The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 19, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Ncttloand Florence Wheeler and
Jonottc Wollor aw Hen Hnr in Lin
coln this week.
A car of horses was shipped from this
place to Kansas City Saturday
Earnest Day of Llncon was In Stella
n few days lint week.
Ilulh Clurk U homo from St Joseph
where she hnd been to have u silent
surgical opcrutlon performed.
Clyde HasUlns was In Omaha u few
days' the ilrit of the week.
Mrs Sao DiKiil of llowo will open u
millinery store In Stellu soon In the
Clark building on thouast uldo of Main
l-Viink Ilar'ord ' , who lives north of
town , Uuttcndlnc the Lincoln Bust-
i t-s col logo.
Icu Wuller ofVoBt Point' Nub , IB
spondlnir the week with .hK parents
hero Don U nwiiiiuer of a lumber
yard at West Point.
Uuy Vader is homo from Jewell
county , Kansas whoru ho hiti been
working ( lnon last fall ,
Althca Chunoy has ( jono to Indiana
where who will pund the winter with
relative * * .
Mrs. Hank McMullon returned from
Lincoln Saturday where she had been
apnndlnj ; a few < 1uyH with relatives.
Sam Johnson went to the Indian
Territory Tuesday to look after his
farm at that place.
.1. U. Winfrey Is visiting with his
son at II obart , [ Oklahoma.
Vordu Tlmmorman and Nello Har
per spent Saturday and Sunday In Au
burn with thu hitter's parents.
I'Yank ' Tlowland has been1 spending
the past week at thu home of a cousin
at Ncola , Iowa.
Norval Ilodpo won the sleigh that
was rallied oil' by Fiuikell Monday.
Uov. King has roslgnor. as pastor of
thu Baptist church , thu resignation to
tulto olTcct March the first.
Alliu I In w Icy has returned from
North 1'latte , where hnr parents re
cently moved , and Is now working for
Mrs. llasklns.
Dr. Allen was In Kansas City Mon
day.T. .
T. U. Clemens of Illinois hns rented
the ( . 'lurk farm just north of town for
the coming season. ,
James Howen has gone to the Indian
Territory \vhero he and Ills brother
have a farm.
Gertrude Hayes gave u card party
Tuesday availing , complimentary to
Salllo Schoenholt of fulls City. About
twenty wcru In attendance.
Mrs. Ina Snyder ruturncd to her
homo In thu Indian Territory Saturday
nftor nn extended visit with her par
ents hero , Henry Saycr utul wlto.
James Morris has been In tittundancu
at u lodno meeting In Lincoln this
M. J. Clancy had u couple cars of
cattle on the Kansas City market the
past week.
The Lutheran ladles will ulyo u so
cial ut the home of Mrs. Kittlu Wllsey
this evening.
Mrs. Anna Uyiin of Dawson spent
week in S to lift with hur son , John
Ryan ,
Mike Miller Jr. was In Humboldt
Sunday afternoon , the guest of rela
Father Corcoran conducted the fun
eral services over the remains of Mrs.
Robert Guttler at St. Annu's church
in Shubort last Saturday , and remain
ed over to conduct divine service Sun
day returning to this place Sunday
Palmer Fisher who has bueu spend
ing the past few weeks with Dick
Cioolsby and family near this city , led
Friday noon for his homo in Washing
ton Knnstia.
Mrs. Joseph Helm and little daugh
ter returned the llrstof the week from
Shollon , Nuliniskii , w'nuro they hud
boon jjuoats Blnco Now Years of Uov.
and Mrs. H. A. Shl\ely.
Misses Grace Slrnnk and May Craw
ford visited Humboldt friends. Snlui'-
day afternoon
( . 'has Cooper and family came u |
trom Salem Saturday to visit Amboioc
Graham and family. Mr. Cooper rO'
turned homo Sunday evening and Mrs ,
Cooper and children remained to
spi-nd a few weeks huru.
Mr ? . Uort Layman of Table lloel.
vis-Iti-d over Suudav with relatives It
Pearl Klimti who teaches in tht
nnmboldtcity tchools , spent Sundai
with her parents In this city.
Mrs. U. K. Fuutou and children lof
Mondtty noon for thuir new homo ii
Haddam , KansasMr. . Fentou havliij
gonuout with thu household good :
earh lust week.
J. L. Kelly and little daughter lef
Friday \vnlng for their home in Uur
ton , Kansas , utter spending a week a
the home of his father , J. K , Kelly
fouth of town.
J nines Scott of Hum bold t ha rented
the farm of A. Cr.uidttll for this yea
and will move Intro with his fainil ;
within IJH next few weeks.
Todd \V.isi , i ner of our oily school
was In Humbulrit Saturday.
