The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 26, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Careless Handling of Nebraska
Tlio unpieconled growth of tin1
dairy and crt'iun Ht-parating in-
tluatry in rect-nt jcnrsidtnitti'dly
adding imini'iiHol } to the wealth of
the state , haH not been attended
by that careful attention to detail
required to develop the money
making feature of the business in
its fullest sense. In short , many
Nebraska dairymen have boon
cnrcloHB in the operation of their
separator , as the result of which
Ibo jirnde of the output has boon
lowered , canning an estimated loss
anually which runs into the tone
of thousands of dollars ,
Creamery men are responsible
for this criticism as to the methods
of many of the farmers , but they
also assert that the iigricnlturiBlH
are now beginning to see the error
of their ways and are making a
eonsistcnt effort to Htudy their
mistakes , so that they may be
avoided , and thus reap the harvest
which their labors deserve.
Dairy men who have studied
cream separating and butter mak
ing in all of ilHdeliiilsdeelitre that
there are fully 150,000 hand sep'ir-
a torn now in use HI the H t a t e.
There are 120,000 farms , making
one cream separator for e v e r >
fourth farm. According to ( hit
authority , many fanners are care'
less in the handling "f their separ
ators , The mach inn often is nol
kept thoroughly clean and bum
tary , in conseiiueiiso of which UK
cream daily loses its quality fruii
contact with bacteria in vasioui
forms which have found lodgemen
in the separator. Many of tl , <
ereamerit-s also have been tc
blame They have , in the main
paid th < 3 same price for all gradei
of cream , the compensation to tin
farmer depending almost entire ! ;
upon the percentage of butter fa
which the cream contains. Ii
brief , scant attention hss been de
voted to the question of the gradi
or quality of the cream. The re
suit has'been a gene-al lowering
of the gradb of the butter. A foi
of the larger creameries have beei
able to guard against this condi
tion , but tlieell'ect of thu farmer'
negligence has been to lower th
butter product in quality and thu
decrease the selling price.
Convinced thai the time ha
como for a reformation , many c
the eienmerii's have instituted i
-ystem of tenting the ( -ream sen
them by dairymen as to its condi !
ion as well as to the proportion c
butter fat. For the better grade
of cream a higher price is bein
paid , while the poorer quality hi
ings less money. No fixed stand
ard has yet been set , but as a goi :
oral proposition flic higher grad
brings the former and dairyman
to F ) cents more per pound of but
er fat than thai of the lowe ?
grade. This difference in prii
will have a tendency to indiu
the farmer to improve the qualit
of his cream , and only carefi
attention to the process of sepnra
ion can bring this desired resul
Better cream is to mean bottt
prices from the butter maker , at
to the latter it will also mean
better averuge price fur hi * . piu
net. Butter making has becoi :
a great industry in Nebrisku ai
any movement tending to matei
ally improve prices clearly poin
to u formidable increase in t
wealth of the state.
The state convention of Neb
ka Dairymen's Association is
be held in Lincoln January 17.
and at this session the problem
operating ( .ream separators donl
less will claim more attention th
any other phase of the problem
making butter confronting tl
convention.Evening Ne\vn.
Pneumonia And La Grippe.
It you but knew thu t-pU-niliil tin
of Foley's Uonoy und Ttirou . \ \ < i
never bo without it. A do or
will prevent tin attiick of pmMimoiil. .
In grippe. It rauv MVO jmir llfu '
prevention o ( coiHUiupMuii Ir. eiith
uqiR'btion of comintMicliisr thu pretreatment
treatment in 1 1 mo. Kotlilnu U MI \
adapted to wtird nlT ftttnl lung tuiul
as Foloy's Honey and Tar. For t
at Moore'b Pharmacy.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Rlrj > <
Lincoln Letter ,
Linco'ii , .Tan , If ) , ( Special
Correspondence ) The question
is asked , "How can the machine
force a nomination in this state
when ninety per cent of the
voters are opposed to the candi
date ? "
How have they done it in the
past ? How did they come so
near forcing1 a Bartley bonds
man onto the ticket last sum
mer 'i
The voters are in the habit of
putting olT their political work
until time for the primaries.
