H 8 THE FALLS CITk' TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , DECEMBER 26 , 1906. OHIO Mrs. J. W. Mnust of StrnussvUlo , gave n quilting pnrty tin number of her friends on last Wednesday. The event wns onjoyctl by nil present. Perry ShnlTor nnd family were the jjucsti" of Wes Ncdrow nnd fnmlly on Sundwy. Clcon Pock cntortulned Ills cousin , Anson Knlsoly , Suudny. Mr. nnd Mr * . John Schultz cntur- mined a number of friends quite pleasantly on Sunday evening. Last Tuesday evening nbout twenty gathered at thu home of Clay Pouk nuil wlfo nnr. spent the evening with them. The event WHS n complete sur prise on Mr. nnd MM. Peek , who soon recovered tlienuolvcs und ciitcrtnlned their friends In n charming manner. Games nnd refreshments made up ihu program of thoovonlnir. An enjoyable time wns hnd by nil Ivan Keller was the guest of Knlph Utilities on Sunday. Rov. Glsh of Huiilrlco , spoilt SiUnr- at the home of G. W. Peck nnd deliv ered two fine sermons nt the German church on Saturday evening and San diij morning. I ) . Siinsiniui and Hit 1 lowers were eucats of Kph Peck Saturday. Win. Hnrtlctt nnd wife WITO visitors nt the homo of O. A. Burk nnd wife last I'Vlday. The Seven Day Advents held their cottngo sorvlcusnt the homo of Perry ShnlTer last Saturday. Win. Ktiottnur nnd wlfo spent Thursday at thu homo' of Andy ICot- torcr and wife. Albert Fuller has boon laid up with a very sere foot , caused by stepping on n nail RULO. J. II. Lynch of Will to Cloud , wns a business visitor In this city FVhhiy. Hob Kiuuily nnd sisters , Cecil nnd Mamy nttondcd n dnncu nt Uuwsun on Friday. Hob Asher , Irom the reservntlon , wns transacting business In Htilo lust , Saturday. llarlnnd JOIIMS and wlfu were shop ping In Hulo Saturday. John Alexander of Hush Bottom wns n Hulo visitor Friday. John Cuvery.itglo lias bought Ufa drug slock of II. S. Coupe and will tnko possession nbout thu lentil of next month. . Mf.xnndcr Ilnrrlsou of Missouri was a Uulo visitor Friday. Geo. Carpenter has put down n well In the roar of Ills hotel. 1C. O. Martin was transacting busi ness In Falls City one day last weok. Frank Choyno of Big Lake , was in Hulo on is duy last weok. Ray Wintcrbottom of White Cloud , visited several days last week with his parents , J. \\Mntorbottom nnd wife of this city. Thu hunting bollur at thu hlgli fichool biillding sprung n leak Friday inornlnir and school was dismlssct until Monday. Repairs were mad ( Saturday. Abraham Coglilll eiuuo in frou 1 Fortefcjuo Saturday. Abe says , ho go all thu experience In wading around litho the gunitm that hu cures for nnd wll Btay In Nebraska hereafter. Bud Pnckoll nnd fnmlly , of Arugii visited with ElliiB Packott and fiunll , in this city on Saturday. Fcrd Jarrot made a business trip t fit. Joe Saturday. Frosty Evans was a business vislto to St. Joe visitor Saturday. . Peter Frederick visited with hi wlfo nnd babies in Preston Sunday. Born. To Charley Boernur an wife , on Saturday , twins , a boy and girl. The mother and babies in dottle nicely. Cliarluy will be lilliieo > aga'n ' In a few days. Hiram Kissel of Hush Bottom , was Hulo visitor Sunday. S B Palmer , ono of Rule's o pioneers died Saturday morning attl homo of hit > daughter , Mrs. Burbank in Nebraska City Ho had boon sic : but a shun time. The ronmlns we brou u lit to this city Monday mornii and the funeral services were held li o'clock. Interment in the Hu Ml.s K < siu Mui'sh very pleasant enUM-Uiint'i ) u number of her join lady friend * lust \vt > t > k. Dainty t fri'cliinrntiJ weru Jn'rvud and a go lime wn had The Buelu-lnr Girl's club mut wl Mls-f Vi-j-tii Van last Tuesday ovonln Tin1 rooms wore appropriately ilocori in tht'lr Jionor , om of the cbiof featui bclni ; the wclcomo corner , where M Edim Richnrd-on pivddcul ever t punch now | . The