Curt Hill left Friday noon for Lin
coln where ho will spend u fexv week's
at the atato agi ( cultural collccc , equip
ping himself with modern Ideas for
soil culture.
Garrelt Quintan shipped a curload of
cattle to the St. Joicph market Tues
day night , and went down with the
Hey Wilkinson returned home Tues
day noon from St. Joseph whore ho
had a ( urge shipment ot hogs on mar
llobort Mlckel of Omaha was In thl-t
city Monday.
W , 1C. Diingan and wife of Auburn
were uucsts of Humboliil friends the
lust of thu wi-olt.
J. M. JoMiph and C. P. Dalbey left
Thursday for Ft. Polrro , S I ) , where
thoyoxpeet to remain. Tholr famHIo.
will join them In the spring.
1C. F. Kozcl and wlfo who have been
visiting friends In the city have re-
roturnad to tholr homo ut Havernra ,
this Htuto.
The ladles konslngton of the Presby
terian church spent unpleasant after
noon at the home of .Mrs. It. L. Smith ,
on Thursday last.
Joe Wednor Is now delivering good ?
for the merchants ot Humboldt.
William Bean and wlfu were the
guests of Lincoln friends the lii-at of
the week.
John M. Little of Piiwnuo City visjt-
cd Humboldt friends Tuesday.
Herbert Ford taught In room num-
boven during Miss Jono's absence
Champion Wright Is now the pro
prietor of thu McL'onnoll cigar fact
Sam Philpot and wife returned Tues
day from Sycamore Springs , where Mr.
Philpot hud been taking medical treat
Mrs. Win. Crawford and little feon
who havu been visiting ut the. homo of
lloscoo Anderson and wllo returned
Sunday to her homo at Cook , Nob.
Mrs. llyron Atkins of York , Neb , Is
visiting relatives in this city.
Chancellor Andrews of the Stuto
University , dullvi'red an instructive
uddrcts at thu opera house on Friday
evening last , his tlioiue l > Jing , "Prob
lem sf Greater Amerlcii. '
Mrs. Win. Howe was sull'oring with
u sprained tinkle the past week
Mrs. A. I ) . Snow was on the sick list
several ilay.-i the past week.
Mrs Ambrose Muci-stetta Is visiting
friends In Lincoln.
Judge L. A. Tucker of Sall'ord , Arl
/.oita , arrived in this city Saturday
K. F. Sharts of Fulls City was In the
Ity Sunday between trains.
L. J. Sogrlbtaud wife spent the llrst
if the week with Lincoln friends.
The llumbuUU correspondent was on
ho pick list sovural days this week.
Hlloy Roberts has opened up u bar
ber shop In the erick building ut the
car of Zulck'a store.
Mrs. Hoi-tha Weinman of St. Joseph.
s visiting her slbter , Mrs. Hen Strain-
Vincent Vlskey received un uccldont
onn day last week which will disable
iltn from work for some time. Ills
land became entangled In a corn sheller
or and was severely mashed , and ho Is
low carrying it in a sling.
John Cornelius and Miss Clara Sterns
veru united In marriage at the homo
of the brldesparentsi ] , M M. Sterns and
vlfo Wednesday. Uov. Bert Wilson
olllclallng. The groom Is a son of J.
1. Cornelius and u piomUlng young
armer while the bride Is the onlv
laughter of M. M. Sterns and wife.
They will boon bo at homo to their
ricnds on a line farm in that ncighbor-
lood owned by the groom.
John Si-hnlf/ - hi * now house tin-
Isbeil mill moved Ills family into it lust
S. 11. Kniboly htul the misfortune to
mtish his tlugor In ti wlmlinlll which is
uuuln him much tmln.
Aliirtid XoltuV entertained Win.
Huottncrunii family Sunday.
Or. O P. SlmtToramt brlilo of Merrill -
rill worn visiting In thin vicinity the
past wcok with rolativos.
3. C Tock of Mot-rill came up Fri
day ami purchated a line looking
Samuel Klmmel and wife of Falls
City are at the bedside of their daugh
ter , Mrs. H..1. Prlchard who is serious
ly ill.
( ion. Johnston and wife entertain
ed their friends Uov. Stouder anil
family , Sunday.
Mrs. Chester Stump spout Saturday
ut Perry Shatter.
Ida Hurk after a few days visit Ir
Uulo returned home last Thursday.
Mr. Keller was a guest of his daugh
ter , Mrs. K. T' Pock Sunday.
A surprise party was tflvcn to Jos-
Weaver lust Thurrduy night In honoi
of his fifty-sixth birthday. About fortj
of his friends were present.
