones and wife took dlnne with Frank Clurks Sunday. D. K. Riley of Dawson was in Ver don liibt Monday. L. P. Utterback of Nebraska Citj was in this city one day thU week. Mamlu Fenton of Dawson was I Verdon one day last week. Beecher Cornell made a business trl to Kansas City last Friday. Dr Hutchlnson of Omaha was In Verdun last week. Louis Hoiueman and wife were In Falls City lust Friday. Nellie Weaver and Cora Swlsegood were In Falls City lust Friday. Mosdamus M , A. Veach and Mrs. Beller were in Fulls City last Friday. Mrs. Lottlo Cline had one of her fingers cut oil In a sausage mill last week. J. W. Taylor came down from Au burn Tuesday. Mrs. Z. Knapp and Mrs. K Grifllths spent last Friday with Salem relatives. Do You Where YODRCOAL May make a The WhereMay d i ft"e r e tl c e of a good many dollars in your expense account for the year cither in actual outlay for the coal in extra expense for the fur nace and range repairing , or in unnecessary discomfort a n d housewife worry. It behooves v you to think twice before placing your orders- need think but once if 3-011 order from Phone 38 HAUSTBROS. t THE WH8TE SEASON The Coining1 Summer will be known as the "White Season" in Footwear for Ladies. White Canvas Oxfords and Slippers , worn with pretty white hosiery , will be the Sea son's hit. We have provided for this by ordering ; a large supply of WHITE OX FORDS , SLIPPERS and HOSIERY. Oxfords and Slippers of every discription will be more worn than ever. Our shelves will be loaded just before Easter , and you should buy early to get what you want. Visit us and see what we have anyway. G.E.HALL SHOES AND HOSIERY. ' SEASONABLE JEWELRY Wi' are still replenishing our stiu k of goods and filling the void mnd > by the niviige of Holiday Tade. : We are showing a rich hue in Jewelry , Gilt Goods , Cm Glass. Clocks , Flatware , etc. The Crosses and Chains now worneo extensively , con- tinne to increase in popular ity and will be worn more than evvr before.Ve \ have anticipated the wants of the public and can show you a splendid line of Neck-chains , Crosses , Lockets , etc. Wo have many pretty little articles for personal list , of beauty and value , which appeal to the feminine eye and which stamp the weaieras a person of relined taste. Come and insti-et our goods and see if we have not just what you have been wishing for. Remember that wo make a specialty of watch repairing , and that a full guarantee is behind every piece of work done by 115. 115.A. A. E. JAQUET THE OLD RELIABLE JEWELER CITY MEAT MARKET We handle all kinds of fresh and salt meats. Poultry , Pish and Game in season. Home made lard , pure and sweet , our long suit. Oysters , Celery , Kraut , Pickles , &c. We pay the highest markst price for Poultry , Hides and Fat Stock. We kill all our own meat and handle nothing but the very best. We solicit a share of your patronage. J. B. RAMEL , Propr. Mrs. Wolf took the children of Mrs. Ebb Goolsby to Omaha to see their mother who is qulto seriously ill at that place. D. M. Davles and family of Falls Citj visited \ferdon friends last Fri day. Mrs. Dr. Kecnoy who has been visit ing in St. Louis is homo again. Mrs. Margaret Evans died at her homo two miles west of Verdon Jan. , 20th , aged 81 years. She has lived hero many years but formerly lived In Milwaukee , Wis , where she was taken for burial lust Saturday nlcht. The body was accompanied l > > her daughter and son. Other relatives will meet them In Milwaukee where the funeral will ho held. 1 Win. Mohler has been selected by the state board to deliver lec tures at the Farmers' institutes during the coming three weeks in the North Platte county. For sale one brown and one bay mare. Call at Heck's feed store.