i'venliu was spc In n u'no-Mnsr name In which M 2dUh Kern camn out winner. At t eleventh hiiur a buchelor boy was i inltti'd on condition that he tinlo Bone6. The ni xt meeting will with Mls Ella Carpenter. Ed McClellan came up from St. J Sundav , whnre hn hm been workl the tt i t four month * . Gporjre Dayl- and Anna MI'ler ' , br of Hulo , were married in Kansas C one day last week The entertainment given Saturday night In Miles hall by the Morphot & Stephenson company was well attend ed. Mr. Snapp of St. Louis , transacted business In Ruin Tuesday. Eddlo Brust of Nebraska City , win In the city several days this /reek , the guest of Miss Edith Kern. VERDON. Mrs. Floyd Stearns nnd children , of Hyannls , Nob. , cnmo down for the wedding of Claire Stearns latl week. Fred Ileinemkn and Win Fl'her shipped cattle last week. Amn t Volls In making prcdarations to start a milliner ; store In the Fog In biillil'.ni : . Mr. and Mrs Pennlngur of Daven port , Neb , visited friends nud rela tives In Vnrdoii last week i" . A. Harden spent n few days at Omaha last week. Wcs Stump wont to Lincoln on bus iness lust week. MJS. Grllllth has returned'from Ok lahoma. Robert Micklc visited his family hero last week. Mrs. C. E. Goolsby was operated on last week and is dolnir very well Miles May field loft for Kansas City where ho will make his future home. G. Gates of Stella , WHS n Vnrdoii visitor last week. W. Brldgeman visited In Auburn last week. Mrs. Ocambof Hulo , visited C. W , Ocamb and family last week. Mart Miller was an Omnhn visitor lust week. U. B. Kirk is In Peru , visiting his daughter , Elnora Dr. Keenuv wns In Oinnha last week. Mildred , daughter of Christ Jorn , is very sick with pncumunla. . STELLA. Guy and Lucllu Harris saw Ben tlur In Lincoln last week. Jenn MuMullcn nnd Mnbel Craig of Tnrklo , Missouri nro spending the week at the homo of Hank McMullcn. Andy Curtis expects to move back to his liirm north of town thu Urst of March. A. Tynan and wifu attended the funeral of Mrs..I. M. Di'maitco in Au burn last week. A racket flore has boon opened in one of thu Clark b < ii1dingH , Henry Nnd row nnd wife of Norton , Kansas , are spending the week with relatives at this place. Tom Illgglns expects to move to a farm near Mown soon. Mrs. W. W. James of near Shubert loft last Thursday for San Benmndo , California , to visit her son at that place. W. L. Robinson of Carroll , Nebraska spent n few days with relatives nt this placo. Jcsslo Kcnton , who Is employed as 11 stenographer at Nebraska , City , is vis iting nt her homo east of town. E. A. Monod has been Buttering with the rheumatism thu past week and has been unable to leave his room , t George Randall and family of An burn spent thu lh > t of thu week will Mr ? . J. M. Raper. Now gasoline lamps have been plac ed In thu Lutheran church. Florence Vancu who has been stay Ing at F. W Vance's has returned ti her homo in Iowa. Hov. Clarence Swlhurt of Denve spent a few days last week with hi parent east of town. Jennie Higglns returned from Kirks . vllle. Mo. Tuesday where bho has bee to consult ad osteopath physician. re A. B. Rltuhio a.id wifu wont t reU Oratilm Sunday where un operatic was preformed upon Mrs. Rltohlo a * hospital theru Hov. McBrlda and family nro moi Ing to Stonington , Illinois where h ho will preach the coming year. is , Ira Martin and xvife of Abeline , Kai k sns are expected hero soon. They wl probably make their homu ro hero. nu Will Morris ! has rented n farm I at Gneo county and fxp ets to muvn h ! ilo family there soon. Mlko Beauchamp , who basin-en II Iv lutr north of town , moves to Nlwo HIT Colorado , today. rood HttZel Hugrufo and Mrs. Mary Mi od Dowi ll spent a few duys in Omaha th week. til Essie Marsh returned from Hn IT.at . yesterday whuru she hud been ttayii