Is what you want included in
"Good Clncc" fortlie day. There
is nothing1 that brings as much
cheer into the household in
Wintry weather as a bright
glowing , genial grc and you can
always get it with Carney Kgg
Coal at 50.50 per ton. we also
have plcntv of good anthracite
coal on hand at rcaoonable
prices , we will send it to your
order , clean and of high grade
I'lione ' 3S HAUST BROS.
J. W. Taj lor conn flown from Au
burn Friday remaining over Sunday.
Howen Vpal and wife ofstclla vNlted
O. P. Veal and family Monday.
Miv. Charlotte Llpijold of Blue
Springs. Neb. , has been vl-ltlng Mrs.
W. M. Zubrlck
Henry .lorn and wife are rejoicing
over tin-arrival of a baby girl at their
hoini ! List week.
Mr * M. Miller left Tuesday for Omii
ha to undergo an operation
Goo. Flfer has loft for his home in
La Platte , Mo. , after an extended stay
In this locality.
L. B. Cornell Is visiting Verdon
friends this week.
Hey Watson returned to Bethany last
Monday to resume hichool work.
G. I ) Knapp and wife entertained
ten of their friends one evening lu t
Tf M. Bronson has bought .the Tay
lor property east of thu Christian
church for $775.
Grace Trowbrldge. returned to Both-
ny Monday after conducting the
holr of the Christian church ( luring
ho revival meeting.
Harry and Lizzie Xubrtek wore Bur-
da visitors last week.
Mrs. Lewis of Sparta , WIs , , Is vlslt-
ig T. Rccsu and family.
The stnull child of W. F. Vouch and
Ifo was qultfi badly burned on thu
and and wrist last wcuk.
Kd Grilllth's baby is quito sick.
A. H Harden , F.V. . Itobb and Fred
leineman havu bought Miles May-
lold's stock in the Farmers and Me.1-
hunts bank.
Meetings arc being hold at Maple
3rove church by Killers Browur and
W. Lucas hus moved onto thuJ. M.
Grifllth farm south of town.
Miss U'ieso has returned from an ox-
ended visit In Omaha.
Mary James spent Sunday at Stella.
Taylor Johnson and wife are vlsitln g
n Sabetha , Kan.
A. Goolsby and wife attended thu
uncra ! of his brother at Maple Grove
hurch lust Tuesday.
Opal Duncan and brother , Clyde ,
who liuvu been visiting friends in this
itv for some time departed for their
homo ut Ilerblnu the hitter part of last
Olnoy Graham pulled his ferry boat
out of the river lust week for repairs.
Ho will have It ready to launch by
ipring when thu Ice Is gone.
Kormoado and Puckott put up Ice
or Darvcuu Bros , last week , which
tvus of excellent quality.
The Burlington otllclals are pushing
the work on the east side of thu river ,
having repaired the protection track
ind replaced the switch and as soon at
the piling can be not on the ground
they will commence the work of build-
Inir the dike.
Ceo. Jarrott of White Cloud was in
Kulo .sovural days last week.
P. N. Frederick of Preston will have
charge of the bridge pang for twr
month- < during the ab-cnce of J. W ,
Jackson in Texas.
C. Akeron of Omaha " 'as In the
clt ) Friday on business.
John Breckenrd ! < ; c of Kushbottom
was a Uulo visitor Ui t Saturday.
Mrs. Dora Ball of Whlfo Cloud at
tended D. of H. led < ; e in this city la i
Friday night.
J. H. Lynds of White Cloud wut
visitor hero Friday.
M. C. B.ill of the grading camp at
tended D. ot FI. lodge Friday ulght.
Quito a crowd of our citizens went t <
Nebraska Cltj last weuk where the
will work on the rip rap that Is boin ;
douo thuro by tin ; Burlington.
F. K. Kulp of Wytnotu was in towi
Geo. Hiukle of Fortescuo Was tin
guest ol J. Alliuklu Monday.
Mrs. L. J Vurvel and sons depurtei
Monday for Greoley , Colorado , wher
they will join her husband , who lol
with hU car last week.
Stove Cunningham madu a buslnej
trip to St. Joe Monday.
Kd Falloon of Fulls City was u busl
nass visitor In this city Tuesday.
Leu Jarrott of Council BlulTs cum
down Frldaj lust to attend the funeral
of his -Nter , Mrs John Cornell
Hem. i.'ass Jones , one of Utehurd on
county's prosperous farmers wits a bus--
inuss visitor Tue.-diiy.
Thos. Plumb of Falls City was trans
acting business in llulo Tuo-day.
llarland Jones was transacting hiil
ness in llulo Tuesday.
Admiral Scott ha > a large u' mg of
men at worV on the east sioo of thu
river cuttlii ? bru h to bo u-ed in thu
construction of the new dike.
Uov. Ferguson of Salem preached
at thu M. K. church north , Sunday
morning and evening.