They attend the caucuses only
to find that three men run them
according to some pre-arranged
plan. They attend the primaries -
maries and lind a printed list ol
delegates. Just one list. They
attend. the county conventions
and sec two or three IUIMI make
all the motions. The same small
clique selects the state dele
The ordinary voter does nol
learn until it is too late that il
bus been a put up job. Two 01
three men at the county seat hail
received word from Lincoln 01
Omaha. They bad a few trustj
men in different parts of tlu
county who were instructed
what to do. The delegates were
all picked in advance of the can.
discs. The county candidate *
had all been "seen. " The state
delegates had all been picket'
out. Under the system tin
average voter fooled away hi ;
time when he took part in tin
The last state * convention was
a little better than usual , llu
voters had been stirred up ;
little , and demanded that tin
county convention ex p re s i
themselves. In many instance :
the county platforms wereradi
cal. But their state delegate
were not radical. They wer
selected by the same old mach
ine methods. While the farmer
were buny getting the rcsolu
tions adopted the machine poli
ticians were busy Using the stilt
delegations. Most of the aniui
a I pass-holders got on. "Whe ;
farmers were selected it was es
pected they would not spare th
time or money logo to Lincoln
It is no wonder that s.i man
f of the anti-pass counties wer
represented by a few sinnuii
passholders. . Not to excee
fifty per cent of the delegate
f selected actually attended th
state convention. I have befor
me a list of twenty tivecountie
that were. casting a total of 27
votes. They had only 181 deli
jates present , and many of thei
were proxies. Even Lancastc
1 county fiad 17 absentees. On
county with 15 $ delegate vot-
ind one man present , and he a
innual pass holder.
One of the men on the phi
form committee was a railron
attorney. lie had been in evei
state convention lor years. I
was a delegate to the last n
tional .convention. He is a mei
ber of the st.ito committe
And lie was the nly man fro
.1. hit. county in me convontio
10 Yet the voters of his coun
ids have not selected a state de1
i gation in a doyen. years. T
( a job is done by a county comm
tee , which also perpetuates
self. That is one way to g
s- men ol the Paddy Miles stri
to into the .state-convention , win
8 , they can vole whole count !
of for the rail' o. ni * , and aferwa
help boss the state commiitt
> in The way UxU-fi-ai themachi
of and prevent endorsement
the iMillards and Thompson a
Dietrichs and Tuckers is for t
voterto get to \ \ < rk as soon
the machine doe * IMcU c
ri | yi'urmen. .MaUeynur primar
as iii-arly direct a * you can i
> V1 1
di > r the present syst i i. Pied
'in- your delegates rind candidat
ly. Knock out the uluugers. St
' ' beiuy hoodwinked bv the mai
' ' ' "hue. V. A. HAKKISON
' * "
ale ,
J ! Dry nn's lerturs from .lapan
not in Le clgm - ' < ' \l in inter
with those wri from
same country b .
Press Notes.
Uncle Tom TenEyue captured
a wild cat last Friday , weigh
ing If ) pounds. This is the only
one of these animals killed in
the county this fall as far as can
be learned. IJarada Breeze.
Mrs. Frank Hodapp , an aged
and well known lady of this sec
tion , suffered a painful and dis
tressing accident on Tuesday
and that it was not fatal is al
most miraculous The lady who
lives a few miles south , was en
gaged in her housework when
she slipped through an. open
trap door into the cellar way ,
plunging headlong a distance of
nine feet 11 the lioor of the cel
lar. Humboldt Leader.
Men should be careful about
arguing on the wrong side.
Persistent advocacy often con-
v i n c e s the advocate. York
Times ,
Those who think success in
business can be achieved by
little tricks will awake to their
mistake sooner or later. York
This is the time of year when
an ordinance compelling the
blanketing of horses tied to the
racks ol the city , should be ef
fective in the interests of hu-
in u u e principles. llntnboldt
A man mny advocate a cause
and still have little heart in it ,
when he gives his money to it
he is in earnest York Times.
If you -don't like a fellow's
style why not keep away from
him ? He surely will not be
likely to annoy you if you staji
on your own side of the fence.
York Times.
Don't stay away from the institute -
stitute because you know a !
about farming. Come and tel
others about it. Hutubold' '
It may be all right for agir
to learn skating from a teachei
in a correspondence school 801
miles away but a young maj
with a strong right arm righ
here at home is better. Neinahi
Count } ' Republican.
All accounts due Ghicagi
Lumber & Goal Co under forme
management if not paid by DC
cember 1st will be put in hand
of collectors. C. II. Rickards
Children Poisoned.
Mmiy children arc poisoned an
mudc nervous and wu.ik , if not klllo
1 outright , by mothers giving thei
{ cough sirups containing opiates
l'\ih > \ 'B llonuy and Tar is a safe an
certain remedy for coughs , croup an
' lung troubles , and is thi only prom
ncnt cough mdlclne that contains m :
opiates or other poisons. For sale a
Moore's IMiarmacy
Contracted Chronic Diarrhoea. WKi !
y iti ( he Philippines.