at- ilnco Christmaf. Preston. hu L. Hunks and wife citino over Suti IPS day from Nitpler where they arespei he Ing tim week with fi lends nnd re ud- lives , vo Mrs. J. Morris and daughter Mai vobe were in Fulls City this week. Mr. J. Hurris is ecriotily ill nt ] fou homo southwest of Preston tills wei Mrs' F. Mason and son went to Fa City Monday. ith Revival meeting after a four wet 11 ty service closed Sunday evening inn good being done. W. A. Margrave shlpcd two cur loads of cattle * to Kansas City Mo , Monday. Mr. F. Mason wont to Hulo yesterday evening. Annii VVueaehter north of Preston ha greatly Improved after a few weeks Illness of pneumonia Charles McCumbcr outnu up from dt. Joseph , Mo. nnd U vlhltlng liU brother L. D. McCumbcr. HUMBOLDT Mi > . Crime entertained the Prtsby- torlan Kensington club Thursday after noon Mrc. Hoscoc Anderson left Sunday for n visit with relatives in Tccumseh. L .1. Segrlst Is attending a lumber man s convention in Kansas City this week Mrs. O L. Unkefur returned Mon day from n visit with friends in Lin coln. John Graham is performing thu duties of City Marshal during the ab sence of Wm. Schwnsi- , who ! visiting III Frontier County. Grandma Ilnlzda Is quite sick at her homu In this city. John Brenner of Table Hock was In this city Friday. Byron Atkins of York arrived In this city Snljrday to join his wife who is visiting relatives. Several of the churches wuro with out services Sunday night , as the machinery at the electric light plant wasbulng repaired , and the necessary light could not be furnished. Boyil Unkefcr duoarted Saturday far his homo nt tlynnU , Neb. , after a visit with relatives ut this place. B. Strnmmer made n trip to St. Joe this week. F. H. Butterlleld was a Table Hock visitor Monday. Frank Katouc of DuBoU was in the city Tuesday. Joseph Ko/el of Ravenna , this state Is visiting relatives in Humboldt. s O P Tucker of Vlolot was transact' Ing business'.hure , Tuesday. Mrs Win. Johnson of Wymoro is vis iting Humboldt friends. Nannie Shuwhan is visiting relatives in Lincoln this wrek. Frank Nlms , of Nima City was in this city the latter part of last week A. L. ShnfTcr left for Thompson Nob. Saturday. An explosion of cusoline. in the rear of N. I ) . Campbells grocery store on Monday evening , caused onu of the most du&tmutivo fires Humboldt has hud lor eomo time. Prompt action on the part of the lire boys and others saved thu building , but the stock of goods was badly damaged. Mayor Ley da ot Falls Cty | was In the city Tuesday evening. Warren Berry had his hand quite badly burned in thn gusollno explosion in Campbells store Monday evening. Lloyd McConncll is absent from school this wunk as ho Is quite sick. Lewis Edwards came up 'from Falls City Saturday. A jolly crowd of tenth grade pupils met at the homu of Ralph tJasncss Fri day night. John R. Gosstn who is Assessor of Pawnee county spent several days vis' itlngyIn Humboldt the first of the week. Willard Marburge.- received qulto n giifh on his forehead last Friday , bj runnin < ! against a ladder used by the workmen who were painting the Phil pot and Tanner lumber shed. Dr Morris attended to the wound niu Wlllurd is now in school ngnln. An appreciative audience listened tc the lecture delivered by A. McLean n the Christian church Sunday morn ing. DAWSON Mrs. Luflor came up from Snlen Tuesday to spend a week with he daughter hurt ) . W. B. Alexander and J. E Ethertoi wore county seat visitors betvveei trains Tuesday. James Rlloy came down the first c ) the week from W. Joseph's Hospltn In In Omaha to spend a short time ainon is relatives hrro. Ralph Phllpot and R ib Edte of Hun v- boldt weri Sunday visitors in Da vsoi it , D Hurh.iuch of Miles Ranch won , Kansas City Monday nicht with coupio of carloads of line cattle. fi lls The rnndlelluht