The Holiness people are holding re
vival meetings at their church this
week with very cord rusiilN , there
being several conversion * .
E. Falloon was a business visit
or in Rulo-Tuesday.
John Tijjfhc of Dawson ipcnt
Wednesday in this city.
W. D. JSasley of Kansas City
was in town Monday.
II .I. Ward of Tectinisch was a
Falls City visitor Monday
\V. II. Whellercame down from
Stella on Monday of this week
Elizabeth Sanford was on the
sick list the first of the week-
A. A Tanner came down from
Ilutubold t on Tuesday of this
J. A. Beard was down Iroin
Humboldt on Wednesday of this
Grandma Ned row who lias been
quite ill for ome time , suffered a
relapse the first of the week.
W. A. Margrave and two sons
James and William were business
visitors Saturday of last week.
Mrs. Lotitfhridtfe and son of
Lincoln are visiting with John
W. Holt and family this week.
Jack Vossick , a former opera
tor at the B. & M. office in this
city spent Tuesday with friends
J. C. Tanner is engaged in in
voicing thcMei'cr hardware stock
this week , and will be ready to
extend the courtesies of an open
house to the public next week
Dr. Fast performed a seri
ous operation on Mrs. Hugh
Prichard on Wednesday. The
operation w a s successful and
hopes for the complete recovery
of the patient arc entertained.
Jeff McNall has sold his groc
ery store to "William Kleber of
Arago , who will in the future
- conduct an up to-date establish
ment. Mr. Kleber has had much
experience in the grocer business
. j having for a long time conducted
a grocery store at Fargo
Public Sale.
I will sell at public sale at the
Mowerv sale pavilion , Stella , Saturday
' *
urday , Jan. 27 , 1'JOfi , 22 head
thoroughbred Duroc-Jersey sows.
Sale will begin at 1 o'clock.
Segrist & Stout of Humboldt
will put up for sale on Friday ,
Feb. 2 , TJ06 , some of the best
bargains ever offered in Poland
China hogs and Jersey cattle.
They have 40 heads of Polands ,
among which are the best stock
in these parts. Notice their aden
on page ' 5 of this issue and wait
for this sale.
We will sell at public sale Feb <
10 , l'JOf > , SO bred Poland China
sows , all guaranteed. H. C ,
Wittrock , W. F. Rieschick , H. E
Wvatt- 10f3t
E. K. Kentner came up fron
I- Atclrison the first of the week ant
is seriously ill at his home in thi :
ie city.
Best Bargain in an 80 acre Farm in Richardson -
ardson County.
This So is nil good , smooth land , 2 story 8 room house ,
nearly new , considerable outbuildings of various kinds , small
orchard , fine soft water , fine neighborhood , beautiful loca
tion , only 11/2 miles from Falls City , over a fine level * road.
This So sold three years ago for $100 per acre , and was sold
this fall for $9,000. We will sell this So for only $8,500and
let the wheat and fall plowing go with the place. It must
be rented if not sold soon.
An So acres 6 miles from this town sold last week for $8-
Soq , co you see that the above So is a bargain , and could not
be sold for this money "but for the fact it has been traded for
by a big land company. Can make good terms at 5 per f
cent. Come quick as this fine So must go. \
Don't make your farm loan until you have seen us , as we
have cheap money. If you have a farm or other property
that you want to trade for other land , call and see us. A 260
acre farm for rent.
Is it always fast or slow ?
Never quite on time ? Perhaps
the watch is capable of very
accurate running , but it is not
in perfect order. You know
the tiny mechanism of a watch
absolute ! } ' demands that each
of the dozens of little parts
j springs , wheels , jewels etc be
just right or good timing is
out of the question. Watch
rep liring always has been a
hobby of ours to do the best
work possible.
Our charges are reasonable and oitrork is guaranteed.
9 Bring your watch here and let u put it in perfect order
I for you.
Having arranged to move to Kansas , I will sell at
auction on my farm one-quarter of a mile west of
Baradc. , on
Thursday , January 25,1906
at 10 o'clock a. m. the following property :
and shoats that are a fine lot of hogs.
d ATTi F
< LM a I L.L.
2 Jerseys , i two-year old heifer , one fresh cow with
calf and three more fresh in the spring.
One bay miire four years old , one brown mare , three
years old , one bay horse three years old , one brown
mare two years old , one yearling colt.
Farm Implements of all kinds.
Lunch on the grounds.
TERMS--io : or less cash. Nine months time
without interest on sums over that amount on bank
able note if paid when due. If not so paid , 10 per
cent from ( late , 5 per cent discount for cash , .
J'H-ri ; ; ehe Auct. THOS E. SMITH.
Chas. Allen , Clerk
/ C