0 "While with the" ; . S. Army in tl
l- Philippines , I contracted chron
1- diarrhoea. I sullori'd nuvuroly froi
% this lerriolc dUoii-u for over thn
joins and tried the prescriptions i
> f numerous phjslehitH , but foun
l.y > ioihin < ; tliut did inu any good until
y trlod ( . 'hamberlitin'ri Colic , Cholera ai
Diarrhoea 11 inedy , two small bottl
of which t'litlri'ly cured mo and I lw
-Ini-n hmi no return of the disease.
llr.KMAN STiiN" : . . ' 112 N. Unkw Ave
P.n hlii. Colorado. For * iilo at ICeri
Ct Drug Store
, )0
re Dr. R. P. Robertsdenth
es over King's Pharmacy.
rd Chronic Constipation Cured.
Ono who MitTcrit from chronic cons
tie Iin dunsrer of nniiiy serin
of iilliniMitH. Orino Lnxuttvu FrultSyr
tid eureni'hronlo con tlputlm us It al
he 'ion ' und dlmulutes thu liver u
as - > , ret-torin ? thu nulurul nctlon
organCommcnco titkint ; It
ilnund.MMi . will feel hetter til on
es Orino Lu.xutivu Fruit > yrup does i
n niiii-eiit or jtriprt and Is very pleu t
in inkUffuii fiihslltutcs. For s
at Mi ore's I'hiirmticy.
Thn inuny friends of O. [ I. Ilau-
Inuhieei- . K , & \V. U , It. at pre-i
llvini ; in Lima , O. will hu pleased
know ol hiiccovery from threaten
kidmy dUe M' . llufaj , " I was cm
hy n-lisu Fulf.s's Kidney Pure , whio
: st
riu'iimnu'iid to till , t > > pecl > lly tnilnn
he who iirii nsiutllv Hlmlhirly uflltciei
> For fiilout Mooro'fi I'hitrnnicy.
Km krc
/oALil /
ItoringYus ]
f up when
, , MEAT
Your Dollar
If brought to l is market will cover
more good quality in the way of
meats than at any other shop in town.
Remember a dollar that isn't workirg
all the time isn't well. What we all
want to do is to keep up the circula
tion of-the dollar. When 3'our dollar
gets into this market , it doesn't have
to takeoff its coat and get all out of
hreaOh climbing after things. Our
meats are pricep "way down"
Our Proposition -
Is to sell you better meat for less mon-
dv than you'll pas elsewhere. We bell
only the kind of meat that will make
fricnps. Don't you want to test our
friendship. We handle hides and furs
Phone 74 ,'3 Cou ll Remedy The
Uesl Made.
' 'In my opinion Phumberlaln's
Consh Itemed ) is the best made for
colds. " * u.sMrs. . . Cora Walker , of
PortiM-ville , California. There Is no
doubt about Us being the best. No
other will cure a cold so quickly. No
other is so sure a preventive of pneu
monia NTo other Is so pleasant and
safe to take. TheiO arc good reasons
why It t-oultl bo preforreu to other.
The lacl Is that few people are satis
fied with any other after having once
uied this remedy. For sale at Kerr's
Drug Store.
Burlington Bulletin.
Special Homeaeekers Rules
Giriitly reduced round trip rates
lo the North Pintle Valley und the
Biy Horn Basin. November 21st
December 5th and lJth. This is
nn unusually good chance for you
to look at lands in these new
regions , which olier n big profit
to those who secure them enrly.
Home Visitors Excursion Visil
the old home when you have
cleaned up the season's work.
Cheap excursion rates to variotu
of the cast. The only excursion
November 27th limit 21 days.
To Ihe Snnnv South Wintei
tourist rates daily until April 150 ,
Return limit .June 1st , 15)00. )
Chi'iip Homeseekeis Rates tc
the west , southwest and South the
first and thiid Tuesdays of end
Write me just what trip you
have in mind and let me advise
you the least cost nud the besi
way to make it. Or. Stewart ,
Agent 0 ; B. & Q. Ry.
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism.
"Mj mother has been a fUtTerer foi
many years from rheumatism" say
W. II. Howard of Husband , Pcnnsyl
vama , "At times she was unaolo ti
move at all while at all times walklnj
was prinful. I presented her with i
bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Haiti
and ufiera few applications she decld'
ed It wus thu most woudurful pain ic
liever bho had ever tried , in fact , sh
IK novur without it now and In at a !
time * able to walk. An occasional a |
plication or Puln I5ulu > keep * away th
pit In that ! > ho wu foitncrly trouble
'C with" For ca'o ' nt Kerr's Print Ston
A Falls City father was { join ;
to kill the worthless do } ? of hi
little son the other morning : an
a religfous neighbor had steppe
.t .
to see the performance. Th
little boy was heart broken as h
knelt by the bide of his dog an
putting his arms around hi
us neck said , 'Vood bye
M > Sport you've been a good dog.