Club was plcasan Iv uiiU'rtnlned on Friday ovtMitni ; li ilo Mrs Joseph O'Grady , at which eijl "U s were prosent. " \\'hist" w : tlu > order of the uveninir MUs Morgan O'Gradv capturing fir-t prize. Tl con-olation xvas iiwunfbd to Ml Miiniiu Rlley. After piiriakliiL' of u ir- btantial refreshments , thi' membe voted Mrs. O'Grady an ideal unto la talner and adjourned to meet no. with Missus Mamie and Nnllo Rilev. Marvin Alexander of Table Roi wns the jMiest of his old play mut hero over Sunday. oV Ola Eckard came liomn Friday eve illb Ing from Holdreiro , Nt-brasUn whe he has been painting for thu past ks vernl months. ich Geo. Beldon returned homo Suti , day evening from Lincoln whore ! had spent n few day * with his brother , Chester. Mies Pearl Gnrvor of Humboldt was the gue t of May Crawford over Sun day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Ted McGlnnU came in Siitur day evening from St. Anthony. Idaho to spend "tome tlrao with .1. G. Me- Glnniswnd family. Rohort Kanulv of Hulo was a guen of his aunt , Mr * . Anna Ryan the last of the week. > liti > t > lc O'Grady loft Sunday for Omaha where she has entered the millinery department of J L. Brandies Son's store , to learn the trade ai trimmer. Charlie Sehlosser has gone to Omaha to lake medical tieatmentat St .Joseph Hospital. f Tho3 Fun ton came down Irom [ lurch * ard Sunday evening to spend a day or two among old friends. Ira Draper visited over Sunday with his frother , Tom Draper and family In Huinboldt. Jasper Williamson went to U nil dam , Kansas to spend several day * looking after business matters pertaining to the settlement of his father's estate. , Marlon and Kstelle Dlllow and Arthur Klima took the Teachers cm- iiintmitlon tit Falls City Friday and Saturday. era Davis and family visited the last of the week with Webb Tyrec and wife. Henry C. Smith of Falls City trans acted business in Dawsun Friday - * Prominent W. C. T. U. Worker Dies. Mrs. J. Demaree died at her home in this city Saturday evening. January 1J3 , aged 57 years , ono month and three Anna Swan was born in Bu- reali county , Illinois , December 10,1818 where she lived until about ten years of age when she accompanied her parents to Peru She was married in March , 1571. to John M. Di-maree. To this union three children were born , two preceding her to the grc'tt beyond. She leaves a husband and one son , Donald , to mourn the lo s of a loving wife and mother. Mrs. Demaree was a sister of Mrs. T. S. Horn of this city and Rev. .1. W. Swan of University Place. Mrs. Demaree has been active ly associated with the W. C. T. U. , the Equal Suffrage club and various aid societies for many years , and has always had charge of the Demorest medal contests held in this section. The funeral was held Wednes day morning at the Auburn Methodist church , several of the ministers of the city partici. pating. During the hour of the funeral all the saloons of the city were closed. Interment was made in the Peru cemetery. Auburn Repub lican. Se ffrist & Stout of Humboldt will put up for sale on Friday , Feb. 2 , TJOfi , some of the best bargains ever offered in Poland China ho s and Jersey cattle- They have 40 heads of Polancls , among1 which are the best stocl < in these parts. Notice their at on page 5 of this issue and wail for this sale- I will sell at public sale at tin Mowery sale pavilion , Stella , Sat unlay , Jan. 27 , l < JOe , 22 heat thoroughbred Dnroc-Jersey sows Sale will begin at 1 o'clock. M. M. IlKNDKlCKS f lls A\ay Be a Mo. Pac. Line. s The announcement made else where that the meeting : of the board of directors of Falls City t Sycamore Springs , Sabetha $ Southwestern railroad has beei postponed until spring , cam < directly after a visit 10 Sabethi of W. A. S. Bird , of I'opeka Mr. Bird is attorney for the pr-i llt.posed railroad and also the at torney of the Missouri Pacific s-s Some believe that the latter roai h is back of the scheme. Th company need not be secre r- rxt about it if it is so. Peopl would be glad to have the Mis souri Pacific build the road. I the Missouri Pacific would buil a line fiom Falls City to Goff via Sabetha , ii would do u re good. We would be the bes town on the line , and would r. trade from a much larger terr ho tory. Sabetha Herald. Division Removal Brakeman's Talk. J J Skinner , trainmaster of the Missouri Pacific road , was . ' in the city last Saturday. Mr. Skinner has his headquarters at Atchison. When asked as to the rumors of division removal of the Missouri Pacific road from this city to Palls City , he replied : "Thai's all brakeman's talk. You will hear it e < fery spring and'fall as regularly as the year rolls around. So far as I kno'v there is nothing of the kind on foot and nothing definite regard ing the subject has come from headquarters. ' ' The Missouri Pacific authori ties are planning at the present time tor a great amount of im provement work on its lines from Kansas City to Omaha. The roadbed will all be streng thened and the heavy grades cut down. A vast amount of money will be spent and when all the improvements will have been made heavier engines will be put on this division and the ton nage to the train will be greatly increased. During the coming year Au burn will be the headquarters for a large number of laborers engaged in the improvement work and it is safe to predict that a large amount of their monthly wages will pass though the hands of the business men of this city. Auburn Herald. Points of Similarity. A young merchant recently 'presented to his better half an elaborate piano lamp. He was much Haltered when she told him she intended to give it his name , until he asked her reason for so peculiar a proceeding. "Well , " she said , "you know , dear , it has a good deal of bra s about it ; it is handsome to look at ; requires a good deal of at tention ; is remarkably brilliant ; is sometimes unsteady on its legs ; liable to explode when only half full ; Hares up occa sionally ; it is always out at bedtime , and is bound to smoke. " Col. Harding of Humboldt cried a sale north of this city during the week. Lois Spencer who has been ill for some time has now almost completel.v recovered. Mrs. Weinman of St Joe , spent several days of last week at the home of Geo. Reichers. A local physician is responsible for the statement that half of Falls City has the grip. T. J. McKeiver was taken sud denly with an attack of heart disease on Sunday morning. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hurt a son , on last Sunday even- in } ; with Dr. Boose as physician. Sample Newlon a lawyer of Hiawatha assisted in the de fense of Bert Odgen the first of the week. From now on we will have a local reporter on Fort Hazel af fairs and there will be items ol general interest therein. Mrs. Logett who has been tak ing a Ihree week's course ol treatment returned Wednesday to her home in Barada. Frank Rutherford of Xortl Dakota formerly a Richardsoi County farmer is visiting witl : friends in Falls City and vicinity W. B. Albright of Humboldt assisted Col. Harding in crying ; i sale north of Falls City on Wed nesday and while here visited his brother George Albright am e family. The business meeting of tin M. E. Kensington was held at the home of Miss Etta Reicher : on Wednesday afternoon. Tin following officers were elected tc is serve for the coming six months President , Mrs. Dr. Roberts , Via President Mrs. W. A. Greenwah w Treasuier , Miss Emma Schaible i- Secretary , Miss Minnie Me Donald. The third number on the lec ture course was delivered by a magician and ventriloquist at the Gehling theatre