The lad's chin trembled and tli
of tears were rolling down hi
a. checks when the father handc
his wife his revolver and sai
ot "I'll be dammed if I kill tlu
nl dog. " The neighbor expressc
himself as shocked at the father
profanity and told him to g
ahead with the killing. Tl
nt father refused. XowVhich ma
to would you want for a friend-
- ( I man who would swear b u
I'd wouldn't kill the dog , or the ma
who wouldn't swear but woul
kill the dog ? This is a trt
YV. H. Madclox
Real Estate Agency
See me before your purchase. I am
selling city property , loaning mon
ey at lowest rates , sellhiy farms and
making' farm loans. Sec me if you
wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I
am here for business. Write
W. H. Maddox , Falls City
Saratoga Restaurant
Meals at all Times
Oysters and Ilot Chile
I.OimiNd A gl'EI'Ml.TV
C.V. IIENDRICKS Proprietor
Merchants and
Business Men
With hard accounts to collect ,
should place them with
John L. Cleaver
Collection Attorney
For Collection or for Suit
Collections my Specialty
Succeeds where others fail
Small Commission charged
( Burlington TIME TABLE
Falls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helena
Chicago Buttc
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points cast and and all points
south. west.
TKAINS MJAVU AS i'or iows :
No. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
east and south 7:20 p m
No. 13. Vcstibuled express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
' northwest 1:33 am
No. 14. Vcstibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points cast
* and south 7:47 a m
No. 17. Local express daily
except Sunday , Con-
cordia , and points
north and west . . . 12.10 p in
No. IS. Vestibulcd express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwcit 1:23 p m
Nc 16. Vestibuled express
daily , St Joe , Kan
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
east and south 4:35 : p m
No. 18. Local express daily
* except Sunday , St.
Joe and points
south and east. . . . 4:05 p m
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p m
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , daily e x-
cept Sunday.Salem ,
Nemaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 p m
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart
Agent , Kails City , Neb. , or J. Francis ,
G. P. & T. A. , Omaha.
Two For Less Than The Price Of
The regular subscription price
of The Chicago Daily Tribune
is $4.00 a year , the regular price
of The Palls City Tribune is $1
a year.
By a special arrangement
with the publishers of The Tri
bune for a limited time , we can
accept a year's subscription to
our paper and the daily Tribune
both lor * u.
It would seem unneccessary
to say more about this extraor.
dinary newspaper bargain. The
Daily Tribune is "The World's
Greatest Newspaper , " and ol
course you will want our local
The Tribune Company re >
serves the right to withdraw
this offer on one day's notice.
If you are now a subscriber tc
either or both papers , your sub <
* < cription will be extended one
year from present date of ex
Subscription tor less than one
year cannot be accepted at less
than the regular rates.
Make all remittances direc
Falls City , Nebr.
When ( i boy reaches that per
led where he's "all hands and
feet" uo wonder he fuels uriev
ed if he Is obliged to wear Ill-
fitting und unsightly shoes In
order to gain service.
There Is no need of It , us we
prove right here that good up
iKMiranco and strong weur can bit
Durable , warm , dampness-
shedding Shoes for Bovf just
thu thins ; the average parent is
looking for.
Cox Calf Velour utiu Ku sian
Calf at from
$1.25 to $2.75
accord I nc TH size
Geo. B. Holt ,
The Shoe Man
D. S. HcCarthy
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
Diplomat , Od Crow
James E. Pepper
Guckenheimer Rye
The finest Whiskey made Call
for \our favorite brand at
William Harnack's
Phone 74.
R. L. Beaumont , M. D.
rormerly EVc and Car Specialist.
Now limiting practice to EYE
GLASSES. Sixth and Felix ,
Telephone No. 88
Office at Residence
Office Hours : S to 10 a. m. ;
i to 3 p. m.
Cash Prices On Groceries.
20 Ibc. granulated sugar for $100
10 bars Magic wash soup- " 2."i
12 Laundrj Queen " 2"
10 Ibs Peach Hominy " 25
8 hoxe * Oil Sardines " 2s'i
4 ' iMustard Sardines " 2.
10 burs Lenox > oai " 2-
Standard Corn , per can 0. .
Ilest Corn Starch , pir piu'kasu 0
Table Pens (3 ( Ib clz" ) per can IB
Headquarters for Glass\van' ,
Queensware and Fancy Cliin- .
New goods next week. All
the best brands of Hour.
Sleepy Eye , Minnesota's best
patent at *