last Friday even ing. It was yery entertainitig and up to the usual standard. Lawrence Weaver , of Oregon is visiting with his brother Paul in this city. Mr. Weaver until three years ago was a resident of this city , but is now located in Oregon where he is earning wel ! deserved success. Lesia Ilouck who had been at tending college in Etnporia Kan. , and was taken ill last fall with typhoid fever , under the careful attention of Dr. Boose was able to resume her studies at the col lege on Wednesday of this week. WHY OPALS "ARE COSTLY. Perfect Gems Must Be Bright and Without Streaks or Spots Cut ting Is Important. Veins of opals arc usually met ith iu soft formations , where lothing above ground indicates heir presence. The search foi hem , therefore , often require. onsiderable time. But it is not" : xtremely difficult , for opals arc- enerally found near the surface , ndeed , it was thought for along inu > that they were not to be ouud as deep as 12 feet below the urfaee. This opinion has , how- ver , given way in the light of cvi- once , because opals of great alue have been discovered at a lepth of 50 feet , says the Jewel- rs' Circular. The value of opals depend * ipon several considerations , of vhich the principal one is the olor. It ) is important that they hould be bright and not prcsenl streaks or spots alternating with incolored substance. The rnosi valuable are those which have red ires or mixtures of red , yellow , blue and green. Opals of u single tint are of little value , unless the int is particularly striking and ho figure beautiful. Indeed , ono cl the essential qualities of tin1 opal is the arrangement of the figure , which sets olT strikingly the line of the stone. When the figure is quite regular iml distinct it is the more valua ble' , ntiR'li less so when the grain IK quite small and irregular. Sometimes the color appears as a single blaze or with figures ir regularly spaced. It may then beef of a fine ruby red and is much sought after , but oftenest the uni form tint is only green or reddish , and has but little brilliancy to ( speak of. The cutting is important for \ the opal ; thus a thick stone will be much less beautiful than a thin one , which , on losing part of its volume , loses also the figure. The foundation tint contributes nincl , lo the beauty. It ought to hi transparent , slightly milky , am' ' harmonize fully with the different , reflections 'of the opal , which , when it is really beautiful , prc sents a variety of hues inlinitely pleasing to the eye. Bluebirds as Pets. The bluebird makes a very play ful and affectionate little pet. Mr. A. Raddyelyffe Dugmore tells of ti very interesting one he possessed. "While I am writing , " he says , "a pet one , but three months old , is Billing on my paper , seeming lo wonder what I am doing and why I do not play with him. lie nips my pencil , but I pay no attention to him ; then he tries to creep up my sleeve , and still I pay no alien lion ; so , disgusted , lie flies off in search of ants and oilier small in seels. After a lime I raise my hand and call ; hack he comes like a flash , and hovering , more like ; i molh than a bird , lie perches on my finger , singing at the lime a soft litlle song that is liis method of speech. " St. Nicholas. Chonte on Texas Justice. One of Ambassador Choale's legal stories lold at a gathering of lawyers on his last visit to this country related to a Texas judge before whom n prisoner was brought charged with horse steal ing. The judge promplly sen tenced Hie prisoner to be hanged , bul his lawyer inlerrupled. "You can't liang this prisoner according lo law , your honor , " lifi said. "Guess you're right , " said the Judge. "Well , I'll discarge him and it's up lo the boys to hang him according to the regular custom. " N.Y. Times. iV